Home Indoor flowers Ecological games. Protection of Nature. We are for cleanliness! Butterfly on dodder leaves

Ecological games. Protection of Nature. We are for cleanliness! Butterfly on dodder leaves

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Presentation on the topic: “Protection environment» MBDOU “TsRR D / s No. 50 “Fidget” G. Novocheboksarsk CR Performed by teacher Semyonova N.S.

The earth is our common home, pay for good with good!!! 2013 was declared the Year of Environmental Protection. And this is not an accident, but a “painful” decision. Indeed, as a result of scientific and technological progress and human activity in nature, rapid changes in the environment are occurring on our planet EARTH: water bodies and soils become polluted and become lifeless, the Earth’s ozone layer is destroyed, acid rain falls, and the composition of the air also changes... We are teachers preschool institutions, are obliged to create conditions for development ecological consciousness our students, to form the prerequisites for environmental consciousness: - to develop skills in a culture of behavior in nature; expand your understanding of how to properly interact with plants and animals; - expand the idea that everything in nature is interconnected (for example, the same plant can be poisonous for humans and medicinal for animals; insects harmful to humans can be food for amphibians, etc.) - outlined according to the program “From birth before school" (author Veraksa N.E.). You can list tasks this direction with preschoolers, but nothing will change if we don’t help our students realize that kindness must be repaid with kindness!

Earth is our common home “Fish needs water,...

The earth is our common home “The bird needs air,...

The beast needs a forest,

The earth is our common home - the steppes...

The Earth is our common home. The Beast needs mountains!

The earth is our common home, and man needs a homeland.” M. Prishvin

Now THINK and answer!

Who lives in the river? She is the most dangerous in the river, cunning, gluttonous, strong, and such a vicious one! Of course it's... a pike

Who lives in the river? He hid from the toothy pike and hid in the thickets. Swam out of the mud silver... What's his name? crucian carp

Who lives in the river? He is omnivorous and large, hidden by yellow scales. Il his favorite belongings... What is the name of all the fish? carp

Who lives in the river? He lives in a river pool, He has a huge mouth, Have you heard of this? Well, of course it’s... catfish

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This consultation reveals the importance of the family in the formation of the child’s legal consciousness. Parental guidelines are given to create a psychologically comfortable environment within the family, as well as...

Parent meeting “Protecting the rights and dignity of the child.” Objectives: to introduce parents to regulatory documents in matters of protection of children's rights. give children basic knowledge and...

Parents. Parents. To parents... You can bend this word as much as you like, an effective spell that bears fruit to improve relationships between educational institutions and raise families...

Elena Musina
Project activities for older children preschool age"Environmental protection"

Project activities

« Environmental protection»

Methodical passport project.

Type project- research - creative.

In terms of composition - participants - children and adults.

View project - intergroup, long-term.

The problem is protection environment.

Target: Clarify and systematize knowledge children about environmental protection.


1. Secure received preschoolers knowledge of environmental protection.

2. Create conditions for children to use protection skills environment.

3. Call preschoolers desire to protect the world around them.

4. Ensure that each child is active when acquiring knowledge.

Series of events.

o Lesson: "How to behave in nature" book "Ecological holidays" L. Molodova p. 62;

o Reading a poem "Walk" WITH. Mikhalkov: reading, solving a problem situation.

o Planting flowers in the kindergarten area.

o Quiz

o Exhibition of drawings.

o Literary and musical composition using poems and songs

M. Plyatskovsky, E. Ptichkin "Don't tease dogs",

R. Rozhdestvensky “The earth is our home”, "Big Round Dance",

I. Maznin "Let's be friends"

M. Plyatskovsky "Don't pick flowers"

In Viktorov, D. Lvov-Kompaneets "Wider circle"

o Puppet show "About an unlucky boy and true friends forests" page 73

o Presentation "Let's save the planet"

Specific expected results:

During implementation project« Environmental protection» teachers plan to achieve the following results:


1. Development active speech children.

2. Development of cooperation skills and partnership communication.

3. Increased cognitive activity in children.


1. Increasing pedagogical competence in environmental protection.

2. Establishing a relationship between adults and children.

3. Creation of conditions in preschool educational institutions for the development of children's knowledge about environmental protection.

Participants: teachers and children speech therapy group №4


L. P. Molodova “Ecological holidays for children

N. V. Nishcheva "Correctional work system"

T. A. Sharygina "What months of the year"

Presentation “The earth is our common home”

The earth is our home and everyone is responsible for the order in it.

