Home Trees and shrubs Visceral fat: how to get rid of internal fat. How to get rid of internal body fat at home: effective ways and effectiveness

Visceral fat: how to get rid of internal fat. How to get rid of internal body fat at home: effective ways and effectiveness

A lot of people want to find a toned, slender body, and are trying to get rid of unnecessary weight in all sorts of ways. Not everyone realizes that obesity is not a problem of appearance, but of the healthy functioning of the body, and internal fat is much more harmful than visible subcutaneous fat. Learn how to burn internal body fat.

What is visceral fat

The human body needs a subcutaneous fat layer - this is a reserve stock vital energy and protection from cold weather. Daily nutrition replenishes fat reserves, but when their amount exceeds the norm, fat begins to be deposited not under the skin, but around the organs. Internal fat in humans is located in abdominal cavity near vital organs (lungs, liver, heart, stomach, kidneys). It is called visceral.

Excess abdominal fat can occur due to the consumption of high-calorie foods, lack of physical activity, the presence addictions... Determine excess concentration internal fat simply - external sign is a visually protruding belly. The increase in waist circumference is especially noticeable against the background of other parts of the body that have retained the same proportions.

Why visceral fat is dangerous

If the amount of internal fatty deposits does not exceed the permissible level, they serve as protection of organs from external damage, as "insulation" and as a reserve source of energy. Excessive fat inside the abdomen is dangerous to health and can provoke the development of a number of diseases:

  • increased cholesterol, which causes a disorder of the cardiovascular system;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • an increased level of insulin in the blood can cause cancer (breast cancer, colon cancer);
  • complications of hormonal levels, leading to metabolic disorders;
  • the development of atherosclerosis;
  • fatty hepatosis (liver disease);
  • phlebeurysm.

Visceral fat rate

The healthy ratio of subcutaneous to internal body fat is roughly 90% to 10%. The visceral fat rate is 10% of the total body fat mass. Normal indicators the abdominal type of fat for men and women is slightly different. There are several ways to diagnose the percentage of internal obesity:

  • the technique of nuclear magnetic resonance or computed tomography;
  • caliper - a device that measures the thickness of fat folds;
  • determining the waist in centimeters with a measuring tape;
  • calculating the ratio of the proportional ratio of the waist to the circumference of the hips;
  • by consulting a doctor for a thorough diagnosis.

The norm of visceral fat in a woman's body

Women are less prone to the formation of fatty layers inside the abdominal cavity than men. Especially lucky are the owners of a pear-shaped physique, with thin waist and curvy hips- they are practically not prone to the formation of internal fatty deposits. When measuring the waist, 88 cm is considered a critical indicator for girls, a value below this figure is the rate of internal fat in a woman's body, and above it is already an excess.

Visceral fat rate in men

Although men are less prone to cellulite formation than girls, they are more prone to the accumulation of internal body fat. Male hormones stop fighting the fat layer, and the abdominal organs become overgrown with it. The norm for visceral fat in men is a waist circumference of no more than 94 cm. Indicators exceeding this norm indicate obesity and serious health problems.

Visceral obesity

With visceral obesity, the internal organs cannot function normally, since the fatty membrane near them increases significantly. A person constantly feels tired, it becomes difficult to breathe, there is increased sweating, frequent mood swings. With internal obesity, the risk of diabetes and cancer increases significantly. The main causes of visceral obesity are:

  1. Unbalanced diet - the number of carbohydrates in the diet significantly increases the number of proteins.
  2. A sedentary lifestyle - lack of proper exercise in the form active rest, complex physical exercises, walking.
  3. Genetic predisposition - if parents suffer from obesity, the risk of internal obesity in children increases.

Visceral obesity in men

Fat deposits in men tend to accumulate around internal organs, not under the skin. Often in men who love beer, their belly sticks out strongly - this is quite justified, since beer is the enemy of the male hormone. Testosterone, as a result of visceral obesity in men, is replaced by female hormones, which can lead to impotence and infertility.

