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The organization of labor relations and the system of motivation of personnel on the example of CJSC "uk" start ". Ways to improve social relations in the workforce

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Social and labor relations occupy one of the central places in the system of society's life. Human activity, manifested in labor, serves as the basis for expanded reproduction and meeting the growing needs of society. A person with his characteristics, interests, motivations of behavior determines the dynamism, intensity of socio-economic development, or vice versa - the instability of such development.

The protection of the labor rights of employees in enterprises requires reliable and thorough information, since each enterprise, as a rule, forms a unique configuration of relations between employees and employers. The system of hiring, remuneration, work regimes, ways to resolve contradictions and conflicts - all this depends on technology, equipment, the organizational scheme of production, the position of the employer, the trade union, and even individual groups workers. In addition, the formation of a system labor relations on the enterprise renders the region, industry, size of the enterprise or organization and form of ownership. At the same time, despite the differences, many parameters can be compared, primarily on the basis of the compliance of the existing labor relations with labor legislation.

The relevance of the chosen research topic lies in the fact that the regulation wages directly at the enterprise requires its appropriate organization, on the one hand, providing guaranteed earnings for the fulfillment of labor standards, regardless of the results of the enterprise, and on the other hand, linking earnings with individual and collective labor results. The organization of wages at the enterprise is understood as the construction of a system for its differentiation and regulation by categories of personnel, depending on the complexity of the work performed, as well as individual and collective labor results, while ensuring guaranteed earnings for the fulfillment of the labor norm. It is the regulation and management of social and labor relations in the field of wages that will allow the head of the enterprise to determine the management style to maximize the profit of the enterprise.

This goal can be achieved through the formation of an effective system for managing social and labor relations in the field of wages at the enterprise.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the state of social and labor relations in the field of wages and develop measures to improve them.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

1) To study the theoretical foundations of the formation of social and labor relations in the field of wages;

2) Conduct an analysis of social and labor relations in the field of remuneration at the enterprise KARI LLC,

3) Develop measures aimed at improving and regulating social and labor relations at the KARI LLC enterprise;

4) Carry out the calculation economic efficiency developed activities.

The object of research in the work is the enterprise "KARI" LLC.

The subject of the study is social and labor relations in the field of wages at the enterprise KARI LLC.

1 . Theoretical foundations for the formation of social and labor relations in the field of wages

1.1 Economic entity social and labor relations at the enterprise

Social and labor relations characterize the economic, psychological and legal aspects of the relationships between individuals and social groups in the processes caused by labor activity.

The analysis of social and labor relations is usually carried out in three directions: subjects; items; types .

The subjects of social and labor relations are individuals or social groups. For the modern economy, the most important subjects of the relations under consideration are: the employee, the union of employees (trade union), the employer, the union of employers, the state.

An employee is a person who has concluded an employment contract with a representative of an enterprise, public organization or state.

An employer is a person who hires one or more workers to do work. The employer may be the owner of the means of production or his representative. In particular, the employer is the head state enterprise, which, in turn, is an employee in relation to the state.

Remuneration is the most important element of the social and labor relations between the employer and the employee, performing various functions and ensuring the interdependence and interaction of subjects, as well as the quality of working life. V modern conditions management, the policy in the field of remuneration, social support and protection of personnel is changing significantly. Wage acts, on the one hand, as personal income and serves as the main source of livelihood for personnel and their families, and on the other hand, as solvent aggregate demand and is one of the main factors in maintaining and developing production.

The approach to distribution according to work is changing. The basis of equal pay, for equal work, is not the costs - the number of hours of working time and the level of qualifications (they are the main factors), but the results of labor as a commodity of the market. Funds from the sale of goods become the highest criterion for assessing the quantity and quality of labor of commodity producers and the main source of their personal income 5, p.49.

Wages are the main source of income for the organization's staff. It serves as the most important lever for managing the economy, and therefore the state pays special attention to the basics of organizing and remunerating labor. The main regulatory documents of state regulation of wages are: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, etc. According to Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, remuneration is a system of relations related to ensuring the establishment and implementation by employers of payments to employees for their work in accordance with laws, other regulatory legal acts, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations and labor contracts.

Organizations independently develop and approve forms, remuneration systems, bonus conditions for employees, staffing, etc., while it is strictly forbidden to limit the maximum amount and set wages below the minimum amount determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In each specific organization depending on the availability of certain technological processes, the level of organization of production and labor, the nature of the products produced, one or another wage is applied. Today there is no that strict regulation which was characteristic for new economy, therefore, the entrepreneur, the management of the organization can choose any of the existing options for remuneration, which, in their opinion, in the most more suits the interests of the organization. The payment option adopted by the organization must be fixed in the collective agreement (contract) and other acts. Thus, wages are part of the consumption fund wealth and services received by employees in accordance with the quantity, quality and productivity of labor, both individual (the employee himself) and collective 12, p. 45.

Its main functions follow from the essence of wages: reproductive, motivating, accounting and production, social. In addition, wages also perform a regulatory function, determining the main demand for end-use goods and services, participating in the redistribution of labor resources across industries and regions of the country.

Defining the essence of wages as the price of labor power in the labor market, the material and material embodiment of which is the cost of consumer goods, services, taxes, and other payments that ensure the reproduction of labor power, the satisfaction of the physical and spiritual needs of both the worker himself and his family members, we denote and the basis of labor organization - the employee's consumer budget.

The minimum consumer budget of a low standard is used as the consumer budget, on which the minimum wage is based. It represents the floor of the value of unskilled labour, calculated as monthly cash payments received by employees for performing simple jobs under normal working conditions.

Wages are not the only source of labor force reproduction. The costs of reproduction of the labor force also include funds for sick leaves, regular vacations, retraining fees, forced breaks in work, and pension payments.

The reproduction of the labor force is also carried out at the expense of various social payments and the like. However, wages remain the main source of labor force reproduction.

The economic transformations of recent years have led to significant changes in the world of work and wages. Impact government agencies on labor relations significantly weakened, the centralized administrative regulation of wages ceased to exist.

State guarantees for the remuneration of workers are fixed in Art. 130 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines:

The value of the minimum wage in the country;

The value of the minimum tariff rate (salary) for employees of public sector organizations in the Russian Federation;

Measures to ensure an increase in the level of the real content of wages;

Limitation of the list of grounds and amounts of deductions from wages by order of the employer, as well as the amount of taxation of income from wages;

Restriction of wages in kind;

Ensuring that the employee receives wages in the event of termination of the employer's activity and its insolvency in accordance with federal laws;

State supervision and control over the full and timely payment of wages and the implementation of state guarantees for wages;

Responsibility of employers for violation of the requirements established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, laws, other regulatory legal acts, collective agreements, agreements;

Terms and order of payment of wages.

In addition, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employer to pay increased wages in special conditions and in conditions that deviate from normal, in amounts not lower than those established by laws (remuneration of workers employed in hard work, work with harmful and dangerous working conditions, at work in areas with special climatic conditions, when performing work outside the normal working hours, at night, weekends and non-working holidays etc.). It also regulates wages in case of non-compliance with labor standards, the manufacture of defective products and payment for downtime.

The weakening of state influence in the field of labor relations and wages has led to the fact that wages ceased to depend on its quantity and began to be determined by the level of inflation and the state of finances, and labor became one of the cheapest goods.

1.2 The essence of wages and the principles of its organization

labor economic payment

Wages are part of the national income in monetary terms, which is allocated to meet the personal needs of workers and employees and is distributed among them in accordance with the quantity and quality of labor expended.

The level and rate of wage growth are closely related to labor productivity. The purpose of organizing wages is to ensure strict correspondence between the labor contribution of each employee to the results of production and his right to receive a certain amount of life's benefits.

Wages affect the interests of three parties involved in the economy: employers, the state and the employee. To achieve equilibrium in the economy, the state regulates the minimum wage. The employee and the employer conclude an agreement on the size and procedure for assessing the employee's ability to work and the conditions for their actual implementation, that is, on the structure and size of wages. To satisfy the interests of each of the subjects of these relations, an optimal wage system should be built. In order for wages to become a real tool for managing labor relations, the basic principles of its construction have been developed in practice.

Salary must:

1. Be based on the socially necessary costs of simple and expanded reproduction of the labor force. This will allow maintaining and reproducing the conditions for obtaining income for both the state, and the employer, and the employee.

2. Ensure the creation necessary conditions for the consistent and universal establishment of a strict dependence of its size on the employee's ability to work and the final results of their implementation.

3. Take into account the demand and supply of labor. The state, the employer and the employee should strive to achieve unity in the remuneration of workers of the same professions performing work of equal complexity in separate industries. Violation of this balance leads to an imbalance in the labor market and all subjects of relations regarding wages suffer losses.

4. Based on the full independence of enterprises in building a wage system based on recommendatory principles, with some restrictions on the part of the state (setting minimum wage rates, setting additional payments for working conditions and regional wage coefficients) and tariff agreements concluded between trade unions, the state and business unions.

5. Provide material and moral incentives to improve the quality of products and work performed, aimed at achieving the world level of product quality, which should become a criterion for assessing the professional training of employees.

6. Stimulate the professional development of the employee. Facilitate the transition to more complex work with higher pay.

The principles outlined should be viewed as a system that cannot work fully if at least one element is not observed by wage planners in enterprises.

Piecework wages. With piecework wages, wages are set depending on the quantity of products produced and the qualification requirements for the work performed. This is acceptable where technological processes lend themselves to technical regulation, and the increase in output mainly depends on the worker himself.

Time wages. With the time-based form of remuneration, workers are paid depending on the amount of time worked and the level of qualification determined by the tariff category.

This form is used if it is impossible to establish an individual production rate, as well as in areas of automated production, where the worker's functions are reduced to setting up and monitoring machines.

