Home Fruit trees The beneficial and negative effects of BCAA on the body. BCAA amino acids

The beneficial and negative effects of BCAA on the body. BCAA amino acids

When an athlete intends to quickly increase muscles and, at the same time, qualitatively restore and increase his strength, then the best solution is the btsaa technique. BCAA is a complex of amino carboxylic acids, the most powerful building product that allows the athlete to achieve excellent results.

Essential acids, which constitute more than 1/3 of all proteins in muscles, inhibit catabolism and. However, there are more and more suggestions on the network that bcaa can harm the human body? Is it true?

BCAA sports nutrition - what is it?

In order to answer the question of whether bcaa is harmful, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of action of the complex. Bcaa is the aggregate essential amino acids, which the human body is unable to produce on its own, and therefore must receive from food.

Aminocarboxylic acids are nutrients, which are part of the protein, and therefore they can be obtained from products of plant and animal origin. It takes about 1.5-2 hours for the body to extract the amino acid from food. Aminocarboxylic acid enters the body already in a processed form, due to which the effect of the released organic compound on muscle tissue begins already after 15 minutes. Basically, bcaa is a processed protein that is organically fed and consumed regularly by humans.

BCAA reduce muscle fatigue, promote quick recovery help the body in the assimilation of proteins and block the loss of other amino acids during training. Lack of any aminocarboxylic acid depletes muscles. Bcaa stocks are wasted during strength training, and their use before or during training increases strength and endurance. Taking the complex immediately after exercise reduces the level of cortisol and replenishes the supply of aminocarboxylic acids in the body.

Harm to the body from taking BCAA amino acids

Of course, people are suspicious of different kinds capsules and powders, equating them with a kind of medicine. Therefore, questions about the dangers of bcaa arise quite often. However, to date, there is no evidence that the complex is harmful to human health. Even taking doses significantly exceeding the recommended ones did not provoke any pronounced negative consequences.

This means that we can most likely say that the bcaa complex is harmless to humans. But this does not mean that you can exceed the dosage of the drug without a serious reason. Be that as it may, bcaa should be taken with caution, following the recommendations on the package.

Why are there side effects from taking bcaa?

The main reason why negative effects are possible is taking the complex on an empty stomach. Aminocarboxylic acids activate the digestive functions of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in increased intestinal motility and juice secretion. In other words, the complete digestion process starts. At the same time, organic compounds are absorbed extremely quickly, and the intestines and stomach still continue their work. Concentration increases digestive juice... Therefore, when using BCAA, an undesirable effect can occur from these organs: belching, heartburn, and in rare cases diarrhea are possible.

To avoid negative manifestations, before taking the complex, you need to carefully study the instructions, and if you have additional questions, contact a sports diet specialist. This will eliminate negative aspects.

Of course, such side effects who are greeted at the reception drugs you will not meet. However, bcaa must be taken seriously, because if used incorrectly, such a seemingly harmless product can lead to injury. The amino acid complex quickly increases strength and endurance, provokes the mouth of the muscles, which is why some athletes begin to take excessive loads, which leads to:

  • sprains;
  • wear and tear of joints;
  • muscle tears.

The main thing is to use btsaa wisely, then it will not harm, but benefit. Follow the clear recommendations of your instructor and then you are more likely to avoid side effects.

Contraindications to the use of amino acids

Before taking bcaa, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications, these include:

  • pancreatic insufficiency;
  • serious diseases of the liver, kidneys and biliary tract;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the pancreas.

It is important to know that the human body is unable to assimilate more than 5 grams. amino acids per day, therefore, uncontrolled intake of bcaa may not have the best effect on the functions of organs such as the liver and kidneys.

Before buying a btsaa, you should make sure of the quality of the products and give preference only to trusted manufacturers. The amino acid complex has a bitter taste, bcaa in powder, when dissolved in water, forms films, while the crystals of the drug do not dissolve completely with stirring.

You cannot buy an expired bcaa, even if it has a "sweet" price tag and an unfair seller claims that no harm will happen from accepting the delay. In reality, however, such a product can provoke indigestion.

