Home Grape The story of Mary Barra, who wanted to be an engineer, but became the head of General Motors. Biography

The story of Mary Barra, who wanted to be an engineer, but became the head of General Motors. Biography

Later, one of my friends said:

Some strange

Surprised that during the event, Victor seemed to be chronicling.

Now I understand that this is how he lives - in non-stop mode, so as not to miss the important, to take the maximum from life, to tell people about what worries him. Always in the thick of things.

I do not agree with all the judgments of Victor, which you will read below. It is understandable, we are quite different people in our views and worldview. However, Victor is interesting because, against the background of an endless number of lazy, plasticine-like authors, he stands out with his indefatigable creative energy and desire to become an "accomplice" in the fate of those about whom he writes prose and journalistic articles. You may not agree with him. You can laugh, they say, "he is strange." But has such a thing ever stopped a purposeful person?

Last year, disputes flared up around the restoration of Spassky cathedral in the city of Tara. Local historians tried to reach out to people, report on the violations found, but the media did not make contact, because the restoration is a party project. Almost all of the Omsk "sharks of the pen", most of whom used to beat their chests with their fists, they say, "we are for the truth, we are for culture", almost all of them imperceptibly "blown away". Victor, who collaborates with the federal magazine Our Youth, responded immediately. While the “smart uncles” were turning over information in their minds, calculating whether they would fly to Temechko for such a publication, Vlasov offered to help. Our conversation with him on this burning topic was published in the magazine Our Youth.

Today's conversation is a response. I wanted Victor to answer various, sometimes poignant questions for self-esteem and help to understand who “V. Vlasov" in real life and in books.


A. Tikhonov: When I come to small, neat villages or dying villages where our fellow writers once lived, questions about where they drew creative forces, does not occur. Nature, Fresh air, stunning scenery. A rural dweller from birth sees the world brighter, sharper, more colorful. But you are a native Omsk, a child of a bustling metropolis. Where does your passion for creativity come from?

V. Vlasov: Urban authors are also drawn to the pen, they just write about something else and in a different way. I started writing at high school. I look: I'm pretty good at coming up with stories about classmates and teachers. I will listen to a friend or teacher, I will process a story or a sketch from life with fantasy, I will quickly write it down by hand. In the end, it turns out little story, in it - the plot, the form, artistic means. When I hear something interesting, I can’t keep silent - I write it down. A lot of people liked it back then. this moment I try not to get out of the rhythm. Now I am in constant search of events and people who will inspire and "fall" on the lines. Even watching a movie, cartoon or reading a book affects creativity. My first major work is a work about medieval Japan "Red Lotus", a story about ninja love and clan war.

A. Tikhonov: Writing a work of art seems to me an impossible task. After all, you need to have encyclopedic knowledge about the era and the customs of people. As I imagine how much work is hidden behind the prose of Clavell, Jan or the same Yuzefovich - it's breathtaking. How did you prepare to write your book?

V. Vlasov: I have seen enough anime, read manga and studied more serious things, such as classics of oriental literature. Communicated with experienced Japanese people. Being impressed, you can write a great work. How did Boris Akunin write his novels after traveling around the countries?..

The quality of a creative product depends on many things - emotional mood, mainly from important decision- convey your idea. Not so much the finished plot in your head, but the charge is very important, thanks to it the syllable will go and the necessary plot lines will line up. Bernard Shaw said that before writing any work, he only has the first lines in his head. I agree with him.

V. Vlasov: I am convinced that a person who tortures every line will not become a writer ... Either you work quickly and efficiently, or you keep quiet. Poor is the author who takes a long, long time to set up. One of my acquaintances, before writing, walks up and down the room, can go out into the street and talk to someone, and then gets to work. The author, I mean the real “pen shark”, should turn on like a robot, on click. Now that's success!

A. Tikhonov: Does the work of a teacher interfere with creativity?

V. Vlasov: On the contrary, there are so many emotions from communicating with children and parents. Especially when you help to conduct the exam or GIA! And also - you guard the school, two nights in two ... so much free time. I have only the first shift, the classes are different. That is, there is a lot of time in the afternoon. Prepared planning for the next day, “did your homework” and you can write if your spouse does not make you take care of the house. It is difficult to create when the child distracts, pulls endlessly. When the wife forces you to go shopping.

