Home Flowers Russian language and culture of speech. Orthoepic and accentological norms: Orthoepic norms. Orthoepic norms and errors of speech

Russian language and culture of speech. Orthoepic and accentological norms: Orthoepic norms. Orthoepic norms and errors of speech

Competent oral speech is a guarantee successful communication. The ability to correctly express your thoughts will help not only when applying for a job or in business negotiations, but also in Everyday life. But in order to perfectly master oral speech, it is necessary to know and observe the orthoepic norms of the Russian language. This is what our article will be devoted to.

What is orthoepy?

The word "orthoepy" consists of two Greek roots - "orthos" and "epos", which are translated as "correct" and "speech". That is, the science of correct speech- that's what orthoepy is.

Graphic abbreviations

Graphic abbreviations include initials next to the surname, volume or distance designations, for example, liters (l), meters (m), also pages (s) and other similar abbreviations that serve to save space in printed text. All these truncated words when reading must be deciphered, that is, you need to pronounce the word in full.

The use of graphic abbreviations in a conversation can be assessed as a speech error or irony, which may be appropriate only in certain circumstances.

Names and patronymics

Orthoepic norms The Russian language is also regulated by the peculiarities of the pronunciation of names and patronymics. Note that the use of patronymics is typical only for our language. In Europe, such a concept does not exist at all.

The use of the full name and patronymic of a person is necessary under different circumstances, both verbally and in writing. Especially often such appeals are used in a working environment and official documents. Such an appeal to a person can also serve as a marker of the degree of respect, especially when talking with older and older people.

Most of the Russian-speaking names and patronymics have several pronunciations, which can vary, among other things, from the degree of closeness with the person. For example, when meeting for the first time, it is desirable to pronounce the name and patronymic of the interlocutor clearly, as close as possible to writing.

However, in other cases, the orthoepic norms of the Russian language (pronunciation norms) provide for the historically established in oral speech way of use.

  • Patronymics ending in "-evna", "-ievich". In female versions, it is necessary to observe the written form, for example, Anatolyevna. In men's - let's say a short version: Anatolyevich / Anatolievich.
  • On "-aevich" / "-aevna", "-eevich" / "-eevna". For both men and female options a short version is allowed: Alekseevna / Aleksevna, Sergeevich / Sergeich.
  • On "-ovich" and "-ovna". In the male version, the contraction of the form is permissible: Alexandrovich / Alexandrich. In women's - necessarily full pronunciation.
  • IN female patronymics, formed from names ending in "n", "m", "v", are not pronounced [s]. For example, instead of Efimovna - Efimna, Stanislavovna - Stanislavna.

How to pronounce borrowed words

Orthoepic norms of the Russian language also regulate the rules of pronunciation foreign words. This is due to the fact that in a number of cases the laws of the use of Russian words are violated in borrowed ones. For example, the letter "o" in unstressed syllables is pronounced the same as if it were in strong position: oasis, model.

Also, in some foreign words, the consonants before the softening vowel "e" remain hard. For example: code, antenna. There are also words with a variable pronunciation, where you can pronounce "e" both firmly and softly: therapy, terror, dean.

In addition, for borrowed words, the stress is fixed, that is, it remains unchanged in all word forms. Therefore, if you encounter difficulties with pronunciation, it is better to refer to the orthoepic dictionary.

Accentological norm

Now let's take a closer look at orthoepic and accentological norms Russian language. To begin with, let's figure out what an accentological norm is. This is the name of the rules for placing stress in a word.

In Russian, the stress is not fixed, as in most European ones, which not only enriches speech and increases the possibilities of a language game, but also provides great opportunities for violating the accepted norm.

Let's consider the function that unfixed stress performs. So it is:

  • gives an opportunity for stylistic coloring words (silver - silver) and the emergence of professionalisms (compass - compAs);
  • provides for a change in the etymology (meaning) of the word (meli - meli, Atlas - atlas);
  • allows you to change morphological features words (pines - pines).