The technology for the production of sports nutrition has reached such a level of perfection that it can offer men and women a product that has only that group of substances that is necessary to achieve a certain effect without unwanted additives. In addition, the level of cleaning of components is so good that you do not have to worry about the use of the product will lead to unpredictable consequences.

What is hidden under this mysterious acronym?

People who spend a long time in gym, know that BCA is a sports nutrition, reviews of which are mostly positive. But for many it remains a mystery what this mysterious product is. For lack of a large number the available information about this type of nutritional supplement, athletes do not even pay attention to it.

In addition, there is a widespread belief that even BCA will not help without a diet rich in protein. These reviews are groundless and belong to a group of prejudices. In the same series of statements, one can hear that this product is unhealthy, has a chemical origin and other misconceptions. Let's try to understand the topic "BCA - sports nutrition". Reviews about this group of supplements will also allow you to form a more correct opinion of your own.

BCAAs are branched chain amino acids. This generalized group includes three substances:

  • valine;
  • leucine;
  • isoleucine.

What is their feature?

Amino acid classification

According to the principle of metabolism, amino acids can be divided into three main groups:

  • Glucogenic are special in that they increase the concentration of pyruvates and other intermediates that are synthesized during the Krebs cycle. These substances serve as the basis for the formation of glucose molecules. Thus, amino acids of this type make it possible to synthesize the main source of energy. This is a very important quality that BCA possesses. Reviews of doctors in a positive way are best recommendations to the use of this product. A prime example the glycogenic amino acid is valine.
  • Ketogenic protein monomers are metabolized to form a fatty acid. In addition, in this process, an increase in the concentration of acetyl-coenzyme A, which is a precursor of lipoacid substances, is noted. Leucine is a representative of this group of amino acids. Its content is significantly reduced in blood plasma during aerobic and anaerobic exercise. According to scientists, ketogenic amino acids can provide the body with much large quantity energy than glucose. Their metabolism follows a different path and with it a volume of ATP is released, which exceeds this indicator during the Krebs cycle. This allows you to appreciate the BCA. Reviews of athletes indicate that this is an unsurpassed source of energy during training.
  • Combined amino acids are able to exhibit the properties of two groups and enhance the effect of both glucogenic and ketogenic substances. Isoleucine is an example of such a dual substance.

The main benefit of BCAA products

Having understood the composition, we can conclude that the sports nutrition of consumers, in confirmation of this, is a complex product for effective exercise in the gym and achieving excellent results without harming the body.

With intense physical exertion, the body experiences an increased need for BCA-amino acids and is ready to remove them from muscle tissue, which leads to its destruction. If you take these substances from the outside, then the destruction process can be avoided.

How are these amino acids involved in protein synthesis?

All amino acids found in nature can be divided into nonessential and irreplaceable. If the human body is able to synthesize the first type of substances on its own, then we should receive the latter along with food. Their lack negatively affects general condition health and fraught with serious consequences. Sports nutrition containing BCAA, doctors' reviews confirm this, is able to replenish the internal reserves of the body and satisfy the need for essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are actively involved in the processes of building proteins, which means that at the molecular level they support the normal function of all organs and systems.

BCAAs as a precursor to other amino acids

If you look deep into the mechanisms that occur every minute in human body, then you can see the following: the amino acid alanine is formed as a result of a cycle based on glucose molecules.

The product of its hydrolysis, pyruvate, undergoes transamination. It is BCAAs that act as nitrogen donors. Thus, a new amino acid, alanine, is formed, which is sent to the liver and can be converted there into glucose, which is used as an energy source for muscles.

By a similar mechanism, glutamine is formed, which plays big role in protein synthesis of the whole organism, regulates anabolism, slows down catabolism, stimulates immune reactions and intestinal cells, participates in the synthesis of nucleotides.

BCAAs act as a universal amine nitrogen donor. These groups are incorporated into amino acid precursor molecules to form valuable protein monomers. By taking them from the outside, it is possible to save the muscles from which BCAs are usually removed. Sports nutrition (reviews, photos and recommendations on the use of these sources of BCAAs must be studied in advance) can be found in every specialized store. An experienced instructor is able to provide useful advice taking into account the characteristics of the organism. However, you should first consult with your doctor about the acceptability of BCAAs in your case.

