Home Useful Tips Recommendations for joining the sample party. Recommendation or how I joined the United Russia party

Recommendations for joining the sample party. Recommendation or how I joined the United Russia party

The political life of the average Russian is meager. We argue with the screen, sitting on the couch in front of the TV.

We go to rallies at the entrance to discuss with a neighbor how bad everything is. We organize political actions by copying a topical demotivator from a social network.

But if you really want to influence something, act in a different way. Most easy way- join the party.

What does joining the party give?

Depending on the political system and a particular party, membership in it can give the most different results: from the opportunity to build a career to exile in the camps. But more often than not, people are looking for the following benefits:

Communication with like-minded people. Imagine how fun the meetings of the Party of Beer Lovers should be.

Education. The parties help young supporters to achieve the necessary qualifications. They create special courses. Party membership can help you get into college.

How the parties have changed. Expert Dmitry Gusev says

Career. Most of the party's supporters work for the idea. But if you're looking to build a political career, membership in a like-minded party is a great start.

Small bonuses. Parties allow their members to use the services of an in-house lawyer and other professionals.

What is a "primary party branch"?

If you join a party, will you have to go to Moscow and sit in the Duma? Nothing like this. You can also support like-minded people at home. Most parties have cells in large regions. The smallest subdivision is called the primary branch of the party.

Life in the departments is more intense than in the center. Party members arrange meetings, field trips, hold work meetings, develop attributes, decide local problems... The advantage of the cells is that in the province political idea there may be more supporters than in the capital. After all, it is known that in the outback there are more conservative people not touched by the information war.

How to join the United Russia party

United Russia is one of the leading players in the Russian political arena. It includes Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, Georgy Poltavchenko, Boris Gryzlov, Valentina Matvienko and other famous people.

The party makes the following requirements to its members:

Be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- reach the age of majority;
- not be a member of other parties;
- be a supporter of "United Russia" for at least six months.

Before becoming a member of the party, you need to spend some time in the ranks of its supporters. It's easier to become a supporter. You need to make sure that the political views of United Russia are right for you, take the application to the local office and have an interview. After being in the ranks of supporters for six months, you can apply for membership in the "United Russia". To do this, you have to:

Why I decided to become a member of the United Russia party

Get acquainted with the charter and program of the party;
- write an application for membership;
- to receive recommendations from the council of the party's supporters;
- be interviewed at the local office.

How to join the Communist Party

To join Gennady Zyuganov's party, you need to contact the local cell. Requirements for candidates for party members are about the same. There are variations: it is enough to be a member of the primary organization not for six months, but for 2-3 months. After that, you can begin the entry procedure. For this you need:

Write an application for membership and fill out a form;

Ask the two communists who supervised you during the "internship" to write recommendations;

10 goals of the Communist Party in the theses of Zyuganov

If successful, get a party card.

The only "but" - it is better to do this before the elections. At this moment, the party members have many worries, and it is better to bother about new supporters in a calm atmosphere.

How to join the Liberal Democratic Party

You can join the party of Vladimir Zhirinovsky on the Internet. The program states that the goal of the Liberal Democratic Party is the good of Russia and the protection of human rights.

Requirements for candidates are the same as for other parties. The only difference is no " probationary period" not required. To join the Liberal Democratic Party, you need:

Why join the Liberal Democratic Party?

Get acquainted with the party program;
- download and fill out the appropriate form;
- send by mail or bring to the primary department an application for membership, a questionnaire and a photo.

How to join the party "Fair Russia"

The consignment " Fair Russia»Makes all the above requirements to candidates. She stipulates that the future member at the time of admission must already participate in party work, but the time of this work is not stipulated.

Sergei Mironov in the program "Pozner"

The reception scheme is the same. You need to go to the nearest regional office and submit an application. It will be considered for no more than two months. Then the Party Council will make a decision.

How to quit the party

If your views differ from like-minded people, you can leave the party. Remember that many people impose restrictions, and then it will not be so easy to return.

The editors of the site remind that it is quite easy to leave the party - you just need to write a corresponding statement. Then you need to bring it to your local office. There he will be certified and entered into the register. Membership ends on the same day.
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To the party branch in your region.

Contact information for regional offices can be found in the Regional Offices section.

