Home Flowers Moon opposition Pluto in natal. Aspects: Moon - Pluto. Brain attack. Square Moon - Point of Fortune

Moon opposition Pluto in natal. Aspects: Moon - Pluto. Brain attack. Square Moon - Point of Fortune

The astrological appearances of the Moon and Pluto have many similarities. Both celestial bodies influence consciousness and the deep layers of the human psyche. By combining their influences, they endow the native with increased emotionality, rich imagination, insight and good knowledge of human nature.

Since Pluto is an evil planet, a conjunction with it is still unfavorable for the Moon. The native's psyche is unstable, and mood swings are often observed. The emotions of such a person are unusually intense and strong. Unbridled optimism and cheerfulness are replaced by suspicion, envy and jealousy.

The influence of the aspect on a person’s personal qualities and behavior

A subject with this aspect is mysterious, mystical, especially attractive and therefore popular. In all matters, he strives to be the first, and a person strives to demonstrate leadership qualities precisely in the home and family. Most of the owners of the conjunction of the Moon and Pluto in natal chart, strive to control the thoughts, feelings and actions of the people who make up their immediate environment, for which they can receive the status of tyrants and dictators.

It often turns out that order in the house and in the team rests precisely on the owner of this aspect, since the native has the necessary strength and energy to rally around him people with the most different desires and motivations.

The subject may be hindered by selfishness, arrogance, lack of flexibility and lack of self-control from building harmonious relationships with people. On the other hand, such qualities as energy, activity, enthusiasm, ambition and unwillingness to give up in the face of difficulties help the owners of the aspect to reach the top in their plans.

Moon-Pluto conjunction in the male natal chart

The moon in a man’s natal chart will describe the mother’s character and image ideal woman, embedded in his mind. The Moon, conjunct Pluto, will tell about a mother who is used to dominating the family and managing all its members. The native may have an unconscious fear of her and fear of displeasing her.

Often men with this aspect are looking for a wife who is decisive and powerful by nature and has a strong will. A woman’s inability to control the situation in the family and actively participate in the affairs of the household is regarded as weakness and a character flaw.

Moon-Pluto conjunction in a woman’s natal chart

A woman whose natal chart contains a conjunction of the Moon and Pluto can be called a commander in a skirt. The moon describes character and personal qualities owner of the horoscope, and her aspect with Pluto imparts to the native such traits as self-confidence, great ambition and stubbornness.

Such a woman can fly out of her native nest early, because she has difficulty obeying the will of her parents and strives to accept life. important decisions on one's own. Having become a wife and mother, she copes well with her household responsibilities, generously loading her household with socially useful work and autocratically managing them.

Moon-Pluto conjunction in children's natal chart

A child whose horoscope contains a conjunction of the Moon and Pluto is not so easy to offend. Already from the very early age it is clear that he has strong character. Such children can learn to walk and talk early. It seems that they are ahead of the curve in everything, because it is important for them to always be winners and leaders in games, competitions and competitions.

The activity of a child with a conjunction of the Moon and Pluto cannot be suppressed, nor should he be limited in his actions, otherwise they will accumulate negative emotions, which he will one day spill out. Sports and any other physical activity will help your child get rid of unpleasant feelings and fears.

Hidden feelings. Rich emotional life. Transformation of feelings. Crisis in the house. Emotional blackmail. Overbearing mother.

The emotional life of a person with a Moon-Pluto aspect is similar sea ​​bird, a seagull that dives into the water and then jumps back out to swallow its prey. Individuals with a Moon-Pluto aspect often have a similar attitude towards their emotional lives, diving deep into their feelings and relationships, taking time to process what has been absorbed.

Such a person needs space as well as intensity in his home and emotional life. People who have a Moon-Pluto conjunction or unfavorable aspects between these two planets feel as if someone is attacking them and trying to infiltrate their lives. It is as if there is a constant expectation that such an intrusion into the domestic or emotional sphere may occur if measures are not taken to avoid it.

