Home Grape Urban planning of the city land commission. Specifically, what do these threats mean? What are you planning to do about this?

Urban planning of the city land commission. Specifically, what do these threats mean? What are you planning to do about this?

We were concerned about the lack of publicly available town planning protocols land commission Moscow.

A request was sent to the Moscow Government to provide the protocols of the Moscow Urban Planning and Land Commission (GZK) for 2012, as well as to publish all the protocols on the official website of the Moscow Government.

At meetings of the State Land Committee, the most important decisions in the construction sector of Moscow, including those related to investment contracts.

The SLC protocols are not published anywhere and are not available to a wide range of interested parties.

The basis for providing such information and publishing it on the official website of the Moscow Government http://www.mos.ru/ or the open data portal of the Moscow Government http://data.mos.ru/ (the portal was created specifically for access to open data of the city) were the provisions of the Federal Law “On ensuring access to information about the activities of government agencies and organs local government", Federal Law "On Information, information technology and protection of information”, which oblige the authorities state power provide at the request of a citizen any information at the disposal of a public authority, with rare exceptions.

In his response to a request for information dated March 27, 2013. No. 77-23-108/3-1, Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Government Committee for Ensuring the Implementation of Investment Projects A.N. Poniatova reported with reference to clause 3.5.6. Regulations on the Civil Land Code, approved Decree of the Moscow Government No. 1019-P « » that the SLC protocols can only be obtained by sending a request directly to the SLC secretary.

In accordance with clause 3.1. Decree of the Moscow Government No. 1019-P « On the creation of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow » The commission is a permanent working body of the Moscow Government, that is, it is not an independent body of state power.

Thus, the SLC protocols must be submitted by the Government of Moscow and for this there is no need to send a request to the secretary of the SLC.

In addition, this approach clearly contradicts the Federal Law “On Ensuring Access to Information on the Activities of State Bodies and Local Self-Government Bodies” and the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection.”

Of course, we will send a request to the Secretary of the State Land Committee, but most likely the question will arise on our interest in receiving this information.

Note to interested parties, for now you can try to obtain the protocols this way.

The question of posting the SLC protocols on the official website of the Moscow Government remained unanswered.

Since the response from the Moscow Government was sent only after sending a second request from our side, and the first was ignored, now General Prosecutor's Office The Russian Federation is considering our complaint about the inaction of the Moscow Government.

I think that sooner or later we will achieve the publication of the SLC protocols.

To be continued.

Not many Muscovites, who have not personally encountered yet another urban planning “mistake” in the form of infill construction directly in their own yard, have thought about how, in fact, such decisions are made in the main Russian city. For many years, the city authorities kept under lock and key documents that a priori should be open to all Muscovites. And now the secret decisions on the development of the city, secretly made by the top of the city bureaucracy, operating throughout the entire period of Sobyanin’s rule, finally became public knowledge. Naturally, against the will of Sobyanin’s entourage.

The information publication "Fronde TV" (whose journalists are already being threatened - therefore we recommend that all fellow citizens participate in the dissemination and analysis of materials, as well as promptly download them to their personal archive - we provide links at the end of this article) have published documents that the city authorities have kept all these years in the strictest confidence. These documents were not provided to anyone: neither ordinary citizens nor deputies.
We are talking about the Protocols of the interdepartmental Urban Planning and Land Commission - a permanent body of the Moscow Government, where at weekly meetings chaired by Sergei Sobyanin, decisions on construction throughout the capital are made. It is on the basis of these documents that historical buildings and green spaces have been destroyed and continue to be massively destroyed, squatter construction is legalized and “launching sites” for the notorious renovation are determined.

The Urban Planning and Land Commission (TLC) was created in November 2010 on the initiative of Sergei Sobyanin and was officially called upon to function as a recommendatory body considering issues in the field of construction in Moscow. But very quickly this commission began to work behind closed doors, making decisions on a total change in the appearance of the entire capital, without the participation of representatives of the scientific, expert, local history and environmental communities. In fact, the commission does not recommend, but obliges public authorities in the field of architecture, ecology, protection cultural heritage implement certain projects.

Over the 8 years of existence of the GZK:
- hundreds of decisions have been made on the demolition of historical buildings and new construction in their place, among them - the Privalov House on Sadovnicheskaya Street, the Melgunov estate on the old Arbat, the Serafimovich House of Culture in Sredny Tishinsky Lane, the house of the merchant Mikhailov on Bolshaya Dmitrovka, the Taganskaya ATS on Pokrovsky Boulevard, the Neklyudova estate on Malaya Bronnaya, the Red Cross military hospital on Krasnokazarmennaya Street, apartment buildings on Varvarka Street and hundreds and hundreds more addresses.
- development of more than 500 parks and green areas is permitted, including “Friendship Park” at the River Station, “Dubki” Park, “Torfyanka” Park, “Kuskovo” Forest Park, and a park on Zhivopisnaya Street.
- hundreds of buildings of architectural and memorial value were given for reconstruction, and in fact for complete or partial demolition, including the Bolkonsky House from “War and Peace” on Vozdvizhenka, the swimming pool of the Luzhniki Olympic complex, the apartment buildings of Kuznetsov and Korolev in the Ordynsky cul-de-sac , Sokolov-Sibiryakov estate in Voznesensky Lane, historical quarter on Sofiyskaya Embankment, opposite the Kremlin.
- more than a thousand unauthorized construction projects have been legalized throughout Moscow. Instead of taking administrative and criminal measures against persons erecting buildings without permits, the commission after a short time stamps decisions “on the preservation of objects that have signs of unauthorized construction.”

Contrary to the requirements of Article 24 of the Constitution Russian Federation, the decisions of the Commission are kept in the strictest confidence and are not made available to citizens. Deputies are also denied access to different levels. Thus, it is physically impossible to find out about the decisions made at the meeting. Only occasionally does the mayor's press service report on certain events to the commission, leaving behind the scenes thousands of decisions made contrary to the opinions of city residents and the professional community.

The Human Rights Council under the President of Russia also spoke about the opacity and lack of accountability of the commission in 2016, which called for its abolition. At the same time, a call to liquidate the GZK was made at a rally and social movement"Arkhnadzor", however, large developers spoke out against it. Of course, human rights activists are confident that this should not be the case. Any decisions taken by the authorities must be available for review and discussed with citizens.

