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How to properly perform ablution for men. Muslim prayer for ablution. Do you know who Imam al-Shafi'i is?

Islam, throughout its history, has acquired not only friends, but also made enemies, and this is not surprising, because its goals and objectives cover the whole world. For 14 centuries, the ideological foundations of Islam, its Sharia injunctions, the life and work of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions have been unreasonably attacked and shamelessly slandered. These criticisms were mainly made by so-called "Western scholars" who were hostile to our religion.

One of these shameless criticisms is that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had an incredible passion for women. Malicious persons, citing the number of the prophet’s wives as an argument, try to prove that he was (may Allah forgive us) a voluptuous man.

Before responding to this shameless slander, some points should be briefly touched upon as a preface:

1. Polygamy of the Prophet Muhammad (s) is a privilege given to him by Allah. At a time when ordinary Muslims could live in permanent marriage with only four women, the Messenger of Allah (s) was allowed to marry a large number women, because he was different from ordinary Muslims. According to Zamakhshehri and some other scientists, the Prophet Muhammad (s) could live simultaneously, in a permanent marriage with nine women (of course, the limit of nine is not a categorical prescription, but just a version of scientists).

2. Information in sources regarding the number of wives of the Prophet Muhammad (s) is contradictory. The late Mudarris Tabrizi writes in last volume in his book “Raykhanatul-Adab”, under the title “Ummul-Muminin”, that there are hypotheses that the prophet had 11, 12, 15, 18 wives, there are even versions that the prophet had 21 or 22 wives. As we see, the sources give conflicting versions.

The famous historian Masudi, in his book “Murujuz-zahab” (vol. 2, pp. 282-283) notes that the Prophet Muhammad (s) had 15 wives. In his opinion, the prophet was in physical connection with only 11 wives, but was not with four. Masudi mentions in his book the names of only three wives - Khadija, Sevda and Aisha, and gives brief information about them. He himself admits that he gave detailed information about the lives of all the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (s) in his other work - in the book “Kitabul-Avsat” - and in the book “Murujuz-zahab” he is satisfied with only mentioning the number of the prophet’s wives.

The book “Sireyi-Ibn Hisham”, which tells about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (s), says that the prophet had 13 wives. According to the author, the prophet was intimate with only 11 wives. Two of these eleven wives (Khadija and Zeinab binti Khuzaimah) died during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah. These are the names of these eleven wives: Khadija, Aisha, Sevda, Zeinab binti Jahsh, Ummu-Salama, Hafza, Ummu-Habiba, Juwayriyya, Safiyya, Meimuna, Zeinab binti Khuzaima.

But here are the names of those two women with whom the prophet did not enter into intimate relationship: Asma and Umra (“Sireyi-Ibn Hisham”, vol. 2, pp. 417-422, translated into translated language). This book gives brief information about the lives of these 13 wives.

Another famous historian Yaghubi writes that the Prophet Muhammad (s) had twenty-one or twenty-three wives. Yaghoubi notes that the prophet entered into physical relations with only 13 wives. And the rest died either after marriage, or before the wedding night, or the prophet divorced them before the wedding night. The list of 13 wives includes 11 wives who are mentioned in the book “Sireyi-Ibn Hisham”, as well as Maria the Coptic and Ummu Sharik Gaziyya (“Tarihi-Yakubi”, translated into Persian, vol. 1, pp. 452-455). It is assumed that Yaqubi mentioned in his book not only the names of the prophet's wives, but also the names of his concubines, so his book gives a list of more than 20 women.

Mudarris Tabrizi, in his book “Reykhanatul-adab”, in one of the versions he listed, repeats the list of 11 wives, which was given in the book “Sireyi-Ibn Hisham”. Allama Tabarsi in the book “Ilamul-vara” included 10 more people among 11 wives, and thus brought total number up to 21 people. According to Tabarsi, the Prophet Muhammad (s) entered into physical relations with only twelve wives (those eleven wives and Ummu-Sharika).

Allama Majlisi also confirms last hypothesis, given in Biharul-anwar, but indicates that the prophet did not have physical relations with 10 wives. Thus, according to Allama Majlisi, the total number of wives of the Messenger of Allah (s) was 22 people.

It should be noted once again that in some books a large number of the prophet’s wives are given for the reason that the authors of these books mistakenly classified his concubines as the prophet’s wives. Sometimes an event that happened to one woman was attributed to two different wives, and sometimes, due to changes in dots and letters in the name of some wife, a new name arose, and thus the number of wives of the prophet was artificially increased, different from reality.

Seyid Hashim Husseini, who translated into Persian the book of the famous French researcher Gustav le Bon “Islam and Arab Culture”, reports in his short notes written on the subject of the marriages of the Prophet Muhammad that he had 11 wives. By the way, it should be said that despite the fact that Gustav le Bon (1841-1931) in the mentioned book provided detailed and objective information regarding Islamic culture, he also slanderously condemns the prophet for “voluptuousness.” Seyid Hashim Husseini, as a translator, is impartial about the words of the author, but at the same time, in the form of notes, he points out certain contradictions in the book being translated, declares his disagreement with the author, and defends our religion from unfounded, slanderous attacks with convincing arguments.

Marriages of the Prophet Muhammad (s)

When examining the causes and conditions of the marriages of the Prophet Muhammad (s), we must separately analyze 11 specific cases. Below is brief information about the lives of the 11 wives of the prophet.

1. Prophet Muhammad (s) was unmarried until he was 25 years old. He entered into his first marriage at the age of 25. His first wife was Khadija binti Khuwaylid from the Qureisha tribe. Since the Prophet Muhammad was known in Mecca for his honesty, Khadija invited him to lead the caravan that she was going to send to Syria. Prophet Muhammad (s) took charge of Khadija's caravan and returned from Syria with great profits. At this time, Khadija, through her friends, informs the Prophet Muhammad (s) that she would consider it an honor to become the wife of such honest man like him, and after some time the Messenger of Allah (s) married Khadija. Khadija was 40 years old when she married the prophet and had been married twice before. Her first husband was a man named Abu Hala, then she divorced him and married Atig. Khadija had children from both of them. It is enough to note three points to show the superiority of the most venerable Khadija: Firstly, Khazreti Khadija was the first to accept Islam. Secondly, she spent all her wealth in order to help the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (s), and thus she provided powerful assistance for the development and spread of Islam. Thirdly, during the life of Khazreti Khadijah prophet Muhammad (s) did not take a single woman as his wife, and until the end of his life he remembered her name with great respect.