For people with these aspects, the sensual side of life is very intense, but the way in which the intensity is expressed varies depending on how well one understands them. Feeling the need to cleanse himself of his feelings, he is able to reach their very roots in order to get rid of the source that causes them. Some people, instead of experiencing feelings, try, on the contrary, to kill them in themselves, and this is the role of Pluto. But they don’t so much kill them as bury them deep inside themselves, until the moment comes when the feelings come to the surface. Some feelings that the owner of the Moon-Pluto aspect wants to cleanse or hide deeply are of a poisonous and destructive nature: feelings of revenge, jealousy and pain, for example. Often these feelings do not belong to the person himself, but were absorbed by him through his family. Typically, those with Moon-Pluto aspects come from families where there was some kind of secret. Perhaps some kind of trauma or violence. Or something that was considered shocking by society during that time period; Maybe bastard or sexual assault. Sometimes not so shocking, but it was difficult for the whole family to accept this circumstance, for example: disability, illness, madness, premature death of a family member.

It is not necessary that every family had such a devastating secret, but where a person with a Moon-Pluto aspect appears, he will often be chosen on a subconscious level as the person who carries and heals wounds. And often brings to light what is hidden. Just as infection manifests itself in the form of an abscess, the Moon-Pluto aspect also manifests itself in the same way, sometimes professionally, as a catalyst that allows the abscess to break through, come out and be healed.

Sometimes the owner of the Moon-Pluto aspect is a thorn in the skin of the whole family, as if he carries a sign that they cannot see, but which constantly reminds the family of a poisonous past that they prefer not to change, but, if possible, to bury forever.

It is quite typical that the owner of the Moon-Pluto aspect is a kind of sponge, absorbing all the negative, hidden or unexpressed feelings floating in the atmosphere. This begins in childhood, but with age it becomes a habit and as an adult, the owner of the aspect often carries this emotional burden placed on him in this way.

No matter how critical the situation is, even if the owner of the Moon-Pluto aspect has nothing to do with it, he will still be involved in the story. These people seem to hover above the crisis ground and, like vultures, feed on the remnants of wounds - so people of this type usually feel trauma from a distance. Sometimes they intervene due to their emotional strength and insight. People experiencing crisis situations quite often turn to individuals with the aspect of the Moon and Pluto, because they are strong, can protect and as if nothing can shock them. What is typical for such individuals is that they seem to have already seen everything in advance, felt it in advance and are aware dark side human nature, therefore they feel compassion. At best, a person with the Moon-Pluto aspect does not bury own feelings, but exposes them and can create a safe atmosphere in which others also feel safe enough to reveal their feelings and dark family secrets.

When aspected by Pluto, the Moon describes the need for intense emotional connection. Some people with a Moon-Pluto aspect feel comfortable playing the role of Lady Macbeth in life. Certainly the home and emotional life of a person with a Moon-Pluto aspect rarely remains calm for a long time. Often the emotional life of such a person resembles a scene from a Shakespearean tragedy: darkness, ominous omen, seething undercurrents ready to erupt at any moment. Let's just say that a person with the Moon-Pluto aspect feels comfortable among the pitfalls. If the emotional and home life of such a person is too dramatic and leads to critical situations, then it will be difficult for a simple observer to notice it. Usually a person with Moon-Pluto aspect likes to keep his feelings and all the details of his personal and home life hidden from the public. Individuals with unfavorable aspects often feel that there is no reason to trust others with their feelings and secrets.

Often a person with a Moon-Pluto aspect comes from an environment where it was not safe to reveal their feelings because... there was a possibility of their use for the purpose of manipulation, control and blackmail.