Features of the mechanism of action of leucine

There is one interesting mechanism in our body called the rapamycin target or mTOR. Through it, protein synthesis in the body is regulated: with a high level of ATP, it is active, in the opposite situation, it is blocked.

It is known that protein formation is the most energy-intensive process. It is mTOR that can regulate protein synthesis and prevent muscular dystrophy and hypertrophy, it also contributes to the availability of leucine. In turn, this amino acid is the key to muscle growth, acting as a trigger for the mTOR system.

Why are BCAAs so attractive to girls?

An interesting fact is that BCAAs can not only stimulate the formation of muscle tissue, but also help to normalize weight. The source of BCA is sports nutrition, the reviews (for girls) are simply impressive. Representatives of the fair half of humanity note the elimination of the problem of overweight after using this drug. What is the reason for this effect?

Scientists have found out the cause of the problem with overweight. The culprit is a specific hormone - leptin. Its action is based on the regulation of metabolism, appetite and, as a result, body weight. The secretion of this hormone directly depends on the amount of fat in the human body. The higher the weight, the more leptin is produced. When we diet and lose fat stores, the concentration of this hormone decreases. The body becomes accustomed to a certain level of leptin, which nutritionists call the control point. To replenish its concentration and accumulate the previous fat reserve, the body begins to whet a brutal appetite.

Leucine can balance leptin levels and reduce hunger. The result is a feeling of satiety when eating a small amount of food. The source of available leucine is sports nutrition with BCA. Reviews of girls allow us to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of these funds in the fight against excess weight. In addition, these nutritional supplements allow you not only to lose weight, but also to gain toned muscles and a beautiful silhouette, coupled with training in the gym.

What is special about sports supplements with BCA?

Some athletes, having heard about the benefits of leucine, believe that it will be sufficient to include only this amino acid in the diet, neglecting isoleucine and valine. This, of course, helps to significantly save money, but this leads to a lack of these important substances in the blood plasma and leads to an imbalance of BCA in the body. Therefore, it would be more correct to take all three amino acids at the same time as part of a complex balanced product.

Also, athletes care about next questions: “Do I have to take BCA along with protein? Is there any benefit from such synergy? " These questions are justified, since sports nutrition with BCA amino acids is not cheap.

Scientists who studied these nutritional supplements have come to the conclusion that sports nutrition with BCA is certainly of great value. These amino acids quickly penetrate the bloodstream and reach the required concentration in a short time. Their metabolic effect cannot be compared with whey hydrolyzate, it is ten times higher.

How to take BCA?

It is very important to follow the dosage of these supplements in order to achieve good result... When buying, contact a consultant with a question about how to use BCA - sports nutrition. Reviews of how to take this remedy claim that for a person with a body weight of 70-80 kg, it will be sufficient to take 5-6 g of the BCAA complex. If the weight of the athlete is 90-100 kg, then the dosage should be increased to 6-7 g.

Is there any harm from such sports nutrition?

Like any supplement, BCA amino acid sports nutrition raises some doubts and concerns. Before trying something new, you should think about whether it will negatively affect our body. BCAA reviews characterize differently. Harm or benefit - what prevails? However, it is worth reassuring the athletes.

These substances are native to the human body and are not capable of causing damage to it. An exception may be severe hereditary diseases that are associated with aversion to amino acids, but these cases are so rare that practice does not perceive them as serious warnings to the use of sports nutrition with BCA.

Every question requires a rational and sober approach. If you are an athlete-bodybuilder and honor and good name depend on your athletic performance, then the use of sports nutrition is justified and necessary. Or you want to achieve an impressive result so much that the cost of the BCA is not a hindrance. Under such conditions, the use of expensive sports nutrition is quite justified. However, if you visit the gym 2-3 times a week for general development, then full balanced nutrition will be enough, you can do without specialized additives.

