Home Flowers The effect of bcaa on the body. Harm and benefits of BCAA, side effects and contraindications

The effect of bcaa on the body. Harm and benefits of BCAA, side effects and contraindications

BCAA is a dietary supplement used by athletes. Consists of a complex of essential branched-chain amino acids: valine, isoleucine, leucine. They are called irreplaceable because the human body is unable to synthesize them, although they are necessary for building protein, obtaining energy and metabolism. The most popular is BCA in the form of tablets, which have a low cost. The supplement is also available in capsule, powder and liquid form.

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    BCAA functions

    BCAA (decoding of the abbreviation: branched-chain amino acids - branched-chain amino acids) is a complex of amino acids that are material for building muscle fibers, protecting them, restoring them. Make up 35% of all amino acids in muscle. Increase immunity, stability of the central nervous system, supply the body with energy. It is used in the following cases:

    • for weight loss;
    • for growth muscle mass;
    • to strengthen the immune system.

    During diet and exercise, blood sugar is low, due to this, during physical exertion, muscle tissue breaks down to release glycogen and energy, and then fat tissue. When a person consumes BCA, amino acids are responsible for providing energy, and they also break down adipose tissue. Their deficiency lowers immunity and reduces resistance to stress.

    Amino acids

    Amino acids - organic compounds responsible for building protein. There are about 200 of them, 20 of them are important for a person: 12 acids are replaceable, synthesized in the body, 8 are irreplaceable, they are poorly soluble in water and are not produced by humans. These include:

    • valine;
    • isoleucine;
    • leucine;
    • lysine;
    • methionine;
    • threonine;
    • tryptophan;
    • phenylalanine.

    The BCAA contains:

    Name Properties Foods with its content Daily requirement, mg Contraindications
    • Contained in all proteins.
    • Participates in the process of growth, synthesis, restoration of muscle tissue in the body, is a source of energy.
    • Increases coordination, reduces sensitivity to cold and heat.
    • Supports serotonin levels, helps fight stress and pain.
    • It has a positive effect on the central nervous system, protecting the sheath of nerve fibers.
    • Supports nitrogen metabolism, suppresses appetite and cravings for bad habits
    Contained in chicken fillet, beef, eggs, cow's milk, cheese, squid, seaweed, nuts, seeds1700-5000 Contraindicated in cardiac, renal, hepatic insufficiency
    • Participates in the regulation of hematopoiesis, sugar and cholesterol, produces hemoglobin.
    • Supports blood pressure.
    • Increases muscle endurance, supplies them with energy, and restores.
    • Supports the functioning of the nervous system.
    • Participates in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes
    Chicken, pork, beef, liver, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, nuts 1500-6000 Individual intolerance, diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas
    • It is a powerful source of energy.
    • Protects cells from damage and aging.
    • Participates in regeneration muscle tissue, lowers blood sugar levels.
    • Strengthens immune system, increases the production of growth hormone.
    • Stimulates the central nervous system.
    • Utilizes fats
    A large amount of it is found in meat, poultry, fish, caviar, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, legumes, nuts, seeds4000-15000 Contraindicated in case of intolerance. Side effects in the form of an allergic reaction

    In combination, these three amino acids have a strong effect and complement each other. Improves muscle endurance and recovery.

    Release form

    There are four forms of BCA release, each with its own pros and cons:

    The use of BCA depends on the goal. If you want to reduce weight, then the complex is used between meals. If they want to gain muscle mass, then they drink the supplement before training or on time, this applies to both girls and men. It is better to use them at 33 g per 1 kg of weight. The number of appointments depends on whether there is a physical exercise, namely:

    • on a training day - from 1 to 5 receptions;
    • on the day of rest - 1-2.

    Benefit and harm

    BCA provides positive influence on the body, namely:

    • speeds up metabolism;
    • restores muscle fibers and prevents their destruction;
    • increases the body's resistance to stress;
    • helps to increase immunity, thanks to the vitamins included in the composition;
    • enhances insulin secretion;
    • participates in fat burning and suppresses appetite.