The Moon-Pluto person is often obsessed with his own mother (and sometimes obsessed with becoming a mother), and the mother in turn is often obsessed with her child. Typical for such a mother is overprotectiveness, control and inability to let the chick fly out of the nest. The love of a Moon-Pluto mother can be all-consuming and manipulative, although it is often hidden and subtle. In extreme cases and if the aspect is accurate, absorbing mother's love can really turn her into an evil witch or a vampire, into a mother who sucks vitality from your child. A mother who cares beyond measure, constantly invading the child’s personal space, not allowing him to have privacy, to have his own hidden place, his own secrets. Perhaps she is afraid that something terrible might happen to her child and that is why she is so obsessed with her protection. This applies to unfavorable Moon-Pluto aspects. Sometimes the role of a parent is played by a grandmother or grandfather, usually it is still a grandmother, and in this case the story is not so suffocating, but there are still roots along the powerful maternal line.

I think that the Moon-Pluto aspect can be associated with primary feelings. It is as if a person with a manifest aspect of these two planets in the horoscope is doomed to embody and transform some of the deepest instinctive feelings that are common to us all, perhaps in the collective subconscious. Feelings that the process of civilization has tried to expel from us, often in violent ways.

A person with a Moon-Pluto aspect tends to intrude on other people's feelings or in some cases is afraid to do so. This tendency to “invade” appears in a person, as if he needs access to someone’s personal feelings and personal space. Such an intrusion may or may not be appropriate, depending on the motive of the Moon-Pluto aspected individual. The motives are often related to the desire to establish intense emotional harmony, but there may also be a degree of suspicion. The Moon-Pluto person, fearing emotional attack, distrusts other people's motives as well as his own, and often wants to delve into the other person's psyche as a way to protect himself. Perhaps the philosophical principle of the aspects of Pluto, and in particular the Moon-Pluto, is as follows: If you know everything about another person, including his weaknesses, then he will not be able to do anything bad to you, because... you hold it in your hands. A person with a Moon-Pluto aspect can be very skilled at emotional blackmail.

A person with a Moon-Pluto aspect is often very sensitive to the abuse of power. Because This quality is well developed, this combination is very useful for those whose work involves articulating, accepting and transforming feelings and personal stories that have been kept secret. Consultant, therapist, biographer.

Perhaps the most difficult thing for a person with a Moon-Pluto aspect to do is to release their feelings. There is a strong desire to cleanse one’s “I” of all destructive emotions, anger, suspicion and jealousy, but with unfavorable aspects, the fear of releasing them is much stronger.

The life of such a person may not be calm or peaceful, but inner world and often the external ones are vital, multi-colored and rich. At best, a person with a Moon-Pluto aspect can learn a lot about himself as a result of ordinary everyday experiences.

I recently looked at the natal chart of a killer who took a life own mother. A good start articles, right? :) There was no intention to specifically look for this natal, but today the idea came to me to look through my huge database. And this map inspired me to write this article. After all, this killer has a square of the Moon and Pluto.


I won't go far. I started and will continue to describe my thoughts on this topic with my mother. I would really like to meet people who have intense Moon-Pluto aspects and have a good relationship with their mother. Because in all my research I have not been able to find people who could boast good relations with mom.

One of my clients successfully worked on this aspect. And you can also by ordering a consultation on working out

Mom is a powerful figure who controls every step. Relations with her can be either none or very bad. Maybe that's why people with the Moon-Pluto aspect are not eager to talk about their mother. can also give similar results.

Most often, people who have tense Moon-Pluto hide their emotional reactions. This does not mean that they give nothing away emotionally. They hide their emotions inside. I observed this effect in both fire and air Moons. Therefore, even the elements are not a hindrance for the planet of extremes.

I am often asked what to do if there is such aspectation? Firstly, I advise you to throw out your emotions through your intimate life. I once recommended something similar to an artist. After some time, he wrote that he felt much better. However, you won’t envy his other half now :)

Secondly, sports. Preferably a sport where you can, as they say, wave your arms as much as possible. Boxing, wushu, judo, karate, freestyle wrestling, etc. are suitable here. If the other indicators of the horoscope do not contradict, then you can extreme species sports, such as mountaineering, parachuting, parkour, racing, etc.