A quick analysis of the documents provided anonymous source capital of the mayor's office, allows us to establish that the GZK operates like a conveyor belt. Meetings are held every week, and at each meeting several dozen issues are considered, sometimes more than a hundred. These issues include all construction projects in Moscow, including decisions on development of several million square meters square meters. Moreover, each meeting of the commission usually lasts no more than an hour. That is, on average, about a minute is spent on considering one question.
For example, the meeting of the powerful body on April 14, 2012 lasted 50 minutes, and 64 issues were considered. And the meeting of the State Land Committee on December 27, 2013 lasted 35 minutes, and 75 issues were considered. Consideration of each of the issues brought up for discussion by the all-powerful commission took, on average, exactly 28 seconds. During this time, it is impossible to even voice a decision, let alone discuss it.
But that's not even the most interesting thing. From the documents received, it becomes clear that after the protocols are signed, amendments can be made to them in a completely arbitrary manner, seriously changing the project in the interests of the developers. Among these changes: reduction in area kindergarten almost 2 times; reducing the number of parking spaces by 10 times; increase in building height by almost 3 times; change of purpose land plot from “improvement and landscaping” to “placement shopping facility” and even “initiating changes to federal laws.”
All these changes are made after a very long period of time after the approval and signing of the protocols (for example, in one of the cases this happened after 3 years) by letters from individual officials on behalf of unknown persons. To give these changes a semblance of legitimacy, they are sometimes shyly called “technical corrections.”

Similar changes were made to the vast majority of SLC protocols for 2012. It cannot be ruled out that similar changes have also been made or will be made in the future to any other protocols of the commission.

We publish for downloading the Protocols of the Urban Planning and Land Commission from November 2010 to May 2018 (due to complaints, the links to urban planning documentation have been corrected - double-checked again, they all work):

SLC minutes for 2018 (from January to May inclusive):

We encourage you to download and analyze these materials (primarily for your districts), and we also ask you to participate in the dissemination of this collection of “secret” SLC protocols. Information should be available to the maximum number of Muscovites! This is the only way to ensure a reasoned protest against Sobyanin’s clandestine “swings” to developers, as well as protection for journalists, who are already under pressure in the form of telephone threats and demands to remove the SLC protocols from public access.