With direct piecework individual wages, earnings are determined on the basis of the quantity of goods produced and the price per unit of production. The rate is constant and is determined as the quotient of the tariff rate divided by the production rate.

With brigade piecework wages, payment is made according to the final results of the work of the brigade, depending on the number of units of work performed and the price per unit of work. Then wages are distributed among the members of the brigade in accordance with their qualifications and hours worked.

With piecework-progressive wages for the manufacture of products within the established norm of output, they are paid at the basic unchanged rates. Labor expended on the production of products in excess of the norm is paid at higher rates, progressively increasing depending on the degree of overfulfillment of output standards.

The piece-bonus system is a direct piece-rate system, supplemented by bonuses for achieving certain performance indicators.

Indirectly- piece-work payment labor is used in some branches of engineering for auxiliary workers, whose labor largely affects the output of the main pieceworkers. Wages are determined by the performance of the pieceworkers they serve.

The chord system is used when paying for emergency and other work that must be completed in a short time. At the same time, it is predetermined total amount earnings for the entire range of work provided for by the task and the responsibility of the parties for the organization of work and deadlines.

With simple time wages, a worker's earnings are determined on the basis of the time he actually worked and a wage rate appropriate to his skill level.

The time-bonus system provides for a combination of simple time-based payment with bonuses for the results achieved.

Time-bonus with a normalized task is used in a number of industries. There are 3 parts: the time part - earnings for hours worked, additional payment for the performance of a normalized task, which is charged as a% of the time part depending on the amount of work performed; bonuses for reducing the labor intensity of products and increasing labor productivity.

A variation of the time-bonus system is the salary system, in which workers are paid not at tariff rates, but at monthly salaries.

The composition of labor costs, taken into account in the distribution costs of a trading enterprise, includes:

Payment of wages for the work actually done based on piece rates, tariff rates and official salaries;

Incentive payments under system provisions: bonuses for production results, including those for the year, bonuses to tariff rates and salaries for professional excellence, high labor achievements;

Compensatory payments related to the mode of work and working conditions, for expanding service areas, combining professions, for harmful working conditions;

Payment for regular and additional vacations and monetary compensation for unused vacation;

Payments for the release from enterprises in connection with the reorganization and downsizing;

One-time remuneration for length of service, allowances for work experience;

Remuneration of unpaid employees for work under the contract;

The distribution costs do not include the following payments to employees of the enterprise, as well as the costs associated with their maintenance:

Financial assistance, interest-free loan for the improvement of living conditions;

Payment for additional vacations provided under the collective agreement to employees;

Compensation payments in connection with the increase in prices of income generated in excess of indexation;

Compensation for the rise in the cost of food in canteens, buffets, dispensaries, providing it at reduced prices or free of charge, as well as for children in preschool institutions, sanatoriums and health camps;

Pension supplements, lump-sum benefits for retired labor veterans;

Payment for vouchers for treatment and recreation, excursions and travel, classes in sports sections, circles, clubs, visits to cultural, entertainment and sports events;

Other types of payments not directly related to wages.

Distribution costs do not include costs associated with the provision of additional benefits to employees of the enterprise in excess of the standards provided for by the current legislation and directives and regulations.

These costs are reimbursed from the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise.

The wage fund includes monetary amounts, regardless of the source of their financing (bonuses and other types of wages accrued from the central social development fund or from other sources).

1.3 Features of the regulation of social and labor relations and their impact on the remuneration of employees of the enterprise

The regulation of labor relations and relations directly related to them is carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which contains fundamental provisions that determine the basic principles of the Labor Code and all other regulatory legal acts on labor. Laws regarding the regulation of labor and directly related relations specify and ensure the implementation of the provisions of Art. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

This article proclaims freedom of labor, prohibits forced labor, provides for the right to work in conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements, for remuneration for work, the right to protection from unemployment, and also recognizes the right to individual and collective labor disputes, enshrines the right to rest.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 15), the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation are an integral part of its legal system. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation provides for rules other than those established by law, then the rules of the international treaty shall apply. These fundamental provisions are extremely important for the application of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. The most significant for resolving labor issues in a municipality among international acts are the labor law standards adopted by the International Labor Organization (ILO).

Labor law issues include, in accordance with Art. 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation. The regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, is carried out by labor legislation (including labor protection legislation), consisting of the Labor Code, other federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation containing labor standards. rights.

The delimitation of powers on this subject of joint jurisdiction is carried out by federal laws, which predetermines the need for the application of labor and legal norms contained in the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the analysis of these acts for compliance with the limits of legal regulation.

This is especially true in relation to the regulation of labor relations in municipal organizations, as well as in relation to elected and other persons working in the municipality. The laws of subjects on labor are adopted in accordance with federal laws and should not contradict them either in terms of the content of legal regulation or in terms of powers in the field of regulation.

In addition, labor relations are regulated by other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms:

Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation;

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts federal bodies executive power;

Regulatory legal acts of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Regulatory legal acts of bodies local government.

A significant place in the regulation of labor relations is played by acts of a contractual nature and local regulations containing the norms of labor law, occupying the lowest level among normative legal sources.

Local regulations usually include all documents of a general regulatory nature developed and adopted by a particular employer.

For an employer - a legal entity, local rule-making is carried out through the activities of collegial or sole management bodies of the organization, the competence of which includes the relevant powers.

The content of this competence is indicated in the legislation regulating the activities of legal entities of a certain organizational and legal form (for example, an autonomous institution, a municipal unitary enterprise, etc.), as well as in the charter of a particular organization. For an employer - a municipality, local rule-making is carried out by authorized bodies and officials of local self-government.

Such bodies and persons are determined by the Charter of the MO, or the regulation on the relevant local self-government body, approved by the representative body of the municipality, or also adopted by the representative body, the regulation on labor relations in the municipality. For the municipal service, these issues may be regulated by other regulatory legal acts.

In accordance with labor legislation, the regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them can be carried out by concluding, amending, supplementing by employees and employers collective agreements, agreements, employment contracts. At the same time, agreements and collective agreements concluded between employers and trade unions or other representatives of employees, as well as employment contracts concluded directly by employers and employees, are one of the most important sources of labor law.

Collective agreements and agreements are called "normative agreements". They have the following features:

They fill the niche left for them by the regulatory legal acts of the state, and thereby concretize the regulatory sources of labor law;

They are the leading form of implementation of social partnership relations between employers and employees;

Combine the public interests of employees and the private interests of the employer;

They cannot be changed or terminated at the discretion of one of the parties, unless otherwise provided in the contract itself or the law;

They are a limiter of the limits of the local rule-making of the employer.

The function of individual legal regulation of labor relations is performed by an employment contract.

Collective agreements, agreements, labor contracts cannot contain conditions that restrict the rights or reduce the level of guarantees for employees in comparison with those established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms. If such conditions are included in a collective agreement, agreement or employment contract, then they are not subject to application.

Thus, one of the most important systems in the enterprise is the creation of an effective system of remuneration. Under the system of remuneration is understood the method of calculating the amount of remuneration payable to employees of the enterprise in accordance with the labor costs they have incurred or according to the results of labor.

The most widespread at enterprises of various forms of ownership are two forms of remuneration: piecework (payment for each unit of output or volume of work performed), time-based (payment for hours worked, but not calendar, but standard, which is provided for by the tariff system).

2 . Analysis of social and labor relations in the field of remuneration at the enterpriseLTD "KARI»

2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise according to the main technical and economic indicators LLC "KARI»

Trading company OOO "KARI" is located at Omsk, st. Prospekt Mira, 34.

The working hours of KARI LLC are from 10-20 hours without days off and without a lunch break. Kind of activity - retail trade. The company operates on the basis of the charter. Given commercial enterprise LLC "KARI" - shop of individual service. The total area of ​​LLC "KARI" is 150 square meters, of which 50 is the area of ​​the trading floor, the rest of the space is occupied by storage and utility rooms.

LLC "KARI" is a universal enterprise, as its range is built on the basis of a wide range of product groups. The product is ordered in small batches, so it does not stay for a long time.

KARI LLC has utility rooms (rooms for storing and repairing containers, rooms for storing commercial inventory, rooms for preparing goods for sale), administrative and amenity premises (offices, a room for rest and personal hygiene), a small warehouse.

LLC "KARI" meets the technical, sanitary, fire and other requirements, and the equipment and inventory are kept in exemplary sanitary and technical condition.

There is a great demand for products in KARI LLC, because it is very conveniently located for buyers. To attract buyers, KARI LLC reduces prices, tries to diversify the assortment with various new products.

Material and technical support for the activities of KARI LLC is carried out independently, on the basis of contractual relations. This enterprise carries out accounting of the results of its activities, maintains accounting and statistical reporting and submits it to the relevant state bodies in accordance with applicable law.

For a more complete picture of the activities of the LLC "KARI" enterprise, we will analyze the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise's activities in the period from 2012 to 2013.

Table 1. Key performance indicators of the enterprise "KARI" LLC for 2012 - 2013


Deviation (+,-)

Growth rate, %

Retail turnover:

At current prices

In comparable prices

Average headcount

including sales staff

Labor productivity of employees

Annual wage fund for employees

including sales and operational personnel

Average monthly salary of 1 employee

including sales and operational personnel

Distribution costs

Net profit

According to the data presented in table. 1 we can draw the following conclusion: in 2013 there was an increase in the volume of trade by 529 thousand rubles. or by 3.69% due to an increase in prices for the company's products (by 10%), if prices had not increased, then the turnover would have decreased by 543 thousand rubles. or 3.86%.

