Home Useful properties of fruits An exemplary complex of therapeutic exercises for school-age children with impaired posture. An approximate set of exercises for violation of posture

An exemplary complex of therapeutic exercises for school-age children with impaired posture. An approximate set of exercises for violation of posture

Posture of children, that is, the correct position of the child's body, many parents do not pay attention. Often there are children who walk with their heads down, hunch over, unevenly hold their shoulders, stick out their stomachs forward, stand, leaning on only one leg (Fig. 1), and their parents do not correct them, do not teach them to hold on correctly.

How to check the correct posture in a child at home?

To control correct posture at home you can use a vertical plane, for example, a wall without a plinth, to which child touches the whole body (heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and head). To establish whether there is an excessive deflection in the lower back, the child should stick his hand flat into the lumbar deflection and keep his head straight. If the back side touches the body, and the palm touches the wall, then there are no violations.

Bad posture is not only ugly, but also has a harmful effect on the work of internal organs (heart, lungs), causes a curvature of the spine, leads to rapid fatigue of the child's spinal muscles and a decrease in his performance. Many children have no idea what correct position body. A stooped schoolboy (Fig. 2) only straightens his arms while standing at attention. At the same time, all other errors in body position are only emphasized even more (Fig. 3).

child with correct posture the head and body are always kept straight, the head is slightly raised, the back is straightened, the shoulders are slightly laid back, the chest is slightly pushed forward, the stomach is tucked up (Fig. 4).

Causes of poor posture in children

Most parents do not notice the connection between general condition the child, the regime of his life and the occurrence of various posture disorders. Meanwhile, the connection here is often the most direct.

For example, children Those who have had rickets or who suffer from tuberculosis intoxication, due to the weakening of the body, get tired faster than healthy children. During classes, they take the wrong postures, which gradually become cause of bad posture and curvature of the spine. In the same way, children with impaired vision or hearing loss, taking positions that are comfortable for themselves, but not always correct, violate their posture.

It is very important that each student has a desk, a table for classes and a place for common table matched his height. The height of the chair should be such that the edge of the table is 2-3 cm above the elbow of the arm bent at a right angle. The legs should be with the whole foot on the floor. If they do not reach the floor, substitute a low bench. When writing, you need to put your forearms on the table so that both elbows lie on the same line. Shoulders must be kept at the same height, without hunching over and not lowering your head low. Make sure that when reading, the child leans on the back of the chair and holds the book somewhat obliquely, for this reason he will not bend down to the book. It is good to use a special stand for a book when reading.

Sufficient lighting is also necessary. Poor lighting forces the child to lean towards a book or notebook, which leads to a deterioration not only in posture, but also in vision.

Make sure your children are in the right position while sleeping. Children are recommended to sleep on a flat, firm and not too soft mattress with a low pillow. Do not allow children to sleep curled up, that is, tucking their legs up to their stomachs.

Often schoolchildren carry a briefcase in the same hand (usually the right one). Prolonged pulling down of one shoulder leads to a curvature of the spine. Therefore, teach children to carry a briefcase alternately in the left and in the right hand.

Some parents try to limit the mobility of children, forbid them to run, jump, play, and at the same time forget that in children the need for movement is natural and healthy, and the lack of movement only strengthens and consolidates posture defects. Just for the education of good posture, it is very useful for children to move more: walk, run, participate in outdoor games and other activities related to active muscular activity.

Make sure that in your free time - on Sunday, holidays, holidays - children were more outdoors, on fresh air. Skiing, skating and sledding - the best views recreation for children in winter time. If it is possible to identify a student in a nursery sports school, be sure to use it and convince the child of the importance of systematic exercise. You can recommend sections in gymnastics (especially rhythmic), athletics, skiing and skating (especially figure skating). From sports games Basketball and volleyball are very useful for preventing postural disorders. From summer species sports special attention swimming deserves it, it promotes the development of good posture in children.

Those parents who make a mistake before the doctor about the release of their healthy son or daughter from lessons are making a mistake. physical education for no apparent reason. Physical exercises correct posture, so all students must attend physical education classes and be sure to do exercises in the morning.

When doing homework, every 45 minutes you need to take a 10-minute break. Let the child run in the air or do 3-5 exercises that expand the chest and straighten the spine. To such exercises include: abduction of the arms to the sides until the shoulder blades come together or raising the arms up, and the sides with a simultaneous rise on the toes.

