Home Berries Life values. What are life values ​​- how are they formed

Life values. What are life values ​​- how are they formed

Life values ​​organize human life. The individual may define important concepts himself, but after that they govern his behavior. This is a set of internal rules, something that a person monitors compliance with independently.

Values, criteria and basis for their growth

You can't think that life values always play in life essential role. Few people actually follow them. Values ​​are discussed in conversations, but living every second to realize your values ​​is not easy, not everyone can do this.

From a physiological point of view, a person exists to satisfy his needs, is guided by his habits and shows emotions when faced with phenomena that do not satisfy him. The values ​​of many people exist only in words, their implementation is not carried out. For them, life is determined by simple physiological mechanisms. It is necessary to become a person, and for this you will have to develop your own values. Thus, important life values ​​require the achievement of a certain personality base.

Criteria for true intrinsic values:

  • They are dear to man, he is ready to stand up for them.
  • There must be awareness in their choice, because the person must observe them without reminders.
  • The positivity of values ​​causes pride in a person.

The important point is understanding. It is impossible to change life on your deathbed, so be aware of the interest and necessity of your life rules while there is time. If you know for sure what you want and value most, fill every day of your life with it.

Formation of values

If on New Year's Eve you remember everything that happened in the past and dream of what you should do in the new year, then this is the most right time define life values. Write down everything that is important to you, and then it remains only to monitor compliance with this. A sign of a truly developed personality is if a person is guided in his actions and deeds by his values. The latter determine the goals, plans and the future of a person grow out of them. More deliberate action - more active growth personality.

Everyone has their own unique set of internal rules. Usually the formation of life values ​​occurs before the onset of twelve years. We are influenced by parents, school and teachers, surrounding culture, etc. Values ​​can be formed after their awareness and full acceptance. Complete personality has ordered life values. She understands what is most important and comes first, and what is placed below or serves other purposes. Coincidence in the list of values ​​contributes to the improvement of relations between people, and significant deviations give rise to conflict. Life values ​​arise in childhood, thanks to the atmosphere that surrounds us. The natural formation of new values ​​can occur by involving the individual in other conditions of life, where new block values ​​are critically needed for him.

Categories of values

What else is known about basic life values? Can they be counted? The whole list of life values ​​is extensive, but everything is subject to classification. The synton approach groups the basic life values ​​of a normal person into three circles:

  • Related to work, business, business.
  • Related to relationships and personal life.
  • Responsible for their own development.

These parts can be considered in more detail.


Entertainment and relaxation, love, excitement. This is joy and separation, enjoyment and life to the fullest. Your possible trip to the country of dreams, where you will find the sea and sand, for example, or mountains and snow. Playing roulette when everything is at stake, poker or a bet. Romantic cozy meetings in coffee houses, taking place in the twilight with a loved one nearby.


Children, family, common understanding. Long, stable relationship of a loving couple. The question of fathers and children, eternal friendship and loved ones. Included in this category is the value of relationships with other people in general. In addition, love is present here, but it has a different character, not passionate, but caring, affectionate and respectful. It is the joy of meeting with children and spouse after a long day at work. This is the patient sons' help to elderly parents when they are unable to cope even with ordinary affairs.


Comfort, money, home. This group concerns a stable life and order. It concerns two concepts at once. "Comfort, money, home" are essential for the family, and also support a good rest. Secondly, financial question affects the category "Work, business, business". For furnishing new apartment The newlyweds are going to Ikea. They are forced to spend a lot of time there, because everything they want is too expensive, and their budget is limited.


Own projects and affairs. What do you spend your day on? What do you do at work? What's on your mind before you fall asleep? In this category there is everything that relates to your ideas, plans and work, your development. The teenager is fond of video and photography. He carefully sought out the best shots. Ten years later, the man has achieved incredible success and shoots videos. His next step is directing.


Power, career, status. The thirst for gaining a higher position in society, new influences and open doors. The businessman acquires more and more expensive cars, emphasizing their prestige. The model goes shopping only in branded stores. They demonstrate their position in society, because so much effort has been spent to achieve it.