In 2013, there was an increase in the number of employees of the enterprise KARI LLC compared to 2012 by 2 people, or by 16.68%, namely the number of sales and operational personnel, which is due to an increase in consumer demand.

Also in 2013, there was an increase in the annual payroll fund for employees of the enterprise KARI LLC by 864 thousand rubles. or by 27.27% and sales and operational personnel by 684 thousand rubles. or by 46.34% due to an increase in the number of employees and due to an increase in the average monthly wage of 1 employee by 2 thousand rubles. or by 9.09% and 1 employee of the sales and operational staff - by 2 thousand rubles. or 9.76%.

Due to the increase in the payroll fund for employees of the LLC "KARI" enterprise, there was an increase in the amount of distribution costs by 230 thousand rubles. or 4.70%.

The activity of the enterprise "KARI" LLC is effective, since in 2012 and in 2013 the enterprise makes a profit, and in 2013 net profit increased by 31 thousand rubles. or 1.74%.

Table 2. Analysis of the rhythm of the development of sales of goods of the enterprise LLC "KARI" in 2013 compared to 2012

Goods turnover, thousand rubles

Deviation (+,-)

Growth rate, %


Let's imagine the change in the volume of sales of goods - the turnover of the enterprise LLC "KARI" in 2013 compared to 2012 in Fig. 3.

Thus, we can conclude that the volume of sales of goods - turnover is almost uniform for each month, since the company offers goods depending on the season. The largest increase in November 2013 - by 529 thousand rubles. or by 3.69%, and the smallest increase is observed in July - by 1 thousand rubles. or 0.06%.

The main suppliers of KARI LLC are: T. Taccardi, Moscow, Amelie Galanti Company, Moscow, Alpina Company, Moscow.

The list of suppliers of KARI LLC is presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Supply volumes and a list of the main suppliers of the KARI LLC enterprise in the period from 2012 to 2013

labor economic payment

According to the data presented in table. 3, it can be concluded that the largest volume of supplies is provided to the enterprise by LLC KARI Company T. Taccardi, Moscow, since KARI LLC cooperates with this representative and is a distributor of its products, but the company also uses products from such manufacturers as Amelie Galanti Company, Moscow and Alpina Company, Moscow.

In general, in 2013 there was an increase in the volume of deliveries for all suppliers of goods of the KARI LLC enterprise, including the T. Taccardi increased the volume of deliveries by 260 thousand rubles. or by 3.83%, Amelie Galanti Company - by 40 thousand rubles. or by 14.29%, Alpina Company - by 10 thousand rubles. or 0.53%. It should also be noted that all suppliers of goods fulfill their obligations in in full in accordance with the concluded agreements.

Based on the analysis of the activities of the enterprise KARI LLC, it can be concluded that this enterprise is successfully developing in its market segment.

2.2 Analysis of the state and regulation of social and labor relations at the enterprise

Labor relations in KARI LLC between the employer and employees are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an Employment Agreement and a Collective Agreement have been concluded with the employees of the enterprise.

In order to get an idea of ​​the state of social and labor relations at the KARI LLC enterprise in 2013, in December 2013, a survey was conducted among the employees of the enterprise in the amount of 14 people about the extent to which they are satisfied with the working conditions.

The survey results are presented in Table. 4.

In 2013, the employees of the enterprise KARI LLC were not fully satisfied with the state of social and labor relations at the enterprise, namely the possibility of promotion, since there is no advanced training of employees and relations with the administration, since conflict situations arise, not all of which have been resolved for the benefit of the company's employees.

Table 4. Results of a survey of employees of the enterprise LLC "KARI" on the degree of satisfaction with working conditions in 2013

Evaluation parameters

Quite satisfy


Not satisfied

Completely unsatisfied

It doesn't matter much to me


Variety of work

Promotion Opportunity

Breadth of product range

Relations with the administration

In order to find out what does not suit employees in the organization of social and labor relations, we will analyze the state of social and labor relations at the KARI LLC enterprise, dividing it into two main components:

1) Labor relations,

2) Social relations.

The Labor Code provides for compliance by the employer with labor relations, but the following violations of the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation take place at the KARI LLC enterprise:

1) ensure safety and working conditions that comply with state regulatory requirements for labor protection,

2) provide employees with equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary for the performance of their labor duties,

3) provide employees with equal pay for work of equal value,

4) provide for the everyday needs of employees related to the performance of their labor duties.

Obligations of a social nature by the employer are presented in Table. 5.

Table 5. Analysis of the fulfillment of obligations of a social nature by the employer in accordance with the Collective Agreement at the enterprise "KARI" LLC for 2012 - 2013

Article of the Collective Agreement


Negative sides

Impact on the employees of the enterprise

Article “Employment. Mode of work and rest "

According to this article of the Collective Agreement, all workplaces at the enterprise are staffed

The management of KARI LLC does not conduct staff development. The regime of work and rest complies with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but the company has not created conditions for employees to relax during the working day - there is no rest room

Article "Payment"

At the KARI LLC enterprise, the amount of wages for a full month of work is set not lower than the subsistence level of an able-bodied person in the region, taking into account the calculation of personal income tax. The Regulations on bonuses for employees of KARI LLC were also developed and implemented.

Article "Labor protection"

The “Regulation on labor protection” was developed,

Recreation room not organized, Replacement not made

Organization of training, briefing, testing of knowledge on labor protection of employees of the enterprise - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-90

windows in the shop

Article "Social guarantees"

Short-term paid leave of up to 3 calendar days was not granted in the following cases: Death of close relatives (spouse, spouse, children, parents, siblings, grandparents), Own wedding and wedding of children, Birth of a child. No one-time financial assistance was paid. There is no payment for the travel of employees to the place of work. Not

payment for vouchers to sanatorium and health resorts is carried out by employees of the enterprise and their children. There is no payment and provision of additional holidays for certain categories of employees. Payment for training, additional education of employees is not organized and carried out. Lunches not paid

1 employee was fired in 2013 for this reason

"Social partnership"

General meetings of the team are not held

Therefore, according to the data presented in table. 5, we can conclude that not all obligations of the employer in accordance with the articles of the Collective Agreement are observed.

2) New Year's gifts for children.

Let's imagine the composition social relations between the employer and employees at the KARI LLC enterprise for 2013:

1) Providing a full social package,

2) New Year gifts for children,

3) Payment for trips to children's camps,

4) Making loans to solve the financial problems of employees.

Let's imagine the composition of social relations between the employer and employees at the enterprise LLC "KARI" for 2012 - 2013 in Table. 6.

Table 6. The composition of social relations between the employer and employees at the enterprise "KARI" LLC for 2012 - 2013

Composition of social relations

Deviation (+,-)

Number of employees covered

In monetary terms, thousand rubles

Number of employees covered

In monetary terms, thousand rubles

Providing a full social package

Christmas gifts for children

Payment for trips to children's camps

Arranging loans to solve the financial problems of employees

As in 2012, so in 2013, a full social package (mandatory social package is an annual paid vacation, payment for temporary disability leaves (sick leave), contributions to pension and other funds, compulsory medical insurance) was provided to all employees of the enterprise, as well as New Year's gifts for children were provided to all employees, as they all have children.

In 2013, the management provided funds for the implementation of two more components compared to 2012 - payment for trips to children's camps and obtaining loans to solve the financial problems of employees.

But it should be noted that the management of the enterprise has not implemented the following social components:

1) Payment for the travel of employees to the place of work,

2) Payment for vouchers to sanatorium and health resorts by employees of the enterprise and their children,

4) Payment for training, additional education of employees.

And the introduction of these elements would lead to an increase in productivity and labor efficiency of workers.

It is also necessary to characterize social and labor relations at the enterprise using the following elements:

1) Distribution of employees by positions according to the level of education;

2) Training and retraining of employees;

3) The presence of conflict situations;

4) Satisfaction with working conditions.

We will analyze the compliance of the functions performed by employees at the KARI LLC enterprise, according to the level of their education according to the data presented in Table. 7.

According to the professional composition of the employees of the KARI LLC enterprise and the level of their qualifications, all employees occupy positions according to their education, except for the salesperson-cashier, who has only a secondary education.

Table 7. Compliance analysis of the functions performed by employees at the KARI LLC enterprise according to the level of education in 2013

Job title

Work experience, years

Education - qualification


Labor productivity, thousand rubles

Change (+,-)

at the enterprise

in trade


Higher Economist-manager


Graduate Economist

Education meets the requirements for the position


Higher Economist-manager

Education meets the requirements for the position


Secondary Specialized Merchandiser of Non-Food Products

Education meets the requirements for the position

Warehouse manager

Secondary special accountant-cashier

Education meets the requirements for the position


Education does not meet the requirements for the position


Courses - Training Center "Orientir"

Education meets the requirements for the position


Secondary Special Sales Manager

Education meets the requirements for the position

All employees of the enterprise have a sufficiently long work experience in the field of trade, including at this enterprise. The labor productivity of trade and operational workers was not affected by their work experience in trade and at the enterprise, since in 2013 there was a decrease in labor productivity of workers. But this decrease is due to the following reasons:

Assistance in the adaptation of new employees,

The presence of conflict situations

Table 8. Training and advanced training of employees of the enterprise LLC "KARI" during 2012 - 2013

Both in 2012 and 2013, at the KARI LLC enterprise, employees did not take advanced training courses, but in 2012 they were trained to work with software"1C: Enterprise" accountant and head. warehouse, since it was installed at the enterprise in 2012, and in 2013, 2 more administrators were trained to work with this program. In 2013, the director of KARI LLC was trained in labor protection.

An integral characteristic of social and labor relations is the absence or presence of conflict situations. Since the presence of conflict situations has led to a decrease in the productivity of the employees of the KARI LLC enterprise, it is necessary to analyze the occurrence of these situations.