On the creation of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow

Based on Article 23 of the Moscow City Law of December 20, 2006 No. 65 “On the Government of Moscow”, in order to promptly consider issues in the field of urban planning, the use of land plots intended for the construction (reconstruction) of urban planning objects, improvement the procedure for the implementation of investment projects on the territory of the city of Moscow The Moscow Government decides: 1. Create an Urban Planning and Land Commission of the city of Moscow. 2. Approve: 2.1. Regulations on the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow (Appendix 1). 2.2. Composition of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the city of Moscow (Appendix 2). 3. Executive bodies shall ensure, within the limits of their competence, participation in the preparation and consideration, exclusively at meetings of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the city of Moscow, of draft decisions on all issues of changing the essential terms of investment contracts (agreements), lease (use) agreements land plots, concluded or by its authorized bodies, the subject of which is construction (including within the framework of the application of special measures aimed at preserving and regenerating historical and urban planning or natural environment cultural heritage site), reconstruction of capital construction projects, restoration of immovable cultural heritage sites. 4. in the first quarter of 2011, prepare and submit in the prescribed manner to the draft normative legal act of the Moscow Government on amending the resolutions of the Moscow Government of February 21, 2006 N 112-PP “On the Regulations of the Moscow Government”, from “O the procedure for considering requests for amendments to land lease agreements and investment contracts (agreements) providing for the construction (reconstruction) of urban development facilities, or for their termination,” from “On entrusting the Committee for the Control and Regulation of Investment Programs of the City of Moscow additional functions and its transformation into " and from "On changing the procedure for making decisions on the provision of land plots and introducing amendments to the legal acts of the Moscow Government on the formation, provision of land plots and land rent" in accordance with this resolution. 5 The deputy chairmen of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the city of Moscow, executive bodies in connection with the adoption of this resolution, within a month, prepare and submit in the prescribed manner, within the framework of their powers, draft normative legal acts of the Moscow Government on amending the resolution of the Government - the Moscow Government from “On measures to optimize and support the completion of investment projects for capital construction projects in the city of Moscow” and to the Moscow Government from “On the creation of an Interdepartmental Commission to consider problematic issues and resolve disagreements related to the registration of ac- com for the implementation of investment projects on the territory of the city of Moscow" or on the recognition of their individual provisions as invalid. 6. The executive secretary of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow, within 14 days from the date of adoption of this resolution, prepare and submit for approval to the Chairman of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow a draft regulation for the preparation and consideration of issues at meetings of the commission. 7. Establish that other legal acts of the Moscow Government, until appropriate amendments and additions are made to them, are valid to the extent that they do not contradict this resolution. 8. This resolution comes into force from the date of its first publication in the official publications of the Mayor and the Moscow Government. 9. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow V.I. Resin. P.P. Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin Appendix 1 to the resolution of the Moscow Government of November 16, 2010 N 1019-PP REGULATIONS ON THE URBAN LAND COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW 1. General provisions The Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) was created to promptly resolve issues in the field of urban planning, investment activities, land relations, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, restoration of immovable cultural heritage sites. The decisions of the Commission come into force on the date of their approval by the Chairman of the Commission and are instructions for mandatory execution by executive bodies. Questions at meetings of the Commission are submitted by executive bodies whose competence includes consideration of relevant issues, the executive secretary of the Commission. Issues are submitted for consideration by the Commission if there are conclusions presented by sectoral, functional and territorial executive bodies within their competence. The preparation, submission and submission for approval of draft legal acts of the Moscow Government, as well as the preparation and approval of draft legal acts of authorized executive bodies, is carried out within 15 days in a simplified manner in accordance with the decisions of the Commission that have entered into force. executive, specified in the corresponding decision. The executive bodies do not have the right to make decisions on issues within the jurisdiction of the Commission. The executive bodies ensure the preparation and delivery of conclusions to the Commission within 7 days from the date of receipt of the request from the executive secretary of the Commission. 2. Main functions of the Commission The main functions of the Commission are: 2.1. Consideration of issues in the field of urban planning: - on the need to make changes to the General Plan of the City of Moscow and the rules of land use and development of the city of Moscow; - on the preparation, approval and monitoring of the implementation of programs related to attracting investments in the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, as well as in the construction and modernization state property the city of Moscow under concession agreements; - on the preparation and approval of address lists of land plots planned for sale at auction for construction purposes, as well as land plots, the rights to which are planned for sale at auction for construction purposes, integrated development for the purposes of housing and other construction; - on the main indicators, priority and timing of the comprehensive development of the territories of the city of Moscow, including production and industrial zones subject to urban reorganization; - on the development of built-up areas; - on the implementation of individual urban development projects on the territory of the city of Moscow; - on the development of urban planning plans for land plots located within the boundaries of a specially protected natural area and public territory. 2.2. Consideration of issues in the field of land relations during construction (reconstruction, restoration), as well as operation of facilities on the territory of the city of Moscow: - on the provision of land plots for the design and construction (reconstruction) of capital construction projects with preliminary approval of the locations of objects or without prior approval of locations objects (with or without bidding (competitions, auctions); - on changing the purpose of providing land plots, if such changes involve the design and construction (reconstruction) of capital construction projects on a land plot; - on changing the deadlines for fulfilling the developers’ design obligations , construction, commissioning, established by lease (use) agreements for land plots; - on changing the general (limit) terms of lease of land plots; - on provision of land plots for the purpose of operating capital construction projects and other purposes not related to construction located within the boundaries of a specially protected natural area or public area. 2.3. Consideration of issues on determining and changing the economic conditions for the implementation of investment projects: - o pre-trial settlement issues of fulfillment of monetary obligations contained in investment contracts (agreements), lease agreements (use) of land plots, the subject of which is the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, restoration of immovable objects of cultural heritage; - on changing the conditions and procedure for fulfilling monetary obligations contained in investment contracts (agreements), the subject of which is the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, restoration of immovable cultural heritage sites; - on the application of penalties and penalties in connection with improper fulfillment of obligations contained in investment contracts (agreements), lease agreements (use) of land plots, the subject of which is the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, restoration of immovable objects of cultural heritage; - on the replacement of monetary property obligations contained in investment contracts (agreements), the subject of which is the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, restoration of immovable objects of cultural heritage; - on changes in obligations to pay payments to the budget of the city of Moscow (except for regular rent), contained in lease (use) agreements, the subject of which is the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, restoration of immovable objects of cultural heritage. 2.4. Consideration of issues related to the implementation of investment projects and the execution of acts of implementation of investment contracts (agreements), the subject of which is the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, restoration of immovable objects of cultural heritage: - on changing the deadlines for fulfilling the obligations of investors for design, construction, commissioning operation established by investment contracts (agreements); - on termination of the implementation of investment projects and termination (refusal to execute) relevant investment contracts (agreements); - on consent to the assignment of rights and obligations under investment contracts (agreements); - on changing the terms of investment contracts (agreements) on the division of areas required for the operation of the facility, according to the actual data of the cadastral registration of the property. 2.5. Coordination of the main competitive conditions of concession agreements planned for conclusion. 2.6. Consideration of issues regarding the application of liability measures for failure to comply with the terms of land lease agreements and investment contracts (agreements). 2.7. Consideration of issues regarding the invalidation of legal acts of the city of Moscow on issues of construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, restoration of immovable objects of cultural heritage and termination (restriction) of urban planning and economic activity on the relevant land plots (territories) in cases where such activities violate the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. 2.8. Hearing reports on the commissioning of facilities, compliance with or violation of construction deadlines and prompt response measures taken. 2.9. Consideration and resolution of other issues included in the agenda of the Commission meeting. 3. Regulations of the Commission 3.1. The Commission is a permanent working body of the Moscow Government and carries out its activities in accordance with the regulations, which are approved by the Chairman of the Commission. 3.2. Decisions on holding a meeting of the Commission are made by the Chairman of the Commission or, on his instructions, by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission. 3.3. Meetings of the Commission are held as necessary, but at least twice a month. 3.4. A meeting of the Commission is considered valid if more than half of its members participate in it. 3.5. Decisions made at meetings of the Commission are documented in minutes, which are signed by the chairman of the meeting. Decisions of the Commission are sent by the executive secretary of the Commission to executive bodies and organizations within 7 days after the Commission meeting in the form of copies of the minutes of the Commission meeting or extracts from them. 3.6. Governing body of the Commission: 3.6.1. The Commission is headed by the Chairman of the Commission, and in his absence - by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission. 3.6.2. The Chairman of the Commission, within the framework of the powers assigned to him in accordance with these Regulations, performs the following functions: - manages the activities of the Commission; - distributes responsibilities between members of the Commission; - delegates, if necessary, certain powers to the deputy chairmen of the Commission; - approves the regulations for the preparation and consideration of issues at meetings of the Commission. 3.7. The agenda of the Commission meeting is set by the executive secretary of the Commission. 3.8. The activities of the Commission are ensured. 3.9. Working groups: 3.9.1. To organize the work and prepare meetings of the Commission, permanent working groups are created in different areas. 3.9.2. The rules of work and composition of working groups are approved at a meeting of the Commission. 4. Introduction of amendments and additions to the Regulations and termination of the activities of the Commission Amendments and additions to these Regulations and liquidation of the Commission are carried out by decree of the Moscow Government. Appendix 2 to the resolution of the Moscow Government of November 16, 2010 N 1019-PP COMPOSITION OF THE URBAN LAND COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW Chairman of the Commission: Sobyanin - Mayor of Moscow Sergei Semenovich Deputy Chairman of the Commission: Resin - First Deputy Mayor Vladimir Iosifovich of Moscow in the Department cultural heritage Moscow cities Ogloblina - Acting Minister of the Government Marina Evgenievna Moskva, Head of the Department economic policy and development of the city of Moscow Degtev - Acting Head of the Department - Gennady Valentinovich of the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy Kosovan - Acting Head of the Department - Alexander Davydovich of the City Construction Department of the City of Moscow Kuzmin - Acting Chairman of the Moscomarchi- Alexander Viktorovich tectures Shatokhin - acting head of the State Inspectorate for control over the use of real estate in the city of Moscow Ponomarev - acting head of the Legal Department of the Moscow Government Gushchina - head of the Department of Coordination - Galina Ivanovna of the Nation of the Complex's activities urban planning policy and construction of the city of Moscow Executive Secretary of the Commission: Polyakov - Chairman Egor Nikolaevich Prefects take part in the work of the Commission with voting rights administrative districts cities of Moscow or their deputies on issues related to the relevant districts.



