Home Diseases and pests How to make whey protein at home? Protein mixtures at home - recipe

How to make whey protein at home? Protein mixtures at home - recipe

Task protein nutrition- constantly keep in the body high level protein, which is necessary for stable muscle growth.

In addition to eating foods that are sources of protein: meat different varieties, chicken eggs, dairy products, cereals, plant foods at home, you can cook clean and protein shakes.

Protein preparation

You will need 1-2 dozen eggs (preferably homemade), water, salt, pepper and a deep container.


Separate the yolks from the whites by placing them in different containers. Add to each container boiled water in a ratio of 1 part eggs: 3-4 parts water. You can add salt and pepper for flavor. Mix the contents of the containers thoroughly. Pour the proteins into a saucepan, put on low heat and simmer, stirring constantly.

When the protein begins to curl, drain the remaining liquid through a fine sieve or cheesecloth into a suitable dish. This will be the egg white extract, the homemade protein isolate. Carry out the same procedure with the yolks. It is possible not to separate the whites from the yolks, but to grind everything together.

The finished mixture should be stored in the refrigerator. protein is consumed in 1-2 tablespoons, washed down with fat-free, water or light juice, you can first dilute it in a glass of milk or juice. Such a protein, prepared with your own hand at home, is absorbed by almost 100%, there is no digestive disturbance, side effects absent.

Protein shakes

  • Milk (kefir or juice) - a glass - 100 gr., 1 banana. Mix all components in a blender or beat with a mixer.
  • Milk - a glass, cottage cheese - 50 gr., The protein of one egg, syrup - 2 tablespoons.
    Grind the cottage cheese, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well.
  • Kefir is an incomplete glass, honey is a tablespoon, the protein of one egg, some nuts.
    Fold honey, nuts and protein into a container, pour in kefir and beat with a mixer.
  • Low-fat milk - 1.5 cups, egg powder - 4 tablespoons, powdered and condensed milk - 1/3 cup each, cocoa - 2 tablespoons, half a banana. Mix everything until smooth.
  • Sour cream - 120 gr., sunflower oil- 60 g., Orange juice - 100 g., Cherry confiture - 25 g., egg yolk, juice of half a lemon. Beat all ingredients thoroughly.
  • Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear) - 2 tubers (chop on a fine grater), Apple juice- 100 gr., Brewer's yeast - a tablespoon, walnut. Beat the ingredients with a mixer.

The optimal time for taking cocktails is 40 minutes before training and half an hour after it, the temperature is about 37 C.

For bodybuilding, an athlete must observe correct diet food with availability the right amount proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Only in this case the results of the classes will manifest themselves in full force.

Key element sports nutrition that "builds muscle" is protein. Each food contains different types of food, characterized by their amino acid composition. The most suitable sources of protein are meat and dairy products.

Protein should be eaten several times a day - before and after training, in the morning and in the evening.

But the whole problem is that most athletes do not have time to cook different dishes for themselves 5-6 times a day, due to their usual daily activities.

The assimilation of meat is a long process on which the body spends energy, therefore, heavy food before going to gym it is not recommended to use.

An excellent alternative to meat is a light and nutritious protein shake. It is not difficult to prepare it and you can take it with you everywhere.

It is absorbed faster than meat products. The easiest way to make a protein shake is to use dry protein concentrates to dilute with water.

Concentrated protein can be purchased at a sports store (how to choose the right protein), and each type of concentrate performs its own function - to build muscle mass or restore them. Pre-made protein shakes are flavored to make them more enjoyable, but they still can't be compared to natural products... Powdered shakes are less digestible and less beneficial to your health than natural protein shakes.

We follow the rules

Making protein shakes at home is easy, but you need to follow a few rules for their preparation and use:

  1. In the morning, you can sweeten the shake with glucose, but at night, the carbohydrate content in the protein shake should be minimized. In order for the mixture to be absorbed faster, its temperature should not be too low. The optimal value is 37 degrees, which will help speed up the work of the stomach.
  2. The volume of the cocktail taken before training should not exceed 300 ml. If you have problems absorbing lactose (usually found in older athletes), then substitute milk for others dairy products or juice.

