Home fertilizers Sun-Pluto conjunction in the natal chart. Aspects of the Sun. Aspects of Pluto

Sun-Pluto conjunction in the natal chart. Aspects of the Sun. Aspects of Pluto

Various sources for a child's horoscope

Your child has a pronounced ability to concentrate and a strong will. His inventiveness and prudence attract other children to him. He knows how to properly respond to defeats and losses. It is extremely important for him to learn to set goals that are within his reach. The child may consider his father to be omniscient and omnipotent (these qualities arise in the child's fantasy through observations of life situations).

Het monster. Aspects of

Over-concentration, will, ability to renew and transform all aspects of life. With a high spiritual development - leaders who know where best to direct the energy and means of society. Interest in yoga, meditation. Often - intuition, clairvoyance.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Conjunction: An aspect of a secret and consciously hidden power, which gives great opportunities for deft manipulation of others, like the "Deus ex machina" in the ancient theater. Strong will, a tendency to assert oneself, not to be anyone's debtor, to live one's own mind. The ability to change everything, question everything. In psychological terms, the significance of the paternal model is great, but this model is unsuccessfully implemented or becomes unacceptable. Trine, sextile: the meanings are the same, but the ability to regenerate is especially emphasized. A person has significant internal resources, which always allow him to change course - sometimes to the exact opposite - depending on his interests.

Absalom Underwater. Aspects of

Trine of the Sun: Feeling the support of fate, think about what exactly it supports. This is a very strong aspect. Karma, as it were, predetermines the Planetary principle to live well, harmoniously and happily, at least it seems to a person at a low level of study of the Planet and its trine to the Sun. In fact, karma provides the principle of the Planet with a victorious march, provided it is worked out; in addition, the will of a person, being turned towards the Planetary principle, easily receives a constructive direction - if a person desires it. If a person wants to use the principle of the Planet, then again his will will not meet resistance. Therefore, one should not think that the trine of the Sun means the prosperity of the Planetary principle; with the same success it can mean its decay (but still under a beautiful facade), if the will of a person is directed to predatory consumption and unreasonable use. In this sense, the Sun-Moon trine is very dangerous, especially with a strong Sun, since it allows too easy use of health in the interests of a person’s will, which in practice most often means the will of one or another hard egregor. In general, the interpretation of the trine in general and the trine of the Sun in particular depends significantly on the level of its development. At a low level, with an egoistic orientation of the will, a person will soon encounter the unpleasant effect that external imperative circumstances, only apparently, very superficially, favor the Planetary principle, but inside, that is, in essence, it does not develop, but gradually stagnates, and the person becomes hopelessly boring. On the contrary, the active study of the Planetary principle and its development will find great support for karma, which will seem completely natural to a person, but will be precisely the result of his volitional efforts, supported by the trine of the Planet. It is very important not to stop here, because the creatively supporting influence of the trine ends immediately when the constructive volitional effort of a person is weakened, turning into a predatory one, that is, forcibly removing harmony from environment and giving it to a person, but in a form that is no longer interesting to him. In the areas controlled by the Planet, it is dangerous to fight with this person: the force that maintains harmony around him will not stand on ceremony with you. When interpreting this trine, it is also important to pay attention to the relative strength of the Sun and the Planet, but here one should be guided not only by the horoscope, but also by the specific circumstances of a person's life. In any case, it will sincerely seem to a person that his will and initiative in the sphere of the Planetary principle are perfect, and it is almost impossible to convince him of this. Trine Pluto: Submissive to the scourges, dejectedly delirium towards holiness. Pluto's trine gives the planetary principle the protection of fate, that is, exactly the troubles that are planned will happen to a person in the relevant areas, and no others threaten him. Moreover, Pluto prepares him for them in advance, and if a person quickly understands this and develops humility on those insignificant, albeit irretrievable, losses that fate will send him, then he will not have to make any big losses and sacrifices (we are talking about of course, about this aspect). Trine Pluto, thus, symbolizes a harmonious and painless cleansing, which will affect not only the person himself, but also his environment, especially people who activate the principle of the Planet for a person. Here, for a person, lies the potential for hack-work: instead of meekly accepting the hardships of fate, subduing the murmur of the ego, he can grumble and force his associates to bear irrevocable losses, thus being for them a conductor of plutonic influence and a black teacher. He can, however, do this quite accurately and accurately, and with a certain skill and almost painlessly, but such a substitution will leave him unprepared for a strong plutonic effect, which will inevitably and at a fast pace force him to make all the sacrifices that he managed to avoid in the previous life, and may not be limited to them. Trinity of Pluto requires insignificant but constant sacrifices from the Planetary principle, the meaning of which is the transition from the lowest octave of the Planet to the highest, and the harmony of this transition to some extent depends on the person, but the very fact of Pluto’s influence on the Planet and the need to cleanse it from it does not depend. Here, elaboration in its spheres gives access to fundamentally new level, the participation of a person in large, strong and harmonious programs related to the purification and raising of her principle in the world or in her country; in the absence of elaboration, a person loses individual freedom in the areas controlled by the Planet, and can become an obedient puppet of the lower (destructive) Pluto programs.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects of

Over-concentration, will, the ability to renew all aspects of life, to improve and transform. With high spiritual development - leaders who see through and know where it is best to direct energy and resources. Interest in yoga, meditation and other forms of spiritual development. Often clairvoyance and intuition. They have supernatural powers, a fiery nature.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

This is success and the ability to win the attention of others, subdue them, popularity, fame, enthusiasm, enterprise, striving for something new, the ability to light up and light up. The negative side - easy success gives self-confidence and satiety, the temptation to use the position for the sake of profit.