    Despite the benefits of amino acids, do not assume that their use has side effects.In case of an overdose, there are:

    • allergic reactions;
    • gastrointestinal disorders;
    • diabetes;
    • heartburn (when taken on an empty stomach);
    • atherosclerosis.

    Cannot be consumed with alcohol, otherwise the effect will come to naught.


    The role of BCA in muscle fiber synthesis was proven in a 1988 study. So far, it has emerged that BCAAs are needed for:

    • improving physical performance;
    • increasing the secretion of testosterone and growth hormone;
    • enhancing protein synthesis and active enzymes;
    • accelerate recovery and increase stamina.

    Here is what the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) says about BCA: “Even with a single dose, BCAA stimulates protein synthesis and glycogen resynthesis, delay the onset of fatigue, and help maintain mental functions during aerobic exercise. The ISSN concludes that consumption of BCAAs (in addition to carbohydrates) during and after exercise is recommended as safe and effective. "

    BCA is needed by women to fight overweight... Scientists have found that it stimulates the production of the hormone leptin, which decreases with exercise and diet. Leptin regulates weight, appetite and fat storage. This hormone increases metabolism and reduces muscle breakdown.

    Experts believe that it is advisable to use BCAA in situations where physical activity is long and intense, and the amount of food eaten does not cover the body's energy consumption.

    BCA or protein

    BCA are amino acids, and protein is the protein from which amino acids are derived. The fundamental difference between these two products is only in the speed of absorption. The body can immediately use amino acids, but they have to be excreted from the protein, so the protein is absorbed longer.

    If a person is interested in muscle growth, it is best to take these supplements together. Amino acids during training, and protein in the morning and at night. The combination of these drugs will provide the body with energy, the recovery of muscle fibers will be faster.

The muscle tissue of every person consists mainly of water, protein and a small amount of other substances. In total, muscle fibers contain a set of 20 amino acids. Due to the complex physiological processes of the body, natural reproduction of 12 of them is possible. The need for 8 more can only be met from food and supplements.

For the athlete, the highest biological value represent the 3 amino acids that are consumed in the sports nutrition complex.

Among the most popular questions are whether the bcaa amino acids are harmful, do they negatively affect internal organs and if so, under what conditions.

In order to answer whether the use of bcaa is harmful or not, consider the role of each component of the complex:

Isoleucine. Synthesizes hemoglobin, regulates blood sugar, participates in energy metabolism and controls a healthy state skin... Also, isoleucine helps in muscle recovery and growth, optimizing the central nervous system.

Leucine. Promotes effective pumping and synthesis of natural protein molecules. It inhibits the breakdown of glucose, participates in energy and water exchange, as well as insulin stimulation. Full assimilation of dietary protein is impossible without leucine. In medicine, this substance is used to treat the liver and increase hemoglobin.

Valine. Participates in building, enhancing endurance, as well as muscle regeneration, enhancing the body's immunity. Helps in regulating energy exchange. Improves the condition of the central nervous system.

Together, these substances have a pronounced anabolic effect and contribute to effective growth, development and post-workout recovery of muscle fibers.

Almost all food products contain them in small quantities, therefore, it is in principle impractical to discuss the harm of bcaa amino acids for the body. We eat eggs, milk, meat, cereals, herbs, fruits, vegetables and we know that without them, the optimal functioning of our body is impossible. Athletes drink milk in liters precisely in order to obtain amino acids, including essential ones, so why should concentrated extracts of these components be dangerous?

However, some forum reviews about the dangers of bcaa on the human body, written by ordinary consumers, can shake even an athlete who has basic knowledge of biology and anatomy. People write about the harm of bcaa to the liver, intestinal disorders and even full-fledged poisoning, up to hospitalization.

BCAA - harm or benefit?

Consider the cases when the use of this supplement is really fraught with danger:

  • The use of clandestine supplements from unknown manufacturers. Most of athletes describing the harmfulness of bcaa use cheap supplements of dubious origin.
  • Violation of storage conditions.
  • Irregular consumption of drugs.