His activities man improves living conditions, but causes great harm nature. This threatens with grave consequences for both humanity and nature.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, man is increasingly invading nature: new lands are plowed up, forests are destroyed, hydroelectric power stations are built.

All this leads to disruption normal life animals and plants, they are forced out of their native places by humans and die, chemical hunting and the destruction of forests have caused great damage to the animal world, so now the issue of nature conservation, creation of nature reserves.

Nature itself tries to fight pollution, for example, plants purify the air from harmful gases and dust. One single beech tree produces in one day as much oxygen as is required for 64 people, and so on according to its capabilities, each blade of grass, burdock, nettle, bush, tree

In our country security nature is a matter of national importance, everyone must treat all living things with care and follow the rules of behavior in nature

On excursions, during hikes and walks, do not break tree branches or bushes, plant - Living being and the branches, together with the leaves, help it breathe, release oxygen into the air, trap dust, and where there are a lot of plants, it’s easy to breathe

Don’t damage the bark of the trees, understand that it hurts them, they stop growing and die painfully for a long time, they just can’t talk about it

Do not pick flowers in the forest and meadow, because a flower in a vase is a prisoner sentenced to death, let this miracle please the eye, rejuvenate the heart, the soul of everyone who comes after us, it was the long-standing habit of picking flowers that led to the disappearance of many types of flowers

In the forest try to walk along the paths so as not to trample the grass and soil, folk wisdom reads: “One person leaves a trail in the forest, 100 people leave a path, and 1000 people leave a desert.”

You cannot take eggs from nests, destroy anthills, dig holes or disturb forest inhabitants

Do not light a fire in the forest if it is not necessary, fires are wounds on the forest floor, they take 15-20 years to heal, a fire can cause a fire

Do not knock down mushrooms, even those that are not edible, the one who knocks down fly agarics with a stick does not respect the forest and does not understand it, fly agarics help trees grow, squirrels, moose, and magpies feed on them

In the forest, it is forbidden to turn on tape recorders at full power, make screams and noise, this causes birds and animals to leave their holes and nests, you need to appreciate and keep quiet, be able to listen magical sounds forests

Don’t leave a mess behind in the forest, remember, abandoned paper takes 2 years to decompose, tin at least 70 years old, plastic bag will lie for a very long time because there are no bacteria on the ground that can destroy it, and a piece of glass in sunny weather can act as a lens and cause a forest fire

There are a lot of us guys, let each of us plant at least a bush for the garden now

A tree, grass, flower and bird do not always know how to defend themselves; if they are destroyed, we will be left alone on the planet

Needed for fish pure water, we will protect our waters. There are different animals in the forests, steppes, mountains, we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains

For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe and mountains, but man needs a homeland and protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

Svetlana Sadyreva

Project activities for children of senior preschool age« Environmental protection»

Green valleys, forests and fields

Great harm surrounding nature is damaged by car exhaust gases

Industrial waste pollutes water bodies

Trees, grass and birds do not always know how to defend themselves.

Fish die in polluted water.

Beautiful, beautiful motherland. I will never find anything more beautiful!

If people throw a piece of paper, the planet will become a mess.

Project activities – environmental protection.

Type – research-creative.

View project - long-term.

The problem is protection environment.

Target: Creating conditions for the child to develop elements of ecological culture, environmentally literate behavior in nature, and a humane attitude towards living objects of flora and fauna. Clarify and systematize knowledge children about environmental protection.


1. Secure received preschoolers knowledge of environmental protection.

2. Create conditions for children to use protection skills environment.

3. Call preschoolers desire to protect the world around them.

4. Ensure that each child is active when acquiring knowledge.

5. Foster respect for plants and animals,

6. Form ideas about what plants and animals need safety and security.

The forest was not always clean,

I went into the forest and found trash.

I want to collect all the garbage,

I want to tell all the people of the Earth.

No need to throw paper under a bush,

You shouldn't leave bottles in the forest,

You shouldn't light a fire in the forest,

And you don’t have to turn the music up loud!

Give us your nature guard!

Series of events

Class "How to behave in nature". Book "Ecological holidays" L. Molodova

Reading a poem "Walk" S. Mikhalkova, while reading, solving problem situations.