Aspects of the Sun

Every aspect of the Sun emphasizes the inner Self, personality and ego. All aspects have something to do with the properties and use of the will, with the "self" of man. The sun is the principle of the potential of forces and the development of power. (c)

Sun and moon

The sign of the Sun represents the factors that are the essence of the individual - the gift that makes a person unique. Through moon sign a person learns to adapt to a changing world. The moon is a storehouse of habits acquired for survival. A person measures his strength with the world in which he lives, and tries to maintain a balance between the needs that his solar sign will cherish and those that society allows him to satisfy at the moment. Through the sign of the Moon, a person considers the needs and opinions of other people, and through a meaningful reaction to them, supports both himself and others. The balance between the emotions felt by the Moon and the needs of the Sun and their integration form a new sense of being that allows a person to know the one purpose in life. The sense of being reveals to a person the awareness of the ideals that constitute the essence, structuring the direction and goal.

Even in the worse position The Moon represents growth, change, the development of new habits and the initiation of new emotional attitudes that ultimately help uplift karma.

Martin Shulman

Sun and moon. They represent the foundation of the human psyche and at the same time the basis of all the circumstances of his external life. In inner life The sun symbolizes the principle of will or intention, and the moon - the principles of desire and reflex reaction of the subconscious. In external life, the Sun symbolizes the principle of dictate of external circumstances, imperatively including the will of man, and the Moon - general social conditions, in which he is, along with all the unwritten laws of the respective groups (public subconscious).

Absalom Underwater

The sextile of the Sun facilitates the way of expressing the ego and speaks of the possibilities for self-expression in spiritual development, the prospects for the development of creative forces in the areas of the House and Sign that have accepted the Sun and are subordinate to the Planet that forms the sextile, or determined by the House and Sign in which these Planets stand or by which manage. (c)

Harmonious aspects of the Sun and Moon provide popularity, life peace and happiness. They symbolize moderate vanity and a thirst for fame, and a person achieves success without much effort. There is a harmonious balance between will and emotions, the help of friends comes in time, home life is well established, everyday existence does not cause much trouble. The vitality of such a person is markedly increased, he has an enviable tendency to gain prosperity in everything and a well-developed sense of unity and integrity. In life, such people often find considerable success and wide recognition. They are usually constant, the flow of their life is balanced and calm, even with violations of their usual well-being, the restoration of strength and order occurs quite quickly. Family life such people and relationships are prosperous, marriage is most often successful. Aspects contribute to mental balance, stability in health. Them life development proceeds without much conflict and perturbation. They enjoy the recognition of the environment. The harmony of consciousness and the potential of forces with heredity and habits is noted. Immunity is high, resistance to life's difficulties is outstanding, the recuperation of forces is great. In their being, male and female energies are harmonious and balanced. Such people are usually optimists, courageous figures, self-confident. (c)

Sextile Sun-Moon

This aspect opens up favorable opportunities in areas indicated by the position of the luminaries. These possibilities, however, are not realized by themselves: a conscious action in this direction is necessary.

Friendship with the opposite sex. Good marriage. Everywhere they are loved and respected. If there are no conflicting aspects - good parents. Good health, supply of vitality, fullness of life. well-being. Equilibrium. Peace of mind. Harmony of feelings and will, consistency of will and emotions in human actions. Harmony of soul and body. Harmony of male and female principles.

The negative influence of the aspect in the horoscope: The reverse side of this aspect - easy success with the opposite sex can lead to inconstancy in marriage, adultery, adultery, inconstancy in feelings; easy life success can lead to a lack of striving for improvement, spiritual growth, spiritual hibernation. (c)

Sun sextile

The Sextile of the Sun gives a person in the areas controlled by the Planet, opportunities, the implementation of which will require from him volitional efforts and initiatives; it is also likely that in the course of working through these possibilities, he will have to face rather tough, imperative circumstances, which, however, will not be hostile to him, rather, on the contrary, potentially friendly, but still require a certain approach and mutual adaptation.

The Sextile of the Sun, as it were, throws a male challenge to a person (in the areas corresponding to the Planet), offering to check whether he has a will that can overcome obstacles and establish cooperation; while the obstacles are meant to be non-antagonistic, and cooperation is supposed to be beneficial and effective. If a person does not feel ready to accept this challenge, he can reject it: once, twice, three ... after a while, such a consistent unwillingness to accept any constructive suggestions of fate begins to work against a person, he degrades and falls into tough karmic programs, into which his choice is minimal or non-existent.

On the other hand, the sextile of the Sun provides a very valuable opportunity to work out its principle, that is, its will, in the course of constructive activities related to the Planet. Solving internal problems arising in connection with such activities, a person learns to correctly direct his will, gets the opportunity to determine which egregor it is induced, and coordinate it with external circumstances and various programs subconscious.

For example, the Sun-Moon sextile is a very promising aspect; in particular, it provides great opportunities for both physical and spiritual development, on high level this is an aspect of spiritual teachers who are well versed in the relationship between the higher and lower principles in a particular person and who are able to put him on a constructive path of evolutionary development that is inherent in him.

Moon sextile

Overcoming his laziness, a person gives impetus to social development.

