Home Fruit trees Tarot lv 78 doors value. Key features of the deck. Images of open and closed doors

Tarot lv 78 doors value. Key features of the deck. Images of open and closed doors

The Tarot deck of 78 doors is not only unique, it is unusually beautiful and attractive with the simplicity of the language, not only for experienced tarot readers, but also for simple lovers of Tarot cards. Each card in the deck features an abstract or real door.

Here you will find every kind of door imaginable. You will quickly learn to comprehend the meaning of each card, since the image on it almost always gives a clear and precise answer to your question.

Experienced tarologists say that you need to feel your deck of cards. To feel the deck of 78 Doors, just touch it.

78 Doors Card Deck

Today, like seven centuries ago, Tarot cards have great popularity, and genuine interest in them is growing literally every year. Many esotericists and tarologists believe that existing decks are not enough and are trying to contribute to the history of Tarot cards by creating more and more new decks.

In the same way that designers strive to keep up with new fashion trends, tarot readers try to understand and analyze newly emerging decks. 78 Doors is now well known to everyone who is at least a little interested in the world of Tarot. This deck is modern. Her homeland is Italy, and the creator is Alliego Pietro.

Someone is attracted by the beauty of the cards and their visual design, someone is the simplicity and accuracy with which the cards answer the questions asked, and someone is bewitched by such a magical and at the same time ordinary thing as a door.

Some doors exist only in the form of an allegory, and some doors no longer exist at all, because instead of them a Brick wall. Some doors require pick up the key, and some doors are hidden so far away that a person with a key in his hand is forced to send in searches.

What might be lurking behind the door? Your love may live there, a test may await there, treasures may be hidden there, or there may be the comfort of a hospitable home. Opening each door, you are already languishing in anticipation of the expected events, but at the same time you cannot know exactly what awaits you.

It is possible that a locked door will save you from the wrong path, and you are completely in vain knocking on it. It is also possible that when you try to get through a locked door, you no longer notice simple solution Problems. A comparison can be made between the variations of different doors that can exist in this world and the variations of different situations.

In this case, we can safely say that in the 78 Doors deck you will find a simple solution for 78 life situations. The most important characteristics that are found most often and from the lips of various Tarot specialists are simplicity and accuracy of answers.

Meaning of Tarot cards 78 Doors. Major Arcana

In the deck of 78 Doors, as in the classic deck, there are twenty-two major arcana. Consider them in order, and at the same time those doors that are depicted on each card.

The card shows a young man. He stands with a key in his hand on the top of a mountain, he has a bundle on his shoulder, and a faithful dog at his feet. The card says that you should boldly go into the future without comprehending and not dwelling on the past.

The card may indicate a lack of logic in human behavior. You feel a great accumulation of energy inside you. You want to act, to prove yourself, to take the first step towards the unknown, because you already have the key in your hands, you just have to find the door to it.

But it's not as easy as you would like. Moderate your ardor and activity, sit down and calmly consider your actions, draw up a plan and prepare yourself mentally for the fact that you will have to act consistently. In order to find the door, you need to at least decide on the direction.

On the map of the major lasso at number one, the role of doors is played by the branches of bushes rising from the ground on both edges of the map. A young man is standing in the aisle. He easily and deftly shows his acrobatic skills, mountains covered with greenery rise behind him.

Now you are open to everything new, do not be afraid to prove yourself, even if your skills are not appreciated the first time, you must be sure that you are able to achieve your goal and are ready to do it. The young man on the map is teetering on the edge of the impossible, and yet he does it.

You should think about the fact that whatever your goal is, it can be achieved with certain skills and abilities. If you are sure that your knowledge today corresponds to the desired result, then act without doubt, if not, then continue the preparation, but do not give up on the goal.

In the 78 Doors deck, the priestess is seated at a wooden table with a magic ball in front of her. She concentratedly looks deep into the ball and is ready to lift the veil of secrecy over the unknown. The card says that behind the slightly opened door you will find the answer to all the tormenting riddles and secrets. But in order to open the door, you should listen more to your intuition and trust the predictions.


On the map we see a colorful and joyful image. Beautiful woman dressed as an empress, she invites her subordinates, who bow before her, to enter the garden. Door in blooming garden already ajar and promises pleasure and peace. The card speaks of the hospitality with which you will be greeted if you are going to visit an important place for you.

Do not refuse the help or patronage of a woman if such a prospect appears. The card also speaks of outside help, that someone will show generosity to you and help you solve existing problems or just get where you want to be.

Behind the open doors is the throne of the emperor, on which he sits. At its foot we see an imitation the globe. As in the classic Tarot deck, the card is very strong. She speaks of strong-willed decisions, that it is in your power to overcome resistance and put your willpower on the throne.

Peace, power and grace await you, but no one is going to give it to you just like that. The doors are already open before you, but only the strong, brave, collected, responsible and resolute can enter them.

High priest

On the map we see a middle-aged man, he raises his finger up, his face is lit up with wisdom and calmness. His companions are two sheep. Behind him are doors similar to the doors of the Vatican.

This card says that having crossed the threshold of the situation in which your life is now, you will become more enlightened, wiser experience, knowing, understanding and capable of more than now. The key to this door can only be your humility, moral principles, spiritual development and mercy.


The card shows a couple of lovers and a fortune teller. She looks at her hand young man and predicts further developments in his life. Now they are all in the apple orchard, but sandy mountains begin immediately behind them.

The card says that in order to solve the problem, you should think and analyze less and listen more to your feelings and inner voice.

Now a lot depends on the decision you need to make. If it is extremely difficult for you, and you cannot find enough arguments for any of the positions, then the card advises you to turn to an experienced fortuneteller.

The design of this card may seem unexpected, especially for fans of the classic Tarot deck. Here we see a rock musician standing in the back seat of an open convertible with a driver behind the wheel and enthusiastic fans following the car.

It's time to ride with the breeze, enjoy results, dispel thoughts about the future and enjoy life. You are valued and loved, you are admired, and your knowledge and abilities are worthy of respect and envy. Rest, relax and allow yourself more than usual.


In front of the closed doors of the courthouse, two men and one woman are trying to sort things out, waving their arms. We do not know what they are arguing about and what truth they are striving to achieve, but having crossed the threshold, justice itself will decide who is right and who is not. The most important thing for you at this stage should be your innocence.

If you feel that you did and are doing the right thing, then you have nothing to fear. If you are wrong, then it is time to take responsibility for your behavior. Nothing depends on you anymore.