Also, the placement of stress can change the style of your speech. So, for example, the word "girl" will refer to the literary, and "girl" - to the neutral.

There is also a class of such words, the variability of stress in which does not carry any semantic load. For example, Butt - butt, barge - barge. The emergence of these exceptions is due to the lack of a single norm and equal existence of the dialect and literary language.

Also, the stress in some words may just be an obsolete form. For example, music - music, employee - employee. In fact, you are only changing the accent, but in fact you are starting to speak with an outdated syllable.

Most often, the placement of stress in a word has to be remembered, since the existing rules do not regulate all cases. In addition, sometimes a violation of the literary norm can become an individual author's technique. This is often used by poets to make a line of poetry sound more even.

However, one should not assume that accentology is included in the orthoepic norms of the Russian language. The stress and its correct setting are too extensive and difficult topic, therefore, it is usually taken out in a special section and studied separately. For those who wish to become more familiar with the topic and exclude violations of the norm of stressing from their speech, it is recommended to acquire spelling dictionary.


It would seem that it can be difficult to speak mother tongue? In fact, most of us have no idea how many norms of the Russian language are violated daily.

Orthoepic norms regulate the pronunciation of individual sounds in different phonetic positions, in combination with other sounds, as well as their pronunciation in certain grammatical forms, groups of words or in individual words.

It is important to maintain uniformity in pronunciation. Spelling errors affect the listener's perception of speech: they distract his attention from the essence of the presentation, can cause misunderstanding, indignation and irritation. Pronunciation, which corresponds to orthoepic standards, greatly facilitates and speeds up the process of communication.

Orthoepic norms are determined by the phonetic system of the Russian language. Each language has its own phonetic laws that regulate the pronunciation of words.

The basis of the Russian literary language, and hence the literary pronunciation, is the Moscow dialect.

In Russian orthoepy, it is customary to distinguish between "senior" and "junior" norms. "older" norm preserves the features of the old Moscow pronunciation of individual sounds, sound combinations, words and their forms. "Junior" norm reflects the features of modern literary pronunciation.

Let us turn to the basic rules of literary pronunciation that must be observed.

Pronunciation of vowels.

In Russian speech, only vowels that are under stress are pronounced clearly: s [a] d, v [o] lk, d [o] m. Vowels that are in an unstressed position lose clarity and clarity. It's called the law of reduction (from Latin reducire to reduce).

Vowels [a] and [o] at the beginning of the word without stress and in the first pre-stressed syllable, they are pronounced as [a]: deer - [a] laziness, being late - [a] p [a] to build, forty - from [a] rock.

In an unstressed position (in all unstressed syllables, except for the first pre-stressed one) after hard consonants in place of the letter o pronounced short (reduced) obscure sound, the pronunciation of which in different positions ranges from [s] to [a]. Conventionally, this sound is denoted by the letter [b]. For example: side - side [b] rona, head - g [b] fishing, dear - d [b] horn, gunpowder - por [b] x, gold - gold [b] t [b].

After soft consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable in place of letters a, e, i pronounce sound, middle between [e] and [and]. Conventionally, this sound is indicated by the sign [and e]: language - [and e] language, pen - p [and e] ro, hours - h [and e] sy.

Vowel [and]
after a solid consonant, preposition, or when the word is fused with the previous one, it is pronounced as [s]: pedagogical institute - pedagogical [s] institute, to Ivan - to [s] van, laughter and tears - laughter [s] tears. In the presence of a pause, [and] does not turn into [s]: laughter and tears.

Pronunciation of consonants.

The main laws of pronunciation of consonants in Russian - stun and likeness.

voiced consonants, standing before the deaf and at the end of words, are stunned- this is one of characteristic features Russian literary speech. We pronounce table [p] - pillar, snow [k] - snow, hand [f] - sleeve, etc. It should be noted that the consonant [g] at the end of the word always turns into a deaf sound paired with it [k ]: smo[k] - could, dr[k] - friend, etc. The pronunciation in this case of the sound [x] is considered as a dialect. The exception is the word god - bo[x].