This aspect gives perspectives of subconscious development in the areas controlled by the Planet.

Sextile of the Moon gives great prospects for spiritual development, since it offers the possibility of a constructive study of purely egoistic programs of the subconscious by transferring them to higher vibrations, and the person himself to a broader way of seeing the world (and his participation in the evolutionary process). It gives real opportunities to move from a passive-consumer attitude to an actively-creative one.

Inattention and stubborn disregard for the opportunities offered by the sextile of the Moon, over time, give a deep dissatisfaction with life and oneself (which is often projected onto others) and the triumph of superficial egoism in the areas ruled by the Planet. Elaboration gives not only subtle creative development principle of the Planet, but also the general spiritual growth of a person associated with constructive transformation of the lower programs of the subconscious.

Sun conjunct Saturn

Conjunction is one of the most powerful aspects in astrology, as two planets close to each other form matching systems of their houses. Connections are very strongly manifested both at the psychological and at the event level, they describe the brightest, dominant qualities of a person. (c)

The conjunction of the Sun with the planets. This aspect directly indicates the potential of the human ego, gives will, Creative skills and initiative in matters subordinate to the Planet, forming a conjunction and indicated by the Sign and the House. Whether such a position is destructive or constructive - it depends on the aspects to it and on the kind of Planets connecting with the Sun. (c)

Sun conjunct Saturn

You are self-sufficient and tend to rely only on yourself. Thanks to determination, prudence and hard work, you can achieve stability. They are prone to introspection and systematization, to reasoning and formulating definitions.

You avoid competition and competition. All this, combined with a nervous nature and great emotional sensitivity, leads to the fact that you strive for independence, try to withdraw from society.

Health complications are very likely.
You matured early and tend to learn only from own experience. Overcoming difficulties is achieved only by extremely hard work and the most severe self-discipline.
Your father may have left the family at an early age.
An inferiority complex is formed, fueled by constant persecution by the powerful. In life, you need to do something in which others could completely rely on you.

"Burned" Saturn indicates that you have an overly serious view of the world, excessive self-control. You should cleanse the body, observe fasts.

Saturn is ahead of the Sun - all unfavorable predictions are softened. With other favorable aspects and a good X house - a sharp mind, scientific activity. (C)

This aspect informs a person of prudence and diligence, thanks to the mutual complementation of which he invests great work in any undertaking and confidently achieves material success. This is a very solid and organized nature. Such a person matures early and is inclined to learn only from his own experience. Or his father left the family at an early age. This aspect is responsible for the ability to high concentration of energies and attention, it contributes to the development of diligence and perseverance, pride and ambition. Such a person is self-sufficient and tends to rely only on himself. Inclined to introspection and systematization, to reasoning and formulating definitions. This individualistic nature. With a negative manifestation of the aspect, it contributes to the formation of a sense of doom and melancholy, is responsible for emotional depression and the development of unsociableness. The vital force of such a person is often weakened, due to which the emotional tone may be lower than usual. There is a tendency to colds and acute discomfort in adverse conditions. Such people are usually cold-blooded and stubborn. They persevere and patiently overcome obstacles using a combination of diligence and prudence. But despite the presence of an organizational gift and success in achieving strategic goals, the life of such people is overshadowed by jealousy, disappointment, various forms mental disharmony and general dissatisfaction with their fate. Such people easily limit themselves, often isolating themselves from the environment and blocking external self-expression. Perhaps the formation of deep inferiority complexes associated with overly critical self-esteem. Often the self-discipline of such people is unnecessarily rigid, and self-restraints hinder creative development. Such a person perceives any obstacle as a challenge that hinders his free development. Overcome restrictions on life path comes at the cost of hard work. The balance of luck and failure is more often disturbed in favor of the latter, which can lead to self-doubt and a pessimistic perception of life. In life, such people often achieve significant external successes, which, however, are very, very difficult for them to achieve - such people make themselves. They are characterized by a developed sense of self-esteem, as well as cold prudence in planning a program to achieve the goal. They are responsible pragmatists and resourceful realists. They are able to concentrate efforts to the utmost, have a highly developed sense of purpose, and are able to totally subordinate all their interests to the achievement of a specific practical result. They are cautious and restrained, proud and patient, acutely feel any limitation of their sphere of influence, prone to self-observation, anxiety and depression. People around them perceive them as courageous and persistent people, capable of active constructive activity. The nature of such people can be defined as nervous and highly sensitive - these are intense egocentric natures. They are characterized by high professionalism, a developed sense of duty and a clear understanding of their official duties. Such people love their profession and do not shy away from assignments. True, they are characterized by increased fatigue and a tendency to work to exhaustion. They do not like to compete and work in a group. Often they avoid open competition and act "on the sly". Such people are prone to isolation from society and independence in actions - primarily due to carefully concealed self-doubt.. They have to overcome heightened emotional sensitivity all the time. and redirect attention and energies from the inner sphere to outer life. These people are very serious about solving any life problems, often turn out to be long-livers. They love smart clothes and often have regular, classic features. They are not prone to exaggeration and in their judgments they operate only with objectively perceived facts. In everything, they love the final polishing and refinement of details and trifles, often striving for the perfect performance of the work. They are constantly looking for ways to improve their own work. They are prone to drawing, writing, architecture. Their mind is precise and logical, constructive and orderly, their caution is not associated with timidity, but with the ability to accurately weigh the chances of success. Their seriousness often generates sympathy from older people. Such people have difficulty handling both their own and other people's money. They are not characterized by luck in decision financial matters, but they are indispensable in resolving management problems and executing specific instructions. (c) Konstantin Selchenok

Saturn in astrology is a planet of restrictions, compression, a demanding planet. The sun in astrology is a manifestation of its essence, its Ego. Saturn will always be demanding, will instill seriousness, responsibility, or will suppress the Sun, its activity. The most tangible aspects between the Sun and Saturn are the Sun-Saturn conjunction and the tense aspects between the Sun and Saturn.