Now you should be submissive to fate and avoid the manifestation of excessive emotions. Squabbles and conflicts will only worsen the situation, and only justice can resolve the dispute.

The map shows an old man. He sits on a stone in the middle of the desert and with a gesture refuses those offerings that the spirit bestows on him. The card says that you are consciously giving up something. And this right choice if your refusal is due to moral principles and the desire to defend their opinion.

The card says that you are now knowing yourself, refusing the world, you are delving into the study, and possibly the formation, of your own personality.

Wheel of Fortune

The map shows the beginning of the seance. Three men and one woman are seated round table stretching out his hands on the table. The doors will open soon other world, and for these four new opportunities for knowing the truth.

The card says that with a certain attitude, you are able to switch to new level knowledge and realization of their abilities. Now everything is in your hands and luck accompanies your decisions, but do not refuse the help of friends. Their help can play important role in your destiny.

The map depicts doors guarded by a lion. Next to the animal is a trainer. She holds the beast by the collar and gives him important instructions. The card says that it is important to strike a balance between wisdom and strength.

Only by learning to strike a balance can you succeed and consider yourself truly strong man. Don't forget that controlling someone else is often easier than controlling yourself.


The map shows the auditorium. Spectators watch a man imprisoned upside down in an aquarium full of water. The card says that there are extreme situations in your life, and you do not quite understand how you need to act.

If you decide to change, then you should postpone your decision. Now is not the time. In addition, in an inverted position, it is difficult to make the right decision. Wait for your position to change.

An elderly man, all wrapped in black with a hood on his head, sits on the edge of the grave and looks down. In his hands hourglass, and behind it the cemetery gates. The card speaks of the inevitable. You don't have the skills and tools to stop the sand from rapidly pouring into the watch. Your task is to prepare yourself for the fact that everything in our life is invariably coming to an end, even life itself.


The girl bent at the door, on which there are two streams. She collects water from each stream in two identical jugs. The card speaks of the balance that you are experiencing at this stage of your life, or that you need to find in order to solve all unpleasant situations.

A pair of nudes, a man and a woman, stand before the face of the Devil. Not all doors should be opened, some should remain closed. There is a great temptation before you. You want to take risks and go beyond what is permitted and reasonable. It is worth remembering that having crossed the threshold, you can remain behind slammed doors.

A tower engulfed in flames at the very edge, under which they rage sea ​​waves. The red sky is filled with lightning, and people are running from the tower, trying to find salvation. Not the best period in life. Everything is crumbling before your eyes. In order to save at least something, you must act quickly and be creative.

A naked girl pouring water from two jugs stands in front of an arch in an open area. The card indicates romance, easy problem solving, positive energy.

A pregnant girl is walking along the seashore on a moonlit night. In the foreground of the map is a locked door that inspires mystery and apprehension. The card speaks of uncertain anxieties for the future. It is possible that your imagination just ran wild and your nerves were shattered, or it is possible that your intuition is talking to you.

IN mysterious circle, left in the middle of a field, perhaps by aliens from another planet, two naked children are dancing, holding hands. The card says that the Cosmos itself gives you energy. This energy should be directed in a peaceful direction, then not just a bright, but a rainbow streak will come in your life.

Last Judgment

We see the end of the rock, from which some people rush down, turning into demons, while others soar to heaven on angel wings, where a door awaits them, behind which there is a bright light. Your efforts will surely be rewarded, your bad deeds will be punished. Now you are naked before the face of justice and stand in line for what you deserve.

The map shows the delivery room. The birth has just ended and the doctor is holding a still bloodied baby in his arms. The happy mother reaches out her arms to hug him for the first time in her and his life. This card radiates happiness achieved through labor and torment.

Minor arcana 10 of swords

There are 78 doors in a deck of cards. minor arcana, similar as in the classic deck of tarot cards. There are four suits of the minor arcana in the deck. There are goblets, swords, staves and pentacles. Each card is unique and has its own image.

It is enough just to peer at what is depicted on the map to understand its meaning and interpretation. For example, consider the ten swords. The map shows a doctor's office. A patient lies naked to the waist on a couch, a doctor bends over him and performs an acupuncture procedure. Only instead of needles, the doctor sticks small nails into the patient's body.

The patient's eyes are covered in pain. Map says about a painful situation. To resolve the situation safely, you need to contact the experts and completely trust them.

If it's convenient for you to get answer to your question on one card You have this right and this opportunity. If you want to get a detailed answer, then you can guess three or even seven cards.

Before complicating the process of divination, it is important to learn to understand the meaning of each card individually. The success of divination depends on how easily and quickly you become related to your new deck.


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Last updated: Nov 16 2018

Divination by Tarot cards. In our life we ​​have to go through a lot and open many doors. Often it is not known what can be expected behind a particular door. Tarot 78 doors will help to open the veil of secrecy. The cards are very frank and straightforward in answering the questions posed. But it should be remembered that their answers show an external action, and conclusions about the internal will have to be drawn independently.
To open any door, you need to pick up a key to it. Finding unique keys is another theme of the 78 Doors Tarot deck. Keys are knowledge that will help you pass tests to open locks. We see various doors on the Arcana, but they all point the way to something new, getting new opportunities. It is not always easy to go through the door, because often you need to overcome your fears, get rid of uncertainty, part with the past. Each door has a guard who will check the readiness of a person to enter this door.

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Fortune telling on Tarot cards and interpretations of individual Arcana

Divination by Tarot cards can teach a lot. With it, you can look at the situation with unexpected side, get Additional information, making some choice, develop a deeper understanding of life processes, while studying the history of culture, mythology and psychology for example, and get deep personal insights. Or you can just relax your soul or be inspired for new achievements.
Tarot is a powerful resource for a person in a difficult situation, in a difficult life phase. Even just by drawing three cards a day from a deck, you can get a lot of support along the way. Those who have gone through such an experience (provided that they did not demand the impossible from the Tarot, for example, the promise of the fulfillment of all desires), know that the Tarot is a friend and helper. But even laying out the cards just out of curiosity, you never get tired of being surprised by them. Perhaps the most important thing that you need to work with the Tarot, in addition to the deck, is the willingness to enjoy the process of reading the alignment! Whatever he is.