In addition to the daily morning exercises, for improving the posture of children at home we recommend a special gymnastics. Posture exercises for kids we advise you to do it 1-2 times a day (after morning exercises and after doing homework).

Gymnastic exercises for violation of posture in children

For the first two exercises, the starting position is the correct sitting of the child on a chair (Fig. 5).

Exercise 1st. Starting position. Take your shoulders back until they touch the back of the chair; retract the stomach and bring the back closer to the back of the chair (inhale) (Fig. 6). Return to starting position (exhale).

Exercise 2. Starting position. Place the interlocked fingers of both hands on the back of the head, legs apart. Tilt the body alternately to the left, then to the right with a straight back and a tucked up stomach (Fig. 7).

For the remaining eight exercises, the starting position is at attention.

Exercise 3. Starting position, hands at the seams. Stand with your back to the wall, touching it with the back of your head, shoulder blades and buttocks (Fig. 8).

Straighten your shoulders, bringing them closer to the wall, draw in your stomach, bringing your lower back closer to the wall (inhale) (Fig. 9). Return to starting position (exhale).

Exercise 4. Starting position, hands on the belt. Raise forward, straightening at the knee, alternately left, then right leg, while keeping the leg completely straight on the floor (Fig. 10).

Exercise 5th. Starting position. Stand against the wall, touching it only with the buttocks. Rise on toes, stretching your arms (palms inward forward up and looking at the drawn thumb arms. Return to the starting position (Fig. 11).

Exercise 6th. Starting position. Squat down, spreading your knees to the sides. With straight, parallel lowered hands, reach the floor (Fig. 12). Return to starting position.

Exercise 7th. Starting position, hands on the belt. Squat down, keeping your back straight, while keeping your hands on your belt, knees apart. Maintain this pose, counting up to 5 (Fig. 13). Return to starting position.

Exercise 8th. Starting position. March around the room while maintaining the correct posture. Move your arms as in normal walking (Fig. 14).

Exercise 9th. Starting position. Stretch your hands (palms inward) forward up, look at the thumb. Bend the body forward, keeping the back straight and lowering the hands down (look at the thumb) (Fig. 15). Return to the original pose.

Exercise 10th. Starting position. Bend the body forward with a perfectly straight back. Press your hands to the body (Fig. 16). Return to starting position.

To correct posture disorders in children it is also useful to put a pillow with sawdust or sand, a board or a box on your head and perform various exercises and gymnastics: normal walking, on toes and bent legs, walking on a log, on a narrow rail.

Posture disorders are various curvature of the spine. Posture disorders include excessive kyphosis or lordosis, scoliosis, and slouching. Poor posture can seriously harm the body.

The reasons

In children, the main causes of poor posture are:

Decreased motor activity;

Diet disorders;

Violations caused by the disorganization of the workspace;

Violation of labor.

Hypodynamia (impaired motor activity) of the child leads to a gradual weakening of the muscular apparatus of the spinal column and the whole body. Weak muscles are not able to maintain the correct orientation of the body in space, which leads to a violation of posture.

Dietary disorders. If the child receives an unbalanced diet and an insufficient amount of minerals and organic matter, this can adversely affect the musculoskeletal system of the child. Most often, children receive with food a lack of calcium salts, which are responsible for the development of ligaments and bones. With a lack of minerals, the ligamentous apparatus develops poorly, which can lead to a violation of posture.

Disorganization of the child's workspace may be associated with wrong conditions activities for which the child spends a large interval of time. The reason for the violation of posture may be due to the incorrect height of the desktop and chair, behind which the student does his homework, poor lighting of the working surface, lack of working space. At the same time, incorrect posture is fixed over time, leading to an imbalance of the paravertebral muscles.

Violation of the child's work regime: incorrect and increased physical activity can also provoke the occurrence of a persistent violation of posture.

Source budemzdorovy.org


There are the following types of posture disorders (according to Stoffel):

Flat back. Characterized complete disappearance natural curves of the spine. The muscles of the natural muscular corset are very weak. This condition can lead to the development of scoliosis. Flat back is relatively rare and accounts for no more than 1-2% of all postural disorders.

The round back is characterized by a significant increase in thoracic kyphosis with normal cervical lordosis. Lumbar lordosis increases significantly. Against this background, thoracic kyphosis is even more pronounced. A round back does not always characterize only a violation of posture. Often, round back syndrome can be a symptom of more severe structural diseases of the spine. Such as Scheuermann-Mao disease, Forestier's disease. Children should be examined radiographically and promptly identified possible diseases spine.

