Home Preparations for the winter Yogurt in a slow cooker in jars is a healthy tasty treat. Varieties of yogurt from a slow cooker in jars. How to cook yogurt in a slow cooker

Yogurt in a slow cooker in jars is a healthy tasty treat. Varieties of yogurt from a slow cooker in jars. How to cook yogurt in a slow cooker

Yogurt - healthy drink, which improves immunity, restores beneficial microflora, and provides nourishment that our body needs. How to cook yogurt in a slow cooker? We will tell you about it.

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker?

A yogurt maker is usually used to make yogurt, but a slow cooker can also do the job. When preparing a drink, you will have to observe certain conditions. Remember that the optimum temperature for the reproduction of bacteria is 40 degrees. In cool milk, the process either will not start at all, or will proceed extremely slowly, and high temperatures detrimental to sourdough. As a starter, you can use either a dry bacterial culture or ready-made store-bought yogurt (you should choose a product without additives). The sourdough should be well mixed with the base. The fat content of milk can vary between 3.2-6%.

In what mode should you prepare a healthy drink? In a number of multicookers there is a Yoghurt mode - in this case, it is enough to select it and wait for a sound signal about the end of the process. If this mode is not provided, then you can use the Multicook mode (set the temperature to 40 degrees). In extreme cases, heating will do. The cooking process takes about 6 hours. Since the temperature rises above 40 degrees during the Preheat, it is recommended to turn on the mode for only 15 minutes per hour.

As containers, jars of the same size, closed with lids, should be used. Jars must be perfectly clean, otherwise instead of yogurt you will get yogurt - a drink, although healthy, but not yogurt. Jars should be placed in a bowl filled with warm water- its level should reach the level of milk poured into the dishes. If it was not possible to find jars of the same volume, use dishes of different sizes, but fill it up to the same level. Do not close the lids tightly - just cover them so that moisture does not get into the dishes. Send the finished yogurt to the refrigerator for several hours. A recipe for yogurt in a slow cooker may include different fillers.

Milk, sugar

This homemade yogurt is considered a classic. For 1 liter of milk, 100 g of sugar and a glass of yogurt or 1 sachet of dry culture are consumed. For reference, a serving sachet usually contains 1 g of powder, which can be used to make 1-3 liters of yogurt (the more milk you use, the less thick the final product will be). If you don't want to make sweet yogurt, omit sugar from the recipe.

Milk, sugar, coffee

From milk (1 l), sugar (100 g), instant coffee(3 tbsp) prepare a flavored drink. Let it cool down to 40 degrees and dissolve the leaven in it. The sourdough norm remains the same (1 jar of yogurt or 1 g of dry sourdough).

Fruit syrup, milk

Combine sweet syrup (5 tablespoons) with warm milk (1 liter). Dilute the leaven in the drink, whisk with a whisk.

jam, milk

Combine warm milk (1 l) with sourdough. Put sweet jam in each jar, add milk.

Canned fruits, syrup, milk

4 pieces of canned fruit (you can use peaches or apricots), cut, dilute with sweet syrup (5 tablespoons). Combine warm milk with sourdough. Arrange the fruit mixture in jars, add milk.

Milk, fruit

How to make fruit yogurt? sweet fruit cut into pieces, sprinkle with sugar (100 g), add a little water and boil. Combine warm milk (1 l) with sourdough. Add the cooled fruit mixture to the jars, top up with milk.

Milk, sugar, prunes

Take a few prunes (according to the number of jars). Wash prunes, cut, sprinkle with sugar (100 g), add 50-80 ml of water. Boil the berries for a few minutes. Combine milk with sourdough (the proportions are the same). Pour the syrup with prunes into jars, pour warm milk mixed with sourdough there.

Milk, vanillin

For 1 liter of milk, you will use 1 g of sourdough, 100 g of sugar, 2 packets of vanilla sugar.

Chocolate, milk

Melt a bar of chocolate, combine with a liter of warm milk and sourdough. You can add sugar or chocolate syrup. Chocolate can be anything - black, milk, white.

Milk, cream, sugar

Combine milk and cream (500 ml each, cream fat content - 11%). Heat the mixture, dissolve the sugar in it, add the sourdough.

low fat yogurt

When using milk with a minimum fat content, you will end up with a rather thin yogurt. If this does not bother you, prepare a drink according to regular prescription(1 liter of milk / 1 sachet of dry sourdough). If you want a thicker product, use gelatin. Soak 2 tbsp. gelatin in part of the milk, let it swell, melt in a water bath (the temperature should not exceed 80 degrees), pour through a sieve, stirring, into the remaining milk (you can sweeten it, flavor it with vanilla or cinnamon). When the temperature of the liquid reaches 40 degrees, add the starter.