Saturn is meant to teach seriousness to the Sun through some kind of restriction or requirement..

If the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn in the synastry is in a weak sign for the Sun and strong enough for Saturn, then Saturn will suppress the Sun, subdue it to its will (Saturn in Cancer in exile). Although with such a conjunction, the Sun also feels care from Saturn. A strong Saturn can give the Sun a sense of security, the Sun will need Saturn's support. Saturn becomes a support for the Sun, but it also makes many demands. Although the Sun can get used to the rigidity of Saturn over time, and he will even like that he is somehow directed or controlled. When connected in a synastry, a weak Sun will always feel the strength of Saturn, sometimes the coldness emanating from it, but also support (with a strong Saturn).

If both the Sun and Saturn are both weak in sign, for example, in Cancer, then Saturn will drive the Sun into its shell even more with its demands. It will be very difficult for the sun to open up. A weak Sun can sometimes rely on Saturn, but Saturn will likely fall short of the Sun's expectations for care and support.

If at the conjunction of the Sun Saturn, the Sun is strong, and Saturn is weak, for example, the conjunction of the Sun-Saturn in Aries or in Leo. In this version, the Sun will not want to obey Saturn. But a weak Saturn will still be demanding, will call for responsibility, and use the power of the Sun for its reliability and for its own purposes (depending on the natal house of the Sun and Saturn).

Only a strong planet can give help, while a weak one tries to survive due to the strength of the planets. Weak Saturn, when conjoined with the Sun, is more likely to give coldness and imaginary rigidity, a lot of demands on your partner, and not real care and support. Calls for responsibility will hide the pessimism of a weak Saturn or uncertainty.

But the conjunction of the Sun Saturn in any sign of the zodiac and with a fairly accurate orb (up to 2-3 degrees), cements the relationship for a long time. This aspect is a plus in marriage and love compatibility when we talk about the duration of relationships over time. (c)

Inferiority complex. Overcoming difficulties is achieved only by extremely hard work and the most severe self-discipline. (c)

Conjunction: The combination of conscientiousness and firmness gives the type of person with ambition, who, however, likes to keep a low profile and will rather choose a role. gray cardinal than royal regalia. He will spare no effort to achieve his goal. He is serious, thinks soberly, sets goals for himself and, as a rule, achieves them. (c)

Restriction, hinders personal self-expression. A person must cope with the area of ​​​​restrictions in order to develop freely, which is achieved by extremely hard work; often suffer from an inferiority complex. Self-discipline will help. (c)

These aspects are characterized by poor, poor health in a person; life force lowered; soreness. Passivity, slowness, selfishness, coldness, joylessness, avarice, greed, disappointment. Oppression, depression, a tendency to see the bad, a tendency to whine, hostility, isolation, unsociableness, unfriendliness, disagreement, disagreement, fault-finding, grouchiness, irritability; in women - an unhappy marriage or lack of marriage. Pride, arrogance, contempt, lust for power. it's the same hard life; a lot of work. Vicissitudes of fate, obstacles, crises every 7 years.
The tense aspects of Saturn are overcome with great work and great perseverance and give diligence, diligence, thrift and thrift, frugality, strictness, severity, but justice, great tact and attention, caution, method, gradualness, the ability to perform titanic work, heroic labor, the ability to go to great lengths. deprivation for a great purpose; depth of soul and intellect, self-esteem and pride; a sense of duty and responsibility, part and justice; exceptional decency. (c)

Sun Conjunction

The connection of the planet with the Sun gives its manifestations a touch of imperativeness - at a high level of aspect elaboration. At a low level, imperative refers more to the need to work out the Planet. The sun highlights the lower manifestations of its principle and actualizes them, mainly by the method of direct pressure. At a low level of development of the Sun, it acts through rigid imperatives that it imposes on the Planet, suppressing it. creativity and forcing its principle to manifest itself in a very narrowly defined framework, in which, in principle, it cannot fit; there is an excessive internal tension and an explosion, and the creativity of the Absolute is manifested both in the moment and nature of the explosion (unpredictable in advance), and in the form and trajectories of the debris.

The study of the connection (and the Sun) gives a switch to a higher egregor, when the solar initiative is not in the order of a hard order, but as an indication of the desired direction of activity, and most importantly, attention. Then the interaction of the Sun with the Planet is greatly facilitated, and the Planet receives from the Sun, as it were, a weak magnetization, which serves for orientation in difficult (for the Planet) conditions, when optimal choice not obvious.

Saturn Conjunction

The conjunction of the Planet with Saturn clamps and freezes its principle; here the karmic requirement is a deep elaboration, in particular, the liberation of the Planet principle from superficial egoistic programs that require a specific payment for any insignificant effort.