Professional development at work, self-education. The fulfillment of their professional tasks is complicated without the proper level of education and the necessary experience. For this reason, the qualification covers the category "Work, business, business". Improving education and improving skills leads to the development of a person as a person. The stylist carefully considers the appearance of celebrities on the red carpet, because it is important for him to get acquainted with the latest fashion trends.


Development of psychological and social skills, personal growth. Development category individual characteristics. Personal growth leads to conscious conclusions, increased attention to family and friends. Social skills mean the ability to behave in society, find mutual language with different people. Psychological skills - dealing with your fears, controlling emotions, clarity of thought. People immediately appear next to a person when he monitors the manifestations of his feelings, is attentive to others.


Health, beauty, development in harmony. Slenderness, care for appearance, good physical shape, ability to dance and grace - all these are physiological life values ​​that are located on the border of two categories. The development of the body and attention to one's health leads to the development of the personality, therefore it is in contact with the category of self-development. These values ​​simultaneously affect relationships with the opposite sex, so the category "Relationships and personal life" develops in parallel.


Realization of goals, knowledge of the world around and life principles, the growth of the spiritual realm. It is difficult for you to leave a mark for future generations if you live only for yourself and your needs. You must watch your motives, the development of spiritual aspirations. Life goals and values ​​are not formed through the purchase of fiction about spiritual practices, the esoteric and the supernatural.

So, let's sum up. Every day we are faced with the need to decide certain tasks we struggle with circumstances that adversely affect us. It is important in such situations to make a decision based on your own values. Self-esteem arises only if internal rules are observed. Human life values ​​give him peace and stability.

In a world where too many temptations elude attention basic human values. When we are constantly in a hurry somewhere, trying to be in time for something, life values ​​work as a reliable guideline that helps us not to go astray. When we act in accordance with them, we get great satisfaction from this activity. Conversely, if our actions do not support our life values, we feel a breakdown, anxiety, stress. Surprisingly, even health problems, difficulties in making decisions are the consequences of a discrepancy between our actions and life values. What to do? How to keep the most important in sight?

The main human values

It is difficult to outline their clear circle. What may be vital to one person may not be of fundamental importance to another. But still, you can find some kind of arithmetic mean, which will represent the basic life values ​​\u200b\u200bof a person. So, what about them?

1. The first thing everyone will name is love. At what not only to opposite sex but also to family, friends and family. Love breeds compassion, and no list of life values ​​can do without it.

2. Understanding is a mandatory item that includes the life values ​​of any person. Everyone wants to be understood, but understanding others leads to conflict resolution and prevention.

3. Respect allows you to be inspired positive traits others, find flaws in yourself and correct them. But what is most pleasant is those life values, by broadcasting which we only increase them in our lives.

4. Discipline that many try to avoid. Few people attribute it to the life values ​​​​of a person. Many consider this a routine, but in fact it is the fulfillment of one's duties. It is not always hard and dull work. You can do them with joy.

5. Faith in people, including yourself. By broadcasting these life values, you infect others with confidence and strengthen faith in yourself.

6. Gratitude is that little thing that can raise a wave of enthusiasm and friendliness in another.

7. Forgiveness helps us face the future and not be tormented by resentment and pain.

8. Friendship is the life values ​​​​of a person, on which he relies in difficult moment.

9. Hope does not let us give up when it seems that nothing shines ahead.

10. Optimism helps to resist the bad - simply ignore it.

11. Patience allows you to make the right decisions.

12. Tolerance helps to be able to get along with all people. Regardless of personal preference.

13. Honesty. No matter who you ask what their core values ​​are, there is always room for honesty. It helps to admit your mistakes, change yourself for the better, build trusting relationships.

How to prioritize

Life values ​​can be determined using the following principle:

Make a list of what makes you happy.
Analyze how important each item is to you? If you can live without it calmly or with a creak, cross it out.
Go back to the list periodically, auditing it, until there are six items left.

These will be the values ​​in life that define your life. Most likely, they will reflect your worldview, formed under the influence of the people around you and life experience.

How and where can these human values ​​be used?

In personal and professional relationships.
AT family relationships.
In setting life goals.

That is, defining human life values, you need to rely on your character, worldview, goals and dreams. The basic life values ​​of a person can accurately lead him to the right path in life.

