Home Grape Pomors are free people. Pomor discoveries: interesting facts. Russian territorial groups of Karelia

Pomors are free people. Pomor discoveries: interesting facts. Russian territorial groups of Karelia

Newspaper "Ural Worker", Yekaterinburg.

Methane is the main component of natural gas. It is used as motor fuel in compressed form. refuel natural gas started in the Soviet Union. At the same time, most of the gas filling stations that exist today were built. However, during the Perestroika period, the development of the use of promising fuel was stopped. Today, methane is being talked about again as the best alternative to gasoline and diesel fuel. Over the past 10 years, the number of methane vehicles has increased by 7.5 times. Today, 18 million cars are filled with natural gas in the world! Methane and in Russia more and more confidently comes into competition with gasoline and diesel fuel. And there are at least five reasons for this, which will be discussed in the article.

Reason #1. Profitable

The main advantage of methane over traditional petroleum products, gasoline and diesel fuel, is its favorable price. As you know, Russia is the world leader in natural gas reserves, and in order to turn it into fuel, minimum costs. Methane does not need any processing plants or expensive equipment. The extracted gas must be compressed in a compressor, pumped into a car cylinder and that's it - you can go. In addition, the cost of methane is regulated by law and cannot exceed 50% of the price of A-80 gasoline. traditional views fuels are 2-3 times more expensive than natural gas and are steadily growing in price. Fuel market experts say that methane will not lose its economic attractiveness in the long run. Today, 1m 3 of this fuel costs only 9-12 rubles.

Reason number 2. Eco-friendly

Exhaust gases are the scourge of modern cities. Up to 90% of pollutants in the air of megacities are harmful emissions from vehicles running on petroleum fuel, the combustion of which produces a large number of soot, smoke, toxic compounds of heavy metals.

It has been proven that methane is the most environmentally friendly fuel in existence. It burns almost completely, so the amount of harmful emissions compared to the same gasoline is reduced many times. The exhaust gases of a methane engine contain 2-3 times less carbon monoxide and 2 times less nitrogen oxide. At the same time, smoke is reduced by 9 times, and harmful sulfur and lead compounds are completely absent. Competitor in this case only electric vehicles can serve, but given environmental problems production and disposal of batteries, then methane again wins in terms of environmental friendliness.

All these factors confirm that it is quite possible to make the air of cities cleaner without giving up transport.

Reason number 3. practical

According to its operational characteristics, methane is not inferior to gasoline and diesel fuel. Motorists who have already appreciated the advantages of natural gas as a motor fuel will confirm that the times when the engine lost power when switching to gas are long gone. Methane is the ideal fuel for modern machines. In the combustion chamber, the gas forms an optimal mixture of fuel and air. The engine running on methane runs smoother, quieter, and most importantly - longer than on conventional fuel. Natural gas does not wash off the oil film from the cylinder walls, which reduces friction and reduces wear on parts. Methane burns without the formation of ash, which usually settles on the cylinders. Practice shows that when running on natural gas, the engine lasts 1.5-2 times longer.

World leaders in the automotive industry are well aware of all the benefits of using methane. Volkswagen, Opel, Ford, Audi, Mercedes-Benz are already setting up serial production of cars with natural gas engines. Domestic automakers are trying to keep up: AvtoVAZ has released a gas passenger car Lada Priora and has already presented a project for a dual-fuel Lada Granta. In total, more than 180 models of cars running on natural gas have been produced in the world today. The results of numerous test drives show that the factory car on methane is not inferior in power to its gasoline competitors.

Reason number 4. Safely

The classifier of combustible substances used by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia classifies methane as the safest, the fourth class. Gasoline in this classifier belongs to the third class (medium sensitive substances), and propane-butane even to the second (sensitive). This means that in emergency situations, you can not be afraid of the ignition of natural gas - its ignition threshold is much higher compared to petroleum fuels.

