Home Mushrooms Pronounced 4th house. Problems of the 4th house of the horoscope

Pronounced 4th house. Problems of the 4th house of the horoscope

Lecture 39. Gemini, Cancer on the 4th house cusp.

Gemini on IS (Mercury, especially the air, fiery in the 4th house. Control IS in Gemini. Control IS in the air, fire Sign in conjunction with Mercury).

Gemini on the 4th house cusp suggest more mental connection with their parents, these are parents - friends. Naturally, we will always need to note where the ruler of the 4th house got to, and if Gemini is on Is, and Mercury is also in Gemini, then a pure description of Gemini on Is will be very relevant for such a person. And if Mercury, for example, fell into Cancer or Pisces or the same Taurus, then we already get somewhat shifted accents, and we will already have not only friendly, but also some kind of closer and more tender relationship.
But if we are talking only and exclusively about Gemini, then this is certainly more a mental relationship. Good, trusting, friendly. Here parents allow a lot of freedom. Mom is most likely an intellectual. There are a lot of conversations in the house, everyone's conversations, and you can talk to your mother on any topic.
Many people can be in such a house, many guests. A very open house. Moreover, if the house of Taurus is hospitable, then the house of Gemini is very contact, people come here not to eat and sit in a warm company. People come here to talk and socialize. There is a lot of talk.
There are a lot of telephones in such a house. Today, telephones, computers have come into use, of course there are many of them in any home. But in a house of the Gemini type, as a rule, all this is turned on at the same time. Both one TV and the second are turned on (as a rule, in such a house there is more than one TV, if possible, there will be TVs in every room). If there are computers, they will be turned on too. Someone also calls on the phone all the time. Very contact house, all the time someone says something.
Moreover, for example, in the case of Aries, they will talk loudly, loudly, not because they will scream and swear (if Aries / Mars are not amazed), it will simply be a very loud voice, loud delivery. Loud, energetic, even commanding.
When Taurus is on IS, in such a house rarely does anyone speak loudly - as a rule, everything is quiet enough, rather slowly.
And when Gemini is on IS, this is a house in which they talk a lot and very quickly. And constantly someone says something. Moreover, two TVs say one thing (not the fact, by the way, that the same thing - a person can watch two programs at once), something else is running on the computer. Households also say - and something else… And it turns out a lot of conversations. And the cardholder at this moment can also talk on the phone.
I noticed this interesting feature- the owner of the card may not want this at all and not be the generator of these endless conversations, phones and people (you need to look at the map as a whole), but the atmosphere is at least HIS eyes will see exactly the way I described.
If the Mercury of this person takes a rather weak position, or is struck, then he can really get tired of it, but he cannot do anything about it - it will be as it will be.
And this applies to any Sign on the IS (or other cupid) - this is a HOUSE WITH THE EYES OF THE SEER, this is his personal perception.
In addition, the 4th house shows the way of life and the interior that the Nativ can influence. For example, if this is a child, then it is not at all a fact that someone will ask him how to build life at home, or even what furniture to buy in his room. But in that piece of his personal space that he can build to his liking, he will do as his 4th house orders.

I often saw such a picture, when a person with IP in Gemini had Mercury, say, in Cancer or Pisces, or some other "closed" Sign, he did not take many friends even in childhood, not to mention adulthood. But he “talks to himself” a lot, or reads a lot. Etc.

Those. not necessarily the symbolism of the Sign (especially the one standing on the IS) will be noticeable to others. In general, they can say about him - “oh! What are you! he doesn’t invite anyone to his house at all! ”, but this does not mean that he himself values ​​his house this way. For him, there is constant communication - only with himself, books, or virtual friends.

Nevertheless, if Mercury did not get into such a "closed" position, then the Gemini 4th house is usually very open and contact at the outer level. There are always a lot of people there, and a priori it is assumed that you need to talk a lot there.

Nativ's mother was the same. She left the same impression of herself - as a light, contact intellectual. Interesting, non-limiting. Such a mother calmly enough allows her child to have her own opinion, she is not aggressive. If, for example, the mother of a person with IP in Aries can be aggressive. She can be wonderful, beautiful, and good, but all the same, some outbreaks of an aggressive Martian splash will periodically turn on, and then she can swear and scream, and possibly even apply physical punishment. And if this is a twin-type Mom, she will talk to the child. And, as a rule, she will talk a lot, and she will maximally ensure that the child is open to her, so that he tells her everything.
Such parents very much stimulate children to study, the slogan “learn, child, you will be an engineer (cosmonaut, astrologer ...), for this family is very relevant.

But this is not surprising - after all, the parents themselves are then represented by the axis Gemini - Sagittarius - and this can literally be read as parents - educated people. Parents are often teachers, librarians, engineers, writers, linguists, etc.
Mom, described by the 4th house, was with us in our childhood and we will be like that when we become a mother (father). So we will build our position, our way of life, starting our own family. Having Aries on IS, or control of IS in Aries, we will try to dominate. Having Gemini on IP, we will try to maintain contact, maintain trusting, friendly, open relationships.

Naturally, our child will have his 4th house, and he will already perceive us through the features of his card. And in this sense, it can be very interesting. As I already wrote in the introductory part of the lecture on IP, that the 4th house forms some kind of psychological anchors, roots, it often forms, it can even be biased, it is just that a person SEES the circumstances of his childhood. And he sees his mother in this way. And if, for example, he has a 4th house in Leo, he sees his mother as a beauty, as bright, interesting, with whom it is fun and healthy. At the same time, the mother may have completely different indicators. But it is precisely those rare moments, if, for example, her card does not have the Lion's influences, then those rare moments when she showed the qualities that were highlighted in her child, they created the image of the mother, which was deposited in the head of this very person.
In terms of interior decoration, of course, there are some peculiarities here. And the owner of 4 houses in Gemini will find it difficult to live with the owner of 4 houses in Taurus, for example. Because the 4th house in Taurus assumes that everything is fundamental, a sofa is bought that never moves. This is built-in appliances, this is built-in furniture, this is all that is bought once and for all. This is all great done, but for centuries. A person with a Gemini IP in such a fundamental house can experience great difficulties. He is not comfortable. He can come to visit such a house and feel great, but in HIS house he needs constant changes.
Generally speaking, the cusp of the 4th house in Gemini persuades a person to constantly move, usually over short distances, but if there is a connection with the 9th or 12th house, then it may be far away. But the point is that the relationship to the homeland, home, to which the 4th house is related, it is very easy. It is assumed that you can and should constantly move, constantly change something.
If such a person does not have the opportunity to move, he must definitely change something in the house - rearrange furniture, re-glue wallpaper, etc. And therefore, if he lives with a person whose indicators of 4 houses are fixed, then it will be hard for him from this fundamental nature, immutability - nothing can be changed.

Then there may be scattering, people will scatter things, and it is not at all necessary that this will be done by the Nativ himself, but the things themselves in this house will not have any fixed position. Constantly everything will need to be returned to its place, it will constantly be necessary to clean everything, since all these things tend to jump to a new place.
This is again a three week mud, which will be muddy here. It will not be dirty here, and if this is a normal hostess (which is determined by other indicators), then there will be no dirt or debris, but another question is that it will be very often scattered here - things will constantly move.
If we talk about the interior items that are bought, it should be noted here that something light, something mobile is bought more into such a house. In general, Mercury loves a lot of all sorts of things that can be rearranged, swapped. They buy different boxes, boxes - beautiful or not beautiful, expensive or not expensive, it already depends on the possibilities, but nevertheless, some things are constantly bought that, firstly, can be moved, constantly changing the interior, and secondly, what at least somehow helps to fight the "uncontrolled" movement of things.
And in general, of course, it should not be boring, there should not be some mustiness, neither in terms of energy, nor in terms of "air" in the room. Such people are very fond of large windows, it is clear that our realities greatly adjust our desires, but in any case, such a person strives to ensure that there is a lot of light in the house, so that there is a lot of air. The house is constantly ventilated so that there is constantly fresh air, so that extraneous odors are removed.

People with a strong Gemini dominant (and in the description of the house - IP on Gemini is already their strong dominant), love to look out the window. Those. windows act as an additional connection with the outside world.
Cancer on IS (Moon in the 4th house, control of IS in Cancer, control of IS in conjunction with the Moon).
In this case, the Moon is the significator of the mother in its direct signification, as always, and besides this, it is also the significator of the mother (or father), due to the fact that it rules the 4th house. In all other cases, we have the Moon whose characteristics always describe to us the mother and the 4th house, which also describes the parent to us, internal family circumstances.
Always when the 4th house is NOT Cancer on the cusp, we have 2 Planets responsible for the image of the mother, complementing and limiting each other. In the case when Cancer is on the cusp of the 4th house, the Moon becomes the sole descriptor of the mother's figure, and in this case, we can say that all the concepts that go under the 4th house - house, family, homeland, are VERY closely related to the mother's figure (or in rare cases - the father).
Naturally, the idea of ​​home in this case is very intimate, very deep. A person can feel at home to such an extent natural that he can afford to be small, capricious, changeable there. Be absolutely NATURAL, and react to your life situation completely free, relaxed.
Of course, the Moon can be struck, it can be in some other Sign, and of course it will add to us the characteristics of that very figure of a close parent. But in any case, the person whom we perceive in the 4th house is extremely important for us. With him there is a very close, almost inseparable connection (even if destructive (with the defeat of the Moon or 4 houses in general)).
People with such IP are hard to root, strive to keep their place of residence for a long time. Cancer is the womb of a woman, in which she carries her child, as well as the home, the homeland for such a person appears as a womb, as something very gentle, very intimate, very deep and, most importantly, very safe, in which a person can feel yourself well, calmly and naturally.
The Moon is the fastest Planet, so its characteristics always add very strongly to the indicators of the house where Cancer stands. In all cases, the characteristics of the ruler are a very relevant addition to the indicators of the house cusp, but in the case of Cancer, this is even more emphasized, due to the fact that the Moon is the fastest Planet, and therefore changes Signs, aspects, position in houses faster than others.
In this sense, she can add a lot of things with her state in the horoscope, but in any case, the connection with her mother or 4-house parent is very close and deep.
If the Moon does not contradict, then such a Nativ does not want to part with his parents. People can live in their father's house for a long time. Or, say, your adult home, bring a lot of items from your parent's home. For example - to keep some things that keep the memory of the parents (especially those who died), some of their gifts that they made when he was probably not at all big. Because with this intimate side, very deep, very personal, very “our own”, the concept of “home” is associated, the idea of ​​home.
Of course, it is very important where the Moon was at the moment of a person's birth, what characteristics she added. Nevertheless, 4-house Cancers tend to value their home very much. They value their personal space very much.
Cancer is a cardinal Sign, therefore, he very clearly outlines the circle of people who are his and who are not his, but at the same time, Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, and in this regard, ideas about the family are usually quite wide, large. The family includes all lateral relatives, aunts, uncles. A person seeks to maintain relationships with everyone. Moreover, the relationship is again very emotional. It is these people who, as a rule, continue family, family ties (of course, if the Moon does not contradict).
If the Moon is not affected, then the Cancer house is a very good corner for those who live there. And as a rule, the owner of the card, even in this house, has some place "only for himself" - his own place.
Almost in all families and almost certainly all have their own place at the table, but for Cancer on IS, first of all, it will be a kind of sacred event - a place at the table, it will always be preserved. And secondly, it is not only a place in the kitchen - its own place, its own chair, its own cup. He will have such a place in his apartment in general - for example, “my place is on the couch,” and no one will surrender to him in my presence.
Or, for example, everyone knows where to find this person - because he always strives to stay in some of his own space, which he quite rigidly "pillars", highlights that this is MY place.
There is such a widespread belief that in the house of a person with Cancer on the IP there will be many things in the style of folklore. But in fact, this is far from always confirmed, because the Moon may turn out to be with completely different indicators. But, as a rule, this is still a house in which many things are stored, associated with someone or something emotional memory.
A person is usually very attached to his home, and if at the same time his Moon is not in Sagittarius, or Gemini, for example, or in some strong aspects to active Planets, he is usually a fairly pronounced couch potato. You practically can't kick him out of the house. Especially if Luna confirms this, he always returns home with pleasure, he wants to be at home. And even small children love to be at home so much that it is not possible to "kick" them out even on the street. And after kindergarten or after school, the first thing they aspire to is, they strive home, because it's good at home (unless, of course, the Moon contradicts).
Moreover, even if the moon is struck, and the house is not so beautiful, all the same, the house very much pulls a person towards itself.
Even after becoming adults and having moved, such people remember their place of birth for a long time and retain about it, often even some idealized sensations. They want to return anyway, and, as a rule, yearn for their homes very much.
a person really needs his homeland, his city, or home. 4th house is our roots. Is is responsible for the root, Cancer is responsible for the root, the Moon is responsible for the root and here they all grow together in one space, which makes the connection with the genus, with the roots, simply colossal.
The Moon and Cancer are responsible for our sense of security, so the place where Cancer stands in our horoscope is a place that we associate with security, again if the Moon does not contradict, but even in this case, a person can be very anxious, but pull home its all the same, most often it will be.