The harm of bcaa to the stomach is also often noted by people consuming the supplement along with substances that cause them allergies or intolerances. So, for example, every hundredth person suffers from lactose intolerance. It goes without saying that if BCAA, such a person drinks together with a concentrate, and not a protein isolate, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible. In this case, a person may mistakenly believe that the reason is precisely in BCAA.

But are the BCAA amino acids harmful for the liver? pain syndrome in the area of ​​this organ? With unrestrained consumption of the supplement, lack of control daily allowance protein - 2 g-2.5 g / kg of body weight, taking into account severe liver and kidney diseases, such side effects... V in this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor and develop an individual program for taking the amino acid complex.

By themselves, amino acids do not pose a danger to the liver, as it was already written above, on the contrary, they are used in its treatment.

A completely unacceptable myth about harm btsaa for men. They supposedly lower potency. In fact, such an effect is possible only in one case - the athlete works in shape without rest. As a result, commonplace fatigue, overtraining, lead to a decrease in libido. The athlete may not feel fatigue at first, therefore, he mistakenly believes that it was the additive that had a negative effect.

Based on the foregoing, it should be noted that from taking the supplement can only benefit and harm bcaa, due only to insufficient knowledge and misconceptions of individual consumers in the field of sports pharmacology.

The question of whether there is harm from the use of the essential amino acid BCAA in your diet is associated with the prevailing stereotype about the advisability of sports nutrition and side effects. Formed public opinion, about the negative side effects from taking medical supplies, also left its mark on the attitude towards amino acids.

BCAA amino acids


Sometimes even educated people have a misconception about what amino acids are and what their benefits are. But these are substances without which life human body is not possible, they are responsible for muscle growth. Our body cannot produce them on its own and receives them from food, in the process of enzymatic processing. Therefore, such substances come with a certain deficiency, it is the irrational and not balanced diet... In addition, the process of assimilation of such substances is strongly influenced by bad habits and stress. Therefore, many are increasingly turning to the use of BCAA in their diet in order to make up for their lack in the body.

Essential amino acids include branched chain amino acids, which include: leucine, isoleucine, valine. Do such nutritional supplements from natural products, by partial processing, therefore, harm to health from their use is practically excluded. And the benefits of a successfully balanced diet are beyond doubt even among the most inveterate skeptics.

Leucine is a component of amino acids

Terms of use

Many, before starting to take amino acids, are trying to find information about whether there are contraindications for their use.
As with any sports supplement, there are a number of conditions that must be met to maximize the benefits of their use.

BCAA is protein product and puts a strain on the kidneys. Therefore, if there are problems with this organ, before starting admission, it is necessary to consult with a specialist to minimize possible harm... This does not mean that the intake of amino acids will need to be completely eliminated; it may simply be necessary to limit the amount of their intake in order to avoid an overdose.

Despite the fact that this product is a split protein, care should be taken when consuming it for those with gastrointestinal problems. Especially for those who do not have an enzyme or acid-base balance... In these cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the amount of supplements taken.

BCAA is a protein product

When taking BCAAs, side effects are possible in the form of stomach discomfort or even diarrhea. But usually this is due to the use of a poor-quality or expired product. Therefore, before buying a drug, you need to make sure of its quality and shelf life.

Allergy to BCAA intake is very rare, but in order to be safe from it, it is necessary to start taking it with small doses in order to identify whether an allergy occurs. Basically, an allergy to amino acid intake occurs in people prone to allergy to foods containing lactose. In this case, you should pay attention to BCAA made on the basis of plant products... Another issue to look out for is the interaction of BCAAs with other drugs, especially medications. Although in most cases, amino acids react neutrally to their simultaneous intake with drugs, you should pay attention to the fact that the substances that make up them have a slight sedative effect. Therefore, you should be careful when using them, together with sedatives (especially those that are taken for allergies), since their effect (including side effects) can be increased.