Last update:6/02/17

Every person has such days when he is overcome by doubts whether he lives this way, whether he does what he does. He asks himself questions: why do I live, why do not everything turn out the way I want. Such vague anxieties and feelings that you are going somewhere wrong, that you are doing something wrong, do not give you the opportunity to enjoy life.

To sort through these doubts, ask yourself a few questions: What is important to you in life? What do you value most in people? What do you value in yourself? What must be present in your life for you to feel happy? What principles do you think should not be abandoned? What kind life values Do you think main?

If you want to understand yourself, you will first need to understand your system. life values. Make a list of everything without which you feel your life is meaningless. Write what life values already in your life, and what should be.

Most core values ​​in life each person:

1. Health: the stronger your health, the happier you are. Health is the most important thing to appreciate in life, and what needs to be constantly taken care of.

2. Love: there should be love in every person's life. It's great if you have a loved one. But perhaps it is the love of your parents for you or your love for your parents, love for children, love for your neighbor, and finally, it is love for yourself.

3. Family: what could be more important than a happy family life?

4. Friendship: do not forget how important it is for you to understand how important the support of friends is, how much they mean to you.

5. Success: for you, it can be a job, a career, respect and recognition, material well-being. Answer the questions: What does success mean to you? What does it mean to you to be successful?

As you can imagine, this is not all. life values, and for you they may not be main. You can write on your list: a stable financial situation, confidence in tomorrow. Another person will write: personal development, spiritual values, self-realization. The third will write: youth, beauty, travel. And it will set priorities in a completely different way.

Write down everything that you value in life, if possible, trying not to miss anything. Explore the list and choose from it main For you life values. Write them down as they decrease in importance. Those life values, which took the first 7-9 lines of the list, and there are your core values ​​in life. Now think about whether you give these values most your attention, whether you spend your time and energy on them. If you realize that you are busy with completely different things, it will become clear to you why doubts come to you. It will become clear to you why you do not feel absolutely happy - you are serving not your own, but other people's values, or those values ​​that are far from the first places on your list.

Try to change your life! that's why they are called the main ones, because they mean much more to us than others, they are our beacons in life, and allow us to make sure that we are moving in the right direction!

4 170 0 Hello! This article will discuss the life values ​​of a person, their main categories, how they are formed and how they are rethought. Values ​​are the main goals and priorities that determine the essence of the person himself and manage his life. This is human faith, principles, ideals, concepts and aspirations. This is what each person defines for himself as the most significant and important in life.

What are life values ​​and their role for us

Life values ​​and guidelines are some absolute values, which occupy the first place in the worldview and determine the behavior of a person, his desires and aspirations. They help to solve tasks and set priorities in their own activities.

Each person has their own hierarchy of values. Values ​​determine how a person builds his life, how he makes friends, chooses a place of work, how he gets an education, what hobbies he has, how he interacts in society.

In the course of life, the hierarchy of values, as a rule, changes. AT childhood some significant moments are in the first place, in adolescence and youth - others, in youth the third, in adulthood - the fourth, and by old age everything can change again. The life values ​​of young people are always different from the priorities of older people.

Events occur in life (happy or tragic) that can turn a person’s worldview 180 degrees, make him completely rethink his life and re-set priorities exactly the opposite of what they were before.

This is a natural process of development of the human psyche and personality. Adapt to changing conditions environment- the protective function of the body, part of the evolutionary process.

Each individual needs to be clearly aware of the hierarchy own system values. This knowledge helps in various difficult situations, for example, when it is necessary to make Difficult choice between two important things in favor of one. Focusing on paramount values, a person will be able to correctly determine the truly important for his own well-being.

Let's analyze typical example from life. A responsible workaholic often stays late at work in order to successfully complete all the tasks. The work is really interesting, well-paid, promising, etc., but never-ending. It always gnaws at the feeling that it does not finish and does not have time. His beloved family is waiting for him at home. The wife periodically complains about her frequent absence from home, which also causes some discomfort. The feeling of dissatisfaction is delayed and becomes chronic.

It is precisely in such situations that it is necessary to learn how to prioritize correctly. It is important to decide what comes first. Solve the problem within yourself and stop rushing about. It is impossible to always do everything, but it is quite possible to choose the primary importance. By sorting out such cases and adopting your own hierarchy of priorities, you can minimize chronic personality conflicts.