Visceral obesity in women

After forty years, the production of female hormones decreases, metabolic processes slow down, and the likelihood of visceral obesity in women increases significantly. Internal obesity in young girls is one of the causes of infertility. When the genitals inside the abdomen are covered with fat, it is almost impossible to get pregnant. Women with an "apple" figure need to immediately deal with the first signs of excess weight, because they are prone to internal obesity more than girls with other body types.

How to remove visceral fat

Asking the question of how to remove internal fat, people forget about known rules losing weight. If you want to remove visceral fat from the abdomen, gain a beautiful healthy body and look attractive, you should adhere to these basic principles:

  • It is necessary to eat right, giving up high-calorie foods and "fast" diets to excess weight began to disappear. The diet should be balanced - proteins prevail, complex carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning.
  • Be sure to regularly play sports, walk, run, and have active rest. Physical activity is the main weapon in losing weight.
  • Should fight bad habits- Smoking and alcohol will not allow you to lose excess weight, but will only increase it.
  • It is necessary to normalize sleep and establish a daily routine. It is recommended to sleep at least seven hours a day, to fall asleep and get up every day at the same time.
  • To speed up your metabolism, you should drink a lot of water - 2 liters per day.
  • It is advisable to avoid stress, reduce nervous tension, relax more often.

Video: how to get rid of visceral fat

Internal fat on human organs

People are getting fat, everyone knows that. But is it dangerous for general condition health of this or that individual? Not always, all doctors admit it. If your weight has increased slightly and is evenly distributed throughout your body, it's not so bad.

Here are some of the most amazing facts about fat!

How to remove internal fat

How fat is located on the body also depends on how it will feel and what will happen to it after a while. Dangerous abdominal fat, hardened and absorbed the internal organs. It covered the liver with its tenacious and durable tentacles and surrounded the entire abdominal cavity. It is impossible to grope or see this enemy. Share it in percentage to the total fat - small, but ... small spool - but expensive in our case can be altered into a small bug, but smelly.

So, internal fat - what is it? Let's call it VZH. This is the fat that is invisible to the eye, but it causes a lot of harm, accumulating on the internal organs of people.

How to find out the mass (percentage) of abdominal fat? Using MRI or computed tomography. And "by eye" to understand whether it is worth running to the diagnosis, you can measure your own waist with an ordinary tailor's meter. If the numbers on the tape show more than 85 - urgently call medical Center for measuring the high life or, as foreigners say, internal fat, interno de la grasa, abdominal de la graisse. Sounds nice, but looks ugly, alas.

Why do the sides and stomach get fat

Here is what they write on the MissFit website: “It does not affect the appearance, sits quietly in its belly, does not touch anyone. But at the same time, it actively throws out elements into the bloodstream fatty acids, they immediately attack the liver, which in turn - short circuit, and away we go ... Excess insulin, increased blood pressure, increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides (fatty particles) in the blood - this condition is called "metabolic syndrome". It usually precedes diabetes and heart disease.

Abdominal (abdominal) fat is a "pupil" of stress, a concentrate of cortisol (stress hormone). When you are chronically anxious, your body will internal systems wave of cortisol and at the same time creates a "factory" for its processing - the abdominal layer of fat.

Subcutaneous fat, on the other hand, is not harmful to health. Neither the notorious fold at the waist, which you critically examine in the mirror, nor the hated "breeches" on the hips are not scary. Scientists prove (reasonedly) that "pop's ears" serve as protection against cardiovascular diseases: excess fat from the bloodstream settles on the thighs, and does not clog the arteries, and does not interfere with the most important metabolic processes.

In Canada, a study was conducted: under the supervision of doctors, 12 pairs of twin men ate 1000 kcal in excess of the norm per day for 6 weeks. Both the places of fat deposition and the net gain of kilograms (from 4.5 to 12) inside one pair of twins were very different! To the question that not everything in our life is in charge of genetics ”. So that's it.