2. Some time after the death of Khazreti Khadija, the Prophet Muhammad (s) married Sevda binti Zama, who was from the Qureysha tribe. Before this, Sevda was the wife of a Muslim man named Sakran, and moved with her husband to Ethiopia. Upon returning from Ethiopia, Sevda's husband died. Left in such circumstances without a patron, Sevda either had to return to her pagan relatives, or had to be left alone with material and moral difficulties. In the first case, she would have lost her faith and would have been forced to become a pagan. In the second case, she would face hunger and poverty. Prophet Muhammad (s) married her in order to protect this believing woman from the difficulties of life.

3. According to legend, the only virgin among the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (s) was Abu Bakr’s daughter Aisha; all the others were widows when they married the prophet. Two years before moving to Medina, the Messenger of Allah (s) married Aisha. She was 7 years old at the time. However, the prophet did not have contact with her for some time because of her youth, and only when she was 9 or 10 years old did the prophet accept her as a life partner. As you know, the Prophet Muhammad (s) married Aisha (r.a.) in order to deepen relations with Abu Bakr, to bring Abu Bakr even closer to Islam. (There is information that when Aisha married the prophet she was more than 10 years old, and there is even evidence that she had a husband before the prophet. However, this information contradicts many history books, and therefore they should not be given attention).

4. The fourth wife of the prophet was the daughter of Omar ibn Khattab (r.a.) - Hafsa (r.a.). Before the prophet, Hafsa was the wife of a man named Huneys. After the death of Huneys, Omar wanted to marry his widowed daughter to a worthy man. For this purpose, he turned to his closest friends - Abu Bakr and Omar. However, they both refused this and stated that they did not want to marry Hafsa. Omar (ra) complained about this to the prophet. The Prophet calmed Omar and said: “A man who is superior to Osman will marry your daughter.” Then the prophet declared that he himself wanted to marry Hafsa, thus, in the 2nd or 3rd year of the Hijra, the 21-year-old Hafsa would become the “mother of the believers.” The marriage of the prophet with Hafsa also had political reason(as in the case of Aisha).

5. The fifth wife of the prophet was Zaynab binti Khuzaimah. Because of her boundless generosity and generosity, she was called “Ummul-masakin” (mother of the poor). After Zeinab’s husband, Abdullah, died in the battle of Uhud, the prophet decided to marry her in order to save this noble woman from poverty. A few months after her marriage to the prophet, Zainab binti, Khuzaima died. The Prophet himself performed her funeral prayer and buried her.

6. The cousin of the prophet Abu Salam died from a mortal wound he received in the battle of Uhud, as a result of which his wife and four children were left without the head of the family. Umm Salama, along with her husband, participated in the resettlement to Ethiopia and Medina. All her relatives were in Mecca. Raising four children in a foreign land, in Medina, was beyond her capabilities. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad (s) married her and showed fatherly care towards her children. Umm Salamah lived more than 50 years after the death of the prophet, and always used her influence and her ability to protect Ahli-Bayt (a.s.). Her friendly relationship with Ali (as), Fatima (as), Imam Hasan (as), Hussein (as) and Zeinul-Abidin (as) is very famous in history.

7. The Messenger of Allah (s) married his stepson Zaid ibn Harris to his cousin (daughter of his paternal aunt) Zainab binti Jahsh. However, due to Zeinab’s difficult character, their family life was not happy. Finally, it came to the point that Zeid, having received permission from the prophet, divorced Zeinab. After this, the prophet himself married Zeinab. Until this time, Muslims thought that it was not permissible to marry a woman. ex-wives stepsons. By marrying ex-wife his stepson, the prophet himself demonstrated to Muslims that only the wife of his own son is forbidden. The filthy slander written in some books regarding this marriage is complete fiction. According to this slander, the Prophet fell in love with Zeinab when he saw her bathing, and after that he forced Zayd to divorce her. Such “traditions” are an obvious, unscrupulous fabrication and slander against our prophet.

8. In the 6th year of the Hijra, the Muslims defeated the Bani Mustalig tribe, and after this battle they captured many captives. The daughter of the tribal leader, Juwayriyya, became the concubine of a Muslim named Thabit. Juwayriyyah entered into an agreement with her master, according to which she could gain freedom only after she paid a certain amount of money in installments. In order to formalize this agreement, Juwayriyya turned to the Prophet Muhammad (s). As soon as our prophet learned about this incident, he immediately paid the amount stipulated in the agreement, and thus freed Juwayriyya. Then, Juwayriyyah, at will, How free woman married a prophet. After this marriage, the Muslims freed all the captives from the Bani Mustaliga tribe. They felt that it was wrong to hold the fellow tribesmen of the prophet’s wife captive and force them to work as slaves. As a result, in response to this nobility, the entire Bani Mustaliga tribe unanimously accepted Islam and they became Muslims. Aisha (as) referring to this event, said: “I have not seen a person who would bring more benefit than Juwayriyyah.”

9. The daughter of the former ardent enemy of Islam Abu Sufyan, Ummu Habiba, having converted to Islam with her husband, moved to Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, the husband of Ummah Habiba renounced Islam and accepted Christianity, but Ummah Habiba did not submit to him and firmly grasped own faith. Finally, after the death of her husband, through authorized person, the prophet married Ummu Habiba, who was in Ethiopia at that time. Upon returning to Medina, Umma Habiba joined the ranks of the prophet's wives. This pious woman subordinated all her family ties to Islam, and even treated her father Abu Sufyan very coldly.

10. After the conquest of the fortresses of Kheybar, the daughter of the leader of the local Jews, Safiyya, was captured by the Muslims. Safiyya's husband was one of the aristocrats of Kheibar and died in the battle. The Prophet Muhammad (s), seeing Safiyya's attraction to Islam, freed her. After Safiyya accepted Islam and became a Muslim, the prophet married her. This act further elevated the Islamic religion in the eyes of some Jews.