Slouch. The most common type of posture disorder. More common in girls adolescence. Objectively, they have an increased cervical lordosis. It seems that the child walks all the time “thinking”, “withdrawing into himself” with his head down, with his shoulders brought together. The thoracic kyphosis does not change, and the lumbar lordosis flattens. The anterior abdominal wall becomes "sagging" due to the displacement of the center of gravity of the body forward. If you ask the child to straighten his shoulders, put his head correctly, “remove his stomach”, then these signs disappear for a very long time. a short time. This means that this posture has become a "habit". With persistent stoop, with improper load on the intervertebral discs in these children, clinical symptoms of osteochondrosis of the middle thoracic spine appear very early with age.

Round-concave back and flat-concave back - these two types of posture disorders are very rare. Their manifestation is due to complex changes in the spine, both in the sagittal and in the frontal plane.

There is also a scoliotic posture (according to Chaklin: "functional scoliosis"), it is characterized by curvature of the spine in the frontal plane without rotation around the vertical axis of the vertebral bodies.

Source spinanebolit.com.ua


Prevention of postural disorders, scoliosis and other deformities of the spinal column is based on the following principles:

Normalization of nutrition;
Prevention of osteoporosis (decrease in calcium in the bone structure);
Organization of the regime of work and rest.

Normalizing the nutrition of a person with a curved spinal cord involves a special diet:

The third part daily ration should include vegetables and fruits;

In the morning you need to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice;

One part of the diet is animal and vegetable proteins;

Carbohydrate intake should not exceed 20% of all types of foods;

Fats are best consumed unrefined (cold pressed);

Do not salt foods, but use seaweed instead;

Take at least 40 minutes of daily walks to eliminate sedentary image life.

Prevention of violation of posture to prevent osteoporosis involves:

Consumption of foods rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. To do this, it is necessary to include dairy products and fish in the diet;

Manganese is essential for delivering oxygen to the intervertebral discs. It contains egg yolk, potato skins, onions, bananas, celery, peas;

Vitamins A and C are antioxidants and fight peroxide forms of oxygen. The largest number of them is found in citrus fruits, carrots, cabbage.

In conclusion: there are many types and types of posture disorders that lead to the development of scoliosis, compression syndrome and other diseases. Readers should not be afraid of this diversity, since according to statistics, in 90-95 percent of cases, the curvature of the spine is formed over many years. It is easily prevented if effective prevention posture disorders.

Source spinazdorov.ru

In children

The treatment complex for violations of posture in children should be aimed at the formation of a full-fledged muscular corset, the development of the correct functional stereotype.

The main role in the correction of posture disorders in children belongs to physiotherapy exercises, massage (general, orthopedic, with elements of exercise therapy, abdominal muscles, chest, back and waist), manual therapy, hydrotherapy, therapeutic swimming, kinesiotherapy. In school-age children, it is advisable to include classes on a rowing machine, exercise bike, and gymnastic complexes in the complex of therapeutic and corrective measures. Of the methods of physiotherapy for violation of posture in children, electrical stimulation of the back muscles, inductothermy, electrophoresis, general UVR, pelotherapy, thalassotherapy are used.

If necessary, the child is assigned to wear a special corset that supports the back muscles.

Source krasotaimedicina.ru


The exercise therapy complex in case of violation of posture should be aimed at strengthening the muscular corset of the back, abdominal muscles and abdominals. All exercises should be mostly static. Static exercises do not pump strength into the muscles, but train their endurance.

Exercise therapy in case of violation of posture begins necessarily with a warm-up, after which they proceed to the exercises:

1. Sit on a chair, put your hands on the back of your head and start pressing as if you want to bend your head to the sternum. Resist by tensing your neck muscles, hold the tension for 10 seconds, then give a 5 second rest and start the exercise again.

2. The starting position is the same, only right hand we begin to put pressure on the right temple, trying to lower the head to the left shoulder, then the hands change.

3. Sitting on a chair, straighten your back and turn your head to the right as much as possible, then bring your head to the extreme position with two sharp movements, then repeat this exercise on the opposite side. Jerks should be sharp, but neat, so as not to hurt your back.

4. Position too, connect the shoulder blades as much as possible behind your back for 10 seconds, then relax. Do several approaches.