From the Party Charter A JUST RUSSIA

Article 4. General Provisions about membership in the Party

1. Membership in the Party is voluntary and individual. Members of the Party participate in the activities of the Party, have rights and obligations in accordance with this Charter.

2. A member of the Party can be a citizen Russian Federation, who has reached the age of 18, recognizes and implements the Program of the Party and this Charter, participates in the work of the Party and its structural divisions and has the right, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on political parties, to be a member of a political party.

3. Party members are issued a party ticket of the established form.

Article 5. The procedure for admission to membership in the Party

1. The decision on admission to membership in the Party is made by the Council (Bureau of the Council) of the regional branch or the Council of the local branch at the place of permanent or primary residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Congress, Central Council, Presidium of the Central Council, Bureau of the Presidium of the Central Council, Conference ( General meeting) of the regional branch, the Conference (General Meeting) of the local branch has the right to make a decision on admission to membership in the Party or to instruct the corresponding lower collegial body of the party or its structural unit consider an application of a citizen to become a member of the Party within the time limits established by this Charter.

2. A citizen of the Russian Federation entering the Party shall submit a personal written application for joining the Party, as a rule, to the Council (Bureau of the Council) of the regional branch or the Council of the local branch at the place of his permanent or primary residence. The bodies of the Party and its structural subdivisions, listed in part 1 of this article of the Charter, have no right to refuse a citizen of the Russian Federation to accept a duly executed application for joining the Party and are obliged to make an appropriate decision on it. The application of a citizen of the Russian Federation to join the Party must contain the following information: his last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, address of the place of permanent or preferential residence, citizenship, confirmation of his recognition of the provisions of this Charter and the Program of the Party, his obligation to participate in the activities of the Party and its structural divisions.

3. The term for considering an application by a citizen of the Russian Federation to join the Party and making a decision on it may not be more than two months from the date of receipt of such an application by the relevant body of the structural unit of the Party. If a citizen of the Russian Federation submits an application for joining the Party in central authorities For a party, the total period for considering such an application and making a final decision on it cannot be more than three months from the date of receipt of such an application.

In the event that the body of the Party or its structural subdivision, which has accepted the application of a citizen of the Russian Federation for joining the Party, violates the terms for considering such an application established by this article of the Charter, the corresponding citizen has the right to apply to the higher governing body of the Party.

4. The rights and obligations of a member of the Party arise from the day the authorized body of the Party or its structural unit makes a decision on admission to membership in the Party.

To decide whether you need to join the party or not, you need to answer the question: what is it actually for?
To be happy man, to work, to enjoy life, one should not bind oneself with political obligations. In any case, the party is a kind of club of interests. This is especially true for countries with low political culture and the level of democracy.

The party unites people to achieve any goals, most often it is desire to gain power... She, in turn, makes it possible to be closer to influential people, the elite, kick open the door to the offices of officials, solve "selfish" issues, shape the country's policy.

There are two ways to get into power: civil service, if of course they take, or to be elected to the deputies different levels... In this case, it is definitely better to join the party.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary choose the right political force... If you are ambitious, full of ideas, and most importantly, you want to influence public political life in a country, region, city, village, then you should seriously think about becoming a member of the party.

If you are satisfied with everything that is happening in the country, you completely agree with the line that the ruling party oppresses, then join its ranks. If, on the contrary, you do not take everything that is happening, think about joining the opposition parties. But in this case, you run the risk of falling out of favor with the current government and not only. Close attention power structures You are guaranteed. Remember, those who are at the helm have firmly clung to it and will not just give it up.

Before giving preference to any party, ask about its rating, pay attention to its activity, study the Charter, biographies of political leaders, program objectives, go to the party website. Analyze your electoral history (past election results). If you seriously dream of political career You should not choose outsiders from the previous electoral race, parties with a low rating, as well as political forces propagandizing violence, and “one-day” parties. There are parties that work in a systematic way, and those that are created or are active only before the elections.

One-day parties are good because, being created for election campaigns, or for holding actions, they can be well financed. You can supplement your budget by working at the headquarters or taking part in public events, unless, of course, the leadership of the temporary party "does not squeeze" the amount due to you. The political responsibility of such parties is extremely low. They are forgotten very quickly.