There are no right and wrong systems of values ​​in life. For someone successful career and recognition in the first place, for someone love and family, for others education and continuous development.

But there is an awareness of their own hierarchy of priorities and internal consistency with them. And there is an internal conflict when a person has difficulty with and determining the true importance of things for himself.

Basic life values

Conventionally, life values ​​can be divided into two groups:

  1. Material:, comfort, home, a sense of financial solvency and stability.
  2. Spiritual:
  • Family: intimate long-term stable in a couple, procreation, a sense of self-need for other people, a sense of community.
  • Friends and work team: feeling of belonging to a group.
  • Career: achieving a certain social status, respect for significant people.
  • Favourite buisness: business project or hobby (music, sports, gardening, etc.), revealing one's own purpose and talents.
  • Education and development any skills, qualities, personal growth.
  • Health and beauty: harmony, good physical shape, absence of diseases.

Both categories are intertwined with each other and turn adjacent values. AT modern world it is difficult to separate material values ​​from spiritual ones. For the implementation of some, the presence of others is necessary. For example, education requires a certain financial condition to be earned. Money brings financial comfort to the family and the opportunity for leisure and interesting hobbies. For health and beauty, material investments are also necessary. social status modern man largely determined by the acquired material goods. Thus, material values ​​have become an integral part of spiritual ones.

Life values ​​are:

1. Universal (cultural). This is general ideas people about what is good and what is bad. They are laid in childhood, and their development is influenced by the society surrounding a person. The model, as a rule, is the family in which the child was born and grew up. The priorities of parents become fundamental in the formation of their own system of values.

Community priorities include:

  • physical health;
  • success in life (education, career, social status, recognition);
  • family, children, love, friends;
  • spiritual development;
  • freedom (of judgment and action);
  • creative realization.

2. Customized. Formed in every person throughout life. These are the values ​​that a person stands out from the generally accepted ones and considers important for himself. Politeness, kindness, faith in people, literacy, good breeding, and others can be a priority.

How to discover your values

Currently, psychologists have developed a large number of methods for diagnosing life values.

Tests can be taken online. They usually take no more than 15 minutes. The result appears within a few seconds. Methods are a series of multiple-choice questions or a list of statements for further ranking. Answers are not right or wrong, and results are not good or bad. Based on the results of testing, a list of the main values ​​of the respondent is issued.

These methods help a person quickly get a picture of their own priority hierarchy.

Test results can sometimes be confusing. It may seem to you that they are incorrect and your system of priorities does not correspond to the program issued. Try another test, and then another.

While you are answering the questions, you will be able to simultaneously decide for yourself what is most significant for you in life, and what is secondary.

Another option for determining your own value system is an independent analysis of your priorities.

To do this, you need to write on a piece of paper all the things that are significant to you in life. Everything that you respect, appreciate and value. It is not necessary to use terminology and peeped criteria and definitions. List exactly the words that things are called in your head.

After making the list, take a short break. Switch to another activity. Then take your list again and look at it carefully. Choose the 10 values ​​that are most important to you, cross out the rest. Now the list needs to be halved again. To make it easier to prioritize, scroll through the different life situations determining which is more important.

As a result, there are 5 most meaningful values. Rank them (list them in order from 1 to 5 in order of importance). If you can’t decide what is more valuable to you, imagine a situation in which you had to decide what would be harder for you to lose. And this is exactly what you cannot part with even in your thoughts, and it will be your highest priority life value. The rest will also remain important, but still secondary.

This way you get a picture of your life priorities.

How to instill life values ​​in the process of education

The question of instilling life values, as a rule, is asked by young parents. I want to grow my own native person correct and happy.

The fundamental factor in choosing a system of priorities that you want to put aside in the child's head is the parents' own understanding of the "correct" values.

Ideas formed in childhood about important things will be fixed in the subconscious for the rest of their lives and will remain unchanged without serious shocks. It's about about universal values ​​(family, love, striving for self-development and education, career growth, material enrichment).

In a family where close people always come first, a child will grow up who appreciates love and interpersonal relationships. In a family of careerists, an ambitious personality is likely to form, craving a certain status. Etc.