By the way, for men this is an indication that it will be especially important to them intimate life. Therefore, the punishment of abstinence with such men will be, to put it mildly, useless. Because they will find someone else.

This is not a direct indicator of cheating, but ladies need to keep this in mind. Especially with Pluto in Scorpio.

Naturally, there should be not only this aspect for betrayal, but a whole group of provisions, aspects. In case it is too, shall we say, abundant sex life does not suit you, then the man will need to be given access to other things according to Pluto. I described some of them above.


For women, the Moon is responsible for pregnancy in at least the 5th house. Therefore, the aspect with Pluto is extremely important in order to minimize the number of problems. You will be surprised, but this aspect appeared in my research on large families.

But almost every girl's pregnancy experience was not pleasant. Especially if the Moon does not have support from other aspects, or it is in the signs of Aquarius, Virgo, Gemini. It is advisable to look at the 5th house to be sure. In my practice, there are natals of girls with this aspect who had an abortion against their will, who became pregnant, but the fetus stopped developing.


The Moon has another meaning that I discovered for myself. These are childhood years. Usually the owners of this aspect do not like to talk about it. Because the experience, as you probably already understood, was not positive.

Some talked about a childhood in which there was no joy because of the divorce of mom and dad.

Others suffered as a result of raising relatives. There were many punishments and deprivations. Even when I was in school, I had a teacher. We see her often because we live nearby. One fine day she wanted to chat with me on social networks. We talked and she told me that as a child, her parents’ divorce came as a shock to her. Mom categorically forbade her father to visit her daughter. And the girl was very attached to her dad. She missed him madly and this memory became the most vivid of her childhood.

Sometimes such aspecting indicates that a person did not have the opportunity to enjoy ordinary childhood things. I have a relative who is a child now, but you should see this girl. She is such a hard worker and helps her mother so much! However, while visiting, I noticed that her time is almost entirely taken up by helping her mother and doing homework. She doesn’t really manage to play because she’s also in training. Those. she is constantly in some kind of tension. And she is only 10 years old.

Typically, children with this aspect are shy and behave much like an investigator in front of strangers. They're suspicious, they're watching to a stranger, to its disadvantages mainly,

The moon is also our food preferences. It’s difficult for me to describe in detail what they eat. Because I have never been able to figure this out yet. They categorically either do not trust this information or hide it. Therefore, I will be glad if you share their preferences in the comments. I only managed to find out that those with the Moon-Pluto aspect prefer not to eat out of hand. For example, I had a classmate with a Moon-Pluto square who never allowed himself to eat chips with his friends. He only ate what belonged to him or he knew that it was high-quality and sterile :) If at least one of the components is associated with the 6th house, then this may simply mean a diet.

The image of a woman in men

Here a man wants a passionate, jealous, sexy, domineering, fatal beauty. In her natal chart she may have Scorpio expressed or she may have a strong Pluto. Such a girl should not be a laughing, cheerful person.

She must be secretive and mysterious. Her hobbies may have to do with other people's money, the psychology of manipulation and psychoanalysis, mysticism or the otherworldly. The same may apply to her profession.

I have many examples when a man connected his life with an economist or businesswoman.

She can also work in the medical field. It will not be possible to specify the profession here, because I have seen too many different branches of medicine. One had a wife who was a nurse. My relative’s wife works as a gynecologist. Also at the consultation was a man whose wife works as a secretary in a hospital for the head physician. It seems that he is not a doctor, but he still works in a hospital.

Moon-Pluto in men's map indicates a profitable marriage from a financial point of view. I wrote this sentence and remembered one guy who is from the village, and his girlfriend is from the city. He moved in with her, she helps him in every possible way, both financially and morally. I looked into his natal chart, and there the Moon was conjunct Pluto in Scorpio. I have an assumption that this girl will become his wife :)

True, men usually are not, so to speak, in demand among the opposite sex with this aspect.