Another important condition, on which the success and effectiveness of BCAA intake will depend, is the limitation or completely exclusion from the use of products containing alcohol. Of course, it is often possible to completely change this bad habit, it can be quite difficult. But since the use of amino acids usually goes along with intense physical activity, then the rejection of drinks containing alcohol becomes simply necessary. Because alcoholic substances containing it significantly affect the processes of the whole organism, including the work on the breakdown and assimilation of amino acids. And this can neutralize the positive effect of taking these supplements due to the fact that alcohol disrupts the production of enzymes.

Therefore, to achieve the effectiveness of BCAA intake, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, since it is he who destroys the branched side chains of amino acids, and also interferes with the normal process of protein synthesis and building muscle fibers. In addition to all this, it is alcohol that often disrupts the acid-base balance, which is necessary for the normal assimilation of protein.

Eliminate alcohol

Many sports nutrition stores sell great amount various BCAA amino acids. Of course, such stores are worth trusting. But amino acids are produced mainly abroad and the price for them is very high. It is much cheaper to order amino acids on the American website iherb, where prices are much cheaper, there are always promotions and by using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. Therefore, if you have already decided which BCAA amino acids are best for you, then any of these amino acids can be found on iherb at this link.

Myths about harm

The existing myths that the use of amino acids can harm potency are baseless. On the contrary, studies confirm the positive effect of the use of amino acids on male potency, since a balanced diet can significantly improve the functioning of hormonal systems (including in the genital area).

At correct mode intake of BCAA and rational physical activity, it is possible to increase the production of testosterone, which has a positive effect on male potency. In addition, the substances that make up essential amino acids have a number of properties that affect psychological condition person.

BCAA Consumption, Improves Muscle Quality

A light soothing effect, along with a full recovery of the body, allows you to avoid the dangers of sexual dysfunctions. The use of BCAA improves the quality of muscle tissue, which in turn has a positive effect on male potency. An increase in the general tone of the body and an increase in the percentage of muscle mass and a decrease in body fat also have a positive effect on potency. Since everyone knows the fact that exactly a large number of body fat leads to a decrease in testosterone levels. Therefore, there is no amino acid intake negative influence on potency. Also, there is no confirmation of the effect of amino acid intake on the occurrence of cancer, although researchers have repeatedly turned to this topic, but scientific evidence for such a theory that amino acid intake can cause cancer has not been found.

Bcaa harm

Before we start considering Main Side Effects of BCAA Amino Acids , let's see why BSAA amino acids are considered the most popular supplements in the world of sports!
BCAA amino acids recommended for use in recovery period but they have also been proven to be equally effective during the Intraworkout period.

It is known Leucine (an amino acid that is part of BCAAs), gives a signal to human cells to start the mTOR system, or a stimulus for muscle protein synthesis. Leucine, one of the amino acids that supports muscle hypertrophy. Deficiency of this amino acid leads to gradual malnutrition and hypertrophy gradually decreases.
Isoleucine is also an important amino acid that takes part in the control of blood glucose levels.
Finally, Valine supports muscle glycogen synthesis, which is ideal for training and sports progress.

Any, even the most trivial product or ingredient can cause great damage if the dosage is exceeded, for example, excess water intake can cause pathology such as water poisoning or overhydration.
This situation is observed with the reception BCAA amino acids , but if you take the recommended dosage of 5-10 grams per dose, then there will be no side effects. Even if the dosage is increased by almost 10 times (50 grams per dose), which is not recommended, then there should also be no side effects healthy person.
Output: BCAA amino acids are the recommended supplement for athletes seeking to increase their athletic progress!

So let's take a look at the most common side effects and the most incredible side effects of BCAAs:

1. Allergic reaction. Amino acids can cause a variety of allergic reactions. Allergy - individual feature organism. Any amino acid can cause allergies. The main manifestations of an allergic reaction: a rash on the body, itching ...
To prevent this reaction, it is recommended to start taking with large portions preparation, BCAA 2-3 grams, protein 10-15 grams.

2. BCAAs and CNS. BCAA Amino Acids or Branched Chain Amino Acids, compete with other amino acids such as Tryptophan and Tyrosine for transport to Central Nervous system... Therefore, a high concentration of BCAA amino acids in the blood almost completely blocks the entry of competitive amino acids, which in turn lowers the level of neurotransmitters, including Serotonin and Dopamine. As you know, Serotonin is responsible for the biological rhythms of the body, sleep and mood. Dopamine or the precursor of Norepinephrine and Epinephrine.