5. Prepare a bottle of water in advance, take it and hold it in front of you with outstretched arms.

Now consider exercise therapy in violation of posture in the supine position.

1. Lie on your back, lift one leg off the floor a little and hold it, then also repeat with the second leg, while trying to pull the toe towards you.

2. Bend your knees and lift both legs. Then rest and then raise both legs outstretched.

3. We clasp our hands in the lock and put them under the back of the head. We begin to press with our hands, raising our head, while the neck muscles should resist the pressure.

4. Lie on your side, arms along the body and raise your head. Hold it in this position for 10 seconds, then relax, do several approaches, and then change sides.

5. We turn over on the stomach, bend our legs at the knees and tear off the shins from the floor, while resting on our elbows, tearing off our heads with shoulders.

6. Lying on the stomach, in turn we raise the outstretched leg, then the other.

As you can see, physical therapy in violation of posture works with all the muscles that are involved in maintaining posture.

Source opozvonochnike.ru

exercise therapy

Tasks of exercise therapy for violations of posture:

teaching the skill of correct posture and the systematic consolidation of this skill;

strengthening the muscles of the trunk and limbs (aligning the muscle tone of the anterior and rear surface trunk, lower extremities, strengthening the abdominal muscles);

normalization of trophic processes in the muscles of the body;

implementation of purposeful correction of the existing violation of posture.

Indications and contraindications for the appointment of exercise therapy.

Remedial gymnastics is shown to all children with posture disorders, since this is the only method that allows you to effectively strengthen and train the muscle corset, align muscle tone anterior and posterior torso, thighs.

At first, in exercise therapy classes, you should temporarily not use: running, jumping, jumping on a hard surface; performing exercises in the initial sitting position; performing exercises with a large range of motion of the body. Pure hangs are not recommended for use in preschool and primary school age, since short-term traction of the spine (against the background of general weakness and imbalance in the tone of the anterior and posterior surfaces of the muscles of the body) entails an even stronger muscle contraction, which does more harm than good. In addition, traction used in medical practice should always be accompanied by prolonged unloading of the spine in and. n. lying down.

LFK technique. LH classes are held in polyclinics, medical and physical education dispensaries, health schools, preschool educational institutions(3-4 times a week). Reducing the number of classes to 2 times a week is ineffective. The exercise therapy course for preschoolers and schoolchildren lasts 1.5 - 2 months; break between courses - at least a month. During the year, a child with a violation of posture must undergo 2-3 courses of exercise therapy, which allows you to develop a stable dynamic stereotype correct posture.

There are preparatory, main and final parts of the exercise therapy course (duration, respectively, 1 - 2, 4 - 5, 1 - 2 weeks). In the preparatory part, familiar exercises with low and medium reps are used. Created visual perception correct posture and its mental representation, the level of general physical fitness of the child increases. In the main part, the number of repetitions of each exercise increases. Special exercises are made from unloading starting points: lying on your back, on your stomach, standing on all fours and kneeling. The exercise is performed by the repeated or interval method, in combination with passive recreation. The main tasks of correcting existing posture disorders are being solved. In the final part, the load is reduced. The number of repetitions of each exercise is 4-6 times. After 2-3 weeks of classes, 20-30% of the exercises (mainly special ones) are updated. For preschoolers, 2 - 3 complexes are compiled, for schoolchildren - 3-4 L G complexes for one exercise therapy course. The skills of correct posture are improved in complicated variants of the exercises.

Source lechfk.narod.ru


There are 3 types of massage for the treatment of the spine:

Therapeutic (classic);

Therapeutic and segmental types are used in specialized orthopedic rehabilitation centers. Point view - in oriental health schools or physiotherapy centers.

The effect of massage procedures on the body:

Activate blood supply and activity of the central nervous system;
Eliminate nerve impulses in pathological foci;
Normalize metabolism;
Reflexively stimulate the activity of internal organs.

Massage in violation of posture is carried out individually, taking into account the pathogenetic links of the pathological process in each person.

Massage techniques:

Superficial and deep stroking;

Superficial stroking is carried out to relieve pain and form a calming effect.

Deep stroking enhances nervous activity, therefore, in the presence of a pronounced pain syndrome and muscle spasms in diseases of the spine, it is not used.

Rubbing is designed to improve blood circulation in a specific area. It is very effective for pain in the collar zone.

