Home Mushrooms Kin rank. Kim Jong Un becomes first North Korean leader to set foot in South Korea

Kin rank. Kim Jong Un becomes first North Korean leader to set foot in South Korea

Kim Jong Un is the leader of North Korea. He succeeded former leader Kim Il Sung in 2006. The man's career was fast-paced. He held one leading position after another for several years. Currently, he not only leads the country, but also the army.

The leader of the North Korean people in a few years was able to raise the country's economy. Koreans now own not only atomic, but also hydrogen bombs. They recently scared the Japanese and Chinese by testing nuclear weapons.

Height, weight, age. How old is Kim Jong Un

After the official announcement of the politician as the heir to the leader of North Korea, he became of interest to many. But all information is carefully hidden. Only a small part of it is filtered and becomes known. Only recently it became clear what height, weight, age he has. How old Kim Jong-un is impossible to understand. The dates are different. According to official sources, the birth took place in 1983. And the politician himself says that at that time he was already 11 months old, which is considered the age of understanding among Koreans. At the beginning of 2018, the country celebrated its 35th anniversary on a grand scale.

Kim Jong-un, whose photo in his youth and now does not change at all, weighs more than 125 kg. Moreover, according to North Korean sources mass media, body weight increased significantly in recent times. The leader's health problems led to this, despite his sports since his youth.

From the age of 12, the boy played football and basketball. He likes to watch matches football club Manchester United and the North American Basketball League.

Biography and personal life of Kim Jong-un

The biography and personal life of Kim Jong-un are interesting to people. A man is the leader of a large country.

Date of birth policy is called different. According to some sources, he was born in 1983. But the media also gives other dates. The North Korean leader himself says he was born shortly after new year holidays in 1982.

Father - Kim Jong Il was the leader of the North Koreans. Mother - Ko Yong Hee danced in the ballet, where she was seen by the North Korean leader. Kim Jong-un has brothers and a sister who are carefully guarded by the national guard.

His father protected the little heir in every possible way. Several personal bodyguards were assigned behind him. From the age of 6, the boy was sent to Switzerland, where he studied. Kim Jong-un studied well, he quickly mastered German, French and English languages. The guy loved to play basketball. Now he likes to watch the game of NBA athletes.

At the beginning of the new millennium, our hero was a student at one of the North Korean universities. Then he was named in 2007 as the official successor to Kim Jong Il. Since that moment, Kim Jong-un's birthdays have been celebrated in North Korea as a national holiday.

The military career of the man was dizzying. He became a general in the North Korean army in 2010. And after 2 years, the leader tried on marshal's shoulder straps, which he considers the main symbol of his power.

North Korean leader becomes doctor physical sciences and military activities. He was awarded these degrees by scientific supervisors in his native Pyongyang. In addition, the man defended himself as a doctor of economic sciences in Malaysia.

After the death of his father, our hero becomes the leader of the people. He also leads the Korean People's Army. The man began to actively work on the nuclear program. He decided to make the country one of the nuclear powers. At present, the country has not only a nuclear, but also hydrogen bomb, which was announced in 2017 by the North Korean leader himself.

Kim Jong-un carried out various socio-economic reforms. The country has been successful in agriculture. But until now, the state remains closed. They can come to the country only by invitation. In addition, people are being monitored.

Until recently, the North Korean leader had never traveled outside the country. He tried to develop North Korea in various directions. The man talked to the leaders Russian Federation, Democratic People's Republic of China. In mid-2018, the leader met with the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump. The talks between the two leaders were held in Singapore.

The leader of the North Korean proletariat, according to the country's intelligence, was repeatedly assassinated. AT last time the impending assassination attempt was reported by the North Korean media in May 2018. The information was provided by the press service of the country.

Little is known about Kim Jong Un's personal life. The man has a wife and two children who are carefully guarded. The leader's relatives are guarded by several civilian agents, in addition to the soldiers who guard the residence of the North Korean leader.

Family and children of Kim Jong-un

The family and children of Kim Jong-un are a source of pride and reverence for the entire North Korean people. The leader himself has been in a relationship several times. Officially, little is known about his chosen ones. In 2009, the man married Lee Sol-ju, who gave him two children.