A. Tikhonov: And what kind of work, in your opinion, interferes with creativity?

V. Vlasov: For example, the work of a factory worker. During my school holidays, I tried to work at one of the large enterprises- lasted nine days. This kind of work is terribly exhausting, but at least, me. I don’t know how, while working at the factory, Yuri Petrovich Viskin published a book of stories. He needs a monument. Beautifully painted the work of a factory worker. I decided it would be better to work somewhere else. For example, on the front of journalism. Many need materials to order. I am a special correspondent for the Moscow federal glossy magazine Our Youth. The editor of the journal, Pyotr Alyoshkin, plans to publish a book of articles for me this year. He appreciates the publicist in me more than the author of fiction. No wonder I am twice a laureate of the Our Youth magazine - for articles on innovative developments and about the school.

A. Tikhonov: Is writing “custom-made” material, journalism, something other than creativity? I have read many of your articles and each tells the story of a person. Are you passing through everything?

V. Vlasov: I write journalism regularly - the demand is constant. Athletes, scientists, cultural figures, etc. apply. This is frankly commercial stuff. Without this, in any way - creativity should feed. For example, I will soon publish an article about a new gym in Omsk. The coach there is not just a pumped athlete, but a rehab specialist. It seems to be a “customer”, but, I want to believe, it is important and necessary for someone. I also do a lot of work on a volunteer basis. This is also good, although many journalists do not like me for it. I'm picking up some bread, I guess.

A. Tikhonov: What about fiction? How are things going with her.

V. Vlasov: I write prose according to my mood. There should be a mood for long-term creativity. You grabbed the idea and immediately implement it, not a day without a line, otherwise you adjust the style and rebuild as if from scratch. This is a problem for many even established writers. It's one thing to look at a lantern and start a story, and another thing to travel around America and take on a novel, having previously made publicistic notes. In any case, your characters are guided by your own personal experience. Here, whatever one may say, be at least a lot of spans in the forehead, but still you will charge the images and actions with already experienced emotions, prepared seasoning. After working in the USA, cleaning pools and serving black brothers, I first wrote a book travel notes"On the other side of the sky" - it is on the Internet. And then he decided on a big story - "White and Black Rose" on a very controversial topic.

A. Tikhonov: I noticed for a long time that everyone writing person there is a certain set of attributes creative process. Someone does not sit down to write without a cup of tea, someone gnaws nuts no worse than that squirrel. No nuts - and no mood. Appeared - it's time to write. What helps you in creativity?

V. Vlasov: Silence. This is the main thing to collect your thoughts and write.

A. Tikhonov: You have two literary awards behind you, one of which is the regional award named after. F.M. Dostoevsky. How do you feel about victories in competitions and all kinds of literary awards? Is this an advance for the author to write better?

V. Vlasov: If in modern society do not have titles, awards, then the people will perceive selectively. I am the winner of the Youth Literary Prize. F.M. Dostoevsky for the story "The Red Lotus". Can you imagine: the award named after a classic who wrote in the genre of realism - for alternate history... for fantasy! Then the famous Omsk ninja Boris Shturov, who traveled to the Donbass with his ninjutsu club "Shoji", handed me literary prize"Ninja" - no one has such in Omsk and in Russia. You are a writer, which means you should have awards. Previously, talent was valued, but now, excuse me, there is nowhere without regalia. (Laughs)

A. Tikhonov: Are you ironic?

V. Vlasov: Partly.

A. Tikhonov: I noticed that you are moving towards writing realistic Orthodox prose. Who helps inspire?

V. Vlasov: I am new to Orthodoxy. With the blessing of Metropolitan Vladimir of Omsk and Taurida, I write about the priests and specialists of my native Diocese. And prose comes to mind, of course, by itself. When you talk in church with Archpriest Dimitry Olikhov or Archpriest Oleg Tsvetkov, you get such a powerful charge that you can write almost anything. it smartest people. Here's who you need to talk to more often. With experience.

A. Tikhonov: And now briefly: your definition of who a writer is. It?..

V. Vlasov: The writer is a huge work on himself and on the work too. For some, creativity is a second life. However, it is difficult to call work a business that is not yet able to feed you and causes irritation among family members. Say, a person writes, writes, puffs, pores, worries, but sense cannot be measured in monetary terms. If we abstract from monetary unit and talk about pure creativity, it brings inspiration to the author, and pleasure to the reader.

