Home Grape Tomatoes in their own juice. How to make tomatoes in your own juice quickly and easily

Tomatoes in their own juice. How to make tomatoes in your own juice quickly and easily

Summer is in full swing and finally it's time to prepare for the winter. I love this time, because so many new recipes can be found, so many different delicacies to come up with! What we just do not prepare, so that later we can enjoy the gifts of our garden and vegetable garden for a long time. Very popular, or. Everything is extraordinarily tasty. Moreover, it is convenient - I worked in the summer, and in the winter “as I found it”.

Canned or salted tomatoes are the first to escape from the pantry. V recent times I try to cook with less vinegar so as not to harm the stomach, or even salt the tomatoes.

But, perhaps, one of the most favorite preparations for the winter in my family was tomatoes in own juice... There is a double benefit here - you can eat tomatoes with pleasure, and drink homemade tomato juice. The beauty!

Today I want to introduce you to several wonderful and simple recipes tomatoes in their own juice.

The most delicious tomato recipe in its own juice

This recipe is most like my homemade, so let's start with it. For such a blank, it is best to use ripe tomatoes... Moreover, even not very beautiful ones will do - they will go for juice, with which we will fill in selected beautiful tomatoes.

We need:

  • tomatoes (I do not specify the exact amount on purpose, but I had 4 kg)

1 liter tomato juice:

  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Pour 1 tbsp into each jar. l. apple cider vinegar

We sort the tomatoes. We divide all tomatoes into approximately two parts. We select the smallest and most beautiful ones separately, we will put them in banks. And broken, large and uneven will fit for tomato juice. As they say, waste-free production.

We cut off all questionable areas of damaged tomatoes, the tomatoes should remain only healthy and fresh.

To prepare tomato juice, cut the tomatoes in half. This is for convenience, I grind them with a blender. You can use a juicer or mixer - whatever suits you best.

It turned out 2 liters of juice. It must be brought to a boil. Drain the juice into a saucepan or basin, add 3 tbsp. l. salt and 6 tbsp. l. sugar, stir. After boiling, turn it off immediately.

Previously, we must prepare clean liter cans, and pour boiling water over the lids. Prepare more boiling water, we will do the first pouring of tomatoes.

While the juice is boiling, we put whole tomatoes in clean jars, put them tightly so that there are fewer voids left. Pour boiling water over each jar.

To prevent the tomatoes from bursting, each can be pricked with a toothpick in the area of ​​the stalk. Or you can cut off the tip with a knife.

Remember to be careful when pouring. To prevent the jar from cracking, pour quite a bit of hot water on the bottom and wait a few seconds. Pour in water not all at once, but gradually.

We cover with a lid on top and wait for 5 minutes, let the contents of the jar sterilize a little. We drain the water.

Immediately, until the tomato juice has cooled down, pour it into the jar to the very neck. Pour 1 tbsp directly into the jar. l. apple cider vinegar.

We cover each jar with lids and roll up. Be sure to turn it upside down, wrap it with a blanket and leave it to cool completely.

Canning tomatoes at home without sterilization

Simple and quick recipes probably everyone is very fond of. Hostesses always have a lot to do, and if we manage to find a simple recipe without problems, then we are happy to save time when cooking. But this will not affect the taste of our preparation. Let's get started.

We need:

  • tomatoes

For 1 liter of tomato juice:

  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tsp

For 2 kg of tomatoes, you will need about 1 liter of tomato juice. And in order to get 1 liter of juice, you need 1.2-1.5 kg of tomatoes, depending on the variety.

We will use large tomatoes for the juice. yellow color, and put small plum tomatoes in jars.

Tomato juice can be squeezed out using a juicer, blender, or even a meat grinder. To do this, cut the tomatoes into pieces and send them to the juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, add salt and sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Foam is formed which can be removed, although this is not necessary.

We will not do without sterilization if we want to save the workpiece for the winter. Therefore, glass jars, best of all liter, are sterilized in advance in the oven, microwave or over a kettle.

If you haven't chosen yet, use my tips. Don't forget to boil the lids too.

Any preparation for the winter loves cleanliness!

Put tomatoes in hot jars. At this time, you can boil water in the kettle. Pour boiling water over jars of tomatoes, cover with lids and leave for 10 minutes.