Shallow kneading in violation of posture allows you to eliminate pain syndrome. With pain in the chest, intermittent vibration is used, which makes it possible to identify and eliminate the pathological focus of pain impulses.

Source spinazdorov.ru


What does bad posture lead to?

contributes to a decrease in lung volume, which leads to impaired respiratory function;

reduces the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and tissues;

leads to disruption of the intestines and improper digestion;

causes ossification of the ligaments and the occurrence of pain;

causes chronic muscle tension;

leads to premature aging of body tissues;

the stability of the spine to deforming influences decreases, which leads to curvature;

causes increased fatigue due to systematic muscle strain;

leads to a decrease in the liveliness of thinking, speed of reaction and performance;

back pain, headache and muscle pain;

drowsiness and poor concentration.

Incorrect posture slowly but surely destroys the structure of your body, leading to premature aging of both body and mind. I hope I scared you enough and convinced you that something urgently needs to be changed in your life?

Remember that if you have the wrong posture, you are not a hopeless patient! Learn to monitor your posture, posture and do a special set of exercises.

Source homesovety.ru

Poor posture is not a disease in itself, but it is often leads to adverse health effects. The mobility of the chest due to the curvature of posture is reduced.

And depreciation of the spine worsens, the work of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems is also disrupted.

Parents themselves can notice the curvature, although the diagnosis, of course, put only by a doctor. If the baby has a hunched back, the shoulders are not at the same level, if they stick out the tummy, this is a definite curvature, like a pathology.

And more often it means (about 30%) scoliosis- lateral curvature of the PS (vertebral column). A set of exercises for curvature of posture in children will be presented in the article.

What does the concept include?

The head is held straight, the physiological curves of the spinal column appear evenly, the shoulder blades and shoulders are on the same line - this is the correct posture. It is hyperimportant that it be formed from childhood, when the skeletal system is still quite flexible.

If there is any deviation in the correct posture, with him real and must be fought. It, pathology, will also entail ailments in the work of the digestive tract, respiration, blood vessels and nerves.

In children, the back, lower back, and head may begin to hurt. The body is unified system, and problems in one organ or system “pull” pathological processes in other organs.

Reasons for development

At the baby musculoskeletal system continues to form. The bone system is still so flexible that due to incorrect movements or sitting, it may deform.

The posture itself is formed slowly, but at the same time the system gradually ossifies, so the bones can harden in the wrong position.

broken posture This is mainly for the spine. A stooped back, a flat back, a sluggish posture, so often they talk about curvature. There are several reasons for this pathology.

The reasons curvature in preschool children:

In children of school age, posture disorders are added to provocateurs weak or asymmetrically developed muscles, poor lighting at the desk where he does his homework.

Adolescents may experience increased growth, which is also why posture often suffers.

The child sits a lot at the table or gadgets in an unnatural position, him poor eyesight, and this also does not give him the opportunity to do homework normally - these are the main factors in the impaired posture of schoolchildren.

About the main causes of poor posture in children in this video:

Classification and varieties

There are several types of posture disorders. The most known to all parents are lordosis, kyphosis and scoliosis. But do you know what exactly these words mean?

Types of curvature:

  1. Lordosis- with it, the spinal column bends forward.
  2. Scoliosis- PS is curved to the side, it can be left-sided, and also right-sided and S-shaped.
  3. Kyphosis This is the curvature of the spine at the back.

The child has the following manifestations of curvature:

  • slouch- the lumbar lordosis is flattened, and the thoracic kyphosis is also deepening, the head is bent, the shoulders are adducted, the shoulder blades are pterygoid;
  • flat back- flattened all the physio-bends of the spinal column;
  • round back- significantly pronounced stoop;
  • concave back- increased physiological vertebral bends;
  • flat back— thoracic kyphosis is flattened, but lordosis is normal/lumbar;
  • scoliotic posture- it is broken frontally, lateral curvature.

Violation of posture, of course, is not a disease, but it is like a risk, and it is very likely to manifest itself and lead to problems in the functioning of organs and systems.

Symptoms and signs

It's easy to see the problem- the baby stoops, the shoulders and shoulder blades are not in the same line, he sticks out his tummy forward. All this speaks of emerging violations that need to be corrected.

Disturbing following symptoms:

  1. Spinal asymmetry.
  2. The child lies on the tummy, and he has different lengths of the legs.
  3. He slouches at the table.
  4. The child often catches a cold - yes, and this can also be a consequence of the curvature.