Bran, milk

Add starter culture (yogurt or dry culture) to milk. Put 0.5 tsp in jars. bran, pour in milk, mix with a clean spoon.

It is better to cook yogurt in a slow cooker without any additives - you can always enrich the taste of the finished product (this is much more expedient). If you still decide to use fillers, choose ones that definitely won’t curdle the milk.

Before going directly to step by step recipe Let's see what yogurt is good for. First, it is necessary for correct operation GIT. The lactobacilli that it contains suppress the pathogenic intestinal microflora. Secondly, it contains calcium, which strengthens the skeletal system. It has also been proven that people who often consume sour milk are less likely to develop bowel cancer.

If you eat only 300 ml. sour milk per day can strengthen immunity + improve the functioning of the digestive tract

And such sour milk as Acidolact will protect your gastrointestinal tract when taking antibiotics. It does not allow the beneficial intestinal microflora to die from the harmful effects of antibacterial drugs. Plus, daily use of this product allows you to get rid of indigestion and diarrhea.

This product is suitable even for those who are lactose intolerant. Yogurt has been proven to be digestible better than milk. Live bacteria stimulate the production of lactase. It is this enzyme that is lacking in people with lactose intolerance.

Choice of sourdough for cooking

For self cooking fermented milk product sourdough is needed. They contain probiotics - a set of beneficial bacteria. By the way, recently released New episode.

You can take as a basis:

  • natural yogurt - the shelf life of a live product should not be more than 5-7 days. And in the composition itself there should be no sugar, dyes, pieces of fruit.
  • liquid sourdough- it is also sold in the store. Most known to me under the brand name Prostokvashino.
  • Previously cooked portion- as a basis it is better to use no more than a couple of times. If you do this more often, you will lose beneficial features product. And also its taste worsens, it becomes sour. This method of making sour milk is called "no leaven". Those. prepare the next batch of yogurt without buying special powder or liquid bases.
  • Dry lactic acid bacteria- They are sold in pharmacies. These are probiotics, they contain 1.5 - 2 billion live bacteria with specific polysaccharides. In addition, they contain , . Plus vitamins and B2, B6,. The base is enriched with trace elements: calcium, magnesium, iron.

The most famous dry bases: Narine, Vivo, Evitalia, Good Food. All of them are good. I have tried Evitalia and Narine so far, I like both. It is best to store pharmacy sourdough in the refrigerator.

Yes, probiotics are sold even for babies. Therefore, I recommend it to young mothers. The price of the base justifies itself - after all, you get natural products. Not the dead bacteria found in most long-lasting yoghurts.

Benefits of homemade yogurt

Store-bought dairy products contain different ingredients. Most of which are not at all useful - they are preservatives to increase the shelf life. As well as various dyes, flavor substitutes to reduce its cost. The maximum natural that can be added is sugar or fruit.

But homemade yogurt contains only milk and bacteria. From one serving of sourdough, you can make sour milk up to 3 times. The first time you use the base itself. Then you make yoghurt without starter. From the fermented milk product that you got. The third time again take the resulting yogurt as a basis. It turns out very profitable.

Do you want to improve bowel function or restore the body after taking antibiotics? Then take a 2-week course. During which, consume homemade yogurt 3 times a day before meals.

How to make homemade yogurt

Many people think that fermented milk products can only be made in a slow cooker with a yogurt function. This is not true. It doesn’t matter what company your device is - Polaris, Redmond, Philips, etc. Even without the sour milk yogurt function, you will still succeed.

If the milk is homemade or pasteurized, it must be boiled. If the milk is ultra-pasteurized, it does not need to be boiled. The main thing before adding sourdough is that it should be at room temperature

If you took pasteurized milk - boil it, then let it cool. Optimum temperature 40 degrees. But I don’t have a thermometer at home to determine the temperature of the products. Therefore, I try with my finger. It should be slightly warmer than the temperature of my finger 🙂

Next, take the leaven. It is better to dilute dry and liquid base separately in a clean glass. Pour warm milk into it, then add bacteria. Mix the contents of the glass well, and then add to the main volume of milk.

