Home Fruit trees What is intonation: types, what are sentences for intonation. The role of intonation in expressive reading

What is intonation: types, what are sentences for intonation. The role of intonation in expressive reading

Intonation is the rhythmic-melodic side of speech, serving in a sentence as a means of expressing syntactic meanings and emotionally expressive coloring. Intonation is a mandatory feature oral speech. In writing, it is to a certain extent conveyed by punctuation marks.

In a narrow sense, intonation is understood as a “voice tone movement” and coincides with the concept of speech melody. AT broad sense the term "intonation" denotes a complex phenomenon, which is a combination of speech melody (i.e., an increase or decrease in the basic tone within an utterance), intensity, speech tempo and pauses. The timbre of speech (when expressing irony, doubt, inspiration, etc.) and rhythm act as additional components of intonation.

The melody plays the main role in intonation, and the main intonation means tones appear.

The melody of speech serves not only for the organization of the phrase, but also for semantic distinction. Statements consisting of the same words can have different grammatical (syntactic) meanings depending on their melodic side, that is, with the help of raising and lowering the main tone of the voice, various goals of the statement are expressed: message, motivation for action, question, exclamation, request, censure, etc. For example, shut up! (an energetic, short pronunciation of a stressed vowel and a sharp drop in tone expresses a categorical order) and Shut up?! (the prolongation of the stressed vowel in combination with the rise of the vocal tone expresses a threat; the intonation in this case interacts with the emphatic stress).

Intonation is primarily a means of distinguishing syntactic units, so it is discussed in more detail in the syntax. The Russian language distinguishes six main types of intonation structures, each of which has its own center - a syllable, on which the bar, phrasal or logical stress falls, as well as pre-center and post-center parts, which in some cases may be absent. Of the many types of intonation, the intonations of narration, question and exclamation are especially distinguished.

The narrative intonation is characterized by a calm, even pronunciation of the entire statement: The grass is green. The sun is shining. Swallow with spring in the canopy fly to us.
Interrogative intonation is expressed by raising the tone at the beginning and lowering it towards the end of the statement: When will you return? Has the child done his homework?

Exclamatory intonation, on the contrary, is expressed by raising the tone towards the end of the sentence: What a night! How she sings!

Thus, intonation distinguishes sentences different types, reflects a neutral and subjective attitude to the content of the statement, conveys various shades of emotions. Timbre means of intonation are different qualities state-based votes vocal cords: neutral voice, with - respiratory, hoarse, tense, creaky, relaxed, tense, etc. Quantitative-dynamic means include: increasing or decreasing the volume and changing the tempo of pronouncing individual speech measures.

The rate of speech is its speed. A fast pace is usually characteristic of an excited speech, and a slow pace is characteristic of a solemn one.

Pauses are breaks in speech of varying length. Pauses serve not only to divide speech into phrases and measures, but also to express the speaker's emotions. In the absence of pauses between speech measures, intonation is the main means of uniting phonetic words in speech beats. In combination with the movement of the voice tone, pauses often serve to distinguish between the meaning of the statements: Execute / cannot be pardoned and Executed / cannot be pardoned.

Skripnik Ya.N., Smolenskaya T.M.

Phonetics of the modern Russian language, 2010.

Correct intonation: what is it?

Intonation is a hallmark of oral speech

Intonation: what is it?

5. The value of intonation for the formation expressive speech.

6, the main elements of intonation

Intonation- this is a change in the main tone, intensity and duration of a sounding sentence, which contributes to the division of the flow of speech into separate segments - syntagmas, and having, in addition to syntactic meaning, also emotional meaning. With the help of intonation, the speaker expresses his feelings, wishes, expressions of will, etc.

Usually, intonation is understood as a whole range of means of organizing sounding speech, this is primarily melody, the dynamics (strength) of the sound of individual words, the tempo of speech, the timbre of speech and pauses. All of them exist in their totality and unity, and thus, in general, intonation refers to super-segment elements that are related either to the whole sentence, or to its segments - syntagmas.