The calorie content of the mixture can be different, depending on what ingredients it is prepared from.

When to take?

The task of protein shakes is to constantly maintain a high level of proteins in the body, which is necessary condition stable growth of the athlete's muscles.

There is a so-called protein window - 40 minutes before and 30 minutes after training. This is the best time to consume a protein shake.

After waking up

In the morning, the concentration of glycogen in the liver is noticeably reduced, because the body went without food all night. That's why active action(exercise) upon waking, it sometimes causes the secretion of catabolic hormones that eat away at the muscles.

With the help of a protein shake, you can protect yourself from a lack of glycogen. Morning cocktail must contain fructose. She is in a large number present in fruits and honey. Fructose is converted to glycogen at the liver level.


Eating food before exercise is designed to enrich your body with nutrients that will deliver energy to your muscles and help them grow. You will need both protein and carbohydrates. But "fill" the stomach large portions you don't need food before exercise - it will only interfere with your exercise.

A whey protein shake is exactly what you need in this situation. Among the added carbohydrates, it is worth choosing fructose, which will not trigger the release of insulin. Before exercising, this hormone will lower your sugar levels and prevent you from burning fat.

After exercise, of course, the muscles require proteins for growth, and the liver needs to restore glycogen levels. A whey protein shake mixed with casein is perfect.

Some people find it difficult to drink a cocktail right after a workout. It can be poured into two portions and drunk with a short pause.

Before bedtime

Muscles require supply nutrients even at night. But during sleep solid food not digested. Use protein shakes for these purposes. An evening dose should only be cooked with casein, as it is slowly absorbed and will nourish the muscles throughout sleep. Avoid carbohydrates, as they simply turn into fat at night.

Homemade recipes

Of course, a self-made cocktail will take much longer than a powder one. But the effect and pleasure of a homemade product will be much greater. Introducing protein shake recipes for muscle growth at home.


  • Ingredients: 1 scoop chocolate flavored whey protein 300 gr. skim milk; 100 g grated almonds; half a crumbled bar to taste.
  • Preparation: milk and protein are mixed in a blender, almonds and chocolate chips are poured on top. Eat with a spoon.
  • Intended for consumption before playing sports.
  • Ingredients: 1 scoop whey protein plus equal vanilla casein; a cup of lemonade (containing sugar, not aspartame)
  • Preparation: lemonade and proteins are mixed in an airtight container.
  • Used after workout.
  • Ingredients: 1 scoop of whey protein with chocolate; 300 ml skim milk; 150 gr of homemade cheese; instant cocoa (50 gr).
  • Preparation: Heat milk, but do not boil. Pour the proteins, cocoa and cheese in a blender with warm milk, grind until smooth.
  • This cocktail is evening. After acceptance, go to bed.

With a fruity scent

№4 "Peach"

  • Ingredients: Vanilla whey protein - 1 ml; a cup of purified but not distilled water a packet of quick oatmeal, canned peaches without syrup.
  • Preparation: mix in a blender. Oatmeal can be substituted for cornflakes.
  • The cocktail is meant to be taken before training.

№5 "Orange"

  • Ingredients: Scoop of vanilla whey protein, low fat vanilla yogurt (100-200 ml); natural one hundred percent orange juice (300-400 ml).
  • Preparation: mix everything in a blender.
  • Protein shakefor morning awakening.

No. 6 "Banana"

  • Ingredients: Skim milk (300 ml); small banana; 1 tbsp. l. nut butter.
  • Preparation: everything is mixed in a blender until smooth. Nut oil is successfully replaced by coconut oil (but without sweeteners and flavorings) or quality olive oil. Ice can be added during hot seasons.
  • This cocktail must be taken in the morning, in the afternoon, before classes.

No. 7 "Energetic for a press diet"

  • Ingredients: 2 scoops of chocolate whey protein; a cup of 1% milk; soaked instant cereals; 2 tbsp. l. vanilla yogurt; 2 tsp peanut butter; ice.
  • Preparation: just mix in a blender.
  • Toning cocktail to drink before training.