We prepare a fermented milk product without jars, so we have the entire mixture in a clean container of a multicooker. Select the heating mode, leave for 6-8 hours. How quickly the mixture turns sour depends on the basis and fat content of the milk. It is usually advised to take with a fat content of 1.5-2.5%. Although I like to use the higher fat milk 3.2%. Then the yogurt will be thicker. So try different types and choose what you like - a more liquid product or a spoon standing 🙂

Another starter time may depend on the amount of starter you have added. If you add 250 ml of ready-made yogurt per liter of milk, then such yogurt will be ready in 4 hours.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking in a slow cooker

  1. First boil 2 liters of milk. Then wait until it cools down to 40°C. It is very important that it is not too hot. The fact is that fermented milk cultures die at temperatures above 50 ° C. If you pour them into such a liquid, there will be zero benefit.
  2. The foam from the milk must be removed before making the starter culture.
  3. Pour the cooled mixture into the container of the multicooker. Evitaliya is supplied in glass bottles. Add some of the warm liquid directly there. Shake the vial to mix the cultures well into the milk. Then pour the contents of the bottle into the container of the multicooker.
  4. If there is a “yogurt” mode, select it, set the time to 6-8 hours. Ready dessert divide into 2 servings. 1.8 liters for eating, and 0.2 liters for further fermentation. Everything must be stored in the refrigerator.
  5. Pour the resulting product into a clean jar (or portion jars) and leave to “ripen” for several hours. Separately, everyone can add nuts, fruits or sugar to a serving.

You need to prepare yogurt from the resulting sourdough in the same way as from dry. First, boil milk, cool. After, with a clean spoon, add 150-200 ml of base. Mix everything thoroughly, leave for fermentation in the heating mode.

Recipe with sourdough "Prostokvashino"

You can cook homemade sour milk on a liquid basis. Take the sourdough "Prostokvashino". For cooking, we need 1 liter of milk, 100 ml of base, 100 g of sugar. Pour the prepared milk into a slow cooker. Shake the base well before mixing with milk. Mix all the ingredients, the sugar should dissolve. Select the yogurt function, set the time to 6 hours. For a thicker dessert, choose 8 hours.

Before use, the product should be cooled for 2-3 hours. Despite the fact that this recipe is immediately with sugar. I think it's better to add it in portions when the dessert is ready. Sugar is not sterile. When we add it during the cooking process, excellent conditions are created for the reproduction of unwanted microflora. Better not risk it!

Recipe with natural "Activia"

For this recipe, prepare a liter of milk, 150 ml of Activia. Add it to warm liquid, mix everything thoroughly. Set the desired mode to 6 hours. In principle, after 4 hours the mixture may ferment. So it's better to check. Before use, it is necessary that the product stay in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Vivo sourdough video recipe

Here is another great video explaining how to do everything when using Vivo starter

How to get a safe and healthy product

The basic rule is cleanliness on the table and sterility of dishes. If you do not follow the conditions of hygiene and cooking rules, you can get poisoned. Since sour-milk dessert is an excellent basis for pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, I pour boiling water over all containers, glasses, spoons before cooking. And a glass jar, where I pour everything later, in a quick way.

The second condition is good quality milk and sourdough. These products must be properly stored before consumption. Next rule– compliance temperature regime. As I wrote above, the main thing is not to overheat the dessert.

The time of fermentation plays an important role. On average it is 6-8 hours. But since all multicookers are different, it may take 10-12. Here you already have to regulate the process yourself. In addition to the “warming up” and “yogurt” modes, you can select the “multi-cook” mode and set there maximum temperature 40 degrees.

After preparation, the product is stored for only a few days. It is advisable to drink it in 3 days. We didn’t have any problems with this in our family 🙂 I don’t think you will either. It is important to store it in the refrigerator. After the expiration date, do not use, and even more so do not use as a basis.

I have selected a video for you on how yogurt is fermented in a slow cooker. Perhaps you have your own secrets for making this dessert. Let's discuss. Don't forget and join me in in social networks. Bye everyone!

It significantly improves bacterial microflora intestines, thereby facilitating the digestion of food, and stimulates the immune system.

To prepare it, you need to "settle" in two microorganisms - L.bulgaricus and S.thermophylus - and create them best conditions for reproduction and fermentation of milk in a closed container: temperature +40ºС for four to eight hours.

Ideal for the role of an "incubator" for aging this product: many devices initially have a special "Yogurt" mode or the "Multi-cook" function, which maintains the desired temperature for a specified time. In any case, all models have the "Heating" program, which will help to ensure the desired temperature conditions.