The value system of a growing person is built on life experience. On what he “cooks” every day. It is useless to tell the younger generation that the most important thing in life is the family, when the father disappears at work, and the mother does not get out of her gadgets, depriving the child of attention. If you want to form in your baby, as you think "correct" life priorities show it on own example. The values ​​of children are in the hands of their parents.

Rethinking values

The formation of basic life values ​​begins in the first year human life and ends around age 22.

Throughout life, a person is faced with different situations leading to a rethinking of values. Such moments are always associated with strong emotional upheavals (both positive and negative) or prolonged depressive states. It can be:

  • marriage;
  • birth of a child;
  • loss of a loved one;
  • a sharp change in the financial situation;
  • serious illness (own or a loved one);
  • tragic events on a global scale that claimed many lives);
  • falling in love with a person who does not correspond to ideals;
  • life crises (youth, maturity);
  • old age (end of life).

Sometimes a change of priorities occurs involuntarily, when a person instinctively chooses the best path for his future life.

Sometimes, for example, in cases of crises, prolonged mental anguish leads to a rethinking and a new choice of life values. When in long depressions a person feels his own unhappiness, cannot find a way out - and the problem of life values ​​becomes acute. In this case, a conscious approach and a clear desire are required to rearrange the priorities.

Rethinking values ​​gives a person a chance to “start life with clean slate". Change yourself, radically change your existence. Often such changes make a person happier and more harmonious.

Useful articles:

2. Philosophy of values

3. Values ​​in literature

4. Values ​​of life and culture of modern youth (sociological study)


Bibliographic list


System value orientations, being psychological characteristic mature personality, one of the central personal formations, expresses the meaningful attitude of a person to social reality and, in this capacity, determines the motivation of his behavior, has significant influence on all aspects of his work. As an element of the personality structure, value orientations characterize the internal readiness to perform certain activities to meet the needs and interests, indicate the direction of its behavior.

Each society has a unique value-oriented structure, which reflects the identity of this culture. Since the set of values ​​that an individual learns in the process of socialization is “transmitted” to him by society, the study of the system of value orientations of an individual is especially topical issue in situations of serious social change when there is some “blurring” of the social value structure, many values ​​are destroyed, disappear social structures norms, contradictions appear in the ideals and values ​​postulated by society.

In essence, the whole variety of objects human activity, public relations and included in their circle natural phenomena can act as values ​​as objects of value relations, can be evaluated in the dichotomy of good and evil, truth and error, beauty and ugliness, permissible or forbidden, fair and unfair.

1. Values: concepts, essence, types

The cybernetic understanding of society consists in presenting it as belonging "to a special class of universal adaptive-adaptive systems".

From a certain point of view, culture can be considered as a multidimensional program of adaptive control that sets the main parameters for the self-organization of communities and coordinates the joint activity of fairly autonomous individuals. At the same time, culture can also be understood as a kind of structural generator inherent in any highly organized system: “Order is achieved by limiting the variety of possible states of the elements of the system by establishing the dependence of some elements on others. In this respect, culture is similar to biological and technical programming devices.”

Culture itself is defined axiologically as a set of material and spiritual values ​​and ways of their creation and transmission. Values ​​as such are inextricably linked to sociocultural context and can be considered as some quanta of a common cultural field. It is in this sense that values ​​can be considered as structural invariants. different cultures that determine not only the content specificity of a particular culture as an arsenal of effective adaptive strategies, but also the features of its dynamics and development. Chavchavadze N.Z. and defines culture as "the world of embodied values", distinguishing between values-means and values-goals.

A person's value system is the "foundation" of his attitude to the world. Values ​​are a relatively stable, socially determined selective attitude of a person to the totality of material and spiritual public goods.

“Values,” wrote V.P. Tugarinov, is what people need to meet their needs and interests, as well as ideas and their motivations as a norm, goal and ideal.

The value world of each person is immense. However, there are some "cross-cutting" values ​​that are practically pivotal in any field of activity. These include diligence, education, kindness, good breeding, honesty, decency, tolerance, humanity. It is precisely the decline in the significance of these values ​​in a given period of history that always causes serious concern in a normal society.

Value is one of such general scientific concepts, the methodological significance of which is especially great for pedagogy. Being one of key concepts modern social thought, it is used in philosophy, sociology, psychology and pedagogy to refer to objects and phenomena, their properties, as well as abstract ideas that embody moral ideals and act as standards of due.