Intonation is individual, each speaker has his own average tone of speech, which, depending on the situation, can either rise or fall, but in general there are general patterns when using intonation, which allow you to highlight the main intonation constructions (IC). In modern Russian, as a rule, seven main intonational structures are distinguished.

Each type of IC has its own intonation center (IC), i.e. the syllable on which the main syntagmental or phrasal stress, on this syllable the melody of the sentence either decreases or rises, in some cases a rather complex combined movement of the melody from decrease to increase and vice versa can occur. In addition, as a rule, the so-called precentral part, usually pronounced in the middle tone of the speaker and, so called, post-center part, which, depending on the situation, can be pronounced either with a gradually descending melody, or, conversely, at a higher tone than the pre-center part.

The value of intonation for the formation of expressive speech

When we speak, we put before ourselves certain tasks: to convince the interlocutor of something, to tell something, to ask about something. In order to better convey your thoughts to the listener, you need to take care of the logical expressiveness of speech.

Intonation has always been recognized as the most important element of oral communication. verbal communication , a means of forming any word and a combination of words in a statement, a means of clarifying its communicative meaning and emotionally expressive shades. The components of intonation are melody, phrasal stress, tempo, timbre and pause, which, interacting with each other, perform in speech. various functions, the most important of which are communicative, semantic and emotionally expressive (L.V. Bondarko, 1991; L.R. Zinder, 1979; N.D. Svetozarova, 1982).

Correct use intonation in speech allows not only to accurately convey the meaning of the statement, but also to actively affect the listener emotionally and aesthetically. With the help of intonation, the speaker and the listener single out the statement and its semantic parts in the flow of speech. They oppose the statement according to the goal (question, narration, expression of will), express and perceive the subjective attitude to what was said (Bryzgunova E.A., 1963).

The concept of intonation consists of successive changes in pitch (melody), voice strength (sound intensity), intra-phrase pauses (logical and semantic), tempo (accelerated or slow) in the pronunciation of words and phrases, rhythm (combinations of strong and weak, long and short syllables) , timbre (aesthetic coloring) of sound.

logical expressiveness - essential condition any kind of speech. This includes the following aspects. Melody - alternation of raising and lowering the voice, depending on the meaning of the statement (question, statement, exclamation). Each phrase has its own melodic pattern.

Logical stress - highlighting the main word in the meaning of the phrase. Stands out - this means it is pronounced with more force and duration than the rest of the words in the sentence. The logical center can be any word in the sentence, depending on what the speaker wants to emphasize.

A logical pause is the division of a phrase into semantic segments. Each speech measure is separated from the other by stops of different duration and fullness, which in the texts of exercises are indicated by symbols that usually coincide with punctuation marks, namely:

A short pause for air intake - a comma sign< , >;
pause between speech measures - the sign "slash"< / >;
the pause between sentences is longer - the sign "two slashes"< // >;
a pause to indicate semantic and plot pieces - the sign "three slashes"< /// >.

It is important not only to understand the meaning of pauses, but, most importantly, to accustom yourself to making actual stops. The rhythm of speech is determined to a large extent by the rhythm of breathing. Respiratory movements are rhythmic, uniform in nature, with correct alternation phases of the respiratory cycle in terms of duration and depth. At the same time, inhalation is shorter than exhalation, which is important for speech and voice formation and speaking itself. A change in the rhythm of breathing entails a change in the rhythm of speaking. The rhythm of breathing dictates the limit of the possible lengthening of the exhalation, this limit is determined by the individual vital capacity of the lungs.

Intellectual adjustment, the predetermination of the structure of the statement as a whole usually do not allow the speaker to break with a breath words, phrases connected by a strong semantic-syntactic connection.

Thus, the rhythm of breathing, not by itself, but in interaction with the intellectual factor, determines and regulates speech rhythm. Individual fluctuations in the natural rhythms of breathing in various people determine the variety of rhythms of colloquial speech.