11. At the end of the 7th year of the Hijra, the prophet married another woman - Maymouna binti Harisa. Maimuneh was the sister-in-law of the prophet's uncle, Abbas. After her husband died, she was left without a patron and expressed a desire to get married. Prophet Muhammad (s) accepted her request, and thus she became the “mother of believers.”

As for the prophet's concubines, according to popular belief, there were only three of them. The most famous among them was Mary, who was sent as a gift by the Egyptian ruler to the Prophet Muhammad (s). From the union between the prophet and Mary a child was born named Ibrahim, but he died in the 10th year of the Hijri, when he was only 18 months old.

Bottom line

From the above information regarding the lives of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (s), we can come to the following conclusions:

Firstly, the Messenger of Allah (s) was categorically not voluptuous and greedy for women. For if he had similar traits, they would have manifested themselves in his youth. Then, the Prophet Muhammad (s) married at the age of 25 and until the age of 50 lived with only one woman, and besides her, until that age he had no other wife. In his youth he could have married a younger woman or more attractive woman, but he married a widow who was much older than him, and that too Once again proves that he chose his future life partner not by external beauty and youth, but by her faith and morality.

Secondly, despite the fact that he had power and opportunity in his hands, in the last 13 years of his life, the Prophet Muhammad (s) did not make even the slightest mistake that would be contrary to morality. Most of the women he married were widows, and with children at that (except Aisha). Is it logical to say that a man who marries a widow with children and shows paternal benefit to her children is a voluptuous man?

Thirdly, all the marriages of our prophet, as can be seen from the above examples, were concluded either for political or social reasons. Having married some women, the prophet became even closer to their families and tribes. And the prophet married some women after they were widowed and left without a patron or were captured by Muslims. Having married them, the prophet took them under his care and protection; with his marriage, he wanted to protect their honor and dignity, and show concern for their orphaned children. And in the case of Zainab, the purpose of our prophet was to show Muslims by example subtleties of Islamic Sharia.

Having made them his wives, the Prophet Muhammad (s) provided them with the opportunity to become members of the family of the prophet, which everyone respected and revered, gave them the opportunity to see more closely the way of life of the prophet and hear from his blessed lips hundreds of hadiths, which they subsequently passed on to future generations. The wives of our prophet - Aisha (a.s.), Ummu Salamah (a.s.), Hafsah (a.s.), Meimuneh (a.s.) and others - are considered authoritative narrators of hadiths. They asked the prophet about Sharia issues concerning women and then taught it to other Muslim women.

By marrying them, the Prophet Muhammad (s) saved them and their children from hunger and poverty; gave them the opportunity to live with dignity, honor and respect until the end of their lives, gave them the opportunity to become “mothers of believers” (“ummul-muminin”). Without accepting this truth, slandering our prophet is a shameless injustice.

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31.08.2014, 12:02 11349

20.02.2013, 21:59 4673

Muslim protests against the images of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in the form in which they took place gave the West a reason for equally just dissatisfaction, concern and even indignation at Islam and the values ​​of Muslims. However, the tradition of depicting the Prophet Muhammad in a bad way...

For Muslims, the most significant religious figure is the Prophet Muhammad, thanks to whom the world saw and read the Koran. Many facts from his life are known, which gives a chance to understand his personality and significance in history. There is a prayer dedicated to him that can work miracles.

Who is Prophet Muhammad?

Preacher and prophet, messenger of Allah and founder of Islam - Muhammad. His name means "The Praised One." Through him, God transmitted the text of the holy book for Muslims - the Koran. Many people are interested in what the Prophet Muhammad was like in appearance, so, according to the scriptures, he was more different from other Arabs light color skin. He had a thick beard broad shoulders and big eyes. Between the shoulder blades on the body there is a “seal of prophecy” in the shape of a relief triangle.

When was the prophet Muhammad born?

The birth of the future prophet occurred in 570. His family came from the Quraish tribe, who were the guardians of ancient religious relics. Another important point- where the prophet Muhammad was born, and so the event took place in the city of Mecca, where the modern Saudi Arabia. I didn’t know Muhammad’s father at all, and his mother died when he was six years old. He was raised by his uncle and grandfather, who told his grandson about monotheism.

How did the prophet Muhammad get the prophecy?

Information about how the prophet received the revelations to write the Qur'an is minimal. Muhammad never spoke in detail or clearly on this topic.

  1. It was established that Allah communicated with the prophet through an angel whom he calls Jibril.
  2. Another one interesting topic- at what age did Muhammad become a prophet, so according to legend, an angel appeared to him and said that Allah had chosen him as his messenger when he was 40 years old.
  3. Communication with God took place through visions. Some researchers believe that the prophet fell into a trance, while there are scientists who are sure that the reason was the weakness of the body due to prolonged fasting and lack of sleep.
  4. One of the proofs that the Prophet Muhammad wrote the Qur'an is believed to be the fragmentary nature of the book and this, according to historians, is due to the inspiration of the preacher.

Parents of the Prophet Muhammad

The mother of the founder of Islam was the beautiful Amina, who was born into a wealthy family, which gave her the chance to receive a good upbringing and education. She got married at the age of 15, and the marriage with the father of the Prophet Muhammad was happy and harmonious. Came down from the sky during childbirth White bird and touched Aminu with her wing, which relieved her of her existing fears. There were angels around who took the child into the world. She died of illness when her son was five years old.

The father of the Prophet Muhammad, Abdullah, was very handsome. One day his father, that is, the grandfather of the future preacher, made a vow before the Lord that he would sacrifice one son if he had ten of them. When the time came to fulfill the promise and the lot fell on Abdullah, he exchanged it for 100 camels. IN young guy many ladies were in love, and he married the most beautiful girl in the city. When she was two months pregnant, the father of the Prophet Muhammad died. At that time he was 25 years old.

Prophet Muhammad and his wives

Eat various information, concerning the number of wives, but in official sources they traditionally present 13 names.

  1. The wives of the Prophet Muhammad could no longer marry after the death of their spouse.
  2. They must hide their entire body under clothing, while other women can expose their face and hands.
  3. It was possible to communicate with the wives of the prophet only through a curtain.
  4. They received double reward for everything they did.