The high safety of methane is also due to its physical properties. Natural gas is lighter than air and volatilizes when depressurized. Methane cannot accumulate, for example, in the cavities of a car and form an explosive concentration. As for gas cylinders, modern containers are made of lightweight and durable composite materials. Therefore, the cylinders have a high margin of safety, designed for operating pressure 200 atmospheres and able to withstand any external influence. Methane tanks are equipped with a security system. For example, in case of damage to the gas pipeline that discharges gas to the engine, the automatic multivalve immediately stops the gas supply.

Reason number 5. Modern

In countries where natural gas transport has long been used, there are wide range incentive measures. For example, in Italy and Germany, when a vehicle is converted to natural gas, a one-time premium is paid. In many countries, vehicles running on methane have a reduced vehicle tax rate. In Russia, they also thought about creating a motivation system for the widespread transition to methane. The possibility of granting preferences to owners of vehicles using natural gas is being seriously discussed. The Ministry of Energy has come up with an initiative to introduce a reduced vehicle tax rate for owners of methane-powered vehicles. A relevant bill is already being prepared.

The first persons of the country supervise the issue of expanding the use of methane as a fuel; experts discuss the development of regional programs in this direction- everything speaks about the upcoming changes in the fuel market. Large-scale construction of gas filling infrastructure has already begun in Russia. In a year, it will be as easy to fill up with natural gas as with gasoline. It's time to calculate the benefits and think about switching to methane.

Test No. 1 11 cells
Option 1.
1. From the course of chemistry you know the following ways separation of mixtures:
evaporation, crystallization.

Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3

1) flour from iron filings that got into it;
2) water from inorganic salts dissolved in it?

Figure number
Mixture separation method
Flour and those caught in it
iron filings
Water with dissolved
inorganic salts


this chemical element.

period number
group number

about their presence in nature. For example, it is known that with an increase in the ordinal
chemical element in periods, the radii of atoms decrease, and in groups
Given these patterns, arrange in order of increasing atomic radii
the following elements: C, Si, Al, N. Write down the designations of the elements in the correct

Characteristic properties of substances
Molecular structure

boiling and melting;
Ionic structure
Using this information, determine what structure the substances nitrogen N2 have
and table salt NaCl. (give a detailed answer).


products and sweets.

carbon dioxide in the air.

mentioned in the text.

carbon dioxide

dissociation of 25 mol of sodium orthophosphate.
10. Give an explanation: Sometimes in countryside women combine henna hair coloring with
washing in a Russian bath. Why is the coloring more intense?

H2S + Fe2O3 ? FeS + S + H2O.

What volume of carbon dioxide (N.O.) is formed during the complete combustion of 4.4 g of propane?

13. Physiological saline in medicine is called a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride in
water. Calculate the mass of sodium chloride and the mass of water required for
preparation of 500 g of saline.
Write down a detailed solution to the problem.

Examination No. 1 11 cells
Option 2.
1. From the course of chemistry, you know the following methods for separating mixtures:
settling, filtering, distillation (distillation), magnet action,
evaporation, crystallization.
Figures 1-3 provide examples of some of the listed
Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3

Which of the following methods of separation of mixtures can be used for purification:
1) sulfur from iron filings that got into it;
2) water from particles of clay and sand?
Write in the table the number of the figure and the name of the corresponding separation method.
mixtures. (draw the table in a notebook)
Figure number
Mixture separation method
Sulfur powder and trapped in
her iron filings
Water with clay particles
2.The picture shows the model electronic structure atom of some chemical
Based on the analysis of the proposed model, perform the following tasks:
1) determine the chemical element whose atom has such an electronic structure;
2) indicate the period number and group number in the Periodic system of chemical
elements D.I. Mendeleev, in which this element is located;
3) determine whether a simple substance belongs to metals or non-metals, which forms
this chemical element.