The father of the North Korean leader led the country for nearly 16 years. She passed away in 2011. Buried in the mausoleum. The man became the personification of God on earth, who is worshiped to this day by all Koreans living above the 37th parallel.

Mom danced in ballet. According to some reports, she danced for the leader of the country private dance, after which she became his official lover. After the birth of Kim Jong-un, the woman became the leader's wife. She died at the beginning of the new millennium. According to one version, the cause of death was oncology. After treatment in a number of European clinics, the politician's mother came to North Korea, where she died. She was buried in one of the Pyongyang cemeteries.

Kim Il Sung had younger brother who inherited with his nephew the right to govern the country. The man was executed in 2013 on one of the squares of the capital. By official information, the politician's uncle organized a group that prepared the assassination of the leader. For this he was sentenced to death.

The elder brother of our hero was the heir former leader since the mid 1990s. What was the reason for his exclusion from the number of heirs is unknown. After that, the man left for Western Europe where he was hiding. He recently decided to return to his homeland. But immediately after that, he began to be persecuted by the country's special services. Kim Jong Un's older brother died in 2017. The cause was poisoning. strong drugs. The killers have not been found to date. US intelligence agencies believe that he ordered the elimination possible contender to the leadership post of his brother, that is, the leader of North Korea.

The politician also has a younger brother and sister who live in North Korea. Nothing more is known about them.

Children of Kim Jong Un

Children of Kim Jong-un are carefully protected from excessive attention of strangers. They were born from the wife of a man. Only a few months after birth, their birth was announced. The leader did not take children to social events. Their upbringing was carried out by their spouse, who was assisted by several nannies.

According to some reports, the leader of North Korea became the father of girls. They were recently moved to one of European countries where they will study in an elite school.

Kim Jong-un calls all citizens of the country his children. He visits numerous schools, hospitals. The very appearance of a leader is perceived by Koreans as a symbol of happiness and protection from various threats.

Kim Jong-un's wife - Lee Sol-ju

For a long time it was not known about the personal life of Kim Jong-un. He went to all the events until the time he was appointed the official leader of North Korea, he came alone. Some sources reported that all the brides were carefully selected by the North Korean intelligence agencies. If there were any flaws in their biography, then Kim Il Sung, the father of our hero, forbade his son to communicate with them.

In 2012, it was officially announced that our hero has a beloved wife and two children. One of the programs was dedicated to the wife of the politician. She was born in the early 90s of the last century. Her father teaches at one of the North Korean institutes. The woman's mother works in a Pyongyang clinic.

Kim Jong-un's wife, Lee Sol Zhu, received a law degree in her native country. But she does not work in her specialty. The woman always appeared at social events with her husband. Currently, according to some sources, she has left for one of the European countries where her children will study.

Instagram and Wikipedia Kim Jong-un

Instagram and Wikipedia of Kim Jong-un contain a lot of information about politician. Here you can learn not only about him, but also about some of his relatives and relatives.

Wikipedia presents a large number of information. Here you can find out where the politician studied, who his father and mother were, how he was announced as his successor. The page reports on the health problems of the North Korean ruler, as well as reforms in various fields life.

AT in social networks Kim Jong Un is not registered. He drives enough closed image life. But there is a page on Instagram. Here you can see numerous photos of the politician from various official events. Article found on alabanza.ru

What is known about this person? What is his lifestyle and management style? What do the facts say? What is invented? Where will the young politician lead the country? What are the real prospects? Let's figure it out.

Origin and biography

When Kim Jong-un was born is not known for certain. All information concerning the leader of the country is kept strictly secret. It is officially announced that his date of birth is January 8, 1982. Other sources say that Eun was born a little later, the dates vary. Such data are provided in the reports of the special services of states that are particularly interested in affairs in a closed country. These are organizations of hostile South Korea, the USA. They agree on only one thing: Pyongyang, the capital of the country, is declared the birthplace. In any case, it turns out that one of the youngest world-class leaders is Kim Jong-un. His biography, like other leaders of North Korea, is not made public. Only a few facts are known.


