Home Garden on the windowsill The youngest subject of the Russian Federation is. What influences the formation of different types of soils

The youngest subject of the Russian Federation is. What influences the formation of different types of soils

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography. 2016 – 2017 academic year year.

school stage. Duration - 1 hour 30 minutes.


Choose one correct answer

W and each correct answer is 1 point

1. Which of the instruments is not used in meteorological observations?

A. anemometer

B curvimeter

B. hygrometer

G. barograph

2.According to the continental drift hypothesis, the globe there was a single ancient mainland

B. Gondwana

W. Pangea

G. Laurasia

3.Baikonur, Barentsburg, this…

A. Cities of Russia

B. Colonies of Russia

B. Leased territories

D. Enclaves

4. Which of the listed seas has the highest average annual temperature


A. Barentsev

B. Karskom

V. Laptev

G. East Siberian

5. Cause strong earthquakes in the northeast of Russia is

A. Collision of the North American and Eurasian Plates

B. Collision of the Amur and Eurasian plates

B. Collision of the Pacific and Eurasian plates

D. Separation of the North American and Eurasian plates

6. Who from listed travelers explored the most northern regions of the country

A.N.M. Przhevalsky

VIEW. Chersky

G. I. Moskvitin

7.Choose the correct match " natural area- soil"

A. Mixed forests - podzolic

B. Subtropical forests - red-brown soils

B. Broad-leaved forests - sod-podzolic

G. Steppe - chernozems

8.What is the number of subjects Russian Federation

9.The main oil reserves in Russia are confined to…

A. Mesozoic sedimentary cover

B. Regional foothill foredeep, formed in the Cenozoic

B. Zones of Baikal folding

D. Outcrops of rocks of the crystalline basement

10.Choose from the listed countries with which Russia has the longest land border

A. Kazakhstan

B. China

V. Mongolia

G. Ukraine

D. Finland

E. Belarus

11.Relatively stable and leveled areas earth's crust, underlying modern continents- this is

A. Mainland shallows

B. Platforms

B. Seismic belts

G. Islands

12.) Geysers Far East located

A. On about. Wrangel

B. In Chukotka

B. In Kamchatka

G. On Taimyr

13.Indicate a couple of countries that do NOT have a common border with Russia

A. Kazakhstan - Uzbekistan

B. Kyrgyzstan - Moldova

B. Armenia - Belarus

D. Georgia - Bulgaria

14. 2016 marks 102 years since the birth of the famous Norwegian navigator and anthropologist. As a child, he was terribly afraid of water, because twice he almost drowned. As an adult, he sailed across the Pacific Ocean on a balsa wood raft Kon-Tiki and Atlantic Ocean- on the boat "Ra" made of papyrus, trying to prove the connection between the peoples of the pre-Columbian era. What was his name?

A. Bartolomeu Dias

B. Vitus Bering

W. Thor Heyerdahl

G. Jacques-Yves Cousteau

15. Which lake in the list is completely fresh?

A. Titicaca

B. Issyk-Kul

G. Balkhash

16. The southernmost point of Eurasia is Cape ...

G. Finisterre

17.Which direction corresponds to the direction A - B on the map of the European part of Russia?Choose one correct answer out of four and circle its number.

A) north

B) northeast

B) east

D) southeast

18. “In the middle of our country, like a patterned belt, a ridge stretches. A thousand years ago it was called the Stone Belt. The rivers flow down from the ridge and to the west - to Europe, and to the east - to Asia"

V. Caucasus

geographical tasks.