Meaning of the Minor Arcana cards

The structure of the Minor Arcana is familiar to almost everyone who has ever taken ordinary playing cards in their hands. These are 4 suits - Wands (clubs), Swords (spades), Cups (hearts) Pentacles (tambourines). Each suit contains cards from Ace to Ten. There are also Curly Arcana or Court Cards of each suit - Page (Jack), Knight (they are not in ordinary playing decks), Queen (lady) and King. In total, ten number cards and four court cards - each suit contains fourteen cards. Since there are four suits, there are 56 Minor Arcana cards.
The Minor Arcana are the "little mysteries". And usually these "small secrets" are clear to everyone without special mystical knowledge. The sequence from Ace to Ten describes the development of events from the beginning, the germ (Ace) to the culmination, the final result (Ten), so you can see at what stage the process is, it is easy to imagine what happened before and what the next step in this sequence can be. Cups, of course, relate to matters of the heart, emotions and experiences Pentacles - to money, resources, the most earthly interests. Wands are the “official” suit of ambition, career, social work, projects and ideas. Swords describe struggle, action, problem-solving efforts, the workings of our minds. The four suits are the four ways of self-realization of a person in the world, the four main rhythms. There is nothing complicated here.

Divination by Tarot cards and Minor Arcana already showing some individual parts, they give advice on how to open the door, and talk about what might be hiding behind it:


Fortune telling on Tarot cards and the meaning of Cup cards- these are the doors to the life of emotions, feelings, attachments. The Five of Cups teaches you to let go of the past: a woman sees that her house is on fire; the door is on fire, and there is no other way out but to jump out the window, but she does not want to leave, she hopes that someone will help her put out the fire and everything will be the same. The Six of Cups depicts children listening to their grandmother read fairy tales to them - they receive their first lessons from someone they trust. The Knight of Cups enters a cave under a waterfall; the life that he invented for himself is a beautiful and vivid fairy tale, but the water will soon bring him to his senses. The Queen of Cups represents the spirit of the river, she listens with understanding to the woman praying to her and wants to help.

Suit of Cups associated with the element of water, which flows, nourishes and refreshes. In addition, the surface of the water can reflect like a mirror. On the other hand, the ocean depths are bottomless and endless. Therefore, this suit is associated with depth, with a subconscious, ever-flowing stream of feelings that ascend to these depths and go there. As an aspect of our being, Cups correspond to emotions, relationships and our imagination. The layouts for “heart matters” from the century have been almost the very “core” of working with cards.


Fortune telling on Tarot cards and the meaning of the cards Wands- these are the doors to the world of activity, career, self-expression. The Two of Wands depicts a girl who seeps through the door, despite the fact that it is still closed to her. A man from the Three of Wands meets the ships, holding torches in his hands, because it does not matter that there is no light in the lighthouse. The Seven of Wands depicts a brave man who dared to open secret doors. The Eight of Wands teaches you to listen to your intuition: on the table great amount keys, but only one can open the door. Wands are the suit of a person's personal achievements.. It symbolizes glory and enterprise, indicates success, thanks to the disclosure of the personal potential of the fortuneteller. Wands describe a person who has overcome all obstacles in his path and achieved notable success through personal effort. In addition, this suit also indicates good luck, simple luck: circumstances and events develop with benefit, opportunities arise exactly when a person can recognize them and is ready for them. But even here there are pitfalls. What do the cards of Wands mean to us?


Fortune telling on Tarot cards and the meaning of Sword cards open the doors of thought. The Ace of Swords is the door to the labyrinth: it is huge, its end is not visible, and, of course, it will be very difficult to pass it, and while you can still turn around and leave, left with your illusions; but if you go inside, you will part with them very quickly. The woman from the Five of Swords had grown old, sitting under the door and not daring to open it, and the door was already overgrown with order, while she was tormented by her fears. The Seven of Swords says that some doors are very difficult to open, and you need to find a special key, creatively rethink the situation. The Knight of Swords stood up for his uniqueness, he gets rid of social stereotypes.

The sword is a card of military potential, a sufficient amount of strength for vigorous undertakings, a huge determination to act, the beginning of a successful struggle, separation from the original existence. In the Tarot, Swords symbolize the sphere of struggle, confrontation, overcoming obstacles, striving for leadership and victory. This is the suit of conquests, decisive actions, victories, but at the same time it also reminds you that there are no victories without defeats.


Fortune telling on Tarot cards and the meaning of KarPentacles open doors to material world. On the Six of Pentacles is depicted poor family who unexpectedly found a basket of gifts under her door - this is the ability to appreciate miracles. On the path of the Eight of Pentacles, a person will be forced to part with his individuality, and it is not a fact that he will receive any bonuses for this. The life of the Queens of Pentacles is supported by people who love her, she needs to listen to their opinions and be always pleasant.

Mast Pentacle associated with the element of Earth, which in turn correlates with the world of form and matter. Any most brilliant idea born of the imagination, in order to become a reality, must pass through the Mast of Pentacles. The birth of an idea is a wonderful phenomenon in itself, the creative idea of ​​creating, for example, a painting or a statue can be great, but any idea will remain an idea until it acquires a specific material form. The task of the Pentacle, if you like, is the material embodiment of the idea.

Divination by Tarot cards and Major Arcana respectively mean " big secrets”, Their presence in the layout is very significant. If the Minor Arcana is associated with earthly elements (bowls- Water Pentacles - Earth, Wands- Fire, swords- Air, although interpretations here may differ, sometimes Wands associated with air swords with Fire), then Major Arcana- this is the element of the Spirit, a story about the wanderings of the soul and the steps of spiritual development. This is a mystical, sacred layer of being.
The Meaning of the Cards The Major Arcana describe the most important part of life - getting spiritual experience. Of course, the Major Arcana also have a purely eventful character, but still, looking at them, we must remember that these are “big secrets”, and the Chariot means not just a trip. The nature of the Major Arcana that fell out during divination determines the spirit of the situation, its meaning as a whole, the experience that it brings; often he shows a spiritual state regarding the question - what kind of person this situation turns you into.
If most of the cards in the spread are the Major Arcana, then this description is very important topic, key to development, it will have to devote great attention. Even if the question seems very simple, the situation is still deep meaning, its consequences can be much more serious and interesting than it seems at first glance. If only the Minor Arcana are present in the layout, then the problem has a very simple solution, events will most likely happen quickly and clearly, at the level of everyday everyday situations. In general, it is the linking of the inner secret path of the soul with the study of external life situations that makes the Tarot a “spiritual oracle”, a very subtle and powerful tool. The more persistently you strive for spiritual truths, the more important the lesson outside world problems that have to be dealt with. The spiritual is not only on mountain spurs, in deserts and ashrams - it is here too, in the midst of being, where the most ordinary life situations show the true value of your inner developments.
Major Arcana, in general, they do not differ much from the standard ones, but their values ​​are slightly changed:
Fool stands on a cliff and holds a key in his hand, there is no specific door in front of him, the whole world is open to him - you just have to take a step.
High Priestess depicted as a sorceress: Tarot cards lie on the table in front of her, she looks into a magic ball, opening the door to secret knowledge. Its key is true vision.
hermit tempts a spirit emerging from a loosely closed door, pointing weak spots. He is looking for the key.
Door of Power guarded by a lion. And in order to get to her, you need to defeat the lion or negotiate with him, but, in any case, you will have to overcome yourself.
Door of Temperance closed, to get into it, you need to achieve inner harmony and be patient, but the water that the girl collects in jugs inspires confidence.
People shown on the map Devil, could not overcome themselves and yet opened a door that should have remained closed. How they behave now will decide their fate.
Door of the Terrible ships- the door of patterns, it sums up and takes to a new level. Nothing depends on you anymore, you need to accept any change.
It is very convenient for Kolode to ask questions like: “What will happen if I do In a similar way?”, “How can I get out of this situation?”, “What prospects will be open to me if I do this?” and so on.