3. It is not recommended to take BCAA amino acids for people suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Hericks's disease. A link has been proven between taking BCAA amino acids and increased risk mortality of patients suffering from ALS (Lateral Amniotrophic Syndrome).

4.BCAAs and Depression. BCAAs compete with Tryptophan, which also crosses the blood-brain barrier. Tryptophan deficiency can lead to depressed state, as it is responsible for the synthesis of "Mood Hormones".

5.Chronic alcoholism and amino acids ... Complex use of amino acids BCAA and the simultaneous use of Alcohol can be the cause of liver failure, hepatic encephalopathy.

6.BCAA and Blood . Low level blood glucose or hypoglycemia is directly related to Leucine. Scientists believe that Leucine helps release Insulin from the pancreas, thereby lowering blood glucose levels.
It is recommended that one month before the surgery stop taking BCAAs as the blood glucose level may be unreliable.

Graph of the dependence of the concentration of Leucine and Insulin

7. BCAAs and Hair ... There was a theory that the reception BCAA amino acids can prevent hair loss. But this theory was not substantiated, since women and men suffering from this problem had another reason, a deficiency of Sodium in the follicles, namely, in the ion channels. BCAA also plays a role in sodium metabolism and channel functioning. Proven BCAA amino acids increase efficiency drugs to strengthen hair. In conclusion, hair is largely protein, also contains a large percentage of essential amino acids or BSAA .

8. BCAAs and Acne. Acne is a skin disease that occurs in more than 9% of the population. Scientists have found some kind of connection between BCAA amino acids and acne. Also, the reception BCAA can accelerate the development of Psoriasis. This problem is not fully understood, but it is recommended to limit the reception BCAA amino acids to prevent the development of acne. We remind you that Amino acids may aggravate already existing problems, and not be the cause of the emergence of a new pathology.

9. BCAAs and gastrointestinal tract . BCAA have an impact on Gastrointestinal tract, can be the cause of gas formation (flatulence), colic.
Although, one cannot be 100% sure what exactly BCAA led to these symptoms.

10. BCAAs and Kidneys, Liver. There is a lot of debate about kidney damage directly related to BCAA amino acids ... This statement is true only for those people who already have kidney problems and vice versa, healthy kidneys remain healthy even when consumed BCAA amino acids at a dosage of 2.8 grams per kg of body weight. This situation is also observed with the liver.

11. BSAA and Children. Application BCAA amino acids is relatively safe for children over 6 months old, provided that short courses are used, no more than a month.

12. Ketoaciduria. Branched-chain amino acids can cause mental and physical retardation in children.

13. BSAA and Breastfeeding, Pregnancy. There is no information on the use of BCAA amino acids for pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is recommended to exclude BCAA supplements during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Output: It is not recommended to take BCAA amino acids for pregnant women and breastfeeding women, as amino acids can have completely undesirable effects on the fetus and baby.
Be sure to consult your doctor if you have health problems. V mandatory consultation with a doctor for patients:
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Parkinson's;
- Disease of the thyroid gland;
- Diseases of the Central Nervous System;
- Diseases of the Cardiovascular System ...

1. Blomstrand et al., Influence of Ingesting a Solution of Branched Chain Amino Acids on Perceived Exertion During Exercise, Clin. Sci.: 87,52,1994.
2. McLean et al., Branched-Chain Amino Acids Augment Ammonia Metabolism While Attenuating Protein Breakdown During Exercise, Am. J. Physiol .: 267, E1010,1994.
3. Shimomura Y, Murakami T, Nakai N, Masaru N, Harris R "Exercise Promotes BCAA Catabolism: Effects of BCAA Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle during Exercise". J. Nutr. 134 (6): 1583S-1587S. 2004
4. Sowers, S .. N.p .. “A Primer On Branched Chain Amino Acids”. Web. 1 May 2013.
5. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Ch. 8. “Human Nutrition in the Developing World” 1997.