Task #1

It is known that every new day, New Year the first people on earth to meet the inhabitants of Cape Dezhnev and Fr. Ratmanov. How fast is the New Year approaching Moscow? Can a plane flying at a speed of 900 km/h overtake the approach of the new year? Justify your answer (3 points)

Task #2

What do quarries and heaps have in common? Where do they meet? (3 points)

Task #3

In Karelia, "rotten" stones are often found. Hit such a boulder with a stick, and it will crumble, turn into reddish dust. Why "rotted" this strongest rock - granite? (3 points)

Task #4

Read an excerpt from a newspaper article. “In 2008, the construction of a new oil pipeline “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean” (ESPO) was started. During its construction will be used the latest technology designed to ensure the reliability of its operation in conditions low temperatures and permafrost. Environmental scientists objected to the laying of an oil pipeline route in the immediate vicinity of Lake Baikal, who spoke of the inevitability ecological disaster in the event of an accident on a future oil pipeline. Under their influence, a decision was made to change the route of the pipeline.” What features of the territory through which the oil pipeline was supposed to pass made scientists talk about high degree the probability of an accident on the oil pipeline and the inevitability, in this case, of pollution of the waters of Lake Baikal? List two features. (4 points)

Answers Grade 8

Geographic tasks

1. (3 points) The speed of rotation of individual points of the globe is different. To determine the speed of approaching the new year on the parallel of Moscow, you need to divide the length of the parallel (22,000 km) by 24 (22000:24). It turns out 917 km / h. This speed is somewhat higher than the flight speed of "our" aircraft and this aircraft is not able to "catch up" with the new year.

2. (3 points) Anthropogenic landforms. Construction sites and mining sites open way; near the mines, waste heaps are formed from the waste rock.

3. (3 points) The stone "rotted" under the influence of lichens that settled on it. These plants secrete substances that corrode such durable rocks as granite. And then comes the process of soil formation, when mosses first settle on the destroyed rocks. Then bushes, then trees.

№ 4.(4 points)


The response specifies the following:
1) high seismic activity territory
2) this territory belongs to the drainage basin of Lake Baikal
the route of the oil pipeline crosses the rivers flowing into Baikal

Instructions for grading

The answer includes both of the above elements in full.

