Home Trees and shrubs Church name Eve or not. What does the name Eva mean and its influence on the fate and character of the girl

Church name Eve or not. What does the name Eva mean and its influence on the fate and character of the girl

The short form of the name is Eve. Evushka, Evka, Evka, Efi, Evita.
Synonyms for the name Eve. Yves, Iva, Eva, Khava, Ava, Efa, Eba.
The origin of the name Eve. The name Eve is Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish.

The name Eve is the name of the progenitor of all mankind. Comes from the ancient Jewish name Chava, meaning "giving life", "life." In the modern context, it can be translated as "lively", "mobile", "mischievous". In some languages ​​of the Christian peoples, this name entered as Eva (Czech, Polish), Iva (English). In the Georgian language - Khava.

Also Eve is short form not only some female names (Evangeline, Eugene, Evdokia, Eunice), but also male names - Evstigney, Eutropius. A variant of the name - Ava - is also an independent name.

Diminutive Evita is also a name in its own right.

A woman named Eve possesses strong-willed character, which is complemented by the ability to control oneself in any situation. She has such qualities as poise, restraint, perseverance and attentiveness. Eve has her own, different from others, view of everything that can happen in life. Eve has her own, different from others, view of everything that can happen in life, and she always has a priority on her own opinion on various issues, which does not depend on what others may think.

Such a woman has elevated level intelligence. If any enterprise seems to her questionable in terms of morality or law, she will never get involved in it. A woman named Eve usually has a flexible and resourceful mind. Eve is intelligent: she trusts facts and logic more than her intuition. She tries to plan and build her life herself and define values ​​in it.

As for her career, Eva can often become a top-class professional in medicine, linguistics, can be a teacher or a specialist in modeling and sewing clothes. It shows itself well in administrative and clerical work.

When it comes to love, its inherent consistency and rationalism recede into the background. Now it is affectionate, gentle, cheerful woman, you will never get bored with her. As a life partner, Eva most often chooses a man with the same character and temperament as hers. She does not tolerate cold partners next to her. She will not marry until will find a person, which would fully correspond to her ideals. It often happens that Eve's first marriage may not be entirely successful.

She is the head of the family, but she exercises this leadership tactfully. A woman with such a name is a wonderful hospitable hostess and an excellent cook who will delight not only the family, but also guests with her edible masterpieces. From this, the husband is constantly crazy about his wife. Usually family life Eve always brings her happiness and lasts for many years. However, she does not want to live with her mother-in-law and tries to build a family nest outside her husband's parental home.

Often Eve can be strict with other people, principled, even a little conflicted, and sometimes it is even impossible to predict how she will behave in a minute. But at the same time, she is quite cheerful and sociable.

Sound. Eve - short name, all consonants in which are voiced. The vast majority of people pay attention to its beauty. Almost always they also note the tenderness (93%), mysteriousness (90%) and majesty (90%) of the sound of the name. Sometimes a certain femininity is also distinguished in him (92%). Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Aisha, Amalia and Leila.