If you are seriously thinking about a political career, choose famous parties... At least here you can gain experience and understand from the inside what a party is. Stable and responsible political forces have party offices. The structure is well developed throughout the country, with public reception offices.

Pros of joining a party

  • Having a party card makes it possible to be included in the electoral lists of different levels. However, one should not delude ourselves that an ordinary party member will become a candidate for deputy.
  • Strategy and tactics election campaign builds a headquarters, you follow their recommendations. If you do not have experience in conducting election campaigns, without knowledgeable people, you cannot achieve success.
  • In the event of an election failure, the collective responsibility is not so annoying for the loss, in contrast to when you are trying to be elected through self-nomination, i.e. without a party card.
  • The election campaign is funded centrally.
  • Raises your personal self-esteem. You feel involved in something big and important.
  • The ability to resolve personal issues, especially if it is a ruling party. Among the "harmful" officials who interfere with your life, there will certainly be members of the same party who are ready to lend a shoulder to colleagues.
  • Solid and stable parties, as a rule, train their members. They hold seminars, trainings, public events, where you always have the opportunity to "light up", to meet the right people.

Constant legal assistance, as there are always a lot of people with legal education in respectable parties.

Cons of joining a party

  • The risk that with the coming to power of opponents you may be under pressure. (If you are an executive or a businessman).
  • By joining the party, you voluntarily consent to the processing of your personal data. Provide full information about yourself and family members: autobiography, work path, etc.
  • For the party money spent during the election campaign, you will definitely have to keep a report.
  • The existing internal party hierarchy, which will not allow simple beginner jump to the top of the iceberg. The right to be entered into high offices must be earned.
  • There is a collective responsibility for failures in work.
  • By becoming a member of the party, you accept the rules of the game of this particular political force. Your opinion is important, but not so much as to change the internal party rules because of it.
  • If you wealthy person it is possible that you may be asked to finance individual party projects.

Regardless of which party you are in, weigh all your actions and statements. Don't break the Law.

By joining the party, you become public person, accordingly bear moral responsibility for your behavior. Any ugly trick is a stain on the whole team. If you are not a team person, create your own party.

Before deciding which party to join, study the information about the existing party systems, get acquainted with the history of the creation of the party, leaders, ideology. She should be close to you. Otherwise, you risk being disappointed in the actions of the elected political force, and you will endlessly look for an opportunity to cling to another party trend.

Remember, "deserters" are not liked. Analyze, think, do not make hasty decisions.

There is an opinion in Russian society that politics is a dirty business. It should not be disputed, since it has a certain basis: it is no secret to anyone that those who want to achieve power and all kinds of privileges are ready to do anything in order to become a party member, and the use of "dishonest political technologies" for this is quite common occurrence.

At the same time, today in our country there is a certain percentage of people who go into politics in order to take an active part in the fate of the country and make life easier for those living in it. However, there are also those who wish to receive from membership in the party only material goods, - they do not care at all about the problems of an ordinary citizen.

It should be noted that both of them view participation in the United Russia party as a platform for achieving their goals, primarily because it is the ruling party. This political force, among other things, is also called a mass force by experts, since there are supporters in all regions of the country.

Many are wondering how to join the United Russia party. Of course, the activities of the above political force are primarily subject to the law, which imposes certain requirements on candidates wishing to receive a party card from the main country.

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of the question of how to join the United Russia party, let us touch on some details of the history of its origin.

Excursion into the past

The above faction was formed in 2001 on the basis of three political movements: Fatherland, Unity and All Russia. Two years earlier, they competed among themselves for the right to become the winner in the election campaign. At the end of the summer of 1999, the All Russia bloc was consolidated with the Fatherland party. In the autumn of the same year, the social and political movement "Unity" was registered. In the election race, he is remembered as "Interregional Movement - Unity" (abbreviated version - "Bear"). It is this animal that will later become the emblem of the faction. In 2001, the process of consolidation of "Unity" and "Fatherland" will begin. At the beginning of autumn of the same year, a social movement called the Union "Unity and Fatherland" appeared, to which the All Russia union joined. In 2003, United Russia became the dominant political force in our country.

Requirements for candidates

Those who want to know how to join the United Russia party should know that only adults can be candidates for membership. They are also prohibited from joining others. Candidates who are interested in how to join the United Russia party must also understand that they will unquestioningly observe the Party's Charter and make every effort to achieve its goals and objectives.