The role of the mother in education is very important, in the creation of stable patterns of behavior, stable mental blocks, because this is connected with the 4th house itself and with the Moon itself (see the introductory lecture on the 4th house). Therefore, the psychological atmosphere in the family is very important.
If the Moon does not particularly contradict, then IP in Cancer is a good basis for creating a large family in which there are many children. They usually love children.
Mom (if the Moon or the 4th house itself are not affected) is perceived as a very emotional person. It is good if the Moon fell into some kind of soft, comfortable, calm Sign and has good aspects, in which case the mother will be endowed with the most beautiful features of the corresponding Sign. But the Moon can be hit, and in this case, a person can have a lot of internal problems, internal complexes, a lot of fears, because the reverse side of the feeling of security is a constant feeling of danger, suspiciousness, fears. A person can displace it and outwardly look very bright, courageous and self-confident (especially since it is very easy to get Aries on your ASC if Cancer is on the IS), and in this case, of course, such people will demonstrate their behavior as strong , bold. But internally, to be very downtrodden, with a large bunch of complexes and fears - because the Moon is first responsible for this, and her defeat always prompts us to think about the inharmony of a person's mental life. At the same time, the Moon controls the cusp of the 4th house, which means it is responsible for the perceived feeling of an unsafe world, an unsafe life, the fact that there is no place where you can hide from prying eyes and feel calm and good.
Therefore, if you saw in your child, for example, Is in Cancer, be very attentive to your manifestations, try to create a cozy and emotionally warm atmosphere at home. Do not drive him away once again somewhere, understand his need to be at home, to be at home, to be at home. It charges from home and it's neither good nor bad - it's just a given. In the same way, if your spouse has such testimony in the 4th house, then you do not need to expect from him that he will endlessly support your ideas to travel somewhere, move, go out into the world. Perhaps he will not want this at all and will just sit in his favorite space.
If the moon is not affected, then the feeling of a safe, comfortable, safe place comes from home. It is good there, a person returns there, and his Soul lives there.
Perhaps this is not such a hospitable house, like the house of Taurus, there may not be constantly laid tables, parties, guests. But in this house, relatives or people psychologically closely related to the Nativ will always be welcome. But most likely there will be not so many of them, moreover, the native will most likely be overwhelmed if they stay in his house for a long time, because for him the house is a place with very strong psychic energy, a very important emotional space. And therefore, if someone lingers in him longer than he is supposed to, he can violate this inner harmony of the house. And therefore, despite the fact that they welcome their relatives, or some other close people, it is still important for them that after a while these people leave them and give them the opportunity to be alone. So that a person can be in his own space, be alone with himself.
Because Cancer, though the most family Sign,, he still, in his own way, loves to retire, for a while in order to digest (Cancer is responsible for the digestion of EVERYTHING) here is the psychic stream that he managed to perceive. This moment is very important to him.
Cancer by itself does not promise either wealth or poverty in the house, everything will depend very much on the Moon. But in general, as a rule, having Cancer on IS, if the Moon is not too much affected, a person will live in his own house (apartment - that is, in his own real estate). Perhaps this property will not be some kind of huge or rich, but it will fully meet the requirements to provide for the Nativ and his family normal life, which is actually the main thing for Cancer.
Regarding other real estate, it is necessary to study the Moon, since Cancer itself in this sense turns out to be not particularly informative, although the dacha (vegetable garden) on which food is grown for life, as a rule, gives by itself.
As for the end of life, old age, this is old age in the circle of loved ones, at home, where life has been lived (of course, if the Moon does not contradict). Everything in this sense is quite natural. True, Cancers on IS have a certain predisposition to become "little" in old age, to slip into whims, quirks, etc. Therefore, seeing such indications in your card, try to take this into account and organize your life in such a way that at the end of it you become a mom or dad of a large family - any grandmother or grandfather, and not an old baby.

Selflessness and kindness. Little initiative, entrepreneurship. It is good if Neptune is in a good aspect with the Moon or Venus. Neptune is the highest perfect love, which must have earthly, or incarnate through the Moon or Venus. Lonely Neptune will give you an eerie yearning for your ideal, which you do not have. Because there is love, but there is no way out. Yes. The ideal is there, but not formulated. And in a drunken ugliness Neptune formulates this ideal. Under the fence, out of the ditch.
If the pest planet Mars or Saturn is in the IV field, it is strongly recommended to quit motherland, parental home, leave and tear.

Absalom Underwater. Houses in the signs of the zodiac

Help the sufferer. Push the falling one. Clever confusion.
Pisces is a warm sign, and even at the lowest level of development of the 4th house, a certain (dirty) comfort around this person is usually felt, in connection with his life position "sinking to the bottom of the swamp, you can nicely warm up in the mud."
The fish does not like to be alone, it needs emotions, even if the lowest grade. She will never expel a person directly, but rather create an unbearable environment for him.
At a low level, this person is inclined to muddy the waters and, unnoticed by others, grab something for himself; at the same time, it is very important for him that he is not to blame for what is happening, and in the art of demagogic projection of guilt on those around him, he has no equal. His favorite position is "I wished everyone well, and it's not his fault that everything turned out so badly." It means (although it is never said directly) that everyone else is to blame.
Religious feelings come in the form of revelation Divine love when it seems to a person that the whole world loves him with extraordinary power; before that sometimes there is an unreasonable feeling of love (sometimes tearful pity), which is also a manifestation of inner religiosity, but at a lower level. Here, evolution proceeds through the gradual lightening of the emotional and mental filth surrounding a person, which often means very unpleasant experiences, tragedies of deprivation and separation, pangs of conscience. Only a person can truly love, understand and forgive, on whom it was once (perhaps in past incarnations) it was absolutely impossible to rely on.
At harmonious aspects this person likes to have many people at home to whom he will help in every possible way, sometimes playing psychological games with them with dishonest emotional gain and projection of guilt. He will sincerely believe that his wife and mistress are, in essence, almost relatives and will never be able to understand why one secretly dislikes the other (it is possible, of course, that this will not happen). He will perfectly reconcile children with each other, and severe restrictions are not his element.
With the defeat of the first house, it is difficult to rely on it, and with unsuccessful marriage he can start drinking. You can cope with this by setting yourself specific external goals and objectives (X house in Virgo), for example, keeping your house clean and tidy.

Houses in signs. Alexander Kostovich

Basic life positions and principles are vague, poorly amenable to mental analysis. Perhaps the manifestation of occult abilities, hidden deep research, secret knowledge. The deep life attitudes of the individual are very intimate and usually are not brought up to the public. The study proceeds by gradually lightening the emotional and mental dirt, through small specific goals and tasks. The motivation of the Soul for this incarnation could be associated with the desire for self-sacrifice, mercy, emotional attachments to the world.

Pavel Globa. Houses in signs

PISCES - the continuity of the parental umbilical cord, a strong emotional connection with relatives. There are no strict restrictions in the family, there is a lot of warmth and mutual assistance, expressions of love and care. At a low level, there are many secrets, deceptions and intrigues in home life. Isolation and isolation of family life and frequent moves are possible.

Fourth house natal chart

Read about all the houses of the horoscope and the position of the Rulers in the houses.

Fourth house

The symbolic rulers Cancer and the Moon culminate in Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn in captivity, Uranus, in the fall of Mars.

The fourth house represents the foundation, foundation, depth. The programs of the subconscious, controlled by the 4th house, underlie the human psyche - these are fundamental life positions, central attitudes towards the world, oneself and God, a program-indicator of the level of security (including the action of specific protection programs), the instinct of life (the instinct of death is mainly 8th house). Many programs of the subconscious, controlled by the 4th house, are primitive, but they are very deep and it can be very difficult to get to them in psychoanalysis: they are protected by more superficial programs that represent, as it were, the development of the main idea, but this idea itself can only be guessed at. The programs of the subconscious of the rest of the houses are secondary in relation to the programs of the 4th house, although their external design may look completely different, since they are governed by other signs and planets. So, the 4th house determines an internal, independent outlook on the world, which manifests itself in situations of the 3rd house (social environment), and ( external environment) and, strictly speaking, affects all other situations without exception. The 4th house defines the foundation of religiosity, its deepest subconscious part, in particular, the general feeling by man of the place of God and the devil in the world and in his soul and the degree of their influence on him. The 4th house concerns the most important type of self-affirmation for a person (which, generally speaking, goes through all houses without inclusion), namely, approval directly from the Absolute, which in the 4th house gives a person tasks and evaluates the level of their fulfillment: in this case, the connection with the Absolute is carried out differently, depending on the position of the 4 houses in the map.

In external life, the 4th house determines the relationship of a person with a piece of land, which he perceives as his homeland: it can be a country, a city, or just a parental home. With the defeat of the 4th house, the feeling of homeland often has a negative character, but it is very intimate (like all feelings associated with the 4th house) and therefore in this case it is usually completely repressed, and the person feels the absence of roots in himself, which, of course, does not correspond to reality , but these roots are such that it is better not to look at them without special training.

House 4 governs a person's family life, more precisely, his everyday existence within the walls and under the roof, which he considers his home. When a person enters his apartment (or room) and closes the door behind him, house 4 gently descends on him and stands all the time while the person is there: of course, along with house 4, other houses can also turn on, but house 4 will be turned on necessarily. 4, the house stands above the real estate, who has it (houses, land, estates), but in general manages the protection of a person from the outside world, what is the basis of his existence and survival, in particular, money in quantity living wage(food, necessary clothing, etc.) and providing housing ( rent); the rest of the money goes to 2 or 8 houses.

Although the spheres described above are only a part of a person's existence, the level of realization and elaboration of the 4th house is extremely important in his life, since it is its basis, which constantly shines through any of his actions and states. If there is no realization of the 4th house principle, a person dangles through life, not knowing where to get close and how to stop, he has neither God in his soul (no matter what he himself thinks about this), nor a roof that would protect him from the rage of a hurricane karma, no matter how luxurious palace he lived. The building of individual destiny, like any other, has a foundation, the name of which is the 4th house, and all attempts to build this building, ignoring the problems of the foundation or creating it hastily, tyap-blooper, end in the same way - it crumbles to dust. The implementation of the principle of the 4th house means working out the latter to the level assumed by individual karma, in accordance with the evolutionary level of a person.

House 4 symbolizes the father as a figure that supports life and ensures the sustainable existence of the child: the father builds a house and brings food.

At the first level of study 4 houses the main point of a person's worldview is the feeling of loneliness and God-forsakenness. He is alone in a huge and terrible world, where nothing supports him either inside or outside, and he must live relying solely on his knowledge, skills, cunning, intelligence, skill, etc., and as soon as he loses his vigilance, it will be destroyed by similar creatures or natural forces. With the defeat of the 4th house, the world seems threatening, if there is no strong defeat - indifferent-indifferent, with harmonious aspects, a person believes in his purely random luck, remaining, in principle, in the same positions. At this level, there is no place for God and selfless love in the world, but the devil has full operational scope, and his strength directly depends on the number of tense aspects to the 4th house (harmonious ones are not taken into account).

It should be emphasized that the attitudes of the 4th house refer to the whole life of a person, i.e. to all houses of the horoscope, and this differs from the settings, for example, 2 and 3 houses, referring, respectively, to the general and social environments in which the person is. Life positions at this level of elaboration are extremely selfish and usually pessimistic: “everyone pulls to himself”; "Man is a wolf to man"; “You can only rely on yourself, and even then not always”; “No matter how much you feed the wolf, he still looks into the forest,” and so on. The general meaning is that there is nothing good in the world, and any manifestations of order and love are doomed to a short and inevitable destruction by the very course of things in the Universe. Here the fundamental reaction to any external or internal impulse is distrust and suspicion of the worst or simply very bad. It has started raining - soon everything will be flooded; the sun came out - to a deadly drought; there is no moon on the night of the new moon - the astronauts blew up, etc. Self-assertion in the 4th house at this level is only one thing - the assertion of one's life position, for which a person constantly finds a lot of opportunities, but is never satisfied to the end, since it is destructive, and until the world has died and turned into complete chaos there cannot be satisfactorily substantiated.

At this level of study of the 4th house, a person usually does not have a home and lives in chaos and mud, and finds in this a satisfaction that is strange and not quite understandable for those around him with higher levels of study of the 4th house, the meaning of which is that the house where the person lives , there is for him a model of the world as a whole, therefore, chaos in the house means chaos in the world, which was required to maintain a life position; and any attempts of compassionate household members, friends, neighbors or relatives to bring minimal order in this person's house will run into anger, irritation and stubborn resistance, sometimes in the form of harsh psychological games, with a strong sadomasochistic complex, under the motto: “I never had, no and there will be no home, and everyone who has one is to blame for me. " Feelings for the homeland are usually negative-consumer: “I must give, nothing!”, And the same attitude towards my family as a whole (if there is one).