No. 8 "Strawberry"

  • Ingredients: 300 ml low-fat vanilla yogurt; 400 ml. 1% milk; two m. l. whey protein; two tsp peanut butter; 200-300 grams of frozen or fresh strawberries; pieces of ice.
  • Preparation: mix in a blender until the ice is completely crumbled.
  • Drink daily between meals.

No. 9 "Banana-orange"

  • Ingredients: banana; concentrated juice orange (50 gr); 1% milk (300-400 ml); ice.
  • Preparation: mix everything in a blender until smooth.
  • Drink in the morning and between meals in the hot season.

No. 10 "Berry"

  • Ingredients: 300 g of 1% milk, 200 g of soaked instant flakes (oat or corn); 200 grams of mixed strawberries, blueberries and raspberries; 2 scoops whey protein ice.
  • Preparation: grind in a blender to a mushy mass.
  • Drink daily between meals and before exercise.

№11 "Summer"

  • Ingredients: banana; 300 grams of strawberries; 300 ml of 1% milk; 2 scoops vanilla-flavored whey protein 200 grams of finely chopped cantaloupe; 120 grams of low fat yogurt; ice.
  • Preparation: grind in a blender.
  • We drink when it's hot, in the morning, between meals and before exercise.

Blend of Champions

Cocktail by Iron Arnie

  • Ingredients: egg; two glasses of milk; half a cup of ice cream; half a cup of milk powder.
  • Preparation: mix in a blender until smooth.

Recipe from George Zangas

  • Ingredients: only fresh fruits with 300-350 grams of juice or milk; brewer's yeast (1-2 tsp); protein powder(2-3 measuring spoons); chicken eggs (2-3 pieces); ice (2-5 cubes).
  • Preparation: first, beat the fruit and milk (juice) in a blender, then add the remaining ingredients and stir with a spoon until they are mushy.

Steve Reeves' Protein Power

  • Ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. powdered milk; 400 ml orange juice; 2 to 4 raw eggs; banana; Art. l. honey; Art. l. gelatin.
  • Preparation: just grind into a homogeneous mass.

Valentin Dikul's drink

  • Ingredients: 100 grams of cottage cheese; 2 raw eggs, 150 grams of sour cream; a couple of teaspoons of honey; 3 teaspoons of jam to taste.
  • Preparation: first pour sour cream, then pour cottage cheese, then only jam and honey. Beat with a blender until smooth. The cocktail turns out to be thick, it can be diluted with milk.

If you keep track of your calories and consumption of BJU, for an accurate diet, we offer you some cocktail options with a description of their nutritional value:

Recipe number


Proteins (g)

Fat (g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Calories (kcal)

Cottage cheese (200 gr), milk (300 ml), oatmeal flakes (3 tbsp. L.), Kiwi (3 pcs.)

Cream (50 ml), milk (250 ml), strawberries (100 g), vanilla sugar (1/2 sachet), cinnamon to taste

Milk (400 g), egg (2 pcs.), Sugar (1/2 tbsp. L.)

Kefir (200 g), cottage cheese (300 g), banana (2 pcs.), Orange juice (200 g)

Cottage cheese (200 g), fruit juice(200 g), egg white(2 pcs.), Granulated sugar to taste

Chicken egg (3 pcs.), Honey (3 tbsp. L.), walnuts(3 tbsp. L.)

Cottage cheese (400 g), natural yoghurt(2 tbsp. L.), Chicken eggs (7 pcs.), Honey (50 g)

Milk (300 g), cottage cheese (150 g), quail eggs(8 pcs.), Honey (30 g), milk powder (50 g), sour cream (50 g), raisins and dried apricots (1 tbsp. L.)

Cottage cheese (150 g), baked milk (150 ml), linseed oil (1/2 tablespoon), oat bran (1/2 tablespoon)

Milk (400 ml), cottage cheese (120 g), banana (1 pc.), Honey (2 tbsp. L.), Walnuts (25 g.)

In these recipes, the fat content of milk is 0.5-1.5%, kefir 1-1.5%, sour cream and cream 5%, fat-free cottage cheese is taken.