In addition to the above, a person applying for the right to become a member of "United Russia" must be among its associates for at least six months.


Russian law prohibits membership in the United Russia faction foreign citizens and to those who do not have citizenship. It is also forbidden to take part in the country to persons who are declared incapacitated.

What should be done

The charter of the United Russia party contains a specific list of rules for those who want to join its ranks.

First of all, it is necessary own hand write a statement that you want to become a member of the above political movement and approve the processing of your personal data. After that, you need to enlist the support of like-minded people, namely: collectively, they must give you recommendations that they do not object to you becoming a "United Russia". After this, the candidate is invited for an interview at the primary branch of the United Russia party at his place of residence, where, in fact, he submits an application to join the ranks of the above faction. On the final stage of the above procedure, a political council is convened (at least once a month), which decides the fate of a potential "United Russia". In the event of a refusal, this authority must provide information on the reasons for the decision.

If the candidacy is approved, then the person is given a party card, which is made by the executive committee of the United Russia party, and the newcomer is responsible for paying membership fees.

Of course, no one has the right to forcibly force him to be a member of this or that political movement, so everyone can leave the United Russia at any time.

However, it is necessary to know that after such a step, it is possible to replenish the ranks of the ruling faction after three years have expired from the date of delivery of the party card.

Primary branches of "ER"

Many are interested in the question of what the primary branches of the ruling faction are doing, since they are trying to get into these structures great amount young people between the ages of 18 and 20. It should be emphasized that the primary departments work efficiently and harmoniously in the districts of the country. In the above-mentioned administrative-territorial units, as a rule, there are 5-6 "primary" links. Why are they created?

Their task is to support and implement in practice the initiatives of "United Russia", which directly or indirectly affect the program goals of the socio-political movement in question. Primary links are also formed in order to carry out decisions that are given "from above". In addition, the above structures are engaged in monitoring public needs and needs in the reporting territory.


It should be noted that the political party "United Russia" grants everyone the right to participate in the economic, political, cultural life of the city and the country as a whole. Today famous singers, actors, directors and athletes are “under its banner”. Of course, the party has not only supporters, but also opponents, which is quite natural. But it should be noted that the number of those who support the course of the "power" party is simply enormous. And propaganda plays an important role here.

Ultimately, whether or not to join United Russia is up to everyone to decide independently.

Prominent members of the United Russia Party in Saratov (abbreviated as HIVLERS) are one of the few political phenomena that amuses and excites. Since in the last pre-election trench time everyone froze and waited for signals from Ipatov and Volodin, the political water in the region temporarily rose.
The active and thinking part of this political jig, besides the constant and boring analyzes, like a multiplication table, wants joy. For me personally, contacts with HIVLERS have always been pleasant and useful.

Pleasant - because you feel that you can do everything, that whatever you plan, you will succeed. HIVLERS form in a person a sense of self-confidence. And since the Prominent Members of United Russia in Saratov are the main and all determining force, it becomes doubly pleasant.

Useful - because HIVLERS always insure you against illusions. From so that romantic dreams do not lead you to ruin, or, God forbid, to fight against them, because HIVLERS in our city are invincible.

But still I want a "song" and it is born of its own accord and unexpectedly.

I will try to cite the "couplets" almost verbatim, so that the reader can determine for himself in what genre they were performed. So, February 9th, one dark February evening, my office. In the office, I and two invisible members of "United Russia" (abbreviated as NEVICHLERS), but who are always very much needed by the party, in case "if there is war tomorrow."

NEVICHLERS: Today we talked again with Pankov (………), full p… .ts. Three hours about nothing.

Me: Well, how does he see the current situation?

NEVICHLERS: He doesn't see her in any way, he mutters some nonsense like "we need to act!"

Me: Apparently, the eyes with which Pankov looks at the world are busy today and are temporarily focused on other regions, because there are elections in March.

“No problem, guys,” I said and dialed a long mobile number Nikolai Vasilievich Pankov. The call went through, but Kolya (we are with him on "you") was silent. An hour and a half passed for other topics and, oh, miracle, the display of my mobile phone lit up: "Pankov Nick ... you ...". VITLER responded to the urge.

Hi, did you call? - Nikolay asked in a detailed and businesslike manner.