Eve's birthday

Famous people named Eve

  • Eve (the foremother of all people, the first woman (in kabbalistic versions - the second after Lilith), the wife of Adam, made from his rib, the mother of Cain, Abel and Seth)
  • Eva Denise Curie-Laboisse ((1904 - 2007) French and American writer and public figure)
  • Maria Eva Duarte de Peron ((1919 - 1952) Argentine actress, political figure, first lady of Argentina, second wife of President Juan Peron, character of Andrew Lloyd Weber's musical "Evita", based on her biography, also known as Evita)
  • Eva Anna Paula Braun (on the last day of her life - Hitler's surname; mistress of Adolf Hitler, then his wife)
  • Eva Romanova (Czechoslovak figure skater who performed in ice dancing with her brother Pavel Roman; four-time world champions and two-time European champions)
  • Eva Jacqueline Longoria Parker ( American actress and model, best known for her role as Gabrielle Solis in Desperate Housewives)
  • Yves Arden ((1908 - 1990) American film actress)
  • Yves Kueler ((born 1936) American conductor)
  • Ev Curie, Eva Curie, Eva Curie ((1904 - 2007) French writer and public figure, daughter of Pierre Curie and Marie Sklodowska-Curie)
  • Eva Rutkai ((1927 - 1986) Hungarian actress)
  • Eva Simonaityte ((1897 - 1978) Lithuanian writer, People's Writer of Lithuania)
  • Eva Mendes (American actress)
  • Eva Figes (English writer, literary critic, author of studies in the field of feminism, as well as memoirs describing her childhood in Berlin and the subsequent experience of a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany)
  • Eva Herzigova (Herzigova) (Czech top model and actress)
  • Eva Neumann (German-Ukrainian film director, citizen of Ukraine)
  • Eva Rivas (real name - Valeria Aleksandrovna Reshetnikova-Tsaturyan; Russian-Armenian pop singer)
  • Eva Olin (Swedish actress)
  • Eva Arnold (American photojournalist and first female member of Magnum Photos)
  • Eva Mary Saint (American actress, Academy Award winner (1954))
  • Eva LaRue (American actress)
  • Eva-Lena Lundgren (film actress, Swedish supermodel, won 3rd place in the 1981 Miss Universe competition)
  • Eva Serrano (French athlete, represented rhythmic gymnastics in individual exercises)
  • Eva Herman (nee - Eva Feldker; German TV journalist, in 1998-2006 - one of the presenters of the news program "Tagesschau"; fired for speaking about National Socialism, which does not coincide with the position of the leadership of the television and radio company NDR)
  • Ewa Demarczyk (Polish singer)
  • Eva Amurri (American actress, daughter of Italian film director Franco Amurri and American film actress Susan Sarandon. Eva starred in the first film at the age of seven.)
  • Eva Gael Green (French actress, BAFTA Rising Star Special Award Winner)
  • Eva Korpela (former Swedish biathlete, world champion, two-time World Cup winner)
  • Eva Ionesco (French film actress)
  • Iva Majoli (Croatian tennis player, the best tennis player in Croatia of all time)
  • Iva Slaninova (Czechoslovak orienteer, medalist of the World Orienteering Championship in relay race)
  • Iva Kalibanova (Czechoslovak orienteer, medalist of the World Orienteering Championships in the relay)
  • Evelin Lori (real name - Eva Slovikova; Slovak fashion model)
  • Eva Bushmina (Ukrainian singer, soloist of the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra")
  • Eva Polna ( Russian singer, soloist of the Russian group "Guests from the Future")
  • Eva Ionesco (French film actress of Romanian descent)
  • Eva Urbanova (Czech Opera singer(soprano))
  • Ewa Kowalewska (Polish artist)
  • Eva Kjer Hansen (Danish politician)
  • Eva-Britt Svensson ((born 1946) Swedish politician)

head of catechesis courses in the Dnepropetrovsk diocese, cleric of the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God:

- This question is connected with a serious church problem- neophyte. The fact that the overwhelming majority of believers in the post-Soviet (post-atheistic) space are converts (neophytes) is completely axiomatic and does not require statistical confirmation. Well, neophytes inevitably want to testify to everyone around them that they belong to one or another religious structure.

There is no doubt that the feelings of these people are sincere and beautiful. Although the outward manifestations of their delight look naive, at times they are just ridiculous and even silly.

Neophyte often manifests itself in appearance, but the naming of children in Orthodox families rare biblical names... Although in the old days it was more typical of sectarians: Baptists, Seventh-day Adventists, etc.

For the Orthodox, this range extends to any rare Christian names that are in the calendar. But it should be borne in mind that the attitude towards the calendar has always been quite differentiated. That is, there are names by which monastics were most often called.

However, some names have ceased to be purely monastic, and have even become more secular. For example, the name Margarita - earlier this name was used mainly for nuns. But this is almost an exception.

"There is something sectarian in this"

- The very complex of neophyte, including the tendency to call children rare biblical names, is, in my opinion, a sign of unconscious pride. A person seems to want to fight pride, but in fact he simply does not see that, pushing out his religiosity, he only found to realize pride new form... And children with such exotic names will have not only hard, but somewhat uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

The society consists of different people, and for some, such names can cause ridicule, and for others, irritation. Although, of course, people from the environment of neophytes treat such names with approval. The neophyte is fixated on his new worldview model and, as a rule, wants to turn the whole world around so that it becomes in tune with his new beliefs. There is something sectarian about this. Therefore, the biblical names are perceived by others in combination with his annoying behavior and cause irritation.

"There is a name in the calendar - there is nowhere to go"

- And when asked to baptize with some well, very rare name, I would like to recommend: well, name then, as the prophet Isaiah named his son: Meger Shelal Khash Baz. (True, he is not canonized). Or the name of the holy martyr Husdazad - there is such a name in the calendar. In such cases, I invite the parents to think, but I do not insist. And there is no reason to refuse to baptize a child with such a name: there is this name in the calendar - there is nowhere to go.