[G] pronounced like [X] in combinations gk and gch: le [hk "] y - easy, le [hk] o - easy.

Deaf consonants before voiced ones are pronounced as their corresponding voiced ones: [z] give - hand over, pro [z "] ba - request.

In the pronunciation of words with a combination of ch, there is a fluctuation, which is associated with a change in the rules of the old Moscow pronunciation. According to the norms of the modern Russian literary language, the combination ch that's how it's usually pronounced [h], this is especially true for words of book origin (endless, careless), as well as for relatively new words (camouflage, landing). Chn is pronounced like [sn] in female patronymics on -ichna: Kuzmini[shn]a, Lukini[shn]a, Ilini[shn]a, and is also preserved in separate words: horse[shn]o, sku[shn]no, re[shn]itsa, yai[shn]itsa, square[shn]ik, etc.

Some words with the combination ch in accordance with the norm have a double pronunciation: order [shn] o and order [ch] o, etc.

In some words, instead of h be pronounced [w]: [w] something, [w] something, etc.

The letter g in the endings -whoa-, -his- reads like [in]: niko [in] o - no one, mine [in] o - mine.

Final -tsya and -tsya verbs are pronounced like [tssa]: smile [tsa] - smiles.

Pronunciation of borrowed words.

As a rule, borrowed words obey modern orthoepic norms and only in some cases differ in features in pronunciation. For example, the pronunciation of the sound [o] is sometimes preserved in unstressed syllables (m[o] del, [o] asis) and solid consonants before the vowel [e]: an [te] nna, ko [de] ks, ge [ne] tika ). In most borrowed words, before [e], the consonants are softened: k[r"]em, aka[d"]emiya, faculty[t"]et, mu[z"]ee, shi[n"]spruce. Consonants g, k, x is always softened before [e]: ma [k "] em, [g "] eyzer, [k "] egli, s [x"] ema.

Variant pronunciation is allowed in the words: dean, therapy, claim, terror, track.

You should pay attention and for setting the accent. Stress in Russian is not fixed, it is mobile: in different grammatical forms of the same word, the stress can be different: ruká - ruku, accepted - accepted, end - final - finish.

In most cases, you need to contact orthoepic dictionaries of the Russian language, in which the pronunciation of words is given. This will help to better master the pronunciation norms: before putting into practice any word that causes difficulties, look into pronouncing dictionary and learn how it (the word) is pronounced.

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The basic law of orthoepy in the section on the pronunciation of vowel sounds of the Russian language is reduction law(weakened articulation) of all unstressed vowels.

In Russian speech, only stressed vowels are pronounced in full accordance with the phonetic norm. All unstressed vowels are pronounced with weakened articulation, less clearly and for a long time, and sometimes even replaced by other vowels, also reduced. So, the vowels A and O at the beginning of a word without stress and in the first pre-stressed syllable are pronounced as [a]: ravine - [a] enemy, autonomy - [a] vt [a] nomia, milk - milk [a] ko.

In the remaining unstressed syllables (i.e., in all unstressed syllables, except for the first pre-stressed one), in place of the letters O and A after solid consonants, a very short (reduced) obscure sound is pronounced, which in different provisions fluctuates from a pronunciation close to [s] to a pronunciation close to [a]. Conventionally, this sound is denoted as [ъ]. For example: head - g [b] fishing, watchman - stor [b] f.

Ex. 55. Say the following words in accordance with the norms of the literary language: without opening your mouth wide when pronouncing the sound [a] in the first pre-stressed syllable and without increasing its duration, as is often done by the inhabitants of Voronezh.

Mol about ko, gov about ryat, sk but zhi, x about chu, s but than, m about rkov, st but can, V about ronezh, p about gift, p about walked, p about years, liter but tour, b but run, tr but wa, r but yon, M about squa, sl about wa, b but lance, d about fidelity to about tract, m about ral, n about tarius, about kaziya, p about slannik, r but list..