We drain the water, and immediately pour hot tomato juice into the jars. Pour to the very top of the can.

We cover with metal clean lids and close tightly. We turn the banks upside down.

It remains to wait for a reason to open this yummy.

Recipe for the ages - tomatoes for the winter with vinegar

Vinegar is often added to the classic recipe for blank tomatoes. And although not everyone loves him, he is still one of the most reliable preservatives, which helps to preserve the workpieces even in a city apartment. Why a recipe for centuries? - Yes, because after trying to pickle tomatoes according to this recipe, you want to keep it for a long time.

A simple recipe for a 1 liter jar of garlic

We need:

  • tomatoes (about 1.5 kg in 3 liter jars and about 2 kg for juice)
  • black peppercorns
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice
  • garlic
  • cinnamon
  • Carnation

On 1 liter jar:

  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • vinegar - 1 tsp.

There are recipes in which instead of natural tomato juice it is diluted tomato paste... I do not want to describe them, it seems to me that it turns out not as tasty and aromatic as with homemade juice. In this recipe, about 1.5 liters of juice is needed for 3 liter cans.

Cut tomatoes for juice into slices and grind with a mixer, juicer, meat grinder or rub through a sieve. Choose any available and favorite method. I prefer a mixer. We bring the tomatoes to a homogeneous mass. It turns out not even juice, but tomato puree. Pour it into a saucepan, add cinnamon and cloves. Bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat.

During cooking, do not forget to stir the juice, otherwise it may burn and skim off.

While the juice is being prepared, put spices and a couple of cloves of garlic in sterilized jars at the bottom. Lay the tomatoes cut into large pieces. We fill banks hot water, most conveniently from a teapot. Cover with lids and leave to pasteurize for 10 minutes. We drain the water.

Now add 1 teaspoon of salt, sugar and 9% vinegar directly to the jar.

You can not add vinegar according to this recipe, but then you will have to sterilize the jars along with the tomatoes.

Fill the tomatoes with the ready-made hot juice again, immediately tighten the metal lid and turn the jar over.

As you can see, everything is simple. And after a few days you can enjoy a delicious snack.

Video on how to cook tomatoes in tomato juice without vinegar

When I looked through the recipes on this topic, I noticed the comments of the readers. Many people do not like recipes with the addition of vinegar. I am loyal to vinegar, although recently I have been reducing its amount in blanks. And this recipe is without vinegar, tomatoes are obtained as natural.

Lick your fingers without peel and marinade

Tomatoes can be canned without the marinade. After we cut them into slices, they will give a lot of juice. So why another marinade? And in order for their taste to be more delicate, we will remove the skin from the tomatoes.

We need:

  • tomatoes

For 1 liter can:

  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • vinegar - optional 1 tbsp. l.

We will need to remove the skin from the tomatoes. To make it easier to do, on a tomato sharp knife make an incision crosswise.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes. After that, the skin is removed very easily.

Now we cut the tomatoes into pieces.

Banks for this recipe can be pre-sterilized, it is enough to rinse with baking soda. Put the tomatoes tightly in clean jars, tamp them slightly with a spoon. You will see how much juice appears in the can. He must close the top of the can.

Pour 1 tbsp into the jar on top. l. salt and 1 tsp. Sahara. Many people love sweet marinade. In this case, you can put sugar like salt, 1 tbsp. l.

We put the jar in a pot of hot water to sterilize. Be sure to cover with a boiled lid. Before that, cover the bottom of the pot with a towel or napkin. You need to boil for about 15 minutes.

At the end of sterilization 1 s can be added. l. vinegar. Although, again, this is optional. If all sterilization conditions are met, the jars will stand without vinegar. And then you get the taste of a natural vegetable.

In fact - you will lick your fingers!

Cooking tomatoes in their own juice with bell pepper

If you add to the marinade bell pepper then the appetizer will receive special flavor... I think it's worth trying and diversifying our recipes with one more. Hope you enjoy it. This recipe also lacks the exact amount - add all the ingredients to taste.

We need:

  • tomatoes
  • bell pepper
  • celery leaves
  • garlic
  • Bay leaf
  • black peppercorns

We will prepare the jars in advance, we need to rinse them well with soda and dry them. It is advisable to boil the lids.