So I easily decide to find a reader who is keen on reading about medieval Japan. Especially on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany, do you know why this topic is relevant? After all, not every student will name the allies of Germany in the Second World War, not to mention ordinary schoolchildren who are taught, for example, English language writer and teacher Viktor Vlasov.
It is on the seventieth anniversary of the victory that it becomes interesting to write various variations on the theme of who defeated whom in the Second World War. And now it is clear who Japan won in Omsk - people who are fond of anime and manga. Not only these artistic genres. But people who read Eastern literature and love authors: Haruki and Ryu Murakami (not brothers, by the way), Eiji Yoshikawa, Robert Shea, Yasunari Kawabatu, etc.
I think that it is unlikely that it will be possible to "attack" a person who regularly reads the above-mentioned authors from the bay-floundering. Reading as a hobby, in my opinion, is becoming obsolete - it's much easier not to run your eyes through the letters and fill your head with images, but to watch and "kawait" over a new anime or a Hollywood blockbuster in the style of "The Last Samurai".
The video with the boy is sent by my friend - Vitya Vlasov ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WMmVSzqQK8). It turns out that this man goes to the novel "Last Dawn" and the story "Red Lotus", wandering on sites like "Ozone", where they are waiting in the wings electronic books. I contact Andrei Mikhailovich Ladik via the network - Vkontakte. I notice that he is a very serious reader and many can take an example from him.
You can't tell from a photo that a mature man is forty years old - in fact, forty-two years old. He lives in Omsk. Works as a specialist in the Support Department of the ECT company. This company is engaged in the automation of taxi services in Russia, Portugal, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Armenia, Georgia. He often travels on business trips, mainly in Russia and Kazakhstan. His hobby since childhood is reading books. In childhood and youth, he read books by James Fenimore Cooper, read adventures: Indian tribes, chases, battles, friendship, enmity, life and customs of different tribes - all this is interesting for him from the cradle, as they say. The exotic attracts many. Andrei realized a long time ago that he mainly likes historical novels. And once bought James Clavell "Shogun". I liked the novel so much that it quickly “moved out” from novels about Indians and literally “got hooked” on historical works about medieval Japan and China. And there their authors, of course. One of them is Robert van Gulik, it is almost impossible to break away from his historical detective stories. The thing is, Andrei emphasizes, that Japan is not like any other country in the world with its history, writing, culture and traditions. If we take Europe and America, then in general there are few differences. But such traditions and such a strong concept of honor and duty Japanese samurai, elevated to a cult, all this cannot but arouse admiration. This is how Andrey becomes a fan of Japanese historical novel.
“Some of the novels I especially liked, it’s not a shame to recommend them to fans of the Japanese historical novel,” the guy says. - James Clavell "Shogun", Christophel Nicole "Knight of the Golden Fan", Shuhei Fujisawa "The Story of a Bodyguard", David Cheney "Honor of a Samurai", Lucia St. Clair Robson "Tokaido Road", Laura Jo Rowland has a whole cycle of novels: "Bundori" , "Shinju", "The Samurai's Wife", "The Way of the Traitor", "The Tattoo of the Concubine", "Black Lotus", "Red Chrysanthemum", Vladislav Bayats "The Book of Bamboo", a cycle of novels by I.J. Parker "Rashomon Gate of Death", "Hell Screen", "Dragon Scroll", "Palace of Desire", "Intimate Diary of a Geisha", Yulia Andreeva "Gamer", Dale Furutani "Kill the Shogun", "Death at the Crossroads" by Jiro Osaragi, "Ronin from Ako" is a cult novel in Japan, I think there is no Japanese who would not know about the loyalty of 47 samurai who gave their lives for their master; Dorothy Gubler, Thomas Gubler "The Devil in the Tea House", "Death Lies in the Darkness", "Sword Legend" - novels about ninja.
- Awesome! - I just answer. - I read three authors. The rest - missed. I'm downright ashamed.
This is a "Japanese" reader, I admire. He remembers the titles of novels and the names of the authors. I look at the sent photo, which depicts books and shake my head. I wish every writer such a responsible and well-read fan.
- Where there are books, there are films, - Andrey continues. - Of course, everyone knows the Japanese director Akira Kurosawa, his films: “Seven Samurai”, and “Rashomon” are already classics of world cinema. Modern cinema "The Last Samurai" with Tom Cruise, "47 Ronin" with Keanu Reeves is also interesting. Look who hasn't seen it.
Both films have been seen by many. Including me. "47 Ronin" is a Hollywood picture not without an admixture of mysticism, but it also decorates, to be honest. Now it is fashionable to bring mysticism or adventure into modern works.
- In each of the works, whether it be a book or a movie, the spirit of Japan, its traditions and customs are conveyed, - Andrey writes. - Every time you read a book or watch a movie about medieval Japan, you are surprised by the firmness of spirit, loyalty to military duty and the courage of the samurai. This is what attracts us - lovers historical books and films about the East.
Yes, I admire Andrey's devotion to the books of his favorite authors and genres. Can we say that the guy is only interested in reading? Of course not. Andrei Ladik is a solid fellow and will explain his commitment to the authors of the East even on the net, even with personal meeting. If only our Omsk writers would enlist the support of such ardent and competent fans. And then, for example, the long-standing visit of the young writer Boris Kutenkov showed that no one except four or five readers (also writers) needs him. It was a shame to watch a person who is published in thick magazines in Moscow, sitting surrounded by two or three cripples, as they say. And the seventy-fifth anniversary of Nikolai Tregubov, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, which took place just a few days ago, clearly demonstrated that no one needs an old editor, except for those whom he edited and discussed at seminars. Not a single colleague from his creative writing organization was present. It's a shame, dear, it's a shame.
I want to once again wish the writers devoted readers and not to despair. Andrey Mikhailovich Ladik - to remain enthusiastic and interested in the books of his native authors. The domestic manufacturer must be supported in any case.