This does not happen often in our parish, but no, no, it does. It happened to baptize the names of Rachel, Rebekah, Sampson. Somehow they brought a boy to baptize - Solomon. But with Solomon it is easier - the Church did not rank him among the saints.

Although there are many biblical names and at the same time quite common. So, for example, after a long oblivion, the boys of Thomas began to be called again. And the name David has become very popular.

And, of course, the name that many consider to be almost the most Russian is Ivan. In fact, it is not Russian, but Jewish, biblical... True, the Jews have not called their children by this name for a long time. In their opinion, the fact that the name John (Heb. Yochanan) has become so widespread among Christian peoples: Johannes (Hans), John, Jan, Jean, Juan - it "discredits", and it is completely unacceptable to call Jewish boys by that name. Although, it is not without exceptions here.

And finally in recent times the names Adam and Eve are often found. In Russia, these names were not so rare, and the name Eve, it seemed to me, began to revive a little earlier than the name Adam. True, most often it is necessary to call this when they bring a girl with the name Evelina to be baptized. These names are often chosen by non-church people, because the names Adam and Eve are significant in secular culture and art.

"Any extremes are from demons"

But now we are not talking about such biblical names as Thomas, Adam and Eve, and even less about the name Ivan. And that the very desire to give children rare, even exotic names is due to the tendency to emphasize their peculiarity and exclusivity. However, the penchant for exoticism most often causes irritation and can be perceived as a kind of marginality. And this will inevitably be reflected in children.

For parents, the choice of such names can be a form of shocking, to show that we, they say, are not like everyone else. But it is one thing with such a goal to put on some kind of awkward T-shirt - he wore it and threw it away. It’s another matter to give a person a name.

Therefore, when choosing a name for a child, parents must take into account all facets: so that it is familiar, euphonious, and Orthodox. Because if there is an inflection in one direction, then it gives a general roll. I don’t remember which of the holy fathers, in my opinion, Venerable Ambrose Optinsky said: "Any extremes are from demons." So in the naming of children, extremes should also be avoided.

“The child should be given such a name so that he fell in love with him” - the opinion of the head of the registry office

for more than 30 years he has been in charge of the city registry office in Vinnitsa:

- There are such parents who, even before the doors of the registry office, argue about what name to call the child. And it happens that not only dad and mom, but the whole family and all relatives gather to choose a name for the child - they discuss, consult. Responsible for this - not just "the neighbor has a girl Nastenka, and we will call ourselves that."

The child must be given a name so that he falls in love with him. Because if the child does not like his name, there will be no sense. And it’s not a child who doesn’t like his name - it’s a child that is not loved in the family. They called him that, which makes him uncomfortable.

And such an observation: if a person comes to change his name, it means that the family could not make him fall in love with him. It depends on the parents and other relatives - they didn't give the child something, some troubles in the family.

Of course, they call children ancient unusual names - but this does not often happen. For example, three children are registered with the name Savva in a year - no more. Now people began to look at church calendars: Catholics look in their own way, Jews - in their own way, and Orthodox too. But the Ukrainians twist the names - they do not write Cyril, as it is necessary according to dictionaries, but Cyril, with two Ukrainian "i". Or Christina instead of Christina. They don't want to name them correctly in Ukrainian.

And when registering, parents can even call a child an Electric Pillar, or a Light Bulb. There are no restrictions. This is how we write down: "the name is assigned to the child by agreement of the parents." Especially when the name is chosen unconventional or its spelling differs from the generally accepted one. Now they began to call children more by the names of grandfathers, great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers - they want the name to be preserved in the family and live on.

"Biblical names have the same right to be restored in the life of society, like any other" - the opinion of the philologist

Natalia Ivanova, philologist, now works in an Orthodox kindergarten in Kaliningrad:

- And in our kindergarten there are many children with biblical and ancient Christian names. Most often these are the children of priests. I have two sisters in my group - Anastasia and Pelageya, there are also Fedor, Matvey, Mark, Makar.

As a philologist, I can say that every nation has its own preferred names, which they use as national ones and pass them on to future generations. In Russia long time the main role in the choice of the name was played by the saints. In the Soviet period, all rights were transferred to the registry office, that is, from the church to the state, which influenced the variety of names for babies, the so-called neologisms. V recent history there is no clear preference for the names of "secular", biblical, old Russian, etc.

