Home Perennial flowers Canning corn at home: a preparation that will definitely come in handy. Harvesting corn for the winter

Canning corn at home: a preparation that will definitely come in handy. Harvesting corn for the winter

No holiday is complete without canned corn, this ingredient is a must when preparing many salads, appetizers and other dishes, but many housewives buy a canned product in the store in tin cans, and there are also those housewives who grow cobs in their garden, so homemade canned corn- This best option homemade supplies for them. Gardeners know that fresh corn does not last long, so they are looking for ways to harvest it; it can be frozen or dried, and the best option, of course, there will be conservation. If you have such preparations, then you can safely cook both crab and crab.

How to can corn at home

Homemade Canned Corn Recipe involves using the following amount of ingredients per jar: three ears of corn, a tablespoon of table salt, three spoons of granulated sugar and a liter of clean water.

You need to start cooking by peeling the cobs from leaves and stigmas. It is advisable to choose only vegetables with large grains. To separate the grains, you need to boil water in a saucepan and lower the vegetable for three minutes. Then immediately lower the cob into cold water, or leave under running water. After which the grains can be easily separated; the fastest way is to cut them off at the very base.

To wash the grains you need to boil a large number of water, for rinsing it must be cold, so you need to worry about this in advance. You also need to prepare the jars in advance, they need to be washed and sterilized, it is advisable to use jars with a volume of 0.25-0.5 liters.

The separated grains should be washed thoroughly with cold boiled water and then put it in boiling water. They should be blanched for three minutes, no more, so as not to overcook the corn.

Now you need to start preparing the marinade: dissolve a spoonful of rock salt in a liter of water, you can use sea salt, and three teaspoons of sugar. After boiling, cook for another three minutes and the marinade can be poured.

Next comes the most crucial moment, how to can corn at home, the grains must be placed in prepared jars, filling it approximately two-thirds. Next, pour the hot marinade into the jar and put it on sterilization, covering it with an iron lid.

Sterilization is a mandatory step home canning corn, since the vegetable contains a lot of protein and no acid, the preparations will not be stored without sterilization, and vinegar cannot be poured in, because we want to get sweet corn for making salads.

Half-liter jars should be placed in a saucepan, the bottom of which should be lined with a kitchen towel; sterilization in boiling water lasts three and a half hours (counted from the moment of boiling). The water should cover the jars up to their shoulders. In addition to the pan, you can also use an air fryer.

After sterilization, the jars must be rolled up with iron lids, turned over and left to cool. Store in a cool place. For summer salads You can prepare corn according to the same recipe, just do not roll it up, but store it in the filling for a week (maximum). You can cook with corn and peas, which replace meat protein in your diet.

Homemade canned corn

This was the most common recipe how to can corn at home for the winter, as a result it will turn out sweet and very tender, but you can try more spicy recipe. To do this, add acetic acid, bay leaf and salt to the filling.

A liter jar requires about 600 g of corn, a teaspoon of vinegar, a tablespoon of salt, three bay leaves and water. As always, first you need to process corn cobs, clean and rinse them. In this recipe we will be placing whole cobs in jars, so they should be small in size.

Place a wide pan of water on the fire, boil and add the vegetable, cook for about 20 minutes. Immediately after hot water, they should be placed in cold water or under running water.

In a separate pan, prepare the marinade, boil water, salt and bay leaf for three minutes. In each jar you need to put a bay leaf, put the cobs and pour the marinade, pour a spoonful of vinegar on top. Then cover with iron lids and sterilize for 20 minutes in boiling water. Roll up and turn over. Sometimes the sterilization process is repeated 2-3 times after a certain period to ensure that all microorganisms are destroyed.

This recipe how to make canned corn at home, called "in Bulgarian", it was very popular in Soviet time, when there was no abundance of goods on store shelves, and they still didn’t know about preserving vegetables in tin cans. Those who could travel to the countries of Eastern Europe, they were sure to bring such a tasty and unusual preserve with them, and then Soviet housewives began to prepare it.

Be sure to take only young vegetables, since old ones will still remain hard even after prolonged cooking.

If you are cooking, be sure to open a jar of aromatic pickled vegetables, and your loved ones, of course, will be waiting for tomatoes and cucumbers, but you will surprise them with corn.

We all know and love corn well. Probably not a single feast is complete without a salad with this representative of the cereal family. And if corn is for us - delicious ingredient salads and snacks, then for many peoples it has been the basis of the diet for centuries. Canning corn on the cob and kernels is a great way to provide yourself with this healthy and tasty product in the winter.

What are the benefits of corn?

Canned corn, despite the long heat treatment, practically does not lose its usefulness. But it contains essential oils, fiber, vitamins (A, B, C, PP) and minerals (calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, etc.). Thanks to its unique vitamin and mineral composition, corn has earned the respect of nutritionists and cosmetologists, doctors and traditional healers. It is used for both prevention and treatment various diseases, for weight loss and in order to gain missing kilograms. It is not contraindicated for diabetics and allergy sufferers. Amazing product. And what’s best is that it’s delicious!