Maybe this is due to the complex emotional world of a man. Because he doesn’t let anyone near his heart. I'm not saying that such a male representative does not communicate with girls at all. On the contrary, there may be a lot of girls, but not all of them have relationships.

Find out the details of your personal horoscope I suggest on

From the position of the Moon in the horoscope one can conclude about travel, love of television, romance, and fantasy. For the Moon, aspects from other planets are important, in particular from the Sun and Mercury.

Main characteristics of the Moon in the horoscope

The Moon in the horoscope symbolizes our ability to become part of the whole, rather than trying to control its parts. It requires us to become exactly who we want to become.

Being a satellite of the Earth, the Moon moves faster than all other planets and passes through the zodiac in less than twenty-eight days.

She governs activities and professions related to children and everything related to the sea.

What do tense aspects of the Moon to other planets in a horoscope mean?

With unfavorable aspects - lack of will, non-resistance to instincts, fantasies, desires.

For teenagers, these are restlessness, mental restlessness, change of activities and games. They are absent-minded, and it is difficult for parents and educators to work with them. They have unbridled instincts and strong impressions.

In profession:

  • external anxiety;
  • trips,
  • walks,
  • change of location and apartment,
  • communication with the public, with the “people”, with the team.

Moon - Mercury

This man constantly suffers because of his long tongue. All his secrets are an open secret. The feeling that he is not given peace can lead him to painful states.

He is afraid to leave the house - and yet he cannot help but do so. The amount of bad news he hears is mind boggling. The gossip that everyone and everyone is spreading about him is monstrous. He is defenseless against anyone who has a microphone or pen in their hands.

He gets excited when he speaks, and maybe that’s why he forgets that he swore a thousand times to keep his mouth shut. He definitely needs to know where everything is, but people never tell him the truth.

He always comes last - because he turned the wrong corner and took an extra detour. He constantly loses something along the way and never remembers the direction given to him.

Moon - Venus

Unpleasant person. What is called - vulgar. In his appearance one can see a pretension to culture, but this is just that: a pretension.

Pathologically unable to maintain distance between himself and others, everywhere demonstrating personal interest in what he intends to do together with someone else.

People turn away from him - he seems to them greedy for other people's goods. Eternal victim of injustice. He clings to his own when he needs to get along with others.

And create beautiful relationship he never succeeds, just like setting the table.

Moon - Mars

Aggressive man. Throws himself at others out of fear. It is dangerous to turn your back on him. His attacks are always unexpected and inadequate, because he takes revenge for past grievances that you have already forgotten.

He is vindictive. He always acts in some kind of excitement, in a rather pathetic way, and always knows that he is too weak to fight honestly.

But what he wants to get seems vital to him, and dishonesty will not stop him. Selfish. And very dangerous for those who encroach on his loved ones.

Never offend those who depend on him if you want to live to old age. Accumulates resentment, although not for very long. Bites. He hits with what's at hand.

Will die in a collision with someone who is holding a real weapon.

Moon - Jupiter

His soul is broad, but too amorphous. He forgives himself everything. No one takes his needs seriously, and therefore everyone refuses to satisfy them.

Everything he asked for, they promised to give him without fail, but somehow they forgot about it amid other concerns. He has a feeling that he exists according to a residual principle: on you, God, what is not good for us.

He is afraid of poverty, and his idea of ​​the minimum that protects against hunger is such that normal people are afraid that he will gobble up all White light.

On the other hand, he is complacent, even too much so. And everyone who seems important to him can get whatever he wants from him.

Moon - Saturn

Life is short and full of hardships. This person is afraid to show his feelings, but cannot resist doing so. He's scared all the time.

Because his memory is never enough to retain the rules necessary for successful survival.

He again forgot to do something proper, and this will cause a disaster. He seems to like punishment. He is late.

Fulfills just enough requirements to keep him alive without achieving success. I would like to be precise - but it is almost impossible.

The situation he is dealing with is never what it should be - and it scares him to death because he doesn't know how to react to it.