Personally, I believe that names as such fix and transmit cultural attitudes and stereotypes from generation to generation, and the modern world is inclined towards universality in this matter as well. In particular, biblical names have the same right to life, more precisely, to be restored in the life of society, like any others.

"Themistocluses with Alcides and the crystal bridge across the river" - the opinion of a psychologist

Olga Shurygina, consultant psychologist at Yandex, St. Petersburg:

- When they give such names to children, then someone just wants to show off, and someone, perhaps, thinks that “whatever you name the yacht, so it will float”. It seems to me that when choosing a name, you need to be guided by an ear for music and respect for the future child, and not burden him with your cultural meanings or your fantasies about beautiful life heroes of epics and legends.

If the name is not chosen correctly, the child may suffer. Either you begin to dislike and be ashamed of yourself, or secretly hate your parents. Nothing good - I wouldn't experiment. And she allowed the authorities in such cases to change the problem name. But maybe the child will be lucky with the psyche, and he will not care.

And I don't think that the craving for exotic biblical names is manifested only among Orthodox believers. This is all that Gogol has already described. Remember the sons of Manilov? Themistoclus and Alcides. Claims for education and aristocracy. And meanwhile, the book itself, laid on the 14th page, has already been two years. What else can I add to Gogol ?!

There are rare cases when they are named after an idol that everyone knows about. And that is not great for a child, but at least it's understandable. Couldn't resist. And in all other cases - Themistoclus with Alcides and a crystal bridge across the river.

"If only when giving the name of the child, the spouses did not quarrel"

- Probably, the business of every parent and mother is how to call their children, - he believes Natalya Grom, police major from Vinnitsa... - Although we should take into account the time in which we live, so that the child later in adulthood was comfortable with this or that name.

- It all depends on the name itself. Many do not even know, naming children, for example, Jacob or Eve, that these names are biblical, - says journalist Lyudmila Kalita from Kiev. - However, there are many other names in the Bible that are not so attractive in sounding names (according to at least, in our latitudes and in our time). When calling a child one of these, it is worth remembering that the children with whom your child will definitely communicate every day are not familiar with the meaning of all names in the world. Therefore, we must prepare to wipe his tears, if in the garden, yard or school to his unusual name picked up an offensive nickname.

“I don’t like it when children are called rare biblical names,” says Vadim Romanenko, head of the company "Union of Publishing Houses" (Kiev)... “It’s like putting on a fancy outfit that can leave a void behind it.

- Frankly, I like it when children are called "old" names, and I sincerely groan and gasp if I hear that the newborn was named Luka or Elisha, - says mother Victoria Mogilnaya, mother of eight children from Kiev.

When our fifth daughter was born, there were only such unusual names as Yazdundodkta in the calendar nearby, and my husband gave me freedom of choice. Now, despite all the teasing of close relatives, we have a daughter with the ancient name Eva. And we also have Tikhon. True, he was born on the Annunciation. The Lord gave "according to his heart" - to name his son in honor of one of the most beloved saints.

To paraphrase Chesterton, I will say that I like everything "that prevents us from becoming truly modern people."

The name, probably, is also a kind of echo of bygone eras, where letters were written with a pen, and happiness did not depend on the presence hot water in the tap. If only when giving the name of the child, the spouses did not quarrel, and both liked the name. And it doesn't matter whether it is ancient or not, fashionable or the most ordinary, it seems to me. This is the name of the saint, which means that we have hope for support and prayer intercession.

Prepared by Anna Arkusha

Eve is quite rare female name... It has ancient historical roots. According to Holy Scripture, v Christian religion that was the name of Adam's wife, the first woman created by God. Eve is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Hawa. Literally it is translated from Hebrew as "giving life". This name is also found among Muslims. In Islam, the wife of the first man was also called Havva. Euphony and positive value name - important factors in shaping the destinies of its owners.

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    Name features

    The name is short and easy to pronounce. It is pleasant to the ear, evokes only positive emotions, immediately disposes to good communication.

    Eve - full name, there is no shorthand for it. V affectionate form it is permissible to call girls Evushka, Evita, Evochka.

    Due to its ancient origin, the name has become widespread throughout the world. True, in different countries its options are different:

    • in Poland and the Czech Republic - Eva;
    • in the USA and Great Britain - Willow;
    • in Georgia, Israel and North Africa- Hava.

    In the modern interpretation, the meaning of the name Eve is "perky", "lively", "active". This initially predetermines the non-standard nature and affects further destiny its owner.