Prophet Muhammad married the following women:

  1. Khadija. The first wife to convert to Islam. She bore the Messenger of Allah six children.
  2. Sauda. The prophet married her a few years after the death of his first wife. She was devout and pious.
  3. Aisha. She married Muhammad at age 15. The girl told people many of her sayings famous husband related to personal life.
  4. Umm Salamah. She married Muhammad after the death of her husband and lived longer than his other wives.
  5. Maria. The Egyptian ruler gave the woman to the prophet, and she became a concubine. They legalized the relationship after the birth of their son.
  6. Zainab. She was in the status of a wife for only three months, and then she died.
  7. Hafsa. The young girl was distinguished from others by her explosive character, which often angered Muhammad.
  8. Zainab. The girl was first the wife of the prophet's adopted son. The other wives did not like Zainab and tried to present her in a bad light.
  9. Maimuna. She was sister the wife of the prophet's uncle.
  10. Juwayriyah. This is the daughter of the leader of a tribe that opposed the Muslims, but after marriage the conflict was resolved.
  11. Safia. The girl was born into a family that was at enmity with Muhammad, and she was captured. Her future husband freed her.
  12. Ramlya. This woman's first husband changed his faith from Islam to Christianity, and after his death she married a second time.
  13. Raihana. At first the girl was a slave, and after accepting Islam, Muhammad took her as his wife.

Children of the Prophet Muhammad

Only two wives gave birth to the Messenger of Allah and, interestingly, all his descendants died in early age. Many people are interested in how many children the Prophet Muhammad had, so there were seven of them.

  1. Qasim - died at the age of 17 months.
  2. Zainab - was married to cousin her father, gave birth to two children. She died young.
  3. Rukia - was married off early and died young without surviving the illness
  4. Fatima - she was given in marriage to the prophet's cousin, and only she left the offspring of Muhammad. She died after the death of her father.
  5. Ummu Kulthum - was born after the advent of Islam and died at a young age.
  6. Abdullah - was born after the prophecy and died at an early age.
  7. Ibrahim - after the birth of his son, the prophet made a sacrifice to Allah, shaved his hair and distributed donations. He died at the age of 18 months.

Prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad

There are about 160 confirmed prophecies that were fulfilled both during his life and after his death. Let's look at a few examples of what the prophet Muhammad said and what came true:

  1. He predicted the conquest of Egypt, Persia and confrontation with the Turks.
  2. He said that after his death Jerusalem would be conquered.
  3. He argued that Allah will not give people a specific date, and they must understand that the Day of Judgment can come at any time.
  4. He told his daughter Fatima that she was the only one who would survive him.

Prayer of the Prophet Muhammad

Muslims can contact the founder of Islam using special prayer- salavata. It is a manifestation of obedience to Allah. Regularly turning to Muhammad has its advantages:

  1. Helps to cleanse yourself of hypocrisy and save yourself from the fire of Hell.
  2. The Messenger Prophet Muhammad will intercede on the Day of Judgment for those who pray for him.
  3. Prayer requests are a way of cleansing and atonement for sins.
  4. Protects from the wrath of Allah and helps not to stumble.
  5. You can ask for fulfillment through it.

When did the prophet Muhammad die?

Exists great amount versions associated with the death of the Messenger of Allah. Muslims know that he died in 633 AD. from a sudden illness. At the same time, no one knows what the Prophet Muhammad was sick with, which gives rise to many doubts. There are versions that he was actually killed with poison, and this was done by his wife Aisha. Disputes on this matter continue. The preacher's body was buried in his house, which was located near the Prophet's Mosque, and over time the room was expanded and became part of it.

Facts about the Prophet Muhammad

A huge amount of information is associated with this figure in Islam, while some facts are little known to many.

  1. There is an assumption that the Messenger of Allah suffered from epilepsy. In ancient times he was thought to be possessed due to unusual seizures and clouding of consciousness, but these are common symptoms of the epileptic condition.
  2. The morals of the Prophet Muhammad are considered an ideal, and every person should strive for them.
  3. The first marriage was Great love and the couple lived in happiness for 24 years.
  4. Many people are interested in what the prophet Muhammad was doing when he began to prophesy events. According to legend, the first feelings were doubt and despair.
  5. He was a reformer because the revelations demanded social and economic justice, which the elite did not agree with.
  6. The merits of the Prophet Muhammad are enormous; it is known that throughout his entire life he did not offend or defame anyone, while he avoided dishonest people and gossip.

1. The first time the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) married Khadija, daughter of Khuwaylid. Before her death, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not marry other women. She lived with him for 25 years. Before marrying her beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), she was married twice. Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her!) was a beautiful, intelligent, honest, active woman, the most noble and respected among the Quraish. After the second divorce, no matter how noble and rich people approached her, she refused everyone. She conducted her trade beautifully, honestly and widely. For a certain fee, she sent people with goods for sale to Sham.

Everyone spoke then about honesty, justice, and the high and noble character traits of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and, of course, Khadija also heard about them. When Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) turned 25 years old, Khadija invited him to go with her trading caravan to Sham, promising to pay him twice as much as others. Maysara, who accompanied Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) on this trip and was responsible for the trading property. He was greatly admired by his wonderful character traits, purity of morals and some of the miracles (mu'jizat) that he saw.

This trip brought a surprisingly large profit. Khadija sent her friend Nafisat to Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to inform him of her desire to marry him. And the future Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) agreed. After he received the prophecy, Khadija, sparing no effort and resources, helped him in everything. She used everything for the sake of Islam: wealth, dignity, honor, relatives, intelligence, and abilities.

In the most difficult days for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), she was for him both a sincere, sincere friend with whom he found peace, and a vizier with whom he consulted, and an assistant with whom he shared all his sorrows and who brought him relief in his difficulties. Assessing the incredible help she provided to Islam, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) called the year of her death “a year of sorrow.”

Khadija bore him all his children except Ibrahim.