In essence, the whole variety of objects of human activity, social relations and natural phenomena included in their range can act as values ​​as objects of value relations, can be evaluated in the dichotomy of good and evil, truth and error, beauty and ugliness, permissible or forbidden, fair and unfair.

Value as a concept defines "... significance anything other than existence object or its qualitative characteristics.

Exist great amount values ​​and can be divided into two large groups: into material and spiritual:

We classified material values ​​as: a car, an aquarium, a garage, jewelry, money, food, a house, toys, cosmetics, musical instruments, books, clothes, apartment, tape recorder, computer, TV, telephone, furniture, sports equipment;

To the spiritual: active life, life wisdom, life, family, love, friendship, courage, work, sports, responsibility, sensitivity, honesty, good breeding, beauty, mercy, creativity, freedom, human, peace, justice, self-improvement, health , knowledge.

We can touch, see, buy material values, and they depend on the time in which a person lives. For example, 300 years ago there were no cars, which means that there was no such value.

Spiritual values, unlike material ones, we cannot always see and they are not bought, but we can feel them through our actions and the behavior of the people around us. For example, if beauty is important for a person, then he will strive to create it around himself, to perform beautiful deeds. So it's more high values which are universal and significant at all times.

2. Philosophy of values

In philosophy, the problem of values ​​is considered inextricably linked with the definition of the essence of man, his creative nature, his ability to create the world and himself in accordance with the measure of his values. A person forms his own values, constantly destroys the contradictions between the existing world of values ​​and anti-values, uses values ​​as a tool to maintain his life world, protection from the destructive effects of entropic processes that threaten the reality he is born. A value-based approach to the world requires consideration objective reality as a result of human self-affirmation; With this approach, the world is, first of all, a reality mastered by a person, turned into the content of his activity, consciousness, personal culture.

M.A. Nedosekin in his work "On the Question of Values ​​and Their Classification" (Internet resource) defines value representations, understood as the basis of assessments and the prism of a goal-oriented vision of reality, as needs and interests translated into the language of thoughts and feelings, concepts and images, ideas and judgments . Indeed, for the assessment it is necessary to have developed ideas about the values ​​that act as orientation criteria for the adaptive and activity activity of the individual.

On the basis of their value ideas, people not only evaluate what exists, but also choose their actions, demand and achieve justice, and carry out what is good for them.

E.V. Zolotukhina-Abolina defines values ​​as a non-rational regulator. Indeed, behavior regulated by reference to value criteria is ultimately focused on achieving maximum emotional comfort, which is a psychophysical sign of achieving a specific goal associated with the assertion of a particular value.

N.S. Rozov distinguishes several evolutionary types of the development of the worldview of communities: mythological consciousness, religious consciousness and ideological consciousness. This kind of classification is more than obvious. However, few dare to abandon the finality of the last form public consciousness and at least to assume the possibility of the birth of a new one, completely different from the previous ones. N.S. Rozov did this: "For the role of the leading form of worldview in the coming historical era value consciousness is most likely to claim." Values ​​within the framework of value consciousness as new form worldviews, firstly, get out of a subordinate position, and secondly, they absorb and rethink all the variety of existing worldviews, since communication and the search for productive compromises between representatives of these different worldviews are already becoming essential ... The concept of value consciousness is not reduced to a combination of the meanings of two the words that make up the title. This concept is built, first of all, normatively: value consciousness is a form of worldview based on values ​​that satisfies the requirements established above.

The world of values ​​that teleologically determine their object, to which it is initially directed, does not hang in the air. It is rooted in the affective life of the psyche, not in lesser degree than vital needs. The first contact with values ​​​​occurs through communication with significant persons - parents. From the initial stages of ontogenesis, they interfere with the spontaneous functioning of vital needs, introducing into them the order necessary for the entire society. And if the emerging consciousness draws its strength mainly from affective images of significant persons, then in the future it is freed from the need for such support and, in striving for a goal-value, self-organizes and produces its structure and content, moving in line with objective laws. The existing hierarchy of values, teleologically defining its subject - human consciousness, can give rise to such values ​​that lead out of the sphere of immediate vital needs of a given society. This is the axiological basis of progress.

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