Yogurt in a slow cooker - recipe with photo

Despite the simplicity of the task - just fermenting milk - the process must be prepared and carried out according to certain rules:

  • To get a dietary, maximum useful product, you should use ready-made natural yogurt without additives and preservatives as a starter, or dry preparations for making yogurt, which are available in the pharmacy chain and health food stores.
  • Milk from private farmsteads, like store-bought pasteurized milk, must be boiled before use. As a result, not only possible pathogenic microorganisms die, but also those lactic acid bacteria that also ferment milk, but do not give yogurt, are eliminated. In such pre-boiled milk, the sourdough will have no competitors and yogurt will definitely work out.
  • In addition to sourdough, neither, nor, nor should be added to milk, so as not to damage the process. all sorts of useful additions decorate the product after the final aging.
  • All utensils used to make and store yogurt should be thoroughly washed and dried.
  • If, despite proper preparation, the milk-sourdough mixture still curdles, you can use it to make pancakes or, after holding it in the slow cooker for an additional time, then drain the resulting curd.
  • The resulting homemade yogurt can later be used as your own starter for new portions of the product, but you can store it in the refrigerator for no longer than three days.

The general recipe for making yogurt in a slow cooker at home is as follows:

  • Liter of milk. The thickest and most dense yogurt is obtained from full-fat milk. From non-fat, a liquid drinking product is most often formed. To make it thicker, you can keep the dosage of the starter, but reduce the amount of milk by taking 600-800 ml instead of a liter.
  • 125-150 ml of ready-made natural yogurt without additives and preservatives or a serving of dry starter.


  • Boil the milk and cool it down to 40ºС.
  • Add starter to milk: a standard cup of ready-made yogurt or a portion of dry starter, previously mixed in a small amount of milk.
  • Mix the future yogurt well and pour the mixture into a cooking container or, depending on the multicooker model, into special yogurt cups-containers.
  • Set the “Yogurt” mode or set the “Multipovar” program for 8 hours and a temperature of 40º. If the multicooker does not have such modes, you can put the containers with the future yogurt in the cooking bowl, on the bottom of which water is poured, and use the “Heat”, but you will need to additionally monitor this function: turn on the “Heat” every hour for only 15 minutes.
  • The standard cooking time according to the instructions is up to 8 hours, but yogurt is often formed faster. You can test the product for the first time 4 hours after loading the mixture into the multicooker.
  • Ready yogurt in a portioned container is placed in the refrigerator for two to three hours until the final ripening.
  • Complement the resulting product with delicious and useful supplements- vitamin (fresh berries, fruits and), rich in cleansing (and), supplying energy (natural and grated).

How do multicookers of leading brands prepare yogurt?

Yogurt according to this recipe can be prepared in any model of multicookers Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Mulineks and other brands. Each of them has specific mode features.

So Asian kitchen appliances Panasonic» (« Panasonic”) do not have the “Yogurt” and “Multi-cook” modes. Therefore, the fermentation of the yogurt mixture will require a fractional " heating". Jars with the future product are placed in the cooking bowl, loosely cover them with lids, pour water over at least three quarters of the height of the cans, close the lid of the multicooker, set the “Heating” and turn it off after 15 minutes, since full program designed for temperatures well above 40 degrees. An hour later, a 15-minute "Heating" is repeated and this mode is continued for at least 4 hours.

Some models of domestic devices " Redmond» (« Redmond”) are equipped with the mode “ Multicook”, which in the process of preparing yogurt should work up to 8 hours, maintaining a temperature of 40 degrees. If this function is not available, use, in the same way as in Panasonic devices, the program " Heating».

Multicookers of an international company " Polaris» (« Polaris”) have the mode “ Yogurt”, and many models are also equipped with containers for this product, so this technique takes care of all the worries about future yogurt.

In the devices of the international brand " Mulinex» (« Moulinex”) program “ Multicook» set to forty degrees temperature and time 7 hours. After this period, the device must be immediately turned off, since "Mulineks" after the end of the program automatically switch to "Heating" up to 75 degrees.

Multicookers of the international concern " Philips» (« Philips”) are provided with the program “ Yogurt”, so it is especially easy to cook this product in them.

"Sour Mlyako" in dietary nutrition

Yoghurt, properly cooked in a multi-cooker "incubator" from low-fat milk, is a quality-assured product that fits perfectly into yogurt weight loss diets. In such diets, this fermented milk product is consumed three times a day, along with fresh, fruit, and very moderate portions of low-fat. The result of such a diet is not only weight loss, but also strengthening immune system, improvement of skin, hair and nails.