At the beginning of the study, the connection of Saturn requires withdrawal into oneself and understanding the principle of the Planet within the framework of one's life and life philosophy, which is often motivated by long-term external restrictions; further elaboration is no longer under such harsh conditions as the primary one, but here a person is required to voluntarily humility and voluntary submission to the principle of the Planet in situations when it becomes active, which gives very high results and a breakthrough to great creativity in the areas controlled by the Planet, although it is hard to believe at first, because Conjunction of Saturn gives, on the contrary, the impression of not just a lack of abilities, downright their negative value, often an inferiority complex - and at the same time an extremely strong and deep inner desire to master the principle of the Planet.

(c) Absalom Underwater

Sun and Pluto

Sun and Pluto are masculine planets in astrology. The Sun, although active, is a personal planet, so the Sun cannot influence Pluto. Pluto, as the highest planet in astrology, will affect the Sun in any aspect. With tense aspects of the Sun-Pluto influence will be negative and overwhelming, with harmonious aspects the influence of Pluto will help, inspire confidence.(with)

Pluto square. Transformation goals are achieved at great cost. It interferes with despotism, rudeness, egocentrism, and often a sense of their own extraordinary significance. You don’t want to fight with such a person, you feel that he has a strong, often destructive will that suppresses him, and either he puts pressure on his opponent, or if he feels stronger, he will seem hopeless to you. Only he can handle his own problems(which does not exclude, of course, contacts in general); but in general, in the spheres of the aspect, this is a difficult person. (c)

Pluto Square

Angel wings grow in places rubbed with the cross of fate.

Pluto's square is an aspect of Job, fortunately not always as far reaching..

Manifestation of the planetary principle in outside world will not suit a person sharply, and he will have a desire to restore order in the world in this regard, for which he will need the appropriate power. The plan of karma, however, is of the opposite nature, namely, to bring cleanliness and order in the area of ​​the Planetary principle during inner world a person and his subconscious, for which a person must gain power over his instincts and lower inclinations related to the Planet.

The essential point is that in the area of ​​the Planet, a person has, as it were, a magnifying glass, clearly showing his (and others) minimal imperfections and errors. This aspect provides great opportunities for internal development and self-purification, and at the same time gives the world black teachers of a dictatorial type, exterminating the low and medium manifestations of the Planetary principle in the outside world with power, fire and a sword, leaving a place only for the subtlest (which they do not see), and sometimes just ashes . At the middle level, tough behavior is characteristic with elements of rude command and nihilism in relation to others, which is combined with the desire to master the Planetary principle on one's own. Inwardly, a person really wants to show his model to the world, but this definitely does not work out, or (according to a person) the world is simply not expensive and therefore is not able to see the perfection revealed to him..

Sun Square

The square of the Sun represents a challenge to the personality and creates tension at the ego level. Difficulties in using forces and will in matters subject to the square Planet, and also to the House and Sign that are occupied by it or are under its control. Difficulties with the implementation of plans and frustration due to sudden obstacles and failures. For some, this square is an incentive for ever greater achievements, for others it is an occasion for the manifestation of cowardice, despondency and despair. (c)

Tense Aspects of the Sun and Pluto

These aspects tell the character of a person such traits as stubbornness and waywardness, boastfulness and arrogance, and irascibility. They love and know how to manage, but they don’t know how to compromise and stop in time.. Usually these are power-hungry and irritable people who do not know how to correctly spend their vital energy, and therefore often turn out to be exhausted to the limit. Sometimes they openly strive for power and want to impose their decision and desire on others at all costs. These people are sometimes very commanding and demanding of others to the point of frenzy. AT sexual relations they are very aggressive and persistent, which often causes rejection and leads to the flight of a partner. The energy of will is both great and uncontrollable, it splashes and overflows. There is a tendency to violence over circumstances and a desire to force others to act in a certain way, prescribing to them the norms of behavior and the rules of the game. Such people become very impulsive and tough when they want to reason with the whole world at this very hour.. With dissenters, they willingly enter into fierce disputes, if they do not challenge them to a duel. They perceive success as an opportunity for continuous self-renewal, the directness and strength of their self-expression, as well as the uncontrollability of emotions and will, often frighten and annoy others, which is why people sometimes refuse to cooperate with them and even maintain all sorts of contacts. The very presence of such people in society instills in the souls of others a sense of danger and threat.. If they find themselves in an environment of military confrontation or a revolutionary transformation of life, they tend to go all the way, which is why they often “go rogue”. The specificity of the relationship between the consciousness and the unconscious of these people is such that dark, overwhelming, gloomy forces constantly operate from the depths of the psyche. The lack of relaxation and the inability to relax under the pressure of these internal influences sometimes leads to desperate, violent, furious and violent reactions to the slightest external irritation. The forces of such a person are very great, but the results of actions are most often destructive. (c) Konstantin Selchenok

The mirror should not be blamed under any circumstances.

The square of the Sun puts the Planet under the blow of disharmonious impulses of the human will and imperative external circumstances. At the same time, a person himself is not inclined, of course, to consider his expressions of will disharmonious, and at a low level he will not notice either his rudeness, or harshness, or incompetence, but he will very subtly feel the indicated qualities of the environment and other people when the Planet principle is turned on.

At the second or third levels of working out the square, it will seem to a person that he has, as it were, external and internal enemies of the Planetary principle, the purpose of which is to prevent him, sometimes in the most rude form, from manifesting himself.

Here the karmic program is that a person is prescribed severe restrictions on freedom of expression and initiative in the areas controlled by the Planet, and required higher manifestations solar principle, that is, constant impersonal attention to what is happening in the spheres of the Planet; external initiative is allowed only when compelled by external circumstances, and even then minimum size , because it usually leads to disharmonious consequences.

