Home Grape Cool airbrush. Airbrushing by car. How to do vinyl airbrushing on a car. Is it difficult to sell a car with airbrushing

Cool airbrush. Airbrushing by car. How to do vinyl airbrushing on a car. Is it difficult to sell a car with airbrushing

Many motorists strive to make their iron horse visible on the road and unlike other cars. But even the most incredible body kit and other tuning stuff cannot compete with high-quality airbrushing. In our review, 10 examples of patterns on cars that will allow you to stand out in the traffic.

1. Stealth car

Drawing on the car makes it almost invisible in the parking lot. Of course, it's cool. Here's how to deal with security.

2. Tits on the hood

A great option for airbrushing for fans feminine charms.

3. Vagina car

The owner of this car went to extremes. One can only guess what prompted him to choose such a shocking author's drawing.

4. Pac-Man Veterans Dedicated

The owner of this car is clearly an experienced gamer, nostalgic for the good old pacman.

5. Super Mario

In Russia, another classic is clearly more respected. computer game- "Super Mario". The main thing, when you see such a car, is not to gape trying to pass the level.

6. President on the hood

This car clearly belongs to an admirer of the American President. However, citizens of each country have the right to draw their president on the hood of their own car. There would be a desire. And money.

Airbrushing in Russian may look like this. The portrait of Stalin and other Soviet paraphernalia look very appropriate on this GAZ car.

7. Tigers on the road

That rare case when appearance harmonizes with the content.

8. Transparent car

Airbrushing itself is a technique of applying a certain pattern to a car by spraying a powder or liquid dye. This process is carried out using compressed air. This process is carried out on the hood of the vehicle, on its doors, as well as over the entire surface of its body. In this article, such a process as airbrushing on a white car will be described in as much detail as possible.

White car features

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The former color of the car always looks very solemn. It should be understood at the same time that a car of this color is very easily soiled, that in without fail must be taken into account during the sketching process. It is not necessary to allow a persistent effect of pollution, since any color applied to a white background will appear an order of magnitude darker.

The consumer is offered varied palette white car paint. For this reason, even if it turns out to find out all the exact indicators of the paint, its index, it is far from always possible to obtain and select the required shade. All this suggests that all painting processes that are carried out with a white vehicle must be performed as competently and accurately as possible.

Particularly advantageous on a white car look at the airbrush, which looks like a photograph. Against this background, different monochrome drawings made in blue or blue will look most advantageous. gray color and some cheerful, bright images.

Required tools and materials

To apply airbrushing, the master will need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Airbrush, that is, a spray gun or spray paint composition;
  • Compressor for supplying air to the airbrush;
  • Special hose for high-quality connection of the compressor and the airbrush itself. It is worth paying attention that its length should be equal to 3-5 mm, and the ability to withstand a pressure of 2-3 bar is also important;
  • Special quick-releases and connectors that are designed to secure the hose to the equipment used;
  • It is recommended to purchase a special respirator equipped with filters. They are intended for effective protection from various fumes.

Do not neglect the acquisition this device, since it is on its qualities that the efficiency of work and the well-being of a person directly depend.

  • Tools such as screwdrivers, ratchets and heads will be required to dismantle the car body;
  • If you prepare equipment such as infrared drying, you can significantly speed up the drying process of the applied airbrush. This is required to prevent such a process as dust settling on the pattern. It is known that polishing will have to be done to eliminate this problem;
  • You will need to dissolve, preferably under numbers 646, as well as a special varnish for finishing;
  • If there is no experience in drawing a picture, it is necessary to prepare special stencils or patterns, perhaps some special geometric figures. All this, if necessary, can be done on your own.

Preparatory work

During certain preparatory work the following processes will be required:

  1. Prepare a modern grinder, which will be required for matting and leveling the surface of the car.
  2. It is necessary to remove the dust after the grinding has been carried out. For this purpose, a special blow gun is suitable.
  3. Through the use of special pastes that are used in the polishing process, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the working area. In addition, special polishing wipes and sanding sheets will be required here.

Do not forget to carefully cover those parts of the car that will not be painted. You can use for this purpose, a special masking tape and directly the covering material itself, which can be paper or newspapers.

Features of choosing the first airbrush

To apply high-quality airbrushing, you will need to carefully select the device itself. It is better to purchase a dual action airbrush that will effectively control such two important processes like air supply as well as paint supply. by the most the best option will purchase a device which is equipped with an internal mixer.