Ex. 56. Say the following words, mark with a phonetic transcription mark what sound is pronounced in place of the selected letter.

P but rum, in about doi, to about fall, about be ashamed, x about wire, about chase, d about bull, with about sleep, n but carry, count about count, zap but X, about blah, r but nenie, baht but rhea, to about concert, affairs about, about operation, about pekun, juice about l, negligent about st, adequate about, many about, but renda, but render, but tm about sphere, bl but G about tv about zeal, to but ndid but tour, to but T but stanza, pr about in about cation.

Akanye(i.e. indistinguishability in unstressed syllables of sounds transmitted by the letters O and A) is bright distinctive feature Russian literary pronunciation. Pronunciation, different from literary, is found in territorial dialects, dialects. So, in North Russian dialects, it is possible to use the sound [o] in unstressed syllables (in this case, the pronunciation coincides with the spelling of the letter O). This pronunciation is called by the river.

Pronunciation of vowels [e] and [o], denoted by the letters E and E after soft consonants, it sometimes causes difficulty, since the letter Ё is usually depicted without dots in print and in writing. The pronunciation of the stressed vowel after soft consonants in place of the letter E or Y has to be memorized

Remember the pronunciation of the following words:

E [, e] Yo [, o]

athlete faded


being maneuvers

wandering solvent


faded point

guardianship donated

settled worthless

successor newborn

multi-temporal mercenary

Ex. 57. What sound ([o] or [e]) is pronounced under stress in following words? When performing the exercise, use the spelling dictionary. Say the words several times.

Hopeless, faded, grenadier, bile, worthless, simultaneous, eponymous, successor, heterogeneity, junkman, maneuver, whitish, slatted, athlete, being, guardianship, numb, point, clothed, enclosing, bringing, glider, pronominal, newborn, settled, solvent.

Ex. 58. Determine the meaning of words depending on the pronunciation. Make up phrases with them.

Iron - piece of iron; expired - expired; sky - sky; case - case; announced - announced.

Basic laws of pronunciation of consonants - stun And assimilation.

In Russian speech, voiced consonants are obligatory stunned at the end of a word (for example: bread - bread [n], garden - sa [t], dividend - dividend [t]). This stunning is one of the characteristic features of Russian literary speech.

In a combination of voiced and deaf consonants or deaf and voiced, the first of them is likened to the second, that is, either the first sound is deafened (for example: cork - about [n] ka, leg - but [w] ka), or its voicing (for example: surrender - [h] cottage, ruin - [h] ruin). Before the consonants [l], [m], [n], [p] and [c] there is no likening. Words are pronounced as they are written: light [tl] o, [shw] dig.

In the pronunciation of words with a combination of CHN, fluctuations are observed.

ChN is pronounced as [ch] in most Russian words. This is especially true for words of book origin (greedy, careless), as well as for words that appeared in the recent past (camouflage, landing).

CHN is pronounced as [shn] in the following words: of course, boring, scrambled eggs, on purpose, birdhouse, fiddling and in female patronymics on -ichna: Lukinichna, Fominichna and etc.

Some words with a combination ch in accordance with modern norms of the literary language, they are pronounced in two ways: bulo[shn]aya And bulo [ch] th, kopee [shn] th And kopee [ch] th, orderly [shn] th And decent.

IN individual cases different pronunciation combinations ch serves for semantic differentiation of words: heart [ch] th blow - heart [shn] th friend.

The combination of CHT in modern Russian is pronounced like [pcs] in the word what and its derivatives ( nothing, something, to, anything etc.), except for the word something[Thurs]. In all other cases, the orthographic CHT is always pronounced as [th]: dream, mail, insignificant.