He faints when he is called to his superiors with a report on the work done.

Moon - Uranus

This man feels like he lives on a volcano. Yes, so far everything is calm, no clouds of smoke or lava flows are visible. But he knows that the time will come - and everything will explode.

His behavior turns out to be very non-standard, while everything around is calm. But if there is a smell of disaster next to him, he instantly becomes completely normal, resourceful and nimble.

It turns out that all his oddities were absolutely necessary, because only with their help can he survive now.

Of all those who remained prosperous during quiet times, only he remains alive. Because he is never there where it is scary. This means that he is very mobile and does not stay in one place for a minute.

Is he paranoid? Tell this to those who lie under the rubble.

Moon - Neptune

Everyone needs something from him. People constantly come to his house asking to borrow money or to tell about their misfortunes.

In the store, he will be the one who gets the expired milk, because he will be distracted by some stupid customer with his questions.

Everyone strives to get under his wing. There will always be someone worse off than himself.

He cannot swim alone, because then the only one who can drown will be himself, and he will certainly do so.

Smells are important to him. His stomach is capricious, and poisoning is quite frequent in his life.

Moon - Pluto

The person behaves as if he is constantly threatened with death if he disobeys.

He will not want to agree that he is dangerous for armed commanders, because he is scared to even think about such things, but it is so. He is afraid of.

But this does not prevent him from constantly being in their rear. He stalks them as the weak stalks the strong, and waits for them to fall asleep before striking.

Because otherwise he cannot free himself from them. The feeling of danger almost never leaves him - that’s why he is so careful.

His reactions are inadequate, he explodes, reaching almost hysterics - but this does not happen often. Besides, he gets hit hard when he behaves like this. Prefers to remain silent most of the time.

But it is he who sits in ambush. And no one should forget about this.

Oppositions of the Moon in the horoscope

This aspect creates tension and conflict in your emotional nature.

You may experience difficulties in relationships with others emotional level and are always well aware that you need to develop in areas affected by the Moon's opposition.

Opposition Moon - Mercury

You talk too much about nothing, it's hard for you to find Right words to express your opinions and thoughts, and you have difficulty connecting emotionally with people.

As a result, you are indecisive and dissatisfied. Trines or sextiles to this opposition reduce its influence.

Opposition Moon - Venus

You sometimes put up emotional walls to protect yourself. It creates distance between you and the people you love and causes unnecessary trouble.

Your emotional sensitivity may stem from early childhood, when you felt unloved by your mother or a surrogate figure.

Your extravagance may be directly related to these feelings from early childhood.

Opposition Moon - Mars

You are too emotionally stressed. This leads to impulsiveness and makes you impatient, restless and flighty. There may be some hostility towards women in general.

In men it can manifest itself as cruelty towards women; in women - as an overly picky attitude towards other women.

Opposition Moon - Jupiter

You are too emotional. You spend a lot of energy worrying about little things.

You are very rigid about your religious and spiritual beliefs, protective of them emotionally and tend to interfere with emotional situations. Step back from your emotions.

Opposition Moon - Saturn

You are emotionally distant to protect yourself from other people. You are, so to speak, a turtle hiding in its shell.

This creates problems with other people, who may perceive you as aloof, even cold. You are driven by your professional ambitions.

Opposition Moon - Uranus

The emotional connection with this aspect often comes from an unstable childhood.

You are afraid of any emotional attachments, most often your relationships with others suddenly begin and end.

Parents with this aspect tend to be irresponsible; they quickly become bored with the responsibilities of raising children.

Opposition Moon - Neptune

You are a psychic sponge that absorbs the emotions and attitudes of the people around you. Be careful not to spend a lot of time with people who perceive everything negatively.

You tend to project your own emotional confusion onto other people, which makes it difficult to determine who is feeling what in your relationships.

Any health problems you may have stem from your early childhood and your beliefs.

Opposition Moon - Pluto

Your conflicts with others revolve around general finance and inheritance. You are also constantly trying to change the people around you.