That seems to say it all. It is worth adding that our physiology and body structure largely depends on what genes we received at birth. However, in our youth we are all in approximately the same position in front of Mother Nature. But with age, hormonal changes occur. And the fullness comes like an enemy army. They especially suffer from changes in the figure of the pear woman.

Why is this happening? Why do people get fat?

After 40 years, women waste some kind of immunity given by nature against metabolic disorders and obesity.

And then the threat of acquiring metabolic syndrome increases rapidly and relentlessly.

This is because, due to age-related hormonal changes, fat is redistributed - not in favor of health. The base that you prepare in your youth is important here - this is a kind of fund, it will help you to painlessly transfer by-effect menopause.

Our main enemies

At the word "breeches" women flinch and frown. A long-term war with an unaesthetic enemy can undermine health and upset the psyche. Dissatisfaction own body, which is experienced by more than half of all women in the world, entails eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia), lowers self-esteem. Any physical exercises (morning exercises, funny Games with your dog while walking or inadequate training in the gym) successfully build your relationship with your own body.

Here is a list of questions that site visitors ask us in their letters:

  • "How to Remove Internal Fat from Legs"
  • "Why are the sides and belly getting fat?"
  • "How to make your figure perfect at home?"
  • "What if there is no waist?"
  • "I have a wide waist: what should I do?"
  • "How to remove internal belly fat?"
  • "How to remove internal leg fat?"

They ask about men and women, they dream of removing Vzh from the abdomen and legs, from the organs and hands. Someone even asked if there is abdominal fat in the cheeks. As you can see, there are many questions. But we have not listed everything. They dream of losing weight with young years... And all because of the constant

Abdominal obesity in women is no less dangerous than in men. Treatment should only be done under supervision. qualified specialists... Self-medication at home is dangerous! You will only harm your body, but you are unlikely to cope with the problem.

So, together with colleagues, we told you about what internal fat, called by doctors - abdominal is. We wish you not to face this problem. Lead healthy image life, participate in the games of your children, accustom yourself and your descendants to active pastime, proper nutrition and the ability to cope with stress and self-dissatisfaction. And be healthy!

Abdomen or belly fat - of course it does not look aesthetically pleasing, not athletic, and many of the owners of a "beer" belly would like it not to be. Moreover, in some way it poses a threat to health.

(7 photos total)

1. Fatty deposits on the abdomen are more dangerous than other fatty deposits in the body. For example, body fat in the abdomen, more dangerous than on the buttocks and hips. Since with abdominal fat can be associated with a number of diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and various heart diseases. The genetic predisposition passed on by the parents can also contribute to the appearance of excess weight, but in to a greater extent excess weight may appear due to improper lifestyle and nutrition.

2. The myth of the "beer belly". Looking at the rounded belly of a beer consumer, they say that its owner - a beer belly, appeared as a result of beer consumption. But this is not the case, studies have shown that there is no direct link between beer and belly fat. It's all about alcohol, which increases appetite, affects the hormones that regulate the feeling of satiety.

3. The most dangerous are trans fats. Not consumption fatty foods, and an excess of calories leads to an increase in the waist and the appearance of a tummy, just some fats are slightly more harmful than others. Studies have shown that trans fats increase to some extent the fatty deposits in the abdomen. Trans fats are found in foods such as cookies, crackers, fast food, margarine, baked goods.

4. The tendency of men to obesity in the abdomen. In men, most often fat accumulates in the abdomen, while in women, due to differences in hormones, most of it accumulates on the buttocks and thighs. While a woman is under 40, her estrogen level is slightly higher, it redirects fat to the hips and buttocks, later, when the estrogen level falls, fat accumulates in the abdomen.