From the point of view of internal development, this aspect is very promising in relation to the acquisition (in the sphere of influence of the Planet) of true power over oneself and the transition to serving a higher egregor, which means a more creative and internally free life. With good energy, one can try to master the disharmonious external will and direct it past oneself to others - the aspect of black teachers, especially with the emphasized square of the Sun to the higher planets. Elaboration gives the ability to work subtly, according to the barely audible instructions of a high egregor, to weave openwork threads of the finest karma, sometimes relating to the distant future.

Absalom Underwater

Square Sun-Pluto

Striving for power, imposing one's will on others. You are powerful, commanding, violent. (C)

Pluto is a very deep planet, thirsting for feelings "for aortic rupture." (c)

Power and dictate in astrology are correlated with the most distant planet of the solar system - Pluto. So that any tense aspects of Pluto to personal planets accentuate the theme of power in a person’s life, struggle for power. Aspect Possessor or he himself can be a despotic person especially for men. Or, if the owner of the aspect is a woman, she attracts men of an imperious type, with dictatorial manners with a tendency to suppress and manipulate. Do not forget that the Sun is also the image of the father, so most of the girls with whom I talked about this aspect admitted that in childhood and adolescence they had to endure pressure from their father. (c)

Situations from the category of "life teaches", but rather - puts in place, does not allow to burrow.
The activity is relevant only in response to an external request.
Life explicitly, and in some cases - in a violent way, demonstrates in what it needs not initiative, but sacrifice and humility.

Trine Pluto-Lilith

Trine Pluto. Gives naturally the power of cosmic forces manifested through a person in the sphere of action of the Planet, and this power is perceived by people positively, as if it should be so. Trine gives a feeling of supreme protection, it is also possible to develop healing abilities, clairvoyance, prophecy, as well as a talent for harmonic influence on people and circumstances. (c)

Trine Pluto

Trin Pluto gives the planetary principle the protection of fate, that is, exactly the troubles that are planned will happen to a person in the relevant areas, and no others threaten him. Moreover, Pluto prepares him for them in advance, and if a person quickly understands this and develops humility on those insignificant, albeit irretrievable, losses that fate will send him, then he will not have to make any big losses and sacrifices (we are talking about of course, about this aspect). Pluto's trine thus symbolizes harmonious and painless cleansing.

Here, for a person, lies the potential for hack-work: instead of meekly accepting the hardships of fate, subduing the grumbling of the ego, he can grumble. ... such a substitution will leave him unprepared for a strong plutonic influence, which will inevitably and at a rapid pace force him to make all those sacrifices that he managed to avoid in his previous life, and may not be limited to them.

The Trinity of Pluto requires insignificant but constant sacrifices from the Planetary principle, the meaning of which is the transition from the lowest octave of the Planet to the highest, and the harmony of this transition to some extent depends on the person, but the very fact of Pluto's influence on the Planet and the need to cleanse it from it does not depend. Here, elaboration gives access to a fundamentally new level in its spheres, the participation of a person in large, strong and harmonious programs related to the purification and raising of its principle; in the absence of elaboration, a person loses individual freedom in the areas controlled by the Planet, and can become an obedient puppet of lower (destructive) plutonic programs.

Absalom Underwater

Trine Pluto-Lilith

Enhances feelings of power and leadership. You have a strong spirit of courage and will, which is capable of causing a real upheaval in the relevant areas of life. This is the spirit of rebirth and new opportunities, the spirit of pioneers and pioneers. Such a person can be an idol or a "star", achieve honors and fame. (C)

Indicates a love of change leading to social reform, leadership social movements, gaining popular recognition or searching for spiritual teachings, seeking God. (c)

Strength of will. Wants to have power over others. Wants to be powerful. He needs the power that others have. Ties with the government - for better or for worse. Wants a powerful place in the world.

The need to prove and show how strong you are. Needs to show or prove its depth of purpose. Powerful creative forces. manic personality. Obsessive personality. Put yourself against people who are more powerful than you. Associate yourself with powerful people. Dive into your depths. Knows its depths. Self-healing. Self-transformation. Psychoanalysts. Deep self-knowledge. Throw yourself into extreme situations to see what you're made of. Throw yourself into a crisis for the sake of self-transformation. Wants to explore the worst side of life. He needs a life that will go beyond the expected and the banal. We need a deep life. Forced to interact with people who will pluck outgrowths of the ego. From time to time they feel compelled to have someone who can destroy them and give them something new. He goes through difficult circumstances to test his character. Shed light on your essence - the dark and light side of yourself. You combine, mix darkness with light and light with darkness. A person who has an intimate relationship with death, the dead or dying. People who are surrounded by power. Lives in the shade. People living on dark side. Darth Vader.