How to choose corn for canning

Young cobs of sweet corn are best suited for preserving this cereal (there is also fodder corn, which can also be used in some recipes). Then the preparations will turn out soft and juicy.

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You can check to see if the corn is overripe by running your fingernail over any kernel on the cob. If milk is not released, pulp remains on the nail - the product is not suitable for consumption either boiled or canned.

It is also better to choose cobs with succulent leaves and light hairs at the base.

Some tips:

  • For canning corn, as for canning any other product, you need to use ordinary coarse table salt.
  • It is better to take 9% vinegar. Moreover, it must be added after the liquid has already been removed from the heat - its effect will be stronger.

Both contribute long-term storage homemade preparations.

Using any method of preparation, jars must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

Recipe “It couldn’t be simpler”

The peculiarity of this recipe is that only salt and water are needed for preparation:

  • Corn (young small cobs)
  • 1 tbsp. spoon with a heap of salt
  • Water - 1 liter

  1. Prepare jars based on the amount of corn (usually 8 small cobs fit in a three-liter jar).
  2. Peel the cobs and place in a saucepan. You need to cook them for about 15 minutes (until ready), pour cold water. Do not add salt.
  3. Cooked cobs need to be cooled.
  4. Boil water with salt and cool too. If there is a lot of corn, you just need to increase the amount of water and salt, maintaining the proportion.
  5. Place the corn in jars (vertically) and fill with brine.
  6. The jars must be sterilized in boiling water for two hours, after covering with lids.
  7. Roll up the jars and let them cool completely.

Canned tomatoes for the winter without tedious sterilization

Nothing more than salt and sugar: a simple recipe at home

What do you need:

  • Corn cobs
  • Sugar, salt - two tablespoons per liter of water


  1. Peel the cobs and put them in jars.
  2. Prepare the marinade: boil water for 2-3 minutes, adding salt and sugar ( required quantity, keeping the proportions).
  3. Pour the hot marinade over the corn.
  4. Sterilize the jars for at least 1 hour (as soon as the water in the pan with the jar boils, time has passed).
  5. Roll up the jars and let them cool with the bottom up.

In this recipe, you can change the amount of sugar and salt at your discretion. The main thing is not to reduce the sterilization time.

Bulgarian corn

If you need a sharper taste, then you need to use vinegar and spices.

For a 1 liter jar you need to take:

  • Corn cobs - five or six pieces
  • Sugar, salt - one tablespoon per liter of water
  • Vinegar - three tablespoons.

We proceed in order like this:

  1. Prepare the required number of jars.
  2. Place the peeled cobs into jars.
  3. Put salt, sugar, and vinegar into each jar at once.
  4. Pour cold water over the corn.
  5. Sterilize jars, covered with lids, in boiling water.
  6. Roll up the jars and let them cool.

Instead of vinegar, citric acid is suitable - 3 g per liter of water. Familiar spices will give corn a rich and interesting taste: bay leaves, herbs, black and allspice. By experimenting, you can find proportions that give the desired taste.

Young cobs with sweet peppers

For a half-liter jar you will need:

  • Several young small cobs
  • One sweet bell pepper
  • Two bay leaves
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Five black peppercorns
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons salt, 2 tablespoons sugar per liter of water
  • Vinegar - 0.5 tsp.

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  1. Place the corn in jars, topping them with pepper and spices.
  2. Make the marinade: boil water, adding sugar and salt.
  3. Pour it into jars and let them sit until the cobs warm up.
  4. Drain the marinade and bring it to a boil again.
  5. Pour the marinade over the corn again.
  6. Sterilize jars for 20 minutes.
  7. Pour in vinegar and roll up the jars.

Preservation without sterilization

If you don’t have the time or desire to sterilize, you can use a recipe that does not require this lengthy procedure.

For seaming liter jar needed:

  • Corn cobs
  • Two bay leaves
  • Three black peppercorns
  • Two tablespoons of salt and sugar per 1 liter of water
  • Three tablespoons of vinegar

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Peel the cobs and cook for 7-9 minutes. If the cobs are small (up to 10 cm), then you don’t need to cook them.
  2. After cooling them with cold water, place them in jars.
  3. Pour boiling water over the jars and let them sit for five minutes.
  4. Drain the water, boil it, and fill the jars again. Repeat 3-4 times.
  5. Add vinegar, pepper, bay leaf.
  6. Boil new water with salt and sugar and pour it over the corn.
  7. Roll up the cans.

Turn them over and wrap them up and leave them to cool.

1. First you need to select the ears of corn. They should be the same size and not very large. That is why it is better to give preference to milk corn. They need to be properly cleaned of leaves and hairs.