Planting flowers in the kindergarten area


Exhibition of drawings

Literary and musical composition using poems and songs M. Plyatskovsky, E. Ptichkin "Don't tease dogs", R. Rozhdestvensky "Earth is our home", "Big Round Dance", M. Plyatskovsky "Don't pick flowers"

Presentation "Let's save the planet together"

During implementation project« Environmental protection teachers plan to achieve the following results:

1. Development of cooperation skills

2. Increased cognitive activity in children

1. Increasing pedagogical competence in environmental protection

2. Establishing a relationship between adults and children

His activities people improve living conditions, but cause great harm to nature. This threatens with grave consequences for both humanity and nature.

In our Age of scientific and technological progress, man is increasingly invading nature, new lands are being discovered, forests are being destroyed, and hydroelectric power stations are being built.

All this leads to the fact that the normal life of animals and plants is disrupted; they are forced out of their native places by humans and die. Nature itself tries to fight pollution, for example, plants clean the air of dust and dirt.

In our country security nature is a matter of national importance, we must all take care of all living things and follow the rules of behavior in nature.

On excursions, during hikes and walks, do not break tree branches or bushes, a plant is a living creature and branches, together with leaves, help it breathe, release oxygen into the air, trap dust, where there are a lot of plants - Fresh air and breathes easily.

Do not damage the bark of trees, you need to understand that they are in pain, they die for a long time and painfully, but cannot say about it.

Do not pick flowers in the forest and meadow; it is the long-standing habit of picking flowers that has led to the disappearance of many types of flowers.

In the forest try to walk along the paths so as not to trample the grass and soil, folk wisdom reads: “One person leaves a trail in the forest, 100 people leave a trail, and 1000 people leave a desert.”

You cannot take eggs from nests, destroy anthills, trample holes and disturb forest dwellers, because we come to visit them, this is their home.

Do not light a fire in the forest if it is not necessary, fires are wounds on the forest soil, and a fire can cause a forest fire.

Do not pick mushrooms, even if they are not edible. By knocking off the cap of a fly agaric, people show disrespect for the forest - after all, squirrels, moose and magpies feed on fly agarics, they help trees grow.

In the forest, it is forbidden to turn on tape recorders too loudly, to make screams and noise, this will cause birds and animals to leave their houses. We need to appreciate and guard silence and being able to listen to the magical sounds of the forest.

Don’t leave a mess behind in the forest, remember - abandoned paper decomposes in 2 years, a tin can takes at least 70 years, a plastic bag will last a very long time, because there are no bacteria on the ground that can destroy it. A shard of glass can act as a lens in the sun and cause a forest fire.

A tree, grass, flower and bird do not always know how to defend themselves; if they are destroyed, we will be left alone on the Planet.

For fish - water, for birds - air, to the beast - forest, steppes and mountains, but a person needs a homeland and protecting nature means protecting the Motherland, my house!

October 22 by group "Bell" our garden there was an excursion to the forest, to old man Lesovich.

Target: Expand view children O characteristic features autumn; teach to find them in nature; clarify your understanding of the changes that occur in the fall in the life of plants and animals, enrich your information about the forest, its inhabitants - about the forest as a community of many plants and animals living in the same territory; bring up cognitive interest, a careful aesthetic attitude towards nature, sensitivity to the perception of the beauty of the autumn landscape.


Let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest (answers children) .

The house is open on all sides.

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come to the green house -

You will see miracles in it (Forest)

To us in the rain and heat

A friend will help

Green and good -

Will stretch out dozens of hands to us

And thousands of palms. (tree)

A hat and a leg. -

That's all Ermoshka. (mushroom)

I am a swamp plant

They caulk the walls with me. (moss)

What changes happen in the fall? (answers children)

Well done! So familiar with the signs of autumn.

And what kind of rustling in the leaves do we hear? (This is a Hedgehog, preparing for winter, wrapping himself in leaves).

Having visited the forest and visited Lesovichok, observing the changes in nature, the children paid attention to the garbage that was everywhere in the forest. Of course, we could not ignore all these issues, we decided to start a long-term environmental protection project“Clean forest for our children”.

We are planning for the winter Parent meeting, where we will discuss voluntary cleanup with parents, where parents are together with their children (optional) They will be able to show their attitude towards our forest by their example.

Within project We are planning to contact the head of our settlement, Anna Vladimirovna Dzugkoeva, with the question of providing us with cleaning equipment and subsequent garbage removal.

Our children have already come up with a poster and how they themselves understand these problems. But we will continue to make such posters, but this time we will mount them in the forest, observing the changes, the "will hear" whether we are people who themselves live in this village, people whom surrounds our polluted forest.