“Letters, syllables and words,” writes K.S. Stanislavsky, are musical notes in speech, from which bars, arias, whole symphonies are created. No wonder good speech called "musical". Calling for compliance tempo in speech, he recommends: “Form whole speech measures from phrases, adjust the rhythmic ratio of whole phrases to each other, love correct and clear accentuations (stresses. - I.P.), typical of experienced feelings.”

Work on intonation is carried out on the material of sounds, words, sentences, short texts, poems.

What is intonation in Russian. Types of intonation.

The means of phonetic organization of speech (intonation) is divided into three types:

  1. narrative;
  2. Interrogative;
  3. Exclamation point.

The first type is characterized by an even and, accordingly, calm pronunciation of speech. The story proceeds smoothly, periodically slightly raising the voice (intonation peak) and lowering it (intonation decrease). This method is usually not used all the time. The speaker or actor in any case has to use the second and third kind of phonetic organization. Interrogative intonation is characterized by an increase in the tone of voice at the beginning, and its decrease towards the end of the phrase. In general, the name clearly reflects the essence of this species.

For exclamatory intonation, the opposite state of affairs is more characteristic: the tone rises towards the end of the statement. A pronounced emotional coloring easily attracts the attention of the public. Obviously, none of the methods is used alone.

Actors, like speakers, are characterized by a transition or a gradual alternation of one type with another. Correct intonation should be developed during classes with teachers. You can also achieve development at home. To do this, you can use a method such as reading aloud. In this case, you need to pay attention to the punctuation marks placed at the end of the sentence. Comprehension of the basics of oratory is impossible without developing the correct intonation.

The role of intonation in acting is obvious, as well as in oratory. The correctness of the selection of words in speech, their sound and effect on the public, have long been studied, is undeniable. Let's try to understand in more detail what intonation is, what happens, where it is used, etc.

What is intonation in Russian. Types of intonation.

The means of phonetic organization of speech (intonation) is divided into three types:

  1. narrative;
  2. Interrogative;
  3. Exclamation point.

The first type is characterized by an even and, accordingly, calm pronunciation of speech. The story proceeds smoothly, periodically slightly raising the voice (intonation peak) and lowering it (intonation decrease). This method is usually not used all the time. The speaker or actor in any case has to use the second and third kind of phonetic organization. Interrogative intonation is characterized by an increase in the tone of voice at the beginning, and its decrease towards the end of the phrase. In general, the name clearly reflects the essence of this species.

For exclamatory intonation, the opposite state of affairs is more characteristic: the tone rises towards the end of the statement. A pronounced emotional coloring easily attracts the attention of the public. Obviously, none of the methods is used alone.

Actors, like speakers, are characterized by a transition or a gradual alternation of one type with another. Correct intonation should be developed during classes with teachers. You can also achieve development at home. To do this, you can use a method such as reading aloud. In this case, you need to pay attention to the punctuation marks placed at the end of the sentence. Comprehension is impossible without developing the correct intonation.

Correct intonation: what is it?

The pace of the story is also important. Or rather, the speed of monologue playback. A fast pace is characteristic of an excited speech. But slow - for the solemn. A smooth transition from one speed to another is often used in various fields. Of course, intonation in Russian is impossible without intensity (the power of the voice). This is an opportunity to either give the story an emotional color, or vice versa - to slow down. The first case is observed when expressing such emotions as fear or joy. But a decrease in the strength of the voice is typical for the expression of sorrowful feelings, the loss of loved ones, etc. Correct intonation is not possible without logical pauses, which are simply necessary for the public to comprehend what was said by the speaker or actor. And lastly, in order to qualitatively express your emotions by various means and types of intonation, it is important good diction. Without it, no performance is possible. In general, it involves many components, both theoretical training and practice. Of course, speech should be distinguished by logical expressiveness, but emotional expressiveness is no less important. The thought that the speaker did not feel will not touch the viewer, no matter how the technical intonation of the voice is worked out.