A creative outlet for your emotional energy will be the most profitable.

Opposition Moon - North Lunar Node (conjunction to the South Node)

The belief patterns that hold you back come from early childhood and are deeply embedded in your psychological image. If you want to break these patterns, do it gently.

The house that occupies North node, will tell you what area of ​​your life you need to work on to overcome these patterns.

Opposition Moon - Ascendant

You are excellent at seeing the needs and desires of the public, which brings you professional benefits.

Most time you prefer the company of other people to loneliness; this is how you gain emotional prosperity.

Be careful as this tendency can make you dependent on your spouse or other people close to you.

Opposition Moon - Midheaven (conjunction to IC)

You are close to your parents and have fond memories of early childhood. The death of a parent can be a shocking experience.

You don't like being away from your family, so you may not accept a job that requires you to be away from them for long periods of time.

This may affect your career opportunities.

Opposition Moon - Point of Fortune

You feel dissatisfied with your luck and the success that your pot of gold brings you. To break this pattern, you need to learn to be grateful.

Moon squares in the horoscope

Moon squares often signify blocks in the unconscious, prejudices and habits that hinder your emotional expression.

This can affect your health, especially in a woman's horoscope.

Square Moon - Mercury

You talk too much. But you're so witty and light-hearted that people usually enjoy your company anyway.

The problem, however, is that you may talk about things that would be better kept to yourself, and at times your nervous chatter gets on people's nerves.

Overcome this obstacle by becoming more restrained and careful with your words.

Square Moon - Venus

You feel inferior to others and it makes you horny various kinds bad habits. You spend your money thoughtlessly, allow yourself to be taken advantage of, and are not very sociable.

With such a square, problems or delays in marriage may arise. Think before you act and strive to overcome your feelings of inferiority.

Square Moon - Mars

You take everything too personally, which inflates your emotionally fickle nature.

Your independence often reaches extremes, causing you problems with your parents in your youth and with your own family later. Avoid alcohol and drugs.

If you need to relieve stress, do physical exercise. According to astrologer Grant Levy, this aspect often manifests itself as early development in children.

Square Moon - Jupiter

You love touching stories. You cross lines with people you love and even strangers.

But you can afford to be extravagant because you believe that you have more than you need. The challenge is to overcome your appetites and extremes.

Square Moon - Saturn

Astrologers generally view this aspect unsympathetically, saying that it leads to depression, melancholy and emotional coldness.

But Grant Levy sees it differently, “This is perhaps the most powerful aspect that can be found in a horoscope. It gives you both ambition and the ability to focus on it.”

He admits that this aspect is accompanied by bursts of low mood and depression.

But he believes that the aspect is so strong that if it is supported by any other favorable aspect, "it will lead to success one way or another."

No single aspect makes or breaks a natal chart. With this square, you need to look at how it fits with the rest of the horoscope.

In one person it can lead to depression and poor health. But for someone else, it can serve as a descent that will lift a person to enormous professional heights.

Square Moon - Uranus

You are emotionally restless, jumping from one thing to another in search of the absolute. The problem is that you have not defined what is absolute for you. Your talents are extraordinary and reflect your individualism.

External circumstances sometimes throw you a curveball; a sudden accident, illness or some natural disaster. These events are your signs.

When you understand what they are telling you about yourself and your life, you will break the pattern.

Square Moon - Neptune

You are a dreamer who comes up with delightful tales and fantasies. But you are so impractical that you don’t know how to make this flight of fancy more concrete.

You feel emotionally confused most of the time. You need to become more grounded, set goals and do something with your life.

Don't give in to the power of imagination; guide him on a constructive path.

Square Moon - Pluto

Cool down. Take your time. Don't be so active. Life is not always an opposite, either/or.

You don't have to burn bridges between you and your family and other loved ones just to have your way.

Use yours psychic abilities and strong emotions to make more gradual changes in your life.