If you play sports or want to improve your figure, you may have already heard about the benefits of BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids - Leucine, Valine and Isoleucine). In theory, they're great - BCAAs reduce muscle soreness, speed up fat burning, and inhibit the breakdown of muscle cells. But what does all this really mean?

After all, BCAA's are not cheap and are found in regular foods, so why not just consume a lot of protein to get the same benefits? In some cases, this is a great plan. However, BCAAs can drastically improve body composition and athletic performance. In this article, we'll discuss the pros and cons of taking BCAAs so you can get the most out of them.

BCAA Benefits

# 1. The branched chains of these amino acids facilitate the conversion of each amino acid into energy.

BCAAs are essential amino acids, meaning that the body cannot synthesize them from other amino acids. They can only be absorbed from food or from supplements. This sad circumstance is compensated by the fact that the composition of the "branched chains" makes it easier for the body to utilize amino acids as a building material during intense physical overload.

# 2. BCAAs trigger protein synthesis and reduce muscle cell damage.

Depending on the availability of amino acids, the body constantly oscillates between building and decreasing muscle mass. Every time you replenish your supply of building materials with a protein intake, which contains BCAA, you will help the growth of muscle mass. Combining BCAA supplementation with strength training maximizes protein synthesis by triggering a metabolic mechanism for muscle growth called mTORC1.

In theory, this means that taking BCAAs during exercise will raise blood plasma levels, leading to increased protein synthesis. However, if you consume protein with a high concentration of BCAAs before or after training, then this is unlikely to lead to a significant increase in muscle growth.

Taking BCAAs promotes muscle growth in the following situations:

If you are exercising on an empty stomach or doing extended endurance exercise. For example, by taking BCAAs during an Iron Man competition or even during a marathon, you not only eat but also prevent muscle loss.

If you don't have time to eat before or after a workout. BCAAs can be taken in capsule form or as a whey protein powder supplement. It is very simple and convenient.

If you are a vegetarian. Vegetarians are highly encouraged to consume one specific amino acid in the BCAA, leucine, which has the most powerful stimulating effect on protein synthesis. Seeds, soybeans, and some vegetables such as watercress contain leucine, but their concentration is minimal compared to whey protein, meat or eggs.

No. 3. BCAA play important role in the production of energy during exercise.

In addition to preserving muscle mass, the body can use BCAAs to provide the energy it needs to maintain ATP levels during glycogen-depleting exercise. Isoleucine helps the body use energy by increasing the absorption of glucose into cells. In addition, leucine enhances fat oxidation, and together these two processes contribute to increased metabolic flexibility, which is very important for fat burning and is a major factor in endurance.

The supplement is best suited for those practicing endurance sports with high levels of catabolism and without additional resistance training. In this situation, you will need any means to prevent muscle loss, and BCAAs are very handy in this situation as they are easily absorbed even in the case of suppressed appetite.

No. 4. BCAA's combined with taurine can help reduce muscle soreness from intense exercise.

A series of studies in trained and untrained individuals have shown that the level of reduction (but not prevention) of delayed muscle soreness syndrome (DOMS) as a result of both endurance and strength training The benefits of taking BCAAs are well worth the time and money. For example, taking 100 mg / kg BCAAs reduced muscle soreness by 48 hours, allowing untrained women to regain strength faster. These are the women who are most at risk of serious DOMS.

More recent research has shown that BCAAs have a synergistic effect when combined with the amino acid taurine. Untrained men took a placebo, taurine alone, or BCAAs alone, or 2 grams of taurine and 3.2 grams of BCAAs three times daily for two weeks. They then performed eccentric training, which damaged the muscles. Study participants taking taurine and BCAAs experienced less muscle damage and soreness for 4 days. recovery period after training than participants in other groups.

Combining taurine with BCAAs provides triple benefits:

First, the water content of the muscle fibers increases, which leads to a decrease in muscle damage.

Second, consumption wide range amino acids increase the sensitivity of the contracting portion of muscle fibers to calcium while inhibiting the production of creatine kinase, a byproduct that builds up and causes muscle fatigue.

