Home Mushrooms Pasha, Pavel, Pavlina: what does this female name mean with a “masculine character. What does the beautiful female name Pasha mean?

Pasha, Pavel, Pavlina: what does this female name mean with a “masculine character. What does the beautiful female name Pasha mean?




good afternoon everyone. I don’t know why I’m writing, probably for support. in a relationship with my man for 2 years, we do not live together. everything seemed to be good, we saw each other often, I felt that I loved. in mid-March I went on a business trip for a week. constantly corresponded, missed. upon my return, he sharply refuses to meet, I hear phrases like “withdrawn into myself” “I don't want to see anyone” “depression”. then the accusations fell. like I don’t give him what he wants in return (I don’t cook, I don’t spend the night with him). wildly insulting and painful. I propose to meet, a categorical refusal, like I'm not ready yet. writes willingly, but the initiative is more from me. does not want to leave yet. does not deny that the feelings remained with him. very hard from uncertainty. did your men have it like that?
the probability that he has someone appeared is practically zero. after work immediately goes home and that's it


mom cat

Girls, thanks to all those who did not remain indifferent and worried about the last topic. I am writing how it ended. We came to the school, to the office of the extended program, began to wait for the rest of the parents. The teacher immediately said that he did not really believe the daughter’s words and she most likely came up with it. But to find out the situation, she must ask her daughter. I agreed, maybe. she said that first we and her daughter would talk and then with the boys and their parents, separately. I really didn’t like that she tried to put pressure on the child, like a prosecutor. There were questions, where did you sit first? where did you go then? Where did they start? ” Then 2 more mothers came up and connected. The child stood alone among the adults and tried to answer the rather unpleasant questions to her where they touched and so on. At the same time, it was clear that the teacher was trying to confuse her and was talking to my daughter in a raised voice. I could not resist and made a remark to her, saying that the child was not clever and empty, they were calling a psychologist and he was talking to everyone separately. I was told that the psychologist had quit. But I insisted, and in an uninterested person, memorization came. With him, things went much faster, she asked everyone to calm down, we should not focus our daughter's attention on this so that there would be no psychological trauma, and the mothers of the boys should have a conversation with them but not scold. She forbade interrogating the boys and said that no one had a daughter either. the right to interrogate.In my opinion reasonable person The mothers of the boys, of course, do not believe that their children could do this and insist that their daughter is not telling the truth, since their children are positive and do not even know such words, and in general they know their children and they could not. It is understandable that everyone stands up for their child. I heard them but warned that if something like this happens again, then I will not go to the teacher, but further. Most of all in this story I did not like the behavior of the teacher of the extended course. She told me that with her complaints I put her in an awkward position, that she is not looking after the children, but washes the floors. increased attention children and better watch. She's a fine fellow, I think. Well, I talked with my daughter, said that we have solved this issue and no one else will offend her, and we closed this topic. After the meeting, we went to gymnastics, there is a section of aikido in this building. We talked with the coach, he adopted his daughter, and on Monday he will begin to study. I know that quick results it's not worth waiting, but I think it will give her confidence in herself, and in a few years she will be able to stand up for herself if God forbid there are more boys like that. Sorry for the many letters.


Paul's name is of Latin origin and translated into Russian means "small".

Little Pavel in childhood is stubborn, stubborn, with a very difficult character: this is especially true for those girls who were born in December. Likes to go to kindergarten: there she likes to communicate with peers, she boldly recites poems at matinees. There Pavel is a leader among the kids: she will play with them only according to her own rules. However, something else quickly attracts her attention: the baby is quickly distracted, so parents need to teach Pavel to be persevering. It's good if the crumbs have their own room, where she will be alone with her thoughts, toys and things. Better with early age accustom her to a rigid daily routine. Pavel may suffer nervous system, the girl is prone to colds and pharyngitis.

Pavel, born in March, is very active, it is difficult for her to sit in one place. Therefore, among peers in kindergarten she enjoys playing with boys more than girls. The baby can go on quite bold actions in difficult moments, but she sometimes really lacks decisiveness in this. Parents need to engage the girl in sports so that she is physically developed and disciplined. Mom and Dad need to remember that it is better not to show any injustice to Pavel: otherwise the girl will withdraw into herself and will hide her grudge against her parents for a long time.