In most borrowed words, in accordance with the rules of pronunciation before E, the consonants are softened: ka[t"] no, pa [t"] efon, [s"] series, [r"] vector. Always before E, back-lingual consonants G, K, X are softened: pa [k "e] t, [g "e] rtsog, s [x "e] ma. The sound [l] is also usually pronounced softly in this position: [l "e] di, mo [l "e] kula, ba [l "e] t. However, in a number of words of foreign origin, the hardness of consonants before E is preserved: o [te] l, co [de] ks, biz [ne] s, [te] st, bu [te] rbrod, sw [te] r.

Stress norms

stress- this is the selection of one of the syllables in the word by amplifying the voice. assimilation correct stress is associated with a number of difficulties due to its peculiarities in the Russian language. The first feature of Russian stress is that the stress in Russian words is not attached to a specific syllable in the word. This accent is called free (various), it can be on any syllable of the word: the first (will, city, sharp), the second (freedom, nature, writing, beautiful), the third (young, milk, watchmaker).

The second feature of Russian stress is his mobility, its ability to change its place depending on the form of the word. For example, the verb understand in indefinite form has an accent on the second syllable, in the past tense in the masculine gender it moves to the first syllable - understood, and in feminine- for the last - understood. There are a lot of such words with moving stress in Russian. Usually, the transfer of stress is associated with the use of a certain grammatical form.

The third feature of Russian stress is his variability over time.

Words ghost, symbol, autograph, bus, agent, agony, epigraph, plowing, disarm, shop, case and others in the 19th century had a different emphasis, which is now regarded as obsolete.

4. Equal and unequal variants of the word.

The process of changing the accent is happening in our time. As a result of this process, some words have two variants of stress. Variants of a word that differ in the setting of stress can be equal And unequal.

Equal options are equally correct, normative: ne "aphid t - loop", ba "rzh - barge", those "fteli - meatballs". There are few such equal options in modern Russian.

Unequal options are of two types.

In the first case, one option is recognized as the main, preferred, and the second is assessed as additional, less desirable, but still within the literary language. Such acceptable options are used in colloquial speech or are outdated. For example: cookery "riya- add. culinary "I (colloquial), o" tdal- add. gave "l (colloquial), Ukrainian"- add. Ukrainian "Indian (obsolete), industry" I- add. industry "striya (obsolete), gathered- add. gathered" (obsolete). It should be borne in mind that words with a colloquial accent are unacceptable in official speech and formal communication situations. Compare, for example, options contract "r, contract" ry (lit.) And to "talk, agreement" (colloquial).

The second type of unequal options concerns cases where one option is literary, normalized, and the second is outside the literary norm. Non-literary (incorrect) are colloquial and slang variants of stress. For example: document "nt - document" ment (simple), quart "l - qua" rtal (simple), start "t - on" chat (simple), extract "cha - to" bull (slang) The category of non-literary includes options, the specific stress in which is traditionally accepted only in some narrowly professional environment. In any other setting, such options are perceived as a mistake. For example: and "skra - spark"(for engineers) epile "psia - epilepsy" i(for doctors) to "mpas - compa" with(for sailors) chassis "- sha" ssi(for pilots).

Ex. 13.Determine which sound ([o] or [e]) is pronounced under stress in the following words? Where necessary, put two dots above the e. Use reference materials and spelling dictionary.

Scam, whitish, being, icy, powdered, numb, short-haired, pronominal, polygamist, bewildered, newborn, everyday life, simultaneous, eponymous, guardianship, settled, edge, condemned, disconnected, faded, valued, overvalued, solvent, whitewashed, tamed, multi-temporal, beet, junk, lye.

Ex. fourteen.mDistribute words into 3 groups: 1) pronunciation of combinations th, thu like [sh, pcs]; 2) pronunciation as [ch, th]; 3) with variant pronunciationch like [ch] and [shn]. When completing the task, use the spelling dictionary.

Dvoechnik, Ilyinichna, of course, cheap, camouflage, milky, on purpose, something, Nikitichna, milky, dishonorable, because, gingerbread, wheaten, Savvichna, hearty (strike), hearty (friend), birdhouse, boring, reference, so that, scrambled eggs .