Only under the condition of a proper mental assessment, expression of a personal attitude to the spoken text, can the listener be interested. Indeed, in this case, such components of intonation as emotional stresses and thoughtful pauses are clearly manifested, due to both the mood and feelings of the speaker.

Undoubtedly, punctuation and intonation are strongly interconnected. It is worth forgetting about punctuation marks, as speech immediately becomes monotonous, turns into a lifeless gray monolith, which can only make the listener yawn. But the main functions of intonation are aimed at increasing interest in the story, its fragmentation into semantic pieces (the so-called syntagmas). Some experts contrast prosody intonation. It is enough for an ordinary layman to know that, unlike intonation operating with phrases, prosody relies on syllables. To the basic elements of intonation usually include: 1. Accents. 2. Pauses. 3. Timbre. 4. Melodica. 5. Temp. However, in reality, all elements of intonation exist in unity. Only science can consider individual components for its own purposes. It is worth pointing out negative examples of intonation. So to common mistakes usually include both monotony of speech and too high (low) tone of the entire text of the speech, rising intonation at the end of declarative sentences and insufficient expressiveness of speech. It is necessary to work hard on such shortcomings every day, especially if constant performances are foreseen.

School textbooks distinguish these types of sentences by intonation: non-exclamatory and exclamatory. The second type is characterized by the expression of a strong feeling.

Many mistakenly believe that sentences are interrogative, exclamatory, and narrative in intonation. However, this division is carried out not on the basis of intonation, but on the basis of the purpose of the speaker's statement. famous explorer of the great and mighty language Vsevolodsky-Gerngross in his works on the question of what intonations are, he identifies at least 16 types of intonation. Among them: invitational and comparative, imperative and vocative, persuasive and enumerative, pleading and affirmative, etc. Describing the definition of intonation, this scientist notes that it is the most ephemeral component of colorful oral speech. At the same time, the most important acoustic characteristics of intonation are melody, duration and intensity.



INTONATION - linguistic term, used in two senses. In a more precise sense, I. is understood as a system of changes relative height tones in a syllable, word and whole utterance (phrase).
One of the most important functions of the intonation of the whole phrase is the determination of the completeness or incompleteness of the statement; namely, the completeness of I. separates a phrase, a complete expression of thought from a part of a sentence, from a group of words. Wed I. the first two words in the phrases: “Where are you going?” and "Where are you going?" Of course, a single word and even a single syllable can be the bearer of this I.. Wed "Yes?" - "Yes".
Other no less important function the intonation of the whole phrase is the definition of the modality of the statement - the distinction between narration, question and exclamation.

1. Narrative or indicative I. is characterized by a noticeable decrease in the tone of the last syllable, which is preceded by a slight increase in tone on one of the previous syllables. Most high tone called the intonational peak, the lowest - intonation decrease. In a simple, uncomplicated narrative phrase, there is usually one intonational peak and one intonational decline. Where narrative I. combines a more complex set of words or phrases, individual parts of the latter can be characterized either by an increase or a partial decrease in I. (a decrease in I. is especially often observed in enumerations), but less low than the end of the phrase. In such cases, the narrative phrase may contain either several peaks and one final fall, or several falls less low than the final.

2. Interrogative I. is of two main types:

a) in those cases where the question concerns the entire utterance, there is an increase in tone on the last syllable of the interrogative phrase, stronger than the increase in voice noted above in the narrative phrase (the latter, being cut off at a rise, creates the impression of incompleteness of the statement, which is not after the increase in interrogative I. );

b) interrogative I. is characterized by a particularly high pronunciation of the word to which the question mainly refers. Of course, the rest of its intonation pattern depends on the position of this word at the beginning, end or middle of the phrase.

3. In exclamatory I. it is necessary to distinguish between:

a) I. actually exclamatory, characterized by a higher than in the narration, but lower than in the question, the pronunciation of the most important word;

b) I. incentive with numerous gradations, from requests and inducements to decisive orders; I. of the latter is characterized by a decrease in tone, close to narrative I.