The baby is growing very smart girl: she knows a lot interesting books, poems. When she grows up a little, dad will become a role model for her: she tries in every possible way to be like him. Pavla has very well developed ear for music and plastic: she can become a talented choreographer or ballerina.

From little child with a complex character, Pavel turns into a beautiful, charming, kind girl... Poorly versed in people: he tries to see only good in them and often does not notice selfish people and traitors. She usually thinks too much and contradicts herself. Friends turn to her for advice, and she will gladly solve any other people's problem, while forgetting about her life. Pavel is an open and straightforward person, she does not like to scandal and, moreover, does not tolerate intrigues and squabbles. She loves to chat with her friends on the phone. Due to her absent-mindedness, she cannot choose what she wants to do in life: the profession, often, is determined only in mature age... But still, if she does something, she will give herself up to this business completely and will certainly achieve professional success. In the work collective, she will always find friends and like-minded people.

From Pavla it can turn out good doctor, a talented chemist or laboratory assistant, beautician or hairdresser, artist-restorer. In a word, there is a fairly wide range of professions in her choice.

The life of a young woman is most often not easy, so she is not wasteful in money and in no case will she throw it to the wind. She is a reliable person, she will never let you down and will do everything as asked. She is in no hurry to get married, especially the “November” Pavla. For himself, he chooses a strong, decisive man. But if she has a family, she will be a devoted wife and a good mother, and the best housewife: her house always has the necessary supplies, everything is tidied up and tidied up. Pavel is a very cheerful person in the company: she has great humor, it is a pleasure to spend time with her.

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Description: small

Origin: Latin

In childhood, the character is complex. The girl is capricious, stubborn, especially "December". The character is inherited from the mother. In a good mood, she is sociable, but does not tolerate contradictions. She plays with children calmly until everyone obeys her. It is difficult for Pavel to concentrate on one thing, her attention is scattered - she should often return to reality, cultivate perseverance. It is difficult for her to make a decision, she always seems to be at a crossroads. It's good when Pavla has her own room or corner to play. She should not be disturbed when she is busy with games of ingenuity, where she herself must decide how best to act. Paul needs a clear daily routine.

"March" by Paul is very emotional and mobile. Among her friends there are more boys, with them she is more interested. She is brave and resourceful in difficult situations but not too decisive, she needs strong helper, a friend who can support her. She needs to go in for sports, get physically tempered and cultivate a will. Every wrong decision of adults, the slightest injustice can force a girl to withdraw into herself, to turn against her parents and teachers. Subsequently, she will provoke the offenders into quarrels, coming up with ways to prove that this particular person is not good.

Paul reads a lot, knows a lot of fairy tales, interesting stories... She is very musical and plastic. V adolescence she tries to be like her father, imitates him in everything, and the father, accordingly, should not push her away during this period of their spiritual rapprochement.

Her character is characterized by constant contradictions, excessive judgment. She constantly deals with the problems of friends, gives advice, lives their life, which prevents her from figuring out her own. Pavla usually has many interesting plans, but she herself is unable to realize them. She is straightforward, open. He does not tolerate intrigues, squabbles, he will definitely interrupt the conversation if they talk badly about someone and behind the backs. Avoids scandals. She likes to talk on the phone for a long time, to travel, but more mentally, because she herself is heavy on her feet and somewhat lazy.

It is difficult for her to find her profession, she often changes them and finds only in adulthood. However, she is responsible and executive in any work, regardless of whether she likes it at this stage or not. In any team, she is respected, there are always friends. She is kind and sociable. It often becomes driving force team, knows how to present a fruitful idea, suggest how to implement it, but the rest is shouldered by like-minded people. In any profession, wherever she worked, she achieves success thanks to her lively character and perseverance.

Pavel can be a defectologist, ballet dancer, laboratory assistant, chemist, teacher elementary grades, translator, flight attendant, waitress, cutter, hairdresser, lawyer, juvenile inspector, theater costume designer, beautician, artist-restorer. It is reliable, you can rely on it in difficult moment... Her life is not easy, so she is not a spender, knows the value of money and always has an emergency reserve.