At the second level, study 4 houses the feeling of loneliness and God-forsakenness generally persists, but they are no longer so strong: black turns into gray. In addition, in places there are glimpses of, if not light, then hopes for it, and a person, as if reluctantly, recognizes that there are random (very small) islands of solid ground in the world: people on whom you can rely in something, relationships, for a short time, apparently disinterested, local tendencies towards ordering in the surrounding world, etc. A qualitative change in comparison with the first level of elaboration lies in the fact that a person admits the possibility of building, if he is lucky, and with great difficulty, a small fragment of reality, which will give him protection from aggression or simply the chaotic influence of the external world.

At this level, even a purely selfish construction of such a shelter is constructive, since during the construction a person learns to cooperate and comprehends the truth that his interests are sometimes coordinated by fate itself with the interests of some other people, and that the world is not so aggressive and is not even always negatively indifferent to him. At this level, his attitude to the world is contradictory, and so is his life position; there remain views of the type “you can only rely on yourself” and “you cannot praise yourself, you walk as if you were spat upon”, but new ones appear: “an old friend is better than two new ones”, “debt payment is red”. General feeling something like this: "the world as a whole is chaotic and potentially hostile, but relying on completely random love and, in principle, unreliable friendly help, it is possible through long hard personal work to ensure for oneself some semblance of a safe existence." Feelings of Divine attention, love and help at this level sometimes arise meditatively, but they are so random and (in the eyes of a person) are so weakly connected, both with his correct behavior and with the severity of problems, that in practice this state can be called atheism, but incomplete , but with minimal doubts about it. Man still considers the world as well human soul arena of the devil, whose actions are occasionally and, as a rule, very naive and ineptly trying to resist God. Self-affirmation in the 4th house (existential, i.e. support for a life position) is contradictory here. With a harmonious card, a person manages to get it twice: when evil triumphs (“I told you that the Devil rules the world!”), And when good is successful (“I said that a person, if he wants, can achieve!”); but still, the satisfaction is not complete, since the position in life is not formalized.

At this level of study of the 4th house, a person strives to get as comfortable as possible in his home, instinctively (and often consciously) opposing it to the aggressive and chaotic external world, the position “my home is my fortress”. However, in principle, a person cannot bring his home (and family) to a satisfying state; he subconsciously still feels that his house is not only a part, but also a model of the world as a whole, and since the world is in many ways terrible and dangerous, this also applies to his house, often in a repressed form. Compensation is expressed in increased attention to furniture, furnishings, elitism of the quarter, etc. Relationships in the family go under the flag of family egocentrism, often completely frank, since the public subconscious does not put any restrictions here. The family is the unit of society! Feelings for the homeland are ambivalent: against the background of moderate patriotism (in the case of easily turning into chauvinism) there is a clear desire to profit from it. - What kind of minerals will not be enough for our children? Red copper? Well, nothing, they will manage somehow, everyone is growing up as inventors!

At the third level, study 4 houses a person loses the feeling of chaos and meaninglessness of the world and his life: karma now and then begins to show him its laws, and the facts of evolutionary development, both himself and the world as a whole, no longer need proof. The world is still dominated by darkness, but there are areas of light that are stronger than it; no matter what place he illuminates, he scatters it, it's just not enough. However, it controls the movement of evolution, which is chaotic, and is completely black only below, and at higher levels it is lighter, and most importantly, there is vertical control, i.e. The chaos of the black forces is ultimately ruled by the gray ones, and they are controlled by the light ones, determining not the details, but the general direction of movement. There is a lot of Divine love in the world, but little gets to the areas (and to people) of low evolutionary development; good should not fight against evil, but highlight it, since evil is the lowest level of good, especially when there is a lack of Divine light and love.

At this level, the position in life is already quite determined and optimistic (with the defeat of the 4th house, it is nevertheless restrained). A person must and can bring light and good into the world, and then evil, black and chaotic forces will not be able to harm him, because when approaching him they will scatter and lighten. People and the world are potentially good, you just need to show them their true nature, and then they themselves will overcome the evil contained in themselves and attract external evil to them. Here for the first time (at the level of life position) the idea of ​​humility appears, i.e. in situations where a person is unable to lighten the surrounding evil, he patiently endures the limitations and suffering that fall to his lot, without losing his position in life and perceiving this area of ​​his destiny as an inevitable fragment of karma.

Only at this level does true religiosity appear when a person regularly feels the Divine presence, His help, protection, and most importantly - requests, fulfilling which, i.e. Working through his karmic programs, a person directly feels Divine approval and gratitude, and they give a real existential self-affirmation: then a person no longer needs confirmation of his life position. This is a qualitatively different level of human existence in the world, since the assertion of a life position, typical of the lower levels of study of the 4th house, is nothing more than an indirect confirmation by the Absolute of his right to life and meaningful existence, and here this confirmation is received by a person directly, directly ...

At this level, a person always feels the support of the walls of his house, even if this house is purely temporary. At the same time, he does not seek to isolate his home from the outside world and does not try to create a closed family, striving for a balance of external and internal activity (4th and 10th houses). Home and family, from his point of view, should be in order, but their goal is to serve the world, and not a reliable self-sufficient existence. He feels the same feelings for his homeland, trying to balance patriotism with international self-awareness.

At the fourth level of study 4 houses a person sees karma as a whole quite well, and his life position is service to his higher egregor, who can send him to temporary service to lower ones, like Jacob in Laban or Hercules in Eurysthai. Having completed 12 labors or having given birth to 12 sons, a person goes to carry the light and dispel darkness to the following abodes and vales. However, a common life position, which does not cause objections as such, in relation to specific conditions can lead to unusual and even in places socially unacceptable ethics, which is due to the fact that a person sees well the future and the higher meaning of what is happening, and is guided by these, often invisible to others, circumstances, trying to make more harmonious karma as a whole, and not its individual insignificant fragments. At this level, the difference between black and white teachers from the point of view of an ordinary person is already erased, since both of them, from time to time, create an even or, conversely, a vortex current of karma.

This person communicates with God constantly, and this is his self-affirmation in the 4th house. His life in the house and family is seen by him as a way to influence world karma, and raising children, as well as keeping the house in order, acquires the deepest mystical and evolutionary meaning: sweeping away dust can mean cleaning the lower layers of the earthly astral plane, cooking - establishing a flow of cosmic energy to Earth, etc. However, such connections exist at any level of study of the 4th house, just at the lower ones the indicated effect is not so strong. At this level, patriotism is service to one's karmic egregor, which can, for example, mean planetary consciousness.

Situation 4 at home on the psychological plane, this is the inclusion of fundamental programs of the subconscious, for example, the instinct of self-preservation. Food in a state of hunger (as well as a family meal in any form), a rapid flight from danger (“not feeling your feet under you”), the search for a way out of any life-threatening situation is under the 4th house. At a high level, the inclusion of the 4th house means direct contact with God, and on the average, a feeling of deep satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with oneself in terms of one's life as a whole.

In the 4th house there are life positions and situations when a person is engaged in their confirmation or formation. At the same time, the inclusion of the 4th house again is accompanied by a feeling of deep satisfaction: "I have always said that people cannot be trusted, and once again everyone can see how right I am." In the negative version of the inclusion of the 4th house, when a person's position in life is questioned, he defends himself as if they want to deprive him of the last piece of bread and a roof over his head, even though (outwardly) situations were discussed that had no direct relation to him.

4 the house triumphs in the construction of a house in which a person will live; at the same time, he can receive from relatives as a gift or on a long-term loan such amounts of money that he could not count on under any circumstances. The permanent 4th house of the lower octave stands above the homeless and the beggars, for whom every next night and a piece of bread is an urgent problem; similarly, the 4th house of a high octave stands above the holy pilgrims and pilgrims who feed on alms: for them the house is the whole world, and for less they will not agree.

The average person includes the 4th house, doing household chores and “strengthening the family”, whatever this purely mystical expression means: normalization of relations between spouses, parents and children, the birth of new children or the redistribution of roles in the family. House 4 is a tough nut to crack for a psychologist who leads family psychotherapy, and even stronger for the one who deals with it individually with the patient: when it comes to his family problems, the psychologist has to fight with the family egregor, and the intensity of the battle sometimes increases tenfold.

Deep old age passes under the 4th house, when it is felt that life has been lived and the breath of approaching death is already felt. Man (and in fact God) sums up the life he has lived and tries to comprehend and understand his mistakes and its lessons. At this time, especially with a strong 4th house, a fundamental religiosity awakens, often dormant during an active atheistic life, and a person begins to feel the Divine presence in himself and the world around him, but usually does not have words to express his feelings. As always, the opposite serves as the background for the house, and in this case the presence of the 10th house is expressed in the fact that a person seeks to set goals and help the young generation to follow the path of life; subconsciously, he sets himself tasks for the next incarnation.

To some extent, the 4th house turns on at the completion of any business, when there is a mystical sensation of a dot at the end of a sentence or a whole text. At this moment, the results are summed up, and it is better if God does it, and a person listens to Him, than vice versa. The inclusion of the 4th house is typical for the end of the tale, when the heroes, after exciting adventures and severe trials, return home: "... and they began to live and live and make good money."

Strong 4 house gives a deep person who finds it difficult to express himself and even more difficult to understand himself. He has strong internal attitudes, which at first are unknown to him (in fact, subconscious and not formalized), but nevertheless have a strong impact on his life: often unexpectedly for himself, he discovers that in various situations he must behave quite definite way, often contrary to public opinion and sometimes contrary to their superficial mental views and beliefs. These internal attitudes and attitudes in life are strong from the very beginning of his life, but they need to be brought into consciousness and shaping, in accordance with the external conditions of life and the temperament of a person. Without this, his self-realization is impossible; at least in the sense that God speaks to him from the very depths of his soul, and the demand for serving God comes from there, which, especially in the case of the defeat of the 4th house, leads to strong internal conflicts on religious grounds, since life must be religious positions, and not some more superficial programs; on the other hand, elaboration gives true religiosity, when interaction with God takes place in the depths of a person's soul, without intermediaries. Working out gives one of those people on whom, like on four elephants, the world rests; in addition, they give him a theoretical and essential-religious foundation on which subtle plans are held.

For this person, the house in which he lives is very important, family relationships and the feeling of protection from the impermanence of fate; he gets all this with great difficulty and, at best, in the second half of his life, after developing (karmically) correct basic life attitudes and at least partially implementing them.

Weak 4th house differs in weak attitudes and internal attitudes. They do not lead him through life, and to the direct question: "What are the foundations of your worldview ?!" he probably will not be able to give a satisfactory answer. At the same time, the 4th house always needs to be worked out: in particular, to realize their life positions, to correct them at a certain level and follow them (karmically) is necessary for any person, although in this case the corresponding imperative demand from fate does not come for a long time, and a strong striving for existential self-assertion, in contrast to the strong 4th house, a person does not have, at least if the 4th house is not completely neglected. In this case, a person hardly hears the voice of God in the depths of his soul. His interaction with a person does not go through life positions and general principles of worldview. On the other hand, the conscious development of life positions is going relatively smoothly and without much resistance from the subconscious; it is more difficult to subordinate to them the rest of the programs of the subconscious (and the views of a person), which in this case tend to an independent existence.

This person will be weakly attached to the circumstances of his home life, he may not notice gaping holes in the family egregor for years, for example, an imbalance in the relations of family members or a collapsed tile in the bathroom. Not this, at least for the time being, will be in the center of his attention, but if he feels the need, then with some difficulty he will nevertheless put his house in order, although he will not receive true pleasure from these activities, turning into ecstasy. will. With a strong 10th house, this is more of a practitioner than a theorist; The study of the 4th house gives at the same time the ability to build in any case the necessary foundation, with one and a half, but not tenfold safety margin, but he should always judge the inner religious feelings of other people with caution, avoiding the projection of his own religious experience.

Harmonious 4th house gives a person who, deep in his soul, feels himself reliably and confidently in this world; he has a mystical subconscious feeling that he is always everything will end well which also applies to his family members. Life positions are usually complacent-consumer, on low levels elaborations are surprisingly combined with a general nihilistic view of the world: “Actually, everything in the world is arranged like hell, and he flies into hell, and there he deserves, but personally, I’m all tip-top, and this is how it should to be and always will be; whatever happens, people will have to carry everything I need, even if it's the last thing they have. " At a high level, a harmonious 4th house gives a very strong religious feeling that a person translates into the world: people around him not only see a person living in God, but they themselves begin to feel his presence in their soul and an existential basis, i.e. e. inner rod, giving confidence in himself and his destiny in the world. At the middle level, this is a person whose life positions harmoniously fit into his current existence and support him, both in positive and negative manifestations, he easily justifies for himself both his hard work (when it is necessary to work) and laziness (when you can evade) ...