On the creation of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow

Document with changes made:
dated January 18, 2011 N 13-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 6, 01/31/2011);
Decree of the Moscow Government of April 12, 2011 N 118-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, special issue N 1, 04/21/2011);
Decree of the Moscow Government of April 12, 2011 N 133-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 24, 04/26/2011);
Decree of the Moscow Government of May 25, 2011 N 229-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 32, 06/07/2011);
(Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, No. 38, 07/12/2011);
Decree of the Moscow Government of September 27, 2011 N 448-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 56, 10/07/2011);
Decree of the Moscow Government of March 28, 2012 N 113-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 21, 04/10/2012);
(Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, No. 24, 04/24/2012);
Decree of the Moscow Government of May 11, 2012 N 195-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 29, 05/24/2012);
Decree of the Moscow Government of May 29, 2012 N 243-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 31, 06/04/2012);
Decree of the Moscow Government of August 27, 2012 N 433-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 50, 09/06/2012);
Decree of the Moscow Government of September 21, 2012 N 506-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 55, 10/02/2012);
(Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 57, 10/15/2012);
Decree of the Moscow Government of June 24, 2013 N 400-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 36, 06/27/2013);
Decree of the Moscow Government of December 23, 2013 N 868-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 71, 12/26/2013);
Decree of the Moscow Government of December 26, 2013 N 908-PP (Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, www.mos.ru, December 27, 2013);
Decree of the Moscow Government of April 30, 2014 N 235-PP (Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 04/30/2014);
Decree of the Moscow Government of December 9, 2014 N 751-PP (Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 12/11/2014);
Decree of the Moscow Government of February 17, 2015 N 58-PP (Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 02/18/2015);
Decree of the Moscow Government of April 8, 2015 N 164-PP (Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 04/09/2015);
Decree of the Moscow Government of October 6, 2015 N 645-PP (Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 10/07/2015);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 05.11.2015);
(Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 68, 12/08/2015);
Decree of the Moscow Government of December 15, 2015 N 870-PP (Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 12/16/2015);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 02/03/2016);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 06.29.2016);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 07.20.2016);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 12/14/2016) (came into force on January 1, 2017);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 04/18/2017);
(Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, No. 47, 08/22/2017);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, November 20, 2018);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 04/18/2019).

Based on Article 23 of the Moscow City Law of December 20, 2006 N 65 “On the Government of Moscow”, in order to promptly consider issues in the field of urban planning, the use of land plots intended for the construction (reconstruction) of urban development projects, and improve the procedure for implementing investment projects in the city Moscow Moscow Government


1. Create an Urban Planning and Land Commission of the city of Moscow.

2. Approve:

2.1. Regulations on the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow (Appendix 1).

2.2. Composition of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the city of Moscow (Appendix 2).

3. Organs executive power of the city of Moscow to ensure, within the limits of its competence, participation in the preparation and consideration exclusively at meetings of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the city of Moscow of draft decisions on all issues of changing the essential terms of investment contracts (agreements), land lease agreements concluded with the Moscow Government and (or) other authorized bodies executive power of the city of Moscow, providing for construction (including within the framework of the application of special measures aimed at preserving and regenerating the historical, urban planning or natural environment of a cultural heritage site), reconstruction of capital construction projects, carrying out work to preserve cultural heritage sites, identified cultural objects heritage.
from October 26, 2012 by Decree of the Moscow Government of October 2, 2012 N 528-PP.

4. The clause has become invalid since October 26, 2012 - ..

5. The clause became invalid on October 26, 2012 - Moscow Government Decree No. 528-PP dated October 2, 2012..

6. The clause became invalid on October 26, 2012 - Moscow Government Decree No. 528-PP dated October 2, 2012..

7. Establish that other legal acts of the Moscow Government, until appropriate amendments are made to them, are valid insofar as they do not contradict this resolution (clause as amended, put into effect on July 12, 2011 by Moscow Government Decree of June 28, 2011 N 288-PP.

8. Establish that:

8.1. Termination of the implementation of investment projects is carried out by unilateral termination of investment contracts (agreements), land lease agreements, on the basis of which the implementation of such investment projects is carried out, in accordance with the requirements of Article 18 of the Federal Law of February 25, 1999 N 39-FZ "On Investment activities in the Russian Federation, carried out in the form of capital investments", paragraph 22 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of October 25, 2001 N 137-FZ "On the entry into force of the Land Code of the Russian Federation".

8.2. The mechanism for unilateral termination of investment contracts (agreements), lease agreements for land plots on the basis of which investment projects are implemented, provided for in paragraph 8.1 of this resolution, does not apply in the following cases:

8.2.1. There are no grounds for unilateral termination of investment contracts (agreements), land lease agreements provided for in Article 18 of the Federal Law of February 25, 1999 N 39-FZ “On investment activities in the Russian Federation carried out in the form of capital investments”, paragraph 22 of the article 3 of the Federal Law of October 25, 2001 N 137-FZ "On the entry into force of the Land Code of the Russian Federation".

8.2.2. Expiration of investment contracts (agreements), land lease agreements, when this circumstance is the basis for termination (termination) of such investment contracts (agreements), land lease agreements.

8.2.3. Termination of investment contracts (agreements), land lease agreements by agreement of the parties.
(The clause was additionally included on April 24, 2012 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 17, 2012 N 139-PP)

From April 24, 2012, paragraphs 8, 9 of the previous edition are considered respectively paragraphs 9, 10 of this edition - Moscow Government Decree No. 139-PP dated April 17, 2012.

9. This resolution comes into force from the date of its first publication in the official publications of the Mayor and the Moscow Government.

10. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for urban planning policy and construction M.Sh. Khusnullin.
Decree of the Moscow Government of October 2, 2012 N 528-PP.

Mayor of Moscow
S.S. Sobyanin

Appendix 1. Regulations on the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow

by decree of the Moscow Government
dated December 9, 2014 N 751-PP. -
See previous edition)

Regulations on the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow

1. General Provisions

The Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) was created to promptly resolve issues in the field of urban planning activities, investment activities, land relations, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, work to preserve immovable cultural heritage sites, identified cultural heritage sites.

The decisions of the Commission come into force from the date of signing the minutes of the Commission meeting by the executive secretary of the Commission and are instructions for the executive authorities of the city of Moscow. The Commission and the working bodies of the Commission do not exercise the powers of the Moscow Government when considering issues within their competence.