Hi Kohl. I called. Where have you been?

I haven’t disappeared anywhere, I’m here, it’s you who disappeared.

How not lost! I'm calling you, calling - you don't pick up the phone.

I was on volleyball, I just got out.

What volleyball, Kolya !? At your age and position! You are not taking care of yourself!

Well, okay, what did you want?

Nikolay, aren't you ashamed? Remember about three months ago we sat with Radaev (…… ..) and he invited me to join the party. I agreed if you write me a recommendation. And you promised to write in his presence!

Eh, eh, yes you yourself have disappeared somewhere, and now with claims ...

Yes, I have not disappeared anywhere, do not hope. Here I am, here!

Come on, we know. In Moscow, you cut all the circles. You go there in all sorts of offices.

Well, what are you, seriously ?! Well, let's meet then, or something.

Come on. When? Where?

Let's have it tomorrow at 17.00. Fine?

Kohl, it's better with me. You have so many people there. Will they see us, what will I tell people later?

No, you have, well, her. You have there, you yourself know, why not.

What I just don't have, Kohl? You've been to me a hundred times! - I said into the void and agreed to meet with Pankov “at their place” tomorrow at Sovetskaya, 10, in the party.

So, the next day, at exactly one minute to five, I stepped into the building on Sovetskaya, 10. In the lobby I was not stopped and asked who I was. Either everything was very democratic in the party, or because I was dressed decently and in a tie. I went up to the second floor ...

Hello Leonid Natanovich! - the secretary greeted me very kindly, from which I concluded that in the party they not only know me, but also love me.

Hello, - I also answered kindly.

Go to Nikolai Vasilyevich, he is in Radaev's office, he will be out now. And you undress for now.

Why am I going to undress until the body of Nikolai Vasilyevich comes up! - I quipped, and was heard, from which I concluded that there are people in the party who understand humor.

I went into Pankov's office and began to look at the numerous photographs on the walls. The leader was looking at me from almost everywhere, busy with the execution and implementation of the party's social projects. Suddenly a thought flashed across: “What if, right? What if their deeds need to be believed? " At that moment, Pankov appeared, and the seditious thought went away.

Hello, are you looking at all your photos? - HIVLER actively attacked.

Fear God, Kolya. These are not mine, ”I replied, feeling like a political“ paparazzi ”.

Yes, okay, okay, in this city all the photos are yours, - Pankov playfully teased. - Sit down. Do you want some tea?

Come on, - I replied. The conversation had to be diversified with something. VITLER went to the phone, pressed a key, and ordered loudly:

Give us some tea!

Which one? - asked a pleasant UNVICHLER voice.

What are you: black, green? - Pankov asked carefully, finishing the preamble. - Green, - I summed up without vileness. VITLER sat down opposite, and we started.

Tell me, why do you need to join the party? - Pankov actively began reconnaissance.

Why, I decided to join. Tired of going non-partisan. I want it like Vyacheslav Viktorovich, Nikolai Vasilievich, Oleg Vasilievich….

Wait, wait, as Vyacheslav Viktorovich, well, you, yo, said, ”VITLER cut me off sharply, standing up for the" sacred ".

Well, yes, I'm sorry, I got excited, - I timidly agreed, realizing that I had gone too far.

You're in the Liberal Democratic Party, right? - Pankov began to pull me apart technically.

No, Kolya, I am not a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, I am non-partisan, - I answered honestly.

Well, you were on the lists of the Liberal Democratic Party! - HIVLER competently pressed me.

No, Kolya, I was walking in a single-mandate constituency, and I was insured in the lists of the Liberal Democratic Party. What could I do? You didn't take me to United Russia. The communists have enough of their own. There is nothing left for insurance, you "soaked" me from all hands! - sincerely confessing, I made excuses.

Well, they got it wet again. We told you that it was not us, but from the "Moskovskaya" (the building of the government of the Saratov region), - HIVLER strictly adhered to old legend... - You fought against the party, and now, you see, you want to join.

I was not a party member, Kolya. What are the complaints against me? Now I will join and we will strengthen the party together. Am I surrendering, Kolya, am I surrendering or are you not taking prisoners? - it was pointless to “undress” further. Pankov reveled in my surrender and complete lack of principle.