In the house of this person, cleanliness and order, at least superficial, are easily established, and if his wife sometimes shows jealousy, he will quickly and almost sincerely console her, tenderly explaining that she is much better, and most importantly, more beloved of all his mistresses put together. , and even more so the current, taken separately. Of course, his family may to some extent disintegrate, but he will always have a roof over his head, or at least this feeling, and if (which is unlikely) in his old age he gets into a nursing home, he will find there at least a superficial attention and decent care. His motto in the most difficult situations: “Everything will be fine! Grind - there will be flour, and from it we will bake pies ”.

Struck 4 house gives great existential difficulties. In the soul of man, God fights the devil, and the outcome of the battle is by no means a foregone conclusion; however, until adulthood, with very few exceptions, the devil is usually stronger. It is difficult for this person to count on understanding from others, who may think that he is fooling around, going crazy or mad with fat, and it will be completely incomprehensible to him what peace of mind and peace of mind are. Here life positions are contradictory and unstable, especially at the top of the 4th house in the cardinal and movable crosses, and it is difficult (but necessary) for a person to find a central moral core in himself, on which he could rely. Sometimes a person with an unworked 4th house devotes almost his entire life to vain attempts to assert his untenable life positions, instead of finding others, truly his own, and feel the connection with his God directly. Here, the search for true, inner religiosity is very relevant and just as difficult, and a person should not count on quick successes. God is waiting for him and places great hopes on him, but he is not waiting for him as a person is at the beginning of life, but for a completely different one, who, in particular, found his true life position on the basis of the bitter experience of wandering in the darkness of internal atheism and nihilism. Here, elaboration requires the realization that a pessimistic-destructive life position is a direct service to the forces of chaos and involution.

A person experiences ambivalent feelings towards his home, sometimes he directly hates; the family, at least with poor study, as a rule, does not satisfy him, and he does not hide his attitude towards her, and on the full moon he can emphasize. You need to learn to love and care for your home, as well as build family relationships based on a sense of duty to families, and not vice versa.

Working through the affected 4th house gives very high results, in particular, the ability to work with people spiritually disbelieved and fallen, but this is one of the most difficult tasks in a person's life. A. Underwater

4th house. Ruler Moon, in exile Saturn and Uranus. The deepest point in the horoscope. It is difficult to reach the bottom, the depths of the subconscious. Horoscope stock, end of physical condition.

The house reflects the state of the birthplace. Patrimony. Land received by will. The grave. The roots of a person, his family, mother, past, memory of generations, heredity, ancestors.

The position of the house will show a person's attitude to the land and agriculture, the house advises whether to leave the homeland. House 4 is associated with family life, with the private life of the house, with the inner world of a person. Integrity and inseparability reign here. Most of the processes controlled by the 4th house remain unconscious for us. This is the birthplace of desires, which are realized in the 5th house. The traditions and laws of our family, our deepest religious feelings, attitude to home and homeland in the narrow sense of the word (to the place of birth) are determined by the exaltation of Jupiter.

The moon indicates a person's connection with childhood, which he retains for the rest of his life. This connection is the foundation of his life positions, his emotional memory, childhood experiences and complexes, his adaptability, feelings of self-preservation. Being in the inner sphere of existence, the 4th house controls the organs of nutrition, feeding, lactation functions. In the woman's card, the 4th house is associated with the appearance of her first child.

The expulsion of Uranus speaks of the need for the house to maintain the established order. Saturn shows the kind of death, the tombstone, what will remain after death. N. Markina

Nepotism, homeliness - Rooting - Parental axis, the influence of family traditions on human behavior - Origins - Inner world - Real estate.

The fourth house is the cardinal house in the second quadrant of the house cycle. If the first quarter of the circle of houses belongs to the person himself, then the second determines the results and influence of his existence on the outside world. Astrologically, this house denotes a part of the ecliptic approaching the nadir (the bottom of the sky), that is, the time of midnight.

Drawing an analogy with the life of a child, this is a child who discovers his lack of independence, his ability to move, his father's house - factors that limit and at the same time protect him. Submitting to your parents means recognizing family ties, it means providing yourself with support.

This house defines biological process recognition by us of the peculiarities of our origin, as well as awareness of our roots, recognition of our biological and psychological heredity, which, on the other hand, can result in a kind of "separatism".

V philosophical sense this house reminds us that we are just a link in the endless chain of human existence.

D. Redyar writes: “In the fourth house, a person can and must comprehend and cognize his inner center, which is the support of a genuine, integral, concrete and formed personality. Without this inner experience of knowing the center, a person can never straighten up to his full height.

The top of the fourth house is the deepest, most reliable fulcrum for creating everything that must "grow out of the earth" ... Any person with his own personality knows that there can be no reliable foundation in a person's character without a strong and stable inner center.

Any solid foundation can collapse; you can cut down a tree with strong roots, but the ball always keeps its center. The “whole” person is safe only in the center of his “individualized Self”.

From this foundation depends what a person will express, love, hate and create. All his actions will be either stable or indecisive, defining his creative creativity or failure. " L. Winkler

4th house. Feminine, sincere, obeys the Moon, tradition, family, parents, homeland, the beginning of life, the end of life.

With this house of Earth space, we again came to the so-called "corner house", which is also located on the vertical axis. The significance of this house is extremely important for the interpretation of tradition, origin, family, parental home and parental share (as well as one's own attitude towards them). The most important things that this house tells us about are the origin and homeland (also its abandonment), the strengthening of the family.

The beginning of life and the end of life are visible from it. It makes it possible to draw conclusions about all the values ​​that are transmitted by the parents. There is tradition, firm rules, laws, customs, and many tried and tested recipes that life can best invent. Since the parents applied everything in practice and collected the relevant experience, then one can only benefit from this wealth of experience - naturally, provided that it is of a positive nature.

Along with statements about common environment birth and about the father, which we can get from the position of the planets and signs of this house, he gives us information about housing matters and about our own property. Esoterics. Vol. II

4th house. Target Imum, Parentes, Sky Depth, Hypogeion.

Meaning. Corner house referring to old people, home, domestic life, congenital and inherited inclinations, father, environment in the last period of life.

The value in the horoscope individual

1st third. Parents, end of life, connection with the afterlife, inheritance, land property, property of brother and sister, enemies of children, service of a husband, illness of a friend.

2nd third. Independence in the profession, at home, in reality, attitude to agriculture, mining, railways, construction business. Friends of the servants.

3rd third. Spiritual life in old age, unhappy love affairs, youthful love, independent spiritual and creative activity, especially in old age. Negative impact on children.

The meaning in the horoscope is mundane. Agriculture, field, orchards, vineyard, cities, valleys, weather, earthquakes, construction, elections, opposition to the government.

The meaning in the horoscope is Horary. The house of the questioner, the end of his business; in addition, as in the individual and mundane horoscope.

Several rules

  1. If there is a pest in the 4th house, success in emigration can be expected.
  2. In the mundane horoscope, a pest or an eclipse in fixed signs: an earthquake and disasters in mines.

4th house, Cancer, Moon, Jupiter and Neptune in exaltation.

House 4 defines the environmental conditions that we ourselves have created. Having accumulated funds, we build an initial basis, a reliable shelter. This is the home, the place where we collect things, food, linen and household utensils... By things you can judge a person, his mental and emotional abilities. Clutter in the immediate environment always speaks of undisciplined, disordered and confused thinking.

House 4 corresponds to the country, the stage on which life unfolds. All people have a piece of land, which they call their homeland, where they save up their property. Sometimes our home is a mental-emotional environment in which we feel good. We always carry this inner spiritual world with us. This is our way of involuntary reactions and emotional inclinations. The field of the 4th house is equal to Cancer and the Moon. The moon is a feminine reflective-reactive principle that manifests itself in the subconscious and automatic emotional reactions, which, together with habits, are formed in early adolescence.

House 4 is associated not only with heredity and the beginning of life, where there was the influence of parents, especially the mother, but also with the end of life, if we follow the external and internal conditions that we ourselves have created and cannot change. For the physical body, the 4th house also represents the last abode on earth. F. Sakoyan, L. Ecker

Fourth house. After the diversity of the 3 houses, it is necessary to determine your present place in the World, to integrate and assimilate impressions from external sources of energy.

The fourth house symbolizes the foundation, support - the most reliable foundation for life. In this house, a person deals with his roots, with prehistory, with the root causes of his birth.

It is curious that in ancient cultures with a geocentric worldview that represented the Earth as flat, extending downward to infinity, the 4th house was associated with the end, with the grave, with the hopeless dead end of loneliness and decay.

The heliocentric world view is much more optimistic. The Round Earth implies that the 4 houses of people inhabiting the surface of the planet, continued further down, meet at the Center of the Earth. Thus, the experience of the 4th house becomes the experience of universal human unity, the experience of the common roots of everyone living with us on Earth. Here self-determination of the individual as a separate representative of the human race takes place.

Hence the depth of feelings and the innermost filling of the inner world, which belong to the sphere of this house.

The fourth house is a refuge, a place where a person feels the maximum protection from the threats of the outside world. This is a home, and in the house there is a bedroom, and possibly a toilet or kitchen.

The ancestors and, above all, the parents, fall into the 4th house. Here is the attitude to the Motherland and small homeland, to national, cultural, family traditions. B. Eater

This is a rubric Houses in the Zodiac Signs where i tell about the meanings of astrological houses in your natal chart, the cusp of which falls into one of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac. Thus, in this heading it is planned to have 144 articles about each position (cusp of each of the 12 natal houses in each of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac. One article for each position).

Enjoy reading!

Today we will talk about the position of the cusp
4th house in Gemini.

So, 4th house. Its main meanings are place of residence / land, house / dwelling, homeland, father or mother, traditions. By the position of the 4th house in the Sign of the Zodiac and by the planets that have fallen into the 4th house, it is possible to determine what kind of connection a person has with his home, what kind of relationship with one of the parents, even in what circumstances a person was brought up and grew up.

For the house, whose cusp is in an air sign, and especially in Gemini, concepts such as sociability, ease, mobility, and a certain freedom are symbolic. All this in our case will be present in the family life of the owner of the fourth house in Gemini.
Home life can be interesting and eventful. Households can be friendly and outgoing people. The atmosphere is light, cozy, relaxed, there is a lot of talk, there are often guests, good relations with neighbors. A person feels free and comfortable at home. The house will be considered a resting place for body and soul.

One of the parents gives a lot of freedom, does not restrict and takes into account the interests and needs of the native. In general, relations with parents are "airy", built on understanding and trust, and have an intellectual character.

People with this position in the natal chart are well mobile in terms of changing their place of residence, they are easy-going. For them, this does not pose any problems, whether it is a short and close move, or a long and long one. If you have to move, then such a person will not bother, and in the near future the suitcases will be collected.
They are almost always ready for change and easily say goodbye to everything old. Start life with blank slate not a problem for them.

Gemini is a double sign, which means that a native, most likely, may have several places of residence or places that he considers his home. It can mean a frequent change of residence, frequent moves (not distant, but rather from apartment to apartment / from summer residence to house). A very symbolic, airy, light interior in light colors, possibly two-story beds (especially in childhood - a person clearly dreamed of such a thing). There may be several televisions (and any objects of Mercury (ruler of Gemini) - responsible for communication, information

(I emphasize what it says here " dry"about the position of the house cusp in a certain Zodiac Sign, but keep in mind that if Pluto, Saturn or any other planet is in the same 4th house, this can give a different effect. And it also depends on how essential these planets are strong and what houses are controlled, of course, aspects ... only by taking into account all the data of the 4th house, it is already possible to draw a full-fledged conclusion ...)!

Your astrologer, Yana.

4 house in astrology

Home and family are the main pillars in the life of every person. Psychoanalysts unanimously argue that all problems have their roots in childhood. But often from a strong support family, parents turn into a stumbling block that does not allow to live in peace for many years. And what does astrology think about this issue?

Where do you come from?

For the family, parents, the house is responsible 4 House in astrology... These are the first and last years of your life. The fourth sector of the natal chart will show what atmosphere you absorbed in childhood, the main generic programs that were inherited. How do you build your family. What is the atmosphere in your home?

Archetype 4 Houses in astrology is the image of the roots, mother earth under your feet. Your inner and outer core. The origins of life, destiny. But why?

Where does the deluge of problems begin?

Destiny is formed in the first seven years of life. This is the period of the moon. The psyche at this time reliably absorbs everything it can. Programs, psychological trauma received in the first seven years of life, in the future will be recouped in the fate of a person.

4 House in astrology responsible not only for the family, but also

  • for the inclusion of basic instincts, needs that parents provide.
  • for basic attitudes and unconscious habits
  • for irrational fears and complexes

If a child in childhood did not absorb feelings of security and comfort, then in adulthood a person will experience constant anxiety, the world will seem dangerous and hostile to him.

In the first seven years of life, the child did not learn what love is, during adulthood such a person will feel unnecessary to the world. This will manifest itself in illness, unpleasant situations and problems. As if the universe does not accept a person.