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Peacock), give their owner a character with dominant masculine qualities... Is it so? Do you agree with popular opinion esotericists, astrologers and numerologists?

This name does not make scientists argue to the point of hoarseness and "break spears." All of them are unanimously convinced: it came from the Roman family name Paulinus, that is, "a representative or representative of the Paulus clan."

It is not translated pompously, but very nice - just right for a woman: "baby", "shy"

Paired male: it is not hard to guess what it is. And besides, there is another, less common name - Peacock. Moreover, it did not go from the name of the bird, but has Roman roots, identical to the name Paul.

Friends and family call her: Pasha, Pava, Pavochka,. This girl can also be called Polina, but this will be a mistake, since given name- an abbreviated version of Apollinaria ("solar" from ancient Greek).

In other cultures, this name sounds like: (European countries), Paula or Paola.

What character does it impart?

Positive sides: it is very light, good person... She will enter any team and become her own in any company.

Peacock is energetic and independent (however, if she learns to build a team of assistants around herself, things will go even better for her). The difficulties encountered on the way to the goal do not stop, but only provoke it.

In her personal life, she is sacrificial - she will easily give her sister her favorite toy, and give her friend the guy she is in love with. The peacock constantly needs a person whom she will make happier, because what kind of sacrifice alone?

Weak sides: Fields cannot stand criticism, even the constructive can "drive" her into a state of apathy. She likes to constantly hear good about herself, so she is greedy for flattery, which her cunning colleagues can use.

She is not very hardworking, both at work and at home. She does things that cannot be avoided very quickly, not wanting to spend too much time on them.

This girl loves to shock. She can behave with strangers so openly and without complexes that many will consider her even vulgar and ill-mannered.

Different aspects of Pasha's life

  • Childhood. This is a peaceful baby who will not fight for a toy - she would rather change, or give up hers and take another. She may have many friends. In her docile, phlegmatic character, "gaps" in the form of mild excitability are possible. If her parents and teachers do not praise her, she quickly fades. Therefore, at school she has to “weigh out” compliments all the time - in this case, the girl will bring the best marks.
  • Youth. This is the girl who laughs the loudest and says "you" to every stranger. But this bright emancipation is a mask under which self-doubt is hiding. She never asks for some kind of work, but if she does something, she will definitely bring it to the end, and as quickly as possible.
  • Mature years. This is a kind woman, completely devoid of a sense of meanness or betrayal. She loves children, respects her spouse, and enjoys housework. Work for her is the place where she goes to dress up in a new dress, hang out with people and make money. She does not live by her own business, but by her family.

Astrology and esoterics

  • Ideal zodiac sign: Aquarius (so if your baby was born in the time period from January 21 to February 18, astrologers advise to call her Pasha).
  • Name color: sea ​​wave, that is, blue-green.
  • Patronizing planet: Uranus.
  • Talisman stone: garnet.
  • Name metal: copper.
  • Plants named: mistletoe (pictured above) and poplar.
  • Totemnoe Living being: This is a butterfly called Peacock's Eye.
  • Happy day of the week: Friday.

Birthday: they are, but only Catholic. V Orthodox saints this name is not indicated, so when baptizing, the priest can advise another church name- most likely Apollinaria.

As for Catholics, they celebrate the day of the angel:

  • February 10 (honoring the Holy Martyr Paul, who died in Palestine at the beginning of the 4th century),
  • July 3 (remembering on this day the Holy Gracious Paul).
  • August 1 (11 blessed Novogrudok sisters-martyrs are commemorated, among whom is Borovik).

Here's how Pasha acts in different life situations:

  • A family. Faced with the standard female choice"Career-children", Pava will choose a family. Since her youth, she has dreamed of a successful marriage. The spouse will not forgive the only thing: betrayal.
  • Friendship. For the bearer of this name, it is not so important a spiritual relationship with friends as their social status, place of work, wallet thickness. In general, choosing which of her colleagues or classmates to keep in touch with, this woman often acts mercantile.
  • Job. Pavel can become a good organizer, administrator. She will excel in the position that needs leadership skills... She is ambitious. However, love for the family dictates the choice of a profession that does not require "living": a museum worker, a hairdresser, a secretary.
  • Money. Numerologists are sure: this woman is doomed to wealth. If she brings out her talents and applies them to her work, she will be very successful.
  • Health. In general, with him big problems does not arise. Dangerous parts of her body: weak immunity as well as the digestive tract, which can fail from time to time.