The response includes one (any) of the above elements

All of the above items are missing

Maximum score

Test part answers


test part
Enter your answers in the table at the end of the test part.
1. Arrange the regions of Russia in the order in which their inhabitants celebrate the New Year. Write down the resulting sequence of letters in the table
A) Nenets Autonomous Okrug
B) Republic of Sakha
C) Kaliningrad region
2. Researcher Ushakov called this natural phenomenon "the smile of the Arctic."
What was it about?
3. Select the option where all geographic locations are in Russia and are located in the same ocean
A. Kunashir Strait, Sakhalin Island, Bering Sea, Shelikhov Bay
B. Gulf of Finland, Cape Fligeli, Baltic Sea, Gulf of Gdansk
V. White Sea, Gulf of Ob, Wrangel Island, Commander Islands
G. Kerch Strait, Sivash Bay, Sea of ​​Azov, Rudolf Island
.four. Choose the correct match between the traveler and the object of his research
A. Krasheninnikov - Taimyr
B. Chelyuskin - Kamchatka
V. Chirikov - Bering Strait
G. Vilkitsky – Franz Josef Land
5. Find matches between scientists and the objects they studied
1) V.V. Dokuchaev
2) A.I. Voeikov3) P.A. Kropotkin
4) A.E. Fersman
A) climate
B). Rocks and minerals
AT). permafrost
G). Soils
6. Choose the right combination: relief-forming process - landform - geographical feature
A. Activity of flowing waters - ravines - North Siberian lowland
B. Glacier activity - moraine - Valdai Upland
B. Wind activity - beams - Caspian lowland
D. Sea activity - accumulative plain - Volga Upland
7. Choose the option where the landforms belong to the same tectonic structure, or have the same absolute age:
A. Caucasus, Byrranga, Koryak Highlands, Sredinny Ridge
B. Eastern Sayan, Western Sayan, Ural, Altai
V. Verkhoyansk Ridge, Sikhote-Alin, Kolyma Highlands, Cherskogo Ridge Khibiny, Timan Ridge, Central Russian Upland, Stavropol
8. Choose the right combination: the territory of Russia - the type of climate
A. Black Sea coast of the Caucasus - temperate maritime climate
B. Sikhote-Alin - temperate sharply continental climate
V. Putorana Plateau - subarctic climate
Kamchatka - temperate monsoon climate
9. Select correct option, where all inland water bodies belong to the same drainage basin:
A. Lake Chany, Ural, Terek, Volga
B. Lake Ladoga, Northern Dvina, Yenisei, Kolyma
V. Neva, Don, Kuban, Lake Seliger
Shilka, Katun, Lake Khanka, Anadyr
10. Choose the correct match: soil type - natural area (vegetation type)
BUT). Podzolic - steppes
B). Chernozems - mixed forests
AT). Gray forest - deciduous forests
D) Sod-podzolic - taiga
11.. What animal did not live on the territory of Russia before?
BUT). Otter B). Nutria B). desman G). Beaver
12. Choose the right combination: natural areas - reserves of Russia
BUT). Steppes - Astrakhan B). Tundra - Ilmensky V). Taiga - Barguzinsky G). Mixed forests - Lapland13. What dangerous natural phenomenon is impossible in Moscow?
BUT). drought b. landslide B). village G). flood
14. Find the correspondence between human activities and natural consequences:
1) Deforestation on the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains
2) Construction of a reservoir on the Ob in the Salekhard area
3) Drainage of the swamps of Western Siberia
4) Open pit coal mining
BUT). Flooding of vast territories
B). Increased erosion
AT). Lowering of the groundwater level
G). Shallowing of rivers
15. About what forest of the Earth can the following be said: “here it is easier to find ten trunks different types trees than ten trunks of the same species"?
A) temperate broadleaf forest
B) taiga
B) humid equatorial forest
D) temperate mixed forest
16. Which of the following cities in Russia is the largest in terms of the number of inhabitants?
BUT). Nizhny Novgorod B). Stavropol B. Vladivostok D. Tyumen
17. The climate of the Amur region is called "sharply continental with features
monsoon, but what is a monsoon? What are the reasons for its occurrence?
18. Plesetsk (Mirny), Kapustin Yar, Svobodny. Select which category of objects they belong to:
A) these are the centers of the automotive industry;
B) these are cosmodromes and centers for testing missiles and military equipment;
B) major transport hubs;
D) places where meteorites fall.
19. What do you know about the history of the founding of the city of Svobodny?
20..The absolute maximum temperature recorded on Earth was +58 C. Indicate the place where this happened:
A) Arika ( South America); B) District of the city of Tripoli (Africa);
B) the Sahara Desert D) The Great Victoria Desert.
21. Match
Lake Characteristic
1.) Ladoga
4) Baikal A) “glorious sea, sacred…..”
(from song)
B) used to have the name "Khvalynskoye"
C) the lake on which the Kizhi nature reserve is located
D) the lake on which the "Road of Life" passed
1 2 3
22. Define economic region according to his description.
This is the most multinational and politically unstable region of the Russian Federation.
The southern part of the region is occupied by young mountains. recreational economy is important for the region
A) northern
B) North Caucasus
B) the Volga region
D) Ural
23. Evaluate which of the areas marked on the map with numbers 1, 2, 3 is most suitable for playing football. Give two reasons to support your answer. Explain why the other two sites are not suitable.

24. Match:
1) isobars A) connect points with the same absolute height
2) isotherms B) connect points with the same air t 3) horizontals C) connect points with the same atmospheric pressure.
25. Arrange the following cities in order of increasing height above sea level
Write in the table the half-way sequence of letters
A) Chita B) Smolensk C) Khanty-Mansiysk
2. Theoretical part:
Exercise 1.
“Steppe expanses, green mountains, Steep bends of swift rivers ... Eagle flocks and gave without edge - X golden in my heart forever! Crimson dawns, wheaten sea, Strada fruitful mighty run. Labor friends, fiery hearts - X golden in my heart forever!
What subject of the Asian part of the Russian Federation is Ts.S. Solodar?
What toponym should be written instead of X?
Explain how you identified this region.
Why did the "sea of ​​wheat" form here?
Task 2.
Explain why only larch grows in the taiga zone of Eastern Siberia?
Task 3. Why is the water in Baikal clean and transparent?
Task 4. On prime meridian 12 hours, and on the ship 17 hours. On what ocean, washing the coast of Russia, does the ship sail?
Answer table for students
1.Test part