During the Moon period, they did not study the child, did not broaden their horizons, children's curiosity was suppressed by phrases from the series: do not bother, not up to you. In adulthood, a person will often be in a state of depression, apathy, a complete lack of interest in anything.

4 House in astrology has different meanings. But this is at first glance. All symbols of the fourth sector of the map have one meaning - roots, origins, kinship.

The main meanings of the 4 Houses in astrology:

  1. home, family, cozy place, homeland;
  2. parents, roots, genus, surname, generic programs;
  3. real estate, garden, land, mines, bowels of the earth;
  4. beginning and end of life, childhood and old age;
  5. history, past.

Another important point

Planets in 4th House have a great influence on the affairs of the family. This is an extremely important factor for an astrologer's gaze. Evil planets in the 4th House often indicate severe childhood traumas, unresolved problems that drag on from childhood.

Mars in the 4th House speaks of an atmosphere of aggression, competition, anger in childhood. Retrograde Mars says that parents suppressed any initiative. The child has not learned how to properly show his aggression. In adulthood, a person keeps all the negative in himself, it is difficult for him to defend his position.

Development goes through active household chores, repairs, frequent rearrangements in the home. It is recommended to add scarlet red flowers, decorations in the form of blades, knives, images of fire to the interior.

Saturn in the 4th House gives coldness to the family. In childhood, there were many duties and responsibilities (this is the word). In adulthood, a person will be warmer and more comfortable with strangers than with loved ones.

To compensate Negative influence Saturn can be done through regular cleaning, the house should be perfectly clean and tidy. Add dark colors, clocks and antiques to the interior. Separation from the parental Home is an important task of this position.

Planet Pluto in the 4th House creates a tense atmosphere, difficult relationships with relatives. Often people with this position migrate, change their surname.

To remove the negative influence of Pluto, rearrange where you live as often as possible. Use bright and contrasting colors in the interior. Add some magic symbolism.

The planets Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Venus create a cozy and warm atmosphere, strong relationships with parents. Home for such people is a real support and support.

Author: Pavel Dementyev

Comments (1)

    And if there is nothing at all in this house? :-/

    Probably a sign to look and a house cusp :-/

  • The fourth house in astrology


    • orientation to other people and responsiveness
    • subjective and personal
    • selfish or self-centered
    • initiating and founding
    • safety, stability and responsibility
    • patronage, education and emotions

    4th house. Ruler Moon, in exile Saturn and Uranus.

    1 water, the deepest point of the horoscope. It is difficult to reach the bottom, the depths of the subconscious, the drain of the horoscope, the end of the physical state.

    The house reflects the state of the birthplace. Patrimony. Land received by will. The grave.

    The roots of a person, his family, mother, past, memory by knees, heredity, ancestors. The house is associated with the father in male horoscope and with the mother in the woman's.

    The position of the house will show a person's attitude to the land and agriculture, the house advises whether to leave the homeland. House 4 is associated with family life, with the private life of the house, with the inner world of a person.

    Integrity and inseparability reign here. Most of the processes controlled by the fourth house remain unconscious for us. This is the birthplace of desires, which are realized in the fifth house.

    The traditions and laws of our family, our deepest religious feelings, attitude towards home and homeland, in the narrow sense of the word (to the place of birth) are determined by the exaltation of Jupiter.

    The moon determines a person's connection with childhood, which he retains for the rest of his life, and which determines the foundation of his life positions, his emotional memory, childhood experiences and complexes. Its adaptability, sense of self-preservation.

    Being in the inner sphere of existence, the 4th house controls the organs of nutrition, feeding, lactation functions. In a woman's card, the 4th house is associated with the appearance of her first child.

    The expulsion of Uranus speaks of the need for the house to maintain the established order, Saturn shows the kind of death, the tombstone that will remain after death.

    Exploring the fourth house

    The fourth house is the last of the four private houses, so here self-centeredness reaches its peak. But it is also the first house located in the western hemisphere, the quality of which is orientation towards other people. And since this house is associated with the Moon (and in parallel with the sign Cancer), it is the first truly emotional area of ​​the zodiac related to the upbringing and fulfillment of human needs. And finally, this house is the midpoint of the lower hemisphere, that part of the individual space that is directly under our feet and is directed to the center of the Earth.

    What kinds life experience at the same time combine self-centeredness and orientation towards other people? When do we have an emotional interest in other people, but the interest is primarily selfish and aimed at fulfilling our own needs? We could assume that relationships such as marriage satisfy these conditions, but an equal relationship is more “airy” (interactive) than “watery” (emotional), and ideally, at any rate, these relationships carry the experience of a common consent rather than meeting a need.

    The decisive factor is that the 4th house is the space located directly under our feet. This house contains information about our "roots" or how firmly we are anchored in the earth. Plants need a good root system... This home is a fertile soil containing a fragmented past and giving us the opportunity to grow and develop.

    The family is just the case that satisfies all the conditions listed above. The fourth house emphasizes everything about our personal safety, our need to nurture and be nurturing. This is our sense of home as a physical place on Earth and an emotionally safe haven, which is more important to us.

    The fourth house reveals the essential clichés formed in early childhood. Of course, there are many other stamp-related factors that should be considered as well, such as the position of the Moon or Saturn. But none of the other houses of the zodiac can tell us so much about the subconscious but deeply personal qualities that we acquired in early childhood. None of the other houses can provide as much information about our safety beliefs.

    The growing family health movement, the women's movement, the movement of Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs have made an amazing discovery every year, namely: who would have imagined that most of us grew up in families that are more or less influenced clichés of intrafamily relations. Emotional limitation seems to be the general rule, not the exception, and many millions of people suffer from an emotional disorder that is the source of their life problems.

    Maybe in our actions we proceed from unconscious belief systems and nervous patterns and as a result we find ourselves in an interesting pair situation: safety requires suffering, safety requires suffering, safety requires sacrifice, safety requires refusal to satisfy the need for everything (including the need for safety itself) etc. Why this is happening is gradually becoming clear, but it is not yet entirely clear how to change this situation in someone's life.

    The properties of the 4th house are difficult to change, since they were formed at an early, unconscious age and, moreover, they have a huge impact on the decisions we make as adults, because these properties form an important part of our "emotional set". Being in the womb, in the center, being patronized, feeling safe are all kinds of experiences in the 4th house. Many of us are very eager to change the forms of our security, especially when they are difficult to implement or they cause suffering; but a very small number of people achieve their goal, very few change the basic structure of properties and fundamental relationship to safety.

    However, a careful study of the 4th house can be a source of understanding how to correct the destructive paradoxes that exist in the home, family, and personal safety. Studying at home, showing how our paired situations relate to our evolution, can teach us how to change cliches, can offer alternative ways to integrate these paradoxes into our lives, and as a result, the experience of being in the center of the universe will be more graceful and consistent.

    Nation / State

    When people initially settled, they did it in families, clans, family groups. The fourth house represents the transition from the nomadic tradition, possibly represented by the third house, to the first sedentary communities. Communities were formed around land and agricultural needs and were ruled by royal, military, and religious leaders. This house represents the foundation or foundation of a society and its deep indigenous traditions. He represents the "common people", opposition to government, popular ideology and opposition. This house may especially correspond to nationalism — an ideology representing love for the country — and socialism — the prevalent ideology of the opposition in Western countries. The fourth house also governs the land, agriculture, and everything that the land produces. The latter is viewed as products of Cancer and its “mother” archetype. In this regard, it is interesting that recent studies have noted the historical role of women in the early stages of agricultural development.

    4th House Questions

    When we turn to the 4th House, we will be able to answer many questions regarding the house, land and real estate in general. If you buy a house, the 4th House will describe the condition of the acquired house, show that it is unsuccessful, that it is like a property.

    The 4th House is also run by one of the parents, and traditionally the 4th House is the Father's House. This is the opinion of the majority of modern astrologers and astrologers of the past. Derek Appdby considered the 4th House to be his mother's home. In his book "Horary Astrology" he writes: "Let's pay attention to the fact that the mother is assigned to the 4th house, and the father to the 10th house: this is a debatable question. Many astrologers reverse this government and attribute the father to the 4th house, and the mother to the 10th house, and the ancient astrologers were of the same opinion. However, the experience of some horary astrologers confirms that the 4th House is the Mother's House, and the 10th House is the Father's House. The 4th House is directly related to the end result of the case about which the question is asked. The discrepancy in relation to this boils down to the following: some astrologers believe that it is the 4th House of the chart that indicates the final result, others believe that the result should be viewed according to the derived 4th House from the House to which it belongs the question asked.

    Generally, the deeds of the 4th House include: buildings and land holdings; mines and places underground; grave or final location; the end of the case on which the question is asked; father, home, household chores; lost and returned condition; buried treasures; foundation, land, real estate, farms, wells, ancestors.

    4th House

    Parents, place of residence, end of all cases, or at least the end of the case on which the question is asked.

    Saturn - bad ending of the case or difficulties in relation to the case in question; those. the achievement of the final result is somehow delayed.

    Jupiter - inheritance income. A sign of prosperity and successful completion of the business.

    Mars in case of defeat or a weak position indicates quarrels and a sad ending to the case about which the question is asked. If the defeat is strong, then this may indicate death or destruction in the house, when the question itself is related to this.

    Venus - pleasure and successful solution of the case for questions that are related to the affairs of the IV House, and to the end of the case, about which the question is asked, in general, any case.

    Mercury in the 4th House indicates an intellectual environment and does not manifest itself in any special way.,

    The sun is good for the father and also for the character of home life.

    Moon - indicates changes; favorable or unfavorable, depending on the position on the Sign and on aspects.


    the experience of being in the center of life, as the Divine source of all that is significant

    The fourth house is the part of our personal space right under our feet. Look down and you will aim directly at the 4th house. But the Earth is a sphere, and if each of us on Earth turns our attention straight down, then we will all be aimed at the same place, at one infinitely small point in the center of the Earth.

    The fourth house symbolizes the "microcosm", the feeling of being in the center of life. This is the experience where each of us is God, where everything and everything around us is secondary in comparison with us, as if created by us in some incomprehensible way, like pictures of a dream. This is the "inner sanctuary" of the personality, the most personal space in a person's life.

    The state of the 4th house reveals the characteristic ways in which each of us achieves this personal and subjective sense of being as the most important spirit in the universe.

    Personal safety

    home and family, the meaning of the word "rooting" in relation to place on earth The fourth house symbolizes the basis, the roots of the "I", the hereditary background. Each family, in essence, is a tiny civilization, a "country", separated from other families by the fact of blood relationship of its members. Therefore, the 4th house can be considered as a "small world culture"(as opposed to the 10th house, which, as we will see later, symbolizes the" great world culture "). Each of us lives in this microculture, or more precisely, we absorb it in childhood and create our most basic oa from its imprints" - The image (representation, understanding) of the social structure and personal security, no matter how contradictory these imprints may be. There is love and such heartbreaking pain in the family that cannot be found in any other human community.

    How do you feel about personal safety? What do you mean by “home”, what is the type of family you want to create, over and over again? What paradoxes do you encounter in the process of egocentric search for the foundations of your life, in which certain people are present?

    The state of the 4th house reveals how important home and family are for a person and his characteristic attitude towards them.

    Emotional stamps

    environment in early childhood (also reflected at the end of life)

    From a metaphysical point of view, we come into this world as fully formed entities. Each spirit has its own unique baggage of experience and paradoxes, a specific attitude to learning, creativity, working together and cooperation. But when a person is born, then everything that he knows is removed from consciousness, hiding in an unconscious storehouse of images and archetypes.

    Floating at the behest of the waves, washed away in a sea of ​​dizzying amnesia, we compromise between spiritual goals and the biological requirements of earthly life, recreating ourselves by coding information that is broadcast by the synaptic neurotransmitters of our nervous system. It does this by absorbing emotional information from the environment, especially the behavior of our parents, in an incredibly accelerated learning process. It is not surprising that babies sleep eighteen hours a day: they get very tired of such training, of such an intense laying of the foundation of their future life.

    These imprints often appear at the end of life, when the nervous system shrinks its work; it is a dragon eating its own tail. Real death is in the competence of the 8th house, and not the 4th; here are also revealed the types of life experience acquired immediately after birth and before death itself, in borderline states - on the border between cosmic and human consciousness.

    The fourth house reveals the nature of what was learned in the emotional setting of our earliest life; the first "facts" constructed by us in relation to other people and the world. The state of this house shows how important these initial imprints are for a person: it reveals the characteristic way with which we selectively absorbed emotional information that became the basis for the development of our personality.

    a parent who has a connection with a person's emotions is most often the mother. Historically, each parent took on different functions of protecting the child - one parent emotionally nourished the child, and the other protected the family from the dangers of the outside world. Since the 4th house symbolizes the earliest human perception of the world, the vision that is created and absorbed in infancy and childhood, then usually that parent has the strongest initial impact on the child who brings him up. In most cultures, the mother performs this function.