The executive authorities of the city of Moscow, within 7 days from the date of receipt of the request from the executive secretary of the Commission, ensure, within their competence, the preparation of opinions on issues planned for consideration at the meeting of the Commission.

Questions at the meetings of the Commission are submitted by the Chairman of the Commission, deputy chairmen of the Commission - heads of working groups in areas, and the executive secretary of the Commission.

Issues are submitted to the Commission for consideration if there are opinions from sectoral, functional and territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow, prepared in accordance with their competence.

Preparation and submission for consideration of the Moscow Mayor, the Moscow Government of draft legal acts of the Moscow Mayor, the Moscow Government, as well as the preparation of draft legal acts of the authorized executive authorities of the city of Moscow are carried out by the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, specified in the relevant decision of the Commission, in a simplified manner in accordance with decisions of the Commission that have entered into force and the requirements of the Regulations of the Moscow Government.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on November 16, 2015 by Decree of the Moscow Government of November 3, 2015 N 724-PP.

2. Main functions of the Commission

2.1. Consideration and decision-making on issues in the field of urban planning activities, including:

2.1.1. On the need to make changes to the General Plan of the City of Moscow.

2.1.2. On the need to make changes to the rules of land use and development of the city of Moscow, except for the cases provided for in paragraph of these Regulations.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP.

2.1.3. On approval of draft territorial schemes, as well as sectoral schemes that ensure the implementation of urban planning decisions within the framework of implementation government programs city ​​of Moscow.

2.1.4. On the need to prepare territory planning projects, as well as on the approval and identification of coordinators for the preparation and implementation of territory planning projects.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP.

2.1.4(1). on the need to prepare and approve territory surveying projects, prepared in the form of separate documents for the establishment, change, cancellation of red lines for built-up areas, within the boundaries of which it is not planned to place new capital construction projects, as well as for the establishment, change, cancellation of red lines in connection with the formation and (or) change of a land plot located within the boundaries of the territory, in relation to which the implementation of activities for the integrated and sustainable development of the territory is not provided, provided that such establishment, change, cancellation entails exclusively a change in the boundaries of the public territory.
Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 874-PP; Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP.

2.1.5. On approval of draft protection zones for cultural heritage sites, land use regimes and urban planning regulations established within the boundaries of protection zones for cultural heritage sites.

2.1.6. On approval of lists of land plots, the rights to which are planned to be sold at auction for the purpose of construction, integrated development for the purpose of housing construction.

2.1.7. The clause is no longer valid - ..

2.1.8. On approval of the boundaries of zones of planned location of objects in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 2 of Article 8 Federal Law dated April 5, 2013 N 43-FZ "On the peculiarities of regulating certain legal relations in connection with the annexation of territories to the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - the federal city of Moscow and on making changes to certain legislative acts Russian Federation" .

2.1.9. On approval of draft network development (location) schemes public toilets non-stationary type, layout of points for selling tickets for travel on the city passenger transport general use and layout of terminals for calling a passenger taxi.

2.1.10. On the development of a preliminary assessment of the urban planning potential of the territory.

2.1.11. On approval of the parameters of urban development of territories or the inexpediency of preparing a draft territory planning in accordance with preliminary assessment urban planning potential of the territory.

2.1.12. On the need to invalidate the legal act of the city of Moscow on the approval of the territory planning project, on the termination of the preparation of the territory planning project.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP.

2.1.13. On the cancellation of previously issued urban planning plans for land plots.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP.

2.1.14. On the demolition of individual garages during the liberation of the territory of the city of Moscow.
by resolution of the Moscow Government of August 11, 2017 N 544-PP)

2.2. Consideration and decision-making on issues in the field of land relations, including:

2.2.1. On the provision (preliminary approval of the provision) of land plots without bidding in the cases provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 39.6, subparagraphs 1, , , , 15 of paragraph 2 of Article 39.10 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, if such provision involves the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, completion of construction unfinished construction projects, including as part of the implementation of large-scale investment projects, the placement of social, cultural and public utility facilities, the placement of facilities intended to provide electricity, heat, gas and water supply, drainage, communications, oil pipelines, regional meanings.
(Clause 2.2.1 as amended, put into effect on November 16, 2015 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated November 3, 2015 N 724-PP.

2.2.2. On changing the purpose of providing land plots, if such changes provide for the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects on a land plot, including land plots to which town planning regulations do not apply or for which town planning regulations are not established, except for cases where the change in the purpose of providing land plots is carried out after registration in the prescribed manner of town planning plans for such land plots, containing information about the types of permitted use of land plots, the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects established by town planning regulations.
(Clause 2.2.2 as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 18, 2019 N 403-PP.

2.2.2(1). On determining the type of permitted use of land plots that are privately owned, owned by the Russian Federation, owned by other constituent entities of the Russian Federation and to which town planning regulations do not apply or for which town planning regulations are not established.
(Clause 2.2.2(1) was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 18, 2019 N 403-PP)

2.2.3. On changing the deadlines established by lease (use) agreements for land plots for fulfilling obligations for the design, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, carrying out work to preserve immovable objects of cultural heritage, identified objects of cultural heritage.

2.2.4. On the application of penalties in connection with improper fulfillment of obligations contained in lease (use) agreements for land plots for the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, work to preserve immovable cultural heritage sites, identified cultural heritage sites.

2.2.5. On changes in obligations to pay payments to the budget of the city of Moscow (with the exception of regular rent) contained in lease (use) agreements for land plots providing for the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, work to preserve real estate objects of cultural heritage, identified objects of cultural heritage.

2.2.6. On the termination, termination of lease agreements for land plots providing for the construction, reconstruction and placement of capital construction projects, carrying out work to preserve immovable objects of cultural heritage, identified objects of cultural heritage.

2.2.7. On the provision of land plots for the purpose of placing objects of federal significance on the annexed territory (except for objects transport infrastructure), ensuring the implementation of state tasks in the field of development of engineering, transport and social infrastructure, other state tasks and included in the list of objects of federal significance to be located in the annexed territories, on the conclusion of lease, purchase and sale agreements, free-of-charge fixed-term use of such land plots.

2.2.8. On the establishment and termination of easements in relation to land plots necessary for the placement on the annexed territory of objects of federal significance (except for transport infrastructure facilities) and regional significance, ensuring the implementation of state tasks in the field of development of engineering, transport and social infrastructure, other state tasks and included in lists of objects of federal and regional significance to be located in the annexed territories.