Even less is known about the woman who gave birth to our hero. With confidence, only her name can be called - Ko Yong Hee. They say she was a ballerina. There was no official marriage between her and the previous leader of the country, Ir. The girl delighted the leader at "pleasure parties". Kim Jong Il loved these forbidden evenings. To American (banned in the country) music, naked beauties gave him magnificent performances. Rumored to have received the future leader Kim Jong-un never talks about his mother. In any case, there is no such information in the press. And there is something to discuss. Ko Yong Hee's death, believed to have taken place in 2003, is causing a lot of gossip. The official version insists that the cause of death was cancer. Other sources say that she mysteriously died in a car accident. The circumstances of the case were not disclosed. It is interesting that at that time a kind of campaign was held in the country, positioning a woman as a “respected mother”. Analysts took the event as a sign of the appointment of a successor to the then leader. They called Eun and his brother - Kim Jong Cher.


This is another terrible secret that North Korea does not want to reveal. Kim Jong-un, according to unverified reports, received a European-style education. How the process went is a mystery. Rumors call a series educational institutions, among which the International School in is most often heard. It is interesting that the leadership of this institution denies that Kim Jong-un ever crossed the threshold of the school. But there are enough rumors about his life in Europe. Official sources claim that the teenager received knowledge at home. His talent and even genius are not in doubt.

Political connections

More often he was seen in chic restaurants in the city of Bern. The company of Ri Chola, the North Korean ambassador to that country, was his favorite. This, perhaps, was the path that led him to the presidency of the DPRK. Ri Chol, according to unverified reports, was the secret treasurer of Kim Jong Il. That is, a figure of influence and respect. They also say that Kim Jong-un played basketball in Europe. These rumors are refuted by the complexion of the heir. He was returned home even before that, at the age of about twenty years. Further, the sources of information lose sight of it. If he worked in the governing bodies of the country, he used a pseudonym. Photos of him did not appear in the press. It is known that Kim Jong Il showed preference to the young man over other sons.

king of the morning star

It was said that the mother ordered the officials from the leadership of the DPRK to call her son that way. Nobody dared to argue. Rumors about the death of Kim Jong Il began to appear in the press closer to the end of 2008. Then it turned out that he was struck down by a serious illness. This was a disturbing factor. Officially, a dry informational message was provided that the leader had suffered a stroke. Analysts began to worry. The main topic of geopolitical discussions was the candidacy of the next leader of the people. We started calling candidates. Kim Jong Cher, according to rumors, did not cause much sympathy from his father, who considered him weak. Another brother - Kim Jong Nam - discredited himself with addiction to gambling establishments. Ir considered him an adherent of the corrupting Western culture. According to experts, the beloved son could become the main contender for the presidency of the DPRK. Kim Jong Un was still too young. He was twenty six years old. This was the only negative fact. In all other respects, his father considered him a completely acceptable figure, especially noting his intellectuality. An additional factor in favor of Eun was considered an advertising company, which was run by his mother back in 2003.


In mid-January 2009, it was officially announced that the analysts were right. Kim Jong-un was proclaimed the official heir to the leader of the people. This came as a surprise more to the country's elite than to the world community. According to rumors, some forces within North Korea were making plans to ascend to the "throne" of Kim Jong Nam. There were even press reports about it. The leader decided otherwise. He assigned an adviser to his beloved son - Chas Song Tek. This influential politician ruled the country with an iron fist during Ira's illness. The procedure for the official "introduction" of Eun into power began with the elections in February 2009. He was registered as a candidate member of the Supreme Assembly of the DPRK. Elections were held in March. Interestingly, the officially published lists of the victorious names of the sons of Ir were not. However, Eun was introduced as the leader's successor and appointed to the position of head of the security service. It was explained to the press that he was elected under a pseudonym.

Brilliant Comrade

A heart attack cut short the reign of the leader of the people. Kim Jong-un died in 2011 and was immediately named Supreme Commander of Korea. This is one of the main positions of this state. Approximately a week later he was approved in main position- Chairman of the Central Committee of the Labor Party. The fact of the birth of a new leader took place. Approximately a year before, Eun received the honorary title of "Brilliant Comrade", which remained with him. For three and a half months after being confirmed in office, the new leader did not appear in public. He made his first announcement at an event marking the centenary of the birth of Kim Il Sung on April 15, 2012. Solemn speech sounded during the parade in honor of the ideological creator of the state.