5. Swinging the press will not reduce the fat folds. Various physical exercises, squats and rocking the press only strengthen the abdominal muscles, but almost do not burn belly fat. The only way to get rid of excess fat is to eat right and be active and active: swimming, running, cycling, aerobics.

6. Fat thin people there is also. In some people, despite being thin, there is an increase in the content of visceral fat or that which accumulates around the organs. Such people may have high blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Well sedentary image will promote the formation of fatty folds on the abdomen.

7. The best way getting rid of belly fat. Calorie-restricted meals. The inclusion in the diet of vegetables, foods from whole grains, dairy products with low content fat. Most research shows that eating a calorie-restricted diet can help you shed excess body fat. You need to include vegetables, whole grains, fish, eggs, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products in your diet. Keeping these foods in your diet will help you get all the nutrients you need and keep your waist down. And of course, regular exercise, from thirty minutes to an hour.

Etc. On the one hand, it protects the internal organs from harmful substances. On the other hand, such a fatty layer makes organ tissues less sensitive to insulin, which can cause not only diabetes but also lead to other diseases.

Start by cleansing your colon and liver. In the intestines, harmful substances accumulate, from which the body protects the internal organs with a layer fat... Which of the cleansing methods you choose is up to you: enemas, pharmacy preparations or special herbal preparations... Cleansing the intestines will not only help to remove waste products, but also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. When cleansing, remember that you should not abuse such procedures, since microflora is washed out of the body along with unnecessary substances.

Drink plenty of fluids. Be sure to drink at least one and a half liters of pure non-carbonated water a day, do not think that drinks on water - tea or coffee - are capable of it. This will provide additional elimination of toxins from the body and improve kidney health.

Get some rest, don't be nervous, avoid stress, sleep for the prescribed number of hours. Overwork and excessive mental stress contribute to weight gain and fat accumulation. When the body senses that its conditions of existence are deteriorating, it sends a signal to the brain for hard times, therefore, to store excess fat, which can be used for energy in "hard days."

Eat. Balance the amount and quality of fats, proteins and carbohydrates consumed. Fats in olive oil, egg yolk, avocados and nuts are perfect for these purposes. A source that accelerates metabolism can be dairy products with a reduced content fat, legumes, dietary meat. It is better (and more enjoyable) to get carbohydrates from fresh fruits, berries and vegetables. Diets are also stressful for the body. Instead of starving yourself, make sure your body is getting enough wholesome food so that you don't feel "deprived".

Get busy. It makes no sense to fight visceral fat in a certain part of the body, for example, on, - the fat goes away when the whole body loses weight. Find the program that suits you on this moment, and over time you will be able to increase the load. During training, muscles are strengthened, although at first this is not visible under the layer fat... But when you are overweight, the condition of your muscles will certainly please you. Breathe correctly during exercise. Oxygen contributes correct work cells of the body. The most famous program that allows you to combine exercises and correct breathing- bodyflex.


Internal fat is found in the abdominal area where the internal organs are located. Internal fat is the cause of metabolic syndrome due to the fact that the liver, kidneys and stomach are covered with fat. Research shows that this combination of diet and exercise is one of the best ways to lose body fat.

Helpful advice

Why is belly fat especially dangerous? Most of the fatty tissue in the abdomen is visceral fat. This means that fat fills the space between the internal organs, which are located inside the abdomen. In fact, in this way, we can not specifically get rid of fat in a certain part of the body, although these exercises and strengthen the muscles. abdominal and torso.

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  • how to get rid of internal fat

Or visceral, fat is found in a person's abdominal cavity. Excess visceral fat leads to impaired blood supply to internal organs, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.


Internal fat is broken down faster than subcutaneous fat, and it is easier from it. However, this problem requires an integrated approach - proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity. Do not try quickly - it is better to lose 300-400 g per week steadily, it is easier and more reliable. Use a calculator to calculate daily amount calories, which will lead to gradual weight loss.

