Home Trees and shrubs How much does a trip to Antarctica cost? How much does a trip to Antarctica cost? What attracts the South Pole

How much does a trip to Antarctica cost? How much does a trip to Antarctica cost? What attracts the South Pole

As everyone has long known, Antarctica is the southernmost and coldest corner of our planet. Only penguins and other beautiful animals can live permanently on its territory, for which this climate is quite suitable. The air temperature in Antarctica does not rise below -5 degrees, but it can drop to -60 degrees Celsius.

Detailed map of Antarctica

Since the country is not intended for permanent residence, it would be logical to assume that a visa is not needed there. Indeed, who will check it with you upon arrival? Visa to Antarctica in 2019 is not required. There are no visas to this mainland, which does not officially belong to any state.

If you decide to spend your vacation in Antarctica, then take care of laying the route in advance. This is due to the fact that you will need to apply for a visa for the country from which you will travel by ferry or fly by plane to Antarctica.

Accordingly, the documents and visa requirements for all countries are different. Most often there are ferries from New Zealand and Argentina. Therefore, you will need, for example, . . Therefore, in order not to issue additional permits, you can go to Antarctica from this country.

Tours to Antarctica

Antarctica has become a very popular tourist destination. Despite its harsh climate, thousands of people annually go there on their own or buy tours to Antarctica.

First of all, this is due to the fact that Antarctica is extraordinarily beautiful, and in its open spaces you can see penguins, fur seals, polar bears and many other interesting animals.

Since there is no permanent life in Antarctica, you will not find any hotels and restaurants upon arrival. Your guide will meet you and take you to the tent where you will live during the whole tour.

Tours to Antarctica are not cheap, but if you decide to visit this continent, this will not stop you.

Most often, a travel company recruits a group of such a size that it fully buys seats on the ferry that will take you to wonderland.

This is for your convenience only, so you can talk to other tourists on mother tongue.

The nuances of a visit

Antarctica is considered a continent with pristine nature, unique flora and fauna. This leaves a certain imprint on the possibility of visiting it. At the same time, no more than 100 people can descend on its shores.

This is not a simple whim. These are well-founded claims. Antarctica is sterile in its own way, and each new tourist, who arrived there on his own or using tours to Antarctica, brings with him alien microorganisms that have a detrimental effect on nature.

What to bring

A trip to Antarctica will definitely be remembered for a lifetime. In order for the memories to remain only positive, it is necessary to think through everything to the smallest detail. Particular attention, especially if you are traveling on your own, should be given to the list of things that are recommended to take with you.

Here is a basic list of things that you can add to your liking:

Is it possible to travel with children

Usually, children are not taken on such trips, because the climate is not quite suitable, and the trip to Antarctica itself is not an easy test. However, there are still people who prefer to travel exclusively with children.

Tour operators do not give a ban on this kind of action, but relieve themselves of all responsibility for the health of the latter. That is, taking the child with you, you will have to exercise tireless control over him in order to avoid possible complications.

What to watch

Despite its severity, Antarctica is very picturesque. There are many places that you will not see anywhere else. A wonderful phenomenon such as a bloody waterfall deserves your close attention and visits. There you will see a stream of water that flows out of the glacier. This stream has a bright red color, for which it received the name bloody.

Also, your attention will be offered numerous picturesque mountains, Deception Island, several straits where you can see local representatives of wildlife. Surprisingly, in Antarctica there is even a monument to V. I. Lenin.

Like any trip, a trip to Antarctica must begin with preparation. In this case, it will not be enough to limit yourself to ordering and paying for the tour. We have prepared for you detailed description routes, programs, a list of things to take with you and other useful information. So, our review of the best and cruises to Antarctica, which will give a lot of impressions and emotions.

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Until quite recently, our ideas about traveling towards the South Pole were limited to the achievements of expeditions of polar scientists and a few extreme sportsmen. But the exciting tales of Antarctica's wildlife, ice-bound, photographs of its inhabitants, impressions of weather surprises - all this haunted many adventure lovers.

Sea communication with Antarctica began in the 1920s, when mail ships from the Falkland Islands began to deliver mail and equipment for whalers to the mainland. And the first commercial expeditions began to transport tourists only in the 60s, but they were still rare lucky ones. Already 10 years later, air carriers supported the interest of tourists in this direction by organizing air flights to Antarctica. They were carried out from Australia and New Zealand.

The real tourist flow came in the 90s, when several operators began to make itineraries for cruises to the land of icebergs. The real boom in extreme tourism was noted after 2000, and in recent seasons, about 50,000 travelers have visited Antarctica. True, the percentage of Russians in this number is small, but the interest of our tourists is growing every season. Everyone has the same dream - to see the endless rocky land, bound by snow cover, floating ice blocks-icebergs guarding the approaches to the coast, dark, restless ocean waters that have become home to seals and whales, and, of course, handsome penguin colonies.

Antarctica carefully protects its territory from the intense presence of man. Control over safety and environmental responsibility is carried out by the International Association formed by Antarctic tour operators. According to the Antarctic Treaty, today every tour operator must have permission to visit the southernmost continent.

The main thing you need to understand is that a cruise to Antarctica will be an extreme vacation. Having realized and weighed your strengths and financial capabilities, you can begin to select a tour and get acquainted with the intricacies of the routes.

Choosing a route

The only way to get to Antarctica is by air or by sea. Today, the coast of the southern continent receives aircraft, cruise ships, private yachts and icebreakers.

Flights to the southern continent are made by:

  • DAP airline (from Pointe Arenas, Chile)
  • ALCI airline (from Cape Town, South Africa)
  • Croydon Travel's Antarctica (non-stop sightseeing flights over Antarctica; duration 12-13 hours)

Delivery of passengers by sea is carried out:

  • Argentina, port of Ushuaia
  • O. Tasmania (Australia), port of Hobart
  • South Africa, Cape Town
  • Chile, Punta Arenas
  • New Zealand, port of Lyttelton (many flights depart from here to Antarctica, including Macquarie Island)

Departure point - Argentina

From Argentina to the Antarctic coast, tourists can only get by sea. The main Argentine port that receives ships of this direction is located in the very south of the country, in the city of Ushuaia. For tourists, this is the most economical and shortest way. Various ships moor here: luxury, expeditionary and economy class.