Love compatibility with male names

Ideal spouse:, (and Danila, too),,. It is interesting that with some of these guys (with Alexander, Daniel, Mark, Timofey) the bearer of this name can do business very successfully. And other men (for example, Yuri), on the contrary, are not created for a joint business with Pasha.

Unsuccessful, marriage:,. Numerologists especially do not like names, Peter: they are sure that Pavlina will not develop not only personal, but also business relationships with these people.

The namesakes who made everyone interested in this name

  1. Paulina Petronella Krakowa (1813-1882) is a Polish writer known for her good stories for children and adolescents.
  2. Paulina Musters (1876-1895) is a woman from the Netherlands, marked by the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest woman in the world.
  3. Pavlina Iosifovna Tsvilyk (1891-1964) - Ukrainian, master of Hutsul artistic ceramics. Contemporaries called her the ruler of the ceramic kingdom.
  4. Paulina Onushonok (1892-1982) - revolutionary, participant in the assault Winter Palace, the first female Soviet chief of a police station. The creator of the children's rooms for the police. Known for being in record time put an end to Ligovskaya crime in Leningrad. She was born on the territory of modern Latvia.
  5. Pauline Baines (1922-2008) is an illustrator from England. She designed books by Lewis and Tolkien.
  6. Paulina Rubio (1971) is a Mexican pop singer. In her homeland she is known under the nickname "Golden Girl".
  7. Pavlina Sabinina is a Ukrainian singer. Genres - bard song, folklore, gospel (songs about God, that is, Christian).
  8. Pavlina Ustinova is a cosmist artist from Russia.
  9. Paulina Ligotskaya (1984) is a snowboarder from Poland. She won the world championships, represented her country at the Olympics with dignity.
  10. Paulina Kakhenya (1985) is a Kenyan runner, African and world champion.

And in the end - a gift to all Christians. A very beautiful, heartfelt song by Polina Sabinina about something that in no case can you pass by in this life:

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

The meaning of the name Paul (Peacock): this name means "baby" for a girl. it female uniform named Paul.

The origin of the name Paul (Peacock): Latin.

The diminutive form of the name: Pavlinka, Lina, Pavlya, Pava, Pasha.

What does the name of Paul (Peacock) mean: Increased vulnerability. Playing sports as a child will help strengthen her will and stamina. A girl with this name does not stand up to criticism and may quarrel over this with loved ones. If the husband's financial condition allows, then the girl will not work, but will devote her time to children and the household.

Angel day and patron saints of the name: the name of Paul celebrates the name day twice a year:

  • February 23 (10) - Holy Martyr Paul the Virgin with her friends suffered for Christ in Palestine in 308.
  • July 16 (3) - St. Paul the Virgin visited Christians imprisoned in prison, consoled and helped them, and after a martyr's death she buried them.

Signs: The turning point of winter: although Pavel is angry (that is, it is frosty on this day), he can smell spring!


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet - Uranus
  • Pavla's color is blue-green
  • Auspicious tree - poplar
  • Treasured plant - mistletoe
  • Patron saint - peacock butterfly
  • Talisman Stone - Garnet

Characteristics of the name of Paul

Positive features: Pavel's dear and light woman with whom it is very pleasant to communicate. She quickly adapts to any situation. The name gives Paul a love of company.

Negative traits: At the slightest criticism, he gets lost, worried and deepens into a cruel blues. In general, Pavla's peace of mind is easy to upset. A girl with this name behaves so relaxed that it seems that there are no moral norms for her, although this is not at all the case: she just loves to shock public opinion.

The nature of Paul's name: The owner of this name is a phlegmatic person. But at the same time, she is characterized by such qualities as sensuality, excitability. She does not know how to adequately respond to criticism and perceives it very painfully, since she depends on the opinions of the people around her. The girl named Pavel must constantly feel love for herself and only then will she gain confidence in her uniqueness and irresistibility.