    However, there are significant role changes taking place these days, so this separation may not work today. Thus, the 4th house symbolizes the parent who has an "inner connection" with the child. In real life, parents are often entered into an imprint as a whole, as a "group" of parents, but usually one parent is more associated with the 4th house (while the other with the opposite, 10th house).

    Do the planets located in the 4th house emphasize the selective perception of the personality, or do the indications of the planets really agree with the objective traits of the parent? The first statement is, of course, true; the latter may also be true. In any case, the position of the planets in the 4th house indicates the developmental influence of a parent who has an internal connection with a person or plays a mother's role, and also indicates special qualities that the person interprets as coming from this parent.

    Private intuition

    non-rational knowledge about oneself; in the occult, the connection with leaders There are three levels of intuitive experience. These are personal (4th house), interpersonal (8th house) and collective (12th house). Personal intuition is the experience of focusing on the inner self. It is called personal because the information acquired through such intuitive perception is received directly through the “I”; it is information about "I" and for "I".

    From a metaphysical point of view, these supra-personal experiences can be seen as the interaction between the conscious ego of man and intangible levels of being; perhaps these are the levels of the human spirit, often called the "Higher Self". In occultism, they are often viewed as separate entities that exist outside our physical space and are called "leaders": these are living spirits who work with human beings with the aim of educating and further improving them.

    In any case, either from an esoteric or from a purely pragmatic point of view, the state of the 4th house indicates a characteristic way of connecting the conscious “I” to a deeper, more spiritual “I” in order to more clearly understand what a person's personal needs are.

  • 4 house in the Planets

    The planets of Nadir

    The last in importance among all the corner houses is the fourth house, the deepest point in the horoscope, which is called the Middle Earth or Nadir. Here are the roots of a person, his ancestors, his family, the meaning of the family. The planet in the 4th house shows what a person has to get rid of during his life, the 4th house is called "the drain of the horoscope", it symbolizes the end of life and the deepest unconscious desires of the Born.

    Sun in the fourth house

    The planet of vitality in this sector speaks of good health. The sun is the owner of the family, family clan, the father of the family, its meaning is determined by the status of the planet in the sign. Sometimes this is an indicator of the strong influence of parents, which replaces the true will of a person, interferes with his intentions.

    The place of birth can be brilliant, and the influence of those from a family can be paramount.

    A person is looking for splendor and splendor in the house (in the soul). The planet indicates belated success, honors and respect await a person at the end of life.

    the keyword is devotion to the hearth

    You have very strong ties with parents and children, a happy family life, provided that there are not too many challenging aspects in the horoscope. Otherwise, there will be a clear desire to leave the parental home early. People with this sun position have good health in old age. This is a great position for anything related to property. You have a strong desire for self-defense, which can be expressed as an unconscious desire to be safe. This house shows the roots of a person, that which is hidden in the depths and does not appear outside. The sun in the fourth house carries many of the tendencies of the Sun in Cancer.


    The position of the Sun in the 4th house indicates that you came to Earth to realize that you are ultimately the center of everything in life. The essence of your life is to manifest an all-round self-centeredness in as personal a form as possible. You are clearly modestly behaving where undisguised self-expression is required, for the 4th house is not only conservative, but also personal, and the position of the Sun in this house shows that the preservation of essential solitude, mystery connects you to the source of vital energy, this is a way of protecting your importance. The goal is to protect your sense of the divine center without rejecting the subjective experience of the Divine of others. Personal safety. Home, family and traditional values ​​that shape the sense of egg safety are your core, core. Your goal in life is to achieve and maintain safety; determine what family means to you: to provide all-round safety for yourself and earn the full approval and acceptance of those people who are emotionally important to you. Whether you feel safe or not, you inevitably return to your quest for the perfect nest either way. The Sun sign and aspects to it indicate the type of family security that is best suited for your evolutionary development. In a crisis, you will sacrifice everything to protect your family.

    Emotional stamps

    Emotional clichés and early life environments create the center from which everything in your life arises. Although the matrix of family systems is important for each of us, regardless of the location of the Sun, for you the family is the axis of existence. In your family, you experienced the first feeling of self-importance, but curiously, it was more critical for you to be accepted by the world outside of your family. It is likely that this acceptance culminated in either the triumph of approval or the trauma of rejection. If the imprints are positive, then your life unfolds as an endless, happy sentimentality, and if they are negative, then your life turns into a long and painful desire to excavate, reveal and free yourself through understanding and approval.

    Parent "intimately connected" with the person

    One or both of your parents have had a big impact on your development, even more than you usually think. You were very attached to the parent who raised you, for you needed more emotional warmth than other people. This connection exists regardless of what experience you have, positive or negative. Regardless of whether the parent who has an inner connection with you was your mother or your father, you strive to give your memories a "mother" quality. What you learn from your parents and about your parents directly and powerfully influences your awareness of your own central role as a parent, as your life purpose revolves around the themes of protection and safety. In this position of the Sun, it is often helpful to understand parental influences, to separate myth from fact, because the challenge is to develop the best you know about parents and fix their flaws.

    Private intuition

    Personal intuition is a natural method of rejuvenation, often very important to be overlooked or taken for granted. The internal driver locator is often more coercive than the circumstances ordinary life... You are looking for contact with the deepest, most personal sanctuary of the self. Every time you truly contact your inner self, life energy flows into your whole being.

    Albert Schweitzer, actress Greta Garbo, inventor Thomas Edison.

    moonin the fourthhome

    The feminine changeable planet finds natural manifestations here. She gravitates towards a simple, modest, closed life by the fire. Promotes the realization of privacy, special importance is attached to the organization of your own home.

    A person is looking for family happiness, loves intimacy. Parents are simple and sincere people. The moon can be here the image of the mother or the one who performs her functions, her position in the 4th house speaks of the serious influence of the moon on human life. Heredity by maternal line... Land and real estate can come from it. The material condition is unstable, a person is threatened with repeated moves or various rearrangements in the house.

    At the end of a person's life, luck and popularity await.

    key word love of the hearth you have good intuition, you are caring, love your home, family and land. But if you have a lot of challenging aspects, you can be far from them. The moon in the fourth house indicates a strong affection for one of the parents. You love collecting, especially antiques, and have a family tradition. You can often change your place of residence, especially if the Moon is in a mutable sign. You are self-centered and driving forces for you - me and mine. Sometimes you get away from reality and shut yourself up in your own world.


    The position of the moon in the 4th house shows that your inner sanctuary is truly emotional in nature. Security, self-defense and privacy are your key themes. Daily fluctuations emotional needs and their satisfaction is more important to you than to other people. Maternal imprints here turn into walls, in a good or bad sense of the word. The trap lies in your overly defensive emotions; you feel so insecure that you do not dare to communicate with other people. The challenge is to provide both yourself and everyone you love with a strong, reliable emotional foundation.

    Personal safety

    Your family instinct is strong, deep and inexhaustible. Keeping the family safe and getting safety from the family merge into one emotional feeling, one action. Your safety is inseparable from the safety of the people you love. The past has a persistent and persistent influence; your imprints are both traditional and conservative. The trap is trying to spend too much vitality to achieve and maintain security that may be illusory or, at best, temporary. The task is to remember that you need to start taking care of yourself from your inner world, because controlling the world around you is an ineffective way to create your own security. But managing personal emotions and embracing a relationship with your mother in early age contributes to the fulfillment of your desire.

    Emotional stamps

    The environment at the beginning of life was a river of soft and warm emotions flowing through the twisted landscape. Imprints were absorbed to a greater extent with the help of empathy. You felt that you needed to be a teacher for yourself, because, as it turns out, some of those around you needed protection, so you learned to take care of yourself by caring for other people. Early acquired habits die hard, they cling to you for a long time after completing their program. And the core of these imprints rests on the themes of education and protection.

    Parent "intimately connected" with the person

    The influence of the mother is extremely significant when the Moon is in the 4th house. It is very likely that she has had the most important impact on your life. As if there was a direct transfer of instincts between mother and child, because you keep in yourself not only the peculiarities of your mother's perception, but also her role in the family. The moon always has a profound influence on the structure of life, but in this case it has a particularly powerful effect on the personality. We cannot predict the actual relationship with your mother: it depends on factors outside the simple planet / home relationship, but we can argue that her role as a symbol in your soul extends beyond normal expectation.

    Private intuition

    Private intuition jumps up and down every day, sometimes very strongly, and sometimes not at all. Don't lose contact with your inner emotional self, because your inner guides are your guards, your source of protection from danger. Curiously, given the position of the planet in a house that accentuates such a strong egocentricity. Often there is an inversion: you interpret those intuitively received messages in relation not to your life, but consider them instructions for protecting and educating other people, especially those you love. This is because your sense of self does not end with the physical boundaries of the body: your psychological territory encompasses those people with whom you emotionally interact. You literally see other people as part of yourself.

    Comedian Bob Hope, General Douglas MacArthur, writer Trumen Capote.

    Mercuryin the fourthhome

    Sensitivity and adaptability accompany a person's relationship with the environment of birth. Interest in the resale of real estate can accompany family life. Intellectual heredity is possible. The mobility of Mercury communicates the unreliability of a person's success in the fatherland, the instability of his home life, the need to change places.

    V adolescence(the age of Mercury) a person could organize escapes from home. It is difficult for him to find peace in his soul and a place that he could consider as his home, he often tries to express this in diaries, which become a means in finding an intimate corner. Until the end of his life, a person retains the vitality and energy of youth.

    home and family awareness key word

    You are decisive, have a good memory, quick-witted. You are proud of your family, interested in antiques and collecting books, you are probably a stamp collector or numismatist. Your parents are educated and cultured people... This is a favorable position for mediation in the real estate trade, agriculture, ecology, archeology, geology and for other professions that are in one way or another connected with the land. You will most likely be working outside of your home. You tend to move frequently, or you will be active in your home. Maybe you will live with a relative. If there are challenging aspects, you are tense and easily annoyed.


    The position of Mercury in the 4th house shows that your thoughts, ideas and all kinds of connections are connected to the most personal levels of self. You spend a lot of time thinking about yourself and the people you love. What you know you keep secret, and while it is natural for you to be so conservative with the information you have, sometimes this behavior can harm you. The challenge is to recognize that your thoughts are private and not secret, and to learn to joyfully share some of those personal thoughts with those you trust most.

    Personal safety

    Home is a place to stimulate your mind. a traveling carnival of ideas and physical change. Mobility is important for you, because boredom and gray gloom do not sleep, ready to pounce on you when movement suddenly changes to stagnation, so you can influence yourself as a person who carries with you own house... Mercury is naturally subordinate to the Sun, and the presence of a tendency to frequent movements depends on the state of the Sun, as well as on the map as a whole. However, regardless of the instructions on the card, communication is always important for you: talking on the phone or communicating with the help of letters. These are the tools with which you build a sense of endless security. The trap is to deprive yourself of roots, roots, or allow other people to do it too often; the task is to develop, develop the topic of your safety, shifting the emphasis and changing it simultaneously with changing requirements for your development.

    Emotional stamps

    Your imprints have been constructed primarily from your observed human behavior and mental instructions. What you saw and heard was a powerful source of motivation for your further behavior, because the rules of simulation work here: “what the monkey sees, the monkey does”. The impact on your mind was either positive or negative. However, Mercury is the least significant among the ten planets for revealing the structure of the imprint.

    Parent "intimately connected" with the person

    Although the influence of Mercury is more a modification of the influence of the Sun, and not an independent influence, its position here speaks of the powerful influence of your mother as a teacher. She structured your nervous system and the mental apparatus. If your Sun is in the 3rd or 5th house, then, perhaps, your mother was overcome by doubts about what role she should choose as a mother, maybe she preferred the cold dryness of mental contact to the warm softness of emotional contact.

    Private intuition

    Thought processes are the natural key to private intuition. Given the position of the planet, you must deal with deciphering the facts, a lot of time is spent on "conversation" with the inner "I" when sorting out situations, problems or when choosing the best option. The answers may not be straightforward, but they may be questions, thus forming a never-ending dialogue of Socrates: you ask questions, and your leaders answer you with other questions. Even if you are given direct answers, they will encourage you to ask new questions. Your mentors will pull you into the conversation, but make sure the channels of communication are open as you get in touch with the leaders with your questions. Go outside and touch someone, even if existence in the state of questioning may be incorporeal.

    E. Dickinson, Gerald Ford, Pablo Picasso, Nelson Rockefeller.

    Venus in the fourth house

    This is a guarantee of loyalty and love on the part of parents, who have a certain emotional impact on a person. He, in turn, remains very attached to them and retains gratitude for helping him at every opportunity. Parents can leave a state that is more emotional than material interest.

    At the end of a person's life, an improvement in existence awaits, which takes place in a peaceful, calm atmosphere, far from worries.