When choosing a tour, pay attention to the class of the vessel. This is an important factor that should meet your needs. Remember that the comfort of a sea voyage is directly proportional to the cost. From the port of Ushuaia to Antarctica is about 2 days' journey. A significant, frightening many minus along this route is the Drake Passage or the “Roaring Forties”. It is known as a place of strong winds, and ship captains call a storm of 4 points a real calm for these places.

Of course, tour operators and ship owners are very responsible for the safety of tourists on the routes. By the way, the purchase of insurance, which includes the possibility of evacuating the victim from a sea vessel by helicopter, is mandatory for every tourist. Security and timely medical care- first of all. This is facilitated by weather reports and passenger briefings. On ships, it is obligatory to carry out a training alert in full gear with a trial placement of passengers in lifeboats.

Exquisite voyage for 19 days on the Silver Explorer

Dates: from 01/16/2020 – 02/03/2020

Price: from 19 440 €

The starting point is the Argentine port of Ushuaia, surrounded by virgin forests and a picturesque chain of mountains, whose name translates as "the bay at the end of the earth." Departing from the quiet Beagle Channel on a luxury liner, you will enter the Drake Passage, called by sailors the “window window” of the westerly winds. The entrance to the Antarctic Sound will present an impressive spectacle of futuristic structures of shining icebergs.

Passing through deep bays past artsy fjords, the ship will approach the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, where tourists will meet polar explorers working at scientific stations. From here, on inflatable boats, you will be lucky enough to observe penguins, seals and cormorant nests up close. The cruise continues to the South Shetland Islands, the spectacular whale graveyard on Aitcho Island and the smoking volcanic vents that heat the thermal lakes on Deception Island.

After enjoying the lunar exotics of the Antarctic islands, the liner heads to the Falkland Islands, chosen by the families of the most devoted Magellanic penguins, populations of elephant seals and rare birds. After mooring in Port Stanley, make a courtesy visit to the Governor's House by signing in the visitor's book.

Heading north accompanied by black and white dolphins, dock at Puerto Deseado, where you will be captivated by close-up observations of sea lion habits and the lives of thousands of penguin families prowling the coast, arguing over nests and preening feathers. Continuing along the route outlined by Magellan, you will arrive in Buenos Aires - the final destination of the cruise.

Exquisite voyage for 19 days

Liner: Silver Explorer


Magical voyage for 19 days on the ship Silver Explorer

Price: from 18 630 €

The port on the Argentinean island of Tierra del Fuego is the beginning of the path to the mysterious snow-covered mainland of Antarctica. Sailing through the eternally stormy Drake Passage past rocky shores inhabited by penguins, seals and populations of rare birds, you will descend to the land of the Falkland Islands archipelago. They will impress with huge herds of sheep grazing in pastures, the most common habitat of Magellanic penguins and elephant seals.

Arriving at Port Stanley, enchanting with brightly painted houses built from old ships, take in its sights after relaxing in cozy pubs after sightseeing. The archipelago of South Georgia, which was previously the center of whaling, will amaze with snow-covered mountain landscapes, grandiose glaciers and colorful fjords. You will admire the king penguins and Gintu penguins, observe the habits of fur seals living on the coasts.

The picturesque landscapes of Mordvinov Island and breathtaking views of huge icebergs will certainly remain in the photo album of the Antarctic cruise. As you approach the Antarctic Peninsula with its many scientific stations, meet up with polar explorers. From here, take a boat trip to the nearby islands to get a close look at the fountaining whales and the life of penguins.

In the South Shetland Islands, be amazed by the fantastic lunar landscape the islands of Deception with a coast shrouded in steam emanating from thermal lakes, in which you can swim without fear. The Antarctic cruise leaves in memory a sea of ​​vivid impressions from the most mysterious continent of the planet.

Magic trip for 19 days

Ushuaia/ West Point/ Saunders/ Stanley/ South Georgia/ Island Mordvinov/ Antarctic Sound/ Antarctic Peninsula/ South Shetland Islands/ Drake Passage/ Ushuaia

Liner: Silver Explorer


Magnificent voyage for 17 days on Silver Cloud Expedition

Price: from 13 230 €

Dates: 11/24/2019 - 12/10/2019

The expedition ship will cruise to the snow-covered landscapes of Antarctica from Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. Sailing along the route discovered by the famous navigator Ferdinand Magellan, the ship will make its first stop at the port of Puerto Madryn for an excursion to the habitat of the world's largest colony of Magellanic penguins. The island of New Island in the Falkland archipelago will surprise you with a variety of penguins and marine animals that are not found in other parts of the world.

The area is filled with polyphony of slender-beaked whale birds, Magellanic gulls, black-browed albatrosses, brown skuas. At Port Stanley, take in the sights of the town and unwind in one of the cozy pubs. Having passed the exotic island of Mordvinov, similar in shape to the head of an elephant, in the Antarctic Sound, you will admire the beauty of shining ice and icebergs. There are many scientific stations on the most inhabited part of Antarctica - the Antarctic Peninsula, which are adjacent to the rookeries of crabeater seals and sea leopards, noisy bird markets.

On the offshore islands, tourists visit colonies of 3 species of penguins. There is something to surprise travelers on the rocky South Shetland Islands. Maneuvering between the small islands of the archipelago, the liner will practically enter the bosom of the volcanic crater - Deception Island. A picture of a deserted shore, shrouded in steam, will appear before your eyes. This is how an unextinguished volcano warms up the coastal pool, inviting daredevils to swim in Antarctica. From here, the ship, entering the Drake Passage, moves north to Ushuaia, meeting sea giants - whales along the way.