Conflict situations arose with the cashier Smirnova K.A. and buyers both in September 2013 and in December 2013, as the seller was not restrained and not fully aware of the range of products offered by the enterprise (this seller has a secondary education). The conflicts were resolved after administrator intervention.

Also in March, July, October 2013, conflict situations arose between the administrator and cashiers when scheduling the start of work, since the schedule was not convenient for the sales and operational staff. The conflict was resolved after the intervention of the director of the enterprise, when the requirements of the sales and operational personnel were taken into account.

In August, April and May 2013, conflict situations arose between the administrator and sales assistants-cashiers regarding the fact that sales assistants, in the absence of customers, dined at their workplace on the trading floor. The administrator reprimanded, but the sales and operational staff explained their behavior by the lack of a dining room - a rest room and the working hours for this category of personnel - from 10 to 20 hours without a regulated lunch break, and they have nowhere to dine. The conflict was resolved with the intervention of the director, who promised, if possible, to organize a rest room in order to improve working and rest conditions for trade and operational workers.

In January and February 2013, there were also conflict situations between the director and cashiers. The conflict arose because of the requirements of the sales and operational staff to replace windows in the trading floor of the enterprise. Since old windows are installed in the trading floor, they do not close tightly, which leads to the formation of drafts, and as a result, the occurrence of colds. So it was in the winter on sick leave with colds there were 4 sales assistants-cashiers, which amounted to 26 days of incapacity for work, which led to additional work for other sales assistants, i.e. they worked weekends. The sales and operations personnel demanded that the director replace the old windows with new ones in order to ensure appropriate working conditions. The director promised the workers to replace the windows in the summer. But it should be noted that the windows were not replaced during the summer.

Let's present in the table. 9 analysis of the presence of conflict situations and loss of labor productivity as a result of this at the enterprise LLC "KARI" in 2013.

Table 9. Analysis of the presence of conflict situations and loss of labor productivity at the enterprise LLC "KARI" in 2013

Type of conflict

Number of conflict situations

Loss of working time


labor, thousand rubles

Lost working time on non-conflict days


labor, thousand rubles

social conflict

0.2 hours - waiting for equipment repair

0.4 hours - unplanned rest (drank tea, smoked)

Organizational conflicts

including sick leave

It should be noted that most conflict situations are organizational conflicts. In general, the presence of conflicts negatively characterizes the organization of social and labor relations at the KARI LLC enterprise in 2013, as it led to loss of working time per year - 5 hours (for clarification and investigation) and loss of labor productivity, based on the average hourly labor productivity employees of the enterprise in 2013. It should also be noted that the loss of labor productivity as a result of conflicts is greater than the losses when there are no conflicts.

The main negative aspects in the organization of social and labor relations at the KARI LLC enterprise include:

1) the following social components have not been implemented: payment for the travel of employees to the place of work, payment for vouchers to sanatorium and health resorts by employees of the enterprise and their children, additional holidays for certain categories of employees, payment for training, additional education of employees;

2) the seller-cashier works in a position without an appropriate education;

3) the rest room is not organized;

4) replacement of windows in the sales area has not been made;

5) the emergence of conflict situations.

The identified shortcomings will serve as a reserve for the development of measures aimed at improving and regulating social and labor relations at the KARI LLC enterprise.

2. 3 Analysis of performance indicators for the use of enterprise personnel

The main goal of personnel management in KARI LLC is the sufficient provision of employees with the necessary qualifications and experience, the rational use of personnel, and an increase in labor productivity.

Efficient personnel management at the KARI LLC enterprise helps to increase sales and improve performance, reduce costs and increase profits.

The efficiency analysis was carried out both on the basis of the primary documentation of personnel services: hiring, dismissal, relocation and the degree of training of personnel, as well as data from timesheets and payroll and statistical reporting on labor and labor resources.

The analysis of the effectiveness of the use of the personnel of the LLC "KARI" enterprise was carried out according to the following indicators:

1) the efficiency of the use of working time by employees of sales and operational personnel;

2) labor productivity of trade and operational personnel;

3) analysis of the profitability of the personnel of the enterprise.

We will analyze the use of working time on the basis of the timesheet of the personnel of KARI LLC for 2012-2013.

Table 10. Balance of the use of working time of the personnel of KARI LLC for 2012 - 2013

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Nikulin, Yuri Ivanovich

Academic degree:

PhD in Economics

Place of defense of the dissertation:


VAK specialty code:


Economics and management of the national economy (by sectors and areas of activity, including: theory of economic systems management; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics; population economics and demography ; environmental economics; land management, etc.)

Number of pages:



1.1. Labor activity as an environment of social and labor relations: the essence and factors of formation.

1.2. Socio-economic content and composition of social and labor relations.

1.3. Regulation of social and labor relations: essence, content, types and tools.



2.1. Evaluation of the dynamics of the development of the social environment of the formation of social and labor relations.

2.2. The study of the factors of the working environment, influencing the formation of social and labor relations.

2.3. Analysis of the problems of regulation of social and labor relations.



3.1. Substantiation of the model of regulation of social and labor relations as a means of accelerating the socialization of the economy.

3.2. System formation social partnership.

3.3. Methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the results of the regulation of social and labor relations.

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) On the topic "Regulation of social and labor relations and directions for its improvement"

Relevance of the research topic.

Steady economic growth and increased attention of the state to the social aspects of the economy have led to the creation of conditions for improving the quality of life of the population, stimulating its social and labor activity.

As a result, the content of social and labor relations has become much more complicated, new types and forms have arisen, the subject composition of participants has expanded, and new factors have emerged that influence the development of these relations.

At the same time, the role of the state in regulating social and labor relations has somewhat decreased, with a simultaneous expansion of the functions of organizations in this process. Organizations have received broader rights and responsibilities in regulating social and labor relations, which is objectively due to the growth of social responsibility of business.

All these circumstances together necessitate a comprehensive study of the problem of regulating social and labor relations in order to develop directions for its improvement that are adequate to the prevailing conditions of socio-economic development.

The degree of development of the problem.

General problems of the economics and sociology of labor were the subject of scientific interest of many domestic and foreign researchers.

Among the works in this area, the works of Adamchuk V.V., Weber M., Volgin N.A., Genkin B.M., Dessler G., Elovikov J1.A., Esinova N.I., Zavelsky M.G. ., Martsinkevich V.I., Mumladze R.G., Odegova Yu.G., Romashova O.B., Roffe A.N., Roshina S.Yu., Samoukina G.V., Slesinger G.E., Freikhta E., Shatalova N.I. Eggert M., Ehrenberg R.J. and etc.

Separate problems of regulation of social and labor relations, including in the field of remuneration, motivation, contractual relations, etc. were studied by such scientists as Abrosimova T.F., Brooking E., Herzberg F., Gerchikov V.I., Glaz V .N., Kartashov S.A., Kibanov A.Ya., Kostyshina T.A., Lazareva N.V., Lebedeva S.N., Magura M.I., Mazmanova B.G., Mutalimov M.G. ., Nikiforov P.O., Pudenko T.I., Fedorova N.V., Yakovlev R.A. and etc.

The factors of the formation of social and labor relations, the features of their development, forms and types are disclosed in the scientific works of Veselov Yu.V., Voyekov M.I., Voitik A.K. Izyumsky A.I., Mirzoalieva A.A., Shcheglova S.E. and etc.

Recognizing the significance of the work performed for the labor economy, it should be noted that the current stage of development of social and labor relations in Russian society requires the improvement of their regulation.

This is due to the fact that until now the problem of the need to regulate social and labor relations, the distribution of powers between the subjects of this process remains debatable.

Certain theoretical aspects need to be clarified, revealing the essence and content, subject and species composition, factors in the formation of social and labor relations, and the subjects of their regulation feel the need to develop new models of social partnership and methodological approaches to assessing the results of regulating social and labor relations.

The debatability of the issue, insufficient substantiation of theoretical aspects and the special importance of developing practical recommendations in the field of improving the regulation of social and labor relations determined the choice of topic, the formulation of the goal and objectives of the dissertation research.

Field of study.

Purpose and objectives of the study.

The purpose of the dissertation research was the scientific development of certain theoretical provisions, specific methodological approaches and practical recommendations for improving the regulation of social and labor relations in order to strengthen the influence of social factors on the quality of economic growth.

The implementation of the research goal required the formulation and solution of the following main tasks:

Concretization of the essence and factors of the formation of labor activity as an environment of social and labor relations;

Clarification of the socio-economic content and composition of social and labor relations;

Substantiation of the essence, types and instruments of regulation of social and labor relations;

Study of the environment for the formation of social and labor relations and the problems of their regulation;

Substantiation of the model of regulation of social and labor relations as a means of accelerating the socialization of the economy;

Development, justification and approbation of a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the results of the regulation of social and labor relations.

Subject and object of research.

The subject of the study is the regulation of social and labor relations, the object is social and labor relations in the economy of the Russian Federation as a whole, including at the regional level.

The methodological and theoretical basis of the study was general scientific methods (dialectics, analysis, synthesis, consistency, complexity), special economic methods(comparison, time series, analytical groupings, graphical, index), sociological survey methods (expert assessments), content analysis method.

The processing of social and economic information was carried out using modern computer technologies.

The study was based on the works of the classics of economic theory, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, scientific publications on the problem under study.

The informational basis of the study was the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government, official data Federal Service state statistics(Rosstat), All-Russian Center for Living Standards, materials of special surveys conducted by the author.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation research lies in obtaining results containing elements of the increment of scientific knowledge.