2.2.9. On the conditions for the implementation of compensation (reimbursement) to copyright holders of land plots subject to release and (or) other objects subject to demolition real estate, except for cases where the procedure for compensation (reimbursement) to such copyright holders is determined by regulatory legal acts Moscow Government.
(Clause 2.2.9 as amended, put into effect on July 31, 20176 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated July 19, 2016 N 442-PP.

2.2.10. About approval: List of land plots, the rights to which are planned to be sold at auction. A list of land plots that are planned to be leased for the purpose of placing social and cultural facilities and public utility facilities, and implementing large-scale investment projects. List of land plots planned to be provided for individual housing construction, personal subsidiary farming, gardening, dacha farming, to citizens and peasant (farm) farms for the peasant (farm) farm to carry out its activities.
(Clause 2.2.10 was additionally included on November 16, 2015 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated November 3, 2015 N 724-PP)

2.2.11. There is a positive expert opinion on violation of the terms of use of a land plot and/or violation of the terms of a lease agreement for a land plot during the construction of a capital construction project on this site, in respect of which private property rights are registered project documentation, agreement on the approval of the architectural and urban planning solution and a technical conclusion on the satisfactory condition of the load-bearing structures of the facility and the possibility of its further operation without threatening the life and health of citizens.
by Decree of the Moscow Government of June 28, 2016 N 363-PP; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP.

2.3. Consideration and decision-making on issues in the field of investment activities carried out on the basis of investment contracts (agreements) concluded with the Moscow Government and (or) other authorized executive authorities of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as investment contracts (agreements) providing for the implementation of investment projects for construction , reconstruction of capital construction projects, carrying out work to preserve cultural heritage sites, identified cultural heritage sites, including:

2.3.1. On changing the deadlines for fulfilling investors’ obligations for the design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning of capital construction projects, carrying out work to preserve immovable cultural heritage sites, identified cultural heritage sites.

2.3.2. On the application of penalties in connection with improper fulfillment by investors of obligations contained in investment contracts (agreements).

2.3.3. On the approval of the assignment of rights and obligations contained in investment contracts (agreements).

2.3.4. On changing the conditions and procedure for fulfilling monetary obligations contained in investment contracts (agreements).

2.3.5. On the replacement of monetary property obligations contained in investment contracts (agreements).

2.3.6. On changing other conditions of investment contracts (agreements).

2.3.7. On the execution of acts on the results of implementation (partial implementation) of investment projects.

2.3.8. On termination and termination of investment contracts (agreements).

2.3.9. On reimbursement of costs incurred by investors as part of the implementation of investment projects.

2.4. Consideration and decision-making on issues of preparation, conditions for concluding and implementing concession agreements.

2.4(1). Reviewing and making decisions on the feasibility of implementing public-private partnership projects, as well as assessing the terms of public-private partnership agreements (hereinafter referred to as the assessment of PPP projects and the terms of PPP agreements).
(Clause 2.4(1) was additionally included on February 14, 2016 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 3, 2016 N 26-PP)

2.5. Consideration and decision-making on issues regarding the terms of agreements (contracts) with individuals and legal entities on their free transfers to the budget of the city of Moscow of funds for construction, reconstruction and major renovation highways general use and (or) passages to courtyard areas of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow.

2.6. Consideration and decision-making on issues of comprehensive and sustainable development territories of industrial and production zones of the city of Moscow, including:

2.6.1. On the implementation of comprehensive development of the territory of industrial and production zones of the city of Moscow on the initiative of the Moscow Government.

2.6.2. On the essential terms of the agreement on integrated development territory of industrial and production zones of the city of Moscow on the initiative of the legal holders of land plots and (or) real estate located on them, as well as on the conclusion of such an agreement.

2.6.3. On holding an auction for the right to conclude an agreement on the integrated development of the territory of industrial and production zones of the city of Moscow on the initiative of the Moscow Government, on determining the initial price of the auction item, the amount of increase in the initial price of the auction item ("auction step"), the amount of the deposit and the essential terms of the agreement on the complex development of the territory of industrial and production zones of the city of Moscow on the initiative of the Moscow Government.
(Clause 2.6 as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP.

2.7. Consideration and decision-making on other issues included in the agenda of the Commission meeting on behalf of the Moscow Mayor.
(The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP)

3. Organization of the work of the Commission

3.1. The Commission is a permanent working body of the Moscow Government and carries out its activities in accordance with the regulations, which are approved by the Chairman of the Commission.

3.2. Decisions on holding a meeting of the Commission are made by the Chairman of the Commission or, on his instructions, by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission.

3.3. Meetings of the Commission are held as necessary, but at least twice a month.

3.4. A meeting of the Commission is considered valid if at least half of its members participate in it.

3.5. Commission decisions:

3.5.1. Adopted based on the results of discussion of issues at a meeting of the Commission in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

3.5.2. Accepted with the consent of all members of the Commission present at the meeting.

In case of disagreement between the members of the Commission on certain issues, voting may be held.

3.5.3. When voting is carried out, it is adopted by a majority vote of the members of the Commission present at the meeting and other persons taking part in the meeting with the right to vote on the issue on which voting is being held. In case of equality of votes, the decisive vote is the Chairman of the Commission, and in his absence, the deputy chairman of the Commission presiding at the meeting.

3.5.4. Issues adopted are announced by the chairperson at the meeting of the Commission and recorded in the minutes.

The minutes of the Commission meeting are signed by the executive secretary of the Commission within 10 working days from the date of the Commission meeting and within three working days after its approval is subject to placement in the Information and Analytical System for the Management of Urban Development Activities.

Extracts from the minutes of the Commission meeting to interested individuals and legal entities sent on the basis of their written request addressed to the executive secretary of the Commission.
(Clause 3.5.4 as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated November 20, 2018 N 1398-PP.

3.6. Chairman of the Commission:

3.6.1. Heads the Commission. In his absence, the meeting of the Commission is held by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission, determined by the Chairman of the Commission.

3.6.2. Within the framework of the powers assigned to him in accordance with these Regulations, he performs the following functions:

Manages the activities of the Commission;

Distributes responsibilities among members of the Commission;

Delegates, if necessary, individual powers to the deputy chairmen of the Commission - heads of working groups in areas;

Approves the regulations for the preparation and consideration of issues at meetings of the Commission.