Magnificent trip for 17 days

Buenos Aires/ Puerto Madryn/ New Island/ West Point/ Stanley Island/ Mordvinov/ Antarctic Sound/ Antarctic Peninsula/ South Shetland Islands/ Drake Passage/ Ushuaia


Exquisite voyage for 19 days on the ship Silver Explorer

Price: from 19 440 €

Dates: 01/16/2020 - 02/03/2020

Departing from the port - "bays at the end of the earth" with amazing sea, forest and mountain landscapes, the liner heads for the Falkland Islands, cutting through the raging waves of the Drake Strait. The picturesque landscapes of New Island have become a habitat for rare animals and numerous bird rookeries. Tourists are indescribably delighted with handsome penguins, fur seals and sea ​​lions not afraid of people at all.

A tour of the capital of the Falklands - the port city of Stanley will remain in memory and wonderful photographs.
When approaching Mordvinov Island, tourists will experience a solid dose of adrenaline from maneuvering the ship between numerous icebergs, striking in their shape and beauty. Entering the Antarctic Sound, which stretches for 50 kilometers to the Antarctic Peninsula, you will be amazed not only by the beauty of huge icebergs.

Landing on the Antarctic Peninsula, reminiscent of tundra landscapes, the head will spin from the diversity of the animal world with the rare Gentoo and Adélie penguins, unique Antarctic birds. The discovery will be the existence of predatory sea leopards living only here, similar in head to tyrannosaurs and crabeater seals.

Antarctica will greet you with the fantastic landscapes of the Southern Scottish Islands with a whale cemetery and the volcanic warm lakes of Desption Island, where brave tourists like to swim. From here, the liner turns north, once again fighting the raging waves of the Drake Passage, and arrives in the port of Ushuaia, closing the cruise circle.

Exquisite voyage for 19 days

Ushuaia/ New Island/ West Point/ Stanley/ South Georgia/ Island Mordvinov/ Antarctic Sound/ Antarctic Peninsula/ South Shetland Islands/ Drake Passage/ Ushuaia

Liner: Silver Explorer


Unique cruise for 16 days with Silversea

Dates: 20.12.2019 - 04.01.2020

Price: from 14 940 €

Departing from the southern gates of the world, the liner, overcoming the raging waters of the Drake Passage, which serves as an overpass from the Tierra del Fuego archipelago to the South Shetland Islands of Antarctica, will make its first stops off the coast of the Falkland Islands. West Point will enchant with the beauty of wildlife, Saunders Island will surprise you with the number of populations of penguin species: crested rockhoppers, royal, magellanic and a family of rare elephant seals.

Port Stanley will appeal to colorful houses built from shipwrecked ships, the old residence of the governor and the cozy atmosphere of pubs. On the way to the Antarctic Peninsula, tourists will find a sea of ​​​​emotions from the passages through narrow corridors formed by grandiose icebergs and stone fjords.

Maneuvering between floating icebergs, you will approach the Antarctic Peninsula, where you will get acquainted with natural oases, scientific stations and the richness of the animal world with bird colonies, Gentou and Adélie penguins and seal rookeries. The South Shetland Islands in Antarctica will surprise you with the futuristic landscapes of Deception Island, wrapped in vapors emanating from volcanic lakes. From here, the ship will return back along the Drake Passage.

Unique cruise for 16 days

Ushuaia/ West Point/ Saunders/ Stanley/ Fr. Mordvinov/ Antarctic Sound/ Antarctic Peninsula/ South Shetland Islands/ Drake Passage/ Ushuaia

Liner: Silver Cloud Expedition


Scenic trip for 16 days

Date: 11/16/2020 - 12/01/2020

Price: 13 590 €

Argentine port - the southernmost city in the world serves as the beginning and end of an exciting journey to the icy desert - Antarctica, comparable to alien civilization. Moving through the restless Drake Passage, travelers make a landing on the Falkland Islands, inhabited by only 3 thousand inhabitants, more than 200 thousand 5 varieties of penguins, 500 thousand sheep, hordes of comorans and huge pigeons. On the island of Sea Lion - sandy and pebble beaches are occupied by hundreds of elephant seals.

Promotion to the Antarctic Peninsula, bypassing the picturesque straits and ice tunnels, will meet your expectations. You will capture the enthusiastic emotions caused by huge icebergs shimmering blue in the sun, bizarre fjords, populations of penguins, fur seals and seals that settled on rocky islands in photographs.

Landing on the Antarctic Peninsula will give memorable meetings with employees of scientific stations, boat trips to nearby islands to visit penguins and other Antarctic inhabitants. Sailing to the South Shetland Islands, visit the island that has become a whale graveyard. An unforgettable adventure in Antarctica will be swimming in the lakes of Deception Island, heated by unextinguished volcanoes. Whales are often spotted in the Drake Passage, making for an unforgettable end-of-cruise experience.

Scenic trip for 16 days

Ushuaia/ New Island/ West Point/ Stanley Island/ Bleeker / Fr. Sea Lion / Drake Passage / Island Mordvinov/ Antarctic Sound/ Antarctic Peninsula/ South Shetland Islands/ Drake Passage/ Ushuaia

Liner: Silver Cloud Expedition


Bright voyage for 13 days

Price: from 11 250 €

The Argentine port of Ushuaia, sheltered on the edge of the earth, opens the gate to the snowy country of penguins and icebergs. The voyage on a cruise liner runs through the adrenaline-filled Drake Passage, laid in ancient times by Magellan. Breaking through violent waves, breaking through dense fogs, tourists will be rewarded with skies littered with fantastic rainbows, a spectacle with the noise of breaking ice floes and endless admiration of penguins, flights of proud petrels and albatrosses.

In the Antarctic Sound, stand on the deck and enjoy the impressive picture of shimmering icebergs, pass narrow corridor formed by fjords and glaciers. On the Antarctic Peninsula, stay for a few days to meet with scientists from polar stations, to observe leopard seals - spotted seals. You will experience an indescribable feeling, gazing at a futuristic snowy landscape, climbing to the top of one of the mountains that stretch in a chain near the coast.