In particular:

It is substantiated that from the standpoint of the activity nature and social essence of labor, it can be considered as a category identical to labor activity; the author's interpretation of labor activity is given as a purposeful conscious activity of the population employed in the economy, with the goal of creating a product significant for society in any sphere of the economy, in the process of which workers enter into a complex system of social and labor relations, determined by a combination of external and internal factors, as well as elements of formation the labor activity itself;

The composition of the factors of labor activity of employees as an environment of social and labor relations is specified and they are divided into external in relation to the organization and intraorganizational, manifested during the socialization of workers in the process of collective labor;

The author's interpretation of social and labor relations is proposed as a set of relations, the framework of which is regulated by legal norms that ensure their development, which are formed between the participants in collective labor activity in the process of their labor interaction and beyond; subjects, forms, types, formation factors and parameters for assessing social and labor relations are identified and disclosed; the essence of the regulation of social and labor relations is concretized as creating conditions for the development of the working environment of society through the growth of employment of the population, increasing its labor activity and results of labor activity, developing entrepreneurship and business initiative, provided in the process of developing and implementing special mechanisms aimed at observing social and legal guarantees of participants in the labor process in the field of remuneration and working conditions, social protection and social insurance; the main elements of the system of regulation of social and labor relations (mechanisms, types, tools) are identified and disclosed;

Based on the study of the state and dynamics of development of the environment for the formation of social and labor relations, the problems of their regulation associated with low level life of the working population, increased competition in the labor market, increased demand for jobs, worsening working conditions and the health of workers, growing dissatisfaction with working conditions, a decrease in the degree of participation of trade unions in protecting the interests of employees, a shortage of personnel with entry level vocational training;

The model of regulation of social and labor relations as a means of accelerating the socialization of the economy, based on the hypothesis of an increase in the role of subjects, is proposed and justified. microeconomic levels in these processes; Within the framework of the model, based on the content of the identified principles and conditions for regulating social and labor relations, priority areas for its improvement were identified and a set of recommendations was developed for their implementation in relation to the macro level (in the social and labor area) and micro level (organization level);

A model for the development of social partnership has been developed from the standpoint of a systematic approach, designed to form new system the relationship of its subjects and ensuring a balance of their interests based on the principle of equality of the parties to the labor process; within the framework of the model, the prerequisites are systematized, the goals and objectives of the development of social partnership are formulated with a division into levels of the state and organization, the principles of organizing social partnership are singled out, a system of social partnership is proposed (including levels, subjects, object and forms of interaction between subjects), priority directions for its development are determined;

A methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the results of regulation of social and labor relations has been developed, justified and tested, based on the author's systems of indicators for the selected areas of manifestation of the results of regulation at the external level (the social condition of the population and its provision with consumer goods, the state of labor resources, the labor activity of the population, the efficiency of employment of the population , the state of social partnership) and the level of organization (movement of personnel, quality of personnel, remuneration, social relations in the workforce).

The theoretical significance of the work lies in clarifying the essence and content of individual concepts in the field of the problem under study, theoretical substantiation of the composition of social and labor relations and the system of their regulation, developing a model for regulating social and labor relations as a means of accelerating the socialization of the economy and a model for the development of social partnership.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that its conceptual provisions for improving the regulation of social and labor relations create the basis for increasing the effectiveness of the impact of governments at all levels on accelerating the positive dynamics of these relations and the development of the labor sphere as a whole.

A set of recommendations for the implementation of the model of regulation of social and labor relations as a means of accelerating the socialization of the economy will allow the governing bodies of the social and labor sphere to identify social factors of economic growth and determine directions for strengthening the regulatory impact on the content and results of the total labor of society.

The model of development of social partnership from the standpoint of a systematic approach can be used by the subjects of regulation of social and labor relations as a framework for building a system of relationships between social partners in order to ensure a balance of their interests.

The methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the results of the regulation of social and labor relations will make it possible to determine the problems of their development for the development by the subjects of regulation of specific directions for solving these problems, as well as to form an information basis for monitoring the dynamics of the development of social and labor relations.

The reliability of the results and the validity of the conclusions of the dissertation research is due to the use of methodological approaches tested by domestic and foreign scientists, the correctness of the application of methods for analyzing statistical data, methods of collecting and processing socioeconomic information, compliance with the main provisions of the theories of macroeconomics, labor economics, economics social sphere, personnel management, as well as the application of the results of the study by the subjects of regulation of social and labor relations at different levels.

Approbation of the research results.

The main provisions of the work were discussed and approved at scientific and practical conferences at Belgorod University consumer cooperation in 2006-2008.

The results of the dissertation research have been tested and used by the Department of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Government of the Belgorod Region (act of implementation dated 25.04.08), the regional association of trade union organizations of the Belgorod region (act of implementation dated 10.12.07) and JSC " Belgorod cold storage plant"(Act of implementation dated 22.12.06).

Research results are used in the educational process Belgorod University consumer cooperation (certificate of implementation dated 16.05.08).


Structure and content of the work.

The structural construction, logic and sequence of presentation of the material in the dissertation are determined by its purpose and tasks and reflect the nature of the problem under study.

The dissertation consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion; contains 38 tables, 19 figures, 30 appendices. The list of sources used includes 203 names.

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Economics and management of the national economy (by branches and fields of activity, including: the theory of economic systems management; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economics; logistics; labor economics; economics population and demography; environmental economics; land management, etc.), Nikulin, Yuri Ivanovich


In the process of the study, we came to the following main conclusions and recommendations.

Acting as the basis for the life of society, labor activity determines the place and role of a person in the socio-economic system. In the process of labor activity, not only economic relations are reflected, but also the social essence of the subjects entering into these relations, which makes it possible to consider labor activity as an environment for the emergence, formation and development of social and labor relations.

These relations in this case act as an integral attributive characteristic of the process of conscious purposeful activity of a person in the sphere of labor, moreover, collective, determined by the framework of the labor process within the organization, exposed not only to internal ( intraorganizational), but also external factors. The set of these factors is determined by the position of the organization as an element of a system of more high order- the economy as a whole, the development of which is a predetermining condition for the social structure of society.

The concretization of the composition of external and intraorganizational factors of labor activity of employees in the dissertation was carried out with some of their limitation, from the standpoint of the most significant influence on the formation of social and labor relations. At the same time, the employee was considered as a subject of collective labor, and labor activity - taking into account the elements that form it.

The category of "labor" in the dissertation is considered from the standpoint of its social essence and activity nature, highlighting the aspects that reveal the economic content of labor as: a factor of production; areas of application of efforts; source of education benefits; means of modifying natural products; conditions for the functioning of the labor force; forced phenomenon; sets of process and type economic resources; activities to meet needs.

The work substantiates that labor as such can be considered from the standpoint of a simple labor process (technical and economic aspect) and from the standpoint of its interpretation as a social phenomenon (social aspect). Hence the category "labor" appears as identical to the term " labor activity"because the sociality" of labor a priori presupposes the existence of social contacts arising from the collective activities of people, and involvement in " production"- his participation in the creation of a socially useful product, manifested in the active nature of labor.

Labor activity in the work is understood as a purposeful, conscious activity of the population employed in the economy, with the goal of creating a product that is significant for society in any sphere of the economy, in the process of which workers enter into a complex system of social and labor relations, determined by a combination of external and internal factors of the social sphere of society and working environment, as well as elements of the labor activity itself.

Among these elements, the dissertation considers needs (in labor and communication), motives (work activity and labor behavior), economic interests (employee and organization), goals of labor activity and labor interaction. At the same time, it is substantiated that all the elements together form the basis for social and labor relations formed under the influence of external and internal organizational factors of labor activity.

Of the many external factors, the work singles out and discloses the state economic policy, state social policy, state employment policy, formed under the influence social conditions determined by the social polarization of society, the social sphere and social infrastructure.

Intraorganizational factors of labor activity (organizational culture, the content and conditions of labor activity, the personnel policy of the organization, the policy of remuneration of employees, the system of relationships in the labor collective) were considered as structural elements socialization of workers in the process of collective labor activity.

Socialization is understood by the author as a process of assimilation by an employee during his labor activity of social norms and cultural values ​​of the organization, reflected by the content and level of development of social and labor relations. As a result, social and labor relations are formed that influence changes in the role status of the employee, his labor behavior, the speed of his adaptation to the labor regulations adopted in the organization.

The labor behavior of an employee in the dissertation is understood as a form of professional activity of an employee, manifested in specific actions and actions in the course of labor activity and influencing the content of social and labor relations.

The dissertation substantiates that the need to study the essence, elemental composition and factors of the formation of social and labor relations is determined by the fact. What do these relationships represent?

The degree of activity in the implementation of the creative abilities of employees as participants in collective labor activity, carriers of the labor potential of the organization, determined by the mutual influence of the individual motivational sphere of employees and social relations that have developed in the labor collective;

The degree of social activity of workers as members of labor collectives, interested in the development of an organization and society, in the creation of effective norms and rules for economic interactions that take shape in the process of collective labor activity;

The ability of employees to independently, without the participation of the state, exercise their own social protection against the threat of a decrease in income received from the results of labor activity, a decrease in the standard of living and, in general, social well-being.

Social and labor relations in the dissertation are understood as a set of relations regulated by legal norms that ensure their development, emerging between the participants in collective labor activity in the process of their labor interaction and beyond.

Social and labor relations act as a link in the labor process, ensuring the interaction of workers among themselves, with the management of the organization, with society, which determines the complexity of their theoretical knowledge and the need to specify the composition.

In this case, the composition of social and labor relations is considered as a set of subjects, objects, forms, types, factors of formation, parameters for assessing social and labor relations.

The dissertation reveals the role of the subjects of social and labor relations (the state, employers, trade unions, employees) and substantiates the need to expand their subject composition by including a specific type of subjects " entrepreneurs».