IN clinical nutrition yogurt replaces milk in case of intolerance (milk sugar), since it is this component that processes and breaks down the yogurt sourdough bacteria duo.

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker - video

The video presented demonstrates easy option obtaining yogurt in the Polaris multicooker. At the same time, ready-made natural yogurt without additives was used as a starter, and preliminary boiling of milk was carried out in a slow cooker in the “Milk porridge” mode. Product readiness reached before the standard eight hour time limit.

Multicooker provides optimal mode maturation of yogurt from a mixture of milk and sourdough. The resulting product strengthens the immune system, improves the digestive tract and is an important component effective diets for weight loss.

Do you cook yogurt in a slow cooker? Which starter do you prefer to use - ready-made natural yogurt or dry preparation? What do you think is the best addition to the “multi-cooker” yogurt? Share your culinary experience and taste impressions with us in

Before jumping straight to the step-by-step recipe, let's take a look at the health benefits of yogurt. Firstly, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive tract. The lactobacilli that it contains suppress the pathogenic intestinal microflora. Secondly, it contains calcium, which strengthens the skeletal system. It has also been proven that people who often consume sour milk are less likely to develop bowel cancer.

If you eat only 300 ml. sour milk per day can strengthen immunity + improve the functioning of the digestive tract

And such sour milk as Acidolact will protect your gastrointestinal tract when taking antibiotics. It does not allow the beneficial intestinal microflora to die from the harmful effects of antibacterial drugs. Plus, daily use of this product allows you to get rid of indigestion and diarrhea.

This product is suitable even for those who are lactose intolerant. It has been proven that yogurt is digested better than milk. Live bacteria stimulate the production of lactase. It is this enzyme that is lacking in people with lactose intolerance.

For self-preparation of a fermented milk product, sourdough is needed. They contain probiotics - a set of beneficial bacteria. By the way, a new series of Vichy cosmetics for the face with bifidobacteria has recently been released.

You can take as a basis:

  • natural yogurt- the shelf life of a live product should not be more than 5-7 days. And in the composition itself there should be no sugar, dyes, pieces of fruit.
  • liquid sourdough- it is also sold in the store. Most known to me under the brand name Prostokvashino.
  • Previously cooked portion- as a basis it is better to use no more than a couple of times. If you do this more often, the useful properties of the product are lost. And also its taste worsens, it becomes sour. This method of making sour milk is called "no leaven". Those. prepare the next batch of yogurt without buying special powder or liquid bases.
  • Dry lactic acid bacteria- They are sold in pharmacies. These are probiotics, they contain 1.5 - 2 billion live bacteria with specific polysaccharides. In addition, they contain retinol, vitamin C, tocopherol. Plus vitamins B1 and B2, B6, B12. The base is enriched with trace elements: calcium, magnesium, iron.

The most famous dry bases: Narine, Vivo, Evitalia, Good Food. All of them are good. I have tried Evitalia and Narine so far, I like both. It is best to store pharmacy sourdough in the refrigerator.

Yes, probiotics are sold even for babies. Therefore, I recommend it to young mothers. The price of the base justifies itself - after all, you get natural products. Not the dead bacteria found in most long-lasting yoghurts.

Store-bought dairy products contain different ingredients. Most of which are not at all useful - they are preservatives to increase the shelf life. As well as various dyes, flavor substitutes to reduce its cost. The maximum natural that can be added is sugar or fruit.

But homemade yogurt contains only milk and bacteria. From one serving of sourdough, you can make sour milk up to 3 times. The first time you use the base itself. Then you make yoghurt without starter. From the fermented milk product that you got. The third time again take the resulting yogurt as a basis. It turns out very profitable.

Do you want to improve bowel function or restore the body after taking antibiotics? Then take a 2-week course. During which, consume homemade yogurt 3 times a day before meals.

Many people think that fermented milk products can only be made in a slow cooker with a yogurt function. This is not true. It doesn’t matter what company your device is - Polaris, Redmond, Philips, etc. Even without the sour milk yogurt function, you will still succeed.

If the milk is homemade or pasteurized, it must be boiled. If the milk is ultra-pasteurized, it does not need to be boiled. The main thing before adding sourdough is that it should be at room temperature

If you took pasteurized milk - boil it, then let it cool. The optimum temperature is 40 degrees. But I don’t have a thermometer at home to determine the temperature of the products. Therefore, I try with my finger. It should be slightly warmer than the temperature of my finger 🙂

Next, take the leaven. It is better to dilute dry and liquid base separately in a clean glass. Pour warm milk into it, then add bacteria. Mix the contents of the glass well, and then add to the main volume of milk.