There are many islands scattered around the peninsula. Tourists go to them by boat to get closely acquainted with the habits of the Gentoo and Chinstrap penguins, to visit the places chosen by the blue-eyed cormorants. The final chord of the cruise will be a visit to the islands of the Shetland archipelago. The most spectacular of them - Deception Island, due to a volcanic eruption, has acquired the shape of a horseshoe. According to tourist legend, visiting the island brings good luck. Having circled the archipelago through the Drake Passage, the ship returns to Ushuaia.

Bright voyage for 13 days

Liner: Silver Explorer


Radiant voyage for 16 days on Silver Cloud Expedition

Dates: 01/04/2020 – 01/19/2020

Price: 19 890 €

Departing with southern point In Argentina, tourists begin sailing through the restless Drake Passage, heading for the rocky shores of South Georgia. Entering the water area of ​​the cozy Neko Bay, tourists are amazed at the beauty of the blue-shimmering icebergs, then they are charged with adrenaline, passing through the narrow ice tunnel of the Lemaire Canal.

South Georgia conquers with fantastic landscapes with powerful glaciers and picturesque fjords. On the islands, the behavior of amusing small Adélie penguins and large king penguins amuses. It is curious to see fur seals and elephant seals dozing on rocky beaches. Tourists will see the only settlement of Grytviken in the archipelago, which was previously a whaling base, where only 30 people live, and there are empty soldier barracks left over from the Falklands War.

Sailing through the Antarctic Sound with penguin populations and unique northern birds on the rocky shores, meet a series of drifting icebergs and pieces of ice floes with a crash sliding down from glaciers. The Antarctic Peninsula will be remembered for meetings with scientists at polar stations, a variety of seal species, the beauty of mountains and swimming to the islands inhabited by 3 types of amusing penguins.

In the waters of the peninsula there are whales - humpback whales, minke whales and killer whales. Unexpected surprises will present the South Shetland Islands, formed by volcanic eruptions and landing on Deception Island, shrouded in vapors emanating from hot volcanic lakes. From here, the voyage will continue through the waters of the Drake Passage to the port of Ushuaia.

Radiant voyage for 16 days

Ushuaia / South Georgia / about. Mordvinov/ Antarctic Sound/ Antarctic Peninsula/ South Shetland Islands/ Drake Passage/ Ushuaia

Liner: Silver Cloud Expedition


Radiant journey for 11 days

Cost: 10 620 €

A ten-day journey through the breathtaking corners of the Antarctic is a unique chance to feel the mysterious atmosphere of a snow-covered continent with eternal ice. Departing from the port of Ushuaia, sheltered from the winds in the quiet harbor of the Beagle, the ship will sail through the restless Drake Passage, blown by westerly winds. The bewitching beauty of rocky cliffs with snow-capped peaks and icebergs shimmering in the sun appears before the eyes of tourists.

From the deck of the ship, it is exciting to watch crowds of penguins, populations of fur seals, sea lions, cormorants and albatrosses that have settled on the shores and small islands. The first landing on the land of the Antarctic Peninsula will turn into a sea of ​​emotions from meetings with polar explorers, from breathtaking landscapes that open from the mountain peak and observations of leopard seals inhabiting this land. An exciting adventure will be sailing on boats to the islands inhabited by 3 species of penguins.

Tourists are warned to approach the penguins at a distance of at least 5 meters, but curious birds often approach people on their own. Way forward will be remembered for the meeting with humpback whales and killer whales, announcing the space with their voices. Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands will remain photographed as an unrealistic cosmic landscape formed by volcanic eruptions and steaming lakes. Through the raging waves of the Drake Passage, the liner will complete the cruise with the arrival in Ushuaia.

Radiant journey for 11 days

Ushuaia / Drake Passage / Antarctic Sound / Antarctic Peninsula / South Shetland Islands / Drake Passage / Ushuaia

Liner: Silver Cloud Expedition


Unparalleled trip for 16 days Silver Cloud Expedition

Dates: 01/05/2021 - 01/20/2021

Cost: €15,570

Tacking between floating icebergs along the stormy Drake Passage, it will moor off the coast of the South Georgia archipelago. Tourists will visit the village of Grytviken, seeing the remains of a former whaling base, the grave of the conqueror of Antarctica, the navigator Shackleton, and enjoy the landscapes of grandiose glaciers and fjords polished by waves. Further, tourists will feel solid ground under their feet on the island of Mordvinov (Elephant), similar in shape to the head of an elephant.

Here scientists live at polar stations and penguins waddle around, not paying attention to people. An unforgettable experience will be landing on the Antarctic Peninsula with colonies of amazing crabeater seals and sea leopards, sailing on boats to a placer of islands - the habitats of crested, golden-haired and gentoo penguins, to bird nests of cormorants, petrels and other Antarctic birds.

On the way to the South Shetland Islands, tourists will admire, like alien landscapes, they will be amazed by the falling with an ominous crash into the ocean and the songs of elephants passing by the ship. The volcanic Deception Island, which looks like a horseshoe, will surprise you with thermal lakes, from where a ship with tourists who are impressed by what they see will return back along the Drake Strait.

Unparalleled trip for 16 days

Ushuaia / South Georgia / Drake Passage / Mordvinov/ Antarctic Sound/ Antarctic Peninsula/ South Shetland Islands/ Drake Passage/ Ushuaia

Liner: Silver Cloud Expedition


Expedition to Antarctica from Argentina on L'Austral

Dates: 11/15/2019 – 11/30/2019

Price: from 12 310 €

In the city of Ushuaia, located on the southern tip of the island of Tierra del Fuego, after a walk through the Cerro Alarken nature reserve, tourists sail on a ship on an expedition to the kingdom eternal ice and penguins. The first landing on land - the capital of the Falkland Islands, the port city of Stanley will surprise you with the absence of stone buildings and local fauna with large colonies of penguins - rockhoppers and Magellanic penguins living in holes, sea lions and nesting sites of rare birds - black albatrosses.

