Home Natural farming A dream about a dead mother. Why dream of a quarrel, arguing with your mother? If you dreamed about being alive

A dream about a dead mother. Why dream of a quarrel, arguing with your mother? If you dreamed about being alive

Dream Interpretation /

1. Mother

2. Dead

Seeing is a warning;
see your...

Often, dreams in which dead people appear have the exact opposite meaning, that is, they foretell the dreamer long life. However, the interpretation of the dream may change, depending on the actions of the deceased person in the dream.

For example, the Sonan dream book states that if the deceased mother, who appeared in a dream, talks to the sleeping person, then this means a deterioration in health. By the way, this applies not only to the sleeper himself, it can be a warning for the whole family. To correctly interpret the dream, it is necessary to take into account how much time has passed since the death of the mother. Let’s say a recently deceased mother may dream of good news, but if in reality the mother died a long time ago, then this is interpreted as receiving unpleasant news or big changes that will happen in the dreamer's life.

Sometimes the sleeping person dreams of his deceased mother, who is busy with some kind of work in his house - this means that not everything is fine in the family and the sleeping person needs to reconsider his attitude towards his spouse or...

Dream Interpretation / Interpretation of sleep deceased mother mother

1. Mother
Seeing your mother appearing in the house is encouraging results in any business;
having a conversation with her means good news about matters in which you are extremely interested;
for a woman - seeing her mother means pleasant responsibilities and marital happiness;
seeing someone's mother sick or dead is sadness;
to hear that your mother is calling you - you are abandoned by everyone and have chosen the wrong direction in your affairs;
hear her cry - she will be sick, or she will have a misfortune that threatens you.
Also see Bed, Graveyard, Feeding Baby, Rocking Chair, Kiss, Cry, Talk.
Interpretation of the dream from: Miller's Dream Book

2. Dead

Seeing is a warning;
seeing your deceased father or talking to him is a danger of making a bad deal; be careful in your dealings, because enemies surround you;
see your...

An invisible umbilical cord firmly connects us with our mother, even the deceased one. Dream books confirm this mystical interaction; they find prophecies in images that come in a dream, and explain why the deceased parent dreams.

Also in to a greater extent, than other deceased relatives, the image of a mother protects a person from temptations and mistakes, like a guardian angel, he protects us from evil.

Invisible connection with the departed

Freud's dream book claims that deceased parents come into our dreams at crucial moments in life, when we miss them so much wise advice and participation. The invisible connection with a loved one is not interrupted after his departure.

Seeing a deceased mother in a dream is interpreted as a caring warning about an approaching misfortune. Perhaps this concerns not the family, but concerns outside the home - business, service, social duties.

It is difficult to say exactly what such a dream is about, but in any case one must strive fully...

In the vast majority of cases, parents are the people who are able to love a person for who he is. And after their death, the attachment to their child is not destroyed. If a person is in serious danger, the deceased mother can warn him about this in a dream.

What if you dream about your dead mother?

Seeing a parent asking to live in her child's house in a dream means that in real life a person makes many mistakes that can lead to a tragic outcome.

If a deceased mother offers a sleeping person expensive upgrades, it means that in the near future he will receive good profit from a profitable deal. If a deceased woman washes the floor or paints the walls in her child’s apartment, the dream informs that the person will soon have to leave this place of residence.

Sometimes a deceased mother looks young and healthy in a dream, which is a good sign. It means that life force the sleeper is high and he has a strong connection with his...

Parents are the people closest to a person. It doesn't matter whether they are alive or dead, their words always have a special meaning. All dream books, regardless of what nationality they were compiled by, agree on one thing: if you dreamed about a deceased mother, then this dream means something important.

What if you dream about your deceased mother?

The one who loved a person during life, and after death often appears to him in a dream, during a difficult time for him life period. The appearance of a deceased relative, especially a mother, never goes unnoticed by the consciousness. These dreams are often remembered, comprehended and cause deep emotional excitement. The words spoken by mother are always important and her advice must be followed. If in a dream a deceased mother with tears in her eyes mournfully looks at the sleeping person and remains silent, this is a very alarming sign. He reports that the parent expresses sadness in connection with the difficult trials ahead of her child. For women, such a dream often foreshadows divorce...