Direct educational activities with kids senior group in conditions of FGT

Topic: “Nature is our common home”

Program content:

Target: Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about saving and protecting the environment.

The objectives are framed in context with the following areas.

"Health". To develop in children independence, responsibility and understanding of the importance of correct behavior to protect their life and health. To form ideas about the relationship between nature and humans and the impact of the environment on health.

"Safety". Consolidating ideas about dangers to humans and surrounding nature situations and ways of behavior in them.

"Socialization". Contribute to the development of children's environmental culture.

"Cognition". Develop logical thinking, memory, speech;

"Reading fiction."Contribute to the formation of an emotional attitude towards literary works, expressive reading poems.

Methods: practical, playful, visual, auditory, verbal.

Techniques: Immersion in a game situation, group teamwork, conversation, asking riddles, voice and emotional modulation,poetry, physical education.

Preliminary work:

1. Watching a multimedia presentation with conversations about nature.

2. Examination of illustrations, albums on the topic: “Nature”, compiling stories from the pictures.

3. Carrying out didactic games: “Who lives where”, “Who is the odd one out”.

4. Carrying out outdoor games.

5.Game situations according to the rules of handling nature.

Health-saving technologies: Physical exercise.

Relaxation: “Listen to the sounds of the forest”

Hardware: laptop.

Educational Resources:Program “From birth to school” N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Good afternoon dear children! Did you know that June 5th is World Environment Day.

You and I live on the beautiful planet Earth. Most of globe covered with water - oceans and seas (show a picture of the sea...), a smaller part is solid land. Many plants grow on land and in water, and different animals live. Everyone has a place on Earth, everyone has their own home. All living beings need clean water, clean land, clean air. Today we have gathered to clarify our knowledge about nature, expand it, and consolidate it.

Conversation with viewing of the presentation.

(Environmental protection; Animals; Natural phenomena)

Our next lesson with you will take place in the area of ​​our kindergarten.(getting ready to go outside)

Educator: Let's stand in a semicircle.

Guys, tell me, what is the name of our planet?(Children answer: Earth)What shape does it have?(ball) True to ball shape. Only this ball is so big, and it takes many months to go around it. I also want to show you a model of our land.(teacher shows globe)Now I will give it to each of you to hold.

(Quiet music sounds, teacher reads a poem):

Our home is our home, our common home,
The land where you and I live.
Just look around.
Here is a river, there is a green ray,
You can't get through the dense forest!
You won't find water in the desert:
And somewhere there is a mountain of snow,
And somewhere it’s hot in winter,
We can’t count all the miracles,
They have one name,
Forests and mountains and seas,
Everything is called earth.
And if we fly into space,
That from the rocket window
You'll see a blue ball there
Favorite planet.

Educator: Guys, we have received a letter. Let's read it. We are offered to play a television game. Do you agree to take part in the game?

Children: Yes

Educator: Then I will be the presenter. And you are participants in the game. Before the game starts, we will divide into two teams and let you come up with a nature-related name for your team and choose a captain. And, of course, let's get acquainted with the rules.

  1. You can't shout out from your seat.
  2. Answers are accepted one by one. For the correct answer, the team receives a smiley face.
  3. At the end of the game we count the emoticons. The one with the most emoticons wins.

Well, of course the theme of the game is “Nature”

The first team is “Romashka”, the second is “Violet”.

Everyone is ready to start our game.

Children: Yes.

Educator: First task

Task No. 1

1. Tell me, why do we need water?(Drink, swim, animals and plants need water).

2. What can you tell us about water? What is it like?(Fresh, drinking, purified, mineral, cloudy, dirty).

3. Name the domestic birds that can swim?(goose, duck)

4. Guys, tell me, is it possible to burn garbage?(No, it emits harmful smoke). How about burying it in the ground?(Not everything rots in the ground).

5 . What is necessary for plant growth and development?(earth, water, light, air, heat).

6 . How should you save water?(Save water, don't pollute).

Task No. 2

1 team

Why are animals called wild?

(children's answers)

They get food themselves;

They are building a home;

Adapt to the environment

Rescued from enemies.

2nd team

Why are animals called pets?

(children's answers)

A person takes care of them;

They don't care about food;

They live in ready-made housing.

Task No. 3


How should we care for birds?

Each team must answer in turn, the answers must be complete and detailed. (We must hang feeders. We must not destroy the feeders. Don’t forget to feed the birds.)