At the end, I would like to remind everyone who wants to pump big muscles that a protein shake is an effective tool that must be used with care. Many unknown manufacturers counterfeit cocktail powders, so you shouldn't buy them under the counter at the gym. There is a risk to pour into yourself strong drugs(amphetamine, anabolics

When doing bodybuilding, you need to go to balanced diet(implies the correct amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, as well as the presence of the necessary nutrients and minerals). By combining bodybuilding with healthy diet nutrition, you can gain muscle mass and lose weight. Protein is the undisputed muscle builder. They buy it both in a specialized sports food store, and do it on their own at home. So what does it take to make a protein at home for muscle growth?

Protein preparation rules

Need to follow certain rules cooking:

  • If this cocktail is consumed in the morning, then you can add a little glucose there to make it sweeter. Towards evening (with evening reception), the content of carbohydrates must be reduced to a minimum amount, and better, and generally to their absence.
  • For a quick assimilation of the cocktail, make sure it is not too low temperature... 35 ° C is an acceptable temperature for complete absorption.
  • Before class physical exercise cocktail should be consumed no more than 250-300 ml a couple of hours before training.
  • People suffering from difficulty in assimilating lactose can exchange milk for juice or other fermented milk products: low-fat kefir, baked milk, fermented baked milk, whey.
  • The calorie content of a protein shake can fluctuate depending on the ingredients it contains.

A person needs 1 gram of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight per day, and when building muscle mass, it is advisable to consume 1.2 grams. Therefore, having selected products containing the required amount of protein, the daily rate is fulfilled:

  • Meat is a simple and readily available product. At the same time, a sufficient amount of protein is typical for both beef and chicken. The recommended portion of meat per day is 650 grams.
  • Chicken eggs are a product that contains the required amount of protein. In this case, it does not matter what kind of bird eggs you eat, any have an identical protein structure. The norm for the number of eggs per day is 2 pieces.
  • Food vegetable origin although it does not have the same protein content as meat and eggs, it still compensates for the need for protein.

Protein recipe at home

Many novice athletes ask the question: how to make protein at home? The recipe for a homemade protein shake is as follows:

  1. Choosing a base. Milk is desirable. The protein content here reaches 3 grams per 100 ml. Take about 350 ml of milk. This gives us approximately 10 grams of protein. The use of starter cultures and yoghurts is not recommended. Since they create extra density and viscosity.
  2. The next ingredient in your shake should be high in protein. Here cottage cheese will do, which will store essential ingredients your body. 150 grams of this dairy product will be enough. This will add 30 grams to our protein. Peanut paste is also high in protein (2 tablespoons 7 grams). But keep in mind that there is too much fat in this product.
  3. Now let's add our favorite berries and fruits to the cocktail. Fruits are carbohydrates, not protein. Nevertheless, it is thanks to them that glycogen stores are replenished, and strength and energy appear during physical activity. Banana is an essential ingredient in cooking. Its approximate weight is 125 grams. That is, plus 3-4 grams of protein and 20 grams of carbohydrates. If you like dried apricots, you can add them, then the amount of protein will increase a little more.

Homemade protein is easy to make, all you need to know is how to take it. A protein shake is consumed either daily or on the day when you workout. On training days, it is recommended to do a double serving of protein, that is, take all the ingredients in double the amount. We divide the double portion into two parts: we drink the first one an hour before the start of classes, the second after them.

Protein bars, like shakes, can be made at home.

To prepare protein at home, you need to use the following ingredients:

  1. Oatmeal (1 cup)
  2. Banana protein (5 tablespoons);
  3. SOM (half a glass);
  4. Creamy low-fat cheese (half a cup);
  5. Egg white (2 pieces);
  6. Banana (1 piece);
  7. Blueberries (1 glass);
  8. Water (1/4 cup)
  9. Rapeseed oil (2 scoops).


