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Who are Christians and Orthodox. Orthodoxy. How historical myths appeared

Christianity has many faces. IN modern world it is represented by three generally recognized directions - Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as numerous movements that do not belong to any of the above. There are serious disagreements between these branches of one religion. Orthodox consider Catholics and Protestants to be heterodox associations of people, that is, those who glorify God in a different way. However, they do not see them as completely devoid of grace. But the Orthodox do not recognize sectarian organizations that position themselves as Christian, but have only an indirect relation to Christianity.

Who are Christians and Orthodox

Christians - followers of the Christian denomination belonging to any Christian denomination - Orthodoxy, Catholicism or Protestantism with its various denominations, often of a sectarian nature.
Orthodox- Christians whose worldview corresponds to the ethno-cultural tradition associated with the Orthodox Church.

Comparison of Christians and Orthodox

What is the difference between Christians and Orthodox?
Orthodoxy is a well-established creed that has its dogmas, values, centuries-old history. Christianity is often passed off as something that, in fact, is not. For example, the White Brotherhood movement, active in Kyiv in the early 90s of the last century.
Orthodox believe that their main goal is the fulfillment of the Gospel commandments, their own salvation and the salvation of their neighbor from the spiritual slavery of passions. World Christianity at its congresses declares salvation in a purely material plane - from poverty, disease, war, drugs, etc., which is external piety.
For the Orthodox, the spiritual holiness of a person is important. Evidence of this is the saints, canonized by the Orthodox Church, who showed the Christian ideal with their lives. In Christianity as a whole, the spiritual and sensual prevail over the spiritual.
Orthodox consider themselves co-workers with God in the matter of their own salvation. In world Christianity, in particular, in Protestantism, a person is likened to a pillar who does not have to do anything, because Christ did the work of salvation for him on Golgotha.
At the heart of the doctrine of world Christianity lies the Holy Scripture - the record of Divine Revelation. It teaches how to live. The Orthodox, like the Catholics, believe that Scripture is separated from Holy Tradition, which clarifies the forms of this life and is also an unconditional authority. Protestant currents have rejected this claim.
A summary of the foundations of the Christian faith is given in the Creed. For the Orthodox, this is the Niceno-Tsaregrad Creed. The Catholics introduced into the wording of the Symbol the concept of filioque, according to which the Holy Spirit proceeds both from God the Father and from God the Son. Protestants do not deny the Nicene Creed, but the Ancient, Apostolic Creed is generally accepted among them.
Orthodox especially revere the Mother of God. They believe that she did not have personal sin, but was not deprived of original sin, like all people. After the ascension, the Mother of God bodily ascended into heaven. However, there is no dogma about it. Catholics believe that the Mother of God was also deprived of original sin. One of the dogmas of the Catholic faith is the dogma of the bodily ascension of the Virgin Mary into heaven. Protestants and numerous sectarians do not have a cult of the Theotokos.

TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between Christians and Orthodox is as follows:

Orthodox Christianity is contained in the dogmas of the Church. Not all movements that pose as Christians are, in fact, so.
For the Orthodox, inner piety is the basis of a correct life. Outward piety is much more important for contemporary Christianity in the bulk of it.
The Orthodox are trying to achieve spiritual holiness. Christianity as a whole places an emphasis on sincerity and sensuality. This is clearly seen in the speeches of Orthodox and other Christian preachers.
The Orthodox is a co-worker with God in the matter of his own salvation. The same position is held by Catholics. All other representatives of the Christian world are convinced that a person's moral feat is not important for salvation. Salvation has already been accomplished at Calvary.
Foundation of Faith Orthodox person- Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition, as for Catholics. The Protestants rejected the Traditions. Many sectarian Christian movements distort Scripture as well.
An account of the foundations of faith for the Orthodox is given in the Nicene Creed. Catholics added the concept of filioque to the Symbol. Most Protestants accept the ancient Apostles' Creed. Many others do not have a special creed.
Only Orthodox and Catholics venerate the Mother of God. Other Christians do not have her cult.

Modern Christian society is represented by three currents, these are Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. Every church proves its truth, sometimes forgetting the principles of God. Jesus left only two commandments for people who believe in Him, to love God and love your neighbor. If every religion stands on these principles, what is the difference between them?