Exposing the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), his family, friends and all Muslims economic blockade, the unbelievers doomed them to hunger, thirst and other difficulties and deprivations. During this difficult time, Khadija gave all her wealth to the starving people and spent it to help Muslims. And after her death, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) never forgot about the assistance she provided. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her!) said: “He didn’t leave the house without mentioning Khadija.” He sent gifts and ex-girlfriends Khadiji. And after Khadija’s death, no matter how much she wanted it, ‘Aisha did not hear from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) the words that he loved her more than Khadija. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not hide from ‘Aisha and his other wives that he loved Khadija more than them.

The hadith says that the Archangel Jibril appeared to our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and said: “O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), Khadija comes and carries dishes full of food and drink. When she comes to you, you give her greetings (salaam) from Allah Almighty and me and tell her that in Paradise there is prepared for her a house made of golden reeds, in which there is no noise or difficulty.” The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told Khadija what Jibril said. She said: “Allah is pure from all shortcomings, salam comes from Him, and may He greet Jibril too.” Only Khadija received such exaltation.

Our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told her: “You will be the eldest among the women of Paradise.” She asked: “And who then are the mother of the prophet ‘Isa Maryam and the wife of Fir’avna Asiyat?” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “Asiyat is the eldest among the women of her time, Maryam is the eldest among the women of her time, and you are the eldest among the women of her time.”

Khadija is one of the four most worthy women in the world, including Maryam, Asiyat, Fatima. It is impossible to describe all the advantages of Khadija. May Allah be pleased with Khadija, the mother of all believers, and her family, and may Allah Almighty grant us her grace and intercession. Amen!

2. One of the wives of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was Sawdat, the daughter of Zam’at (may Allah be pleased with her!).

Together with her first husband, she converted to Islam and lived in a foreign land. When her husband died, she had no support or support. Unbelieving relatives began to threaten her to force her to renounce Islam. The marriage of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) with her was a real salvation for her. What could be more for her? a valuable gift, than to be the wife of the Beloved of Allah and the whole world?!

She was a good-natured woman, obedient and submissive to her husband and lived with him until his death. She died in last years rule of the Caliphate of the Companion Umar. May Allah be pleased with the wife of the Favorite of all mankind, the mother of the faithful Savdat, the daughter of Zam’at!

3. Another wife of the Messenger of Allah was the daughter of Siddiq (the Most Truthful - the epithet of Abu Bakr), the mother of the faithful Siddiqat (the Most Truthful) ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her!).

Among the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), only Aisha was not married before him. Our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) entered into marriage with her when she was six years old and brought her to his house when she was nine years old (as is known arab girls mature early).
A hadith narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim says: “An angel came to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) with a piece of silk fabric on which was a portrait of ‘Aisha, and said to him: “This is your future wife.”

The hadith narrated by Tirmidhi also states that the Archangel Jibril came with a piece of green cloth on which was a portrait of a girl and said: “This is your wife in this world and in the next.”
‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her!) was born in a house where faith (iman) and Islam reigned. She is the daughter of the most revered person after all the prophets - the companion of Abu Bakr Siddiq. Her mother's name was Ummuruman. ‘Aisha was a smart and eloquent girl from childhood. Of the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), she best of all adopted the Sharia sciences from him and most of all disseminated them among people. Therefore, they say that people learned one fourth of the Sharia laws from ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her!). Her name is also mentioned among the seven companions who conveyed to the community most hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Among the Sharia sciences, one of the most difficult is considered the science of “miras”, that is, the science of the distribution of inheritance. Even the senior companions, when after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in this science they were faced with questions that they did not understand, consulted with ‘Aisha. Just think, in order to answer the questions of her closest associates, it had to be a bottomless and endless ocean of science! Therefore, Imam al-Zuhri said: “If you compare the knowledge that ‘Aisha had with the knowledge that all other women had, then the knowledge of ‘Aisha was superior to them.” In the history of mankind there was no other woman who brought so much benefit for the people, for her community, scientific knowledge and enlightenment than ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her!).

‘Aisha’s generosity and detachment from the worldly were unsurpassed. One day Muawiyah sent her 180 thousand dirhams as a gift. That same day she put them in small bags and distributed them to the poor. In the evening, when it was time to break the fast, she ordered the maid to bring food to open her fast. The maid said that the lady gave away so much money and did not buy at least one dirham of anything to cook food for herself. “If you had reminded me of this, I would have bought it,” replied ‘Aisha. Even when there was nothing in the house to cook food to break her fast, she gave away so much money and did not think to keep any for herself.

She was the most beloved wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) after Khadija. She died in 52 AH. May Allah be pleased with the beloved wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and the mother of the faithful ‘Aisha!

4. The wife of the noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was also the mother of the faithful Hafsat (may Allah be pleased with her!), the daughter of Umar-ashab.

Her husband Hanis died from wounds received in the holy war of Uhud. Umar Ashab expressed a desire for his daughter to be married to his companion Abu Bakr. However, he did not answer. A little offended by this, Umar offered his daughter as a wife to his companion Uthman. He also replied that he did not intend to get married yet. Surprised and offended, Umar Ashab went to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and told him about everything. Then our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A better man than Uthman will marry Hafsat, and Uthman will marry a better woman than Hafsat.” The Prophet married his daughter Umma-Kulthum to Usman, and he himself married Hafsat (may Allah be pleased with them all!). The Messenger of Allah divorced Hafsat because she revealed a secret. But Archangel Jibril told him: “Bring back Hafsat, she is a very pious and diligent woman in worshiping the Almighty, she stays awake at night, engaged in worship, and fasts during the days. She will be your wife in Paradise too.” When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) married her, she was 23 years old. She died in 37 AH, and some say she died in 45 AH. May Allah be pleased with the wife of His Favorite (peace and blessings be upon him), the mother of the faithful Hafsat.

5. Also the wife of the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was Zainab, the daughter of Khuzaima (may Allah be pleased with her!).

The Messenger of Allah married her in the third year of the Hijra. After living with the prophet for 8 months, she died when she was barely 30 years old. She gave out a lot of alms to the poor and took care of them as best she could. That's why she was called the mother of the poor. May Allah be pleased with the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the mother of the faithful Zainab, the daughter of Khuzaima.