When choosing an airbrush, you may encounter certain problems. It is worth knowing that such devices differ in the method of supplying the paint composition. There are two main types:

  1. With a balloon located on the side. This design is characterized by a certain instability, and in the process of work, the hand is strongly pulled to the side.
  2. With a balloon, which is located below. The device provides an opportunity to change the vessels filled with beauty, but at the same time use a more powerful compressor.
  3. If the airbrush has a balloon located on top, the paint is supplied by gravity.

You should not save on this equipment and purchase it from unknown Chinese manufacturers. Such devices quickly fail, moreover, it is simply impossible to purchase spare parts for them.

Options for possible applied airbrushing

On a white car, you can apply the most different types and categories of airbrushing. The choice of a particular type directly depends on personal preferences and the skills present.
The most common on this moment are the following image options:

  • Vinyl or classic, which is applied with an airbrush. Thus, you can apply any pattern you like, from the most stylish images, which are able to visually change the overall geometry of the body to real paintings;
  • Luminous airbrush, which tends to glow in the dark;
  • Tapography, that is, the use of special vinyl stickers on vehicle.

For those who do not have any experience in drawing, this option will be the most optimal. Such a film perfectly masks coating defects, and is also able to protect against the appearance of new ones. If necessary, such a film can be quickly removed without damaging the coating, which is very important and advantageous for a white car.

  • Special volume airbrushing or 3D airbrushing is popular. This is a complete imitation of reality. Some reinforce it by adding certain volumetric details, which can be made of high-quality fiberglass.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the scope for a flight of fancy in the implementation of this process is quite wide. You can apply just such a pattern, which most favorably emphasizes the individuality of the car owner.

Airbrushing is the process of applying complex images to the surfaces of cars, motorcycles and other vehicles. Perform this technique using special equipment. Most often found airbrushing on the hood. This process requires certain skills. Also appeared today new technology This is a vinyl airbrush.

Why are they painting?

This is one of the most working and most effective anti-theft systems. Moreover, cars are rarely stolen, where the drawing is based on a complex plot that covers most body.

Also, in addition to security functions, airbrushing on a car demonstrates to everyone who sees the car, the interests and hobbies of the driver, his vision of the world and ideas about beauty. Sometimes with the help of such artistic tuning it is possible to hide the consequences of body repairs.

The pattern makes it easy to remove mismatches in color. The pictures on the plastic spare wheel covers on most SUVs and SUVs stop thieves. These caps have affordable prices and you can remove them with almost no difficulty.

DIY art

It is not difficult to make any drawing on the body of a car. This art is just beginning to develop. This process can bring a lot of pleasure, because this is creativity in pure form. In addition, a drawing made by yourself is a serious amount that can be saved.

Issue price

How much does an exclusive airbrush for a car cost? The price for such services can be quite high.

It depends on the level of the company, the training of artists and the characteristics of the region. On average, the price ranges from 9,000 to 25,000 rubles.

If it is decided to paint the entire body, then it will cost more. The minimum price starts at 110,000 rubles and can instantly rise to 300,000, depending on the task. For many companies that specialize in such services, airbrushing on the hood can cost as much as half of the car itself. The pattern on the spare wheel caps will be cheaper. Its price can rise if specialized paints with a special effect are used in the process. Some companies charge a fee to develop a sketch. Often, the project has an initial price of 5,000 rubles, so it is better to meet with artists with a ready-made idea in mind.

If airbrushing by car suffers as a result of an accident, then firms restore images. Small fragments can be restored at a discount, but in the case of a complete restoration, you will have to pay the entire cost.

What do you need for airbrushing?

First of all, you need main tool- airbrush. They are sold in art stores.

You should also get a compressor and a hose that will connect the two components. You should also buy quick connectors - this will greatly facilitate the work. In order not to harm your health, it is recommended to purchase a respirator and filters for it.

For disassembly of body parts, standard tools are used: ratchets, heads, screwdrivers and much more. If you want the image to dry as quickly as possible, you will need to purchase After that, dust will not stick to the drawing.

Airbrush paints

This is the second important question for those who decide to put some kind of drawing on the surface of the body themselves. In the process of work, various compositions are used. There are certain requirements for paints for permanent airbrushing:

  • Moisture resistant.
  • Resistance to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Rich set of colors.
  • Possibility of breeding.
  • Good atomization and uniform layer.

There are several popular with artists. All of them have certain characteristics. Each type helps to solve a specific problem.

Automotive nitro paint

Nitro paints for cars are characterized by fast, almost instant drying after application. With them it is necessary to use special solvents, and their toxicity is very high.