Tarot cards are mantic tools tested by more than one generation of magicians. The Tarot of 78 Doors makes it possible not only to look into the future, but also to correct it. She has her distinctive features, which play an important role when working with the deck.

The Tarot deck of 78 doors is suitable not only for mantic, but also for meditative work.

History of creation

The 78 Doors Tarot deck is the most unusual deck of all the cards that have been published in the last ten years. Created by artists Pietro Alliego and Antonello Platano, the deck quickly gained popularity in Italy and then around the world. Tarot 78 Doors is very easy to buy, this deck is available in almost all online stores.

The deck has a metaphorical image of opening doors, which personify changes and a change from one state to another. The questioner, approaching the door, must decide whether to enter the door or stay in place, and the question is also asked about what is hidden behind the door.

Doors are drawn either open or closed, while the cards have keys and guards. A person in a metaphorical sense must either enter or exit the door, while the keys to the doors are hidden in the Arcana or are in a conspicuous place.

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Door Images

The door is the entrance to new world, new life, the process of change and becoming something new. The process of discovery is closely connected with rituals that carry the meaning of the transformation of a person when he acquires more high status, changes the worldview, learns the laws of life.

In ancient times, the entrance to the holy places was guarded by guards, usually lions, sphinxes, knights, statues, dragons, as well as various deities and angels. Their main function was to prevent evil spirits from entering the premises and bad people. From here came the wedding tradition, when the groom brings the bride into the house in his arms, thus he shows the guardian of the threshold that she is now the mistress.

There are 78 Tarot doors in the deck: the meaning of opening the door indicates overcoming obstacles and entering a new dimension. A person sees and realizes the limitations in his life, visualizes what is on the other side of the door.

The door is the desire to change your life and make changes in it. Open doors give a person the opportunity to understand what is happening, to analyze the past in order to create a brighter future. On the Tarot 78 Doors, the layouts are also psychological work above oneself.

Key Images

Doors are opened with keys, and it does not matter what the key is made of and what size it is, the main thing is that it opens the doors. the function of the key is to open and close, which symbolizes the ability to possess and gain access to power, people, values ​​and places.

The deep meaning of the key lies in the fact that it is a mantic tool with which you can remove the boundaries between the secret and the obvious. The key is access to higher knowledge and initiation. For Masons, the key is a symbol of the lodge, and also refers to the signs of the Master.

Meaning of the cards in Tarot 78 Doors

Major Arcana

In the Tarot of 78 Doors, the meaning of the Major Arcana is almost the same as in the traditional deck:

  • The fool stands on the edge of the abyss and holds the key in his hands, there is no door in front of him, but the whole world is open, you just need to take a step forward.
  • The High Priestess is depicted as a sorceress who sits at a table and reads cards, her sharp gaze is directed to a crystal ball and opens the door to sacred knowledge. Its key is the vision of the problem.
  • The hermit acts as a seducer of the spirit coming out of the open door, and shows his weaknesses, here the Hermit is looking for a key.
  • The lion guards the doors of the Force, in order to open the door you need to slay the lion or be able to negotiate with him, but most importantly, you first need to defeat yourself, your fears.
  • Moderation has an open door, but to enter it, one must be in a state of harmony and have patience. The water that the girl in the image draws means faith in her strengths and capabilities.
  • The Devil card depicts people who are in the grip of their vices and who opened the forbidden door. Their fate is in their own hands.
  • Through the door of the Last Judgment, a person passes through patterns and goes to new stage of its development. Human actions do not affect the situation, only humility remains.

Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana shed light on specific details and indicate how to open doors. You can read more about the meaning of Tarot suits here.

In a Tarot deck of 78 doors, reversed cards drastically change their meaning.

Suit of Swords

Swords reveal secret thoughts.

  • Ace of Swords - the picture shows a door through which a person enters a large labyrinth. It will be difficult to go through it, but a person can change his mind and stay in front of the door, after passing through the labyrinth all his illusions will dissipate.
  • The card depicts the Five of Swords elderly woman, and in this deck it is older than in the classic one. There is an open door in front of her, which she does not dare to enter, the door is already overgrown with vegetation, while she thinks.
  • The Seven of Swords says that in order to slightly open the door, you need to make a lot of effort, for this you need to develop creative skills and analyze the situation.
  • Knight of Swords - stands up for his personality, while destroying society.

Suit of Cups

Cups are doors to the world of emotions and feelings.

  • The Five of Cups card depicts a burning house in which there is a woman. She has one way to save herself - jump into the fire, but she hopes that someone will save her, and everything will be as before.
  • Six of Cups - children who obey their grandmother, who reads fairy tales to them;
  • The Knight of Cups lives an invented life in his fairy tale. He enters the cave through the waterfall, soon he will face reality.
  • The Queen of Cups is a river element, she sympathizes with the woman praying to her and wants to help her.

Suit of Wands

Wands symbolize self-realization, career growth, active work.

  • The card of the Two of Wands shows a girl walking through a closed door;
  • Three of Wands - a man is waiting for the arrival of ships;
  • The Seven of Wands card depicts a man of courage who ventured to open a mysterious door;
  • The Eight of Wands teaches you to listen to your intuition and follow it. The map shows a table with a large selection of keys, but only one fits the door.

Suit of Pentacles

Pentacles are money, wealth and material wealth.