Taking into account the directions of implementation of the state social policy and employment policy, the subjects of social and labor relations are singled out: the labor market, its state and dynamics; elements of intra-organizational labor markets (content, conditions, payment, incentives, motivation, labor organization); social protection; social insurance ; social Security; system of vocational education, including training, advanced training, retraining of personnel.

When considering the forms of social and labor relations (paternalism, social partnership, competition, solidarity, subsidiarity, discrimination and conflict), it is proposed to supplement them with independent forms of "tripartism" and " participation". Tripartism is a system of relationships between employees (trade unions, their associations, associations), employers (their associations, associations) and the state (government, authorized bodies, specialized institutions, etc.), which arises when making decisions on social, labor and economic issues through mutual consultations and negotiations. Participation involves the active involvement of employees in management, solving the problems of the organization.

Based on the study of literary sources containing various options for systematizing the types of social and labor relations, the author's version of their classification was developed, highlighting a number of classification features: the formation environment, the subjects of formation, the level of manageability, the form of participation of employees in the formation of relations, the level of formalization, the degree of social contact.

Factors in the formation of social and labor relations are systematized according to the levels of manifestation of their influence, highlighting macroeconomic(national), regional, intraorganizational and individual.

The parameters for assessing social and labor relations in the work were considered as characteristics of the level of development of these relations, taking into account the difference in the economic interests of the parties to the labor process and the degree of objectivity of the assessment, which made it possible to divide the parameters into objective and subjective.

The paper singles out certain problems that take place in the development of social and labor relations at the present stage, which necessitate their regulation.

The regulation of social and labor relations means the creation of conditions for the development of the working environment of society, increasing the employment of the population through the growth of its labor activity, the development of entrepreneurship and business initiative, provided in the process of developing and implementing special mechanisms that allow observing social and legal guarantees of participants in the labor process in the field of payment and working conditions, social protection and social insurance.

In other words, the regulation of social and labor relations is intended to ensure not so much a direct, but an indirect impact of the subjects of these relations on the socio-economic processes taking place in the labor sphere, by creating a system of conditions for their positive development.

Based on the goal of regulating social and labor relations (ensuring balance and protection of the interests of participants in social and labor relations), the work clarifies the composition and content of the elements of regulation (mechanisms, types, tools and results), considered as an integral system.

The economic and social policies of the state are defined as regulatory mechanisms, the content of which determines the type of regulation (economic, social). At the same time, it is substantiated that economic regulation does not mean only state influence on economic processes and phenomena taking place, including in the labor sphere, regulation is considered more broadly, from the standpoint of the control impact of management bodies at all levels of economic management, up to the organization.

From the point of view of the influence of regulatory instruments on social and labor labor relations, they are divided into organizational and economic (the system of labor markets, the system of state employment of the population, tools for managing the demand and supply of labor, wages and its minimum level established by the state) and financial and credit ( system taxation, budget system, directions of spending funds, system of credit relations).

The tools used in the economic regulation of social and labor relations create a material basis for social regulation. Social regulation was considered from the standpoint of ensuring the positive development of social and labor relations facing their participants, creating conditions for the development of a person during his working life by raising the level and quality of life, improving working conditions, raising the qualification and educational level, strengthening health protection, etc. .d.

The object of social regulation in this case was limited to the population in the age period of active working capacity, in a state of economic activity, i.e. employment in socially useful work. Based on this, the paper reveals the tools of social regulation: social security (social standards and social norms) and social protection (social insurance and social assistance).

All considered tools of economic and social regulation of social and labor relations are intended for the formation of a social market economy, human development, growth performance and the quality of his labor activity, which is determined as a result of the regulation of social and labor relations.

From the standpoint of the subject of research, the social market economy is understood as a system that creates conditions for ensuring such progress in social and labor relations that contributes to the comprehensive development of a person, the rights and freedoms of the individual, the formation of civil society based on ensuring a new quality of economic growth, its sustainable positive dynamics due to an increase in the effectiveness and quality of labor activity, provided by the regulatory influence of all subjects of social and labor relations.

At the same time, it is substantiated that if we proceed from the regulation of social and labor relations as a condition for the formation of a social market economy, its difference from a socially oriented economy will consist in varying degrees of alienation of the worker from the products of labor and varying degrees of his freedom from non-economic coercion.

The social market economy is not a characteristic of the market system as such, since social relations, structures, institutions, etc. develop with the obligatory regulatory participation of the state, and not only under the influence of free market mechanisms. Otherwise, the economic and social components of the market system will come into inevitable antagonistic contradiction, which will Negative influence on the dynamics of development of social and labor relations.

The study of the environment for the formation of social and labor relations and the results of their regulation in the work was carried out from the standpoint of social and economic aspects, taking into account the factors of formation of social and labor relations in order to identify the main problems in their regulation.

The development of the social environment for the formation of these relations was assessed in dynamics according to the following assessment parameters: the size of the social guarantees established by the state, the subsistence minimum, the cost of social support, including from specialized non-budgetary funds, the degree of state participation in solving the housing problems of the population, financing housing and communal economy and socio-cultural sphere.

The study showed that in recent years, the attention of the state to solving the problems of the development of the social sphere and social problems of the population has increased significantly, which was accompanied by an increase in spending for these purposes and the amount of social guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the very size of social guarantees, especially in the field of pensions, do not correspond to the established subsistence level, although the state has sufficient financial resources for social support of the population, accumulated v pension fund Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

The situation is also aggravated by a decrease in the degree of state participation in solving the housing problems of the population and the transfer of the responsibility for financing housing and communal services and the socio-cultural sphere to the subjects of the Federation. Thus, the creation of an economic basis for the development of the social environment is currently determined not so much by the federal as by the regional level of regulation of social and labor relations.

A change in the vector of state regulation of the development of the social environment involves the intensification of the actions of the population in solving existing social problems, which actualizes its need for labor as a source of income for life support.

Therefore, the analysis of trends in the development of the working environment in the work was carried out according to the following parameters: population size, level and structure of its income; the level of economic activity of the population; employment of the population and its structure by forms of ownership, types economic activity, occupation, level of education, gender; unemployment of the population and its structure according to the circumstances of unemployment, age groups, level of education, duration and methods of job search; the number of enterprises and their declared need for workers; structures employed public employment agencies.

The state of the working environment was considered as the result of the simultaneous regulatory influence of all subjects of social and labor relations: the workers themselves, employers (ie organizations), the state represented by the state employment service.

The study showed that one of the most important problems of the labor sphere of the economy is the steady decline in the number of labor resources, due to the development of the demographic crisis and the decline in the total population of the country. macroeconomic Russia's stabilization led to some improvement in the living standards of its population, which manifested itself in the growth of income, including from labor activity, and a change in the structure of the actual final consumption of households.

At the same time, there was a trend towards an increase in the economic and labor activity of the population, which was reflected in the dynamics and structure of employment. However, the country's economy is increasingly non-production nature, since the majority of the employed population works in non-productive sphere, and the level of education employed in the economy is increasing.

The unemployment rate of the population as a whole has decreased, but at the same time, there has been a trend towards an increase in the level of registered unemployment. In the structure of the unemployed, the proportion of people entering the labor market for the first time, as well as young people and people with an initial level of vocational education, is steadily growing.

In general, the labor market has become more organized, which was manifested in the activation of the bodies of the State Employment Service in solving the problem employment unemployed population and increase the efficiency of its functioning. Organizations have increased the volume of the declared need for employees, which is due to a significant quantitative increase in enterprises and organizations of the economy, including small ones, which have increased the supply of jobs in the labor market.

The study showed that the main problems in the regulation of social and labor relations are the problems associated with the following circumstances:

The low standard of living of the population, forcing them to enter the labor market to sell their own labor force;

Exacerbation of competition in the labor market associated with the development of external labor migration;

The growth of unemployment of the population and the increase in demand for jobs in the face of the presence of hidden unemployment;

Deteriorating health status of workers due to growth occupational morbidity, harmful and dangerous working conditions; growing dissatisfaction of workers with working conditions, manifested in strikes and high staff turnover;

A slowdown in the development of the trade union movement and a decrease in the degree of participation of trade unions in protecting the interests of employees;

The shortage of personnel for mass professions, due to the reduction in the scale of training under the programs of initial vocational education.

In general, the results of the study of the social and labor environment for the formation of social and labor relations and the problems of their regulation showed the need to find specific areas for improving this process.

To do this, the dissertation constructed and substantiated a model for regulating social and labor relations as a means of accelerating the socialization of the economy, designed to specify the conditions for regulating social and labor relations and develop its priority areas implemented in the macro- and microeconomic levels in order to ensure a balance of interests of participants in social and labor relations based on the development of social partnership.

From these positions, socialization is seen as the goal of developing socio-economic relations in society, and the means to achieve this goal is the improvement of the regulation of social and labor relations. Thus, this approach makes it possible to obtain the opposite effect from the influence of socialization and the means that ensure it, on the development of socio-economic relations.

The model suggests that when improving the regulation of these relations, it is necessary to use a system of special principles, dividing them into two levels (macro- and micro-) from the standpoint of the subject of regulation. This is due to the mutual influence of external and intraorganizational factors, which together determine the state of social and labor relations and the problems of their development.

The composition and content of the principles of regulation of social and labor relations disclosed in the work at the macro level is determined by the content and directions of state policies: economic, social, employment. These principles set the general outline for the development of social and labor relations at any level of management. But since these relations are formed at the level of organization, at this level of social and labor relations the composition of principles is expanded and detailed.

The degree of implementation of the principles is determined by the totality of the relevant conditions prevailing at the present stage of development of social and labor relations, which are specified in the work, based on the needs of the labor sphere of the economy and the state of the social environment. At the same time, it is substantiated that these conditions can be practically realized only with the activation of all levels of economic management, at which social and labor relations are formed and developed.