We prepare a fermented milk product without jars, so we have the entire mixture in a clean container of a multicooker. Select the heating mode, leave for 6-8 hours. How quickly the mixture turns sour depends on the basis and fat content of the milk. It is usually advised to take with a fat content of 1.5-2.5%. Although I like to use the higher fat milk 3.2%. Then the yogurt will be thicker. So, try different types and choose what you like - a more liquid product or a spoon standing 🙂

Another starter time may depend on the amount of starter you have added. If you add 250 ml of ready-made yogurt per liter of milk, then such yogurt will be ready in 4 hours.

  1. First boil 2 liters of milk. Then wait until it cools down to 40°C. It is very important that it is not too hot. The fact is that fermented milk cultures die at temperatures above 50 ° C. If you pour them into such a liquid, there will be zero benefit.
  2. The foam from the milk must be removed before making the starter culture.
  3. Pour the cooled mixture into the container of the multicooker. Evitaliya is supplied in glass bottles. Add some of the warm liquid directly there. Shake the vial to mix the cultures well into the milk. Then pour the contents of the bottle into the container of the multicooker.
  4. If there is a “yogurt” mode, select it, set the time to 6-8 hours. Divide the finished dessert into 2 servings. 1.8 liters for eating, and 0.2 liters for further fermentation. Everything must be stored in the refrigerator.
  5. Pour the resulting product into a clean jar (or portion jars) and leave to “ripen” for several hours. Separately, everyone can add nuts, fruits or sugar to a serving.

You need to prepare yogurt from the resulting sourdough in the same way as from dry. First, boil milk, cool. After, with a clean spoon, add 150-200 ml of base. Mix everything thoroughly, leave for fermentation in the heating mode.

You can cook homemade sour milk on a liquid basis. Take the sourdough "Prostokvashino". For cooking, we need 1 liter of milk, 100 ml of base, 100 g of sugar. Pour the prepared milk into a slow cooker. Shake the base well before mixing with milk. Mix all the ingredients, the sugar should dissolve. Select the yogurt function, set the time to 6 hours. For a thicker dessert, choose 8 hours.

Before use, the product should be cooled for 2-3 hours. Despite the fact that this recipe is immediately with sugar. I think it's better to add it in portions when the dessert is ready. Sugar is not sterile. When we add it during the cooking process, excellent conditions are created for the reproduction of unwanted microflora. Better not risk it!

For this recipe, prepare a liter of milk, 150 ml of Activia. Add it to warm liquid, mix everything thoroughly. Set the desired mode to 6 hours. In principle, after 4 hours the mixture may ferment. So it's better to check. Before use, it is necessary that the product stay in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Here is another great video explaining how to do everything when using Vivo starter

The basic rule is cleanliness on the table and sterility of dishes. If you do not follow the conditions of hygiene and cooking rules, you can get poisoned. Since sour-milk dessert is an excellent basis for pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, I pour boiling water over all containers, glasses, spoons before cooking. And the glass jar, where I then pour everything, is quickly sterilized in the microwave.

The second condition is the good quality of milk and sourdough. These products must be properly stored before consumption. The next rule is temperature control. As I wrote above, the main thing is not to overheat the dessert.

The time of fermentation plays an important role. On average it is 6-8 hours. But since all multicookers are different, it may take 10-12. Here you already have to regulate the process yourself. In addition to the “warming up” and “yogurt” modes, you can select the “multi-cook” mode and set the maximum temperature there to 40 degrees.

After preparation, the product is stored for only a few days. It is advisable to drink it in 3 days. We didn’t have any problems with this in our family 🙂 I don’t think you will either. It is important to store it in the refrigerator. After the expiration date, do not use, and even more so do not use as a basis.

I have selected a video for you on how yogurt is fermented in a slow cooker. Perhaps you have your own secrets for making this dessert. Let's discuss. Do not forget to subscribe to updates, and join me on social networks. Bye everyone!

Everyone knows about the benefits of such a fermented milk product as yogurt, because store products are increasingly causing concern, and nutritionists and pediatricians do not recommend using them for pregnant women and children. Not wanting to give up useful product, women are looking for ways to cook yogurt in a slow cooker. There are many recipes, following which it is easy to make a fermented milk product using dry or natural sourdough and the addition of fillers such as berries, fruits, nuts, muesli. Consider the simplest, guaranteeing the receipt of a store analogue.