  • The Six of Pentacles card depicts a poor family who found a basket of gifts at the door of their house, the card indicates a person’s ability to accept the gifts of the Universe;
  • The Eight of Pentacles indicates that a person may lose his personality, but it is not a fact that he will be rewarded for this;
  • The Queen of Pentacles has her fans, those who support her.

video clip

Source: http://GadalkinDom.ru/taro/78-dverej.html

Tarot cards 78 doors

Tarot cards of 78 doors are distinguished by the fact that they answer questions as directly as possible and show what happens behind a closed door. The deck will help to observe someone else's life.

It demonstrates everything that happens externally, and you will have to draw conclusions about the internal content yourself.

The theme of doors and keys runs through all the Tarot cards of this deck. The doors depicted on the maps are very diverse, it is always a path to something new.

History of Tarot Cards 78 Doors

The history of this Tarot deck is not as ancient as the others, but it has undeniable advantages.

Passing through the door is not easy, for this you need to overcome fears, part with the past, but also go through the door guard, he will check whether a person is ready to overcome the door.

All doors have a lock and a key to it. They are unique and in order to pass them you need to pass the test, that is, to have knowledge.

The major arcana here are interpreted in much the same way as in a regular Tarot deck, but still their meanings are somewhat changed.

  • The Fool, standing on a cliff in the hands of a key, does not have a specific door in front of him, the whole world is open to him and he only needs to take a step.
  • The High Priestess is presented here in the form of a sorceress, Tarot cards are laid out around her, she herself looks into a magic ball and wants to understand the meaning of secret knowledge.
  • The hermit is tempted by the spirit, he comes from a loosely closed door and shows weaknesses, he is only looking for a key.
  • The door of the Force is guarded by a lion, in order to be there, you need to defeat him or conclude an agreement with him, in any case, you need to win the battle at home.
  • The Door of Temperance is closed, to enter it one must inner harmony and patience, the girl on the map draws water into jugs, this is a good sign.
  • The people from the Devil card did not overcome themselves and still opened the door, although this was not necessary, now their fate depends on their actions.
  • Door doomsday is the door of patterns, it will sum up and help move to a new level, nothing will depend on the person, his task is to accept the change.

This deck is very convenient to ask about possible consequences their actions and how to get out of a difficult situation.

IN upright position all Tarot cards of 78 doors speak of an entrance somewhere and an open door, then in an inverted position it indicates the qualities necessary to open the door.

Tarot cards 78 Doors suit

If you decide to study divination on Tarot 78 doors, then you need to consider that the minor arcana indicate individual details, they give advice on how to open the door and who might be behind it.

swords help open the doors of thought. The Ace of Swords will open the entrance to a huge endless labyrinth, it is very difficult to go through it. As long as a person has not entered there, he may be in captivity of various illusions, but if you enter inside, they will quickly dissipate.

A woman on the top five, grew old under the door and did not dare to open it while she was tormented, the door was already overgrown.

The seven shows that some doors are not easy to open, they require a special key, that is, the situation needs to be rethought. The knight is unique, he eliminates stereotypes in society.

cups lead to emotions and feelings. The five says to let go of the past, the woman on it sees that her house is on fire, and she must jump out the window to escape, but she wants to stay in the house and hopes that she will be helped to put out the fire.

Children on the six listen to grandmother's tales. They will learn from those they trust. The knight goes to the cave under the waterfall.

He came up with a bright and beautiful life but soon the water will bring him to his senses. The queen is the spirit of the river. She listens with understanding to the woman's prayer and wants to help her.

Wands open the way to a career and self-expression. The girl from the deuce seeps through the door, although it is closed. A man in a troika holds a torch in his hand and meets the ships.

The seven depicts a brave man, he had the determination to open secret doors. Eight calls to listen to intuition, there are many keys on the table, but only one is suitable for the door.

Pentacles open the door to the material world.

On the six you can see a poor family, they suddenly find a basket with gifts under the door, this indicates that faith in miracles is important. On the path of the eight, a person will need to give up his individuality, while he may not receive any benefits.

The queen lives thanks to people who love her, and she should listen to them and try to always be pleasant.

It may seem that this deck is simple, but you can never be sure that exactly the right door is open, and even if it is correct, there may be a hundred other doors behind it, and behind them still others, it is never clear where they will lead.

If you have not yet fully studied the deck and understood the meaning of divination on these useful and interesting maps, you can order virtual fortune-telling, if a professional conducts them, then the result of these cards may be better than others.

Source: http://gadanie-na-taro.ru/kartyi-taro-78-dverey

Mbk - instructions for a deck of tarot cards 78 doors

Tarot cards 78 doors

Basically, with Tarot, 78 doors work only in the upright position, but if a person works with upside down cards, then the cards that fell out upside down are interpreted as the opposite meaning.

Major Arcana

0 or (XXII) - Fool, Jester
Previously established rules no longer apply. You have to get a completely new experience, perhaps creative, but it will happen chaotically. But to find correct key to the door will be almost impossible.

I Mage
A door that will open up many new opportunities, but in order to take full advantage of them, you need to work hard, and this can take a lot of time.

II High Priestess
This door will open the way to secret knowledge.

III Empress
A door that will open emotions, beauty for you. This door will allow you to see the most important events and directions for your journey. Also, the card can show a young mother, or just a new friend.

IV Emperor
The door that will lead to success and security. A stable position will come with plans that will be successfully completed. May indicate a wealthy groom, or a noble person.

V High Priest
You are given the keys that will open the doors to spiritual growth. You need to listen to your inner voice Heavenly Teacher. You can also safely trust people who have authority.

VI Beloved (Lovers)
Love triangle. Obstacles. Difficult choice in matters of love. In any case, the decision, the choice, may be more difficult than expected at first.

VII Chariot
The door opens, and behind it is success. Honor, well-being. Keep going and believe in yourself and in your success, you are in the right direction. Do not refuse help to those who are in dire need of it.

VII (XI) Strength
The Door of Power is guarded by the Lions, who can be your allies, but can also cause you concern. The card gives you the opportunity to use your instincts, which in the future can be transformed into willpower and self-control.

IX Hermit
Introspection, which should not cause loneliness or self-imposed isolation. The door is not closed, which means that a person expects short-term successful circumstances. This door allows you to open your inner area.

X Wheel of Fortune
The door of a new stage, the process of change, opportunities. Fate has already begun to change, change, an opportunity is presented that cannot be missed, accept it, and leave everything in the hands of Fate.