Square Moon - Nodes

This T-square configuration encourages you to overcome emotional and subconscious habits and biases.

If you don't do this, you will have problems with women and you will not be able to fulfill your ambitions.

Square Moon - Ascendant

You have problems with emotional expression. As a result, you feel difficult partnerships, marriage and family.

If you can become aware of your habitual behavior and its patterns, you will be on the path to changing it and releasing it.

Square Moon - Midheaven and IC

Apparently, domestic problems get in the way of professional ambitions. This leads to dissatisfaction, which only exacerbates the original problems.

The source of trouble is not somewhere outside. It lies somewhere in your subconscious behavior patterns; That's what other people are responding to.

Square Moon - Point of Fortune

Your emotional dissatisfaction distracts you from the areas of your life in which you are successful. Go within yourself and find the habitual patterns of behavior that are holding you back.

It will tell about the struggle of contradictions within a person himself. Since Pluto, which is a conflict planet, is involved in this tense configuration, fighting qualities are clearly manifested in the character of the subject.

Responsible for internal state The native, under the influence of the impulsive and energetic, becomes less secretive and self-absorbed. The owner of the aspect does not hesitate to show his emotions, both positive and negative. He openly tells the whole world about his most intimate experiences, and such behavior often brings the subject, albeit scandalous, fame.

The influence of opposition on a person’s character and behavior

A person with the opposition aspect of the Moon and Pluto has a strong character, charisma, high ambitions and well-expressed leadership qualities. He loves to be in public, talk about his achievements and share the joys of life, but sometimes others think that this person is too much.

In addition, if the owner of the aspect is in bad mood, then his irritation, dissatisfaction, anger and indignation immediately become public property. Such people certainly want others to share their emotions and spiritual impulses.

In his home, such a person is used to deciding everything at his own discretion. Household members consider him a dictator and a tyrant, but in reality it turns out that everything in the family rests on the owner of the aspect. The native knows how to act independently, control the processes around him, give out instructions and inspire others to a common cause.

Opposition Moon – Pluto in a man’s natal chart

If a man’s birth chart has this configuration, then this will tell about the authoritarian character, jealousy and possessive tendencies that he demonstrates in relationships with the opposite sex. It is interesting that his partners include strong-willed, decisive and headstrong women, and in the union, thus, a situation of competition and struggle arises.

In order for a relationship to develop successfully, you need to avoid open pressure and dictate. It is advisable that the areas of activity and responsibility of such partners do not overlap. This is the only way each of them can feel their importance and leadership position.

Opposition Moon – Pluto in a woman’s natal chart

A woman with this aspect has a strong will, an ambitious character and natural magnetism that attracts fans to her.

It is important for the owner of the horoscope to be the first in everything and to win success in all areas of life available to her. Despite the fact that her complex character prevents her from building harmonious relationships with partners (both marriage and business), she still goes ahead towards her success and, as a rule, achieves her goal, becoming popular, loved and in demand.

Opposition Moon - Pluto in the children's horoscope

A child whose natal chart contains the opposition of the Moon and Pluto will surprise adults with his independence, assertiveness and energy. There is no need to put a spoke in his wheels, especially since the baby is confident in his desires and knows how to solve the task. And only full bumps and broken knees will tell such a child that sometimes it would be nice to listen to the advice and warnings of more knowledgeable and experienced people.

Adults need to make it clear to the little owner of the aspect that they are worthy leaders and their decisions can be trusted. This will lead to trust in parents, a desire to imitate them, and, at an older age, the need to achieve successes and heights in life that are no less significant than theirs.

Moon and Pluto in different zodiac signs

Interesting astrological combination is the opposition formed by the Moon in Taurus and Pluto in Scorpio. Both luminaries here are strong in quality, and therefore the native has all the prerequisites for success in material and financial affairs. Despite the somewhat authoritarian and harsh character of the owner of the horoscope, he has every chance of creating strong family. There will be prosperity, comfort and well-being in his home.

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