    A person feels love for his family, home, homeland. He enjoys a simple home life, he is surrounded by a soft pleasant everyday life, a beautiful life. His inner world harmonious, has a pacifying effect on people.

    keyword warmth

    You love your parents, and they are probably wealthy people. A well-organized family life has for you great importance... You love to please people and show great sensitivity to everything that happens in your immediate environment. Strive to create comfort and beauty in your home, love design, gardening, architecture and art. You can get married late, but you will be very happy in it. You have a good relationship with all family members, and you will always be surrounded by love and warmth. If there are difficult aspects, you can make too great demands on others, show a tendency to dictatorship and jealousy.


    Venus's position in the 4th house suggests that personal love is really very personal. Love is the essence of your private self. Comfort, enjoyment and aesthetic assessment fill the most personal levels of life experience. The trap is feigned emotional closeness or emotional egocentrism, while the task is to guard your feelings of care by warm, heartfelt expression of them to loved ones in lovely moments of mutual openness of the heart.

    Personal safety

    Your home is a place where beauty reigns. You spare no expense to furnish your property with comfort and aesthetic charm. Both outside and inside everything should be graceful and elegant "if your environment is calm enough, then, no doubt, your relationships with people will also be peaceful. Trap - you often overly rely on the house as a source of pleasure, gradually becoming isolated in the family The task is to make your home a paradise for yourself and for the people you love.

    Emotional stamps

    The impulses of pleasure / pain have greatly influenced the formation of your imprints. That which carried love or pleasure was accepted; that which carried discomfort or rejection was rejected. Like the Moon, but to a lesser extent, Venus indicates that maternal or feminine influences have formed basic imprints. The presence or absence of harmony was an important conditioning factor. In the family, you were the object of beauty, and you felt it; You learned very early on that certain feminist qualities of your self-expression, such as receptivity and willingness to maintain peace and promote harmony in social situations, will underlie your assessment of others.

    Parent "intimately connected" with the person

    Your mother was a model of beauty and pleasure, a person who showed you what it means to be a woman. This experience could be positive or negative, or, more likely, something average. As you grow up, you will use this inner model in any situation in your personal life, such as decorating your home or expressing love. This does not necessarily mean that as an adult, you will be "like her", although it is possible. This means either you will try to create your own style based on your mother's behavior, or you will begin to avoid situations in which her influence manifests itself. Or you will use this model to find someone to start a family; a person similar to her, or completely opposite to her.

    Private intuition

    Personal intuition occupies the space of "pleasant feelings". Inner drivers are perceived by you as not very good real-life consultants because they do not seem to be communicating information to you. Messages from your Higher Self remind you of the beauty of life.

    They serve as an aid, allowing you to take a break from the trials and tribulations of a pragmatic, outer life. Your leaders fill you with tenderness and love. They open your eyes, pointing the way to beauty, renewing your feelings of tenderness and devotion, helping to look at your own life and life around you.

    Wil Rogers, Betty Ford, George McGovern, Emperor Hirohito.

    Mars in the fourth house

    Harmoniously aspected Mars testifies to the soft and sensitive power of the father. Tense about a difficult childhood, an aggressive atmosphere in the house, quarrels leading to leaving home or traveling. The house is noisy, there is a danger of fire.

    Parental inheritance is threatened by waste, the end of life is full of difficulties, not devoid of conditions of struggle. A person holds in the depths of his soul aggressiveness, anxiety, a difficultly perceived negativism that can hurt his loved ones.

    Depending on the status of the planet in the sign, Mars can cause destruction in the house or in the soul of a person, it can cause hatred of the homeland.

    keyword self-confidence

    You love your family very much and have an urgent need for reliability and safety. Because of one dominant parent or family difficulties, it may be best if you move as far from your home as possible. This position of Mars often indicates one of your relatives - he is a military man, or that in childhood you had to often change your place of residence. Try to calm your turbulent emotions and learn self-discipline. If Mars has tough aspects, watch out for a house fire. Some people with this position of Mars do not marry.


    The position of Mars in the 4th house suggests that your inner sanctuary is built around the image and feeling of desire. What you want becomes almost sacred to you. Your inner focus is razor sharp. But you can be careful about what you want to do. The trap lies in the tendency to postpone action and. thus, unintentionally delay the fulfillment of desires; Before taking action, you often want to be sure of your own safety. The task is to fulfill the desire with all the depth that it deserves.

    Personal safety

    Safety is very desirable for you, but it is difficult to achieve in many respects due to the fact that you are by nature extremely jealous and obsessive towards the people closest to you. You want to do so much with them and get so much from them that the usual life and work together is sometimes not enough. You strive to be extremely sentimental and protective, but remember that even gentleness can suffocate. As an adult, you study the scars of the past. You want to refresh the atmosphere of your family, establish your own rules with one well-aimed action, so that in the end you can build relationships with your family on your own terms. Traps are anxiety that does not stop for a second and the absence of real relaxation, and the Task is to learn the difference between ardor and aggression.

    Emotional stamps

    Life events Emotional stamps. Life events have had a much greater influence on the formation of your imprints in comparison with the symbolism of the position of other planets in this house. The most intense experiences were more meaningful to you than the subtle ones; childhood trauma in its classic interpretation, especially separation, seriously affected you, if, of course, it happened. Territorial claims had a very profound effect: you fought, defended what was "yours." You felt that you would be judged according to "male standards": desire, pressure, and willful behavior.

    Parent "intimately connected" with the person

    Here we are faced with a contradiction: the male planet is in female sign... This position can indicate a number of completely different situations in life. Despite the feminine appearance of your mother, you nevertheless often felt her masculine pressure. Perhaps she was a very energetic woman, a real ruler of the house, a person who could easily apply her talents in the field of social management. On the other hand, your father may have performed some classic views maternal responsibilities. Or, in your imprints, there was an incentive to communicate with him, the transformation of the desire for interaction into interaction itself. This position of the planet sometimes indicates long-term disagreement or harshness in the relationship with parents, which is often the result of parent-child role conflict. However, even if this happens, the imprints are still permeated with a sense of power.

    Private intuition

    You interact with your inner leaders through energetic and impulsive messages. You go inside yourself to gain strength, charge energy batteries, ignite the flame of desire. When faced with difficulties, you instantly move away from the world, but only in order to soon reappear, like a boomerang, knowing a completely different solution to the problem. Your leaders remind you of what you really want. However, they are not always friendly. Often they conflict with you, forcing you to rise to your feet again and again and walk through life boldly and with real fervor.

    Walt Disney, Richard Nixon, Emile Zola, General Paton.

  • Jupiter in the fourth house

    This planet, with its many satellites, is like a father surrounded by children. The Born has strong emotional ties with the family, the desire to arrange a comfortable life on a grand scale, in accordance with the principle of the planet.

    Through the exaltation of Jupiter in the house, a person is strongly motivated to form a family and family life. Benevolence and support reign in this family circle, if the Jupiter Thunder-God is harmoniously aspected, and if not ... A person associates happiness with the well-being of the house. The legacy can be significant, for example: a wealthy and comfortable parental home. Deep down, a person wants to organize his own home, relying on parenting traditions or by crossing them out completely.

    Success and well-being come to a person in mature age, for 40 50 years, together with honor and respect.

    the keyword is dedication

    You are devoted to home and family, and your parents often help you. Success will come to you where you were born, and in old age you will live a comfortable life. You love nature and probably dream of living in big house at the top of the hill. Your generosity and openness requires a rich and pleasant environment. If there are challenging aspects, you may be greedy and disobey your parents. Sometimes this situation indicates the increased aggression that prevailed in your family in your early childhood.


    Jupiter's position in the 4th house indicates that the foundation of your inner self is formed by exploration, learning, and wisdom. Your inner sanctuary is social; it is interested in the world. Opportunities for development and interaction with the world are hidden in your inner self, and the trap is not using your natural optimism. The challenge is to allow other people to enter your sanctuary, for in a social environment you feel safer.

    Personal safety

    You must understand the philosophy of your family, the beliefs and ideals that have shaped the family. Safety in and of itself means little; proper behavior is much more important. The family is a team, and each member of it is a player who performs a very specific function. It is important to understand the roles learned in childhood, for often the team spirit is a veil for deeper relationships and similar interactions to Machiavellian. The challenge is to be free enough to fully and respectfully use the capabilities that you inherit.

    Emotional stamps

    The experience gained in early childhood was generous. This statement may indicate big family in the literal sense of the word, but most often it emphasizes not the size, but the tonality of the family, a broad interest in culture: open discussions of the philosophy of current events, art, politics - free flow of ideas - sometimes the effect is more psychological, indicating that your family was proud of social differences, her pedigree or educational achievements. Perhaps you felt that great accomplishments were expected of you, or that you were burdened with expectations that were beyond your capabilities. In any case, your imprints are connected with the theme of "royal status", with a sense of belonging to a special group of people who occupy a high position in social strata.

    Parent "intimately connected" with the person

    Jupiter emphasizes the family as a whole, rather than singling out one of the parents as the main source of imprints. It emphasizes the mentality of your relationship with your parents, the tendency of one or both parents to appear expressively wise. This wisdom can be sincere, personifying maturity and optimism, or insincere, full of threats and bombast. In any case, the challenge is to use imprints as the basis for generating broad-based agreement and understanding.

    Private intuition

    Here we are dealing with the "guru sitting on the top of the mountain." You feel that the inner leaders are a "higher" or more evolved plane of "I" compared to the consciousness of the ordinary ego. They are perceived as wise and charitable, their advice is usually not pragmatic in nature, it is more similar in tone to Zenbudhist, which elicits a reciprocal “aha!” Reflective understanding. They smile reassuringly and invite your mind to solve puzzles. paradigm shifts - using paradoxes to change the mindset, not to solve problems. They can turn into hilarious pranksters. Their jokes sometimes lift your spirits when you have cats scratching in your soul. Your leaders love you; laugh with them.

    Carroll Channing, James Joyce, Leo Tolstoy.

    Saturn in the fourth house

    It is possible that childhood was spent in poverty, when parents experienced difficulties, the family was shaken by adversity. A person can have a severe heredity.

    Family property and wealth consists of land ownership, territories, buildings and structures. The accumulation of wealth is very slow, from father to son, from generation to generation.

    Home life is sad, difficult, or poor. Lack of funds, modest requests and limited conditions. The end of life can be overshadowed by a lack of funds, illness, loneliness, a break with the world, preoccupation with philosophical issues or issues of a serious nature.

    keyword tradition

    You are afraid of old age, bear great responsibility for your family; it can also mean that you are caring for older family members. You can lose one of your parents early or there will be some problems with him. You are very attached to your family and probably tend to live in the past. Although, at first glance, you are independent, you are afraid to leave your parental home. But still, you will be much happier from the moment you go far from your native places.

    You feel unadapted and not hardworking enough. But thanks to these feelings, you put double labor into everything you do, which provides you with great achievements. You are very proud of your background and family, love antiques and do well in buying and selling real estate or land. Bad aspects can indicate digestive problems arising from excessive excitement and emotionality. A spiritual attitude towards life can help you overcome many of these limiting feelings.


    The position of Saturn in the 4th share indicates seriousness and great conceit. Privacy, secrecy - complex topic... At times, it seems forced rather than voluntary, more like being sent to solitary confinement than being in a safe place, as if you were effectively banned from contact with other people. At other times, however, you feel that your solitude is overshadowed by pedantic responsibility, and you must literally steal your loneliness, jealously defending it. Traps swarm around the fear that you may never achieve truly balanced egocentricity. How can you be the center of everything while remaining humble? The task is to realize that your essence is inviolable; it is the source of power hidden in the depths of your self, like the roots of a giant oak tree.

    Personal safety

    Safety is coupled with responsibility, especially the feeling that you have to follow some fundamental seed tradition, whatever the cost. You may think that it would be selfish to do things differently, even if the responsibility you are entrusted with is extremely burdensome. The severity of these traditions can be troubling, but you obediently follow them rather than trying to figure them out. This behavior reflects in part your basic conservatism, your special sensitivity to strong, reliable structures. You are circumspect, working like "the little pig building his house out of bricks" to assert the lasting value of the home and family. While we all fall into the traps of shame in our families and we try to get out of them, you in particular must work long and hard to overcome any crippling influences of shame. The task is to honor the past, but without sacrificing oneself.

    Emotional stamps

    Your family was very structured, marked on the one hand by an unyielding respect for authority and, on the other hand, by a sense of fragile austerity. It was difficult for you to define your role in the family. You might feel insignificant, unwanted or unloved, or quite significant, like a bird in a gilded cage. In any case, the alienation is explicit, and sometimes implicit, unconscious. This is loneliness, both at the very top and at the very bottom of the marital status. But you learned how to fulfill your desires and at the same time not fall into the trap. Whatever you have, whatever you do, whoever you are - you achieved this most of all and learned the most firmly.

    A parent "internally connected" to the person.

    What can we say about the paternal symbol in the maternal realm? Indeed, it may turn out that the father is the parent who has an inner connection with you, but it is more likely that your mother has taken over the role of the father. For you as a child, she was the personification of authority and external structuring force. This position is often associated with the "absence" of the father, his psychological neutralization in some way, and not necessarily physical absence.