Task No. 4

Educator: And now I’ll tell you riddles, whose team will respond faster. We don’t shout, but raise our hand.

1. Ours younger brothers living in the forest(BEASTS)

2. A smart forest dweller stole a cabbage leaf.

His eyelashes are trembling, is there a fox somewhere?(HARE)

3. He looks like a shepherd

Every tooth is a sharp knife,

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep(WOLF)

4. Not a mouse, not a bird

frolicking in the forest,

lives in trees

And he gnaws nuts.(SQUIRREL)


Educator: Clap your hands if plants grow in our area, and if they don’t, then remain silent.


Task No. 5

Draw an animal in motion

1 team will depict us (a bear and a hare)

Team 2 will depict us (a butterfly and a frog).

Educator: Well done, this concludes our TV game, let's count the emoticons.

(Music plays, the teacher counts the emoticons together with the children)

So guys, what kind of team did we win?

Children: Friendship

Educator: Friendship, of course. You guys made me very happy with your answers, WELL DONE, and now there’s a musical break.


"The bear has a big house"

The bear has a big house - we make a roof with our hands

He looks out his window - we make a window with our hands

The bunny runs across the field and knocks on his door - pretending to run in place.

Knock Knock! Open the door! - knock and open the door - two palms to the sides

There's an evil hunter in the forest! - we show the evil hunter - we frown and raise our hands.

Bunny, bunny, run! - we invite you, we wave - COME IN!

Give me your paw! - give a “paw”


And now I will repeat to you the rules of behavior in the forest:


We think that today we have learned a lot and understood that we must deeply love and take care of our Earth - our huge common home.

Don't hurt the bird or the cricket!

Don't buy a butterfly net!

Love flowers, forests, open spaces of fields -

Everything that is called your Motherland!

Let's all walk around our site together and hang up posters.(Protect the environment).

14th place

MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 24"

Project of direct educational activities for the development of environmental ideas

children preparatory group"Wildlife Conservation"

Completed by: teacher I qualification category Boytseva Natalia Valentinovna


Educational: consolidate children's knowledge about living nature, expand their understanding of the relationship between humans and it.

Educational: develop children's thought processes, the mental operation of comparison and demonstrative speech, and enrich their vocabulary.

Educational: to cultivate a respectful, consciously correct attitude towards nature, an interest in knowledge.

Material: illustrations of wild animals, insects, plants, underwater inhabitants; pictures depicting forest fires, polluted water bodies, etc.

Preliminary work:

Conversation with children on the topic “Wildlife conservation. What is this for? (see appendix)

Didactic games: “Forest houses”

- “Find all the animals”

Progress of educational activities:

Teacher: Guys, please look at the illustrations and tell me what is shown on them.

Children: Nature.

Teacher: What does the word nature mean?

Children: Nature is plants, birds, various animals, fish, insects.

Teacher: Do you like to watch nature?

Teacher: Tell us what interesting things you saw during such observations.

Stories from children's experiences.

Teacher: The person is very inquisitive and has long watched animals and birds, insects and plants. But every year there are fewer and fewer wild animals on our planet. And this is not difficult to understand: the world population is increasing, and why more people, the less space for animals to live. Many animal species are disappearing due to the indirect influence of humans on their lives. The fact is that a person unwittingly takes away from his little brothers» natural habitats of animals, their feeding areas. The number of animals is negatively affected by deforestation, plowing of steppes, development of deserts, drainage of swamps, clogging of rivers with industrial waste, pollution of the seas and atmosphere. These actions exterminate animals as quickly as with guns, poison, or traps.

(showing pictures of forest fires, polluted rivers, etc.)

Teacher: Guys, what do you think should be done to ensure that the living world of nature does not disappear forever?

Children's answers.

Teacher: That's right, guys. Nature must be protected. Why is it necessary to preserve wild, especially rare and endangered animals? Perhaps many people do not think about this question. But even if they think about it, they quickly find the answer: if there are so few animals of a certain species, then they apparently do not have any significance in nature, so even after their disappearance, life on Earth will not stop. After all, history knows many such examples. However, those who think so are deeply mistaken. The famous English scientist J. Darrell rightly speaks about people’s attitude towards living nature: “Our world is as complex and as easily vulnerable as a spider’s web. Touch a single web, and all the others will tremble. And we don’t just touch the web, we leave gaping holes in it, we wage, one might say, a biological battle against the environment.”

Teacher: What is animal protection?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Animal protection is a type of activity aimed at improving the care and treatment of animals, preventing cruelty to animals.