6. The Messenger of Allah was also married to Ummu-Salam (may Allah be pleased with her!).

She was from a rich family. The first time she married a rich man named Abdullah. In the very first days of the spread of Islam, they both became Muslims. For the sake of Islam, she migrated twice and endured many hardships. When she was saddened by the death of her husband, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) made her and her young children his household. She spent beautiful life with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), was with him on Hajj, in holy wars, on trips and trips. After the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), she lived for a long time and died in 62 AH at the age of 84. Her name was Hind, daughter of Abu Umayya. May Allah be pleased with the wife of the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the mother of the faithful, Ummu Salama.

7. The wife of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was also Zainab, the daughter of Jahsh.

At that time (before the prophecy of Muhammad) it was a common custom among Arabs to adopt other people's children and, considering them their own, pass on inheritance to them. The custom also prohibited the adoptive father from marrying a widow after the death of the adopted person. Allah Almighty was pleased to abolish this custom. Therefore, by the command of Allah, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) married ex-wife Zaid, son of Harris, whom he looked after as a son. A special verse was revealed for this occasion. So she said with joy: “Other wives were given in marriage to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) by their fathers, or brothers, or close relatives, but Allah Almighty Himself gave me away, sending down a command about this.”

In the house of the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), she lived with dignity and beauty. She was very God-fearing and worshiped Allah a lot. Zainab (may Allah be pleased with her!) sewed clothes herself and with her labor found funds to distribute as alms. The beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said to his wives: “Of you, after me, the one with the longest arms, that is, the generous one, will die first.” As he predicted, she died first after the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), because she was the most generous. May Allah be pleased with the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the mother of the faithful, the daughter of Jahsha Zainab.

8. The wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was also the daughter of Haris Juwayriyya (may Allah be pleased with her!).

Her name was Barrat (Burayrat). The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) gave her the name Juwayriyya. In the holy war against the Banu Mustalaq tribe, she was among those captured. Then she came to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and asked to help her free herself from captivity. He set a condition for her: to marry him. She agreed and they got married. Having learned about this, the companions said that it was impossible to keep the relatives of the Prophet’s wife (peace and blessings be upon him) captive, and freed all the captives. Then they all accepted Islam. Therefore, Aisha said that, probably, there is no woman in the world who would be such a great blessing for her people as Juwayriyah turned out to be. She was a beautiful, eloquent, pleasant woman. When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) took her as his wife, she was 20 years old. She died in 56 AH. May Allah be pleased with the wife of the Favorite of humanity, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), the mother of the faithful, Juwayriyya.

9. Also, the wife of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was the daughter of Akhtab Safiyya (may Allah be pleased with her!).

She was the daughter of a man who was the ruler of the Jews. The Muslims killed her father as a person who had caused great harm Islam. Her husband was killed during the Battle of Khaybar. He was also a rich man. Safiya was captured in the holy war for Khaybar. She was Jewish by origin. She agreed to marry the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and after she accepted Islam, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) entered into a Sharia marriage with her.

She was very beautiful. Arab women came to see her. Even Aisha came to look at her, dressed so as not to be recognized. Safiyya had a perfect mind and enjoyed honor and respect. She was 17 years old when she married the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), seeing some kind of mark on her face, asked her what it was from. She replied: “In a dream, I saw the sun setting on my chest (another version says that she saw the moon descending on her lap). I told this dream to my husband. He hit me, saying: “You want to become the wife of the king of the Arabs!”

She lived with him until the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and died in the 50th year of the Hijri. May Allah be pleased with the wife of the Favorite of the Worlds and our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the mother of the faithful, Safiyya.

10. The Prophet was also married to Ummu-Habib (Ramlat), daughter of Abu Sufyan (may Allah be pleased with her!).

Ummah Habiba was one of the first to accept Islam. For the sake of Islam, she left her homeland and, together with her husband Ubaydullah, son of Jahsh, moved to Ethiopia. There she gave birth to a daughter, who was named Habibat. When her husband, having renounced Islam, converted to Christianity, she firmly decided to remain in the Islamic religion. Under the guardianship of the king of Ethiopia, who secretly accepted Islam while she was still living there, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) wooed her and entered into marriage with her.

She was a woman who abandoned her father, one of the leaders of the Quraysh, who opposed Islam, and left her husband, who renounced Islam. She firmly adhered to Islam in all situations. The fact that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) married her was a great mercy and a great gift for her. In the seventh year of the Hijra, Ummu Habiba, along with other Muslims, arrived in Medina. While she was living in Medina, her father Abu Sufyan came to visit her. He came to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) on behalf of the unbelievers to renew the agreement that the Quraish themselves had broken. Entering the house of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), he wanted to sit on the bed of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Ummu-Habiba made the bed so that he would not sit up. He asked: “Oh, my daughter, did you make the bed, showing me honor or humiliating me?” She answered: “This is the bed of the Messenger of Allah, and you are a polytheist, it is not appropriate for you to sit on the bed of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).”

She died in 44 AH in the city of Medina. She was buried there. May Allah be pleased with the wife of the Favorite of humanity and the mother of the faithful, Ummu Habiba.

11. Also, the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was the daughter of Haris Maimunah (may Allah be pleased with her!).

Her name was also Barratt. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) gave her the name Maimunah. When she was 26 years old, her husband died and she was left a widow. In the 7th year of the Hijri, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) betrothed her. At that time he was on a small pilgrimage (umra), which he performed as a duty. When the representative of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came to Maimuna with the news that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had wooed her, she got off the camel with joy and said: “This camel and everything on it belongs to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).” After completing the Umrah on the way, in the town of Saraf, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) met with her. Before the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), she was held in high esteem and under his protection. She died in the same place Saraf, where she met the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), and she was buried there. May Allah be pleased with the wife of the Favorite of the whole world (peace and blessings be upon him), the mother of the faithful, Maimuna.

12. Many scholars believe that the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was also Rayhana, the daughter of Zayd (may Allah be pleased with her!).

She was a very beautiful and slender woman.

When dying, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) left behind nine wives: Sawdat, Safiyya, Juwayriyya, Ummu-Habibu, Maimun, Aisha, Zainab, Umma-Salam, Hafsat (may Allah be pleased with them all!). Some scholars also name Hawlat, Amrat and Umaymat among his wives.

The son of Ibrahim (may Allah be pleased with him!) was born to the Prophet Maryat. She was a maid given to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) by the Egyptian ruler Mukawkis.