What is the difference between Orthodoxy and Baptism and what do they have in common?

A bit of history

Leaving to the Creator in heaven, Jesus left a small number of followers on earth who united in a single society, the church. It was not a specific building.

The first Christians were united by the teachings of the Savior. the desire to convey to all nations the message of the possible salvation through faith in the Living God and eternal life. (Matthew 28:19)

Important! The basis of Christianity was the belief in Jesus, God the Son, who, together with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, is the Holy Trinity. All Christians believe in it, both Orthodox and Catholics and Protestants.

The Trinity stands for the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Then Christians began to build houses of prayer, temples, and create rituals. As a result of disagreement on the issue of the Holy Spirit, the united church in 1054 split into Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

Orthodoxy, which comes from the word orthodoxy, has its own currents. Catholicism continued to acquire rites and innovations, so indulgences appeared, according to which money can buy forgiveness from sins. The role of the saving power of the blood of Christ no longer matters in this case, it has been replaced by mammon.

This was one of the reasons for the breakaway from Catholicism of part of the believers under the leadership of Martin Luther in the twenties of the sixteenth century. The newly formed religion was called Protestantism, the main differences of which were the absence of icons, indulgences and the replacement of rituals with sermons.

Disagreements among Christians did not stop; new denominations arose among Protestants:

  • Calvinists;
  • Baptists;
  • Pentecostals;
  • Adventists;
  • Lutherans and others.

Protestant churches cannot be classified as sectarianism. A sect is a closed group of people united by their religious beliefs, where the freedom of personal opinion is limited. Sectarians cannot freely enter a sect and voluntarily leave it. Protestant churches are open to all people, it does not restrict the transition from one denomination to another when changing beliefs.

What is Baptism

Less than a hundred years later, in 1609, John Smith created a new trend of Christians, which was based on the baptism of people at an age when they realize the sacrifice of Christ and are ready to bear responsibility for their sins.

On a note! Baptists got their name from the Greek word "baptiso" - immersion in water with the head. This voluntary rite of baptism symbolizes the death of Jesus.

As the Savior died on the cross and was buried before the resurrection, there the newly converted believers die for the world and resurrect for Christ, therefore, it is possible to accept the sacrifice of the Savior only at a conscious age.

Water baptism among Protestants

This caused the Baptists to refuse infant baptism. Babies are brought to church and presented before God, asking in prayer for the blessing, protection and mercy of the Creator over the child and parents.

Basic Principles of Baptism

Differences between Baptism and Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy and Baptism are two currents in Christianity that arose on the same root, but have many differences in rituals and observance of the canons.

Baptism Orthodoxy
Baptists recognize the Virgin Mary as the chosen woman of all times and peoples, but do not consider Her a saint, do not worship the Mother of God and do not celebrate the holidays associated with the life of the Mother of God.Holy Scripture says nothing about the death of the Virgin Mary, but according to the testimony of 11 apostles, they were gathered on the same day by the power of the Holy Spirit from all over the world at the bedside of the dying Mother of God.

The deceased Mary was buried, and after 3 days Thomas arrived, he persuaded the apostles to open access to the grave in order to say goodbye to the Mother of God. Imagine their surprise when the coffin was empty.

With great mercy and love God's Virgin Mary was taken up to heaven.

One can argue about this, but the fact remains, and more than once over the centuries, the Mother of God miraculously appeared to people in moments of danger, she was seen by thousands of people

Evangelical Christians do not pray for the dead, they believe that only a living person can repent of his sins, whoever does not have time will go to hell if he does not accept the saving grace of Jesus ChristOrthodox believers are kind to the deceased, believing that God has all the living. The body dies but not the soul
The worship of icons is considered idolatry, the representatives of the Evangelical faith draw an explanation for this in the 3rd commandment, which says that do not create for yourself a man-made idolRepresentatives of Orthodoxy may object to this by saying that the first image left to people was a towel, on which Jesus left the imprint of His bloody face. The history of Orthodoxy knows several cases of the appearance miraculous images on trees, glass and other objects
On the basis of the same commandment, worship and prayers to the saints were abolished in Baptism, recognizing this as idolatry.Orthodox believers continue to worship the saints, taking their lives as an example of true service to God, at the end of which eternal life awaits us
Protestants do not have a single rulerOrthodox are subject to the Ecumenical Sovereign
Baptists do not recognize seclusion, they believe that one can achieve unity with God by knowing Him through the Word of GodThe highest achievement in Orthodox religion is monasticism, schemniki
According to Baptist principles, Bible reading is required every day.Orthodox Christians devote little time to reading and studying Holy Scripture, listening to it during divine services.
In the house of prayer, psalms are performed by the worship group and the whole churchIN Orthodox church church choir sings

What do Orthodoxy and Baptism have in common?