We select small beautiful tomatoes, which we will place in jars. We pierce each tomato with a knife at the stalk.

Put peppercorns, bay leaves and fresh celery leaves on the bottom of the jar.

Place the tomatoes tightly in a jar. At the bottom of the jar, I try to spread the larger fruits, and the smallest ones on top. Introduce a couple of garlic cloves inside the jar.

Fill the contents of the jars with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave to sterilize for 20 minutes. We drain the water and fill it again with another batch of boiling water for another 10 minutes.

At this time, we are preparing tomato juice. Grind the tomatoes with a blender until smooth.

Cut the bell pepper into small pieces. We put it in a saucepan and pour in the tomato mass there. Don't forget to salt to taste. Cook this puree for about 10 minutes, stir occasionally.

Now pour the tomato juice into the tomato jars to the very top and cover with lids. There is no need to sterilize any more, two hot fillings are enough. We roll up or close the lids tightly.

We turn the cans over so that all the air comes out, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave them to cool completely.

Be sure to try to cook according to this recipe, you will not regret it.

Quick salted tomatoes in their own juice - video from Emma's grandmother

I just could not resist not to introduce you to another great recipe. Salted tomatoes are another recent find of mine, worthy of a separate topic. But I'm in a hurry to introduce you to such a fast and in a simple way cooking tomatoes in their own juice. And I think you will like it.

So, another way of harvesting that will help please you and your family for a long time cold winter and perhaps surprise your guests. If you have read this article to the end, you will probably agree that it is worth rolling up your sleeves in the kitchen in the summer so that the pantry is filled with a variety of delicious preparations.

I wish you inspiration in the kitchen!

If in all supermarkets there is an abrupt end of tomato paste, a jar of such tomatoes, prudently prepared in the summer, will help you survive this unpleasant event. What do borsch, meatballs with gravy, cabbage rolls, pizza, the famous Italian sauce to pasta? Tomato, of course! These are the alpha and omega of a satisfying winter diet, three pillars of a varied home menu. We most often replace natural product a pre-made concentrate with a large handful of preservatives and colorants. Because it costs less. But I want to teach you how to cook delicious tomatoes in your own juice for the winter. Recipes - just lick your fingers. They are very helpful and even help to save money when vegetables on the market cost a figurative three pennies. The taste of this homemade product is far superior to the popular concentrated pasta. Tomatoes are juicy and delicious and can be eaten as a snack. And the aromatic juice is perfect for cooking your favorite dishes.

Delicious Canned Skinless Tomatoes in Tomato Juice

Making borscht is not a question! Making delicious pasta a la Bolognese - no problem! Cooking cabbage soup couldn't be easier! Such preservation will come in handy every day. Much tastier and unlike more useful than any store products.


It turns out: about 1 l

How to prepare tomatoes for the winter, canned in their own juice:

Wash the tomatoes. Remove the remnants of the stalk. Large fruits cut into small wedges. Make tomato juice.

  • For these purposes, you can use a juicer.
  • If not, place the tomato slices in a heat-resistant container. Cover with a lid. Put on low heat. Heat the tomatoes until tender (15-20). At the same time, they will release a lot of liquid; additional water is not required.

While large vegetables are languishing on the stove, work on small ones. To make the skin peel off easily, and the surface of the tomato remains flat, it must be blanched. Cut each tomato shallow crosswise. Boil water. Reduce heat to a low but steady simmer. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water. Wait 3-5 minutes. Take out. Cool slightly. Get rid of the skin. It will be removed simply and quickly.

Prepare the jars. I most often use containers with a capacity of up to 1 liter, so that the workpiece is enough for 1-2 times. Wash the inside thoroughly. It is not necessary to sterilize the jars beforehand. Arrange the small tomatoes. Try to fill the jars as tightly as possible, but do not squeeze the blanched fruits so that they do not deform. In addition, you need to leave room for the tomato juice.

Return to Large Tomatoes. Rub the soft wedges through a metal sieve to remove the skins and seeds. As a result, you will get a thick, homogeneous, rich juice. If using a juicer, of course skip this step. The device itself will separate the cake from the tomato pulp. Transfer the prepared mass to a heat-resistant container.