1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13 2. Theoretical part
Answer table Grade 9
1.Test part
Question No. Answer Points Question No. Answer Points
1 B A C 1 14 1-B 2-A 3-D 4-C 1
2 Northern Lights 1 15 V 1
3 A 1 16 A 1
4 V 1 17 Monsoon winds change their direction twice a year, which depends on the difference in the heating of the land and the ocean by the Sun, respectively, and the difference in atmospheric pressure.
5 1-D,2-A 3-C 4-B
1 18 B 1
6 B 1 19 Founded in 1912 during the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway and named after the heir of Nicholas II - Alexei (Alekseevsk), in 1917 renamed to Svobodny) 2
7 V 1 20 B 1
8 V 1 21 1-G,2-C,3-B,4-A 1
9 A 1 22 B 1
10 V 1 23 Plot 2 is suitable there is a flat surface and meadow vegetation, and in plot 1 there is a slope, and in plot 3 there is a swamp 2
11 B 1 24 1-C,2-B,3-A 1
12 V 1 25 V, B, A 1
13 in 1 Total 28 points
2. Theoretical part - answers
Exercise 1.
1Altai Territory
3. Here are the Altai mountains, in the foothills of the steppe
4. Chernozem soils in the steppes
Evaluation system: for the correct analysis of the work - 4 points.
Task 2
harsh winter, permafrost do not give the opportunity to take root) -2 points Task 3.
The lake is cleaned by living organisms - plankton-2 points
Task 4. On the Arctic Ocean (17-12 = 5 hours, 5 time zone-Northern Arctic Ocean- Kara Sea) -2 points
Total-10 points
Total: 38 points

Tasks for conducting school stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in geography in 2017 - 2018 academic year year.

6th grade

Test tour

1 . The science that studies the nature of the earth's surface is:

a) physical geography; b) economical geography; c) botany; d) natural science.

2 . A drawing depicting the earth's surface in a reduced form is:

a) model of the Earth; b) aerial photograph; c) a plan of the area; G ) local map

3. Who made the first trip around the world?

a) F. Magellan; b) X. Columbus; c) A. Nikitin. d) D. Cook

4 . What will be the named scale if the numerical scale is 1:5,000,000?

a) 1 cm - 50,000 km. b) 1 cm - 500 km. c) 1 cm - 5000 km. d) 1 cm - 50 km.

5 . The length of the Earth's equator is:

a) 40075.7 km; b) 6378 km; c) 6357 km; d) 20033 km.

6. Choose the wrong option:

a) the radius of the Earth at the equator is 6378 km;

c) temperature Earth's core 3500°С;

b) the radius of the Earth from the pole to the center is 6356 km;

d) the length of 1° meridian is 90 kilometers.

7 . The lowest altitude above sea level among the plains are:

a) lowlands; b) hills; c) highlands; d) plateaus.

8 . Choose the right pair.

a) Himalayas - McKinley; b) Alps - Belukha; in ) Caucasus - Elbrus; G). Andes - Everest.

9. The world's oceans make up approximately:

a) 50%; b) 90%; in ) 70%; d) 30%.

10. Why fresh water does not run out on Earth?

a) there are oceans and seas;

c) exist The groundwater;

b) there are rivers and lakes;

d) there is a water cycle in nature.

11. Choose the wrong option:

a) geogr. latitude - 2°; b) geogr. latitude - 80°; c) geogr. longitude - 185°; d) geogr. longitude - 170°.

12. What is the name of the device that records the state of the earth's crust? a) compass b) level c) barometer d ) seismograph

13 . Internal structure Earth: a) Mantle, core, earth's crust b) Core, mantle, earth's crust c) Earth's crust, core, mantle d) Mantle, earth's crust, core

14. Mountains on the map are indicated by color: a) Blue b) Yellow c) Green d) Brown

15. Arrange objects according to their geographic location from west to east from the prime meridian:

a) the island of Madagascar

b) Atlantic Ocean

c) Andes

d) about. New Zealand

7th grade.