These types of I. are sometimes combined by researchers into the concept of I. logical, that is, I., which determine the nature of the statement, and are contrasted with I. emotional, i.e., I. affectively deformed speech.
Finally, the third, no less important function of I. is the connection and separation of syntagmas - words and phrases - members of a complex whole. Wed for example, I. phrases: “The sleeve was stained all over with blood”, “The sleeve was stained all over with blood” and “The sleeve was all stained with blood”. However, as is clear from this example, the change in I., expressing a change in the syntactic form of the phrase, is closely connected here with a change in rhythmic relations, in particular with the distribution of pauses (see).
In a broader sense, the term I. is also used for the general designation of melodic-rhythmic-powerful means of speech expressiveness. See "Melody", "Rhythm", "Accent". About the graphic transmission of I. - see "Punctuation".

INTONATION IN VERSE is one of the essential factors of melody. Its peculiarity, in comparison with prose I., is primarily that it has a regulated character, decreasing towards the end of each verse segment (line) and being reinforced by a final verse pause (see "Constant"). At the same time, the decrease in I. is already determined by the rhythm of the verse, and not by the meaning of the sentences contained in it (often coinciding with it), due to which it decreases regardless of the conditions necessary for this in prose. Against the background of this leveled I., which enhances the rhythmic movement of the verse, the possibility of varying various degrees I. (depending on the final verse and strophic pauses, clauses, etc.). Such is eg. the intonation is monotonous, ending with a sharp stop at Mandelstam:

"I will not see the famous Phaedra
In the old multi-tiered theater
From the smoked high gallery
By the light of floating candles, etc.

Violation of the usual intonational monotony in verse is enjambement (see), possible only against the background of the regulated I. Tak. arr. I. is one of the essential means of expression verse and is used depending on the given literary style, which determines the nature of its verse system and its intonational structure. Thus, the melodious I. of the Symbolists differs sharply from the oratorical I. Mayakovsky, the spoken I. Selvinsky, etc. Bibliography:
Voevolodsky-Gerngross V., Theory of Russian speech intonation, 1922; Eikhenbaum B., Melodika of Russian lyrical verse, L., 1922 (bibliography, pp. 196-199); Zhirmunsky V., Introduction to Metrics, "Academia", 1925, p. 170; His own, Melodika of verse, 1922, in the book. "Issues of the Theory of Literature"; Peshkovsky A. M., Russian syntax in scientific coverage, 1928; His own, Intonation and Grammar, Izv. Dep. Russian and verbal", 1928, I; Tomashevsky B., On verse, Surf, 1929, art. "Problems of poetry. rhythm"; Bogoroditsky V. A., Phonetics of the Russian language. in the light of experimental data, Kazan, 1930; Bourdon, L'expression des emotions et des tendances dans le langage, 1892; Roudet L., elements de phonetique generale, 1910; Scripture E. W., Anwendung der graphischen Methode auf Sprache und Gesang, 1927; Weingart Mil., etude du langage parle suivi du point de vue musical, "Travaux du cercle linguistique de Prague", 1929, I; Verrier, Essai sur les principes de la metrique anglaise, C. L., 1st prosodie, pp. 88-114.

Literary encyclopedia. - In 11 tons; M.: publishing house of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