The villain. A person who represents everything we hate about ourselves - everything we want to destroy, kill, refuse and disown. You attract vile, mean people. you attract strong personalities. Compare yourself to others strong people. You compete with the worst in society and declare "I'm not like that!" or afraid that you really are just that (worst). Considers himself a villain. Define yourself as a criminal. Identify with powerful people. You identify with the dregs of society. You identify with healers and shamans. Identify with your obsessive desires. You identify with the process of deep cleansing, transformation and rebirth. Feel that life is supporting you. Uses power and intimidation to his advantage. Knows how to intimidate people. Powerful presentation of yourself. You are not an eternally suffering fool. Deep cleansing of your ego. Allows oneself to experience extreme experiences in order to learn something. People who long for power because they don't have that power right now. Despots. A man of extremes. People who are hated or loved by most people. You know how to get under people's skin. Investigator. The one who conducts the interrogation. People who are in control. Self destruction. Self-destruction. Cleansing. Lives in the underworld. Lives in the underworld. Crime. Shining light in a dark realm. Go where others don't even dare. Trying to keep everything in your life under control. Hide your true self. Hiding who you really are. Secretive. Keep yourself in chains. Controls himself well. Arrives underground and off radar. Self-centered. Paranoid. Obsessive thoughts about one's own glory or the glory of others. Obsessed with our own self-expression. Children who have been given too much power. The child who controls the parents. Powerful pride. Unwavering will. Games of power and struggle for power. The battle for dominance. Insulted, or offends others. Feeling of powerlessness. He feels that life has overcome him. Tries to control the men in her life. Feels like he is being controlled by the men in his life. Your dad could control you. Striving for dominance. You feel dominated by others. Feeling that you are not in control of your life. You feel that your life is controlled by others. You feel that the goal is beyond your capabilities. Finding healing resources within yourself. Looking for an opportunity to completely and fundamentally transform himself. People who take part in changing the views, goals of the generation. Regeneration of their dead parts. He would rather be aware of his shadow himself than project it onto other people.

People with an aspect between the Sun/Pluto:

  • John Lennon: Sun at 16 Libra 16' quintile Pluto at 4 Leo 11'
  • Maya Angelou: Sun at 14 Aries 48' square Pluto at 14 Cancer 59'
  • Sean Combs (PuffDaddy): 12 Scorpio 06' semisquare Pluto at 26 Virgo 33'
  • Tiger Woods: Sun at 8 Capricorn 58' square Pluto at 11 Libra 39'
  • James Dean: Sun at 18 Aquarius 37' in quincox Pluto at 19 Cancer 13'
  • Charlie Sheen: Sun at 11 Virgo 22' conjunct Pluto at 15 Virgo 56'
  • Sinéad O'Conner: Sun at 15 Sagittarius 57' square Pluto at 20 Virgo 35'
  • Richard Pryor: Sun at 9 Sagittarius 28' trine Pluto at 4 Leo 11'
  • Paris Hilton: Sun at 28 Aquarius 33' trine Pluto at 24 Libra 12'
  • James Earl Jones (voice of Darth Vader): Sun at 26 Capricorn 26' opposing Pluto at 19 Cancer 40'

this is a translation of an entry from Michelle's AstroFix blog -

Such a child may be attracted to a superhero - a common person, transforming into a powerful being. He will strive to be like such a person, showing impudence and self-confidence. The child must understand that there are right and wrong ways to use personal power. Otherwise, he may show the use of his strength in fights and quarrels.
Family problems For example, the separation or loss of a parent can increase the feeling of being deprived of their strength and will. Parents and teachers should allow such children to recognize their own importance, but not allow anything that is cavalier or cruel to themselves or others.
A child may consider his father to be omniscient and omnipotent, or, on the contrary, arrogant and ruthless (these qualities arise in the child's fantasy through observations of life situations).

Conjunction: An aspect of a secret and consciously hidden power, which gives great opportunities for deft manipulation of others, like the "Deus ex machina" in the ancient theater. Strong will, a tendency to assert oneself, not to be anyone's debtor, to live one's own mind. The ability to change everything, question everything. In psychological terms, the significance of the paternal model is great, but this model is unsuccessfully implemented or becomes unacceptable.
K. Obye

Their power potential is manifested by the ability to revive and transform themselves and their environment. They have incredibly great energy, they know how to penetrate the essence of things. Pluto is the master of the ability to penetrate dimensions and discover sources of fundamental energy. This primordial energy manifests as sexual potency, which can manifest itself in spiritual or physical form. Access to higher areas of consciousness is possible, these people can become an instrument of the divine will. If they fail to combine their own and the divine will, they risk becoming dictators due to the power complex, which leads to their destruction. They need to learn tolerance.
F. Sakoyan

Sun Opposition Pluto

K. Obye

The danger of overflowing will. The tendency to forcibly cause circumstances, to force others by prescribing norms of behavior for them. Very impulsive when they want to reason with the world. With dissent enter into a fierce argument. The need for self-renewal for the sake of success. The directness and power of self-expression is frightening or annoying, and people refuse to cooperate and support them. Too aggressive in love. They cannot participate in wars, political and social revolutions, it is dangerous for them.
F. Sakoyan

The good side is that the struggle for popularity can be an incentive for self-improvement; these aspects can give the ability to achieve goals, the ability to win.
S.V. Shestopalov

Square Sun - Pluto

Opposition, quadrature: anxiety, self-destruction, guilt complex, often associated with the rejection of the paternal model. In reality, this manifests itself in the form of external friendliness, designed to mislead others, to hide the wolf under sheepskin, then in the form of a tendency to overthrow other people's systems. As is always the case with Pluto aspects, all of this can be largely relegated to the unconscious.
K. Obye

Striving for power, imposing one's will on others. They are powerful, imperious, violent, usually show people their good attitude towards them, but it is better if they did not. It seems to them that the strong is always right, which causes protest from others. Aggressive towards the opposite sex.
F. Sakoyan