If you put a point on the terrain plan and draw a line down from it, you get an image of the direction to: A) north B) west C) east D) south

The geographical longitude of Vilnius is 25 0 16 , east, Sevastopol - 33 0 31 , east, Ashgabat - 58 0 22 , east, Beijing - 116 0 23 , east. Which of these cities is located to the east of the others? A) Vilnius B) Sevastopol C) Ashgabat D) Beijing

The geographical latitude of Minsk is 53 0 54 N, Paris is 48 0 51 N, Rome is 41 0 53 N, Beijing is 39 0 54 N. Which of these cities is closest to the North Pole? A) Minsk B) Paris C) Rome D) Beijing

The Mariana Trench, which is the deepest place in the oceans, is located:

A) in the Red Sea B) c Indian Ocean C) in the Sargasso Sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean D) in the Arctic Ocean E) in pacific ocean

Choose the correct statement.

A) the most big Island on Earth - Greenland B) the most big ocean on Earth - Quiet C) the widest strait on Earth - Gibraltar D) the most little ocean on Earth - the Arctic

How many different minerals are dissolved (on average) in 1 liter ocean water? A) 3 grams B) 12 grams C) 35 grams D) 44 grams

Oceanic (sea) currents are: A) warm B) cold C) salty D) fresh

Name the cold current that passes from the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean along the coasts. North America? A) North Atlantic B) Californian C) Peruvian D) Labrador

The results of ocean research are important practical value: A) for navigation B) for forecasting weather and climate change C) for prospecting for minerals D) for fishing

When is the most high level in the rivers that feed melt waters mountain glaciers? A) in winter period B) hot summer period C) in autumn D) in such rivers the level is always constant

What is the name of the deepening developed by river water flow and in which flows water flow? A) floodplain B) river valley C) river bed D) river slope

Lakes from which no rivers flow are called: A) closed B) closed C) drainless D) isolated

Sometimes in an area composed of easily soluble rocks, groundwater washes out voids in these rocks, which are called:

A) horst B) graben C) karst D) moraine

In what areas are buildings (for safety reasons) built on piles? A) in deserts B) in permafrost areas C) on rocky areas D) in swampy areas

Channels that are created in wetlands are called: A) irrigation canals B) drainage canals C) desalination canals D) oxbow lakes

8th grade.


1) According to the hypothesis of continental drift, there was a single ancient continent on the globe

B. Gondwana

W. Pangea

G. Laurasia

2) To dangerous natural phenomena of lithospheric origin do NOT apply

B. Hurricanes

V. Avalanches

G. Landslides

3) The founder of the hypothesis of the origin of the Earth from cold gas and dust

clouds is

A. Mercator G.

B. Schmidt O. Yu.

W. Wegener A.

G. Vavilov N.I.

4) The winter maximum precipitation is typical for

A. temperate maritime climate

B. subtropical Mediterranean climate

V. monsoon climate

G. equatorial climate

5) Baikonur, Barentsburg, Sevastopol is…

A. Cities of Russia

B. Colonies of Russia

B. Leased territories

D. Enclaves

6) Which city is located strictly south of Moscow

A. Belgorod

B. Saratov

V. Veliky Novgorod

G. Stavropol

7) In which of the listed seas is the average annual temperature the highest?


A. Barentsev

B. Karskom

V. Laptev

G. East Siberian

8) The cause of strong earthquakes in the north-east of Russia is

A. Collision of the North American and Eurasian Plates

B. Collision of the Amur and Eurasian plates

B. Collision of the Pacific and Eurasian plates

D. Separation of the North American and Eurasian plates

9) In what year did Russia have the most large area territory

10) does NOT belong to Russia

A. Russian Island

B. Krusenstern Island

B. Rudolf Island

D. Habomai Range

11) Which of the listed travelers explored the northernmost regions of the country

BUT. N.M. Przhevalsky

B. Ermak

AT. I.D. Chersky

G. I. Moskvitin

12) Choose the correct match "natural zone - soil"

A. Mixed forests - podzolic

B. Subtropical forests - red-brown soils

C. Broad-leaved forests - sod-podzolic

G. Steppe - chernozems

13) What is the number of subjects of the Russian Federation

14) The main oil reserves in Russia are confined to ...