Should Orthodox Christians Fear Baptists?

You have to be afraid of an enemy who holds evil plans against you, but why be afraid of a brother who thinks a little differently than you. Another current, in which the same principles of Christianity are preached, but only with different rituals and ceremonies, cannot cause time for the church-going Orthodox.

The issue of religion is discussed and studied in every state and society. Somewhere it is particularly acute and is quite conflicting and dangerous, somewhere it is more of a small talk in free time, and somewhere a reason to philosophize. In our multinational society, religion is one of the exciting issues. Not every believer is well aware of the history of the emergence of Orthodoxy and its origins, however, when asked about Orthodoxy, we all unequivocally answer that Orthodoxy is the Christian faith.

The emergence and development of Orthodoxy

Many scriptures and teachings, both ancient and modern, state that the Orthodox faith is true christianity giving your arguments and historical facts. And the question - "religion Orthodoxy or Christianity" - will always excite believers. But let's talk about accepted concepts.

Christianity is the largest form public consciousness in the world, preaching life path and teachings of Jesus Christ. According to historical data, Christianity originated in Palestine (which was part of the Roman Empire), in the 1st century.

Christianity was widespread among the Jewish population, and in the future it gained more and more recognition among other peoples, the so-called "pagans" at that time. Thanks to educational and propaganda activities, Christianity went beyond the boundaries of the Roman Empire and Europe.

One of the ways of the development of Christianity is Orthodoxy, which arose as a result of the division of churches in the 11th century. Then, in 1054, Christianity split into Catholicism and the Eastern Church, and east church was also divided into several churches. The largest of them is Orthodoxy.

The spread of Orthodoxy in Rus' was influenced by its proximity to the Byzantine Empire. From these lands, the history of the Orthodox religion begins. Church power in Byzantium was divided due to the fact that it belonged to the four patriarchs. The Byzantine Empire disintegrated over time, and the patriarchs uniformly headed the newly created autocephalous Orthodox churches. In the future, autonomous and autocephalous churches spread to the territories of other states.

The fundamental event, the formation of Orthodoxy on the lands Kievan Rus, was the baptism of Princess Olga - 954. This later led to the baptism of Rus' - 988. Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich called all the inhabitants of the city, and a rite of baptism was performed in the Dnieper River, which was performed by Byzantine priests. This was the beginning of the history of the emergence and development of Orthodoxy in Kievan Rus.

The active development of Orthodoxy in the Russian lands has been observed since the 10th century: churches, temples are being built, monasteries are being created.

The principles and morals of Orthodoxy

Literally, "Orthodoxy" is the correct glorification, or the correct opinion. The philosophy of religion consists in faith in the one God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (God the Trinity).

The foundation in the doctrines of Orthodoxy is the Bible or “ Holy Bible” and “Holy Tradition”.

The relationship between the state and Orthodoxy is quite distributed and understandable: the state does not make adjustments to the teachings of the church's religion, and the church is not aimed at controlling the state.

All principles, history, and laws are hardly present in the thoughts and knowledge of every Orthodox person, but this does not interfere with faith. What does Orthodoxy teach at the philistine level? The Lord is the bearer higher mind and wisdom. The teachings of the Lord are irrefutably true:

  • Mercy is the effort to alleviate sorrows unfortunately on one's own. Both sides need mercy - the giver and the receiver. Mercy is helping the needy, a deed pleasing to God. Mercy is kept secret and not distributed. Also, mercy is interpreted as being loaned to Christ. The presence of mercy in a person means that he has kind heart and he is morally rich.
  • Fortitude and vigilance - consists in the spiritual and physical strength, constant work and development, vigilance for good deeds and service to God. A persistent person is one who brings any matter to the end, walking hand in hand with faith and hope, without losing heart. Keeping the Lord's commandments requires labor and perseverance. Human kindness alone is not enough to spread goodness; vigilance and fortitude are always needed here.
  • Confession is one of the Lord's sacraments. Confession helps to receive the support and grace of the Holy Spirit, strengthens faith. In confession, it is important to remember each of your sins, to tell and repent. He who listens to confession assumes the duty of forgiveness of sins. Without confession and forgiveness, a person will not be saved. Confession can be considered a second baptism. When committing sins, the connection with the Lord, given at baptism, is lost; at confession, this invisible connection is restored.
  • The Church brings the grace of Christ into the world by teaching and preaching. In the communion of his blood and flesh, he unites man with the creator. The Church will not leave anyone in grief and trouble, will not reject anyone, forgive the repentant, accept and teach the guilty. When a believer passes away, the church will also not leave him, but will pray for the salvation of his soul. From birth to death, throughout life, in any situation, the church is nearby, opening its arms. In the temple, the human soul finds peace and tranquility.
  • Sunday is the day of service to God. Sunday must be sacredly honored and the works of God done. Sunday is the day to leave worldly problems And household fuss and spend it with prayer and reverence to the Lord. Prayer and visiting the temple are the main activities on this day. You need to beware of communicating with people who like to gossip, swear, snitch. He who sins on Sunday aggravates his sin 10 times.

What is the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism?

Orthodoxy and Catholicism have always been close to each other, but at the same time fundamentally different. Initially, Catholicism is a branch of Christianity.

Among the differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Catholicism professes that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. Orthodoxy confesses that the Holy Spirit comes only from the father.
  2. The Catholic Church takes the main position in religious enlightenment leading to the fact that the mother of Jesus - Mary, was not touched by original sin. The Orthodox Church believes that the Virgin Mary, like everyone else, was born with original sin.
  3. In all matters of faith and morality, Catholics recognize the primacy of the Pope, which Orthodox believers do not accept.
  4. Adherents catholic religion make gestures describing the cross from left to right, adherents of the Orthodox religion - on the contrary.
  5. In Catholicism, it is customary to commemorate the dead on the 3rd, 7th and 30th day from the day of death, in Orthodoxy - on the 3rd, 9th, 40th.
  6. Catholics are ardent opponents of contraception, the Orthodox accept some of the types of contraception used in marriage.
  7. Catholic priests are celibate Orthodox priests allowed to marry.
  8. Mystery of marriage. Catholicism rejects divorces, while Orthodoxy allows them in some individual cases.

Coexistence of Orthodoxy with other religions

Speaking about the attitude of Orthodoxy to other religions, it is worth emphasizing such traditional religions as Judaism, Islam and Buddhism.

  1. Judaism. Religion exclusively Jewish people. It is impossible to belong to Judaism without Jewish origin. For a long time, the attitude of Christians towards Jews has been quite hostile. Differences in understanding of the person of Christ and his history strongly divide these religions. Repeatedly, such hostility led to cruelty (the Holocaust, Jewish pogroms, etc.). On this basis, began new page in the relations of religions. tragic fate forced the Jewish people to reconsider their relationship with Judaism, both at the religious and political levels. However, the general basis, that God is one, God the Creator, a participant in the life of every person, today helps such religions as Judaism and Orthodoxy to live in harmony.
  2. Islam. Orthodoxy and Islam also have difficult story relationships. The Prophet Muhammad was the founder of the state, military leader, political leader. Therefore, religion is very closely intertwined with politics and power. Orthodoxy, on the other hand, is a free choice of religion, regardless of nationality, territoriality and the language a person speaks. It should be noted that in the Koran there are references to Christians, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, these references are respectful and respectful. There are no calls for negative attitudes or censure. At the political level, there are no conflicts of religions, but this does not exclude confrontations and enmity in small social groups.
  3. Buddhism. Many clergy reject Buddhism as a religion because it lacks an understanding of God. Buddhism and Orthodoxy have similar features: the presence of temples, monasteries, prayers. It is worth noting that the prayer of an Orthodox person is a kind of dialogue with God, who appears to us as a living Being, from whom we expect help. Buddhist prayer is more of a meditation, reflection, immersion in one's own thoughts. This is a rather kind religion, cultivating kindness, calmness, and will in people. In the entire history of the coexistence of Buddhism and Orthodoxy, there have been no conflicts, and it is impossible to say that there is potential for this.