Baby first does not complain neither pain nor discomfort, but over time, complaints will definitely appear.

But you should not expect this - as soon as you see that the child is stooping, that his stomach is protruding forward, that one shoulder is higher than the other, and his head is tilted forward, action needs to be taken. While the situation can be corrected.

Complications and consequences

Due to the curvature of the spine wears out quickly and ages prematurely. The body loses its ability to physical activity, immunity decreases.

There are violations in the work of organs, intervertebral hernias may appear, as well as sciatica,.

Treatment Methods

It is correct to say not treatment, but posture correction.

Since a curved spine is not a disease, there is nothing to treat here, but here will have to be corrected.

And this correction is usually non-pharmacological (only, for example, tuberculous lesions of the spine or injuries of the supporting apparatus are treated).

Correction posture includes:

  1. Wearing special structures, orthopedic devices - for example, corsets.
  2. Therapeutic exercise is the main and most useful way posture correction.
  3. Massage - allows you to remove muscle spasm, improves metabolic processes and microcirculation.
  4. Physiotherapy.
  5. Compliance with a competent working posture.

Corrective techniques must be correct, regular, accurate. They are appointed by a specialist and controlled by him.

First, the child is engaged in physiotherapy exercises with the doctor, in a special room, then, when the classes are established, the movements are worked out, he can do it on his own.

How to do massage?

Massage is manual with applicators and self-massage.

In the first case, it is done by a specialist, while the child lies face down on the couch, stripped to the waist.

Self massage performed with a brush with a long handle, or a hard towel and other similar devices.

Therapeutic massage usually includes 3-4 courses per year for 12 procedures. In case of vertebral disorders, massage should only be smooth, soft, no sudden movements are allowed.

After finishing massage procedure the child must feel relaxed, in places of muscle kneading - pleasant warmth.

Massage is performed in combination with therapeutic exercises.

What exercises to do?

There are many exercise therapy complexes, and the doctor will vary the exercises in the classroom. But there are some standard methods which the child can use at home.

One of these standard complexes:

Well, if there is an opportunity to practice at the Swedish wall, on special simulators.

It makes sense to acquire all this for a child, since this direct investment in his physical activity and, most importantly, health.

Preventive actions

Start prevention from the birth of the baby. Do gymnastics with him, literally from the first days of life.

Do not rush to put the baby on its legs, plant it. You can't get carried away with walkers. At least until a year old, he should sleep without a pillow.

The child's head should be raised, shoulders deployed (but not beyond the shoulder blades), the line of the abdomen should not go beyond the line of the chest. Table and chair for the student should be tall.

FROM early age the child must practice physical education. Give the child to the sports section, to the choreographic circle, let his body be trained from childhood, and then this skill will go with him through life.

For any deviations, visible curvature, take the child to the doctor, and follow all the instructions of the specialist.

And remember that example of bad posture- these are most often parents who do not sit, stand, walk like that.

This is especially important in terms of working posture: pay attention to how you yourself sit at the computer, how you eat. And adults, too, are not too late to take up their posture and, thus, avoid unpleasant phenomena that cause curvature of the spine.

A complete set of exercises for violation of posture which you can do by following the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Sign up to see a doctor!

No, no, yes, a person casts a glance at himself in a shop window or in a randomly caught mirror. And what does he see there? A taut, slender figure of a self-confident person or a person hunched with his head down? And the problem is not only aesthetic perception. Violation of posture entails a whole bunch of problems, which can be corrected in adulthood problematic enough.

Therefore, the fight against a curved spine should begin as early as possible. And most effective method is physiotherapy exercises for violation of posture, which is suitable for any age.

What is correct posture

To begin with, let's find the position of the body, which should always accompany us. To do this, stand with a straight head with your back against the wall and press against it with the back of the head, the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, buttocks and heels. We break away from the wall and, maintaining the position of the body, we begin to move. By doing this simple exercise several times a day, we will accustom our body to the correct, and most importantly, natural position.

Most conscious life we spend in a sitting position: study desk, office chair, car seat, computer chair. And this position must also be correct. This means that the following parameters must be taken into account:

  • proportions - for example, with a height of 170 cm, the table must have a height of at least 80 cm, and a chair - 50 cm;
  • seat depth, which must be at least 36 cm;
  • chair position - about 4 cm, the seat should go under the edge of the desktop.