Add salt and sugar.

Add a few allspice peas or a pinch of cinnamon for flavor. It is also allowed to use umbrellas of dill, cloves. Or you can, in fact, not put anything in so that the taste of the tomatoes remains natural.

Bring to a boil. Boil for a couple of minutes. Skim off the foam.

Pour the hot juice over the tomatoes in the jars. Cover with lids. Place in a large saucepan with mildly boiling water. Place a towel under the bottoms of the cans so that the glass does not burst. Sterilize the workpiece for 10 minutes (countdown after boiling again). Roll up. Check that the seal is tight (turn the jars over). If nothing leaks anywhere, wrap the canning tightly to slow down the cooling process.

The next day, when the tomatoes have cooled, put them in the cellar or closet. Store until winter at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees, avoid direct sunlight. Everything in this preparation turns out to be tasty - both juicy tomatoes without coarse skins, and tomato juice, which can be used in the preparation of borscht, sauces, gravy, or just drink. It is difficult to resist not to lick every one of your fingers!

Whole tomatoes, sealed in their own juice (no vinegar)

Delicious - just lick your fingers. Simple - to the point of impossibility. Universal harvesting of juicy, aromatic tomatoes for the winter without any sterilization and other difficulties in preparation. It is stored well, it is consumed at a record time.

Would need:

Outcome: about 2 l

Cooking method:

Pay attention to small fruits first. Go over them. Choose the ripe, beautiful, undamaged ones. Wash. Use a clean toothpick to make several punctures around the stem speck.

Since preservation is prepared without sterilization, it is advisable to hold the cans over steam or bake them in the oven. As a last resort, pour boiling water over the container several times from the inside. For the workpiece, it is advisable to use containers with a volume of 0.75-1.5 liters. Put the spices on the bottom. I took garlic, dill inflorescence, cloves.

Fill the jars with tomatoes. Do not stack too tightly so that the juice can freely fill any voids. Boil about 1 L drinking water... Pour over the tomatoes. Cover with clean, boiled lids. Let the piece stand for 15-20 minutes. Drain off the water so that the fruits and spices remain inside. Repeat the procedure one more time.

In parallel, prepare the second component of the workpiece - thick juice from large tomatoes. This can be done in several ways. The first is to put the vegetable through a juicer. The second - I have described in detail. The third one is suitable for those who are not interested in a uniform consistency. Just beat the large tomatoes with a blender. This will leave small pieces of skin, but this does not particularly affect the taste. This puree juice is suitable for cooking, for example.

Pour the mixture into a saucepan. Add salt and sugar. Boil. Cook over medium heat for 25-30 minutes. Be sure to remove foam with a slotted spoon.

Here important point... The end of juicing should roughly coincide with the second draining of water from jars of small tomatoes. That is, everything should be hot. Fill the container with tomato. Plug up. Do you want to save the preparation for the winter? It is better to use tin lids under the seamer. For storage for less than 2 months, twist-off screw caps are also suitable. Turn the closed preservation over. Cover with several layers of warm cloth. Leave to cool completely.

Store canned tomatoes in its own thick juice in a dry place inaccessible to the sun and moisture at a temperature of no more than +10 degrees. Due to the spices, the preparation turns out to be fragrant, rich, piquant - well, you just want to lick the fingers on both hands.

Today we are preparing tomatoes in our own juice for the winter. For this we need fresh, ripe and whole tomato fruits. This cooking method resembles fruit-berry compotes. Tomato fruits in this thread can be canned with skin and

We will not consider the fruits of tomatoes that have defects - lethargic, too ugly or ribbed, not ripe or unevenly ripened, dented, moldy or affected by diseases.

For all recipes, tomatoes must be well washed in water to remove all contaminants. And only fruits with minor defects can be used for making tomato juice.

Tomatoes in their own juice - a proven recipe for the winter without vinegar

Preparation of the recipe:

To prepare the recipe, we will need tomato juice in a large number... To do this, you can use a mincer attachment to squeeze out the juice. The tomatoes are cut into slices and placed in the meat grinder inlet.

In this attachment, the cake goes into one hole, and the tomato juice is poured through the tray into the other hole.

You can just skip the tomatoes through a meat grinder and rub the mass through a sieve.