Limit foods containing simple carbohydrates in your diet - sugar, honey, premium white flour products, etc. They break down and saturate the body with energy, but their excess is stored in the form of fat cells. In the total amount of carbohydrates received by the body, the proportion of simple carbohydrates should not exceed 30%.

Complex carbohydrates, necessary for building cells of the body, are contained in wholemeal flour, bran and whole grain products, cereals, especially buckwheat and oatmeal, vegetables and fruits, spinach. These foods are slowly absorbed by the body. They are best consumed in the morning to

Fat does tend to change its state from solid to liquid when heated, but the temperature must be very high - for example, as during cooking. Without harm to health, it will not be possible to achieve such a state, and if it were possible, the melted fat would occupy the same volume as it has no way to go outside.

The myths that fat can be melted away by going to the bathhouse or by body wraps thrive despite scientific evidence. It seems to people that everything is natural - when heated, the layer of fat melts and goes out through the pores. At the same time, weight also decreases, and a person may even look a little thinner. In fact, water comes out through the pores with dirt and sebum, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands. Due to the loss of water, weight loss also occurs, and for the same reason, volumes may go away a little - no more than a centimeter. Changes in the amount of water in the body really have a big effect on weight and volume: some women are well aware that before menstruation, the body tends to retain water, resulting in edema and weight gain.

Cellophane and special wraps do not work either: they make the skin sweat, but no more. Even more dangerous is playing sports with such wraps, the myth of their effectiveness is very common. But active physical labor when dehydrated, it is very harmful to health.

How to get rid of subcutaneous fat?

The only way to lose fat is to burn more calories than you consume. With a calorie deficit, the body looks for other sources of energy - the most available are fat and muscle. If at the same time you go in for sports and eat more proteins, then you do not need to worry about the safety of muscles - the body will lose weight only due to fat.

And there are many ways to create a calorie deficit. You can simply eat less, while maintaining the same activity. You can sit on strict diet, but it must be borne in mind that after a while the body will get used to small doses nutrients and start spending less. You can increase your activity - walking, running, playing sports more. You can strengthen your muscles, because muscle tissue energy is required even during the rest period, so than more muscle, the more calories are spent on maintaining them.

Ghee lard is a high-calorie dish that is very popular in Ukraine and in some regions of Russia. It is widely used in cooking: you can fry potatoes and meat on it. Also, garlic and herbs are pounded with it, seasoning borsch with this mixture. Lard is often seasoned buckwheat porridge etc.

You will need

  • - Salo;
  • - onion.


Take a piece of bacon (preferably with meat veins) and one large one. cut into medium-sized pieces - cubes or sticks. Peel the onion, make several deep cross-shaped cuts in it, but so that it is in pieces.

Lard is best in a small iron pot, or in a thick-bottomed pot. Put chopped bacon and onion in a bowl, put on low heat. Stir gently from time to time to prevent the pieces from sticking to the bottom. Gradually, the fat will begin to melt. Continue heating and stirring until these pieces turn into small greaves and turn brownish-reddish in color. This will be a signal that the lard is ready.

Turn off the hotplate, carefully remove the greaves with a slotted spoon and put them in a separate container. If you cooked buckwheat porridge at the same time, you can immediately put the cracklings in it and stir it - it will only become tastier and more satisfying.

When the resulting lard has cooled slightly, carefully pour it into clean containers (glass jars, earthenware). After cooling, close the neck of the containers with plastic lids or thick gauze bandages and take them to a cool, dark place (preferably in a cold cellar). You can also store lard in the refrigerator.

Some housewives throw away the onion, along with which the lard was heated, some, on the contrary, put it in one of the containers and pour it, claiming that it turns out to be tastier this way. There is no consensus here. You can do as you please.

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In a cool, dark place, lard can be stored for up to six months, practically without losing its taste.

Helpful advice

V folk medicine lard has long been used as a medicine for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. There are reliably known cases when he contributed to the cure even from such dangerous disease like tuberculosis.