    Private intuition

    Can you trust yourself? You want to get help from leaders, but you may be scared to use it for fear that you might not be worthy of your best counselor. The key to solving this problem is self-esteem, developed long and hard: self-esteem, which can be transformed into faith - true faith into yourself. Honor the justice of your inner leaders; At times they can seem unforgiving, cold and even insensitive, but in the end they are always by your side, helping you to become strong, powerful and mature. The state of real, sincere adulthood is very difficult for each of us to achieve. Your leaders want you to reach this rare state.

    Judy Garland, Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway, Pegie Lee.

    Uranus in the fourth house

    The family atmosphere is filled with power-hungry relationships, family members are in conflict because of the dissimilarity of characters. Quarrels in the house are dangerous by abrupt and unexpected breaks with parents, escapes from the home.

    Families can be overwhelmed by violent experiences. The material condition of the parents is under the threat of ruin, the death of the house is possible, in the case of tense aspects of Uranus. With a harmonious arrangement, the unexpected support of a friend can save the house from a dangerous position.

    The end of life can be eventful or adventurous, or it can be marked by an unforeseen circumstance.

    keyword mess

    You can change your place of residence frequently. Your mother could be a very original person, or one of the parents just did not understand you. Either way, you have a strange background. This could mean that you broke up with your family in early childhood or lived in an unusual environment. If Uranus is not in a fixed sign, your life will be in disorder, frequent changes of work, apartment and partners; at the same time, you are afraid of being alone. In old age, you may be interested in astrology and occultism.


    Your inner self is eccentric, probably very different in tone and spirit from the self that you are showing to the world. Your inner sanctuary is free from the restraints imposed social rules and social standards. Trap - so reliably hide your personality that no one could even see it. The task is to drink as much as possible from the well of personal freedom and uniqueness. Uranus, in comparison with the symbolism of the position of other planets in the 4th house, most clearly indicates an increased likelihood of the presence in you of the feeling that you are a stranger in an unfamiliar country. All people are sometimes alienated. But for most of them, this feeling is negative and they quickly get rid of it like a severe cold. For you, it is not just a metaphor, not just psychology. For you, alienation is something that you keep secret from everyone else. Whether you are in a privileged position or everyone has cursed you, this feeling remains a highly regarded secret.

    Personal safety

    The family is a never-ending source of renewal. You feel that your task is to frustrate the family's plans, to be a family reformer, and you will play this role, being in any of a set of conditions, limited on the one hand by the behavior of a very positive person, and on the other by stubborn rebellion. It emphasizes anomaly in all aspects of home and family life, and impermanence is indeed more comfortable than stability. The trap is the rejection of real security due to the eccentricity of the ego, while the task is to awaken in oneself the miracle of true interdependence; realize that change is the only thing that can be considered unchanging.

    Emotional stamps

    Here, as in the case of Mars, events determine the system of imprints. But no matter what shocks you experienced as a child - loss, separation, sudden changes - they all generated not anger or conflict, but withdrawal into a safer inner world. Therefore, from an early age, you learned to rely only on yourself and imprints. those related to separation or independence continue to have a powerful impact throughout your life. Early on, you may have felt (or made you feel) that you were different from other family members - they considered you "special" or "black sheep."

    Parent "intimately connected" with the person

    The brilliant eccentricity of the mother gives a special place in your imprints. As traditional as your mother's values ​​may seem, there was something very wayward — perhaps even defiant — that was imprinted in your childhood understanding of mother. Perhaps she seemed fickle, or perhaps she kept the household tight-lipped. Even if she was a quiet and calm person, you were impressed by her strong feeling composure. It is impossible to determine the exact influence of the mother, considering only the position of the planet in the house, but we can definitely say that her influence is expressive and unusual.

    Private intuition

    Your contact with internal leaders is sporadic. Your leaders are powerful, but unpredictable, silent and invisible for a while, and then suddenly appear before your eyes. Sometimes there is a feeling that they control you - “do not call us, we will turn to you” - although, of course, this is an illusion: Most likely you are in impartial friendly relations with them, this is a kind of “cool cordiality”: they are just checking you being in the neighborhood. The symbolism of this position, in comparison with the symbolism of the position of any other planet in this house, most of all corresponds to the phenomenon of revelation: a dazzling mental "light" suddenly breaks into consciousness, illuminating not only what you have not seen, but also what no one has seen before. did not see: your uniqueness, your special truth.

    Zelda Fiigerald, Ernest Hemingway, Cronin, Brigitte Bardot, Marlen Dietrich.

    Neptune in the fourth house

    The conditions of birth are unclear, the home environment is marked by elements of fantasy, poetry, religiosity, mysticism, and suffering.

    The relationship is incomprehensible, due to hidden or barely pronounced reasons. An atmosphere of confusion can develop, leading to confusion, confusion.

    Family ownership does not allow personal problems to be resolved. The parents' condition is unknown, or its origins are not clear.

    A person may have a tendency towards a bohemian existence or towards life by the water. A romantic end to life.

    search keyword

    You have an almost religious attitude towards family, home and origin, you idealize your parents, but at the same time you can often change your place of residence or be somewhat mistaken about your origin; maybe you were adopted and raised with adoptive parents. You are musical and talented in painting, know how to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others and love to be alone with yourself, in search of your own path. If there are challenging aspects, you can be a wanderer who does not find a place for himself anywhere, this will continue until you understand that the answer to all your problems lies in inner peace... Maybe one of your parents is an alcoholic or just disappeared from your life.


    The position of Neptune in the 4th house indicates that there is no personal self in your inner sanctuary. And the space normally reserved for him is used to relieve you of the pressures of life. This is a space of universality, a return to the essence of everything, to the One Whole. The trap lies in the tendency to withdraw into emotional formlessness, in the mistake of the bloated ego for cosmic reunification. The challenge is to allow everything that is to permeate you without losing the ability to function in real life.

    Personal safety

    Personal safety is not pragmatic. You are fascinated by a family feeling that extends far beyond biological kinship. Family is the whole world and home is everywhere. The Trap - Openness, luminosity, and idealism can blur boundaries so well that you lose your sense of meaning and slip into a state of endless anxiety. The task is to realize that all people are really brothers, both in the flesh and outside it.

    Emotional stamps

    The environment of infancy and childhood was full of idealism, fantasy and often illusion, perhaps even lies. Dreams have formed the basis of the imprint system, weaving an invisible pattern of your habits. Perhaps. Somewhere in your imprints there is a dark shadow of victim consciousness or drug problems, but even these can be turned in a positive direction if you wish to connect to a universal vision of life. Ignore the event background; what really happened was less meaningful to you, something that arose in your fantasies. A sense of a spiritual purpose requiring selfless service was important to you from the beginning and may have manifested itself in religious teaching or in relation to religion.

    Parent "intimately connected" with the person

    There are echoes of holiness or martyrdom in your impressions of your mother. Your mother may have looked graceful and compassionate as a woman, but she could just as easily be perceived as a stupid dreamer or an involuntary victim. In any case, she contributed to your powerful intuitive orientation early in your development. As an adult, you could easily demonstrate telepathic or other psychic abilities without even thinking about them, for they are second nature to your flocks. The trap is to share boundaries with your mother's environment. It is difficult for you to distinguish between what applies to her and what applies to you. The task is to absorb her spirit, but not to become a victim of her melodrama.

    Private intuition

    The inner guidance appears for some moments, being all the time outside the periphery of vision. It is like an echo, the incessant sound of the mantra "AUM", often heard but rarely seen. Personal intuition is not entirely personal here; information about life is absorbed from every part of the environment - from within you, from the world around you and directly from other people. This is information about anyone and for anyone, not just you. Everything you get is perceived as relevant: in such a position of the planet, we notice the first glimpses of universal interconnection. You are a pipeline, a conveyor, a conductor of information that you may not fully understand. Store this information until life asks you for it, and then give it away completely. In this case, intuition permeates your every thought, every feeling and every active action.

    Joan Suderland, Toulouse-Lautrec, Gerald Ford, Max Schulman.

    Pluto in the fourth house

    The history or circumstances of birth are hidden from the One who is born. The person is surrounded by family secrets or a criminal environment.

    The family's judgment is critical and strict. Mutual understanding is possible, but fragile. Breakdowns of relations can occur between parents, final and unconditional, as with a whole chain of ancestors.

    Family torments of several generations weigh on the soul of a person and he seeks cordial relations near his family hearth. Personal life is full of secrets.

    It is possible that there was a strong person in the family who passed on his abilities and properties of his energy to descendants.

    The family can exist as a huge family clan with patriarchal mafia relationships. The end of life can be in conditions of hardship. A person can inherit the ability to find lost objects and people hidden and hidden. We can find this position of the planet in people who professionally use these abilities: psychics, occultists, fortunetellers, radiologists.

    keyword complexity

    With this position of Pluto, you are able to change or transform. The house is the center of your life, it is very important for you to have authority in the house. Due to certain circumstances in childhood, you were often prone to quarrels and scandals. There was probably something special, strange about your childhood: the early loss of a parent, a parental dictator, or family discord. You can get rich later on, especially if you do geology, research work, buying and selling real estate, or science. If there are difficult aspects, you may be openly rebelling against accepted values ​​and distance yourself from society.


    Your inner sanctuary is dark and mysterious place... It can be comfortable, or it can generate misgivings, but either way, it comes in contact with the unknown. Your inner self is a mystery located in the realm of psychological tornadoes, in the crucible of transformation, and not in a safe paradise. The trap lies in the possible absorption of your conscious self by this unknown space, while the task is to use the inner sanctuary in the same way as a caterpillar uses its cocoon: to promote fundamental changes in consciousness.

    Personal safety

    Personal safety comes from the depths of your self. Home as a place in physical space meaningless, but the house as a psychological construct is omnipresent. You are often unable to appreciate the complexity of your relationship with your family, stating that you do not need safety, even if you try again and again to find a safe place, but your own depths. The family is a channel of opposition to a tremendous force, a force of the unconscious, and the trap is to let yourself be consumed by this force or to allow it to dominate you. The challenge is to revive a more gentle and noble form of family security, in which there is no need to control others or subordinate oneself to others.

    Emotional stamps

    Your imprints are by nature the deepest. For you, there was no distinction between events and emotions, for everything mixed with each other in a deep, sealed chamber located in the depths of your “I” below the level of consciousness. You may have always had an almost unmistakable sense of family involvement, but it is more likely that you did not know why you ended up in this family, what your function was in it, or how you were connected with family members. None of the planets other than Pluto indicates a gigantic need for the disclosure of imprints formed in the first years of life. This is a case of classical psychotherapy, when the light of awareness, which is the result of many years of hard work, is able to completely transform the understanding of your environment.

    Parent "intimately connected" with the person

    Pluto, even more so than Mars, indicates the existence of power conflicts between mother and child. These conflicts can form an unshakable inner connection, but curiously, the depth of this connection is often not visible or denied. Perhaps you felt the dominance or leadership of the powerful love of your mother, who strove with your help to realize her life, however, any resentment and resentment are often hidden under the sugar cover of feigned love and respect. Even in the happiest and most joyful childhood, you cannot but be taken care of without a certain amount of compulsion.

    If, in the end, you comprehend all the feelings that you have for your mother (and she for you), get to their very bottom, then you will discover the hidden relationship of all mothers and children.

    Private intuition

    Somewhere within you is hidden a source of boundless power and knowledge, which is like a secret weapon used only in very important situations or in case of great danger. The trick is that it is usually invisible to the conscious mind: you have to hunt for it, watch until it discovers itself; you chase him until he catches you. The function of personal intuition in this case is the destruction of outdated, old-fashioned games of life, a radical change in your emotional orientation from the inside out. You are rarely admitted to your supervisors, but they will let you know when this meeting will take place. They are like spiritual surgeons with very sharp scalpels that are unresponsive to superficial details. They penetrate the very heart, the essence of phenomena and events.

    Charles Manson, Lee Bailey, Oscar Levant, Margaret Mug.

    1. Markina N.Yu. "12 houses of the horoscope".
    2. Marion March, Joan McEvers "Astrology"
    3. Michael Baigent, Nicholas Campion, Charles Harvey "World Astrology"
    4. Yuri Oleshko "Horary Astrology"
    5. Bill Herbst "Houses of the Horoscope"
  • :) There is such a moment. I opened my folder with the horoscope calculated for me once. Somehow, hands did not reach her all the time. Rather, there was no inspiration to understand. She was also angry with herself that she once ordered it.
    Sun and Mercury in the 4th house. So it is - my family karma seems to be good. I know what an atmosphere of support, love, tenderness, comfort, security, etc., etc. is like. I can give this to my relatives, I receive and received it in my family. Yes, I don’t need much. I'm fine as it is!!! I can be happy in family relationships, because I do not expect something incredible from them. The truth for me is really a circle of close people who are important to me. Albeit not the most big circle but still important!

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