First steps

Kim Jong-un has proven himself to be a daring politician. At times, his uncompromising attitude was shocking. First of all, he took up the revitalization of activities to create a nuclear program. In 2013, the third test in this area was carried out. He went to violate all the resolutions of the UN Security Council. Earlier, a non-aggression pact was signed with South Korea. The young leader categorically announced his break unilaterally. The UN called for tougher sanctions against North Korea. Eun was not at a loss, but answered this with a threat to apply nuclear capability countries against the US. The world can plunge into the horror of the third world war with the use of the most terrible weapons. At this time, the press was full of headlines saying that Putin and Kim Jong-un are scaring the planet. Just the two states were held simultaneously (without agreement between the leaders). However, hopes for a liberalization of North Korea's policies that were associated with a change in leadership collapsed overnight. This country has become a constant topic of discussion in In addition, the world is disturbed by North Korea's space programs. There are regular reports of attempts to launch a satellite from its territory. This is a direct violation of the UN Security Council resolution.

Personal life

Everything that surrounds the leader is covered with mystery. So, only in 2012 it turned out that he is a family man. Kim Jong-un, whose wife has not appeared in public, turns out to be the father of two children. Their dates of birth are not known for certain. Mother - Lee Sol Zhu graduated from the University in Pyongyang. She grew up in a family of a teacher and a doctor. It is believed that young people met at a concert in 2008. The girl took part in the performance. What official sources say about the leader's personal life is remarkable. Under my father, this topic was not leaked to the press. He married three times, and not a single word was published about this. Eun does not have good health. Its completeness led to the onset of early hypertension aggravated by diabetes. Among his hobbies is the love of Hollywood films. Sports preferences - American basketball.

Kim Jong Un executed his uncle

December 2013 was marked by a cruel event. Kim Jong-un executed the man who, at the behest of his father, took care of and protected the heir from other contenders for the throne. Jang Song-taek was rightfully considered the most influential person in the country. He was next to Father Eun at the time of his decline, when Ir's health weakened. According to rumors, he practically led the DPRK. And in December 2013, a message came from behind the veil that Taek was accused of treason. It is officially announced that he created his own faction within the leadership, which was preparing a coup d'état. The act is called a "heinous crime" and intrigue. Taek was charged with wanting to create a branch in the ruling party that seeks to overthrow the current regime. The perpetrator, as it turned out, was the president's uncle. In addition to treason, he was also accused of acts of corruption. It is officially stated that he took drugs, often spent time with women, which testified to his moral decay. Taek's guilt was recognized by a military tribunal. Immediately after the meeting, the offender was executed. There were reports in the press that the people of North Korea supported their leader as a united "front".


Analyzing Eun's activities, political scientists make allowances for his young age. However, everyone notes the emergence of a strong leader, who is sometimes compared to Stalin. North Korea is in a difficult position due to economic sanctions. Ways out were outlined. Analysts believe that the young leader will be able to survive and revive the country. who hoped to lead the young leader was mistaken. The country is still far from prosperity, but no one is starving, and they support their Eun. Kim Jong Il showed himself wise man and leader, choosing a successor. Continuing his father's work - the creation of nuclear weapons, Eun does not forget about the economy, which now seems to be the main problem. The word "reform" under his leadership is firmly entrenched in the country. The economy began to gradually change, they began to break the old structures that hindered the development. The reform first affected the agricultural sector. Food shortage - the main problem states. To strengthen the manufacturer, Yn practically gave the peasants the right to engage in a kind of entrepreneurship, which was previously strictly prohibited. Now a team of five people can produce agricultural products and keep a third. Reforms also apply to other sectors. Prospects for the state are outlined. The young leader leads the people confidently and firmly.

Kim Jong Un is the leader of North Korea. He succeeded former leader Kim Il Sung in 2006. The man's career was fast-paced. He held one leading position after another for several years. Currently, he not only leads the country, but also the army.

The leader of the North Korean people in a few years was able to raise the country's economy. Koreans now own not only atomic, but also hydrogen bombs. They recently frightened the Japanese and Chinese by testing nuclear weapons.