Write down the answers in a table (draw the table in a notebook)
period number
group number
3. Periodic system chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev - a rich repository
information about chemical elements, their properties and properties of their compounds,
about the patterns of changes in these properties, about methods for obtaining substances, as well as
about their presence in nature. For example, it is known that a chemical element in
electronegativity increases in periods and decreases in groups.
Given these patterns, arrange in order of increasing electronegativity
the following elements: F, Na, N, Mg. Write down the designations of the elements in the desired
4. The table below lists the characteristic properties of substances that have
molecular and ionic structure.
Characteristic properties of substances
Molecular structure
under normal conditions have a liquid,
gaseous and solid aggregate
have low values temperatures
boiling and melting;
have low thermal conductivity
Ionic structure
 solid under normal conditions;
in melts and solutions
Using this information, determine what structure oxygen substances have.
and soda Na2CO3. (give a detailed answer).

Read the following text and do tasks 5-8.
AT Food Industry used food supplement E526, which
is calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2. It finds application in
fruit juices, baby food, pickled cucumbers, edible salt, confectionery
products and sweets.
Preparation of calcium hydroxide in industrial scale possibly by
mixing calcium oxide with water, this process is called quenching.
Calcium hydroxide has been widely used in the production of such building materials.
materials such as whitewash, plaster and gypsum mortars. This is due to his ability
interact with carbon dioxide CO2 contained in the air. The same property
calcium hydroxide solution is used to measure the quantitative content
carbon dioxide in the air.
A useful property of calcium hydroxide is its ability to act as
flocculant, purifying wastewater from weighted and colloidal particles(including
iron salts). It is also used to raise the pH of water, as natural water
contains substances (such as acids) that cause corrosion in plumbing pipes.
5. Compose molecular equation reaction to produce calcium hydroxide
mentioned in the text.

6. Explain why this process is called quenching.
7. Write a molecular equation for the reaction between calcium hydroxide and
carbon dioxide
gas, which was mentioned in the text. Explain what features of this reaction
allow it to be used to detect carbon dioxide in the air.
8. Make an abbreviated ionic equation of the reaction mentioned in the text between
calcium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid.
9. Although plants and animals need phosphorus compounds as an element included
into the composition of vital substances, pollution of natural waters with phosphates is extremely
adversely affects the state of water bodies. Discharge of phosphates with sewage
causes the rapid development of blue-green algae, and the vital activity of all other
organisms are suppressed. Determine the number of cations and anions formed during
dissociation of 15 mol of potassium orthophosphate.
10. Explain: Why all types of hair styling are usually done with
11. The scheme of the redox reaction is given.

Set the ratios. Write down the electronic balance.
Specify the oxidizing agent and reducing agent.
12. Propane burns with low level ejection toxic substances into the atmosphere, so
used as an energy source in many areas, for example, in gas
lighters and when heating country houses.
What volume of carbon dioxide (N.O.) is formed during the complete combustion of 5 g of propane?
Write down a detailed solution to the problem.
13. A pharmacist needs to prepare a 5% solution of iodine, which is used for
wound treatment.
What volume of solution can a pharmacist prepare from 10 g of crystalline iodine if
the density of the solution should be 0.950 g / ml?

Strange news came from the Arctic. A joint Russian-American expedition discovered large methane emissions in the Eastern sector of the Arctic, in the north of the Bering Sea and the Laptev Sea. According to Professor Igor Semiletov, who is the leader of the expedition, methane in large quantities enters the ocean from cracks in earth's crust at the bottom, which is a sign of increased seismic activity in the Arctic region. It was predicted some time ago, and now it has begun. Deep under the waters of the Arctic, global warming is causing the release of methane from under the ocean floor.

Emissions of methane are causing the average annual temperature in the Arctic to rise, causing Arctic glaciers to shrink at a much faster rate than any comparable period in the past eight thousand years.

More than 250 streams of gas bubbles have recently been discovered rising from the ocean floor in the area west of Norwegian archipelago Svalbard. Most they are methane - and as a greenhouse gas, it is much more dangerous than carbon dioxide. The discovery was made by British scientists working on an expedition aboard the research vessel James Clark Ross. They also noted that it is this region of the ocean that is washed by the Western Svalbard Current, which has warmed by 1 °C over the past 30 years.