Among the advantages are: very fine grinding, the ability to perform transparent fills or display very thin lines. Such paints for airbrushing dry quickly, which allows you to make several layers in one session.

Among the shortcomings - a small color rendition. Because of this, it is not possible to create bright and saturated patterns with dyes. does not always give the expected result. In the process of washing off, the varnish layer on the body may be damaged.

Automotive enamels and acrylic paints

These coloring materials are the least resistant to mechanical stress and atmospheric phenomena.

Among the advantages - exact result when mixed and used. Acrylic mixtures dissolve in water and are non-toxic, and their palette is quite extensive. Another advantage - acrylic paints dry quickly. After the airbrush on the machine dries, the pattern will become matte. But this is easy to fix with varnish.

Special paints

This is the most the best choice, and with them you get a truly perfect result. These mixtures are non-toxic, go well with any coatings. The palette includes transparent colors and metallics. Also, ordinary car paints are used to create drawings.

Image selection

This is an important and responsible step. The main thing here is that the image is combined with the car.

After all, this will take a long time to drive. The best tuning will look ridiculous on an old classic VAZ. Therefore, the sketch should be well thought out.

Today there are the most different drawings by cars. Airbrushing can be performed using various technologies with different effects. You can also draw with your own hands. For beginners in this business, ready-made stencils are sold.

Types of airbrushing

The classic is done with an airbrush. True professionals of this art can create an image of almost any complexity. It can be simple stylish lines or full-fledged paintings. Luminous airbrushing on the car will "burn" in the dark with neon light. It looks very impressive.

Tapography is special vinyl stickers. The image is printed on a large format printer. With this coating, you can effectively mask various body defects. If desired, this film can be easily removed. Its application requires accuracy - the drawing can be easily damaged. The cost is 10 times cheaper than classic tuning. You can do it easily and by yourself. First, wash the surface of the machine and degrease it. Spray soapy water on the area where you will be gluing the vinyl. Separate the base from the sticker, and place the latter on the selected surface. Try to smooth the film as much as possible. If bubbles remain, pierce these places with a needle and dry with a hair dryer, they will disappear. In order not to damage the pattern, do not wash the car for a week.

3D paintings are images that imitate reality 100%. Often such airbrushing is reinforced with various volumetric elements made of fiberglass. There are also monochrome drawings and color drawings.

Airbrush features

Airbrushing by car is not so difficult. It is important to work in a dust-free environment and have certain skills. But this process has its own peculiarities. For example, it is better for beginners to work with a white or black car.

White color - solemn, but at the same time quite easily soiled. This should be taken into account when choosing a sketch. It must be remembered that any color on a white background will be darker than it is. Modern white shades can be different. Even if you know how the car is painted, you still can not find the right color.

Airbrushing on a white car will look spectacular if the drawing is monochrome, in gray-blue tones. Also, some bright and cheerful pictures are ideal for white. On a black car, it is better to draw something stylish. When choosing a sketch, you should consider the possibilities of the background. For black, both monochrome images and color paintings are suitable.

Any color of the car is suitable for painting, the image looks especially impressive on black.

Photos of airbrushing on cars:

When working on a white or silver car, there are some things that are amazing when you stick to them.

Most often, under the drawing on a car, they use the front and rear doors, plus the rear wing -

rear fenders with tailgate,


This is the most practical combination - you can successfully position the picture and, unlike the hoods and front fenders, on most car models, these elements are less prone to chipping.

The drawing can be any, the most important thing is that you first of all like it and match your tastes, and then be appreciated by friends, friends and acquaintances.

You need to carry out this task together with the artist, trusting his skill and talent, in which case you can count on a good result.

Lead time creative work it is impossible to fully evaluate - maybe earlier than the estimated time when inspiration is captured, or maybe later - until better thoughts appear.

The question often arises: what to do if the painted element is damaged? This is fixable. See examples in the section "Restoration of airbrushing"

High-quality airbrushing will be remembered and make your car recognizable. Due to these factors, the image on the car is an excellent anti-theft - after all, in the presence of cameras, and a large number random people memorizing your vehicle, stealing it is pure madness. In addition, it cannot be sold with characteristic and individual signs - they will immediately catch it, and repainting it is economically unprofitable. Plus, again, extra witnesses.

Another advantage of a painted car is when making a CASCO Insurance companies they will gladly give a discount or you can exclude theft insurance altogether, which will significantly reduce the cost of the policy.