We got it full pan concentrated tomato juice.

Now we will cook tomatoes in our own juice for 2 liter jars. Banks must be clean and sterilized. A 1 liter jar of tomatoes takes half a liter of tomato juice.

We take a measuring cup with a capacity of 1 liter, fill it with juice and pour it into another saucepan.

And add another ladle for evaporation.

Pour one flat tablespoon of salt and one teaspoon of granulated sugar into the second pan.

Put the second saucepan with one liter of tomato juice on the fire and cook for 5 minutes from the moment it boils. Stir occasionally.

We begin to put whole tomato fruits in jars. To do this, cut off the stalk with a knife.

Perhaps you have special device to remove the stalk from tomatoes - use it. In the photo there is a device for removing strawberry tails - it was perfect for our case.

We put tomatoes in jars to the very top without any spices. Fill the jars with tomatoes with boiling water.

Cover the jars with sterilized lids on top and leave for 10 minutes.

Then, we put a lid with holes on the jar and pour out the water. We don't need it.

Pour the prepared tomato juice into the jars for the tomatoes.

We close the tin covers with a machine.

Turn the closed jars upside down.

We wrap the jars until they cool completely.

The recipe for tomatoes in tomato juice is ready.

Tomatoes in their own juice with garlic, bell peppers, spices and herbs

Preparation of the recipe:

We prepare three liter sterilized jars.

Wash well medium sized tomatoes.

We pierce each stalk with a knife so that the tomatoes are well warmed up.

Put in each jar: peppercorns, a celery leaf and a bay leaf each.

Place three cloves of garlic in water for 10 minutes to clean well. We clean the cloves of garlic.

Put tomatoes in jars and chopped garlic cloves on top.

Fill each jar with hot boiled water.

Cover the jars with lids and a towel for 20 minutes.

Cut the pepper into small slices.

Place the chopped peppers in a bowl in which we will cook tomato juice.

Prepare tomato juice in a blender. To do this, cut the tomatoes into pieces.

This is how you get a homogeneous tomato juice in a blender bowl.

Pour the juice into a container to the chopped pepper. Salt to taste and stir.

After 20 minutes, put a gauze on the neck of a can of tomatoes and drain the water.

Then pour another clean boiled into the jars hot water(second time).

Cover with lids on top for 10 minutes.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter - video recipe with vinegar

In winter, the fruits are eaten whole with pleasure, or you can cook salad, sauce, season soup.

Tomatoes in tomato for the winter with sterilization

Would need:

  • 3 kg of ripe small-fruited tomatoes
  • 2 kg of large ripe tomatoes
  • 80 g salt
  • 50 g sugar


  1. Wash small-fruited tomatoes and chop in several places with a sharpened stick.
  2. Place prepared tomatoes in jars up to their shoulders.
  3. Cut large tomatoes into pieces and heat in a saucepan, covered, without boiling.
  4. Rub the hot mass of tomatoes through a coarse sieve.
  5. Dissolve salt, sugar in a hot mass of tomatoes, mix well.
  6. Then pour the tomato paste over the tomatoes in the jars so that the level of the tomato juice is 2 cm below the edges of the jar.
  7. Sterilize liter jars in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Heat sterilization is the main method for preserving vegetables. This method is based on the termination of biochemical processes and on the destruction of pathogenic microflora under the influence of high temperatures.

Delicious tomatoes in their own juice - video recipe for 3 liter cans

You have learned the recipes for harvesting tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with whole fruits with skin. In the next article, you will learn how tomatoes are cooked for the winter without skin.

Almost every housewife rolls tomatoes in their own juice for the winter. Every experienced mother of the family has recipes for "lick your fingers". And, as a rule, a notebook where it is written how to do good blanks for the winter, carefully stored and passed on from generation to generation.

But now there is not much problem to find good recipes- experienced housewives are happy to share them and spread them on the open spaces of the network. You will find a selection of the best in our article. So how do you do the most delicious tomatoes in your own juice for the winter? Recipes with photos and a description of the process are presented below.

Classic recipe

If you cook tomatoes according to classic recipe, then you can get and delicious appetizer to the potatoes and meat dishes, and a dressing for borscht or other soup, and natural tomato juice that you can drink. Tomatoes in their own juice classic version are prepared without vinegar, which is why they are so healthy.