Are you publishing a newspaper? - Pankov translated the conversation sharply and professionally. Grabbing a fresh issue of the Gorod newspaper from his desk, he looked at me with joy and pride.

No, not me.

Well, who is it?

You, Kolya, you and only you. Have you read the newspaper? There is also every issue about Ipatov.

Well, eh, how are we? We have no money either.

Well, now I’ll join your party, and the money will appear, ”I meekly and most sincerely suggested.

Would you like to buy your membership? - VITLER was uncertainly indignant.

No, no. How could you think that! - Abruptly cutting it off, I was offended.

For example: I spend quite a lot of money in my district. On my own, right? And he could have spent them not from himself, but from the United Russia party. I did something good because I am a member of United Russia, and only United Russia does real work through its members. It's good, Kohl, isn't it?

Memories of my childhood, when I joined the pioneers, instantly flashed through my head (if only he did not ask how many orders United Russia had).

Okay, I agree, - Pankov warmed up. The initiative could not be missed, and I began to "spend" further.

Or, let's say the party has some interesting social project and it needs to be financed. Please, let's look where, what, how much? It's good, Kohl, isn't it? I added almost plaintively.

Okay, I agree, ”Pankov said thoughtfully, not expecting such funding.

Give me a form - I'll write to you here.

No, you can't come to us, only to the “primary school” at the place of residence. “To send, to send”, - came through from HIVLER.

Give at least an application form. “Demand, demand,” I didn’t calm down.

We don't have any forms here. Go to the "primary school", fill out an application and wait for a three month probationary period. The party will watch how you behave.

How three months? Are you crazy? I am effective, what can I test? Why are you fooling me? Have you never accepted anyone without a probationary period? - the second hand mentally reached out to the HIVLER's throat.

Earlier they adopted, earlier it was possible, but now the new charter, now it is impossible, - Pankov joyfully enlightened me.

There is a charter, please, - VITLER got up, opened the closet, took out the charter and handed it to me.

I picked up a beautiful blue brochure, the title page was opened, turned the book over to face Pankov and asked:

Sign for memento!

What are you, what are you, this is why, I can’t, ”VITLER bleated.

I'll give you my book " Short course»Gave and signed.

You signed your book for me, but this is not mine, these are parties.

So I didn’t sign my personal one for you - it was a collective work.

No, I can’t, ”said VITLER and moved a little away from the table.

Okay, okay, - I took Pankov from the table clear sheet paper, tore off half, put it in after title page, again turned to face HIVLER!

Sign like this! You don't have to write anything political. Write at least simply: "To Leonid in good memory from Nicholas."

No, I will not. We know you. Take it later and do something with my handwriting. Realizing that this part of my campaign to the party was over and that Pankov could not be shaken, I took the expensive exhibit of the charter.

Pankov was not ashamed. He was serious, pleased with himself and consistent.

And how did you want - to become immediately? We have to see how you behave. Understand, the party is not interested in all your Vodokanals, Electrosvyaz ...

“Gorelektrotransy,” I interrupted him.

Well, "Electrotransy", what's the difference. The party is interested in political decisions. For example, for an honorary citizen. You went against the party, didn't you? Therefore, we must take a look! - HIVLER explained to me.

But I was not a member, ”I objected resignedly. - But I will, then another matter. I understand - party discipline. As you say, I will vote, right? Write a recommendation, you promised, - I made one last attempt.

What kind of people are you? You promise and you cheat. Did you promise tea half an hour ago? And then they deceived - they did not give it!

Pankov stood up gravely, walked over to the apparatus: “Where is the tea for Leonid Natanovich? He asked. ”

Five minutes later, a girl appeared with a tray on which there were two cups of tea: black - for HIVLER and green with two lumps of sugar - for me. The tray was decorated with a plate of cookies and dryers. Olga Nikolaevna Alimova herself at this moment could envy me. Having unloaded the tray, the secretary prepared to leave. I stopped her:

Girl, tell me, are you a member of the party?

Member, - said NEVICHLERKA proudly.

Then I took two lumps of sugar from my saucer and put them on an empty tray: "Give the sugar to the children." “Good,” she answered playfully and with a smile, from which I concluded that there are people in the party who understand humor. So about an hour of our conversation passed. I felt humiliated and deceived. Pankov was triumphant, but this was not enough for him, and he decided to finish off:

They say you want to buy a pool, huh? - Pankov slyly and knowingly hit from the side.