Ex. 15. Determine the nature of the pronunciation of the consonant before E. Divide these words into 2 columns: words with a solid pronunciation of the consonant before E and with soft pronunciation. Separately indicate words with variant pronunciation. Check the spelling dictionary.

Academy, brunet, devaluation, decade, deanery, de jure, de facto, dispensary, identical, interview, code, cocktail, colloquium, congress, consensus, coffee, credo, cream, criterion, compartment, mayonnaise, museum, press, press conference, protégé, sweater, session, thesis, theme, timbre, tempo, trend, awning, tennis, therapist, test, dash, brown-haired, highway, external, essence, esthete, effect.

Ex. 16.Divide the words into two groups depending on the pronunciation of the double consonant. Does the place of stress affect the pronunciation of a double consonant? When completing the assignment, use the spelling dictionary.

Chord, neat, antenna, assistant, association, bath, grammar, flu, group, differentiate, factor, correspondent, cool, mass, metal, billion, operetta, passenger, Saturday, symmetrical, terrace, track, effect.

Ex. 17.Place the stresses on the following words. In case of difficulty, refer to the spelling dictionary.

Alphabet, asymmetry, scam, indulge, spoiled, bureaucracy, religion, wax (crayons), (buy) at exorbitant prices, carbonated, stamped, glazed, dirt (road), cousin, dispensary, contract, production, leisure, enviable, calling, calling , cork up, pampered, blinds, catalogue, block, pantry, college, compass, nettle, prettier, marketing, masterfully, chute, provision, facilitate, encourage, wholesale, kind of, pizzeria, call, shell, closed, concentration, facilities, deepen , ukrainian, phenomenon, solicitation, hosts, sorrel.

Ex. eighteen.Put emphasis. Try to formulate the pattern of stress in these forms in the form of a rule.

1. Merry - merry, merry, merry, merry; cheap - cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap; expensive - roads, roads, expensive, road; right - right, right, right, right; young - young, young, young, young;

2. Taken - taken, taken, taken, taken; sold - sold, sold, sold, sold; started - started, started, started, started; accepted - accepted, accepted, accepted, accepted; created - created, created, created, created;

3. Take - took, took, took, took; take - took, took, took, took; occupy - occupied, occupied, occupied, occupied; start - started, started, beginning, beginning; understand - understood, understood, understood, understood.

Ex. 19.Form verbs and participles from nouns. Break out the accents.

Sample: premium - reward, rewarded.

Copy, bronze, brand, standard, armor, seal.

Ex. twenty. From given nouns form the form genitive singular and put emphasis.

Bow, coat of arms, door, goulash, cake, goose, wand, cake, nursery garden.

Questions for self-control

1. What norms are called orthoepic?

2. What are the characteristics of Russian stress?

3. What functions are inherent in Russian stress?

4. What are the orthoepic norms for the literary pronunciation of vowels?

5. What are the orthoepic norms for the literary pronunciation of consonants?

6. What are the reasons for the soft and hard pronunciation of consonants before the vowel E?

7. What are the reasons for the different pronunciation of the combination CHN in modern Russian?

Test tasks

1. The correct stress is in the forms of verbs:

BUT) put on

B) call

IN) cough

G) calls

2. Stress in nouns is correct:

BUT) bureaucracy

B) blinds

IN) phenomenon

G) intention

3. Accent is correct in adjectives:

BUT) moldy

B) oat

IN) simultaneous

G) Ukrainian

Orthoepic norms of the Russian language- this is a whole set of rules that regulate pronunciation. It is thanks to orthoepic norms that the language acquires beauty, sonority and melody. Orthoepy (Greek orthos - correct, epos - speech) is not only a section of the language that regulates and classifies everything orthoepic norms, these are also the norms of the language themselves, which have developed over many centuries.

The Russian language that we first heard in childhood became so relatively recently, as modern language norms formed to mid-seventeenth century, and they were based on the norms of the Moscow city spoken language. Since that time, despite the constant development of the Russian language, orthoepic norms have undergone relatively minor changes.