Third, both taurine and BCAAs reduce oxidative stress. In simple terms, this dynamic pair reduces waste production during intense workouts, which means less DOMS and faster recovery.

No. 5. Reduces fatigue during prolonged endurance training.

One of the most interesting effects of BCAAs is central fatigue reduction. nervous system... When the concentration of BCAAs in the body drops during intense training, the supply of the amino acid tryptophan to the brain rises. This stimulates the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which causes fatigue.

Scientists who study the limits of human endurance believe that the main factor in endurance is the message from the brain: "I'm tired." BCAAs are one of the solutions to keep the brain from giving up. For example, in one study, subjects who took 300 mg of BCAA's daily for three days and then did a long, grueling workout showed 17.2 percent greater resistance to fatigue than the placebo group.

Disadvantages of BCAA

# 1. BCAAs reduce vitamin B levels.

Vitamin B is essential for amino acid metabolism and can be depleted when high doses of BCAAs are taken. This can be harmful to health, as vitamin B is involved in a variety of processes, from the management of arousal and cognitive function to energy metabolism and resistance to food cravings. For example, vitamin B is required for the production of an enzyme that the body needs to efficiently break down and use BCAAs.

Another enzyme involved in the metabolism of BCAAs requires other B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3) and pantothenic acid (B5). The presence of these enzymes is a limiting factor in BCAA metabolism. If you take megadoses of BCAAs during exercise, these and other biological processes that depend on the various B vitamins will eventually suffer.

To solve this problem, avoid excessively high doses of BCAAs and consume a lot of food containing B vitamins. Here are the sources of B vitamins. vegetable origin: spinach, parsley and other leafy greens, broccoli, beets, asparagus, lentils, bell pepper, papaya, oranges, melon.

B vitamins are also found in some animal foods that can help you diversify your diet, such as fish, meat (especially liver), and eggs.

# 2. BCAAs can lower serotonin levels.

Seratonin is a calming neurotransmitter that improves mood and sleep quality. On a high-protein, low-carb diet, serotonin levels drop. Evidence suggests that taking BCAAs before and after training can negatively affect it (although it does increase levels of performance and endurance). This is how it works. As mentioned, tryptophan is a precursor that is used by the body to produce serotonin. The presence of BCAAs leads to a decrease in tryptophan in the brain, resulting in a decrease in serotonin levels. Low serotonin levels lead to depression and poor mood.

Those most at risk are those on a low-carb diet and high protein intake. A simple solution to this problem is to consume carbohydrates in the evening to provide the body with the building blocks for serotonin production and to maintain mood. Try beans, fruits, or starchy vegetables.

The most famous (but incorrect) way to increase serotonin levels is with a glass of milk before bed. Although it contains tryptophan, milk also contains many BCAAs that compete with each other to cross the blood-brain barrier and lower tryptophan levels. People who drink milk before bed are more likely to get a psychological effect, which is also good.

No. 3. BCAAs should not be taken as a supplement to a high-protein diet.

While most people do not replace real food with BCAA supplements as their amino acid source, research shows that there is such a trend among young people. Scientists have identified a new type of eating disorder in which people substitute supplements for real food.

This is a poor choice and leads to nutrient deficiencies. You need to consume protein foods to get the 19 essential and nonessential amino acids that your body needs to repair damaged tissue and function at its peak. Although three BCAAs account for about 35 percent of the amino acids in muscle protein, research data regularly confirms that protein foods or supplements with additional amino acids provide increased protein synthesis.

Protein foods also contain other nutrients that are very important for athletic performance and health, such as carnosine, carnitine, glutamine, creatine, and vitamin B12. Finally, it is protein that mainly satisfies hunger, which is a key factor in weight management and fat burning. The question is, can the almost complete lack of calories in BCAAs be used to create a calorie deficit? This hasn't been researched yet, but it's probably a bad idea, as chewing your food affects the production of hormones that dull hunger and keep you feeling full. Plus, you won't get the other nutrients found in protein, and while BCAAs are great tools in certain situations, they are expensive.