Kohl, well, fear God, which pool? There are living people swimming! - I begged.

Yes, well, no, no, no, ”VITLER calmed down, jumped up, ran to the phone as if scalded,“ pushed ”the secretary:“ Call Zelensky, we have six, tell me, I'm ending the meeting and I'm going now. ”

"Collapses" - I thought.

Well, what, everything? Pankov asked, looking at me contentedly.

That's it, - I answered doomily, got up, put on my coat, took the charter in my hands and we moved with HIVLER to the exit. Leaving the office, an unexpected picture opened up in front of me. In the reception room of Radaev, the deputy of the Regional Duma, the director of Sartekhinventarizatsiya - HIVLER Vasily Sinichkin, and the chairman of the City Education Committee HIVLERKA Marina Alyoshina were sitting on chairs in anticipation of an audience. Their faces froze in amazement. Pankov and Feitlikher rolled out onto them, pressing the charter of the United Russia party to their chest.

What are you doing here? - I asked HIVLERKA Aleshina. - What, in urban education there are no longer any problems?

Alyosha, who was caught, smiled tightly and wanted to answer something, but ...

You do not touch our parties, ”Pankov uttered importantly. - She is a member of the political council of the party.

And I don’t touch it, ”the owner of the new charter modestly retorted. - Here I will study the rules of the party, then I will touch your parties!

Pankov and I turned around and walked down to the exit.

You're so sad, - Nikolai asked sympathetically.

Not sad, Kohl, but pensive. ”I looked at my watch. It was 18 hours and 20 minutes. We went outside. Two people got out of my escort car.

What a disgrace! - exclaimed Pankov. - To the party with guards!

These are not my people, Kolya, and the car is not mine, - I said seriously.

Where is yours? - Pankov asked quite childishly.

Yes, here it is, - and I pointed to the jeep, which was parked in a completely different direction.

Oh, oh, then I'm sorry, - Pankov was very sincerely blown away, and we went in the direction of my jeep and Zelensky. The people who got out of the second car followed us. Pankov looked around competently and professionally, but said nothing.

To accompany you?

Pankov was about 150 meters to walk.

Thank you, myself, - answered Vichler.

On that and parted.

I got into the car. I dialed the telephone of Radaev's reception. Introduced himself to the secretary. After a pause, they connected me: “ good evening, Valery Vasilievich! "

Good evening, Leonid Natanovich! - answered VITLER happily.

Valery Vasilievich! I began. - Remember, three months ago, we talked in your office? You, Pankov and me.

Yes, of course I remember, - Radaev honestly confirmed.

Remember, you invited me to join the party?

Yes, of course I remember - VITLER spoke the truth and only the truth.

Yes, of course I remember - Radaev returned to me the lost faith in people.

So I just talked to him for twenty hours in your party. He refuses and says that it was not. What should I do, Valery Vasilievich?

I've heard. I heard you, Leonid Natanovich, - HIVLER calmed me somewhat doomily.

Well, figure it out! - I was already starting to get impudent.

And we said goodbye.

Completely devastated and morally worn out, I got into the car and drove to my office. I went into the office and sat down at the table. I thought about it. The entire almost hour and a half conversation with the symbiosis of Sharikov and Ellochka the Ogre flashed through my head and ... I felt scared. At this time, Pankov was already sitting with Zelensky and talked about the reason for his delay. The next day, like the first light snot in case of a cold, INFORMATION began to flow. A couple of days later, Chernishchensky was talking about it on his website. Approximately a week later, the Moskovsky Komsomolets in Saratov reported this independently and objectively. Rumors intensified and acquired new victorious battle scenes. It was the HIVLER victory over me.

On February 14 in the City Duma at a meeting of the commission on local self-government, serious passions flared up on the issue of the state of city health care. I got into trouble with the chairman of the commission, academician, HIVLER Petr Vitalievich Glybochko. Everything that happens on the commissions is recorded by audio recording (officially). At the end of the meeting, Pyotr Vitalievich, unexpectedly like a man, suggested to me:

You need to join us, Leonid Natanovich!

Of course, I'll write what the conversation is about, - Glybochko promised in front of everyone.

Leonid Feitlikher

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