Pavel and her personal life

Love and marriage: Does happiness in love promise the meaning of Paul's name? Often, despite enough a large number of ambitions, Pavlinka chooses not career growth. For her has special meaning a family. Moreover, it is extremely important for her to get married successfully. She Paul often does not share such concepts as sympathy and sexual attraction, from which she often suffers. She does not know how to forgive treason. If she has complete harmony in her relationship, she will be able to adapt to any environment, devote herself to home and family.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: In work, the one bearing the name of Paul is inactive: she does everything somehow, and then out of a sense of duty. He also works at home without much eagerness, but quickly and brilliantly.

The meaning of the name Paul in numerology is determined by the number 8, which symbolizes material goods and success. Such people usually successfully complete one business and immediately start another. Very often they can receive material benefits by doing what they love, and therefore, it is immediately important for the Peacock to determine her talents and abilities that can and should be used in work.

Business and career: She Paul possesses big amount energy, and perhaps for this reason she is constantly trying to cope with the work on her own. But numerology says that the number 8 allows you to achieve success in business, only if a person learns to shift small responsibilities to other people and concentrate on large ones, important tasks.

A girl with this name will easily carry out her plans and reach the end in realizing her goal. Doesn't attach great importance to difficulties. Obstacles will only spur her on. She Paul is distinguished by rare administrative abilities, the ability to manage people and lead them. In choosing friends, she has a certain calculation - she pays attention to their income and social status.

Paul's fate in history

What does Paul's name mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. The Monk Paul (346–404) came from a wealthy and noble Roman family; her husband was a descendant of the Yuliev house. After her husband's death, the woman devoted herself to charity work, and in 385 with her daughter she went to the East. On her return to Bethlehem, she built a hospice on the road to Jerusalem and male monastery where blessed Jerome was the abbot. In Bethlehem, Paul established an extensive convent.
  2. Paulina Maria Zhariko - (1799 - 1862) Catholic religious activist, servant of God, candidate for beatification, founder of the Catholic organization "Society for the Propagation of Faith" and Catholic movement"Living Rosary".
  3. Paulina Borovik - (1905 - 1943) in monasticism - sister Maria Felicita; blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, nun of the female monastic congregation "Sisters of the Holy Family from Nazareth" (Nazarethian women), martyr. One of the eleven Novogrudok martyrs.
  4. Paulina Nyeri Kahenya is a Kenyan long distance runner. African Champion 2011 in cross country in the team championship. At the 2012 World Half Marathon Championship, she took 6th place in the individual championship and 2nd place in the team event. Winner of the 2012 Paris Half Marathon with a track record of 1: 07.55.
  5. P. Shapovalenko - (born 1949) operator of machine milking SPK "Agrofirma" Pervoe Maya ", ( Sumy region, Ukraine). Hero of Ukraine. For almost 35 years she worked as a milking machine operator at the agricultural production cooperative Agrofirma Pervoy Maya. She was awarded the Soviet Orders of Lenin (1976) and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1973).
  6. Pavlina Myadelka - (1893 - 1974) Honored Worker of Culture of Belarus (1966). She made a significant contribution to the development of the Belarusian theatrical art, thereby contributing to the Belarusian national and cultural development. She was personally acquainted with Y. Kupala, who dedicated several poems to her. He is the author of the memoirs about the cultural life of the pre-revolutionary period "Paths of Life" (1974, 1993).
  7. Pauline Frederica Maria of Württemberg - (1810 - 1856) Princess of Württemberg, Duchess-Consort of Nassau)
  8. Princess Paulina Ida Maria Olga Henrietta Catherine of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach ((1852 - 1904) Crown Princess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach.
  9. Princess Pauline Teresa Louise of Württemberg - (1800 - 1873) daughter of Duke Ludwig of Württemberg and Princess Henrietta of Nassau-Walburgskaya. Queen Consort of Württemberg.
  10. Paulina Rubio, also known under the nickname La Chica Dorada ("Golden Girl") - (born 1971) Mexican singer, star of Latin pop music.

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