Well, and, of course, do not forget about the position of the back. Three points - the back of the head, shoulder blades and buttocks should still be in contact with the invisible wall, and the knees should be at right angles with it.

Causes of poor posture

  • constantly incorrectly accepted position of the body;
  • carrying a load in one hand, leading to damage to the intervertebral discs.

But not everything is so simple. Even if you always walk and sit with a straight back and carry a backpack over your shoulders, without strong muscles you will not be able to maintain the body in a perfectly correct position all the time. To combat the fact that a tired head begins to sink, and the body stoops, exercise therapy is called upon in violation of posture, which contains exactly the set of exercises that a person needs.

A set of exercises for violation of posture

As a rule, the tasks of exercise therapy in violation of posture are associated with the development of muscle strength of the back, abdomen and neck. It is on the training of these muscle groups that therapeutic exercises are aimed.

To obtain maximum effect from classes, they need to be carried out at least four times a week. At the same time, exercise therapy in violation of posture in children should be carried out in a playful way.

So, the exercise therapy complex for violation of posture can be as follows:

  1. We become straight, placing the legs at shoulder level. We do forward bends with the fingers touching the floor.
  2. In the same position, we put our hands on the occipital region, moving our elbows and head back. Doing rotational movements body on both sides.
  3. We straighten our arms to the sides and twist the body in one direction and the other. At the same time, we will take our hands back, and observe a slight deflection in the chest.
  4. We make rotational movements of the head in different directions.
  5. Placing hands at the seams, we make inclinations to one and the other side.
  6. We move lower limbs to the width of the shoulders, and in the hands behind the back at the level of the shoulder blades, we take a gymnastic stick. Lean forward as low as possible and lean back.
  7. We move into the position of "kneeling". We perform the element "cat-cow" either bending or arching in the lower back.
  8. We lie down on our stomach, stretching our arms forward, and take a small load in them (up to 2.5 kg). We raise and lower our hands with the load.
  9. We sit on the floor, leaning behind our hands on the floor. We simultaneously raise our arms to the sides, and our legs at a slope of 45 degrees. We linger in the position for a few seconds.
  10. We get up and take the expander behind the back of the head. We spread our arms to the sides, slightly bending in the chest.
  11. We place our palms on the forehead. By resisting the hands, we try to tilt the head.
  12. Slowly lean forward, shaking the bottom of the relaxed upper limbs. We return to the starting position.
  13. We place our palms on the back of the head. Pressing on the hands, we try to take the head back.
  14. We lay on our back, spreading our limbs to the sides and completely relax.

Do not forget that therapeutic exercises in violation of posture should be accompanied correct breathing and repeating each element at least 10 times. Performing the complex regularly, you can forget about problems with the spine.

Isn't it nice to look at a fit, slender person who has correct posture: he has his head held high and his shoulders straightened, and his gait is light and laid-back. And a completely different impression is formed at the sight of a stooped passer-by with sharply protruding shoulder blades and a protruding "beer" tummy.

However obscene appearance- this is just half the trouble. carries much more serious problems. In people who are faced with this problem, to a certain extent, all internal organs, which leads to disruption of their normal functioning and the development of numerous diseases. Such shifts in the work of the body become especially noticeable in more late age when it is already quite problematic to change the situation.

That is why you should start taking care of your health from childhood. And you should start just the same with posture. Exists great amount ways to deal with this problem, but, undoubtedly, therapeutic exercises for violation of posture is one of the most effective methods.

Of course, performing exercises alone is not enough, and therefore exercise therapy should be accompanied by complex therapy, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Where to begin?

The first step is to understand what constitutes the natural and correct position of the body. You can do this as follows: turn your back to the wall, then press your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head against it, keep your head straight. Keeping this position, move away from the wall and try to remember it. Perform this procedure several times a day, so you will accustom your body to maintaining the correct posture.

We must not forget about our back and when working in a sitting position. However, in this situation, everything depends not only on the person, but also on the furniture that surrounds him. The following are just some of the recommendations for choosing furniture for working while sitting:

  • The depth of the seat must be at least 36 cm;
  • Observe the proportions: a person whose height is 170-180 cm needs a table with a height of at least 80 cm, and a chair 50 cm;
  • The chair should be placed in such a way that its seat is about 4 cm under the edge of the working surface of the table.