XI (VIII) Justice
If a person walks on an honest path, then he has no reason to be afraid of the Door of Justice. The door provides an opportunity to solve problems. At the right time, the door will give wise advice as a wise man.

XII The Hanged Man (Sacrifice)
A person does not control the situation, is in prostration. But the time just hasn't come yet. The door will automatically open when needed.

XIII Death
There is a danger behind the door if a person tries or wants to change the past, but the past cannot be changed, this is the law of Being, any end, this is a new beginning.

XIV Temperance
This door will lead to peace of mind, balance. Optimism. Also, the card can indicate a new strong friendship.

XV Devil
Doors that a person so wants to open should remain closed. Danger, sexual connection, temptation, lust.

XVI Tower
The doors were flung open by a hurricane, causing serious damage. Old ideas and plans are destroyed. It is necessary to start all over again, to build everything anew, and this will lead to a new revival.

The door to infinity, which is inside the person himself. creative inspiration will lead to the right door. Romantic connection.

The door that opens the way to the deep human soul, but outside the door a person may be waiting either anxious or positive life experience. There is a continuous change, reality and illusion intersect.

All shadows of doubt are erased, destroyed. Man needs to meet new period With open heart, with positive emotions. Fear of fateful decisions will disappear.

XX Last Judgment
The awakening that will bring a man new strength, it is inevitable. Do not be afraid of surprises, you need to accept them as they are, and what emotions they can evoke. Old stereotypes should be destroyed, get rid of them. Long distance travel is possible.

XXI World
The man finally found the key he had been searching for so long. The old cycle of life ends (or ended) and another begins. The plans will be successful. A person should rejoice in the Gifts that come from Above.

Minor Arcana

Ace of Wands
Creativity, which gives additional inspiration, unstoppable energy to achieve new goals and projects.

Two of Wands
Implementation of plans, projects. Curiosity that leads to development and new discoveries.

Three of Wands
Cooperation. The ability of a person to find an alternative way out for turning new ideas into life.

Four of Wands
A person is satisfied with what is earned by honest and conscientious work. Good organization, trustworthy friends, affection.

Five of Wands
Too big ambitions, composure, and it sweeps everything in its path, and even old friendships.

Six of Wands
Success, well-deserved respect, recognition, respect. Climbing up career ladder, raising the status (social, life).

Seven of Wands
Physical strength, courage, willpower. The person shows interest in "closed doors".

Eight of Wands
Intuition that will help you make the right decision in difficult situation. Trust intuition.

Nine of Wands
A project, an idea moves from theory to practice. Reckoning for what you've done. Gratitude for the work done.

Ten of Wands
Waste of energy looking for useless life values or a person is weighed down by too heavy an assigned responsibility.

Paz of Wands
Fan. A young man who is full of enthusiasm.

Knight of Wands
Impatience, passion, impulse, inability to restrain in time, to stop.

Queen of Wands
Woman with strong character. Creative and sensual nature.

King of Wands
A man who has power, but also has an iron will. Too serious.

Ace of Cups
Emotions, feelings. Love. Too emotional approach to something or someone.

Two of Cups
The affection of a lover, friend.

Three of Cups
Good health. Goodwill, generosity, inner balance.

Four of Cups
Satisfaction and excessive calmness can lead to stagnation.

Five of Cups
Regret, pain for the lost, the lost. Stop living in the past, open up to the future.

Six of Cups
A person looks at life like a child, with simplicity and curiosity. Good welfare.

Seven of Cups
Illusions. Man seeks comfort in his illusions. Fear of reality.

Eight of Cups
In search of something better, sublime, a person may lose his friends, or a stable position.

Nine of Cups
Wealth, recognition, success, stable condition. Conscious desires.

Ten of Cups
Happiness, love, feelings, and all this brings fruit to a person.

Page of Cups
A very sensitive, dreamy person, perhaps superficial. Soon there will be news that will be in relation to feelings.

Knight of Cups
Impulsive, romantic, utopian, visionary.

Queen of Cups
Not greedy woman, tender, sensual, with a sense of duty, ready for sacrifice. Rich spiritually.

King of Cups
Educated, creative, with good developed intuition, humorous person.

Ace of Swords
New ideas. Idealism that can lead to selfishness. Imagination.

Two of Swords
A person needs the protection of influential friends. Unexpected surprise. positive situation.

Three of Swords
A person is tormented by doubts, pessimism, which cause suffering. Resumption to be overcome after certain interventions.

Four of Swords
Self-centeredness, self-digging lead a person to indifference, emotional emptiness.

Five of Swords
The man has lost faith in himself. The problems that have arisen may not be resolved without faith in the lost strength.

Six of Swords
Interests, hobbies, romance. A person is given the opportunity to change his routine life. Travel, trip, etc.

Seven of Swords
Search, aspiration. A person will persistently look for new solutions in search of their problems.

Eight of Swords
Indecision, fears that will lead a person to isolation and spiritual emptiness. External pressure on a person.

Nine of Swords
Life goes by inertia. Pessimism, inaction, fatigue, loneliness.

Ten of Swords
A person is overwhelmed with worries and problems that force him to look for some unreal world in his fantasies. Jealousy.

Page of Swords
An intelligent person can be cunning, vengeful.

Knight of Swords
A person needs to take care of his acquired property. A brave but cunning man.

Queen of Swords
Independent, energetic woman. Cunning, hypocritical and dodgy.

King of Swords
A person can control other people. Thinks only of himself. A narrow view of the world. Well educated.

Ace of Pentacles
Welfare. Money, property. Fate gives a person a wide variety of keys to material prosperity.

Two of Pentacles
A joint project may lead to great cause. The success of the new, the unknown.

Three of Pentacles
Implementation of plans. A person is given the opportunity to solve their problems, and find a way out of a difficult situation.

Four of Pentacles
A person proves his case by any available means. Rage, possibly a fight. meanness.

Five of Pentacles
Concern about material problems. An agonizing wait.

Six of Pentacles
A person who is willing to help other people. A surprise that will lead to wealth and gifts.

Seven of Pentacles
The desire to quit everything, move away from everything. Excessive exactingness to yourself, to people.

Eight of Pentacles
Pettiness, painstaking work, monotony. Movement to follow the crowd. Herd instinct.

Nine of Pentacles
Satisfaction with one's position. Potential. Creativity to business.

Ten of Pentacles
Stability, stability, both material and spiritual. Family happiness.

Page of Pentacles
Scientist. Student. A person who can think.