A. Mesozoic sedimentary cover

B. Regional foothill foredeep, formed in the Cenozoic

B. Zones of Baikal folding

D. Outcrops of rocks of the crystalline basement

15) Choose the only correct solution

A. Russia is crossed by the International Date Line B. Russia is located in three hemispheres C. Russia is located in twelve time zones

D. Russia is located in the same light zone E. In the capital of Russia, from May to October inclusive, the day is always longer than the night

16) Choose from the listed countries with which Russia has the longest land border

A. Kazakhstan

V. Mongolia

G. Ukraine

D. Finland

E. Belarus

17) Relatively stable and leveled sections of the earth's crust that lie at the base of modern continents are

A. Continental shallows

B. Platforms

B. Seismic belts

G. Islands

18) The words: “Russian power will grow in Siberia” belong to

A. Peter I

B. M. V. Lomonosov

V.N.M. Przhevalsky

G. V. Tatishchev

19) Geysers of the Far East are located

A. On about. Wrangel

B. In Chukotka

B. In Kamchatka

G. On Taimyr

20. Indicate a couple of countries that do NOT have a common border with Russia

A. Kazakhstan - Uzbekistan

B. Kyrgyzstan - Moldova

B. Armenia - Belarus

G. Georgia - Bulgaria

Grade 9

Test tour.

1. Cyclones are:

BUT. Air masses that bring precipitation

B. Vortices with low atmospheric pressure in the center

AT. Vortices with high atmospheric pressure in the center

G. Horizontal air movement

2. Immigration is:

BUT. Increase in population due to immigrants from other countries

B. Decrease in population due to the departure of the population to other countries

AT. Movement of the population within the country

G. Growth in the share of the urban population at the expense of the rural

3. Which of the researchers led the work of the first polar station on a drifting ice floe:

BUT. O.Yu. Schmidt

B. G.Ya. Sedov

AT. IN AND. Bering

G. I.D. Papanin

4. The deepest lake is:

BUT. Baikal

B. Caspian

AT. Tanganyika

G. Michigan

5. There are large reserves in Western Siberia:

BUT. Non-ferrous metal ore

B. Oil, gas, coal

AT. Coal, oil, copper

G. Phosphorites, potassium salt, manganese ores

6. What air masses prevail in summer in the tropical climate zone?

BUT. Moderate

B. arctic

AT. equatorial

G. tropical

7. The Pole of Cold of the Southern Hemisphere is located:

BUT. On the southern belt

B. At the top of Mount Erebus

AT. At Vostok station in Antarctica

G. At the Pole of Inaccessibility in Antarctica

8. In the natural zone of rigid-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs there is a territory:

BUT. India

B. Italy

AT. Great Britain

G. Germany

9. What Natural resources can be classified as non-renewable:

A. Forests

B. Humus

AT. Oil

G. Water resources

10. The population of Russia is currently…………..

11. The easternmost of these cities is:

BUT. Omsk

B. Irkutsk

AT. Smolensk

G. Magnitogorsk

12. What letter on the political and administrative map of Russia marks the Nenets Autonomous Okrug?

1. BUT 2. B 3. FROM 4. D

13. Land border with Russia have:

BUT. Azerbaijan, Georgia

B. Poland, Bulgaria

AT. Sweden, Moldova

AT. Turkmenistan, Armenia

14. main reason insufficient moisture within the steppes is:

BUT. Low rainfall

B. High volatility

AT. Features of the underlying surface

G. Moderate air mass

15. A river in which the rain type of nutrition prevails is:

BUT. Northern Dvina

B. Don

AT. Zeya

G. Volga

16. Chernozems of the steppes contain a large number of humus due to:

BUT. Abundance of plant remains

B. Excess moisture

AT. Insufficient hydration

G. Human economic activity

17. natural factors hindering the economic development of the territory:

1. swampiness BUT. South of the Far East

2. Flaw water resources B. North of Western Siberia

3. permafrost AT. Middle and South Urals

4. Typhoons and floods G. North of Eastern Siberia

18. Establish a correspondence between the republics and their capitals:

1. Chuvashia BUT. Kazan

2. Bashkortostan B. Elista

3. Tatarstan AT. Cheboksary

4 . Kalmykia G. Ufa

19. Which coal basin is dominated by brown coal mining?

BUT. Kuznetsk

B. Pechora

AT. near Moscow

G. South Yakutsk

20. What letter marks the Sea of ​​Okhotsk on the map of Russia?

1. BUT 2 .B 3 . FROM 4. D

BUT. Day equals night

B. The day is longer than the night

AT. The day is shorter than the night

G. polar day

22. Specify a pair of points between which the distance is the smallest:

BUT. 10°N, 20°E

B. 30°N, 20°W

AT. 10°N, 40°W

G. 30°N, 40°W

23. Which of the regions indicated by letters on the map of Russia has the least average density population?

1. BUT 2. B 3. C 4. D

24. The youngest subject of the Russian Federation is:

BUT. Zabaykalsky Krai

B. Kamchatka Krai

AT. Perm region

G. Krasnoyarsk region

25. Determine the approximate height of the mountain, if it is known that at its foot the air temperature is + 16 °, and at its top - 8 ° С

BUT. 1.3 km B. 4 km AT. 24 km G. 400m

10-11 grades

Test tour

1. In which of the following countries in the age structure of the population is the proportion of people older than

65 years old is the greatest?

1 - Latvia

2 - Turkey

3 - Indonesia

4 - Mexico

2. Which of the following countries is the most densely populated?

3 - Saudi Arabia

4 - Republic of Korea

3. Which of the following countries has the highest GDP per capita?

1 - Brazil

3 - Poland

4 - Netherlands

4. Which of the following countries is the largest car manufacturer?

1 - Brazil

2 - Finland

3 - Japan

4 - Canada

5. One of the leading cotton producers is

2 - Afghanistan

6. Which of the following states is in Africa?

7. To the key group developing countries applies

2 - Saudi Arabia

3 - Venezuela

4 - Indonesia

8. Which of the following industries is Finland's international specialization?

1 - Aluminum production

2 - Coal industry

3 - Forestry and woodworking industry

4 - Iron ore industry

9. What match "a crop is an economic region that specializes in its cultivation" is true?

1 - Sunflower - Central

2 - Wheat - Northwestern

3 - Sugar beet - North Caucasian

4 - Len-dolgunets - Central Black Earth

10. English explorer of nature D. Livingston became famous for his travels and discoveries in

1 - South and East Africa

2 - Amazonia

3 - Central and East Asia

4 - Central Australia

11. If the scale of the globe is 1: 100,000,000, then the length of the equator line on it is

12. The plane took off from the Arctic Circle to the Central Arctic in a strictly northerly direction and after flying about 900 km, landed on an island with a geographical latitude of approximately

2 - 74.5 0 s.l.

4 - 76.5 0 N

13 . The sun is at its zenith at all latitudes between

1 - North and South Poles

2 - the Arctic and the Antarctic Circles

3 - Northern and Southern tropics

4 - Equator and poles

14. Areas of Mesozoic fold structures currently have most widespread in

1 - South America

2 - North America

3 - Africa

4 - Eurasia

5 - Australia

15. On the path of the monsoons, mountains rise from the ocean ......., and a large amount of precipitation falls on their southern slopes

1 - Cordillera

4 - Himalayas

16. Cereal crops grown in Russia in the most northern regions

1 - Potato and sugar beet

2 - Wheat and corn

3 - Rye and soy

4 - Barley and oats

17. The Trans-Siberian Railway crosses the Ob River in the city

1 - Khabarovsk

2 - Krasnoyarsk

3 - Novosibirsk

4 - Vladivostok

18. Error in the list of branches of agricultural specialization of the Volga economic region

1 - Vegetable growing

2 - Growing fiber flax

3 - Sheep breeding

4 - Growing cereals

19. Largest areas agricultural lands suffering from summer droughts are concentrated in the southern part

1 - East European Plain

2 - Eastern Siberia

3 - Far East

4 - West Siberian Plain

20. States related to economically developed

1 - Greece

2 - Jordan

3 - Indonesia

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography

2015 -2016 academic year.

school stage.