After the official announcement of the politician as the heir to the leader of North Korea, he became of interest to many. But all information is carefully hidden. Only a small part of it is filtered and becomes known. Only recently it became clear what height, weight, age he has. How old Kim Jong-un is impossible to understand. The dates are different. According to official sources, the birth took place in 1983. And the politician himself says that at that time he was already 11 months old, which is considered the age of understanding among Koreans. At the beginning of 2018, the country celebrated its 35th anniversary on a grand scale.

Kim Jong-un, whose photo in his youth and now does not change at all, weighs more than 125 kg. Moreover, according to North Korean media reports, body weight has increased significantly in recent times. The leader's health problems led to this, despite his sports since his youth.

From the age of 12, the boy played football and basketball. He enjoys watching Manchester United Football Club and the North American Basketball League.

Biography and personal life of Kim Jong-un

The biography and personal life of Kim Jong-un are interesting to people. A man is the leader of a large country.

Date of birth policy is called different. According to some sources, he was born in 1983. But the media also gives other dates. The North Korean leader himself says that he was born shortly after the New Year holidays in 1982.

Father - Kim Jong Il was the leader of the North Koreans. Mother - Ko Yong Hee danced in the ballet, where she was seen by the North Korean leader. Kim Jong-un has brothers and a sister who are carefully guarded by the national guard.

His father protected the little heir in every possible way. Several personal bodyguards were assigned behind him. From the age of 6, the boy was sent to Switzerland, where he studied. Kim Jong-un studied well, he quickly mastered German, French and English. The guy loved to play basketball. Now he likes to watch the game of NBA athletes.

At the beginning of the new millennium, our hero was a student at one of the North Korean universities. Then he was named in 2007 as the official successor to Kim Jong Il. Since that moment, Kim Jong-un's birthdays have been celebrated in North Korea as a national holiday.

The military career of the man was dizzying. He became a general in the North Korean army in 2010. And after 2 years, the leader tried on marshal's shoulder straps, which he considers the main symbol of his power.

The leader of the DPRK became a doctor of physical sciences and military activities. He was awarded these degrees by scientific supervisors in his native Pyongyang. In addition, the man defended himself as a doctor of economic sciences in Malaysia.

After the death of his father, our hero becomes the leader of the people. He also leads the Korean People's Army. The man began to actively work on the nuclear program. He decided to make the country one of the nuclear powers. Currently, the country has not only a nuclear, but also a hydrogen bomb, as the North Korean leader himself announced in 2017.

Kim Jong-un carried out various socio-economic reforms. The country became successful in agriculture. But until now, the state remains closed. They can come to the country only by invitation. In addition, people are being monitored.

Until recently, the North Korean leader had never traveled outside the country. He tried to develop North Korea in various directions. The man communicated with the leaders of the Russian Federation, the People's Democratic Republic of China. In mid-2018, the leader met with the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump. The talks between the two leaders were held in Singapore.

The leader of the North Korean proletariat, according to the country's intelligence, was repeatedly assassinated. The last time the impending assassination attempt was reported by the North Korean media was in May 2018. The information was provided by the press service of the country.

Little is known about Kim Jong Un's personal life. The man has a wife and two children who are carefully guarded. The leader's relatives are guarded by several civilian agents, in addition to the soldiers who guard the residence of the North Korean leader.

Family and children of Kim Jong-un

The family and children of Kim Jong-un are a source of pride and reverence for the entire North Korean people. The leader himself has been in a relationship several times. Officially, little is known about his chosen ones. In 2009, the man married Lee Sol-ju, who gave him two children.

The father of the North Korean leader led the country for nearly 16 years. She passed away in 2011. Buried in the mausoleum. The man became the personification of God on earth, who is worshiped to this day by all Koreans living above the 37th parallel.

Mom danced in ballet. According to some reports, she danced a private dance for the leader of the country, after which she became his official lover. After the birth of Kim Jong-un, the woman became the leader's wife. She died at the beginning of the new millennium. According to one version, the cause of death was oncology. After treatment in a number of European clinics, the politician's mother came to North Korea, where she died. She was buried in one of the Pyongyang cemeteries.

Kim Il Sung had a younger brother who inherited with his nephew the right to rule the country. The man was executed in 2013 on one of the squares of the capital. According to official information, the politician's uncle organized a group that was preparing the assassination of the leader. For this he was sentenced to death.