There were many expedient reasons and wisdom in the marriage of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) with these women: the spread of Islam, the unification of clans, the bringing to humanity of some Sharia laws related to family life etc. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not enter into any marriage to satisfy his lust or to follow passions, as the enemies of Islam claim. No matter how many wives our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had, Allah Almighty granted him the ability, talent and strength to maintain equality and justice between them, to satisfy them materially and morally, which He did not bestow on anyone else in the world. They were all glad and happy that they were the wives of Allah’s Favorite, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Each of them saw and realized that she received more happiness than all the women in the world.

The noble Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) kept his youth pure, without touching a single stranger's woman. Having the opportunity to get married, he did not marry until he was 25 years old. He had the opportunity to marry a young girl, but he married Khadija, who was much older than him. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had the opportunity to take a second wife, but for 25 years, while Khadija was alive, he did not marry another.

Despite having so many wives, he would get up at night and worship Allah Almighty for so long that his legs would swell. In clothing, in food, in housing, in providing for his wives, he did not allow excess at all opportunities and did not demand more than the poor.

The Messenger of Allah was a man of versatile talents. He was a wise legislator, outstanding statesman, a talented commander, preacher, who spread Islam and called people to Allah, and a teacher of the best morals among humanity. He is the Favorite of mankind, the Lord of all nations, the Favorite of Allah, sent by Him to all nations as a mercy.

Kurammukhammad-haji Ramazanov

Those who slander the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), saying that he fulfilled his love whims, followed his passions, are people who have lost humanity, trampled conscience, honor, thrown their minds into the trash pit of their stupidity. They look in the mirror and, seeing their monkey faces, say: how ugly you are! It would be much better for these talking animals who came into this world in human form to refrain from such lies and slander against the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Khadija is the best of all women

Khadija is the first and until her death the only wife of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), one of the most influential women in the history of Islam. Prophet Muhammad loved Khadija great love and, as he (peace be upon him) said: “The heart of a man can belong to only one woman.” Khadija became for the prophet not only best wife who surrounded him (peace be upon him) with care and affection, but also became for him true friend and an assistant in the spread of Islam. Even after her death, the Prophet Muhammad always remembered her with love and sadness and said that Allah gave him such strong love to this amazing woman.

Often, when I have to engage in debates about the position and status of women in Islam, I remember the companion of the prophet (peace be upon him). Khadija lived 1400 years ago, but if every woman strives to follow her example, she will certainly succeed in life. But to follow her example, we must know her well:

  1. Khadijda was successful woman who ran her own business.

Khadija was a noble and rich woman, she was engaged in trade. Khadija's father was a successful merchant from the Quraish tribe. She inherited her father's gift for skillful trading. After her father's death, she inherited his business and traded in Mecca, Syria and Yemen, recruiting only the most reliable and honest men who were able to withstand the dangerous trade routes. For her ability to conduct business, intuition in this matter, impeccable reputation, Khadija was called “pure”. She owned large trading caravans.

It was the trade business that connected the hearts of Khadija and the prophet. Khadija needed a person who could intelligently and knowledgeably accompany caravans to other cities. For this purpose, she sent a person to Mecca several times to search for suitable people. Soon she was lucky enough to hear about a young man named Muhammad, known for his trustworthiness and good character. This made Khadija very happy, for everyone in Mecca heard the name Muhammad al-Amin (the Faithful).
Khadija offered him a job and sent him to accompany her caravan. A few days later, having completed his trade, Muhammad returned with great profits to Mecca and pleased Khadija with an honest and profitable trade.

  1. Khadija rejected all marriage proposals.

Khadija was a successful woman with a good reputation, and many wanted to see her as their wife. Before meeting the prophet (peace be upon him), Khadija was married twice and remained a widow. After the death of her second husband, she rejected all proposals from men wooing her. After all, she was destined to become the wife of the best of people.

  1. Khadija invited the prophet (peace be upon him) to marry her.

Khadija was amazed and delighted by how Muhammad fulfilled his mistress’s instructions. After some time, she invited Muhammad (peace be upon him) to marry her. She made her friend Nafisa bint Umayya her mediator in this matter. Nafisa went to Muhammad with Khadija's proposal. And he, in turn, went for advice to his beloved uncles Hamza and Abu Talib. After consulting with them, he finally decided to get married. Many guests gathered at Khadija's house. After negotiations between Abu Talib and Waraqa bin Nawfal, it was decided to pay the bride mahr of twenty camels. On the wedding day, Khadija was forty, and our Messenger (peace be upon him) was twenty-five years old.

  1. Khadija was 15 years older than Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The Prophet (peace be upon him) married when he was 25 and Khadija was 40.

  1. Khadija was an ideal wife, and she and the prophet (peace be upon him) had true love.

Khadija was the first and only wife of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for 25 years. Khadija was there, supporting him morally and physically, remaining just as devoted, never leaving him for a moment. She always remained devoted to her beloved husband. Their happy living together as a prophet lasted twenty-five years. They always patiently endured all hardships, oppression and troubles together. Khadija and the Prophet faced considerable trials, but despite this their love did not fade away. And this was real love, prescribed by Allah, between two believers. She bore the prophet six children, and throughout his life the prophet loved only Khadija, even after her death.

  1. Khadija is the first person to convert to Islam.

Khadija became the first person to accept Muhammad as the last messenger of Allah and the revelations sent down to him. She was the first of all people on earth to believe in Islam and announced this to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). And she is the first who gave him the greatest support along this path. The fact that his beloved wife accepted Islam and believed in its prophetic mission was a great moral support for the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). He began to share with her what Jibril told him, taught her what he was taught. So, they began to perform namaz together, in secret from everyone. That is why Khadija is called the mother of Islam.

  1. Khadija helped the poor.

In Islam, both poverty and wealth are tests from the Almighty. Khadija was tested by both. She helped the needy, orphans, widows and the poor with all her kindness and compassion. She helped girls from poor families get married and collected dowries for them.

Khadija is one of the most significant women in history. Various hadiths report on the four most worthy women, these include: the wife of the pharaoh - Asiya; Maryam - mother of Isa (alayhi salam); the first wife of the Messenger of Allah is Khadija and his daughter Fatima. Khadija, 14 centuries later, continues to inspire people to show great respect to a woman who supported and loved better man on earth (peace be upon him). Khadija showed the world by her example what it means to be a pious, modest and courageous woman.