Passing the gloomy sheer cliffs in the strait, the liner will stop near the island of South Georgia with the only settlement of Grytviken. Travelers will take amazing photos against the backdrop of formidable fjords, snowy peaks and smoking volcanoes. Excursions to the former whaling station, the habitat of albatrosses and king penguins with yellow-orange feathers on their chest and head, will be remembered.

In the South Shetland Islands, the volcanic landscape of Deception Island will conquer with a harbor sheltered from the winds and warm lakes inviting you to swim in Antarctica. From a boat voyage that delivered a sea of ​​emotions to the penguin habitats of the Antarctic Peninsula, passing through the valley of icebergs - the Lemaire Channel with ice walls hanging over the ship, tourists take a breath in the quiet harbor of Neko.

On a luxurious background of wild nature, they will make amazing shots and see the amazing spectacle of whale feeding. An Antarctic expedition ends with penguin-watching through the ever-stormy Drake Passage seabirds and arrival at the port of Ushuaia.

Unparalleled trip for 16 days

Ushuaia/ Falkland Islands/ South Georgia/ Grytviken/ South Georgia/ South Shetland Islands/ Antarctic Peninsula/ Drake Passage/ Ushuaia

Liner: L "Austral


Departure point - Chile

From the capital of Patagonia, the city of Punta Arenas, both ships and commercial flights depart for Antarctica. Air carriers for these flights are aircraft with accommodation on board from 7 to 70 passengers. Air travel from the Chilean coast is designed for one or two days.

Departing from Punta Arenas to Antarctica, you can pass the Drake Passage, which is frightening for tourists. Such routes pass through King George Island, which you will reach after a 2-hour flight from the northern coast of the Strait of Magellan. You can see the Storm Strait from the window of an airplane, however, if you are lucky with the weather. Having visited the Russian research station Bellingshausen, located on the island, with an excursion, you will be placed on a ship cruising in the direction of Antarctica. This route saves a lot of time by sea.

Departure point - New Zealand

Two large transport center Lyttelton and Christchurch, located in New Zealand, offer connections to Antarctica both by sea and by air. New Zealand air carriers operate both non-stop flights (sightseeing tours) and flights with a landing on the ice strip. Wilkins. Australian aircraft also land in Antarctica, but they are intended only for scientific expeditions.

Expeditionary sea vessels - amenities

Expeditionary sea vessels plying in the direction of the South Pole have both their advantages and disadvantages. As a rule, these are vessels that have lost their relevance for scientific work and have been converted to carry passengers.

The advantages of these icebreakers (Plancius, Akademik Sergei Vavilov, Clipper Adventurer) include maneuverability. It allows the ship to make its way among the ice to hard-to-reach places, and tourists to land on the shore more often. Their capacity ranges from 100 to 130 people, not including crew members.

Cabins can be either with or without amenities, free access to the restaurant, lecture hall and lounge is provided. Communication with outside world via the Internet or by satellite phone. For shooting equipment, you will definitely need: additional batteries (cold quickly “eats up” charging), a UV filter or a light filter.

On board the vessel, depending on the class, there may be: a gym, a sauna with a swimming pool, a massage room.

Nuclear-powered icebreakers (Kapitan Khlebnikov, Kapitan Dranitsyn, 50 Years of Victory) have their own characteristics. In addition to rescue boats, such icebreakers also carry helicopters designed to disembark passengers on shore. "Green light" for them is on in all weather conditions and navigation for them is possible in the most inaccessible places on the coast of Antarctica.

In the direction of the southern continent ply and sailing ships. There are about two dozen of them, and the main task that is placed before them is the work of the expeditions. In this case, tourist passengers are taken on board, but their number is extremely limited, from 5 to 20 people. There is no need to talk about comfort. As a rule, these are berths in a shared cabin. Full compensation for the inconvenience on such yachts will be absolute freedom of movement along the coast of Antarctica, depending only on weather conditions.

The most "mass" version of the Antarctic travel include cruise ships. But here all the pluses of comfort will be fraught with limitations. The cruise liner takes on board from 200 to 1000 passengers. You should be aware that landings are only permitted from ships with less than 500 passengers. In general, all cruise ships are subject to restrictions. And even liners that carry from 200 to 500 tourists have the right to anchor only in certain places and for a limited time.

Such restrictions are connected, first of all, with the protection of the ecosystem, prescribed in the Antarctic Treaty. Conditions for the stay of tourists cruise ships very comfortable. Most importantly, seasickness during a storm is easier to tolerate on such a ship. The rest of the pluses are the standard set of "stardom": recreation areas with observation decks, swimming pools, gyms and beauty salons, restaurants, halls for entertaining evenings. For a comfortable stay, everything is provided in the cabins.

When to go

When thinking about Antarctica, one should always remember that this is the hemisphere of the Earth opposite from us, and, therefore, the opposite is true: when it is winter in our latitudes, it is summer there. The mainland is the coldest, air humidity is low, precipitation is mainly in the form of snow, and the temperature in January, the warmest month, rises no higher than 10 °. For tourists, the season opens in November and lasts until March inclusive.

October November

The time of the beginning of the Antarctic spring. Ice chains still do not allow ships to enter small bays, the navigation situation is unstable, the weather brings many surprises, but the feeling of spring awakening is present in many ways. Low clouds are carried by the winds, giving bright sun illuminate the harsh coast with searchlights. At this time, the owners of the continent, the penguins, choose a mate. First, they give stones to their chosen ones as a sign of love, and then they start building their nests from the same stones, not hesitating to steal a couple of stones from a neighbor. Funny spectacle!

December - January

Spring blossom time. At this time, the sun is already very active, and icebergs dazzlingly shine in its rays. The activity of penguins is purposeful: they are looking for food for already hatched chicks. The peak of the season is caught by participants of New Year's cruises. At this time, tour operators organize special family trips, where a program for children is thought out with Christmas gifts and a festive menu.