Put the oven on heating up to 150 degrees. In the meantime, mix the following ingredients: protein, oatmeal flakes, COM. In a separate bowl we combine protein, fruits, berries, water, cream cheese, butter. Grease the dishes where you will place the future protein bar with rapeseed oil. Create one of the two mixtures obtained by beating it with a mixer. Place the mixed ingredients in a mold (preferably 25 x 25 square). Place in a preheated oven and bake for 30-35 minutes until tender. There should be a total of 8 protein bars.

Buying protein in online stores, no one guarantees a high-quality and safe product. To be sure of the protein, you can cook it yourself.

Protein is very useful and necessary for the body, especially for those who are intensively engaged or depleted by a long illness. When buying sports nutrition in a store or over the Internet, there is not always confidence in the genuine quality of the purchased product. In this case, you can make the protein at home, moreover, it will be much cheaper and you can use your favorite flavorings during preparation.

How to make protein at home - it is advisable to know for people who mainly take casein protein. This is due to the fact that at home you can only make on the basis of dairy products or casein. This protein takes longer to be absorbed, and therefore it makes no sense to use it before or immediately after training. Better to take it at night.

It is impossible to prepare quickly digestible protein at home without a special whey concentrate. It is difficult to find concentrate in ordinary supermarkets or grocery stores, and it is not profitable to order from the manufacturer, since it will be very expensive.

Popular recipes

To prepare protein at home, you will need a food mixer (blender) and certain ingredients. Below is a list of the six most popular recipes.

  1. 1 egg; skim milk 2 cups; half a glass of ice cream; for taste, any fruit on hand.
  2. 400 gr. milk or juice; 3-4 st. l. cottage cheese; 2 eggs; any fruit available; several cubes of food ice.
  3. 2 cups fresh citrus juice; 2-3 st. l. skimmed milk powder; 3-4 eggs; 15 gr. gelatin, 1 tbsp. l. honey; 1 any fruit.
  4. 200 gr. milk; some yogurt; up to 100 gr. ice cream; 1 banana; half a glass of oatmeal.
  5. 400 gr. milk; 1/2 st. ice cream; 1 tbsp. l. cocoa; 50-100 gr. blueberries.
  6. Orange juice - 1 tbsp. cocoa or chocolate - 25 gr. skim cheese- 50 gr. half a banana.

Thus, making protein at home is not difficult. The resulting product is useful to take instead of the usual one, since it contains many useful substances for the body that it needs after waking up and to maintain strength throughout the day. You can drink such a cocktail during the day, but better before bed.

Several video recipes

Making protein with your own hands at home, and it can be taken by a person who wants to lose weight. After all, such a drink does not contain many calories, but it removes the feeling of hunger very well.

A protein shake made at home according to the above recipes will be saturated not only with proteins, but also with carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.

Homemade protein shakes can serve as an alternative to expensive sports nutrition. This option diet food is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty!

A protein shake is needed to ensure that the body receives the necessary portion of protein during exercise and weight gain. In sports nutrition stores, there are many food additives similar type, however, their high cost repels at first glance the price tag. An alternative to store-bought ones can be homemade cocktails prepared with your own hands.

What foods are used to make homemade protein shakes for mass gain?

People who exercise can have difficulty gaining weight. This is most often due to inadequate nutrition, which is not able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of micronutrients. Modern conditions life dictates many conditions and therefore you need to take the opportunity to make a protein shake at home.

The correct weight gain will be only when the calories will come in portions and gradually. A protein shake is a great snack that can satisfy your hunger for 3-4 hours. The ingredients in the cocktail are the most accessible and familiar to a person, but they have the property of having a beneficial effect on the digestive system. So, you can easily use milk, sour cream, yogurt, eggs, fruits and juices.

What products are used to make homemade protein shakes for weight loss?

Protein shakes for weight loss are effectively used in dietetics. All because protein composition drink prevents body fat and promotes construction muscle mass... But do not worry that after drinking such a cocktail you will immediately grow in volume. In order for muscles to grow, they need active physical exercise... Simple protein shakes can help you get rid of excess weight, namely:

  • block hunger
  • maintain muscle mass
  • improve metabolism

For making homemade cocktails, they use: fruits, seeds, honey, milk, kefir, berries, oil.