Bottom Line: BCAAs are an effective tool for maintaining fitness and recovery. Avoid the dangers of high doses of BCAAs by consuming higher doses of B vitamins, practice carbs after exercise and before bed, and consume plenty of protein from whole natural sources.

Primary sources:

Audhya, Tapan. Role of B Vitamins in Biological Methylation. Health Diagnostics and Research Institute. Retrieved 30 May 2015.http: //www.hdri-usa.com/assets/files/role_of_b_vitamins_in_biological_methylation.pdf.

Ra, S., et al. Additional Effects of Taurine on the Benefits of BCAA Intake for the Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness and Muscle Damage Induced by High-Intensity Eccentric Exercise. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2013.776, 179-187.

Bajotto, G., Sato, Y., et al. Effect of BCAA Supplementation During Unloading on Regulatory Components of Protein Synthesis in Atrophied Soleus Muscles. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2011.111, 1815-1828.

Borgenvik, M., Nordin, M., et al. Alterations in Amino Acid Concentrations in the Plasma and Muscle in Human Subjects during 24 Hour of Simulated Adventure Racing. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2012. Published Ahead of Print.

Da Luz, Claudia, Nicastro, H., et al. Potential Therapeutic Effects of BCAA Supplementation on Resistance Exercise-Based Muscle Damage in Humans. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2011.8 (23).

Gualano, A., et. al. Branched-Chain Amino Acids Supplementation Enhances Exercise Capacity and Lipid Oxidation During Endurance Exercise After Muscle Glycogen Depletion. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2011.51 (5), 82-88.

Hsu, M., Chien, K., et al. Effects of BCAA, Arginine, and Carbohydrate Combined Drink on Post-Exercise Biochemical Response and Psychological Condition. Chinese Journal of Physiology. April 2011.542), 71-78.

Jackman, S., et al. Branched-Chain Amino Acid Ingestion Can Ameliorate Soreness From Eccentric Exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2010.42 (5), 962-970.

Shimomura, Y., et al. Branched-Chain amino acid Supplementation Before Squat Exercise and Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 2010.20 (3), 236-244.

BCAA (Branched-chain amino acids) is a complex that consists of 3 amino acids that are not synthesized by the body: valine, leucine, isoleucine. They must enter the human body in large volumes, especially with intense physical activity. The BCAA amino acid complex is especially in demand among athletes, because it protects against muscle breakdown, reduces the percentage of fat and increases the effect of other sports supplements. Let's find out more similarly what BCAA is and what it is for.

The mechanism of action of amino acids on the body

As already mentioned, bcaa contains three essential amino acids that are branched and cannot be replaced by others. Their effectiveness has been proven by experimental research and solid scientific work. A deficiency of three amino acids leads to a decrease in body weight and impaired metabolism. If you regularly take a complex of BCAA, then the process of recovery and building of muscle fibers starts, the release of insulin increases, which regulates glucose consumption. The mechanism of action of amino acids:

  • Valine... Is an energy source for muscles, maintains a high level of serotonin, which long time supplies energy.
  • Leucine... It is responsible for the formation of protein compounds in the liver and muscles, therefore it is important for the construction and growth of muscles.
  • Isoleucine... It takes part in cellular processes, also performing the function of an energy source.

BCAAs are a major component of sports nutrition that normalizes overall well-being and improves muscle tone. But it should be remembered that taking the supplement does not give any guarantees of muscle growth, since in each organism, catabolic processes occur purely individually.

What are BCAAs for?

The main BCAA action on the human body - this is the building of muscles, so an athlete who takes amino acids after training provides the muscles with the building material that provokes them to grow. There is still a mass useful properties an amino acid supplement that is taken in the following cases.

Slimming (burning fat)

Taking BCAAs for weight loss allows you to saturate the blood with amino acid molecules, as a result of which muscle breakdown does not occur during a low-carb diet and strength exercises. Indeed, during a dietary diet, losing weight low level glycogen derived from glucose, which gives rapid fatigability... Therefore, the body breaks down for energy muscle fiber... If carbohydrates are removed from the diet, fat is burned along with muscles. BCAA amino acids give you the opportunity not to be afraid of catabolism during weight loss.