    The influence of the name on the character

    Evas are endowed with both positive and negative features character. Along with kindness, responsiveness, dreaminess and lack of conflict, the owners of this name are characterized by stubbornness, capriciousness, willfulness and at the same time indecision, inability to make important decisions, excessive gullibility.

    Evas truly believe in supernatural powers... Therefore, they often fall under the influence of charlatans and swindlers posing as magicians and sorcerers. It is not difficult to lure them into the ranks of various sects.

    The character of the girls with this name is rather complex and unstable, it does not lend itself well to adjustment. When communicating with people, the owner of this name is able to quickly change mercy to anger or fall into an unreasonable hysteria.

    By virtue of her character, Eve will never give up her beliefs and inner principles, she will not bend under circumstances. Emotions and feelings are always in the background. He takes any decisions with a cold head. She is too punctual and neat, loves order in everything. He devotes a lot of time and effort to his own outward appearance, dresses stylishly.

    The secret of the name is that, despite the ostentatious self-confidence, Evas are sensual and vulnerable natures. But they carefully hide it from everyone.

    Difficulties in parenting

    Outwardly, little Evochka gives the impression of a calm and obedient child. In a team, she often occupies a leading position, they listen to her, respect and strive to imitate. A girl with such a name can easily lead a whole team.

    Evushka is not interested in her peers, she usually chooses friends among older children. Girls with this name have the ability to learn, but they have no particular desire to learn. During the school period, Evas are distinguished by non-standard behavior, which often shock their teachers.

    They are characterized by disobedience, capriciousness. Evas are simply incapable of acting according to standard rules. They love to fantasize, often live in what they have created virtual world... Thus, they often confuse their parents and those around them.

    It is difficult for parents to control such an active and restless child.

    It takes a lot of patience and endurance to raise a girl with this name. You cannot limit its activity, you should give the fidget the opportunity to throw out irrepressible energy: walk more on fresh air, attend various circles and sections.

    As they mature, the Evas barely change. Throughout their lives, they will remain cocky, with their own opinion. Adult women continue to lead an active lifestyle: they often travel, go hiking, love to swim, run. It should be noted their strong intuition: it will not work to deceive such a person.


    Representatives of this name are endowed good immunity, good health, endurance. This is due to a dynamic lifestyle. But there is a tendency to hypotension - low blood pressure.

    Due to her restlessness and absent-mindedness, young Eve often forgets to eat. Therefore, her parents need to constantly monitor that the daughter takes food in a timely manner. Adult women should also be more careful about their diet, as they may have problems with the digestive system. Many bearers of the name are prone to obesity and obesity.

    Special attention Evas need to pay attention to the condition of the skin and lungs.


    The name given at birth largely determines the future fate of the child. The girls, named by their parents as Ewami, will not have to suffer, experience hardship and deprivation. Kindness, love of life and responsiveness attract representatives of a strong half of humanity to them. There are always enough men around Evushki, and these women will never be deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. And she loves male worship.

    Eve looking for a man to match himself... In relationships with the stronger sex, she shows pride and willfulness. Her unbridledness and activity will not allow any of the men to take the lead over themselves. But this vivid relationship will be filled with passion, excitement, love.

    If Eve does not meet such a man, she will prefer to be alone. For this reason, many of the owners of this name marry quite late.


    Family for this woman is always in the foreground, understanding, strong connection, friendly relations are important for her.

    A girl's husband with this name is associated with a strong wall that can be leaned against in difficult situations. Due to her vulnerability and sensitivity, she does not tolerate aggression and violence.

    The woman named by this name is a good hostess: she cooks perfectly, is always glad to guests, amuses and entertains everyone. With such a mother and wife, you will never be bored. All her life she pleases her family, protects them from adversity, gives boundless love.

    Women named by this name rarely have more than one child. But Evas become good mothers to their children: they surround them with care and affection.

    Whatever strong feelings Eve did not feel for her beloved, betrayal on his part is unacceptable for her. The unfaithful husband should not hope for forgiveness, she will decisively break off this relationship. According to statistics, Evas are usually not limited to one marriage.


    Eva is talented in many ways , besides, she endowed with increased efficiency. Women with this name always stand out from their colleagues. They are stress resistant and conflict situations... But it is difficult for them to get along in a team where everything is planned out - they do not know how to live by strict rules. Eve needs freedom of thought and action. She always has a lot of ideas that need to be implemented. At the same time, support and approval are needed, without this her enthusiasm begins to fade.

    The following professions are suitable for women with this name: teacher, fashion designer, manager, nurse, doctor, secretary.