The source of these methane emissions is believed to be methane hydrate stored in the ice below the seafloor. As the temperature rises, it becomes unstable and decomposes with the release of methane. So far, none of the streams of gas bubbles recorded by scientists reaches the surface of the ocean. All the gas has time to dissolve in water and does not yet enter the atmosphere. By at least, bye.

But just because of this, this methane should not be considered completely harmless to our planet. Some part of it, passing through an uncomplicated chemical reaction, turns into carbon dioxide, which increases the acidity aquatic environment. Well, more powerful streams, sooner or later, will surely reach the atmosphere - and perhaps there are already such in other areas of the world's oceans.

What is striking about the British results is the amount of methane emissions they have found. Covering an area of ​​only 600 sq. km, scientists have shown that 27 thousand tons of gas are released here annually, which means that hydrate deposits alone in the Svalbard region can release 20 million tons per year. If we expand these figures to the entire Arctic Ocean, it turns out that already now there should be a gradual increase in the content of methane in the atmosphere. Every year, apparently, from 500 to 600 million tons of this gas are thrown into it.

However, some scientists believe that the origin of methane in the Arctic is different, and it has the same nature as the rest of the methane produced, say, by Gazprom; its place of origin is quite deep in the bowels of the planet. In this case, warming is unlikely to affect the rate of its release from under ocean waters. But even these scientists agree that such an option is unlikely. Warming accelerates the release of methane, and this gas is not only poisonous, but also capable of extremely accelerating the further heating of the Earth. In this sense, it is much more dangerous than carbon dioxide: if the degree of its impact on the climate is conditionally taken as a unit, then the greenhouse activity of methane will be 21.

It turns out that scientists underestimated the impact of methane on the climate by 20-40%. But in terms of global warming it is 25 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide.

In a report led by the Goddard Institute for space research(NASA) in New York, states that methane blocks the formation of aerosols that cool the planet. Forecasts for the next 100 years say that each ton of methane will cause harm 25 times more significant than a ton of carbon dioxide. But the effect of methane is not as long-lasting as that of CO2. Thus, the shorter the research period, the more accusations against methane.

Since huge levels of methane emissions are observed in New Zealand, local scientists are primarily concerned with this problem. Meanwhile, they believe that more research needs to be done to draw final conclusions. Martin Manning, author of the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, says at least one more experiment is needed. Because the statement is very short, and the problem is really complex, and not fully understood.

A sudden methane burp in the Arctic could set the world back a colossal $60 trillion.
Billions of tonnes of the greenhouse gas methane are trapped just below the surface of the East Siberian Arctic shelf. Melting means the area is poised to deliver a giant gaseous belch at any moment - one that could bring global warming forward 35 years and cost the equivalent of almost a year's global GDP.

Domestic navigators - explorers of the seas and oceans Zubov Nikolai Nikolaevich

2. The exit of Novgorodians to the shores of the White and Barents Seas

The beginning of the Russian advance to the north and northeast - to the shores of the White and Barents Seas - must be attributed to the 9th-10th centuries.

Three main motives drew the Russians to the harsh North. The first is the desire to get away from the boyar oppression and internecine wars. The second is the desire to get away from religious persecution. The third is the hope to get out of poverty in the rich fish and animal industries of the White and Barents Seas.

Forced, under the compulsion of the authorities, the change of religion always and everywhere caused resistance, sometimes expressed in uprisings, sometimes in a kind of going underground, and sometimes in resettlement from their homes to new areas.

Thus, Academician Lepekhin wrote:

“At the time of Vladimir’s baptism, many of the Novgorodians, not even accepting the Christian faith, leaving their homes, moved to these places, which, due to their remoteness and local position from the search for the Vladimirovs, seemed safe to them, and because of trade they already know were…"

At the end of the IX and the beginning of the X century. the flow of Russians to the north and northeast intensified, just as begun in the 15th century. and especially intensified in the 17th century. the persecution of the schismatics caused a new intensified advance of the Russians also to the north and northeast.

Fishing and fur trade in the White and Barents Seas attracted not only industrialists, but also merchants who bartered their prey from industrialists, and caused the development of navigation and shipbuilding, especially since the banks of the rivers flowing into the White Sea were rich in timber.