ATTENTION! All numerous publications on the Internet of my article "WRITER-SMERCH" (or parts thereof), except for this one, in the journal "LITERARY MERIDIAN" No. 1 (51), 2012, p. 22: http://debri-dv.com /filedata/files/768.pdf are PIRATE. And all of them were initiated by the "hero" of the mentioned article - VICTOR VLASOV (Omsk), who not only did not justify the advances given to him as a writer, but turned out to be a scoundrel, a slanderer, a gossip and a near-literary thief. Publications (and there are already DOZENS of them), including the widely known and seemingly reputable ones, which have placed the text “WRITER-SMERCH” on their pages, grossly violate Russian and international copyright laws. However, it is practically useless to fight the impudent and insane kleptomaniac V. VLASOV by contacting the owners and / or administrators of sites publishing someone else's work received from a swindler against the will of the author, it is practically useless: for every publication closed at my request, VOR VICTOR VLASOV immediately organizes two new , sometimes to cover the tracks, leaving the text without a title and even without my last name. Editors and / or owners of online literary and other publications collaborating with V. Vlasov, if they come across this message, I strongly recommend to think: with whom, ladies and gentlemen, are you dealing? and do you need to spoil your reputation like that? .. I also inform you that any ranting on the Internet on the topic “member of the Union of Russian Writers, critic Viktor Bogdanov appreciates / supports Viktor Vlasov” is a FALSE spread by Vlasov himself and his accomplices.

P.S. It is noteworthy that this, in essence, a criminal (slanderer and thief) has been working for many years in one of general education schools city ​​of Omsk TEACHER.

Victor Bogdanov, member of the Union of Russian Writers (membership card No. 00011), 02/06/2016.


Good afternoon Victor!!!
This guy has a whole channel there, he records his meetings with readers. Well, it’s impossible to listen for a long time, of course, it’s called bullshit.
But something else is more worrying, today, like toadstools divorced after the rain, they are only interested in meeting with readers exclusively, Mr. Tikhonov V.V. performs every week, poems of such a level that you just get goosebumps. I'm talking about this

And if at the time of my work at school, the children believed that poets are those who died long ago, now they see and hear them, unfortunately. And Vlasov is also a teacher, that is. there is more trust in him than in a watchman, say, or a shepherd ... And this is our modern literature.
As I. Tsarev said, "I go to the performance even when I am sick, so that there are not too many of them, so that they do not win." But what to do with them is not very clear, of course, in my class I would not let all the Vlasovs to the children, but now they have the red mandates of the joint venture in their pocket, and it’s not so easy to leave teachers who are not in the know outside the door ..

"But something else worries me more, today they are like toadstools divorced after the rain .."
"But what to do with them is not very clear, of course..."

Nothing, Love, do nothing. They will pass quickly. Then new ones will grow - and they will also pass. Don't notice. The mushroom picker does not focus on toadstools for a long time.

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