Orthodoxy today

Today, Orthodoxy ranks third in terms of numbers among Christian denominations. Orthodoxy has a rich history. The path was not easy, a lot had to be overcome and experienced, but it is thanks to everything that has happened that Orthodoxy is in its place in this world.

The question of how Christians differ from Orthodox, in front of people who understand the history of religion or simply common history, not worth it. After all, it already contains the initially incorrect assertion that the Orthodox are not Christians. Where did this problem statement come from? Let's take a closer look.

A brief excursion into history

Christianity during the Edict of Milan of the Roman Emperor Constantine on religious tolerance (313) was relatively unified. No, of course, heresiarch truth-seekers have always existed, but at that time the number of their followers was insignificant. The first split occurred on the third Ecumenical Council held in the city of Ephesus in 431. Then part of the Christians did not accept the dogmas established at the council and decided to "go the other way." This is how the Assyrian Church appeared, and 20 years later, at the Council of Chalcedon, there was a division again: those who disagreed later received the name “Ancient Eastern Churches”.

And, finally, after another 700 years - the Great Schism, which took place in 1054. the Pope and Patriarch of Constantinople anathematize each other, and this date is considered the point of separation of Eastern and Western Christianity. The Western was called Catholicism, the Eastern - Orthodoxy. The reasons for the Great Schism were more political than religious: the Byzantine Empire considered itself the heir of Rome and claimed to be the unifier of all Christian lands, but Rome did not agree with this. Political disagreements gradually, from the time of the division of the united Roman Empire into Western and Eastern (395), accumulated, transforming into religious and dogmatic disagreements, until an official break occurred.

Later, the Catholic Church experienced the Reformation, which gave rise to a new direction in Christianity - Protestantism. The Orthodox Church, however, has maintained relative unity. Today there is the following provision: The Roman Catholic Church is a single organism, governed by common center- The Vatican. There are several Orthodox churches, the largest of which is the Russian one, and among most of them there is Eucharistic communion - mutual recognition and the possibility of performing joint liturgies. As for the Protestants, this is the most motley branch of Christianity, consisting of a large number independent denominations different numbers And varying degrees recognition by other Christian denominations and each other.

The difference between Orthodoxy and other areas of Christianity

The question - what is the difference between Orthodox and Christians - is initially incorrect, since Orthodoxy is one of the main branches of the common Christian tree. How do Orthodox Christians differ from Christians of other denominations? It seems that many will agree that the laity (that is, those who do not have a church education and dignity) are unlikely to be able to clearly explain what the essence of the differences is. Religion in everyday life plays rather the role of a marker that allows you to separate "us" from "strangers".

As for the theological differences, they will not tell an inexperienced person about anything. For example, according to Catholic doctrine, the Holy Spirit is love between God the Father and God the Son, and in Orthodoxy the Holy Spirit is interpreted as the common energy of the Holy Trinity. Agree, such nuances are few people understand and interesting. Where greater value have political differences as, for example, the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope in matters of faith. Naturally, the acceptance of this dogma automatically subordinates to the Pope all those who have accepted it.

Protestantism, which appeared and gained strength in the 16th century, denies many postulates catholic church. And although theologically, Catholics have more in common with the Orthodox, mentally they are closer to Protestants, since both of these religions often exist among the same people. There are Catholic Germans and Protestant Germans (of various denominations), Catholic French and Protestant French (Huguenots). Yes, and in the historical fate of the Christian European peoples, regardless of religion, there is much in common, which over time smoothed out confessional conflicts. Although during the height of passions, the Protestants declared: “A turban is better than a tiara”, thus recognizing that they are more tolerant of Muslims than Catholics, and the famous Bartholomew night.

Protestantism has lost its protest meaning over time. The notorious Protestant business ethics' is not perceived by many as religious ideology but as a business guide. Therefore, Orthodoxy seems to most representatives of this religion to be something wild: of course, because there is no practical benefit from it! Modern Protestants seem to be unaware of the sacred meaning of religion.