Knight of Pentacles
Responsible, generous person. Plans need to be carefully considered.

Queen of Pentacles
A person needs to listen to someone else's opinion. Attractive woman.

King of Pentacles
Energetic, practical person. Patience. Man's tendency to empty fantasies.

Tarot cards of 78 doors are distinguished by the fact that they answer questions as directly as possible and show what happens behind a closed door. The deck will help to observe someone else's life.

It demonstrates everything that happens externally, and you will have to draw conclusions about the internal content yourself.

The theme of doors and keys runs throughout this deck. The doors depicted on the maps are very diverse, it is always a path to something new.

History of Tarot Cards 78 Doors

The history of this one is not as ancient as that of others, but it has undeniable advantages.

Passing through the door is not easy, for this you need to overcome fears, part with the past, but also go through the door guard, he will check whether a person is ready to overcome the door.

All doors have a lock and a key to it. They are unique and in order to pass them you need to pass the test, that is, to have knowledge.

The major arcana here are interpreted in much the same way as in a regular Tarot deck, but still their meanings are somewhat changed.

  • The Fool, standing on a cliff in the hands of a key, does not have a specific door in front of him, the whole world is open to him and he only needs to take a step.
  • The High Priestess is presented here in the form of a sorceress, Tarot cards are laid out around her, she herself looks into a magic ball and wants to understand the meaning of secret knowledge.
  • The hermit is tempted by the spirit, he comes from a loosely closed door and shows weaknesses, he is only looking for a key.
  • The door of the Force is guarded by a lion, in order to be there, you need to defeat him or conclude an agreement with him, in any case, you need to win the battle at home.
  • The Door of Moderation is closed, in order to get into it, inner harmony and patience are needed, the girl on the map draws water into jugs, this is a good sign.
  • The people from the Devil card did not overcome themselves and still opened the door, although this was not necessary, now their fate depends on their actions.
  • The door of the Last Judgment is the door of patterns, it will sum up the results and help you move to a new level, nothing will depend on a person anymore, his task is to accept the change.

This deck is very convenient to ask about the possible consequences of your actions and how to get out of a difficult situation.

In the upright position, all Tarot cards of 78 doors speak of an entrance somewhere and an open door, then in an inverted position, it indicates the qualities necessary to open the door.

Tarot cards 78 Doors suit

If you decide to study 78 doors, then you need to consider that the minor arcana indicate individual details, they give advice on how to open the door and who might be behind it.

swords help open the doors of thought. The Ace of Swords will open the entrance to a huge endless labyrinth, it is very difficult to go through it. As long as a person has not entered there, he may be in captivity of various illusions, but if you enter inside, they will quickly dissipate.

A woman on the top five, grew old under the door and did not dare to open it while she was tormented, the door was already overgrown.

The seven shows that some doors are not easy to open, they require a special key, that is, the situation needs to be rethought. The knight is unique, he eliminates stereotypes in society.

cups lead to emotions and feelings. The five says to let go of the past, the woman on it sees that her house is on fire, and she must jump out the window to escape, but she wants to stay in the house and hopes that she will be helped to put out the fire.

Children on the six listen to grandmother's tales. They will learn from those they trust. The knight goes to the cave under the waterfall.

He came up with a bright and beautiful life for himself, but soon the water will bring him to his senses. The queen is the spirit of the river. She listens with understanding to the woman's prayer and wants to help her.

Wands open the way to a career and self-expression. The girl from the deuce seeps through the door, although it is closed. A man in a troika holds a torch in his hand and meets the ships.

The seven depicts a brave man, he had the determination to open secret doors. Eight calls to listen to intuition, there are many keys on the table, but only one is suitable for the door.

Pentacles open the door to the material world.

On the six you can see a poor family, they suddenly find a basket with gifts under the door, this indicates that faith in miracles is important. On the path of the eight, a person will need to give up his individuality, while he may not receive any benefits.

The queen lives thanks to people who love her, and she should listen to them and try to always be pleasant.

It may seem that this deck is simple, but you can never be sure that exactly the right door is open, and even if it is correct, there may be a hundred other doors behind it, and behind them still others, it is never clear where they will lead.

If you have not yet fully studied the deck and understood the meaning of divination on these useful and interesting cards, you can order if they are conducted by a professional, then the result of these cards may be better than others.

Tarot cards 78 doors

Basically, with Tarot, 78 doors work only in the upright position, but if a person works with upside down cards, then the cards that fell out upside down are interpreted as the opposite meaning.

Major Arcana

0 or (XXII) - Fool, Jester
Previously established rules no longer apply. You have to get a completely new experience, perhaps creative, but it will happen chaotically. But finding the right key to the door will be almost impossible.

I Mage
A door that will open up many new opportunities, but in order to take full advantage of them, you need to work hard, and this can take a lot of time.

II High Priestess
This door will open the way to secret knowledge.

III Empress
A door that will open emotions, beauty for you. This door will allow you to see the most important events and directions for your journey. Also, the card can show a young mother, or just a new friend.

IV Emperor
The door that will lead to success and security. A stable position will come with plans that will be successfully completed. May indicate a wealthy groom, or a noble person.

V High Priest
You are being given the keys that will open the doors to spiritual growth. It is necessary to listen to the inner voice or the Heavenly Teacher. You can also safely trust people who have authority.

VI Beloved (Lovers)
Love triangle. Obstacles. Difficult choice in matters of love. In any case, the decision, the choice, may be more difficult than expected at first.

VII Chariot
The door opens, and behind it is success. Honor, well-being. Keep going and believe in yourself and in your success, you are in the right direction. Do not refuse help to those who are in dire need of it.

VII (XI) Strength
The Door of Power is guarded by the Lions, who can be your allies, but can also cause you concern. The card gives you the opportunity to use your instincts, which in the future can be transformed into willpower and self-control.

IX Hermit
Introspection, which should not cause loneliness or self-imposed isolation. The door is not closed, which means that a person expects short-term successful circumstances. This door allows you to open your inner area.

X Wheel of Fortune
The door of a new stage, the process of change, opportunities. Fate has already begun to change, change, an opportunity is presented that cannot be missed, accept it, and leave everything in the hands of Fate.

XI (VIII) Justice
If a person walks on an honest path, then he has no reason to be afraid of the Door of Justice. The door provides an opportunity to solve problems. At the right moment, the Door will give wise advice in the form of a wise person.

XII The Hanged Man (Sacrifice)
A person does not control the situation, is in prostration. But the time just hasn't come yet. The door will automatically open when needed.