The elder brother of our hero has been the heir to the former leader since the mid-90s of the last century. What was the reason for his exclusion from the number of heirs is unknown. After that, the man left for Western Europe, where he hid. He recently decided to return to his homeland. But immediately after that, he began to be persecuted by the country's special services. Kim Jong Un's older brother died in 2017. The reason was poisoning with strong drugs. The killers have not been found to date. US intelligence agencies believe that his brother, that is, the leader of North Korea, gave the order to eliminate a possible candidate for a leadership position.

The politician also has a younger brother and sister who live in North Korea. Nothing more is known about them.

Children of Kim Jong Un

Children of Kim Jong-un are carefully protected from excessive attention of strangers. They were born from the wife of a man. Only a few months after birth, their birth was announced. The leader did not take children to social events. Their upbringing was carried out by their spouse, who was assisted by several nannies.

According to some reports, the leader of North Korea became the father of girls. They were recently moved to one of the European countries, where they will study at an elite school.

Kim Jong-un calls all citizens of the country his children. He visits numerous schools, hospitals. The very appearance of a leader is perceived by Koreans as a symbol of happiness and protection from various threats.

Kim Jong-un's wife - Lee Sol-ju

For a long time it was not known about the personal life of Kim Jong-un. He went to all the events until the time he was appointed the official leader of North Korea, he came alone. Some sources reported that all the brides were carefully selected by the North Korean intelligence agencies. If there were any flaws in their biography, then Kim Il Sung, the father of our hero, forbade his son to communicate with them.

In 2012, it was officially announced that our hero has a beloved wife and two children. One of the programs was dedicated to the wife of the politician. She was born in the early 90s of the last century. Her father teaches at one of the North Korean institutes. The woman's mother works in a Pyongyang clinic.

Kim Jong-un's wife, Lee Sol Zhu, received a law degree in her native country. But she does not work in her specialty. The woman always appeared at social events with her husband. Currently, according to some sources, she has left for one of the European countries where her children will study.

Instagram and Wikipedia Kim Jong-un

Instagram and Wikipedia of Kim Jong-un contain a lot of information about the politician. Here you can learn not only about him, but also about some of his relatives and relatives.

Wikipedia has a lot of information. Here you can find out where the politician studied, who his father and mother were, how he was announced as his successor. The page reports on the health problems of the ruler of North Korea, as well as reforms in various areas of life.

Kim Jong Un (Korean 김정은?, 金正恩; English Kim Jong Un). Born on January 8, 1982 in Pyongyang (DPRK). Political, state, military and party leader of North Korea. Since the end of 2011, he has been holding the highest state and party posts in the country.

Supreme leader, leader of the party, army and people of the DPRK, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman State Committee Defense of the DPRK, Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, Marshal of the DPRK, Deputy of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK.

Officially declared "great heir" after the death of his father, Kim Jong Il.

The youngest sitting head of state in the world.

notice, that Kim is a surname personal name- Chen Un. Koreans do not have middle or middle names. At the same time, according to Korean rules, the surname comes before the personal name.

Kim Jong-un was born on January 8, 1982 in Pyongyang (DPRK). This date of birth is considered official. However, according to other sources, he could have been born in 1983 or 1984. It is assumed that Kim Jong-un was made older in view of the fact that he was the heir to his father and was supposed to lead the state.

North Korea is a major supplier of missile technology. The largest buyers of North Korean ballistic missiles traditionally are Egypt, Syria, Libya, Yemen, United United Arab Emirates and Pakistan. It is assumed that Iranian missiles Shahab-5 and Shahab-6 were created on the basis of Taekhodon-2.

Under Kim Jong-un, the DPRK actively began the process of spreading information technologies- sharply increased imports from China of smartphones and conventional mobile phones.

Height of Kim Jong Un: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Kim Jong-un:

Married. Wife - Lee Sol Zhu (리설주), a graduate of Kim Il Sung University in Pyongyang. Her father is a teacher, her mother is a doctor. She visited South Korea in 2005 as part of the cheerleading squad for the North Korean delegation during the Asian Championships athletics in Incheon.