February March

End of the Antarctic season. The weather is less and less pleasant sunny days, the sky is getting heavier, but this has not yet stopped the vibrant life of the coast. Walruses and seals boldly pose for cameras, grown-up penguin chicks demonstrate their character, and in the dark waters of the ocean you can watch a real whale safari. At this time, the sun goes below the horizon by the end of the day, and frosts begin at night.

Landings on the Antarctic coast

It became clear that not only nature lovers, but also adventure seekers, extreme sportsmen and photo hunters go to Antarctica for vivid impressions and thrills. In addition to all the "charms" of sea travel, tourists are waiting for the most important thing - access to the coast.

The number of tourists walking along the Antarctic coast directly depends on the capabilities of the vessel (the smaller the number of passengers, the more often you can disembark), and on the weather (how lucky). Therefore, the more time you want to spend among penguins and walruses, the more preferable an expedition ship will be. Having anchored, rubber motor boats "Zodiac" are launched into the water, which have high maneuverability in difficult weather conditions. In addition to expeditionary and rescue purposes, they can be used for sightseeing walks and disembarkation of tourists. On these mobile boats, tourists are taken in small groups to seal and walrus rookeries, to bird colonies on the rocks, and simply ride among the accumulation of icebergs.

Some sightseeing landings include a visit to a research base and an acquaintance with the life of scientists working in Antarctica for months. At the request of tourists, a hike can be organized to a dilapidated whaler's haven, where the imagination will help to imagine the conditions under which whale hunters once worked.

Antarctic tourism in the program often includes tests for extreme lovers. These are ski trips and snowmobiling among the icy slopes of the coast, kayaking for the skilled, spending the night on the ground in small tents and sleeping bags, hiking trails on snowshoes, and even diving under ice shelves.

Due to the risk level of such tourist activities, each cruise participant must first complete and certify the IAATO medical questionnaire with their doctor. This procedure must be completed before the registration of documents for the tour. The questionnaire must be in the hands of the tourist for submission to the ship's doctor.

What to take on a trip

It is clear that in order to travel cold continent you will prefer to pack warm clothes. But take your time, the wardrobe should be thought out. On a trip to the snow, cold winds and storms, you will definitely need: thermal underwear, waterproof insulated jacket and trousers, warm hat and gloves. It is desirable that all outerwear was waterproof. The main rule for keeping warm is the layering of clothing. Remember how in childhood our grandmothers dressed us like “cabbages”. This is just that case.

When choosing a tour, be sure to clarify the issue of equipment, since many companies have all or part of their overalls already included in the price. For landings, the ship's crew provides all tourists with special rubber boots with insulation. It is likely that you will return from a cruise with a gift - a warm polar jacket.

By the way, if your travel itinerary includes the port of Locroy, then do not forget to take your passport with you. Signature stamps with the image of a penguin are affixed here, indicating your official stay in Antarctica.

How much does the trip cost

Before seeing the ice shelves and the Antarctic fauna with their own eyes, everyone wonders about the budget of the trip. Independent calculations, even based on prices set by tour operators, are indispensable here. A cruise to Antarctica is almost always individually oriented.

Of course, the information on the websites of tour operators will guide you by the cost of the package and indicate what is included in this package of services. Almost all agencies do not include the cost of flights and the cost of insurance, and Russian-speaking groups, as a rule, gather already at the point of departure of the ship or aircraft. Don't forget what less number groups, the more expensive the tour.

The cost of the tour depends on:

  • group size
  • tour duration (weekly, 10-12-day, two-week, even up to 30 days)
  • ship class (sea, air)
  • service level
  • departure dates
  • saturation of the program

The average price for 10 days will be approximately in the range of $5,000 to $10,000, and the budget for a long trip can reach up to $20,000.

At present, the formation of Russian tourist groups in Russia with a departure from Moscow or St. Petersburg is already being practiced. But even in this case, additional payment for flights and transfers to the cruise ship is provided.

Unforgettable experience

Fortunately, in recent years, Russian tourists have increasingly set foot on the cold coast of Antarctica and bring a lot of impressions, resulting in reviews on the Internet. They infect with their stories those who have not yet decided on such a trip, and the sensations received by the pioneers. Every year the possibilities of Antarctic tourism are only expanding and opening up new horizons for adventure lovers. Even if you have to save some time and save money for such a sortie. Trust me, it's worth it.

The first who attracts Antarctica are people who are interested in the ecosystem of our planet. It is difficult to describe the uniqueness and pristine nature of this continent in words. It must be seen and felt. Of particular interest in the Antarctic trip are fans of extreme sports for the next test of their own capabilities, photographers for whom the ice coast becomes a real film set, and divers who realize their desire to see the world from under the ice.

  • Talk to your doctor about travel permission to Antarctica.
  • Before the trip, check the type of insurance and pay for it.
  • Remember, it's cold there. Clothing must be in season.
  • It is necessary to carefully study the Antarctic Agreement. Don't take it formally.

Excursions to the South Pole are a new tourist trend.

The club of travelers who have visited the polar latitudes thanks to tours from tour operators is expanding every year. Extreme cruise to the Sixth Continent - a unique opportunity to see interesting world icebergs and glaciers. Travel company Russia Discovery is the first tour operator in Russia offering both group and individual tours to Antarctica from Moscow.

Exploration of Antarctica continues to this day.Plants and animals that live in ice-free Antarctic oases are being actively studied, scientists are monitoring changes in sea level.Antarctica is also open for walking and sea excursion tours.

The Antarctic Peninsula is skiing to the South Pole, excursions to the land of Queen Maud, the opportunity to be on board an expedition ship and other unique tourist offers.

You can:

    Cross the Drake Passage, which connects the Antarctic Peninsula to South America.

    Visit the polar stations of the South Pole.

    Admire the beauty of the mountain ranges of the Arctic and Antarctic. The largest mountain range of the Antarctic Peninsula is Wilson, 4897 m above sea level.

    Get to know the amazing wildlife of the Antarctic continent.

    visit b near subglacial lakes. At present, Lake Vostok is considered the largest near scientific station. Here, at one time, the most low temperature On the Earth.