When working in a sitting position, it is necessary to perform gymnastics for posture every hour, which will be discussed below. In addition, you need to be able to position yourself correctly at the table: Keep your torso straight, head slightly tilted, lean on the back of the chair with your lumbosacral spine, legs must be bent at right angles at the hip and knee joints, forearms lie on the table.

Why is posture broken?

The most common cause of poor posture is considered to be carrying a heavy load in one hand (for example, a full bag of groceries). In this case, damage to the intervertebral discs occurs, which ultimately leads to asymmetry of the pelvic and shoulder girdle. In order to prevent this problem, children are advised to wear a satchel, and adults - a backpack. In a hopeless situation, when you have to carry the weight in one hand, you need to periodically change the side that has the greatest load.

However, even if you follow all of the above recommendations, you still cannot avoid problems with posture. This will require strong muscles of the neck and torso, capable of long time support the human body vertical position. Otherwise, the muscles will simply get tired and the person will again begin to stoop and lower his head.

How to deal with poor posture?

In addition to forming the habit of maintaining correct posture, it is necessary to train and develop muscle strength, do exercises for the muscles of the back, neck and abdomen.

Exercise therapy should be done at least 4-5 times a week if you need to maintain the correct posture and daily if it needs to be adjusted. Additionally, you can do one of the following types sports: skiing, walking, slow running or swimming. The latter is considered the most effective and useful, since when the human body is in water, the load on the spine is noticeably reduced, it straightens, and the intervertebral discs restore their normal shape.

Gymnastics for violation of posture includes the following set of exercises:

  • Starting position - standing, legs at shoulder level, inhale and start moving. On "one-two" - leaning forward and touching the floor with your fingers, then exhale; on "three-four" you need to straighten up and take a breath;
  • The initial position is the same, but the hands are on the back of the head, the head and elbows are laid back, the chest is slightly bent. On "one-two" - circular movements of the torso. When it is laid back, we inhale, forward - a slow exhalation.
  • Perform exercises at least 7 times alternately in both directions;
  • The initial position is the same, but the arms are to the sides, inhale and start moving. On “one-two” - turn the body to one side and move both hands back with a slight deflection in the chest, then exhale; On "three-four" - return to and. p., inhale;
  • The original position is the same. Rotation of the head from left to right and from right to left, breathing is arbitrary;
  • The original position is the same; On “one-two” - tilt to the left as deep as possible, return to p.p., inhale; On "three-four" - tilt to the right, return to p.p., exhale;
  • The initial position is standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands holding a gymnastic stick behind the back (at the level of the shoulder blades). On “one-two” - tilt forward, as low as possible, return to p.p., inhale; On "three-four" - deviation back and return to p.p., exhale;
  • The initial position is kneeling, resting your hands on the floor. On "one-two" - bend in the chest, raise your head and look at the ceiling, inhale; On "three-four" - lower your head, arch your back "circle", exhale;
  • The initial position is lying on the stomach, the feet are fixed, in outstretched arms a load weighing about 2.5 kg (a bag of sand, medicine ball, dumbbells), inhale and start moving. On "one or two" - a slight deflection, followed by lifting the load, then exhaling; On “three-four” - return to p.p., exhale;
  • Initial position - sitting on the floor, lean your hands behind you, inhale before - the start of movement. On "one-two" - simultaneously raise your arms to the sides, legs up at an angle of 45 degrees, holding your breath; On "three-four" return to p. p., exhale;
  • The initial position is standing, the expander is in the hands behind the back of the head. On "one or two" spread your arms to the sides, bend in the chest, inhale; On "three-four" - return to p.p. and exhale.
  • Perform all exercises 6-10 times;
  • The initial position is palms on the forehead. Lower your head, overcoming the resistance of your hands and holding your breath. Return to p.p., inhale and exhale. Perform exercises 4 times, the duration of muscle tension is about 4 seconds, the rest pause is no more than 10 seconds;
  • Starting position - standing, feet at shoulder level, slowly lean forward. Shake lowered, relaxed hands. Breathing is arbitrary, repeat the exercise at least 7 times;
  • The initial position is standing, palms on the back of the head. Pull your head back, overcoming the resistance of your hands and holding your breath. Slowly lower your hands, then inhale - exhale;
  • The initial position is to lie on your back, then spread your legs and arms to the sides, completely relax your muscles. Breathing is deep and even. The duration of the exercise is at least 15 seconds.

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