Pseudo-Christian teachings

Starting from the 16th century, a large number of diverse sects have been formed among Protestants, which, of course, call themselves not sects, but Churches. Gradually, some of them depart from traditional Christianity very far, considering, however, only themselves as bearers of divine truth. Interestingly, in Catholicism and Orthodoxy there are very few such sects in comparison with Protestantism. Some of the pseudo-Christian teachings are quite big number adherents, such as the Mormons - about 15 million people.

The largest and most famous pseudo-Christian religious organizations are:

  • Mormons (15 million);
  • Jehovah's Witnesses (8 million);
  • Moon Unification Church (7 million).

The remaining pseudo-Christian cults are much smaller in number and their distribution is either highly localized or limited to certain social groups. An example of the first is some local Protestant or Orthodox Old Believer sects, while a classic example of the second case is the groups of followers of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (theosophists), consisting mainly of representatives of the intelligentsia. Of course, all of them consider only themselves true Christians, denying this right to others, including the Orthodox.

Summing up, we can say that the difference between Orthodox and Christians is a phenomenon of approximately the same order as the difference between trees and plants, cows from herbivores, or the Volga region from Russia. Orthodoxy is part of modern Christianity. It lives, develops and thrives. And, in general, it has always been the spiritual core that saved our country in the most difficult years. And you can't forget about it.

Christianity has many faces and is one of the three main religions of the world along with Buddhism and Islam. Orthodox are all Christians, but not all Christians adhere to Orthodoxy. Christianity and Orthodoxy - what's the difference? I asked this question when a Muslim friend asked about the difference Orthodox faith from the Baptist. I turned to my spiritual father and he explained to me the difference of religions.

christian religion formed over 2000 years ago in Palestine. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the Jewish feast of tabernacles (Pentecost), the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of flames. This day is considered the birthday of the church, as more than 3,000 people believed in Christ.

However, the church was not always united and universal, since in 1054 there was a split into Orthodoxy and Catholicism. For many centuries enmity and mutual accusations of hereticism reigned, the heads of the two churches anathematized each other.

Unity within Orthodoxy and Catholicism also could not be maintained, since the Protestants broke away from the Catholic branch, and the Orthodox Church had its own schismatics - the Old Believers. These were tragic events in the history of the once united universal church, which did not retain unanimity according to the precepts of the Apostle Paul.


How is Christianity different from Orthodoxy? The Orthodox branch of Christianity was officially formed in 1054, when the Patriarch of Constantinople defiantly trampled on unleavened bread for communion. The conflict had been brewing for a long time and concerned the ritual part of the services, as well as the dogmas of the church. The confrontation ended with a complete split of a single church into two parts - Orthodox and Catholic. And only in 1964, both churches reconciled and removed mutual anathemas from each other.

Nevertheless, the ritual part in Orthodoxy and Catholicism remained unchanged, and the dogmas of the faith too. This concerns the fundamental issues of the creed and the conduct of worship. Even at first glance, one can notice significant differences between Catholics and Orthodox in many things:

  • clothes of priests;
  • the order of worship;
  • decoration of the church;
  • the method of applying the cross;
  • sound accompaniment of liturgies.

Orthodox priests do not shave their beards.

The difference between Orthodoxy and Christianity of other denominations is East style services. The Orthodox Church has preserved the traditions of oriental pomp, during services they do not play musical instruments, it is customary to light candles and incense with a censer, and sign of the cross put from right to left with a pinch of fingers and make a waist bow.

Orthodox Christians are sure that their church originates from the crucifixion and resurrection of the Savior. The Baptism of Rus' took place in 988 according to the Byzantine tradition, which is preserved to this day.

The main provisions of Orthodoxy:

  • God is joined in the faces of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit;
  • The Holy Spirit is equal to God the Father;
  • is the only begotten Son of God the Father;
  • The Son of God incarnated, took the form of a man;
  • the resurrection is true, as is the second coming of Christ;
  • the head of the church is Jesus Christ, not the Patriarch;
  • baptism frees a person from sins;
  • the believer will be saved and have eternal life.

The Orthodox Christian believes that after death his soul will find eternal salvation. Believers devote their whole lives to serving God and fulfilling the commandments. Any trials are perceived resignedly and even with joy, because despondency and grumbling are revered as a mortal sin.