There is very little written information about the beginning of the settlement of the shores of the White and Barents Seas by Russians. One of the most ancient records about the Slavs in our north is available from the Arab writer Abu-Hamed, who in the first half of the 10th century. reported “about the Yugras who lived in the north of the Urals - as if they were buying iron blades from the Slavs at a high price ...”

Abu-Hamed could have heard about this from Persian and Arab merchants who traded with the Russian North.

This trade was interrupted by the Tatar invasion, and after the opening of sea routes to India by the Dutch, it completely stopped.

But if trade relations between the North and South were stopped by the Tatar invasion, then relations between the West (Novgorod) and the East (North-Western Siberia) continued to develop. So, in the Sofia First Chronicle, it is told that already in 1032 the Novgorodian Uleb went to the Iron Gates.

A well-known expert on our North, Vasily Vasilyevich Krestinin, wrote:

“Unknown before this name (Iron Gates.-N. 3.) In the geography of our northern countries, it now produces new question, in the reasoning of the predicate in the Novgorod chronicler of the campaign of the Novgorodians for iron gate, which was in the summer of 1032; Is it to this or to the Vaigach Gates that the river campaign of the Novgorodians should be attributed?

From the above excerpt it follows that Krestinin considered it possible for the Novgorodians to penetrate into the Kara Sea in the first half of the 11th century.

In 1079, the Novgorod prince Gleb Svyatoslavovich died in the northern Urals. In the annals of Nestor under 1096, it is said that around 1092, on the orders of Gyuryata Rogovich, the Novgorodians went for tribute to Pechora and Ugra.

The places near Kholmogory are mentioned in written sources in 1137. The Monastery of Michael the Archangel at the mouth of the Northern Dvina was founded between 1110 and the 1930s. In the first half of the XII century. among the Novgorod possessions, the Tersky coast of the Gorla is mentioned White Sea.

It is not known exactly when Kola was founded on Murman, but for the first time in the Norwegian chronicle it is mentioned in 1210, and in Russian - in 1264.

It is curious that since 1200 the Norwegians were forced to maintain constant naval guards to protect against Russian raids, and in 1307 they even built the Vardehuz fortress in the extreme north-east of Norway (our coast-dwellers called it Vargaev.)

It has already been emphasized that the chronicles predominantly noted events that most affected the interests of contemporaries. But such events as the founding of a city, a monastery, the establishment of a naval guard, long-distance campaigns of the Novgorodians to the Urals, must have their own prehistory, sometimes long, but usually not noted in written sources. Therefore, to clarify the time of the appearance of Russians on the shores of the White and Barents Seas, one has to resort to indirect conclusions.

Firstly, one must take into account the fact that in their advance to the northeast from the ancient centers of their settlements - Novgorod and Ladoga - the Novgorodians up to the "Kamen" (Urals) almost did not meet resistance, since there were not many any organized state associations. Secondly, on this way they met many rivers and lakes, which greatly facilitated their progress.

Rivers and lakes in those days, especially in the geographical conditions of the Russian North, were in fact the only means of communication - in summer on rafts and boats, in winter - on sledges and skis along flat ice. Rivers and lakes provided the settlers with fish, coastal forests with material for building boats, dwellings and fuel. Hunting on lakes and in forests provided food and furs.

From Lake Ilmen it was easy to get along the Volkhov to Lake Ladoga, then along the Svir to Lake Onega, and then along Vodla to Vodlozero. Further from the river basins Baltic Sea it was not difficult to cross along small portages to the rivers flowing into the White Sea (and the Slavs acquired the skills of moving along rivers and portages while mastering the path “from the Varangians to the Greeks”). Thus, the Novgorodians gradually came to Kemi and Onega, then to the Northern Dvina and Pechora.

It should be noted that the so-called Pomeranian coast is very convenient for the initial development of the sea ( west coast Onega Bay). This coast is very indented and forms many bays and bays, which are well protected from winds and swell by the Onega skerries stretching along the Pomeranian coast.