Secret ideal figure- in the absence of body fat. Body shapes can be round, but if they are firm and do not sag under the weight of fat, then everything is in order. But with excess weight you need to fight, because excessive obesity can lead to serious problems with health. If you set a goal and do not wait for a momentary result, it is quite possible to remove excess fat from problem areas, for this you just need to approach the task comprehensively.


Start with your diet. You should not replace it with starvation: the body, frightened by the loss of a food source, will not waste subcutaneous fat, but, on the contrary, will start new ones for a rainy day. Yours should be more of a way of life. Just give up sweet and starchy foods, try to eat fruits in the morning, eat food in small portions, but often so as not to feel hungry. Remember natural fat burners: pineapple, grapefruit, broccoli. But do not abuse them so as not to cause stomach problems.

Try an anti-cellulite and fat-burning massage with special oils and creams available from pharmacies and supermarkets. Use a massager or rub your skin with a bath mitten. These procedures are best done under a hot shower or bath.

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remember, that fat cells do not disappear, but only shrink, so you will need to keep yourself in shape constantly.

Helpful advice

If you set yourself the goal of losing weight, drink more, sometimes the body is thirsty, and we take these signals for feeling hungry.


  • http://www.fitplanet.ru/health/healthy-body/128-5-secrets-fat-weight-loss.html

Most frequent problems with skin are observed in the area hips... Cellulite appears on them with age. To get rid of it, it is enough to conduct massage, which is aimed at improving blood flow, resorption subcutaneous fat and smoothing of the skin. You don't have to go to massage Istu, because you can do it yourself.

You will need

  • - sea salt;
  • - honey;
  • - fat cream;
  • - massager.


Take a hot bath with aromatic oils or sea salt. Start off massage without holding water treatments it is impossible, bruises will appear on the skin. After the skin has softened, proceed to the basic steps.

Pat your thighs with your palm or fingers to improve blood flow to the capillaries. You don't need to press hard as the skin is not yet fully prepared.

Start rubbing your skin. Spread your fingers apart. With active movements, begin to rub the skin so that it seems to move in the direction in which you move your hand. This will help reduce the layer of subcutaneous fat. Use honey to improve the result. Of course to do with it massage somewhat more painful, but more effective.

Grab a small area of ​​skin and pull it back, then release it and lightly stroke it with your palm. After that, proceed to stronger kneading, grabbing a larger area. Your movements should be like when kneading dough, but do not be too zealous, so you will not speed up the appearance of the result.

Begin patting. They need to be intense. Apply some honey to your palm and work from top to bottom over your thigh. WITH inside do less intense claps, as this is mostly not. But it's not, there massage not necessary.

If you are in severe pain, then limit yourself to regular rubbing. hips sea ​​salt or honey with the addition essential oil lemon. This procedure improves blood flow and promotes the gradual resorption of cellulite.

Buy special massage ep, if your hands get very tired when holding massage a. Use it after taking a bath and applying a greasy cream to your skin.

Talk to massage Istu if you want to get your hips in order as soon as possible. Of course home massage also brings results, but after visiting a specialist, they will appear much faster.

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Weight loss is on three pillars - self-discipline, diet and exercise. Only an integrated approach to the problem of losing weight can bring results.

You will need

  • kitchen scale
  • food calorie table
  • gym membership


Find for yourself a system of incentives, motivation to keep the weight. Almost any will do, but not negative. For example, go to the store and get an expensive and very beautiful for a couple of sizes less than that what you are currently wearing. Or come up with something of your own that will reward you after you have accomplished what you set out to do. Simply put, strive for the best in your thoughts, rather than running away from the bad. Only then will the question of how not seem so insoluble.