Dream Interpretations / Dreams on P / Dream Interpretation mother deceased

Why do you dream about a deceased mother in a dream?

Just like your father, the deceased mother in your dream is an important symbol. However, this dream often carries favorable predictions. Seeing your deceased mother in the house means that a period of prosperity and peace has begun in your family. You will receive pleasure and joy from communication with your husband, the success of your children, and household chores will not be a burden to you. Also, a dream may foretell the birth of a child, most likely a daughter, or some other happy event in family. It is possible that after such a dream someone will ask you for help - provide it, and you will be rewarded for it.

Sometimes the deceased mother is dreamed of by those who have recently lost her, and this reflects the emotions that a person experiences in reality. She can also come in a dream to those who have not remembered her for a long time. In this case, it is necessary to light a candle in the church. A dream in which you quarrel with the deceased is unfavorable - this is...

Why do you dream of a dead mother in a dream?

Deceased parents usually appear in dreams at moments when something very important is happening in your life. Such dreams are a warning and may contain advice or blessings.

If you saw your dead mother in a dream, then this is a sign that you have a long life ahead of you.

If both deceased parents are present in your dream, such a dream also carries positive information - you will probably soon get rich and be happy. At the same time, the mother in such a dream is trying to warn you against unreasonable actions.

A dream in which you see that your deceased mother has come to visit you warns you about the need to pull yourself together. Perhaps your excessive nervousness has become the source of your troubles. The dream may also portend the illness of someone close to you.

If a woman who has true friend, she dreams that she became a mother - this is a sad dream for her.

If you dream that you have lost your mother forever, this is a prediction of her imminent illness.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

If in a dream you are talking to your mother, this dream predicts your future prosperity.

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Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality and appeared in a dream

Those people who no longer exist in reality continue to live (exist!) in our consciousness.

IN folk superstition“seeing dead people in a dream means a change in weather.” And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes atmospheric pressure in the form of loved ones of the deceased, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances or lucifags from non-physical dimensions of the earth’s noosphere most easily penetrate into people’s dreams in order to study, contact and influence the sleeper. The essence of the latter can be clarified using special techniques only in lucid dreams.

And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (non-human), it is quite easy to determine their arrival.

And although lucifags very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones, loved ones who have passed on to another world, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we experience special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear!

However, what saves us from making direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces is the lack of full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., unawareness, which, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them.

However, quite often “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of close people who once lived with us may appear to us.

In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent.

In this case, from deceased relatives we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual and energetic support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime).

In other cases, dead people in a dream represent our own projections, showing the so-called “incomplete gestalt,” an unfinished relationship with this person.

Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts.

As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Interpretation of dreams from

Many people say that sleep is parallel world, thanks to which we can get certain clues about whether we are doing something right and whether we are living the way we should.

In the most disturbing dreams, as a rule, those people appear who are no longer alive. There are many interpretations on this matter in different dream books. Mom died a long time ago, but in a dream she comes up with what could it be?

Why do you dream about a dead mother: versions

Most often, a person does not see anything in a dream. But vivid and memorable dreams can be extremely rare. These include those when people come to a person who have long been dead, especially if they were relatives, for example, a long-dead mother.

There is a category of people who are afraid of such dreams. According to Christian beliefs, it is believed that if you dreamed of a dead person, then he wants to warn you, their living relatives that they will face certain tests. And some are also afraid that if their dead mother appeared to them in a dream, then soon death will come for them too, but no need to worry about it. It is believed that such dreams are just evidence that the souls of the dead worry about their loved ones, this connection especially concerns mothers and children.

Sometimes people say that they are able to talk to a deceased relative during sleep. They may ask why the soul of the deceased came to him and what he wants to talk about. So, if you saw your deceased mother in a dream as if she were alive, this can cause strong excitement caused by joy and sorrow at the same time.

Orthodox priests recommend that after such dreams you should definitely visit a church and order a service for the deceased, so that the soul of the deceased mother can be calm. Sometimes such dreams are dreamed by those who have not thought about their deceased relatives for a long time, and they so want to remind them of themselves. Remember if, shortly before such a dream, you remembered your deceased mother alive; such memories can also cause such dreams.