Duration - 60 minutes


1 . What are the stable parts of the earth's crust called?

A. Platforms

B. folded belts

V. Plains

G. hills

2. Which city has the least rainfall?

A. Yakutsk

3. The border between Russia and China runs along:

A. g. Eastern Sayan

B. r. Irtysh

V. Verkhoyansk ridge

G. r. Argun

4. Which air heating scheme is correct?

A. The sun - heating the air - heating the earth's surface

B. The sun - heating the earth's surface - heating the air

5. Which of the listed peoples does not live along the land border of Russia:

A. Buryats

B. Ossetians

V. Karelians

6. What mineral deposits are there in the West Siberian Plain and on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico?

B. diamond and gold

B. coal;

7 .Subject of Russia, on the territory of which the Winter Olympic Games in 2014?

8. Choose the correct correspondence "natural zone - soil":

A. Mixed forests - podzolic

B. Subtropical forests - red-brown soils

B. Broad-leaved forests - sod-podzolic

G. Steppe - chernozem

Total -8 points

Geographic tasks

1. Select toponyms related to Russia from the list and sort them into groups:

Abakan, Baskunchak, Hindu Kush, Dnieper, Yerevan, Geneva, Irtysh, Kolyma, Lena, Malozemelskaya tundra, Naryan-Mar, Common Syrt, Po, Rudolf, Sayan, Tana, Ussuri, Florida, Khibiny, Tsimlyanskoye, Chudskoye, Svalbard, Erie, Yucatan, Yakutsk,

Plains -

Cities -

7 points

2. The three great Russian plains (which ones) are located at approximately the same latitudes, but differ significantly in nature.

Name the plains and the factors that had a primary influence

to their nature?

5 points

3. Fill in the gaps in the text:

“This water area is the smallest, freshest, coldest and shallowest among its kind. It was the flight through ____________________________________ (write the name of this area) in 1957 that he became famous Soviet pilot Valery Chkalov. Within this water area lies one of two unusual points on the Earth that have only one geographic coordinate _____________ (please specify). Name this point ____________________.

This archipelago belongs to and is named after the country's second largest territory.

of the world, and also on its territory there is a point at which all the arrows look

compasses. Name this archipelago __________________________________,

country _______________________ and point __________________________________.

3 points

4. explain why salinity Is there less water in the Baltic Sea than in the Sea of ​​Japan? Give at least two reasons.

4 points

Total - 27 points

Answers and criteria for assessing assignments by geography

Grade 9

2015 - 2016 academic year.

When evaluating answers to the Olympiad tasks 1 point for each complete correct answer


Test - 8 points

Geographic tasks:

1 . By 0.5 points for each correct answer:

mountains - Sayans, Khibiny

plains - Malozemelskaya tundra, common Syrt

rivers - Vitim, Irtysh, Kolyma, Lena, Ussuri.

lakes - Baskunchak. Chudskoye.

cities - Abakan, Naryan-Mar, Yakutsk.

7 points

2. 1 point for each correct answer:

Eastern European plain, West Siberian plain, Central Siberian Plateau.

paramount importance - structure of the earth's crust and geographical position.

5 points

3. By 0.5 points for each correct answer:

Arctic Ocean. 90 degrees northern latitude . North Pole. Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Canada. magnetic pole.

3 points

4 . Baltic Sea internally, and Japanese– marginal (1 point).

Japanese Sea less desalinated by rivers (1 point), a evaporation from his more surface (1 point), located south(1 point).

4 points

Geographic tasks - 19 points

Total - 27 points

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