It is natural to assume that part of the Novgorodians moving east, having reached the Onega, separated, and descended along the Onega to the White Sea. Here the flow of Novgorodians again forked. Part of it went north along the shores of the White Sea to Kandalaksha, and then reached Kola along the rivers and portages (hydrograph N. Morozov, noting that there was only one portage about one kilometer long between Kandalaksha and Kola, believed that Russians penetrated into Kola from Kandalaksha ).

The other part, turning to the east at the exit from Onega Bay, reached by sea to the mouth of the Northern Dvina, perhaps even earlier than those Novgorodians who crossed the Onega during their movement to the east and descended along the Northern Dvina to its mouth.

Unfortunately, there is no direct evidence to support such assumptions.

An indirect confirmation of such assumptions is the great similarity of events during the advance of the Novgorodians to the east in the 10th-12th centuries. and events during the advancement of explorers and sailors in Siberia in the 16th and 17th centuries.

As we will see later, the Russians, moving eastward across Siberia, simultaneously descended along the rivers to the Northern Arctic Ocean and then by sea passed from the mouth of one river to the mouth of another. The motives that forced them to choose such paths were the same among Novgorodians and Siberian explorers - this was the search for fishing grounds, the search for new tribes with whom it would be possible to conduct barter trade and which could be taxed.

One cannot think that the Novgorodians, who committed in the XI century. trips to Pechora and Yugra, the entire long journey from Novgorod to the Urals were made through unknown uninhabited areas. Thus, if, according to the chronicles, the Novgorodians by the end of the 11th century. mastered the military and trade routes in the Trans-Urals, it must be assumed that they appeared on the shores of the White Sea no later than the end of the 10th century.

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NOVGOROTSEV Pavel Ivanovich February 28 (March 12), 1866 - April 23, 1924 Lawyer, publicist, public figure. Since 1894 Privatdozent, since 1904 - ordinary professor at Moscow University. In 1902 he compiled and participated in the collection Problems of Idealism. Since 1904, a member of the Council of the "Union of Liberation",

The world of the Russian North has always been perceived as special, full of secrets and riddles. It was not only nature that made him so, but also people. Raised in a harsh climate strong characters. That is why Pomors (or Pomortsy) managed to carry their uniqueness through the centuries without losing it under the pressure of inexorable time.

If you want to put a resident of the Arkhangelsk region in an awkward position, ask him a question about whether he considers himself a Pomor. Most people will not be able to give an intelligible answer, since some of them believe that all the inhabitants of the north of Russia are Pomors by definition, while others are sure that the Pomors lived a very long time, were different from other peoples, and now they are nowhere to be found.

Judging by the 2002 All-Russian Population Census, about 6,500 people considered themselves Pomors. And in 2010, only 3113 people identified themselves as such. Pomorie includes Murmansk, part of Karelia and Komi, but the "capital" is Arkhangelsk.

Valuable crafts

The first who settled the modern north of Russia after the glaciers came down were the Sami. In memory of themselves, they left on the shores of the White Sea cave drawings, stone labyrinths and parking lots with various items life. Perhaps they are the direct ancestors of the Pomors.

Novgorodians began to explore the north in the 9th century. At first, they settled there little and reluctantly - the lands were rather poor. But after 988, when Russia began to accept Christianity, many people went north because they did not want to give up the beliefs of their ancestors.

An interesting fact is that even in the 19th century in Pomorie there were a very large number of people who professed paganism or preserved some elements of pagan rituals and beliefs in Everyday life. That is why various amulets of Pomors have come down to us. From the 12th to the 15th centuries, Pomorye was a colony of the Novgorod Republic, and later it was annexed to Moscow.

Also north after church schism XVII centuries, those who were against the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, the Old Believers, moved. Until now, in the villages of the Russian North, you can meet communities of Old Believers who carefully preserve their traditions.

Old Orthodox Pomeranian church brings together about 250 religious communities and groups in Russia and about the same number abroad. Pomors-Old Believer communities can be found all over the world - from the Baltic countries and the former republics of the USSR to the USA, Argentina and Canada.

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