Saida Hayat

She was one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). From her words, many were conveyed authentic hadiths which Muslims still use today.

For her character, intelligence and noble qualities, she was awarded the title “ummul-mu`minin” (“mother of the faithful”) and was one of the seven greatest Muslim scientists of that era. Her name is Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.).

Aisha's childhood

The girl was born in 612 (according to another version in 614 or 615) according to Miladi in the family of the closest companion of the Messenger of Allah (s.g.w.) - (r.a.) and Umm Ruman. Aisha received a good upbringing and religious education. Since childhood, she was interested in Islam and constantly asked her father many questions.

At the age of six years (according to another version - eight years old), she was betrothed to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.), and became His wife at the age of 9. After which the Grace of the Worlds, Muhammad (s.w.w.), took up her upbringing, which explains Aisha’s achievements in education and in matters of worship.

This marriage took place at the command of Allah. After the death of his first wife - (r.a.) and nikah with Sauda (r.a.), the final messenger of God (s.g.v.) saw a dream. The angel Gabriel appeared before him and presented him with a silk cloth. Unfolding it, He saw the face of Aisha. Having awakened, the Prophet (s.g.w.) realized that this dream was a sign from the Creator. As a result, he decided to tie the knot with Aisha.

Muhammad (s.g.w.) told his young wife the following about this dream: “I saw you in a dream for three nights. Dzhabrail brought you in silk and said: “She is your wife.” I opened your face, and there you were! And I said: “If this dream is from the Almighty, then let him continue it” (hadith cited by Muslim).

Mother of the Faithful

After the death of Khadija, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) mourned his first wife for a very long time. She was his support and support in his early years. prophetic mission which were the hardest. Khadija never once doubted the truth of her husband’s words and always remained faithful to him. The Prophet (s.a.w.) loved his wife very much and appreciated her devotion. That is why the death of Khadija became a real blow for the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) from which he could not recover for a long time.

After marrying Aisha, Muhammad (s.g.w.) regained harmony and peace. She became a real support and support, so she became his beloved wife. But at the same time, he never forgot his first wife and remembered her until his death. Aisha knew this very well. In one of the hadiths, her words are conveyed: “I have never been so jealous of the Messenger of Allah as of Khadija, whom I did not find” (Bukhari, Muslim).

Knowing what strong love between the head of the family and Aisha, other wives gave their days to the beloved wife of Muhammad (s.g.w.).

Virtues of Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.)

Being one of the closest associates of the Grace of the Worlds (s.g.v.), she had many virtues. Her significance in the history of Islam is evidenced by the fact that Allah in His Book justified Aisha after she was slandered.

In the sixth year after the Hijra, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) took his young wife on one of his trips. When the caravan stopped to rest, she went away for a while. Upon returning, Aisha realized that she had lost her jewelry and decided to find it. After which, when she came back, she found no one. Aisha decided to wait in the hope that they would come back for her. And so it happened.

But there were people in the entourage who decided to take advantage of the moment and slander her. Gossip began to circulate throughout Medina that Aisha allegedly was not alone in seclusion from the caravan and committed a sin. These rumors negatively affected her relationship with her father, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (ra) and even with her husband.

The Messenger of Allah (s.w.w.) in such a difficult situation told his wife that if she had committed a sin, then she should repent, and if she had been slandered, then the Almighty would certainly send down an excuse. Aisha sincerely believed and asked the Lord of the worlds to justify her before the Prophet (s.g.w.), but she could not even think that the Almighty would send down the whole verse:

“Those who slandered the mother of the believers, Aisha, are a group of yourselves...” (24:11)

She was acquitted, and thus once again Her good manners and good character were proven.

Her dignity is also indicated by the fact that she was the most beloved woman for the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). One day he was asked whom He loved most. To which the answer followed: “Of women, I love Aisha most of all, and of men, her father” (hadith cited by Bukhari).

In addition, many revelations that were sent down to Muhammad (s.g.w.) day and night reached him in the house of Aisha. There is his statement on this matter: “Indeed, no revelation was ever sent to me when I was at home with any of the wives, with the exception of Aisha” (Bukhari, Muslim).

The superiority of Aisha over her fellow tribesmen is also indicated by the following saying of the Prophet of Islam (s.g.w.): “Aisha has superiority over other women, just as sarid is superior to other dishes” (Bukhari, Muslim).

P Rome dreaming Islam . Global : Sarid is a dish whose main ingredients are meat and bread. Favorite food of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.). It is believed that the authorthis culinary delight wasHashim - great-grandfatherMuhammad(s.g.v.) and founder of the Hashemite clan.

The dignity of the heroine of this article is also indicated by the fact that the Prophet in last days of his life he was with her. The Mother of the Faithful, recalling the day of her husband’s death, said: “On my day, the Almighty took him to Himself when the Prophet’s head lay on my chest” (Bukhari). The final messenger of God (s.g.v.) was buried at the place where He passed into another world, namely in the house of Aisha.

Contribution of the Mother of the Faithful to the development of Islam

Aisha bint Abu Bakr played an invaluable role in the formation and strengthening Muslim Ummah. Firstly, she is among the companions who transmitted greatest number hadiths. This is because the Prophet (s.a.w.) spent a lot of time with her and therefore she witnessed many of his sayings and life situations. She was also, i.e. knew its text by heart.

In addition, in situations where some companions did not understand certain hadiths, they turned to Aisha for clarification. She made corrections to the interpretation of such narrations if she noticed any inaccuracies.

During the era of the righteous caliphate, she assisted the rulers of the young Muslim state and took part in making important decisions.

Finally, Aisha became the clearest example a wife who truly loves and supports her husband. Many Muslim women today want to be like her, who never separated from her husband and tried in every possible way to please him.

Death of Aisha

She outlived her husband Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) by 46 years. Aisha participated in internal affairs ummah and provided support righteous caliphs and other Sahabah, giving instructions to all who needed them. At the age of 66, Aisha passed on to another world. She left behind a huge spiritual legacy that Muslims use to this day.

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