Ingredients Required:

  • three kilograms of small tomatoes
  • two kilograms of large and soft tomatoes for juice
  • three tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • two tablespoons of salt
  • bay leaf and allspice to taste

Cooking method:

After the tomatoes are washed and dried, and the jars are sterilized, you can start preparing the preparation for the winter. First you need to pierce each small tomato from the side of the stalk with a toothpick. Then we put them aside and take large tomatoes. We prepare juice from them. You can use a meat grinder for this in the old fashioned way, or modern devices - a juicer and a blender.

Pour the juice into a saucepan through a sieve and put it on the stove. We add salt, sugar and spices to it. We are waiting for the juice to boil, reduce the heat a little and cook for three to four minutes. While the juice is boiling, put the tomatoes in jars - as much as possible. Then we put the jars on a towel and gently pour in the boiling juice. It is necessary to fill the containers to the very top. Then we take clean lids, keep them in boiling water for a while and roll up the jars. Be sure to turn them over, put them on a flat surface and wrap them up.

When the cans are cool, put the lid on top and look - if not a single lid has come off, swollen, and does not let air through, then everything is fine, and the blanks will stand all winter. It is best to store tomatoes in a dark and cool place, such as a closet. And if you want the blanks to be stored longer, then you can put cans of tomatoes and juice to be sterilized, and only then roll them up.

Sweet tomatoes in their own juice

In order to prepare a blank according to this recipe, you will need pink tomatoes. They should be ripe and firm. You should not use the already slightly spoiled fruits, as they will turn into porridge, and the taste of the snack will also be different.

List of products per liter can:

  • 1.3 kilograms of pink tomatoes
  • a tablespoon of salt
  • two bay leaves
  • a teaspoon of sugar
  • optional peppercorns


We wash the tomatoes, put them on a towel or napkin to dry out a little. After that, carefully cut the stalks and cut them into slices. Then we take the prepared jar (necessarily sterilized) and put the tomato slices there. Sprinkle them with salt, add sugar, bay leaves and pepper. We fill the jar to the end. After that, cover the container with a lid and set it to sterilize. In a saucepan over low heat, the jar should stand for about forty minutes. Better to lay a towel at the bottom.

All that remains is to roll up the workpiece and leave it to cool upside down under a warm garment. It is best to open such tomatoes after two months. Store tomatoes in a cool, dark place.

Tomatoes with citric acid

Tomatoes in tomato juice are loved primarily because such a preparation allows them to preserve their natural taste. To make an extremely healthy snack that will last a long time, you can do without vinegar - replace it with citric acid.

Here is a list of the ingredients for a 2 liter can:

  • two kilograms of tomatoes
  • a pinch of citric acid
  • half a teaspoon of salt

Cooking method:

First, I wash the tomatoes well, then we make a small cruciform incision on the smooth side, where there is no stalk. The main thing is to cut through the skin, it is better not to touch the pulp. We spread the tomatoes in any container and fill with boiling water. We set a minute, then drain the water and rinse the tomatoes cold water... After that, carefully remove the skin from them, remove the stalk.

We put the tomatoes in a sterilized two-liter jar after pouring citric acid and salt on the bottom. A few tomatoes will definitely not fit at this stage, they will need to be put in the jar later. Cover the container with tomatoes with an iron lid and put it in a saucepan so that it is sterilized. We leave the jar for about half an hour, the water in the pan should cover most banks. Then we open the lid, take a spoon or fork, pour boiling water over it and gently press the softened tomatoes. Tomatoes that have been laid before will now fit. We add them to the jar - the juice that stands out from the tomatoes should go up. All that remains is to roll up the jar and place it with the lid down under a warm blanket or jacket. You can store such a workpiece at room temperature.

A simple vinegar recipe

There are several options for preparing tomatoes for the winter. Here is a simple recipe for a tomato in its own juice for the winter without sterilization. It will require both small and large tomatoes. If you follow the proportions, you get three cans of blanks.