For building muscle mass

Taking BCAAs to build muscle provides the athlete with the necessary energy reserves, which he wasted during strength or aerobic training. Also, without the right amount of amino acids, there will be no muscle gain, which is important for bodybuilders. To improve the training process, athletes to build muscle on non-workout days take protein shakes, gainers and fat burners, and drink BCAAs before and after workout.

For immunity

Big benefits of BCAA and to enhance immunity. Every workout is stressful for the body. The more intense the classes, the bigger organism needs amino acids, the lack of which reduces immunity. The BCAA complex is essential for post-workout recovery, especially during mid-season weather fluctuations. Scientists have proven that the reception food additive strengthens the immune system even for people who do not play sports.

To release glucose

Taking BCAAs is necessary so that amino acids help the body produce the hormones leptin and insulin, which are involved in metabolism, control appetite, and regulate glucose levels. After amino acids are converted into glucose, they become an alternative source of energy for the athlete. Since BCAA amino acids increase the release of insulin, protein synthesis after their intake begins even in the absence of it in the body.

As a source of glutamine synthesis

Taking the supplement allows the body to produce glutamine, which affects anabolic processes. Without glutamine, high-quality recovery of muscle tissue after strength loads is impossible. Thanks to the intake of a complex of amino acids, the glutamine necessary for an athlete is synthesized directly in the muscles.

BCAA rules - timing and frequency

Newbies are wondering how to take BCAAs? The rules for taking amino acids at rest and during training are significantly different. When active exercise stress, then the effect of BCAA sports nutrition on the body is to inhibit catabolic processes and stimulate anabolic ones. Therefore, during training, the body needs nourishment so as not to seek energy reserves within the body. Amino acids are involved in the fat burning process, and an active set of muscle mass occurs. On days of strength training, BCAAs are taken immediately before training and immediately after training. It is allowed to take the drug during strength training.

The effect on the body of amino acids on non-training days is not performed, so its intake is not required. But it is believed that athletes do not have enough protein from the diet for a good anabolic process, especially during drying, so some nutritionists recommend taking the supplement in the morning immediately after eating. The catabolic processes are strong just after the rise. Summing up, we can say that the frequency of admission on training days is 3-4 times, and on rest - 1 time in the morning after sleep.

How much to take (dosage)

The optimal portion of BCAAs, according to the manufacturer, is calculated as follows: 33 mg of leucine for each kilogram of body weight. Therefore, if you have 75 kg, then on the day of training you need to take 5 grams of BCAA. Knowing this versatile formula, you can easily calculate what portion of BCAA intake for muscle growth you need, regardless of the form of drug release.

Release form

There is a myth that the rate of assimilation of amino acids depends on the form of release. This is not true. It does not matter in what form the supplement is purchased, it will dissolve in the stomach after 5-10 seconds. The only difference is the method of administration: powdered BCAAs should be mixed with water and consumed, while capsules / tablets should be swallowed and washed down with water.

  1. Capsules... This is the most popular form, with which the release of the drug began. The main advantages are ease of use and neutral taste. They are easy to carry with you, and thanks to the packaging, when taking them, you can not feel the bitter taste of the powder. The disadvantages of the form of release include the high cost of the additive in comparison with the powder packaging.
  2. Pills... It is a compressed powder that is slower to digest than capsules and otherwise has the same benefits. Finding and buying pills is easy at a lower price than capsules.
  3. Powder... Economical packaging ideal for those looking to save money. When you buy the powder form, you get 1.5 times more BCAA. The disadvantages include a specific taste, although recently a powder with a pleasant fruity taste has appeared on the sports nutrition market, but more expensive in price.
  4. Liquid... It is produced in the form of a concentrate that dissolves quickly in water and in single doses. This form of release has a high absorption rate, but also an expensive cost.