Golden Rule weight loss: "Get less energy than you spend." If it is observed, the lack of calories will be replenished by fatty body reserves. The problem of how to lose weight begins to be solved with a revision of eating habits. The classic diet involves eating food in small portions 4-5 times a day. Moreover most your diet should be low-carbohydrate vegetable products, fermented milk cuisine. Completely give up flour, sweet, fatty, fried, smoked and alcohol. Have dinner no later than 6 pm. If you stay up late, drink a glass of kefir half an hour or an hour before bedtime, or eat an apple.

Make exercise your daily ritual. Spend at least 20-30 minutes a day bending, squatting, running and exercising c. Purchase a subscription at. It is easier in the company, and the material incentive (money spent on the subscription) should not be discounted. A good way to bring blurry shapes as quickly as possible is. Do body flex every day for a quarter of an hour - and soon you will see how extra centimeters go away.

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Is internal fat dangerous?

Internal fat is located in the abdominal cavity and protects vital organs from damage. Internal fat cells are larger than those of subcutaneous fat, so they are more resistant to degradation processes. Visceral fat is also insensitive to insulin. It affects energy balance and metabolic processes.

Everyone has fat around their internal organs. When accumulating in large quantities it poses a serious danger. First of all, it manifests itself in people who eat improperly, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and have hormonal disorders. Excess adipose tissue accumulates around the liver, kidneys, intestines, gallbladder, genitals, squeezing them and disrupting lymph drainage and blood circulation.

Excess fat is dangerous for the body:

  • It is insensitive to insulin, so it can increase the level of this hormone in the blood, provoking the onset of diabetes and oncological diseases.
  • Violates hormonal background.
  • Metabolic processes deteriorate.
  • May cause diseases of the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract.
  • It provokes the appearance of vascular diseases (atherosclerosis, varicose veins).

Important! Normally, the ratio of subcutaneous fat to internal fat is 9 to 1. If the amount of visceral fat exceeds 10% of the total, you should think about how to remove internal fat

Internal obesity can be diagnosed by tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or a caliper (measuring device for fat folds). You should know that a waist volume of more than 89 is considered dangerous for women, and more than 100 centimeters for men.

You can get rid of internal fat by reviewing your diet. Exactly correct diet helps to reduce adipose tissue, improves metabolic processes.

  • It is necessary to monitor the calorie content of the diet: the first month you need to consume 1200 kcal per day. The calorie content can be gradually increased, but on condition that the person burns as many calories as he consumes.
  • 80% of the diet should be natural fiber - vegetables, fruits, cereals. The consumption of animal fats, on the contrary, is minimized. Simple carbohydrates are also excluded from the diet.
  • It is forbidden to starve: even if it is possible to reduce the body fat, it will be stressful for the body. After returning to a normal diet, the lost pounds will return.
  • Perfect option - fractional meals... You need to take food 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • It is best to steam or cook food, occasionally you can pamper yourself with stews, but you will have to give up fried food.
  • For effective fight with excess adipose tissue must be observed drinking regimen- drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean non-carbonated water per day.
  • Fat burners have a good effect, but you should know that they are useless if a person does not play sports. With active physical activity burning of glycogen occurs. Only when the body runs out of glycogen as a source of energy is the turn of internal fat.
  • It is worth enriching your diet with natural fat burners - citrus fruits, ginger, cinnamon, green tea, celery, apples.
  • Bowel detoxification procedure is also recommended. This will help not only pharmaceutical preparations, but also regular fasting days... To begin with, such days can be spent every 2 weeks. At well-being as often as possible.
  • The last meal should take place no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  • It is recommended to start the morning with a glass. warm water... You can add there lemon juice or a couple of mint leaves. This simple method will start the digestive processes and at the same time drown out the feeling of hunger.
  • Snacks should also be healthy: a handful of berries, a glass of kefir, an apple, natural yoghurt- what you need to get rid of the aching feeling of hunger.