Orthoepy is a section that is mandatory for study, since knowing orthoepic norms not only future poets and writers need it - it is necessary in everyday life. The person who allows spelling errors, can cause misunderstanding of others, or, worse, indignation and irritation. On the other hand, correct pronunciation speaks about the level of education of the speaker. So, consider the basic rules of ideal literary pronunciation.

Pronunciation of vowels.

Clearly and clearly in Russian only those vowels that are under stress. The pronunciation of other sounds in the word is regulated reduction law (lat.reducere - reduce). This law explains the less clear and less clear pronunciation of unstressed vowels in a word. Consider the manifestation of the law of reduction.

Sounds [about] And [but] are pronounced like [but] if they are at the beginning of a word, but in an unstressed position: d[a]horns, [a]laziness, [a]drive. In other cases, when the letter "about" is in an unstressed position and follows a solid consonant, it is read as a short obscure reduced sound, something in between [s] And [but](depending on position): g [b] lova, st [b] ron, t [b] lokno. It's the sound [b] in transcription, this reduced sound is conditionally indicated. If there is a soft consonant at the beginning of the word , then the following letters "but" , "e" and "i" read as a cross between [e] And [And](the lips at the same time stretch, as if to pronounce [And] but pronounced [e]): p [and e] ro - pen, s [and e] ro - gray, [and e] language - language.

After a solid consonant, preposition, or in a continuous phrase, the letter "And" pronounced sound [s]: laughter [s] tears - laughter and tears, pedagogical [s] institute - pedagogical institute, to [s] vanu - to Ivan. In the case of the phrase "laughter and tears" "And" can also be pronounced like [And], if the phrase is not pronounced together, but an intonational pause is made at the place of the union.

Orthoepic norms for the pronunciation of consonants.

When pronouncing consonants, other laws apply as orthoepic norms: assimilation And stuns. So, if a voiced consonant is at the end of a word or before a deaf , then he is stunned: dru [k] - friend, hand [f] - sleeve, smo [x] - could. As you can already understand, as a result of stunning [G] pronounced like [to], [b] how [P], [in] how [f], [h] how [from]. In combinations "gk" and "gch" [g] is read as [X]: le [hk] o, le [hh] e. If the situation is radically opposite, that is, there is a deaf consonant before the voiced consonant, then, on the contrary, it is likened to the voiced vowel corresponding to it: pro[s"]ba, [h]give.

Separately, it must be said about the combination "ch". This combination in the old Moscow pronunciation always sounded like [sn]. Today, in most cases, it is still pronounced as [h], but there are a few exceptions:

  1. In female patronymics: Lukini[shn]a, Kuzmini[shn]a.
  2. In single words: Skvore[shn]ik, bore[shn]o, yai[shn]itsa and etc.

Consonant pronunciation [h] in the words "what" and "something" is usually considered a sign of some dialect, because normally "h" stunned and replaced by [w]. Also changing "G" on the [in] in the words “who”, “what”, “some”, etc. To the sound [ tss] the ending of the verbs “-tsya” and “-tsya” changes: dare[cc]a, return[cc]a.

Words of foreign origin.

Orthoepic norms of the literary language in case the word is of foreign origin, for the most part remain the same as in the case of native Russian words. But still there are some features of the pronunciation of borrowed words:

  • Lack of sound reduction [about]: m[o]del, [o]asis.
  • Despite the softening of most consonants before "e", softening does not occur in some words: ant[e]nna, gene[e]tika.
  • In some words of foreign origin, both options are allowed - both consonant softening and no softening: therapist, terror, claim, etc..

stress in Russian is not static and can change due to a change in the form of a word, case, and much more. In order to find out the correct pronunciation of a particular word, as well as to find out which syllable will be stressed correctly, you can look at orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language. Such dictionaries can become real helpers for those who want to learn how to speak correctly and beautifully.

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