How can you dream about your dead mother?

Most often, people dream of a deceased mother like this:

However, the options listed are far from the only ones. The most important thing after waking up is to evaluate the actions of your deceased mother in order to understand what she wanted to convey to you. Don’t be afraid of her in a dream; if you feel guilty towards your mother, this means that in reality you feel guilty before her.

Why do you dream of a dead mother alive if she is on the sidelines?

It is noted that not all people who saw their late mother in a dream had the opportunity to talk to her. Sometimes the mother is dreamed of as an image and observer from the outside of her family and friends. The compilers of dream books say that dreams where the deceased mother is seen signal that inner world the person is not entirely stable. Human feels guilty not only in front of deceased relatives, but also in front of living people.

Here are interpretations from dream books about some episodes where the deceased mother acts as an outside observer:

Sometimes people dream of their mother being alive, but then she suddenly dies. Dream books say that such a symbol indicates that you have not yet experienced her loss. In this case, you need to come to terms with the loss and stop looking for solutions to your problems in the past.

Why do you dream about your deceased mother if you communicate with her?

Now let's find out what dream books say about those dreams in which people are in contact with their deceased mother:

  • if you kiss your mother in a dream– you have wisdom, someone betrayed you, but you don’t attach any importance to it. You do not have a penchant for petty quarrels;
  • active quarrel in a dream with mom- think about your conscience. Remember if you have made any mistakes that you would like to hide. Perhaps you don't need to be too hard on your loved ones;
  • if your mother scolded you in a dream- your crimes are probably out of control. Do not use the trust of your loved ones;
  • shared cleaning– you have accumulated a lot of grievances and negative emotions, try to deal with it all.

If you dreamed about your deceased mother: interpretation according to Miller’s dream book

Different dream books give different interpretations about the same dream. Try to study several sources and find the “golden mean” specifically for yourself. You cannot treat this or that dream book as the final truth, but you also don’t need to reject the interpretation entirely.

So, according to Miller's dream book Interpretations on the topic of a person seeing a deceased mother in a dream are as follows:

Interpretation according to Freud's dream book

The famous scientist and psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud studied the topic of dream interpretation in great detail. He even created his own dream book, in which we can find interpretations of certain dreams, including dreams about a deceased mother.

According to Freud's dream book, to see dead parents in a dream means to feel longing for them, to worry about the lack of support on their part. I often dream about this during difficult times. life situations, when a person is faced with a certain choice and he so lacks advice from his mother, who is no longer alive.

Freud believed that the bond between mother and child is incredibly strong, and it remains the same after death. Therefore, every appearance of a mother in a dream is an important sign; the scientist believed that this should be taken as a warning. If you interpret it correctly, you can avoid unpleasant situations.

Freud's dream book says that such a dream should be taken as a hint: reconsider your affairs, think about it different variants developments and come to the right decision. Also, seeing a dead mother in a dream is an indicator of a particular mood or emotional state.

Loft's dream book and its interpretation

Dream Interpretation Lofta explains that if a person saw his dead mother alive in a dream, then this reflects his emotional condition. Similar dream could be a reflection large quantity accumulated negative emotions that so torment a person and break out through his subconscious. These are his complexes, anxieties and fears. So, a deceased mother may be dreamed of by someone who is experiencing separation or loneliness.

To see such a dream is to receive a sign, so you need to make one decision or another and begin to act. Get your emotions in order, deal with your fears and try to overcome them.

As you can see, there are an incredible number of dream books; the same dream can be interpreted in different ways.

If your mother died very recently, then seeing her in a dream speaks of your pain from separation from her. Try going to church and lighting a candle. You can also talk to the priest in church about your experiences and tell about your meetings with your mother in your dreams. You can also try to mentally turn to your mother herself in church or at home and thank her for meeting her in a dream. Crying is not recommended; tears will only worsen your emotional state.

Not a single dream book will give an exact answer why dead relatives come to us in a dream and what exactly they want to tell us by their appearance. The best dream book in this case your intuition will become. And even if such a dream warns you of impending problems, then you shouldn’t worry either, try to solve them calmly, and don’t forget to mentally thank your mother for the warning.