3.7. The agenda of the Commission meeting is drawn up by the executive secretary of the Commission in accordance with the instructions of the Moscow Mayor and the list of issues presented by the deputy chairmen of the Commission - heads of working groups in the areas.

3.8. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the Commission is provided by the Moscow City Committee for ensuring the implementation of investment projects in construction and control in the field of shared-equity construction.

3.9. Working groups of the Commission:

3.9.1. To organize the work and prepare meetings of the Commission, permanent working groups are created in the following areas: Working group of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the city of Moscow on issues of urban planning activities, Working group on completion of the implementation of investment contracts (agreements) of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the working groups commissions).

3.9.2. The composition of the Commission's working groups is formed from the heads of sectoral, functional and territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their deputies by proxy.

3.9.3. The minutes of meetings of the Commission's working groups are approved by the deputy chairmen of the Commission - the heads of the relevant working groups of the Commission.

3.9.4. The regulations on the working groups of the Commission and the composition of the working groups of the Commission are approved at a meeting of the Commission.

The Commission's Working Group Regulations contain decision-making powers on separate groups issues in the field of urban planning activities, investment activities, land relations, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, work to preserve immovable cultural heritage sites, identified cultural heritage sites.

4. Powers of the Commission’s working groups

4.1. Authority Working group Urban planning and land commission of the city of Moscow on issues of urban planning activities:

4.1.1. Preliminary study and preparation of draft decisions of the Commission on the following issues: Urban planning policy, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects in the city of Moscow. Land relations formalized during the construction (reconstruction, restoration, placement) of capital construction projects on the territory of the city of Moscow. Registration of acts of implementation (acts of partial implementation) of investment projects (individual objects), additional agreements to investment contracts (agreements), protocols of preliminary (final) distribution of space, and other documents related to the implementation of investment contracts (agreements) concluded by the Department of Investment Programs for Construction of the City of Moscow. Assigning the accounting status “completed” or “terminated” to investment contracts (agreements) concluded by the Department of Investment Programs for Construction of the City of Moscow in the relevant information systems. Application of penalties for violation of obligations under investment contracts (agreements) concluded by the Department of Investment Programs for Construction of the City of Moscow, and land lease agreements. Assessments of PPP projects and the terms of PPP agreements, under which the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, included in the Complex of Urban Planning Policy and Construction of the City of Moscow, act on behalf of the public partner.
(Clause was additionally included on February 14, 2016 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 3, 2016 N 26-PP) Violations of the terms of use of a land plot and/or violation of the terms of a lease agreement for a land plot during the construction of a capital construction project on this site, in respect of which private property rights are registered, have a positive conclusion
examination of design documentation, agreement on the approval of architectural and urban planning solutions and a technical conclusion on the satisfactory condition of the load-bearing structures of the facility and the possibility of its further operation without threatening the life and health of citizens.
(The clause was additionally included on July 10, 2016 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 28, 2016 N 363-PP; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP. Conditions for the implementation of compensation (reimbursement) to the right holders of land plots subject to release and (or) other real estate objects subject to demolition, except for cases where the procedure for compensation (reimbursement) to such right holders is determined by regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Government.
(Clause was additionally included on July 31, 20176 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated July 19, 2016 N 442-PP) The need to prepare territory surveying projects, prepared in the form of separate documents for establishing, changing, canceling red lines for built-up areas, within the boundaries of which it is not planned to place new capital construction projects, as well as for establishing, changing, canceling red lines in connection with the formation and ( or) a change in a land plot located within the boundaries of the territory, in relation to which the implementation of activities for the integrated and sustainable development of the territory is not provided, provided that such establishment, change, cancellation entails exclusively a change in the boundaries of the public territory, as well as approval mentioned projects land surveying.
(The clause was additionally included on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 13, 2016 N 874-PP; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Government of April 11, 2017 N 198-PP. On the demolition of individual garages during the liberation of the territory of the city of Moscow.
(The clause was additionally included from September 2, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government of August 11, 2017 N 544-PP)

4.1.2. Preparation of proposals and draft decisions of the Commission on other issues included in the agenda of the Commission meeting on behalf of the Moscow Mayor.

4.1.3. Making decisions without consideration at a meeting of the Commission: On the need to make changes to the rules of land use and development of the city of Moscow: In order to change the boundaries of territorial zones and (or) the types of permitted use of land plots and capital construction projects established in relation to the territorial zone and (or) the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, provided that after making appropriate changes, the value of the total floor area indicator capital construction projects with external wall dimensions of no more than 5,000 sq.m. For the purpose of conducting, in accordance with the established procedure, auctions providing for the implementation of rights to land plots, if this requires a change in the boundaries of territorial zones and (or) the types of permitted use of land plots and capital construction projects established in relation to the territorial zone and (or) the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects. In order to implement the objects of the targeted investment program of the city of Moscow, if this requires changing the boundaries of territorial zones and (or) the types of permitted use of land plots and capital construction projects established in relation to the territorial zone and (or) the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP. On the placement of flat parking within the boundaries of transport hubs and in areas adjacent to Moscow metro stations.
(Clause was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 1, 2015 N 812-PP) The clause has lost force - resolution of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP .. The clause has lost force - resolution of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP .. On submitting issues that require additional legal justification for consideration by the Working Group for coordinating activities to represent the interests of the Moscow Government in the courts on issues within the competence of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the city of Moscow. On the resolution of disagreements that arise between the executive authorities of the city of Moscow when preparing documents within the framework of the implementation of investment contracts (agreements) concluded by the Department of Investment Programs for Construction of the City of Moscow, and land lease agreements. On the need to prepare opinions and provide documents by authorized executive authorities of the city of Moscow, necessary to consider issues arising during the implementation of investment contracts (agreements) concluded by the Department of Investment Programs for Construction of the City of Moscow, and land lease agreements. On sending a draft decision on preliminary approval of the provision of a land plot for the design and construction of a garage facility, a religious facility for approval by the council of deputies of the municipal district.
(Clause was additionally included on November 16, 2015 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated November 3, 2015 N 724-PP)

4.2. Powers of the Working Group on the completion of the implementation of investment contracts (agreements) of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow:

4.2.1. Preliminary study and preparation of draft decisions of the Commission on the issues of drawing up acts on the results of implementation (acts on the results of partial implementation) of investment contracts, additional agreements to investment contracts (agreements), protocols of preliminary (final) distribution of areas and other documents related to implementation on the basis of investment contracts (agreements) of investment projects.