Can these amino acids harm the body? Why do you need to accept them, what role do they play.

Today, more and more professional athletes supplement their standard diet with special sports nutrition to achieve high results in sports. How else? Increased physical activity leads to a deficiency of those substances, which until recently were in abundance. For example, these same amino acids are the building blocks of muscle fibers in your body. With a lack of them, talking about an increase in muscle mass and an increase in strength is useless.

So, very popular sports supplements are bcaa amino acids, which contain the three most prominent representatives- leucine, valine and isoleucine. The peculiarity of amino acids is in their deficiency, because our body does not produce them. Only proper nutrition and sports supplements can provide muscles with all the necessary building blocks. But a logical question arises, how harmful they are. Can athletes add BCAA amino acids to their diet?


Subject to correct dosage a complex of essential amino acids cannot do harm. Moreover, it performs a number of important functions:

  • firstly, the body receives quality nutrition for the formation of new muscle fibers and general health promotion;
  • secondly, bcaa amino acids trigger anabolic processes;
  • thirdly, plus amino acids - stopping catabolism even after active training sessions. The body receives everything it needs to stop the breakdown of its own fibers in case of protein deficiency;
  • fourthly, sports training, proper nutrition and bcaa amino acids allow you to burn much faster subcutaneous fat and achieve the set results;
  • fifth, sports nutrition absorbed within 15-20 minutes after ingestion, which allows us to talk about the maximum efficiency of the training process;
  • sixth, with proper administration and the absence of special contraindications, amino acids do not harm. Moreover, the body of any person (and even more so an athlete) is in dire need of them.

Features of reception

We have already said that the main thing is to take the right sports supplements. Today, bcaa complexes are released in powder form, in liquid form or in capsules. At the same time, the effect of amino acids in powder and capsules is almost the same. As for the liquid form, the body absorbs it best. As a result, you can count on a greater effect from classes. Moreover, in the case of the correct dosage, harm is excluded when choosing any of the forms.

So, it is best to take this food during your workout or immediately after it. At this time, the body most of all needs amino acids. You can drink the supplement in any of the forms listed above. The only difference is that the supplement in liquid form reaches its target much faster.

The admission rules are as follows. First, you need to take three pieces - before and after going to gym... Secondly, bcaa amino acids are essential during the day - preferably three capsules during the morning and evening reception food. Thirdly, in the case of aerobic training, you can drink three more drinks - before and after classes. Do not worry, even this activity in taking amino acids is not harmful.

The main rule is not to take sports nutrition on an empty stomach. Of course, you will not harm the body, but taking the drug will be absolutely useless. On the other hand, overeating is already harmful. The ideal option is to eat a little boiled chicken and salad, washed down with a portion of amino acids.


Amino acids are not capable of causing harm if you drink them at the recommended dosage and when active pursuits bodybuilding. And how can food, which has an exclusively natural basis, be harmful? In fact, after splitting the same meat, milk or eggs, you get the same essential amino acids... Only in this case the body is forced to spend a lot more energy for digestion.

All three amino acids found in a sports supplement (leucine, isoleucine and valine) are very beneficial. They provide the growth of muscle fibers, quick recovery organism, the receipt of the required amount of energy, increasing strength and endurance. And if for beginners the question of whether amino acids are harmful is still relevant, then professional athletes are sure of the stupidity of such statements. How can the elements that the body need be harmful?

Taking the bcaa complex is essential for gaining muscle mass and dumping excess fat(drying). These supplements "protect" the protein in muscle fibers when the body does not get enough carbohydrates. In addition, the amino acid complex is able to relieve apathy during training, giving the necessary energy and strength for exercise.

Another function of the supplement is to stimulate the activity of the three main bodybuilding hormones - insulin, growth hormone and testosterone. As a result, the result in the form of a beautiful relief and improvement in results comes much faster.


The harm of amino acids is a myth that is not supported real successes active bodybuilders. If the dosage is observed and taken correctly, drinking this supplement is not harmful. Moreover, it is necessary for an athlete to achieve their goals and form an ideal body. Good luck.

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