(from lat. intono - I pronounce it loudly), a means of phonetic organization of speech. Together with accent refers to supersegmental phenomena - means of language that are not included in the flow of speech, but "superimposed" on it. Russian intonation consists of several components - melody (increase or decrease in the fundamental tone), intensity (loudness of speech), duration (time of pronouncing a particular sound), tempo and timbre of speech. In linguistics, there are seven main types of intonational structures characteristic of Russian. speech. With the help of intonation, the flow of speech is divided into meaningful segments - phrases (segments expressing a complete thought) and syntagmas (parts of phrases that have an integral meaning). Phrases are combined, also with the help of intonation, into superphrasal units - large sections of text connected by one idea. Intonation conveys the relationship between parts of the phrase, and also gives a certain meaning (narrative, interrogative, exclamatory) to the whole phrase. In Russian in a language with its non-fixed word order, it is only possible to distinguish, for example, with the help of intonation, general question from the statement ("He came at five" and "He came at five?"), special question from the exclamation (“What is the hall there?” And “What is the hall there!”), etc. Intonation expresses the emotions of the speaking person, conveys his attitude to the interlocutor, to the situation of speech, to the content of his own words. When reading literary work out loud or performed on stage, intonation largely determines how listeners or viewers will understand the content of a particular phrase. Wrong intonation can convey meaning, directly opposite what the author wanted to say. In a letter, intonation is conveyed using punctuation marks ( dot, interrogative and exclamation marks, ellipsis) and others graphic tools (paragraph, italics): e.g., splitting the lines of a poem, as in V.V. Mayakovsky in the poem "A Cloud in Pants":

"I'll be there at four"

Maria said.




AT this case putting each number as a separate line shows the pauses between them and the special intonational emphasis of each of these numbers, since they are extremely important for the author. Also in text fiction the transmission of a drawn out, emphasized or scanned pronunciation of a word is used (for example, “I live and work in seven rooms” in “Heart of a Dog” by M.A. Bulgakov, “TO THE PASSAGE! .. TO THE PASSAGE! in PASSSSAZHZHZHZH… in PA… SSAAAAaAAAAaa!!! JJJJ!!!" at D. Kharms in "Anecdotes from the Life of Writers"). In poetry, the main component of intonation is rhythm, since the usual division into syntagmas and the intonational design of the phrase is superimposed by a regularity in the use of stressed syllables.
Under intonation is understood not only a means of expressiveness in oral speech, but also a mood, an emotion invested by the author in the text - in this sense, they speak of the intonation of a certain work. The intonation expresses the ideological and emotional attitude of the author - so, we can talk about the ironic intonation of "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol, about the tragic intonation of "Cursed Days" by I. A. Bunin, about the nostalgic intonation of poems written by Rus. poets in exile, etc.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