Therefore, the priority areas for improving the regulation of social and labor relations in the work are disclosed with their division into areas implemented at the macro level (in the social and labor spheres) and the level of organization.

For the macro level, the following are identified as priority areas for improving the regulation of social and labor relations:

Applied to the social sphere; creation of new mechanisms for social security of the population; development of institutions of social protection of the population; reforming the system of social standardization;

In relation to the labor sphere: creation of conditions for the growth of labor activity of the population; formation of a system for regulating the development of the labor market; development of the vocational education system.

For the level of organization, the priority areas for improving the regulation of social and labor relations are the improvement of the social structure of the organization; growth of labor activity of employees; development organizational environment and personal qualities of employees; development of labor motivation of employees.

For each of the identified areas for improving the regulation of social and labor relations, the thesis offers recommendations for their implementation.

Thus, the model of regulation of social and labor relations as a means of accelerating the socialization of the economy and the corresponding set of recommendations for improving the regulation of the selected macro- and microeconomic levels will ensure a balance of economic interests of the participants in these relations on the basis of the development of social partnership.

To this end, the dissertation proposes and substantiates a model for the development of social partnership from the standpoint of a systematic approach, according to which it is considered as a system designed, on the basis of parity cooperation of all subjects of social and labor relations, to ensure a balance of their interests realized in the labor process.

The need to develop a model is due to a set of problems in the organization of social partnership identified in the text of the work, as well as the presence of appropriate prerequisites for its development, which are considered with their association into groups of socio-economic, political, legal and socio-psychological prerequisites.

Within the framework of the model, the principles of organizing social partnership were specified, based on their hierarchical dependence: basic principles International Labor Organization; principles implemented at the state level; principles implemented at the level of the organization. At the same time, it is substantiated that the goals and objectives of the development of social partnership should be divided into two levels of implementation: the level of the state and the level of organization.

This is due to the fact that the role of the state in creating a system of social partnership should decrease as it develops, with a corresponding increase in the role of society, social groups, institutions and structures in the sphere of social and labor relations in this process. Therefore, the real development of social partnership, the choice of its forms and directions should be the functional tasks of the organization as a participant in social and labor relations, directly interacting with all subjects of these relations (the state, society, trade unions, actual workers or potential (unemployed, unemployed)).

With this in mind, within the framework of the model, a system of social partnership is substantiated, which includes the following constituent elements: levels of social partnership (federal, regional, sectoral, primary (organizations)); subjects of social partnership (employees, employers, the state, representatives of the interests of the subjects); object of social partnership and forms of interaction of its subjects.

The use of a systematic approach to the organization of social partnership made it possible to identify priority areas for its development, focused on the formation of a new system of relations between the state and organizations, between the organization and employees and ensuring a balance of interests of the subjects of social partnership, based on the principle of equal rights of the parties to the labor process.

The study revealed that social and labor relations are currently not sufficiently covered by the state statistical observation, which does not allow for an operational analysis of the results of their regulation, development dynamics and formation parameters.

To solve this problem, the dissertation developed, substantiated and tested a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the results of the regulation of social and labor relations, the purpose of which was to develop a methodological tool that allows to evaluate the dynamics and vectors of quantitative changes in the parameters characterizing social and labor relations, formed under the influence of the regulatory influence of subjects of various levels of the management hierarchy.

The following methodological position served as the initial premise for the development of the methodology. Efficiency regulation of social and labor relations should be considered as a consequence of the cumulative manifestation of external and intraorganizational factors of labor activity and the social environment for its implementation. Therefore, the methodology singles out two levels of evaluation of the results of regulation of social and labor relations (external and organizational), which ensures the complexity of the approach to evaluation and, if necessary, creates the possibility of separating the subjects of evaluation depending on the area of ​​application of the methodology by executive authorities of all levels (and created by them structures) or organizations.

In accordance with this approach, two systems of indicators for evaluating the results of the regulation of social and labor relations are proposed, based on the identified areas of manifestation of the results in relation to:

To the external level (the social condition of the population and its provision with consumer goods, the state of labor resources, the labor activity of the population, the efficiency of employment of the population, social partnership);

To the level of organization (movement of personnel, quality of personnel, wages, social relationships in the workforce).

The construction of generalizing indicators by areas of assessment is based on the method of group-by-group aggregation of indicators, integral - with the addition of the expert assessment method by introducing generalizing indicators into the calculations of weighting coefficients for groups of indicators. At the same time, it is justified that the assessment of the results of regulation of social and labor relations as of a specific point in time will be uninformative, the assessment should be carried out in comparison with the results of regulation in the base period, which will reveal the quantitative and qualitative parameters of changes in the state of social and labor relations.

Approbation of the methodology in the work was carried out in relation to the external (federal) level of regulation of social and labor relations. At the same time, it was revealed that for 2000-2006. there was a quantitative growth of the integral indicator, which generally positively characterizes the change in the factors of formation of social and labor relations. However, a structural analysis of changes in the assessment components showed that the positive change in this indicator is due to a significant increase in the generalizing indicator of the social condition of the population and its provision with consumer goods, as well as the generalizing indicator of the quality of the state of labor resources.

Given the current trends macroeconomic development (economic growth, raising the standard of living of the population, developing the social sphere and labor market infrastructure, increasing wages, reducing unemployment, etc.) improving the state of labor resources, the social condition of the population and its security consumer benefits seems to be a natural phenomenon.

Opposite trends take place in changes in the state of social partnership and the efficiency of employment of the population, as evidenced by the decrease in the size of the generalizing indicators, which had a negative impact on the change in the integral indicator.

Approbation of the technique showed the possibility of its use interested structures of executive power, organizations in order to determine the vector and magnitude of changes in the quantitative characteristics of the development of social and labor relations.

The results of the dissertation, in our opinion, make a certain contribution to the development of certain theoretical provisions for the regulation of social and labor relations and the improvement of methodological tools for evaluating its results in order to make economically sound decisions on the development of the social and labor sphere of the economy.

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193. Economic dictionary / E.G. Bagudin, A.K. Bolshakov and others; Rep. ed. A.I. Arkhipov. -M.: TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2004. 624p.

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Directions for improving the socio-psychological climate (SPC) in the team.

Improving the conditions for the formation of the SEC means the development and practical implementation of a set of technical, economic and organizationally secured measures for the systematic change of factors that have an unfavorable assessment. Moreover, the assessments can be differentiated by departments, categories of employees, as well as the degree of unfavorability.

Activities to improve the conditions for the formation of the SEC can be carried out in several areas, depending on the negative factors:

1. Improvement of working conditions. When studying working conditions, their factor-by-factor analysis is necessary in relation to a particular workplace. This is important, since working conditions not only shape the attitude towards it, but also objectively determine the final result.

2. Improving the organization and stimulation of labor. Improving the organization of labor is carried out in the following areas:

Improving the forms of division and cooperation of labor;

Improvement, organization and maintenance of jobs;

Improving labor rationing, training and advanced training of workers;

Rationalization of work and rest regimes.

In this direction, there are no clearly defined norms, as in the case of improving working conditions. This requires an in-depth research using special techniques.

Complex and contradictory in its influence on the SEC is operating system stimulation. Material and moral incentives are a pivotal moment in the formation of the socio-psychological status of a person in a team. In addition to the individual characteristics of the individual, the perception of incentives is influenced by group opinion, working and living conditions, traditions, norms and values.

The initial conditions for a socio-psychologically favorable perception of the employee incentive system are:

Understanding the mechanism of linking efforts and rewards;

Accounting for socio-demographic, personal, individual characteristics of employees and characteristics of the primary team (norms, values, traditions).

3. Improving the socio-demographic characteristics of the team. The socio-psychological structure of the team directly affects the process of formation of the SPC, as it expresses the essential side of the employee's personality traits. Improving the structure of the team must be associated with its production goals, personnel potential, general conditions of activity.

It is necessary to comply with the provisions on a sufficient variety of socio-demographic characteristics and the provisions on socio-demographic restrictions on the compatibility and teamwork of participants in the labor process. So, in teams mixed by sex, the culture of communication is higher; a combination of different age and educational qualification groups creates the best prerequisites for shortening the period of adaptation; youth teams are more mobile to master new technology.

4. Improving relationships and management style. Relationships in the team are the most important indicator indicating the state of the SEC in the team. Relationships are often judged by the degree of conflict over a certain period of time. At the same time, it is not conflicts in themselves that are undesirable; without them, there can be no life process. The main thing is that as a result of their resolution, everything old, which hinders the development of teams and the growth of people as individuals, goes away.

It is important to consider in practical work to improve the SPK leadership style. Any work to improve the style of leadership requires the presence of its assessment, differentiated by departments. Obviously, the style of leadership should be determined by the level of development of the team and the relations, traditions, values, and norms that initially exist in it.

Thus, the regulation of the SEC has specific features in accordance with the level of formation and manifestation of the climate. At the level of the organization as a whole, material and material factors (conditions, organization, labor stimulation) give the greatest return, in a small group - those factors that are associated with the socio-psychological mood, interpersonal interactions. At the personal level, the main condition for a favorable SEC is the formation of sustainable labor motivation.

The most important thing for a leader in conflict situations is their prevention. Not resolution, but prevention, that is, prevention of the development of conflict situations themselves. However, if there is a conflict, one should take an active part in resolving the conflict, using one way or another for this (reconciliation of the parties, the path of compromise, dispute resolution on a business basis, etc.)

The effectiveness of the work of the team is understood as the success of the team in solving all the problems it has. One of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of a highly developed team is the super-additive effect. It represents the ability of the team as a whole to achieve much higher results in work than can be done by the same size group of people working independently from each other, not united by the system of described relationships.