For the first time, the DPRK media reported on their legalized relationship on July 25, 2012. The couple began to appear in public a few weeks before.

It is assumed that Kim Jong-un legalized relations with her in 2009. According to media reports, in the autumn-winter of 2010 or winter of 2011, she gave birth to a child, on the appearance of which her father-in-law Kim Jong Il insisted. Her second child was born at the end of December 2012, the child was named Zhu E.

According to a number of observers, under the influence of his wife, Kim Jong-un made some indulgences in the requirements for appearance women in North Korea: they are now allowed to wear trouser suits and jeans, black tights, platform shoes and heels, and the ban on women riding a bicycle has also been lifted.

Titles of Kim Jong-un:

Supreme leader of the DPRK, leader of the party, army and people (since December 19, 2011)
New star
Brilliant comrade
"Genius among geniuses" in military strategy
Marshal of the DPRK (since July 18, 2012).

Kim Chen In. Forbidden Biography

Origin of Kim Jong Un

According to official figures, Kim Jong-un, the youngest son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, was born in Pyongyang on January 8, 1982. Other sources, including the intelligence services of the United States and South Korea, give other years of birth of the current leader of the DPRK - 1983, and sometimes 1984. Kim Jong-un's mother was his father's favorite, a Korean from Japan, Ko Yong-hee. The girl was Kim Jong Il's favorite ballerina, whom he preferred during the so-called "pleasure parties", during which naked dancers delighted the gaze of the leader of the North Korean people to American music banned in the country. Ko Yong Hee died under mysterious circumstances in 2003 or 2004.

The official press of the DPRK claims that the woman died of breast cancer, the special services, again, have their own version - death in a car accident. In 2003, the North Korean army carried out a kind of advertising campaign dedicated to Ko Yong Hee. The slogans that the DPRK was then full of called the dancer "respected mother." If we take into account the peculiarities of Korean state administration, this indicated with a high probability that it was one of the sons of Ko Yong Hee - Kim Jong Un or his older brother Kim Jong Cher - who would become the future leader of the blessed country.

Prior to Ko Yong Hee, Kim Jong Il's favorite was actress Song Hye Rim, who gave birth to the great leader's first child, Kim Jong Nam.

Education of Kim Jong-un

The life of North Korean politicians and their families is the most big secret DPRK. Therefore, there is practically no reliable information about the life of Kim Jong-un, as well as about the life of his brothers, mother and father. We have to be content with meager reports from the official North Korean press and unverified reports leaked from intelligence sources in the US, South Korea, and Japan. The only thing these sources agree on about Eun is that he received European education. Among the possible educational institutions, the Swiss International School in Bern is most often mentioned. If this is true, then Kim Jong-un did not appear at school.

Kim Jong-un in the Dictators project

According to the official press of the DPRK, the brilliant teenager studied at home. He always dined in the most luxurious restaurants in Bern, invariably accompanied by the North Korean ambassador to Switzerland, Ri Chol, who was considered the manager of the secret treasury during the reign of Kim Jong Il. During his stay in Europe, Kim Jong-un was allegedly fond of basketball, however, given the complexion of the heir to the throne, many experts find it difficult to believe this. Before reaching the age of twenty, Kim Jong-un returned to North Korea. It is unknown if he graduated international school or not.

Kim Jong-un with wife Lee Sol-ju

After returning to Korea, his life was kept in the strictest confidence - in free access there was not a single photograph of Kim Jong-un, unlike his brothers, who occasionally flashed into the field of view of the press. With regard to the youngest son of Kim Jong Il, the media had only his identikit. He did not hold positions in the country's leadership (or held under a pseudonym). Sources in the foreign press suggested that he is Kim Jong Il's favorite son.

"King of the Morning Star"

At the end of 2008 global community was agitated by rumors of a serious illness (according to another version - death) of Kim Jong Il. The official press of the DPRK was limited brief message that the leader of the people suffered a stroke. This led many experts in the field of geopolitics to raise the question of who is considered the most likely contender for the North Korean “throne”. The press was full of reports that Kim Jong Il considered Kim Jong Cher too weak to rule the state, and Kim Jong Nam too corrupted by gambling establishments and Western culture. Kim Jong-un, on the contrary, was considered by his father to be strong and intelligent, but experts did not seriously consider his candidacy, primarily because of his age - at that time he was 26 (25 or 24) years old.