Mom in a dream- Your mother cries or condemns you in a dream, which means that in real life you do bad things, make mistakes, offend people close to you, and pay little attention to your parents and relatives. For good news, you dream of a pleasant conversation with your mother.
Seeing a sick, infirm mother in a dream- to discord in family relationships.
Seeing your dead mother alive in a dream- to joy and good luck.
To dream that a strange woman asks you to call her mom is a disappointment in new job or new acquaintances.
Seeing someone who has already died- predicts a long and happy life for your mom.
In a dream, your mother is joyful, smiling and laughing; a person you know will soon please you.
If you dreamed about your mother, then this dream predicts the future of your family.
If you dreamed that your mother left you, then you need to pull yourself together and rely only on yourself.
If you dreamed that your mother came to you, it means that your business is going uphill.
If you dreamed that your mother died and came to life again, then in reality expect gratitude for the help provided, a cure for a serious illness, long-awaited and joyful news.
If you dream about your birth mother, which is in your home, this portends good luck in all matters and endeavors. Surely everything you start in business now will bring you considerable benefits.
If you dream that your mother is calling you in a dream, then look around more carefully - in fact, all your close people and friends have left you. There are many false roads waiting for you, and there is a high risk of making the wrong choice.
If a woman sees her mother in a dream- this dream foreshadows her happiness in marriage and pleasant responsibilities for her.
If in a dream your mother abandoned you, it means that you offended her and did not notice it yourself.
If in a dream your mother gives you advice and instructions before her death, it means that a turning point will soon come in your life. Perhaps life will change dramatically for the better.
If your mother dies in a dream, it means that you will live a long time.
If in a dream your dear mother If you die or are sick, then great sadness and anxiety await you.
If in a dream you were talking with your mother, this is a harbinger that in the near future you will receive good news about those matters that are extremely interesting to you.
If in a dream you are talking with your mother, who came to your house, then expect pleasant news about matters that interest you very much.
If your mother died in a dream, this means that she or you are in danger in reality. There may be health problems, an increased risk of getting into an accident or becoming a victim of an attack by a criminal.
If a girl dreamed that her mother was giving her her blessing, then she will be happy in her marriage.
If your mother turns to you in a dream with a request or warning, think about what events in reality this may be connected with.
If the mother dreams of being dead or sick- the dream symbolizes imminent sadness.
If you dream of a mother who is crying, then expect an imminent misfortune or unexpected illness.
If a mother who died in a dream is alive in reality, then be more attentive to her. Perhaps she misses your warmth and care, remember, no one lives forever. In real life, mothers always take care of their children.
If your dead mother appeared to you in a dream to warn you of some danger, it means that you really need to listen to her advice.
When you dream of your mother being healthy and cheerful, then you can assume that this moment Everything is going well in your life, you are successful and happy.
When your mother dies of illness, the cause of all your troubles and troubles in real life lies in the duplicity, meanness and betrayal of a close friend. It is he who tries with all his might to annoy you, pushing you to choose the wrong path.
Quarreling with mom in a dream- to failure.
Losing your mother in a dream- a warning that there is a possibility of losing her in reality. The danger of illness, death, or accident hangs over your mother.
The appearance of your mother in your dream cannot be ignored, because it is a warning about something.
A dream in which your mother combs your hair promises a happy future.
A quarrel with your mother in a dream promises discord and troubles for your family.
To dream that your mother is dying in your arms predicts a serious quarrel with your parents and for a long time grievances. With your actions you will greatly disappoint the whole family.
Dreaming that your mother is crying- This bad sign, which means that your family will begin big problems, misunderstandings, and in the end it can lead you to divorce. Therefore, pay attention to this dream huge attention, because you have a chance to fix everything and save your family.
To see your mother as she is at the moment - you can’t expect any changes; family affairs are under absolute control.
Seeing a dead mother in a dream- remember her in the church, visit her burial place.
Hearing your mother calling you in a dream- you are alone, abandoned by everyone. this may mean that you have chosen the wrong path in solving important matters.

The article will indicate the meaning of dreams where the mother is present.

Mother is a very strong figure in every person’s life. Depending on your sleep psychological state a person and his real relationship with his parents, a mother in a dream can represent a person or some image.