Necessary products:

  • about five kilograms of tomatoes (half small, half large)
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • three tablespoons of salt
  • teaspoon of vinegar per liter
  • optional black pepper and cinnamon


First of all, wash all the tomatoes, lay them out to dry out a little. Then we take small tomatoes and pierce them with a toothpick or wooden stick where the tails were. Hard tomatoes require several punctures. If the tomatoes are ripe, then one is enough. If you do not do this procedure, they will be less salty and less tasty.

Then we take the processed jars (they need to be washed with soda and sterilized in the oven or in another convenient way) and put the tomatoes in them.

Now you need to prepare the juice itself. For him, large tomatoes are required. They need to be cut into several pieces and placed in a saucepan or other container that can be placed on the stove. We heat the tomatoes, but do not boil them. Once the tomatoes are warm enough, rub them through a sieve. The resulting juice must be poured back into the same saucepan. Add sugar, salt to it, and if you wish, then pepper and cinnamon. You need a little cinnamon. And lastly, you need to pour in the vinegar. The juice will be about two liters, so you need two teaspoons of vinegar.

We send the juice to boil. And periodically remove the foam. The tomato sauce should simmer a little for about twenty minutes. It is the boiling juice that should be poured into the jars. Then we twist the containers with lids, turn them over and wrap them with a warm blanket or bedspread.

This is how tomatoes are prepared without sterilization. Sterilization is used when no vinegar is added to the blanks.

  1. Tomatoes can be rolled up with or without skin. It is better to make both these and such, since peeled tomatoes can be used to prepare various dishes.
  2. It is best to use tomatoes of the same size and of proven varieties. Also, they should all be of the same degree of maturity. So the preparation will be tastier.
  3. Soft tomatoes will turn into porridge, so it is better to take such tomatoes for juice, and elastic ones just need to be left intact and put in jars.
  4. It is not necessary to use spices, although many housewives add bay leaves, peppers, cinnamon, cloves or herbs. An obligatory ingredient is salt. Without it, the workpiece will not work.

Cook with pleasure, and then the result will be great!

Bon Appetit!

A simple recipe for canned tomatoes in their own juice will certainly appeal to tomato lovers and tomato sauce... To prepare such a marinade, you can use overripe fruits, and in their absence, tomato paste.

The varieties and sizes of tomatoes for harvesting for the winter in this way can be any, as well as the volume of the jar in which we marinate them. My proven and simple recipe with step-by-step photos will tell you how to make such a blank for the winter.

How to preserve tomatoes in your own juice

First, we go through the available tomatoes and wash them. For putting in jars, it is better to take dense fleshy fruits, and soft, overripe or burst ones will go for juice.

When the tomatoes are washed and sorted, we make the marinade. Scroll soft fruits through a meat grinder, grind with a blender or squeeze the juice on a juicer. Boil the resulting gruel or juice for 20 minutes and add spices. For every liter of juice, put 1 tablespoon coarse salt, 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar, 1-2 leaves of lavrushka and a few peas of black pepper.

If there are no tomatoes for juice or there are few of them, then dilute the paste with water until the consistency of tomato juice and then cook the marinade with the same spices.

While the marinade is boiling, cook and fill the jars. We put an umbrella of dill on the bottom of clean cans, currant leaf, a leaf of horseradish and a couple of garlic cloves. This amount is suitable for a half-liter can, but for other volumes it should be reduced or increased. Remember that the more leaves and garlic we use, the more pungent and spicy taste the tomatoes in their own juice will have.

We put tomatoes in jars, try to put them tightly, but without squeezing. You can make punctures with a toothpick in the places where the stalk is attached to prevent cracking when pouring hot marinade. I do not pierce, since dense fleshy fruits, even with a burst skin, do not scatter and remain intact and just as dense.

For better storage, the workpieces should be sterilized. To do this, put a towel on the bottom in a saucepan or deep frying pan, put jars.

Pour boiling marinade into them, cover with lids. Fill the saucepan with water up to the shoulders of the cans and boil 0.5 l for 10 minutes, 0.1-0.3 l for 5 minutes.

Then we close the lids, turn the cans over, and after cooling we put them in storage. Total time cooking for about 40 minutes.

Tomatoes in their own juice for this homemade recipes can be stored at room temperature.

Ready-made tomatoes are an excellent addition to various dishes, they have a taste close to fresh fruits, and the marinade is an alternative to ketchup or can be the basis for various sauces.

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