BCAAs in food

Essential amino acids are also found in food, therefore, if they are present in the athlete's diet, they should be taken into account when calculating the dose of powdered BCAA. It would seem that there is nothing easier than swallowing a pill with a portion of amino acids, but the athlete should not eat only supplements. To increase the restorative potential of food intake, find out which protein foods contain high levels of BCAAs:

Which BCAAs are better - 2017 ranking

The choice of a BCAA amino acid manufacturer is important point at the time of buying. To help with the choice, we suggest studying the ranking of the best bcaa in 2017, according to professional bodybuilders:

  1. Modern BCAA USP Labs, available in powder and tablets. In addition to the main three, the composition contains alanine, lysine, sustamine, taurine, glycine. This supplement was also # 1 in the 2016 bcaa ranking.
  2. BCAA Xtend by Scivation being bright representative amino acids with a powerful anti-catabolic effect. It participates in the production of growth hormone, promotes the recruitment of a large amount of muscle mass.
  3. Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000 Powder Contains 5 grams of the purest amino acids in a traditional 2: 1: 1 ratio per serving. The big plus of the supplement is the complete absence of flavors.
  4. Dymatize BCAA POWDER possesses the highest level absorption. Thanks to affordable price, excellent composition and high quality, the product is mega-popular among non-professional athletes.
  5. Olimp BCAA Xplode Is a complex containing, in addition to amino acids, glutamine and vitamin B. It is able to improve strength performance, suppress catabolic processes, and reduce fat deposits. An indisputable plus of the product is the complete absence of sugar in the composition.

Are there any contraindications for admission?

BCAA amino acids are natural product, given that its source is dairy products, eggs, meat. But if the dosage is exceeded, it can cause allergic reactions, chills, and intestinal upset. To avoid belching and heartburn, do not take the supplement on an empty stomach, but take it strictly as directed.

Avoid combining BCAAs with alcohol, which blocks the activity of the powerful anabolic growth hormone in your cells. A small dose of an alcoholic drink will destroy weekly gym gains.

There are many articles on the net on the topic - harm to the body... Most of them were written by people who do not understand anything in chemistry and biology, or in sports nutrition... Moreover, they don't even know how and where they get these compounds from.

It's time to put things in order in the information space, explaining to everyone interested how safe they are for health.

BCAA harm. Scientific facts, myths, speculation

The first question to ask every reader is whether it has been proven harm to the body BCAA science?

To answer such a question, it is enough to understand what these very amino acids are, what they contain and what they are needed for.

BCAAs are branched chain amino acids. They are found in regular meat, fish, dairy products,. That is, they are natural constituents of proteins of natural origin. It is from these very natural proteins that they are obtained.

Therefore, when the newspapers write that BCAA can cause problems for men, it's like writing "meat = impotence" or "fish kills your children." In fact, some of the articles turned out to be alterations of research materials.

Leucine, valine, and isoleucine are some of the essential amino acids that we need to get in our diet on a regular basis. This is true for both a guy and a girl of any age.

You ask about articles about real people who have been harmed by supplementation? Such cases did take place. But it was about counterfeit goods, in other words - fakes. They included harmful substances that have nothing to do with sports nutrition.

The most "promoted" of the components is leucine. It is not synthesized by our body. Contains:

  • In fish (especially in oceanic rocks);
  • Milk. Not only cow, but also goat, camel;
  • In eggs;
  • In black and red caviar;
  • Soy;
  • Certain cereals, nuts, etc.

BCAA harm to the body human- nothing more than a myth. It is constantly circulated by the "yellow" editions both on the Internet and in the print media. However, any substance, incl. useful, there are norms for the body. Below the norm and above the norm is always harmful, and sometimes even dangerous.

In particular, an excess of leucine negatively affects cellular metabolism in muscle tissue... Therefore, it is not recommended to use it separately and in large quantities.

Uncontrolled use of any additives can lead to dangerous health consequences. Therefore, before you start using, you need to find out:

  • The daily and one-time rate for your body at standard and intense loads, on non-training days;
  • The content of each of the amino acids in one serving.

Keep in mind that you regularly get BCAAs with food. Therefore, taking increased doses in the form of powders and tablets, you run the risk of exceeding the dose. Your coach or dietitian should be able to advise you.

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