XIII Death
There is a danger behind the door if a person tries or wants to change the past, but the past cannot be changed, this is the law of Being, any end, this is a new beginning.

XIV Temperance
This door will lead to peace of mind, balance. Optimism. Also, the card can indicate a new strong friendship.

XV Devil
Doors that a person so wants to open should remain closed. Danger, sexual connection, temptation, lust.

XVI Tower
The doors were flung open by a hurricane, causing serious damage. Old ideas and plans are destroyed. It is necessary to start all over again, to build everything anew, and this will lead to a new revival.

The door to infinity, which is inside the person himself. Creative inspiration will lead to the right door. Romantic connection.

A door that opens the way to the depths of the human soul, but behind the door a person can either have a disturbing or positive life experience. There is a continuous change, reality and illusion intersect.

All shadows of doubt are erased, destroyed. A person needs to meet a new period with an open heart, with positive emotions. Fear of fateful decisions will disappear.

XX Last Judgment
The awakening, which will bring new strength to a person, is inevitable. Do not be afraid of surprises, you need to accept them as they are, and what emotions they can evoke. Old stereotypes should be destroyed, get rid of them. Long distance travel is possible.

XXI World
The man finally found the key he had been searching for so long. The old cycle of life ends (or ended) and another begins. The plans will be successful. A person should rejoice in the Gifts that come from Above.

Minor Arcana

Ace of Wands
Creativity, which gives additional inspiration, unstoppable energy to achieve new goals and projects.

Two of Wands
Implementation of plans, projects. Curiosity that leads to development and new discoveries.

Three of Wands
Cooperation. The ability of a person to find an alternative way out for turning new ideas into life.

Four of Wands
A person is satisfied with what is earned by honest and conscientious work. Good organization, trustworthy friends, affection.

Five of Wands
Too big ambitions, composure, and it sweeps everything in its path, and even old friendships.

Six of Wands
Success, well-deserved respect, recognition, respect. Climbing the career ladder, raising the status (social, life).

Seven of Wands
Physical strength, courage, willpower. The person shows interest in "closed doors".

Eight of Wands
Intuition that will help you make the right decision in a difficult situation. Trust intuition.

Nine of Wands
A project, an idea moves from theory to practice. Reckoning for what you've done. Gratitude for the work done.

Ten of Wands
Waste of energy in the search for useless values ​​in life or a person is pressed by too heavy an assigned responsibility.

Paz of Wands
Fan. A young man who is full of enthusiasm.

Knight of Wands
Impatience, passion, impulse, inability to restrain in time, to stop.

Queen of Wands
A woman with a strong character. Creative and sensual nature.

King of Wands
A man who has power, but also has an iron will. Too serious.

Ace of Cups
Emotions, feelings. Love. Too emotional approach to something or someone.

Two of Cups
The affection of a lover, friend.

Three of Cups
Good health. Goodwill, generosity, inner balance.

Four of Cups
Satisfaction and excessive calmness can lead to stagnation.

Five of Cups
Regret, pain for the lost, the lost. Stop living in the past, open up to the future.

Six of Cups
A person looks at life like a child, with simplicity and curiosity. Good welfare.

Seven of Cups
Illusions. Man seeks comfort in his illusions. Fear of reality.

Eight of Cups
In search of something better, sublime, a person may lose his friends, or a stable position.

Nine of Cups
Wealth, recognition, success, stable condition. Conscious desires.

Ten of Cups
Happiness, love, feelings, and all this brings fruit to a person.

Page of Cups
A very sensitive, dreamy person, perhaps superficial. Soon there will be news that will be in relation to feelings.

Knight of Cups
Impulsive, romantic, utopian, visionary.

Queen of Cups
Not a greedy woman, tender, sensual, with a sense of duty, ready for sacrifice. Rich spiritually.

King of Cups
Educated, creative, with a well-developed intuition, with a sense of humor.

Ace of Swords
New ideas. Idealism that can lead to selfishness. Imagination.

Two of Swords
A person needs the protection of influential friends. Unexpected surprise. positive situation.

Three of Swords
A person is tormented by doubts, pessimism, which cause suffering. Resumption to be overcome after certain interventions.

Four of Swords
Self-centeredness, self-digging lead a person to indifference, emotional emptiness.

Five of Swords
The man has lost faith in himself. The problems that have arisen may not be resolved without faith in the lost strength.

Six of Swords
Interests, hobbies, romance. A person is given the opportunity to change his routine life. Travel, trip, etc.

Seven of Swords
Search, aspiration. A person will persistently look for new solutions in search of their problems.

Eight of Swords
Indecision, fears that will lead a person to isolation and spiritual emptiness. External pressure on a person.

Nine of Swords
Life goes by inertia. Pessimism, inaction, fatigue, loneliness.

Ten of Swords
A person is overwhelmed with worries and problems that force him to look for some unreal world in his fantasies. Jealousy.

Page of Swords
An intelligent person can be cunning, vengeful.

Knight of Swords
A person needs to take care of his acquired property. A brave but cunning man.

Queen of Swords
Independent, energetic woman. Cunning, hypocritical and dodgy.

King of Swords
A person can control other people. Thinks only of himself. A narrow view of the world. Well educated.

Ace of Pentacles
Welfare. Money, property. Fate gives a person a wide variety of keys to material prosperity.

Two of Pentacles
A joint project can lead to a big deal. The success of the new, the unknown.

Three of Pentacles
Implementation of plans. A person is given the opportunity to solve their problems, and find a way out of a difficult situation.

Four of Pentacles
A person proves his case by any available means. Rage, possibly a fight. meanness.

Five of Pentacles
Anxiety about material problems. An agonizing wait.

Six of Pentacles
A person who is willing to help other people. A surprise that will lead to wealth and gifts.

Seven of Pentacles
The desire to quit everything, move away from everything. Excessive demands on oneself, on people.

Eight of Pentacles
Pettiness, painstaking work, monotony. Movement to follow the crowd. Herd instinct.

Nine of Pentacles
Satisfaction with one's position. Potential. Creative approach to business.

Ten of Pentacles
Stability, stability, both material and spiritual. Family happiness.

Page of Pentacles
Scientist. Student. A person who can think.

Knight of Pentacles
Responsible, generous person. Plans need to be carefully considered.

Queen of Pentacles
A person needs to listen to someone else's opinion. Attractive woman.

King of Pentacles
Energetic, practical person. Patience. Man's tendency to empty fantasies.

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