  • In general, psychologists are confident that the image of a mother in a dream is good sign. A person often dreams of a mother if he is somewhat lost in his thoughts and actions. Mother is the personification of family ties and a reminder of their importance for a person.
  • If the dream does not carry any emotional load, then most likely the mother in the dream is just a reflection of your image. You need to interpret a dream, starting with emotional anchors.
  • Sometimes a dream with the image of a mother is associated with anxiety, although in real life the relationship with her is normal. In this case, this image is a kind of warning about impending problems.
  • There can be many options for dreams where the mother is present. You need to pay attention to those in which you really see a logical rationale.

Why do you dream about your mother’s death, that your mother has died?

  • Naturally, this dream plot evokes the most unpleasant emotions. But there is no need to despair, because death in a dream is not the same as in life.
  • Death in the world of images is the beginning of something new, a certain stage of life. It is this meaning that dreams carry, where death is present.
  • A dream about the death of a mother cannot be interpreted one-sidedly. Ask yourself a question, what emotions do you feel towards your mother? Are you angry or offended? Sometimes a dream is just an exaggerated reflection of your emotions. In this case, it makes no sense.
  • In general, sleep means improved health for the mother, improvement in your relationships and new stage life.

Why do you dream of hugging your mother?

  • A hug is a search for protection and support. Most likely, you are at a stage in your life where you need help.
  • Mother is an image of tenderness and care. As you go back to your childhood, you find yourself in a world where your mother could protect you from all problems.
  • Hugging your mother in a dream means that you should not be afraid of being weak. Allow yourself to receive support from those around you.

Why do you dream about talking to your mother?

  • Talking to your mother in a dream has many meanings. It all depends on what emotions you experience, as well as the topic of the conversation.
  • If the conversation is calm and you are discussing a certain topic, pay attention to it. You may soon receive news of this nature. Talking in a dream means receiving news.
  • Sometimes the conversation takes place in a raised voice. And then, most likely, you experience aggression or resentment towards your mother. Sometimes these feelings may not be for the mother, but for a person who only in a dream was embodied in the image of a mother.
  • A dream where you walk away from a conversation with your mother means that you are experiencing problems communicating with others. You do not know how to listen and empathize with other people's problems.

Why do you dream of calling your mother?

  • Calling your mother for help indicates your fears. You cannot cope with them, which is why it is reflected in the image of the mother.
  • If your mother never came in a dream, then this indicates that you can only rely on yourself.
  • The dream is not very pleasant; it means disappointment in people or events.

Why do you dream about meeting your mother?

  • A dream about meeting your mother may concern the parent of a friend or a loved one. Overall, this dream is good. It means a stable and strong relationship with the person whose mother you dreamed about.
  • If in a dream your mother is joyful and evokes good emotions in you, then this means well-being and happiness.
  • If the mother calls negative emotions or she herself is angry with you, then the dream means some obstacles in life and in relationships with a friend.

Why do you dream about a dead, late mother?

  • Seeing deceased relatives, especially your mother, in a dream is a sign or warning. We continue to have an emotional attachment to our mother even after death. It is not surprising that in our dreams we turn to our mother for help.
  • The image of a mother usually warns of misfortune. Especially if the mother is sad or crying in a dream.
  • You dream of a joyful and cheerful mother if you are not spending your finances rationally. This could indicate a big buy.
  • If you dream about your deceased mother recently after a funeral, then most likely this is how your pain at the loss of your loved one is expressed.

Why do you dream about your mother’s pregnancy?

  • Pregnancy is an image of growth in any area of ​​life. It means that a new stage and something will begin soon the new one will come in into your life.
  • A dream where you see your mother's pregnancy portends big profits. This could be receiving an inheritance, a bonus at work.
  • If a young woman has a dream about her mother’s pregnancy, then most likely she embodies herself in this image.
  • Often such a dream occurs in children who will soon have a brother or sister. Children expect changes in life and feel excitement. Such dreams do not have much meaning.

Why do you dream that your mother has given birth?