If the car body is painted more than 60%, then the TCP will have to be changed and it will indicate: color - multicolor, special marks: airbrushing. This is done quickly and costs 500r. (at the time of writing)

All this refers to expressive, stylish, bright and, most importantly, high-quality work. Choose your master carefully. Study his portfolio, style, correlate with your wishes and ideas. Feel free to ask questions of interest. And make your wishes come true!

You have been wanting to draw something on a car for a long time, the project is already in family budget, but the theme of the picture has not yet been found? Have you reviewed hundreds of photos of airbrushing on a car on the Internet, but are you still looking for your idea? Or have hijackers already attempted on your car, and there is simply no time to pick up pictures? Well, then you are welcome to us - together we will find a unique and interesting story.

There are countless options for drawings on cars - on the one hand, this is a plus, and on the other, it is difficult to stop at just one. Airbrushing topics can be conditionally divided into “male” and “female”, which greatly helps to make a choice, however, there are often married couples who drive a car in turn. In this case, they set the condition to depict a drawing on a neutral topic, the so-called. "unisex".

Airbrushing with the participation of felines is the most popular topic among car owners of any gender. Most often, they ask artists to depict beautiful and graceful wild cats on the sides of their cars, but at the same time, a condition is stipulated separately - the animal must be aggressive or calm. This is how the drawings of the Leopard appeared on the Infiniti QX50 and the Tiger on the Nissan X-Trail, the Leopard on the white Honda CR-V and the Tiger on the Volkswagen Passat. The White Tiger in the airbrushing on the Volkswagen Polo bares its mouth, the Leopard on the Ford Mondeo threateningly flattened his ears, and the panther on Toyota Highlander ready to pounce on its prey.

Pets like the Dachshund in the Opel Corsa or British cats in the Mercedes ML 320 are also frequent characters in car scenes. Capturing the image of your pet on a car is a tempting offer for every owner.

There are also people with serious hobbies among our clients - airbrushing with Wolves and a ferocious Bear on a Ford Explorer and a Wolf on a Volkswagen Amarok make it clear that their owner is going on a real hunt. And horse riding entails the appearance of drawings of Horses in a car (Lexus LX 470).

Passion for music also does not pass without a trace - Kinchev on the hood or group Queen- such drawings reflect the musical tastes of their owners.

Sometimes the color of the image may be bright and juicy as in the photo with Japanese Dragon on the Subaru Outback, and sometimes a strict tie-dye pattern is required, like the Brooklyn Bridge airbrush on the BMW X6.

By the way, images of architecture and sights of your favorite cities are also a popular topic of drawings on cars, and our portfolio already has several such works. For example, this is an airbrush with views of St. Petersburg on a white Infiniti QX70, Sunset over Petropavlovka on a Nissan Qashqai and Night Petersburg on a Kia Sportage. The most beautiful panoramas cultural capital no one is left indifferent.

The proximity of St. Petersburg to the sea sets, among other things, the fashion for drawings on cars of ships and seascapes. Airbrush proof Marine theme on BMW X6, Ships and Sea on SsangYong Actyon Sports and Sailboats on Lexus 450h. Picturesque paintings with the element of water are like a metaphor that depicts the flow of life.

All of the above drawings can be attributed to neutral themes. It is also worth adding to this list the image of the Cosmos on the SAAB 900, the texture of the Crocodile skin on the Porsche 911, the drawings of famous patterns such as, for example, Louis Vuitton on the BMW X5 and the graphics in the form of a Japanese flag on the Honda Accord - such airbrushing is suitable for both men and girls.

But sometimes there is airbrushing on cars, which leaves no doubt about the gender of its owner. The girl's personal car is easy to identify in the photo by the presence of drawings pink flowers and Orchids on the sides (Toyota RAV4), patterns (Gold pattern on Toyota Prado and shimmering on KIA Sportage). They also like to do airbrushing with cartoon characters (Dyudyuka Barbidokskaya on the BMW X1 and the Hedgehog in the Fog on the Mazda CX-5) or draw small animal cubs (Barsyata on the Land Cruiser 200, Pandas on Kia Ceed and Lion cub on Mazda 3).

All drawings on cars tell others about the individuality of the owner. This should be used when choosing an airbrush plot for your car. After all, you can draw something original and not like everyone else. For example, airbrushing with the Yamal nuclear-powered ship on a Volkswagen Passat is truly the only and unique of its kind.

In a word, the number of ideas is immense and the only advice, which we can give you - listen to your desires and do not deny yourself anything!

FROM Best wishes, studio North Custom,

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