Excursion tours to Antarctica

The travel agency offers to go on a trip to four unique destinations:

    Crossing the Antarctic Circle (ship cruise from Cape Horn in the Drake Passage to central point southern hemisphere).

    East Antarctica: in the footsteps of Mawson. Expedition to the adjacent islands of the southern mainland - Snarr and Auckland. Many active polar stations are located here.

    Whale safari is a popular Antarctic route. You will be able to see the remains of the whaling bases of West Antarctica.

    Express - tours on a luxury boat along the western coast of Antarctica.

    Any expedition to Antarctica includes a flight by plane, accommodation on a ship, excursions with the possibility of photography and video filming.

The task of our company is to organize the most comfortable trip to Antarctica. Send a request to the manager to clarify how much this or that tourist route costs. You can book a cruise to Antarctica online, specifying the month of the trip. At early booking it is possible to pay for the services of a travel agency in installments.

Most Beautiful places on the White Continent are waiting for you!

To keep the unique nature of Antarctica intact, restrictive regulations have been put in place to protect environment from intensive human intrusion, allowing only a certain number of passengers (up to 100 people) to land on the shore at the same time. After all, every person who sets foot on the land of the icy continent brings with him bacteria that are alien to its ecosystem and dangerous to the living organisms inhabiting it. Today, liners entering Antarctic waters are equipped with special equipment to minimize possible threats.

There are two ways to get to Antarctica: fly by plane and sail by ship.


The most popular air route to the icy continent starts in the Chilean city of Punta Arenas. Plane excursions to the shores of Antarctica are one- and two-day. The two-day tours include an overnight stay at the Frei station in Chile. In theory, Russian tourists you can spend the night at the Russian Bellingshausen station, located nearby, after agreeing with the scientists through the AARI.

Flights to Antarctica are operated by the Chilean airline DAP on Beechcraft King Air 100 (6 seats) or BAE-146 (60 seats). The cost of a one-day and two-day trip can be found on the airline's website. A review of a two-day trip to Antarctica in this way can be read here.

You can buy a combined water-air tour to Antarctica from Punta Arenas at Goway Travel - one of the largest travel agencies Latin America. The plane with tourists departs from Punta Arenas, flies over Cape Horn and the Drake Passage, and in a couple of hours arrives at King George Island, the largest of the South Shetland Islands. From there, tourists get to the icy continent on board a sea vessel, thereby saving a lot of time.

You can get to Punta Arenas from Santiago by planes of South American airlines such as Lan Airlines or Skyairline. The most convenient way to get to Santiago from Russia is with Air France and Iberia flights via Paris and Madrid, respectively.


Another air route to Antarctica is laid from Cape Town, South Africa. Organizes flights Russian company ALCI (Antarctic Logistics Center International) in Cape Town, with which many Russian travel companies cooperate. Flights are made by Il-76TD aircraft, travel time is 6 hours, the final point of the route is the Russian Antarctic station Novolazarevskaya, next to which a snow-ice runway was built back in 1980.


There are also air flights to Antarctica from Australia. Air communication with Antarctica was established under the auspices of the government's Australian Antarctic Division so that scientists and members of research expeditions could reach the continent. From the island of Tasmania in the Antarctic summer (from mid-October to mid-March), about 4 times a month, a regular flight flies (Airbus A319-115LR aircraft with tail number VH-VHD) from the city of Hobart to the ice strip named after. Wilkins, 70 km southeast of Casey Antarctic Station. The flight time is 4.5 hours.

Thus, only scientists and various specialists who have got jobs at Antarctic stations can get from Australia to Antarctica by plane.

For ordinary tourists wishing to get to Antarctica by air from Australia, only "sightseeing" tours are available. They are flights over the surface of Antarctica without landing, accompanied by a thematic lecture by a specialist from the Australian Antarctic Division. The flight lasts around 12-13 hours. The cost of pleasure is $ 1000–6000, depending on the chosen class of service and on the seat (closer to the porthole or farther). The flights are operated by the non-state company Croydon Travel's Antarctica.


The sea route can be carried out with the help of an expedition cruise on specially equipped liners. This route is the most popular, it has a rather long history: the first Antarctic tourists were taken on board by Soviet icebreakers, which were left without state funding during the split of the USSR. In this way, research vessels financed their own science programs. These icebreakers can still be found in the Antarctic today, they are called large and small ice-class expedition ships. Originally designed for the needs of science, they were converted to carry passengers.

Traveling on such ships will not be luxurious, the situation on them is subject to only one goal - to get to know the amazing Antarctic world as much as possible. The lack of well-known comfort will more than pay off with a very special “family” atmosphere reigning on them. The maneuverability of these vessels will also be a big plus, which will allow you to enter narrow straits, make frequent landings, and reach secluded fjords.

Examples of such vessels are Clipper Adventurer for 122 passengers (cruise cost around $4,700), Polar Star for 105 passengers (from $9,600), Ushuaia for 84 passengers (from $4,300), Antarctic Dream for 84 passengers (from $6900).

Separate expedition ships are equipped with special equipment that allows them to optionally provide their passengers with some active entertainment services: kayaking, rock climbing, ski crossing, diving.Such vessels are Akademik Sergey Vavilov for 104 passengers (cruise cost from $3,900), Ocean Nova for 73 passengers (from $5,600), Plancius for 114 passengers (from $4,000), etc.

The next type of cruise ships - luxury expedition ships . They combine comfort interior decoration, corresponding to the level of a 4-5 * hotel, with unique routes and fair maneuverability. Among them, the most popular are National Geographic Explorer for 148 passengers (from $10,580), Prince Albert II for 132 passengers (from $8,760), Le Boreal I for 224 passengers (from €4,675) and Le Boreal II "for 199 passengers (from $ 8895)," L "Astral" for 224 passengers (from 2550 euros).