  • For women, such a dream always means an ambulance own pregnancy and childbirth. Often pregnant women have such a dream. The dream has good value and means a good progress of labor.
  • Pay attention to the gender of the baby born. If a son is born, then most likely you will experience changes at work or in the financial sphere.
  • If a girl is born, it means that they are coming good changes in personal life.
  • Sometimes childbirth is difficult in a dream. This means that on life path Difficulties await you.

Why do you dream that your mother was killed?

  • A dream about murder has several meanings. Notice who killed your mother? What emotions did you feel in the dream?
  • Sometimes you dream that you personally kill your mother. This dream means that you are seeking to free yourself from the shackles in your life. Perhaps someone or something is stopping you from living your life. In the image of a mother, you embodied this obstacle.
  • If in a dream someone else kills your mother, then this means that you have hidden enemies. Feelings of fear or helplessness indicate that you do not know how to cope with these ill-wishers.

Why do you dream of beating your mother?

  • Such a dream means subconscious anger at the mother or her actions.
  • A dream where a woman beats her mother means quarrels in the family. The conflict will arise because of the woman herself.
  • If a man beats his mother in a dream, then this means rash actions in real life.
  • Sometimes a dream can convey feelings about your mother. Especially if at the end of the dream you repent of what you did.

Why do you dream about your mother crying?

  • A dream where a mother cries conveys impending failures. You need to listen more to the advice of older and more experienced people.
  • For a girl, such a dream foreshadows a quarrel with a guy. He will be offended or dissatisfied with some actions of his beloved.

Why do you dream about kissing your mother?

  • A dream where you kiss your mother always has a good omen.
  • If a girl kisses her mother, this means an early engagement or meeting a loved one.
  • For a man, such a dream means success at work or in business.
  • The dream indicates your strong position in society, respect and prosperity.

Why do young people dream about their mother?

  • For a girl, such a dream conveys herself in the form of her mother. A young mother in a dream can commit those actions that the girl herself fears or secretly desires.
  • For guys, such a dream can mean a feeling of loneliness. Perhaps you recently had a fight with a girl. Or have you been dreaming of finding your love for a long time?
  • In a dream where a young mother is present, pay attention to her behavior. Everything she does is a reflection of your personal experiences.

Why dream of a quarrel, arguing with your mother?

  • A quarrel with your mother means real conflicts in the family or at work.
  • Such a dream recommends not starting new businesses and not going on trips in the near future.
  • A dream where you see a quarrel with your mother usually means your rash actions, which can lead to a bad situation.

Why do you dream about a drunk mother?

  • Such a dream could be a painful memory from childhood. If in reality the child’s mother drank, then this image can haunt him throughout his life.
  • A dream with a drunk mother may indicate health problems with the mother herself.
  • If your mother died, then such a dream is a warning. You do certain things or maintain connections that have an extremely negative impact on your life.

Why do you have a dream: take your mother by the hand, follow your mother?

  • A dream where your mother takes your hand means support. Now she is extremely important to you and such a dream gives a signal that close and dear people are always nearby.
  • If in a dream you walk hand in hand with your mother, then this means useful advice. You should use it for your own good.

Why do you dream about a sleeping mother?

  • A sleeping mother portends harmony and peace in family life. No sudden changes are expected in the near future.
  • If during your mother's sleep you feel anxiety and fear for her, then this means that something in your personal life goes on not this way. Talk to your spouse and find out.

Why do you dream about a sick mother, that she feels bad?

  • A dream in which a sick mother dreams of bad value. As a rule, this dream foreshadows imminent difficulties in your life. Health problems may arise.
  • Such a dream may be a reaction to a real illness of the mother. Are you so worried about daytime that during sleep this experience is transformed into a dream.

Why do you dream about the mother of your beloved guy?

  • Such a dream may mean a real fear of meeting your lover’s parents.
  • If the guy’s mother is friendly, then such a dream speaks of good relations paired with.
  • Your mother's bad attitude conveys your feelings about relationships. It’s better not to accumulate negativity in yourself, but to discuss everything with a young man.

Why do you dream about your ex’s mother?

  • Mother ex-boyfriend may indicate that you miss your ex-boyfriend.
  • Sometimes such a dream foreshadows intrigue and unpleasant gossip addressed to you.

Video: Why do you dream about your mother?

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