Useful and unhealthy foods

Foods to include in your diet:

  • Low-fat varieties meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal). Fish (pollock, hake, pangasius, carp, pike), sometimes seafood.
  • Groats - oat, buckwheat, barley, millet, wheat.
  • Fruits and berries: citrus fruits, apples, cherries, cherries, pineapple. And also pears, raspberries, etc.
  • Vegetables: green leafy, bell pepper, carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini. And also squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocados.
  • Eggs (no more than 1 per day).
  • Vegetable oil- olive, corn, linseed, sunflower.
  • Nuts (pine nuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios).
  • Galette cookies, whole wheat bread.
  • Non-greasy dairy products: kefir, yogurt, natural yogurt without additives, hard cheese, sour cream.
  • Natural juices sugar-free, compotes, mineral water still, green tea.

Exclude from menu:

  • Baking, pastry, bread made from premium flour.
  • Canned food, smoked meats, marinades, purchased sauces and mayonnaises.
  • Sausages.
  • Hot spices - they stimulate the appetite.
  • Rich broths, fatty meats and fish.
  • Butter, cream, full-fat milk and dairy products.
  • Fast food.
  • Alcohol, carbonated drinks.

Best sports exercises

Knowing about the dangers of internal fat for humans, how to get rid of it quickly and effectively? Of course, with the help of sports activities. Best effect gives a combination of strength and cardio exercises. Cardio loads (running, swimming, jumping, aerotep, cycling) contribute to the rapid burning of calories. Strength loads improve endurance, the condition of muscle tissue and skin... It is unlikely that anyone wants to have a thin, but flabby body. The optimal load distribution is as follows: 3 times a week power training and 3 for cardio. You can combine them in one workout: you need to start a lesson with a warm-up and 15 minutes of cardio, end with cardio loads and stretching.

The most effective exercises for reducing visceral fat at home are as follows:

  • Running in place. Starting position- standing, legs slightly apart. You need to imitate running by raising your knees high. You can start the exercise from a minute, gradually increase the duration to 2-3 minutes.
  • Planks. You can alternate different types planks so that all types of muscles are involved. Side plank (starting position - on one elbow and resting on the foot, the other hand - raised up) 30 seconds, plank on the elbows (emphasis on the elbows and foot, body parallel to the floor), plank for changing positions ( right hand and left leg torn off the floor and stretched out, fix for 15 seconds and change position).
  • Pulling the knees to the chest. The starting position is a plank on outstretched arms. You need to imitate running, trying to pull your knees as close to your chest as possible. Take a minute and slow down, trying to raise the knee as high as possible and fix for 5-10 seconds.
  • Pulling in the abdomen. The pose is a common "cat". Basic exercise from bodyflex. While inhaling, try to draw in your stomach as much as possible and arch your back, while exhaling - complete relaxation. Do it 10-15 times.
  • Twisting. Starting position - lying on your back, knees bent. You need to rise so that the shoulder blades come off the floor, and try to touch the right knee with your left hand and vice versa. Do 2 sets of 15 times.
  • Pendulum. Lying on your back, you need to raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Alternately tilt both legs to the right and left to the maximum mark, without touching the ground. Do 2 sets of 15 times in each direction.
  • Weighted press. You will need 2 dumbbells or water bottles. It is advisable to dose the load on your own, according to your well-being. Clamp one dumbbell between the feet, take the second with both hands. Starting position - lying down, arms behind the head, legs with dumbbells straight. On one count, raise your arms and legs, twisting your torso. It is advisable that the dumbbells touch each other. Lock in for 5 seconds and gently lower. Do 3 sets of 10 times.
  • Mill. Starting position - standing on the floor, holding dumbbells in your hands. Make a tilt of the body, raise one hand all the way up, and turn the body with the other dumbbells to the right, lock in for 10 seconds and change the position. Feel how the lateral press muscles work. Do 15 times on each side.

Even more useful and effective exercise, which will help to put the tummy in order and make it flat, are presented in the video below.

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