These are aspects of self-affirmation, the struggle for popularity, power, success; this is dictate, the desire to command, authoritarianism, conflicts with others, quarrelsomeness, imprudence, recklessness, impatience; propensity for accidents, danger surgical operations, inflammatory diseases.
S.V. Shestopalov

Trine (trine), sextile Sun - Pluto

Your child has a pronounced ability to concentrate and a strong will. His inventiveness and prudence attract other children to him. He knows how to properly respond to defeats and losses. It is extremely important for him to learn to set goals that are within his reach.
The child may consider his father to be omniscient and omnipotent (these qualities arise in the child's fantasy through observations of life situations).
Various sources for a child's horoscope

Trine, sextile: the meanings are the same, but the ability to regenerate is especially emphasized. A person has significant internal resources, which always allow him to change course - sometimes to the exact opposite - depending on his interests.
K. Obye

Over-concentration, will, the ability to renew all aspects of life, to improve and transform. With a high spiritual development - leaders who see through and know where it is best to direct energy and resources. Interest in yoga, meditation and other forms of spiritual development. Often clairvoyance and intuition. They have supernatural powers, a fiery nature.
F. Sakoyan

This is success and the ability to win the attention of others, subdue them, popularity, fame, enthusiasm, enterprise, striving for something new, the ability to light up and light up.
The negative side - easy success gives self-confidence and satiety, the temptation to use the position for the sake of profit.
S.V. Shestopalov

The natal chart is a personal horoscope of a person's birth. It is built at the moment of birth of a person and place of birth. This horoscope characterizes the fate of a person: the possibilities, inclinations and circumstances of life inherent in him. With the help of a birth chart, the position of the planets in the signs of the zodiac relative to the Earth, as well as relative to each other, is determined. According to these data, a description of a person is compiled. We present you a service that allows you to perform online calculation of a natal chart by date of birth with decryption for free.

In order for the description to be as accurate as possible, you must specify the date of birth, time of birth (preferably exact time) and place of birth. If your city is not in the list, choose the closest city, a difference of 50-100 km is acceptable, it is important that the city is in your time zone in this case. To determine the position of houses, the Placidus system is used.

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day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 month January February March April May June July August September October November December 2022 2022 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2010 2008 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2004 2002 2002 2001 2000 1998 1998 1996 1995 1994 1994 1993 1991 1990 1989 1988 1985 1985 1984 1982 1981 1981 1979 1978 1977 1976 1974 1974 1972 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1964 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1955 1954 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1947 1947 1946 1944 1943 1942 1940 1939 1935 1935 1933 1931 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1927 1924 1924 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1914 1914 1913 1911 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 16 16 18 19 20 21 22 22 22 minutes 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Place of Birth:

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Determine natal birth chart

These aspects are found in natural leaders and leaders of a large scale. They give people prudence, sanity, the ability to use the opportunities that are presented and direct creative energy to positive goals. The ability to restore the "status quo" and concentrate efforts is clearly expressed. The will is powerful and harmonious. These people are usually very self-confident, extremely active and energetic, determined and clearly striving to achieve their goals. These are indestructible idealists who achieve their goal at all costs. Thanks to self-confidence and large reserves of energy, they sooner or later reach a good position in life. They are able to quickly restore lost strength, are very self-possessed and hardy. A strong will allows them to achieve high results in any activity. Their enthusiasm literally revives those around them, their ingenuity allows them to overcome any obstacles. They possess amazing ability to the concentration of energy and an enviable passion for the harmonic transformation of the world. With a high development of character, they become drivers of others, seeing through the possibilities of the situation and knowing exactly where it is better to direct energy and resources. These are fiery enthusiastic natures, possessing colossal reserves of strength necessary to achieve what they want. Their intuition is unmistakable and sometimes reaches clairvoyant insight. Such people are very fond of improving their professional skills and always show considerable interest in innovations and unexpected proposals from employees. They strive to modernize and improve everything from the material environment to relationships with colleagues. Usually they are successful as financiers and employers, as leaders of research teams and large business structures. They are also successful in the political sphere. The main purpose of such people is to organize and direct the energies of groups to rebuild the world.

☉ Sun in aspect to ♇ Pluto Aspect Conjunction of ☌ ☉ Sun and ♇ Pluto

A very, very strong aspect, indicates the presence of strong physical, mental and spiritual aspirations. The energy of a person is very high, the reserves of forces are practically inexhaustible. True, sometimes power gets the wrong direction, and therefore a thirst for power, desire can take possession of a person.

Sextile aspect ⚹ ☉ Sun and ♇ Pluto

These aspects are found in natural leaders and leaders of a large scale. They give people prudence, sanity, the ability to use the opportunities that are presented and direct creative energy to positive goals. The ability to restore the "status quo" is clearly expressed.

Square aspect ☐ ☉ Sun and ♇ Pluto
Trine aspect ∆ ☉ Sun and ♇ Pluto

These aspects are found in natural leaders and leaders of a large scale. They give people prudence, sanity, the ability to use the opportunities that are presented and direct creative energy to positive goals. The ability to restore the "status quo" and ..

Opposition Aspect ☍ ☉ Sun and ♇ Pluto

These aspects tell the character of a person such traits as stubbornness and waywardness, boastfulness and arrogance, irascibility and bragging. With these aspects, the energy available in the body is very difficult to direct to something constructive. Such people imagine themselves to be widely known, although in fact they are..

☉ Sun in aspect with planets☿ Mercury ♀ Venus

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