And finally, the lords of ice and snow - icebreakers. These powerful, helicopter-equipped vessels offer their passengers the ultimate range of activities: flying over the Antarctic coastline, landing almost anywhere they want, and more. The most famous Antarctic icebreaker is the Kapitan Khlebnikov for 112 passengers. The cost of a cruise on it varies from 9,900 to 38,000 dollars, depending on the duration of the cruise, program and accommodation conditions.

Since there are no piers and moorings in Antarctica, liners enter glacial bays, where rubber boats (inflatable boats) of the Zodiac type, sometimes kayaks, are used to disembark tourists on the shore. Each boat is accompanied by an experienced guide-expert who will tell you a lot of interesting things about the pioneers of Antarctica and the unique geology and life forms that exist here.

Cruises operate from different places: from Argentina, from Chile, from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa.

No sooner had I laid it out than the questions started pouring in. And, almost everyone is interested in the same thing (we present the question in Dud's tone): "How much did it cost?"

Well, if you're interested, let me tell you - after all, I live on one-two-thirds of my salary, and I have nothing to hide.

Brief digression: In this post, I'll be talking about my understanding of the Antarctic tourism industry in general, as well as a specific operator I've traveled with, Poseidon Expeditions. Some of the things that I write about here were told to me by Poseidon employees, whom I have no reason not to trust, but still they are interested in putting their company in best light. Some may even think that this post is advertising. To my great regret, this is not the case (but, dear Poseidon staff, if you are reading this, it is not too late for me to pay for it!)

So, the price of my excursion was $13,085.00 per person(yes, it's in US dollars). True, it's not quite as much as I paid.

When initially looking for a cruise, I had a fairly specific date frame - at work we have a week off around Christmas and New Year, so it was important to go at that time. And all my searches for these numbers showed different travel agencies selling the same trip from Poseidon Expeditions. At the same time, some guys in Russia, Russia Discovery, had prices much lower than the rest, so I decided to book through them.

True, they soon wrote to me that they had mistakenly sent prices for last year cruise, but this time everything is more expensive (the difference was somewhere in 3-4 thousand dollars per person!) As an apology, Russia Discovery offered me a five percent discount.

The "new" price was $13,085.00, and since I booked for two, the total was $26,190.00. After giving me a discount, it turned out to be $24,880.50, but the agency immediately asked for two percent on top of this amount "for the conversion of currency into dollars." At the same time, my willingness to pay already in dollars did not help, and in the end I paid $25,378.00 for two.

For this money, we were given a separate cabin for two, with a separate sofa, all amenities and a large window (but without a balcony). The price included three (sometimes, and a half) meals a day, but you had to pay extra for alcohol. In the end, we were offered, at our discretion, to leave a tip to the staff, somewhere in the amount of $200 per passenger.

Flights to Ushuaia, visas to Argentina and other expenses were not included in the package, so I think, taking into account all this, the cost was closer to $30,000.

I was very pleased with the trip - by pure chance, we came across the Poseidon, which goes to Antarctica on a small ship, Sea Spirit (in the title photo for this post). I didn't know this before, but the fewer passengers on board, the better, because according to the rules of Antarctic tourism, the operator is not allowed to disembark more than a hundred passengers at a time. Vessels that carry 200, 300, or more passengers are forced to disembark in "shifts," meaning not everyone is able to disembark each time.

We had 117 tourists on board, 17 of them desperate people paid for an additional service - kayaking in Antarctic waters. During each disembarkation, they had the opportunity to row near the shore while the rest of the passengers disembarked and photographed the penguins.

As soon as the first 17 people from the land party froze and returned to the ship, the kayakers were allowed to land on land and also take pictures of living creatures. Thus, all participants in the trip had the opportunity to make each landing, which would be difficult on a larger vessel.

In short, I was pleased with Poseidon and the ship, although of course the mere thought of how much it all cost makes my head spin a little. This trip became the second most expensive expense in 38 years of life.

By the way, Poseidon's prices are going up next year! Here is what the situation looks like for the same cruise in the winter of 2018-2019:

As you can see, here you can save money if you are ready to live three of us in one cabin - however, it is spacious enough for this. But if you want to pay much less, you can book a tour a month earlier, in November - December 2018. Here the prices are immediately much lower:

In general, the New Year's cruise is always the most expensive - because of the winter holidays, demand increases greatly. But, as they explained to me, this is your best chance not to be in the company of rich pensioners. For example, on our tour there were a lot of people aged 20 to 40, while the youngest passenger on the next swim was about 50 years old.

And, don't forget about the weather: we were told that the Drake Passage is calmer in the New Year area, while a couple of weeks before our expedition the situation looked like this:

On the other hand, if you are not afraid of pensioners, seasickness, and extra neighbors, then you can safely take tickets for next November, and you will pay half the price of me! I understand that you can always ask for a discount from the Poseidons and their travel agencies. After all, trying is not torture.

But you can go with other operators. For example, there are options where you are dropped by plane on the south side of the Drake Passage, so you can avoid a couple of days of pitching in each direction. But such excursions usually cost a couple of thousand dollars more.

Here is a breakdown of the minimum prices per day for different destinations (multiply by 10 to get the total cost of the tour).

Also, there are rumors that if you have a lot of time and little money, you can fly to Ushuaia and sit there waiting for an unsold tour. The last places on such ships are allegedly sold at serious discounts. We have even seen agencies in the city advertising "Last minute Antarctic cruises".

However, as far as I understand, the most significant discounts are given for more expensive tickets, and for cheap tickets, the discount is relatively small. At the same time, living in Ushuaia is not cheap at all - this is really the end of the world, where everything is designed for extreme tourists. But, they say that some lucky ones managed to snatch off an excursion to the southern continent for $4,000.

The main question after all this, of course, is whether the trip is worth that kind of money? .. For example, for the $ 30,000 that I laid out, it was not bad to drive together to my beloved Japan as many as five or six times!

"What?!" he was indignant, "Five hundred bucks? Yes, for that kind of money in Amsterdam, you know how many times I can ..."

I'm certainly not the kind of person who can afford this every year (I still live on one-two-thirds of my salary), but I have no regrets about spending some of my modest savings on this unique trip. ...

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