Features of making yogurt at home

To get a real thick fermented milk dessert with natural creamy taste, will have to try. In this case, kitchen appliances act as an assistant: the technology for making yogurt in a slow cooker has a number of features, including the choice of milk and a fermenting product. For cooking, it is recommended to use pasteurized milk, but if this is not the case, then it is first boiled and then quickly cooled to a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. In addition, there are a number of features, the knowledge of which will help in the preparation of yoghurts:

  • To get a thick product, you need to take containers of small volume, the ideal option is cups from baby food.
  • To prepare this fermented milk delicacy, it is allowed to use multicookers of any brands, including Scarlett, Orion, Panasonic, Redmond, Bork, equipped with the Yogurt, Warming or Multicooking functions. Such models can not only cook soups and jams, make pastries (cakes, manniks, pies), but also cook fermented milk products.
  • Before using containers for milk formula, they should be sterilized.
  • In the manufacture of fermented milk yogurt with fillers, additional ingredients added when the product is ready. If fruits or berries are put during fermentation, then a special microflora can develop in the milk, which can provoke poisoning when consumed.
  • For natural sourdough, it is recommended to use a previously prepared fermented milk product, which is advised to be stored for no more than three days at a temperature of 5 degrees.
  • To obtain thick yogurt, you should take full-fat milk with the addition of cream up to 40% of the total volume.
  • When choosing store-bought milk for making yogurt in a slow cooker, opt for a product with short term storage. In the "long-playing" options, there are no live bacteria, so it will be difficult to ferment it.

How to choose a starter

Those who are interested in how to make homemade yogurt need to choose the right starter, because without this ingredient, a fermented milk product will not work. For sourdough, a store-bought analogue or special bacteria are used to ensure the fermentation of milk. When choosing the first option, it is recommended to use "Activia" without additional additives.

To ferment one liter of milk, take one tablespoon of store-bought yogurt or sour cream: like ready-made sourdough (dry), this method guarantees a high-quality fermented milk product that is good for health. A number of Internet sites offer to buy starter cultures: Lactoline.ru, Dokzak.ru, and others. Ordinary pharmacies also sell starter cultures. Let's look at what types of dry or liquid mixtures will help prepare this fermented milk dessert:

  • Narine. The product neutralizes the aggressive effects of drugs, stimulates the production of interferon, activates the cleansing processes of the intestines and the body as a whole. The presence of minerals and vitamins in the starter helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Yogurt prepared with Narine is recommended for pregnant women.
  • Evitalia, containing more than 4 billion bacteria and vitamins (A, C, E, group B), minerals (magnesium, calcium, iron), is used in the process of recovery after operations and injuries. Useful sourdough includes natural antioxidants that prevent aging of the body, and has an antiviral effect.
  • Bifidumbacterin, which is a source of beneficial bacteria, is excellent for introducing complementary foods to babies. Products obtained with its help can be used as food for children after three months.
  • Lactobacterin contains organisms that cleanse the intestines and restore its microflora, this is its main difference. Used to prepare a fermented milk product for children, adolescents, pregnant women.
  • VIVO helps you prepare your favorite yogurt with any additives. Contains 900 times more live bacteria than store-bought counterparts. It helps to strengthen the immune system, cleanse the intestines and normalize the microflora.

Each of the above starter cultures contains a large number of bacteria that contribute to the fermentation of milk and provide positive influence on human health. To choose the type of sourdough, you must either read the reviews or try it yourself. The yogurt you like can be used as a starter.

How to make homemade yogurt - slow cooker recipes

To prepare yogurt at home, you will need good fresh full-fat milk, cream, sourdough, and the presence of a slow cooker or yogurt maker will facilitate the process. However, the devices do not guarantee the product of the desired taste and consistency: in order to make thick yogurt with a creamy taste, you need to know the features of its preparation. Let's take a look at the most successful recipes yogurt in a slow cooker.

Basic Recipe

This variant can become the basis for any product variant. Based on it, subject to the addition of additional components, fruit, vanilla or chocolate yogurt is obtained. For him, take:

  • one liter of ready-made pasteurized milk with a fat content of at least 3.3%,
  • 1 jar of yogurt without filler.