INTONATION represents the totality and variability of the pitch of notes, on which syllables and phonemes of any phrase, poetic or colloquial, are pronounced, it does not matter. It is obvious that any phoneme in a phrase has a perfectly defined pitch, and yet intonation has infinite variations. We “sing” every word, every phrase, but a slight change in pitch already changes the meaning of the sentence, say, from interrogative to perplexed, etc. But speech intonational “singing” cannot be compared with actual singing, since it does not clearly the periods are separated from each other, because it is not divided into rigid intervals, since the voice passes from one segment to another, sliding along almost untraceable differences. Recording musical speech intonation presents great difficulties, since already a quarter tone is too large a unit for this. The short time for which a note is pronounced often does not allow it to be determined (0.03 seconds). However, emotional speech, since emotions are not emotions of despair, extreme anxiety, when intonation turns into a cry - streamlines intonation, intervals become more tangible, the overall melody becomes clearer, the pitch changes more clearly and less often. The farther away from colloquial speech, the more ordered the intonation, but this ordering invariably gives off some artificiality, since it is based on leveling small details and highlighting the main melody. The dramatic actor's melotopia is rich in special patterns, but it is poorer than any peasant speech in shades and in the extreme expressiveness that intonation gives to its poor vocabulary. It must be borne in mind that intonation is created not only by the pitch, but by the nature of the pronunciation, which creates a special expressiveness. This is the character of a more or less descending pronunciation, more or less ascending. Among the Greeks, ascending sounds were low, descending were high, at least at first time. The more animated the intonation, the more obvious the ascending type is in it. Stress creates a higher note, on the other hand, pitch creates a more intense rhythm. Usually the height of a syllable depends on its stress. The movement of intonation in an ordinary phrase that does not carry any particular emotions usually goes like this: the pitch increases relatively gradually towards the middle of the phrase (somewhat closer to its end), reaches a maximum and then falls off much faster. Approximately the same is the case with percussion. With an affirmative intonation, the pitch decreases, with an interrogative it rises. With an interrogative-begging (all the more imploring), the rise is weaker, as is the stress, and the length of the syllable is greater. With an affirmatively encouraging accent, the accent is sharper, the longitude is much shorter, and the tone is higher. But there are also more complex cases, where intonations on some three syllables give both an imploringly flattering and an encouragingly jocularly caressing expression. (Compare with O. Henry: “Will you be Mr. Phineas K. Gooch?” said the visitor, and in the tone of his voice and intonation there was at once questioning, affirmation and condemnation - narration "Hypothetical case"). In such cases, not only the stressed syllable is especially toned, but also nearby ones (usually borrowing the stressed note). “Tone makes music,” says a French proverb, “it is intonation that conveys the so-called indescribable feelings. The ear is so accustomed to these countless variations that it unmistakably distinguishes whether the intonation corresponds to the meaning of what was said: such a discrepancy leads to various deplorable discoveries about the hypocrisy of the speaker, who does not believe in what he says, etc. Numerous rhetorical "complaints Poets on the impossibility of expressing emotion in verse (or in general in words) are to some extent based on the impossibility of conveying intonation shades of tragic colloquial speech in verse speech. Poetry has some opportunities to convey to the reader an intonational tragedy, using such phrase complexes, which are characterized by such and such a characteristic intonation, but this, of course, is only a surrogate and nothing more. The intonation of singing is much simpler than speech, it is more ordered, more active and more expressive in the rough sense of the word. The final pauses (cadences) of the chant are simple and distinct. Speaking uses the rudiments of rhythm and melody; singing, using speech, simplifies it and streamlines it. By introducing this order, singing often obscures the meaning of what is being said, giving it a completely new shade. However, in folk melodies we find intonation very close to the language. The composer of opera and romance proceeds from recitation, and there are indications that composers learned to melodic text from the recitation of great actors. Poetry was born along with singing and separated from it later, but it remains true to the original foundations of both arts. Just like singing, poetry uses the rudiments of rhythm and melody contained in speech, simplifies and streamlines them, but it changes living speech much less than singing. Much more of the living stress and longitude remains in the verse, although the verse reduces speech to isochronous intervals. The verse slows down the tempo, lengthens the vowels so that their harmony becomes clear. The verse also simplifies intonation: the intervals become less numerous, sharper marked and more harmonious, more defined. The verse fits so intonation into singing and is often extremely close (compare the recitation of Igor Severyanin and also A. Bely, so skillfully recorded by Medtner in the romance). The so-called "logical stress" is largely intonational. The lightness of the verse is to a large extent created by the coincidence of intonation elements with the verse rhythm. In the phrase "where are you tonight?" the intonational emphasis lies on “where are you”, this is beautifully emphasized in chapter III. Onegin, where we read:

I don't hold you, but where are you

Do you spend your evenings?

The couplet gains extraordinary expressiveness precisely because of this very natural coincidence. On the other hand, the discrepancy between intonational and rhythmic moves creates its usual collisions of a rhythmic-intonational character; on the one hand, they can serve as material for various kinds of intonational images: the intonation of the line says one thing, the reprise changes the meaning, here the game and, so to speak, unity in diversity and mutual contradiction, because the final cadenza does not provide an opportunity for many interpretations allowed by intonation (something similar negative image - "I did not see hell, but a battle", etc.); in other unintentional cases, it is awkward, if not a joke, and obscures the meaning of the verse, for example, in Vaudeler:

The reader also expects a new noun in the third line, but meets only the end of what has already been started. The meaning of the overstep (enjambement) is based to a large extent on such rhythmic-intonation clashes.

S. P. Bobrov. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


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