Best Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

Stock up on patience, inspiration, the desire to acquire the figure of your dreams and the necessary utensils for storing a cocktail. Try to cook some delicious and incredible healthy drinks at home:

Banana protein shake at home recipe

Such a drink is capable of provoking rapid weight gain during active physical activity.

  1. Milk - 0.5 liters
  2. Fresh bananas - 300 grams (1-1.5 pcs.)
  3. Any nuts 30-50 grams
  4. Honey - 3 tablespoons
  5. Cottage cheese - 200 grams

All ingredients are placed in a blender bowl and whipped intensively for 2 minutes. Then it is poured into bowls and drunk during the day in two doses, between lunch and dinner.

Natural protein shake with cottage cheese at home

Curd cocktails are the easiest to prepare and the most nutritious for the body. For cooking you will need:

  1. Cottage cheese 300 grams
  2. Milk - 250 grams (one full glass)
  3. 100 grams of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants)

All components are thoroughly whipped in a blender for two minutes and poured into a storage bowl. A cocktail is considered ready when the cottage cheese and milk have acquired a homogeneous mass. If desired, you can add two to three teaspoons of cocoa to such a drink.

Milk protein shake recipe

To cook milkshake easily. You need to have:

  1. Sour cream - 200 grams
  2. Olive oil 2 tablespoons
  3. Egg yolk - 1pc
  4. Orange juice - 150 grams
  5. Lemon juice (from about half a lemon)
  6. Fruit or berries optional

All ingredients except lemon juice, placed in a blender and whipped intensively. Lemon juice is added to the finished mass. The cocktail is consumed an hour before training or as a snack. This drink promotes quality muscle gain.

Homemade Weight Gain Protein Shake with Ice Cream Recipe

Lovers of sweets can try an unusual cocktail with the addition of ice cream. It is known that Arnold Schwarzeneger himself was engaged in the architecture of his body and often consumed this drink.

  1. Milk - 300 ml
  2. Powdered milk - 3 tsp
  3. 100 grams of ice cream
  4. 1 egg

All ingredients are whipped in a blender or mixer. This drink is recommended to be consumed one hour before training.

When to Drink Protein Shakes? Protein shakes at night for weight loss

  • A protein shake for weight loss is often consumed in the morning instead of breakfast. Some people drink it clean, some take a bite with a slice of bread, vegetables or fruits.
  • In this way, we provide the body with the necessary amount of protein in the morning and replenish the lost amount overnight. It prevents the loss of muscle mass, which often occurs with diets.
  • By speeding up the metabolism, protein shakes make the body work harder and spend on it large quantity calories. It must be remembered that protein-rich shakes are only good for us if we drink enough water a day. When there is a lack of water, the body can experience stress.
  • Drinking protein shakes at night promotes slow but physiological weight loss. Drinking a cocktail instead of dinner or before bed can help block hunger and save yourself from occasional snacks.

Homemade Protein Shake Recipes: Tips

When preparing a cocktail at home, you must observe some of the nuances that will allow you to achieve the greatest result in losing weight or gaining muscle mass. So, morning cocktails can be sweetened with glucose or honey, and in the evening they should consist of minimum quantity carbohydrates.

Another secret is the temperature of the drink. The cocktail shouldn't be cold! Warm temperature, at about 37 degrees, can speed up the metabolism and the work of your stomach. The pre-workout drink should be at least 300 ml. Adjust the calorie content of the cocktail correctly, depending on the ingredients added.

Homemade protein shakes are the most harmless remedy for being overweight or thin. Eat protein drinks regularly and diversify your diet with milk shakes:

  • Raspberry Slimming Shake

You will need:

  1. Kefir 0.5% fat - 200 ml
  2. Milk 1% - 100 ml
  3. Raspberries - 150 grams

Whisk ingredients in a blender and drink between meals.

  • Shake with kiwi and honey
  1. 200 ml milk 1%
  2. 200 ml of kefir 0.5%
  3. 1 pc finely chopped kiwi
  4. honey - one tablespoon

Have a cocktail in the morning

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