In addition to the information that Kim Jong-un is the favorite son of the leader of the DPRK, in favor of the fact that it was he who would become the successor to the post of head of the country, the fact of the advertising campaign Kim Jong-un among the leadership of the DPRK, which was organized by his mother. Then Ko Yong Hee ordered all the officials to call him "King morning star", and this order was unquestioningly carried out.

Appointment of Kim Jong Il's successor

On January 15, 2009, the world press reported that Kim Jong Il had officially proclaimed Kim Jong Un his heir. Analysts agreed that the leader's decision came as a surprise even to many of his associates. The leader of the country appointed his sister's husband Chas Song-taek as an adviser to Kim Jong-un. By that time, Taek was an extremely influential figure in the North Korean leadership, and during the illness of the leader, he actually held control of the DPRK in his hands. The Western press on the same day published a report stating that Kim Jong Nam would be the most likely ruler of North Korea.

In February 2009, the official procedure for appointing Kim Jong-un as the successor to the ruling leader began in the DPRK. The North Korean press reported that Eun was registered as a candidate for the elections to the Supreme Assembly of the DPRK. The elections were held in March 2009, and despite the fact that the press did not find any of the sons of Kim Jong Il on the lists of the elected, in June 2010 information appeared that Eun was still elected under the pseudonym Kim Jong. Soon, a source in the National Intelligence Service of South Korea told the press that Kim Jong-un was officially introduced to the leadership and diplomatic corps of the DPRK as the successor to Kim Jong Il. At the same time, Eun was appointed head of the Service state security North Korea.

"Brilliant Comrade"

The title of "Brilliant Comrade" Kim Jong-un received in 2011, shortly before the death of his father and the official assumption of the position of the ruler of the DPRK. Kim Jong Il died of a heart attack on December 17, 2011, but the press reports of this appeared only 2 days later. On December 24, 2011, Kim Jong-un was officially named Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army for the first time. Kim Jong-un was approved as Chairman of the Central Committee of the Labor Army of the DPRK on December 29, 2011. After his appointment as the head of the North Korean people, Kim Jong-un did not appear in public until April 15, 2012, when he first addressed the people during the parade dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Kim Il Sung.

Foreign policy of Kim Jong-un

The policy of the new North Korean leader is bold and uncompromising. Hopes of Western Experts for the Liberalization of Korean Society and Warming foreign policy were not justified. At the end of 2012, the DPRK, in violation of several UN Security Council resolutions, announced its entry into the "club of space powers", causing a surge of criticism from the world community.

Who is Kim Jong Un? The opinion of little experts!

February 2013 was marked by the holding of the third state in the history of North Korea nuclear test. The aggressive actions of Kim Jong-un led to tougher sanctions against the DPRK by the UN Security Council. Kim Jong-un responded with a threat of a preventive nuclear strike on the United States of America, putting the world on the threshold nuclear war. On March 8, 2013, Kim Jong-un unilaterally terminated the non-aggression pact with South Korea, signed in 1953 as part of the end of the Korean War.

Personal life and health of Kim Jong-un

Kim Jong-un is experiencing health problems, suffering from overweight, hypertension and diabetes. Like his father, Eun is into Western pop culture, loves Mel Gibson movies and follows the American Basketball League (NBA). Some sources claim that the leader has two children, but the date and time of the birth of the eldest child vary greatly - from autumn 2010 to winter 2011. The second child was allegedly born at the end of December 2012.

In July 2012, the North Korean press reported that Kim Jong-un had been married for several years. Presumably, the marriage took place in 2009. The leader's wife is the dancer Lee Sol Zhu. Lee Sol graduated from Kim Il Sung University in Pyongyang, her father is a teacher and her mother is a doctor. They most likely met in 2008, when Kim Jong Il, along with his son, enjoyed the performance of the ensemble with the national orchestra. Lee Sol-ju was also on stage during the performance. The official announcement of the marriage of the North Korean leader - a rarity. The father of the current leader was married several times, but all the heirs were born to him by mistresses who had a much greater influence on the political and public life countries.

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