The fact is that the fauna of our planet is not a random accumulation various types animals, and a single, consistently functioning system and the loss of any link, even the most insignificant at first glance, leads to serious changes. This is why it is important to preserve every animal species. Each species is unique, interesting and necessary for nature and man.

They deserve close attention and careful treatment. wild animals, especially rare and endangered species of animals. This is precisely the part of the organic world that is most vulnerable, and its loss is not only quite real, but can also happen in a very short time.

By observing nature, a person learns from it, using his observations to his advantage. If you walk in the forest and not yawn around, but look closely and take a closer look, you will notice a lot of interesting and useful things. Guys, do you know the rules of politeness in nature?

Children name the rules of behavior in the forest.

Teacher: I will read S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Walk”, and you listen carefully and answer what rules both adults and children have forgotten.

After reading the poem, the children name which rules of behavior were violated.

Teacher: To prevent such violations from happening, let’s come up with and draw environmental signs that can be placed in the forest. Why are such signs needed? Who saw them in the park, forest. Children's answers.

Teacher: Such signs will remind people of the rules of behavior in nature. Let's try to come up with and draw signs that will help people not to violate the rules of behavior in nature.

Children invent and draw environmental prohibition signs, and then show and explain their meaning.


S. Mikhalkov


We came to the river to spend Sunday

And you can’t find a free place near the river!

They sit here and sit there: sunbathe and eat,

Hundreds of adults and children relax as they wish.

We walked along the shore and found a clearing.

But in the sunny meadow there are empty cans here and there

And, as if to spite us, even broken glass!

We walked along the bank and found a new place.

But they sat here before us too; burned a fire, burned paper

They also drank, they also ate, they messed up and left!

We passed, of course... - Hey, guys! - Dima shouted.

What a place! Spring water! Wonderful view!

Beautiful beach! Unpack your luggage!

We swam, sunbathed, burned a fire, played football

We had as much fun as we could! They drank kvass, ate canned food, sang choir songs...

Relax and leave!

And they remained in the clearing near the extinguished fire:

Two bottles we broke, two sodden bagels - in short, a mountain of garbage!

We came to the river to spend Monday,

You just can’t find a clean place near the river!

Conversation on the topic “Nature conservation”

While in nature, you need to treat everything around you carefully and carefully. You cannot collect collections of mollusks, beetles, butterflies and other animals. Gathering, even without malicious intent, can cause significant harm to nature. Any amateur activity in the use of the animal world is illegal and cannot be tolerated. Live nature must be inviolable for everyone. Observe, photograph, listen, admire, but do not touch or catch.

Fauna is one of the main components natural environment, important integral part natural resources of our Motherland. It serves as a source for industrial, medicinal raw materials, food products and other material assets necessary to meet the needs of the population and National economy our country. Besides, animal world used for scientific, cultural, educational and aesthetic purposes.

Everything in nature is interconnected and people could not live without the nature around them. But, being part of nature, people began to treat it cruelly and mercilessly.

Animals play a huge role in nature. Without them, many plants would not be able to reproduce and spread.

Animals are also necessary for people. Not only because they provide food and valuable furs, but also because almost all animals are very beautiful and interesting.

By cutting down forests or polluting water in rivers, people unwittingly destroy many wild animals for which the forest or river is their home. Because of economic activity people and excessive hunting, some animals disappeared forever, and many others became rare.

Now people all over the world have realized that the nature of our planet is in danger. Therefore, in many countries around the world, a lot of work is being done to protect nature. In our country, hunting for rare animals is prohibited, and for many other animals it is limited, incl. and fishing.

Animals are under special protection in nature reserves, sanctuaries and other protected areas. natural areas. Protected animals may also be kept in arboretums, botanical gardens, zoos. Thanks to zoos, many rare endangered species of animals have been preserved. When there are too many animals of a particular species in a reserve or zoo, they are moved to other places.

Some animal species have already been saved! This is, for example, beaver, sable. This means that people can save other rare animals if they spare no effort.

But we need to protect not only rare animals, but also those that are numerous and not yet included in the Red Book. These are the well-known squirrel and hedgehog, tit and woodpecker, frog, toad and many, many other animals. Their lives often depend on human behavior in nature. In winter, you can sprinkle nuts for squirrels near the trees in the forest, and make feeders for sparrows and tits.

Let's try to live in such a way that the earth around us remains generous and beautiful, so that clean streams gurgle on it, flowers bloom and birds sing!

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