How to make yogurt:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and heat a little (up to 40 degrees).
  2. Add yeast to milk and mix thoroughly.
  3. We take small sterilized glass jars and pour milk, leaving about 5 mm on top. Cover jars with foil.
  4. We take a Bork multicooker (another one is also suitable). We cover the bottom of the bowl with a towel, put the jars and pour warm water up to about the “shoulders”.
  5. We close the lid of the device and set the heating mode for 20 minutes.
  6. Turn off the device, leave the jars inside for one hour. We do not lift the lid.
  7. After an hour, the multicooker must be turned on for heating again for 20 minutes.
  8. Then we give the yogurt another hour to sweat.
  9. After that (depending on personal preferences), the jars are either put in the refrigerator, or left for 8 hours inside the turned off multicooker.

fruit yogurt recipe

Fans of fruit fermented milk delicacy are interested in options for yogurt with berries, pieces of apples, pears, made on the basis of milk. This will achieve a balance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. For fruit yogurt you will need:

  • 1 liter of pasteurized milk 3.2% fat.
  • 1 jar of "Activia" without fillers.
  • 500 g of any fruit or berries.
  • 10 g of powdered sugar.

How to cook:

  1. We take a jar of yogurt, put the contents in a deep bowl.
  2. We put powdered sugar in Activia, stir with a whisk.
  3. Slightly warm the milk.
  4. Pour in small portions into a bowl of yogurt, stirring the mixture until smooth.
  5. We take cups and pour the mixture.
  6. We install the containers on the bottom of the bowl of the Cuckoo multicooker or another, first line the bottom with a cotton napkin, cover everything with cling film.
  7. We close the lid of the device, set the temperature to 40 degrees and the time on the timer for 10 hours.
  8. We take berries, wash, dry.
  9. We take out the finished dessert from the multicooker, mix, put the berries. Mix again, close the lids and put in the refrigerator for another 10 hours.
  10. It is recommended to store such a product for no more than three days.

How to make vanilla yogurt

A favorite treat for children and adults is vanilla yogurt, made from fresh homemade milk. Cream allows you to get a thick product with a pronounced creamy taste. For him you will need:

  • Multicooker Dex.
  • Milk - 1 l.
  • Dry sourdough - 1 package.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cream with a fat content of 20% - 0.5 l.


  1. Boil milk.
  2. Allow to cool down to 40 degrees (quickly, using a basin with cold water and ice).
  3. Pour one glass into a bowl and add the starter. Mix the mixture without leaving lumps.
  4. Pour cream into the remaining milk, add vanilla sugar, bring to a boil again. Cool until the mixture is warm.
  5. Pour the starter into the milk-cream mixture.
  6. We take small jars and pour milk.
  7. Then we put the jars on the bottom of the Dex multicooker bowl. Pour two glasses of water.
  8. Close the lid of the device. We set the mode "Yogurt".
  9. At the end of the program, leave the yogurt inside for another 4 hours. Do not open the lid.
  10. We send the thickened dessert to the refrigerator. Serve chilled.

Fat-free drinking yogurt in a pressure cooker

When using low-fat milk, prepare drinking yogurt reminiscent of the popular Aktimel. dietary product it turns out to cook both using a yogurt maker and using a multicooker-pressure cooker. For this recipe, take:

  • Skimmed milk - 1 liter.
  • Yogurt "Activia" without fillers - 1 jar.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil milk. Cool to keep the liquid warm.
  2. Pour a glass of milk into a deep container, add the starter. Mix until smooth.
  3. Pour this mixture into milk and mix again.
  4. Line the bottom of the pressure cooker with a towel.
  5. Pour the milk mixture into small containers, place them in the bowl of the appliance.
  6. pour warm water to the middle of the jars with the mixture.
  7. Cover milk containers with lids or foil.
  8. Set the mode to "Yogurt".
  9. After 10 hours, we take out the jars and send them to the refrigerator for 4 hours. The finished product should turn out to be liquid, and if serum appears on its surface, mix it.

Video recipes for delicious homemade yogurt prepared in a slow cooker

There are a large number of multicookers with which it is possible to get a tasty fermented milk product that is healthy for adults and children without preservatives and others. harmful components. Among them are household kitchen appliances - Polaris, Panasonic, Philips, Redmond, Mulineks. Each of them has its own characteristics and recipes for making yoghurts with various fillings. You can get acquainted with the capabilities of each of the listed multicookers for the preparation of a fermented milk product using our video selection:

Thick yogurt on dry sourdough in a Redmond slow cooker (Redmond)

Recipe for multicooker POLARIS (Polaris) with yogurt function

How to cook yogurt in a Panasonic slow cooker (Panasonic)

Strawberry yogurt in Philips slow cooker (Philips)

Natural yoghurt Narine in the multicooker MOULINEX (Mulinex)

Preparing a dessert with fresh fruits in a slow cooker

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