Eve's birthday church calendar- 12th of April. It is recommended to give this name to girls born under the signs of Taurus, Pisces and Virgo. This will make it easier for them to overcome negative sides character and will contribute to the manifestation of the best qualities.

My niece was named Eva, she was born on January 4th. This is the day of remembrance of Anastasia the Patterner. The child's mother was categorically against naming her daughter Anastasia. She insisted very much to name her daughter Eve. The Saints say that the day of commemoration of the foremother Eve is on Forefather Week (2 weeks before the birth of Christ) (unfortunately, I do not know exactly what this means - Forefather Week?), I.e. according to the Holy Calendar, the name Eve still suits her. We baptized Eve on August 27, on this day deliberately. This is the day of remembrance of the new martyr of Russia - the great martyr Eva (Pavlova). Is it correct to think that her Heavenly patron is the naval center. Eva (Pavlova)? And where can you get her life? Where can you find out if an icon is painted with its face? We have an icon depicting the foremother Eve, can the foremother Eve also be considered the Heavenly patron of my goddaughter Eve?

a housewife

Victoria, Canada

Dear Vera, the heavenly patron of a person in the proper sense is one saint in whose name this person is named in the sacrament of Baptism. Therefore, if the girl was baptized in the name of the new martyr - still not a great martyr, that's for sure - Eva Pavlova, then she should be revered as her heavenly patroness. Most full assembly The biographies of the new martyrs are books published by Abbot Damaskin (Orlovsky). Also, collections are published on a territorial basis - the lives of the new martyrs who asceticised in a particular diocese. As for the writing of the icons of the new martyrs, even if you fail to find an individual icon, there are so-called general orders of writing saints, according to the face of the saints: there is a common icon of a martyr, a common icon of a saint, a common icon of a saint.

Eve is a kind girl. She looks more like her father than her mother. Growing up, Eva becomes principled and persistent. At the same time, Eve is very sensitive and impressionable. She is also unpredictable. It is not known what to expect from her and what kind of surprise she can present. Eva is quite jealous, from which she has frequent conflicts with her boyfriend.

Eva chooses a husband who is similar to herself, with strong character... Eve does not like softness and tenderness in men. The search for a future husband can drag on for Eve for a long time. She is often left alone. But if, nevertheless, Eva got married, she becomes a good housewife who cooks well, maintains order in the house and brings up children. Eve loves to be around. Her house is always full of guests. Eva has many friends who are with her throughout her life.

Fate: A woman named Eve has a strong-willed character, which is complemented by the ability to control herself in any situation. She has such qualities as poise, restraint, perseverance and attentiveness.

Angel Eve Day

From the Hebrew language - the giver of life. "And Adam called his wife's name Eve, for she became the mother of all living" (Gen. 3.20). The name comes from the Hebrew name Havva, which means "living life." Corresponds to the Slavic Zhivee, personifying life.

In terms of its sound energy, Eva is a slightly cold name, but groovy and purposeful. A significant role is also played by the idea of ​​"original sin" associated with this name, and due to the small spread of this name in Russia, such a connection can be traced quite clearly, leaving a certain imprint on Eve's character. No, this does not mean at all that the modern Eve will be a copy of the legendary foremother of humanity, but the ambiguity of this biblical image and the interest in this issue that has not cooled down over the centuries testify to its importance. In addition, this idea resonates well with the general energy of the name.

Indeed, in the name there is a sensual aspiration, activity, perhaps even passion, but at the same time a certain lack of softness makes the name somewhat coldish. Isn't it very similar to the biblical tradition, when the passion for "eating erotic apples" turns into anxiety, and then the coldness of expulsion from a happy paradise? In addition to all of Eve herself, these thoughts will come to mind even in early age, and first impressions, as you know, are distinguished by the greatest depth.

When it comes to love, its inherent consistency and rationalism recede into the background. Now she is an affectionate, gentle, cheerful woman, she will never be bored with her. As a life partner, Eva most often chooses a man with the same character and temperament as hers. She does not tolerate cold partners next to her. She will not marry until she finds a person who would fully meet her ideals. It often happens that Eve's first marriage may not be entirely successful.

She is the head of the family, but she exercises this leadership tactfully. A woman with such a name is a wonderful hospitable hostess and an excellent cook who will delight not only the family, but also guests with her edible masterpieces. From this, the husband is constantly crazy about his wife. Usually, Eva's family life always brings her happiness and lasts for many years. However, she does not want to live with her mother-in-law and tries to build a family nest outside her husband's parental home.

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