This branch christian church distinguished by his approach to doctrine and worship. The head of the Roman Catholic Church is the Pope, as opposed to the Orthodox Patriarch.

Fundamentals of the Catholic Faith:

  • The Holy Spirit descends not only from God the Father, but also from God the Son;
  • after death, the soul of a believer enters purgatory, where it undergoes trials;
  • The Pope is revered as the direct successor of the Apostle Peter, all his actions are considered infallible;
  • Catholics believe that the Virgin was taken to heaven without seeing death;
  • the veneration of saints is widely developed;
  • indulgence (expiation of sins) is distinctive feature specifically the Catholic Church;
  • Communion is served with unleavened bread.

Worship in Catholic churches called the mass. An integral part of churches and churches is the organ on which God-inspired music is played. If in Orthodox churches sings a mixed choir on the kliros, then in Catholic churches only men (boys' choir) sing hymns.

But the most important difference between the Catholic doctrine and the Orthodox is the dogma of the virgin Mary's immaculateness.

Catholics believe that she was conceived immaculately (had no original sin). Orthodox claim that the Mother of God was ordinary mortal woman chosen by God for the birth of the God-man.

Also a feature of the Catholic doctrine are mystical meditations on the torment of Christ. This sometimes leads to the fact that believers have stigmata (wounds from nails and a crown of thorns) on their bodies.

The commemoration of the dead is held on the 3rd, 7th and 30th day. Confirmation is not carried out immediately after baptism, as with the Orthodox, but after reaching the age of majority. Communion of children begins after the age of seven, and in Orthodoxy - from infancy. There is no iconostasis in Catholic churches. All priests take a vow of celibacy.


What is the difference between Protestant and Orthodox Christians? This trend arose within the Catholic Church as a protest against the authority of the Pope (he is considered the vicar of Jesus Christ on earth). Many people know the tragic St. Bartholomew's night, when Catholics massacred the Huguenots (local Protestants) in France. These terrible pages of history will forever remain in the memory of people as an example of inhumanity and madness.

Protests against the authority of the Pope swept across Europe and even resulted in revolutions. The Hussite wars in the Czech Republic, the Lutheran movement - this is just a small mention of the wide scope of the protest against the dogmas of the Catholic Church. The harsh persecution of the Protestants forced them to flee Europe and find refuge in America.

What is the difference between Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox? They recognize only two church sacraments - baptism and communion.. Baptism is necessary for a person to join the church, and the sacrament helps strengthen faith. Protestant priests do not enjoy unquestioning authority, but are brothers in Christ. At the same time, Protestants recognize apostolic succession, but attribute it to spiritual action.

Protestants do not bury the dead, do not worship saints, do not pray to icons, do not light candles and do not incense with a censer. They lack the sacrament of marriage, confession and priesthood. The Protestant community lives like one family, helps those in need and actively preaches the gospel to people (missionary work).

Divine services in Protestant churches are held in a special way. First, the community praises the god with songs and (sometimes) dances. Then the pastor delivers a sermon based on biblical texts. The service also ends with a glorification. In recent decades, many modern evangelical churches, made up of young people, have been formed. Some of them are recognized as sects in Russia, but in Europe and America these movements are allowed by official authorities.

In 1999, the historic reconciliation of the Catholic Church with the Lutheran movement took place. And in 1973, the Eucharistic unity of the Reformed churches with the Lutheran ones took place. The 20th and 11th centuries became a time of reconciliation between all Christian currents, which cannot but rejoice. Enmity and anathemas are a thing of the past, the Christian world has found peace and tranquility.


A Christian is a person who recognizes the death and resurrection of the God-man Jesus Christ, believes in an afterlife and eternal life. However, Christianity is not homogeneous in its structure and is divided into many different denominations. Orthodoxy and Catholicism are the leading Christian creeds, on the basis of which other confessions and movements were formed.

In Russia, the Old Believers broke away from the Orthodox branch; in Europe, much more different currents and configurations under the general name of Protestants. The bloody reprisals against heretics, which terrified the peoples for many centuries, are a thing of the past. In today's world between all Christian denominations peace and harmony reign, however, differences in divine services and dogmas have been preserved.

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