The new economic and socio-political conditions in Russia require the development of social and labor relations in the same direction, the improvement of their management, taking into account the diversity of types of property, organizational and legal forms of organizations (enterprises, institutions). The management of social and labor relations, adequate to the economic and socio-political system, is served by economic and legal regulators (methods), their combination. Moreover, legal retouching of labor relations is impossible without trade unions, if the state seeks to manage society and labor relations on a civilized basis.

Naturally, legal regulation is unthinkable and impossible without the state, its will and decrees regarding exactly how, on what principles the management of labor relations should be built, since law is a product of the state, and the state, in turn, cannot exist without morality.

The current legislation seriously lags behind the needs of life. It contains many norms designed for a different economic and socio-political base. Now there are many questions that did not arise before. Among them are unemployment, the deterioration of the material and legal status of workers, the need to support vulnerable sections of the population.

Making significant changes to labor legislation, reforming it in the light of new conditions is one of the main tasks of law-making bodies.

It is impossible to work out the principles of legal regulation of labor relations and concrete norms acceptable to the state, employers and workers without the participation of the unions. Today, trade unions, to an even greater extent than before, must become true spokesmen and defenders of the interests of workers. The participation of the unions in improving the regulation of labor relations is put forward as the main direction in the implementation of their protective function.

It must be emphasized that it is the trade unions, and not any other representative bodies, that can be the true defenders of the citizens and the interests of the workers, since only the trade unions have an established organizational system, structure, and experience gained over a long period of time in relations with state authorities, employers.

It must also be emphasized that it is the trade unions that are in a position to express and defend the collective interests of all workers. They perform this function not only in relation to employees, but also to all other employees, to all those who are in labor relations with the employer under an employment contract (contract). Including, in particular, members of cooperatives (an example of this is the trade union of agricultural workers). Even if a food agreement (contract) is not formally concluded with them, but they are actually admitted to work by a person authorized to hire them (see part three of article 18 of the Labor Code). The mention in trade union documents, speeches of trade union leaders about the protection of only employees narrows the true scope of the trade unions, does not correspond to reality.

It is known that trade unions played an important role in the legal regulation of labor relations. According to the current legislation, their participation in this area is carried out in two directions: participation in the establishment of food conditions and participation in their application. The first direction is expressed in the participation of trade unions in the creation of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of state power, the adoption of agreements with representatives of the state and employers, the conclusion of collective agreements, participation in the creation of other regulatory legal acts in organizations, enterprises, institutions (i.e. local acts). The second direction is connected with the participation of trade unions in the implementation of legal norms in individual labor relations. At the same time, assistance from trade unions in the implementation of the labor rights of workers, trade union control over compliance with food legislation, upholding the rights and interests of workers in resolving labor disputes are of primary importance.

Since the basis of labor regulation of labor relations is legislation, it is necessary to determine the trends and directions of its development and improvement at the present stage and the corresponding tasks of trade unions.

Among the areas of development and improvement of labor legislation, the following were determined: 1. Bringing the legislation in line with the new economic and socio-political situation; 2, Accounting for the federal structure of Russia and new federal relations; 3. Decentralization of the legal regulation of labor relations, strengthening the role of local acts; 4. Combination of state regulation with regulation through agreements, collective agreements;

  • 5. Strengthening the role of individual labor contracts (koshrakts);
  • 6. Accounting for international norms and treaties.

In this regard, trade unions face serious challenges. The main one is to try to influence changes in legislation in such a way as to neutralize the negative impact of market relations and not worsen the position of workers.

Ways to achieve this goal are not simple, primarily for two reasons. Firstly, trade unions are deprived of the right of legislative initiative in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (although in some subjects of the Russian Federation such a right is reserved for them). Secondly, in order to pass laws that are aimed at observing the nature and interests of workers, harmonizing them with the interests of the state and employers, one has to overcome complex procedures for their adoption and signing.

The lack of the right to initiate legislation forces trade unions to work more actively on bills and their passage through the legislature with the help of deputies, to participate in the preparation of drafts in working groups, to conduct expert reviews of draft laws, to consult with project developers, representatives of state bodies and employers.

Giving all constituent entities of the Russian Federation the right to adopt their own laws on issues within their competence sets before the trade unions the task of participating in the legislative work of each constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the same forms as at the federal level, with the addition of exercising the right of legislative initiative, where it is retained.

For trade union bodies in the territories, regions, Moscow, St. Petersburg, participation in lawmaking is a new task, since they have been granted the right to adopt their own laws relatively recently. At the same time, trade unions have to keep in mind not only the very right of the subject of the Russian Federation to adopt laws, but also the range of issues in the field of labor, which is within the competence of the subjects of the Russian Federation. However, the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not essentially resolve the issue of delimiting the competence between the Russian Federation and its subjects in the field of labor management, but provides only a general formulation, referring labor legislation to their joint competence (subparagraph "k" of paragraph 1 of paragraph 72). This means that it should be resolved in the basic law on the pile by appropriate additions to the current Labor Code or in the new Labor Code. And here the trade unions cannot but say their word both on the substance of the issue and on the acceleration of its solution.

The decentralization of the legal regulation of labor relations sets the task for trade unions to determine the range of issues to be resolved at the federal level in order to prevent the state from refusing to provide the socially necessary level of labor rights and guarantees for workers (now this is the minimum level). Trade unions need to defend inclusion in the new the federal law on labor rules that the level of rights and guarantees of employees established by all-Russian laws cannot be reduced either by any other regulatory legal acts or by an individual labor agreement (contract), regardless of the type of ownership of the organization, enterprise, institution, its organizational and legal form or departmental affiliation. The possibility of raising this level should become a fundamental principle of the regulation of labor relations.

Strengthening the role of normative legal acts adopted directly in organizations, enterprises, institutions (i.e. local acts), increases the importance of the work of trade unions in the field but participation in the preparation of such acts, control over local acts did not violate the law, for their implementation.

In recent years, there has been a clear tendency to combine state regulation of labor relations with their regulation with the help of regulatory legal acts adopted in a conciliatory manner - by agreement between the employer (his representatives) and employees (their representatives) directly in organizations, enterprises, institutions, and also by agreement between representatives of employees, employers and the state on the scale of regions, industry, Russia as a whole. Here the main tasks of the trade unions are the fullest use of the possibilities of social partnership in the interests of workers, increased attention to the development of collective agreements and agreements.

If the work on collective agreements is a common thing for the Trade Unions, then the work on agreements - a relatively new sectoral agreements previously practiced with the current ones, have little in common). The concern and pain of the trade unions is to reduce the number of collective agreements concluded in organizations (at enterprises, in institutions). Unfortunately, this trend is quite clear. Only the interest of workers in the conclusion of collective agreements, the connection of this work with the possibility of a real improvement in their economic and legal situation with the help of collectively developed agreements defended by employees and trade unions with employers, the concretization of general norms in them, taking into account the conditions for the activities of organizations (enterprises, institutions) and their opportunities will allow initiating the preparation of collective agreements. Only the interest of employers (their representatives) in reaching an agreement with employees on labor and labor-related issues will make it possible to conclude collective agreements in all organizations (enterprises, institutions) as provided by law.

Currently, the agreements apply to those employers whose authorized representatives participated in the preparation and signing of these agreements. At the same time, a situation arises when in organizations (at enterprises, in institutions) of the same region, one industry, in Russia as a whole, there are different norms that regulate the labor relations of workers, depending not on objective signs(for example, on the peculiarities of working conditions in them), but on whether the employer was represented when signing the agreement. It seems that there are grounds for expanding the scope of the agreements, extending them to all employers. Solutions to this problem should be discussed. For example, it is possible for employers to voluntarily join the concluded agreement.

In connection with the expansion of the possibility of detailing individual working conditions in organizations (at enterprises, in institutions), the role of an employment contract (contract) is increasing. Trade unions need to pay serious attention to the development of the terms of employment contracts (contracts) before they are concluded, to help applicants to determine, put forward and defend their conditions before the employer. It is very difficult to do this alone. In addition, applicants for work, as a rule, are not familiar with the capabilities of the enterprise, the content of the collective agreement, agreement, and legislation. The help of trade unions in the preparation of labor agreements (contracts) can be invaluable.

Accounting for international norms and agreements in Russian labor legislation means, first of all, bringing it into line with international standards adopted by the ILO. Naturally, in addition to direct compliance with ratified international acts, we need to be oriented towards other international norms that protect workers. Trade unions need to take the initiative to ratify ILO conventions that increase the level of rights and guarantees for workers, trade unions themselves to control compliance with international acts in the process of participating in law-making and in the course of applying labor legislation.

The complex tasks facing the trade unions in the context of the reform of labor legislation can be successfully solved only by raising the level of professionalism of trade union leaders, those who work in trade union bodies. There are many ways to do this. Perhaps the time has come to think about how to narrow the circle of social activists among the leaders of trade union bodies by introducing the institution of trade union representatives sent to organizations (enterprises, institutions) with the consent of members of the primary trade union organizations.

The activity of trade unions but the protection of the interests of workers in the sphere of labor is impossible without a strong legal basis. It is currently shattered. Trade unions have lost a number of rights. The time has come to uphold the rights of the trade unions so that they do not lose their ability to represent and defend the interests of the workers.

The social and legal status of workers, the level of protection of their character - an indicator of the democracy of the state, the strength and importance of trade unions.

The trade unions and their leaders, of course, are well aware of the complexity and responsibility of the tasks facing them in the field of legal regulation of labor relations, and are taking measures to ensure that they have the maximum impact on its improvement. There is hope that the trade unions, as an organization of workers, will be able to defend their rights and interests more energetically at all levels. Only in this way is it possible to preserve the trade unions as an organization of the working people and for the labourers.

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