4.2.1(1). Preliminary study and preparation of draft decisions on the assessment of PPP projects and the terms of PPP agreements, under which the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, which are not included in the Complex of Urban Development Policy and Construction of the City of Moscow, act on behalf of the public partner.
(Clause 4.2.1(1) was additionally included on February 14, 2016 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 3, 2016 N 26-PP)

4.2.1(2). Preliminary study and preparation of draft decisions of the Commission on issues of integrated and sustainable development of territories of industrial and industrial zones of the city of Moscow.
(The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 11, 2017 N 198-PP)

4.2.2. Preparation of proposals and draft decisions of the Commission on other issues included in the agenda of the Commission meeting on behalf of the Moscow Mayor.

4.2.3. Making decisions without consideration at a meeting of the Commission: On organizing the assessment of the market value of residential and non-residential premises to carry out mutual settlements within the framework of the implementation of investment projects on the basis of investment contracts (agreements). On submitting issues that require additional legal justification for consideration by the Working Group for coordinating activities to represent the interests of the Moscow Government in the courts on issues within the competence of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the city of Moscow. On the resolution of disagreements that arise between executive authorities of the city of Moscow when preparing documents as part of the implementation of investment projects on the basis of investment contracts (agreements). On the need to prepare opinions and provide documents by the authorized executive authorities of the city of Moscow, necessary to consider issues that arise during the implementation of investment projects on the basis of investment contracts (agreements). About the need judicial protection rights and legitimate interests of the Moscow Government when implementing investment projects on the basis of investment contracts (agreements). On assigning the accounting status “completed” or “terminated” to investment contracts (agreements) in the relevant information systems. On the need to apply penalties for violation of obligations under investment contracts (agreements).

5. Monitoring the implementation of Commission decisions

5.1. Control over the implementation of the Commission's decisions is carried out by the Executive Secretary of the Commission.

5.2. Executive Secretary of the Commission:

5.2.1. Presents monthly information at the Commission meeting on the implementation of the Commission’s decisions in the context of absolute and relative indicators, including illustrating the influence decisions taken Commissions on the socio-economic situation in the city of Moscow.

5.2.2. Organizes operational meetings on issues arising during the monitoring of the implementation of Commission decisions. Information on the results of operational meetings is presented at a meeting of the Commission simultaneously with information on the implementation of the Commission’s decisions.

6. Amendments to these Regulations and termination of the Commission’s activities

Amendments to these Regulations and liquidation of the Commission are carried out by resolution of the Moscow Government.

Appendix 2. Composition of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow

Appendix 2
to the resolution of the Moscow Government
dated November 16, 2010 N 1019-PP
(As amended as put into effect
by decree of the Moscow Government
dated April 18, 2019 N 403-PP. -
See previous edition)

Composition of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow

Chairman of the Commission:

Sergey Semenovich

Mayor of Moscow

Deputy Chairmen of the Commission:

Head of the Working Group of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the city of Moscow on urban planning issues:


Marat Shakirzyanovich

Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for urban planning policy and construction

Head of the Working Group on the completion of the implementation of investment contracts (agreements) of the Urban Planning and Land Commission of the City of Moscow:

Vladimir Vladimirovich

Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for economic policy and property and land relations

Members of the Commission:


Natalya Alekseevna

Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government - Head of the Office of the Mayor and the Moscow Government


Maxim Stanislavovich

Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow

Vladimir Iosifovich

Advisor to the Mayor of Moscow on a voluntary basis

Maxim Fedorovich

Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Moscow City Property Department


Aleksey Aleksandrovich

Head of the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage


Aleksandr Vladimirovich

Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of the City of Moscow

Vladimir Fedorovich

Head of the Department for Development of New Territories of the City of Moscow

Sergey Ivanovich

Head of the Department of Urban Development Policy of the City of Moscow


Anton Olegovich

Head of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Protection environment Moscow cities

Gennady Valentinovich

Head of the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy


Yuliana Vladimirovna

Chairman of the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow


Oleg Dmitrievich

Chairman of the State Construction Supervision Committee of the City of Moscow


Vladislav Anatolyevich

Head of the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate Objects of the City of Moscow


Pavel Albertovich

First Deputy Head of the Office of the Mayor and Government of Moscow

Evgeniy Vladimirovich

Head of the Department for Coordination of Activities of the Complex of Urban Development Policy and Construction of the City of Moscow

Executive Secretary of the Commission:

Anastasia Nikolaevna

Chairman of the Moscow City Committee for ensuring the implementation of investment projects in construction and control in the field of shared-equity construction

Participating in the work of the Commission with voting rights are: on issues relating to the administrative districts of the city of Moscow - prefects of the relevant administrative districts of the city of Moscow; on issues within the competence of executive authorities of the city of Moscow, the heads of which are not members of the Commission - heads of the relevant executive authorities Moscow city authorities.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

June 19 at mobile phone 20-year-old Moscow activist, coordinator of the Arkhnadzor movement Andrei Novichkov received a call. The caller did not introduce himself, but said that he was from the Moscow government. The reason for the call turned out to be documents published by Novichkov and his comrades on the Fronde.Tv website - minutes of meetings of the Moscow Urban Planning and Land Commission (GZK). It sounds boring and unclear, but, apparently, the publication of these very protocols seriously frightened the officials. By at least, a man from the mayor’s office began to threaten Novichkov and demanded that the publication be removed. The news quickly spread across the media. The fact of the threats only spurred interest in what was published.

Andrey Novichkov agreed to tell the details to Activatika.

- Andrey, what kind of threats did you receive?

- The mayor's office is afraid that people will protest?

Of course. That is why these documents have such a level of secrecy. Even under Luzhkov this did not happen - at least, through deputies or through the court it was possible to obtain all the documentation on construction. But not now. Therefore, in general, we were prepared for such a reaction from them, for threats.

- And specifically, what do these threats mean?

And this - sit and think. Nowadays it is not customary to openly threaten, but with such “hints”. Well, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, the fabrication of cases against us. Well, or they might lie in wait at the entrance, for example...

- What do you plan to do about this?

We have discussed with lawyers and will most likely file a police report. Of course, they, as usual, will say that these are not threats. But the main thing for us is to record this fact.

Let me just say that the mayor’s office did not achieve its goal. We will not delete any documents, and now we certainly will not reveal the source of information - knowing that he is in danger.

While the material was being prepared, it became known that Andrei Novichkov contacted the police with a statement about threats.

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