2. Classic recipe pickled corn for the winter involves pre-processing the cobs. To do this, they need to be placed in a deep pan and filled with water. Place on fire and bring to a boil.

3. After boiling, cook the corn for no more than 3-5 minutes. If the cobs are already well ripened and they are saturated yellow color, it is better to boil them a little longer so that they are not tough.

4. Then the corn should be removed from the heat and doused with cold water to stop the cooking process. Hold under running water for about 3 minutes to allow the corn to cool thoroughly.

5. Now you can lay it out on a towel or paper napkin to remove excess water. You can also divide the cobs by size - large ones can be sealed in 2-liter jars, for example.

6. The jars must be pre-sterilized, since pickled corn for the winter at home is very capricious. Carefully place the cobs into jars.

7. To prepare the marinade, you need to dissolve salt, sugar in 1 liter of water and bring everything to a boil. There is no need to cook the marinade for a long time; only about 2-3 minutes is enough. During this time, you can add vinegar, peppercorns and bay leaves to each jar. Pour the marinade over the corn and place it in a pan for sterilization. This process should take at least an hour. Then cover the jars with lids and turn them upside down. If desired, you can additionally wrap the jars with a warm blanket until they cool down.


By stocking up on home-canned corn for the winter, you are guaranteed to provide yourself with variety delicious salads and side dishes. After all, every housewife knows how much a jar of her favorite canned grains costs in the store in winter. So why spend extra money if such preservation is quite easy to prepare at home with minimal costs budget? In addition, there are plenty of variations of recipes on this topic.

In order for canned corn to delight you with its taste, you should pay Special attention on the degree of its maturity. We carry out the test using a fingernail, pressing it on the grain in the middle of the corn. If the liquid from the grain has completely drained out and there is nothing left underneath, then you have come across milky corn.

Boiled corn cobs

And if the milk has not flowed out completely, and the pulp remains under the skin of the grain, you are holding in your hands an ear with a milky-waxy degree of maturity. Such varieties are suitable for canning and will not spoil its taste.

However, there are two more possible options, which require special attention. For example, when the nail completely enters the pulp of the grain, and the liquid does not flow out of it at all. This means the corn is a bit old and is not suitable for canning. The worst option is when the nail is absolutely not included in the grain. The only thing that can be recommended to do with such an ear is to soak it in water and wait until sprouts appear so that they can be sown next year.

So, in order for canned corn prepared at home for the winter to turn out no worse than its store-bought counterpart, you should choose sugar milk varieties. Otherwise, the preservation will be very hard and unsuitable for consumption. We start cooking by preparing the only and main ingredient – ​​corn. To make it softer and better separate from the cob, it should be blanched in boiling water. For juicy young corn, only 5 minutes will be enough. However, if the corn is ripe, then the blanching time can be increased to 10-25 minutes.

Canned corn in jars

After cooking, do not pour out the liquid in which the cobs were boiling, but cool the corn in cool water. Now the grains can be easily separated with your hands or a knife. Transfer the grains into sterilized jars, leaving about 2 cm at the neck of the jar unfilled. This is necessary so that the brine completely covers the corn, while still leaving about 1 cm of free space. It is best to choose a container with a volume of 0.5 liters for such preservation. When all the grains are compacted, it’s time to start preparing the brine.

This is where we need corn broth, in which the cobs were previously boiled. Based on 1 liter of brine, add 1 tbsp. l. nine percent table vinegar, salt and 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Bring the liquid to a boil, remembering to stir it constantly, and turn off the stove. Pour our preserves with the prepared marinade and lightly cover it with lids, having first thoroughly doused them with boiling water. At the final stage, all that remains is to sterilize the jars with the contents for 40 minutes, then seal them hermetically and leave them to cool upside down, wrapped in a prepared blanket.

The previous recipe is more reminiscent of an analogue of sweet corn from the store, which cannot be said about the recipe for corn on the cob for the winter. In order for this preparation to please you, give preference to young sugar cobs of milky ripeness no more than 18 cm long. And if you are lucky enough to find small, not too large cobs about 7-10 cm long, it will be great. They must be cleared of leaves and all hairs must be thoroughly removed; for these purposes, you can use a brush with medium hardness. If the cobs are too young, you don’t even need to boil them, they are already quite soft.

Young ears of corn

However, if the corn is already ripe, you can boil it for 10-15 minutes if desired. To ensure that the cobs fit snugly in the jar, trim the ends so that they create an even, stable plane, then place them vertically in sterilized containers. three liter jars. If there is still free space in the container, fill it with smaller cobs or cut larger ones into several pieces.

We prepare the brine at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. salt and sugar per liter of liquid, and for the marinade you can also use the water in which you previously boiled the corn. Bring the hot marinade to a boil and pour it into jars with corn cobs, cover the container with loosely sterilized lids. This recipe differs from the previous one in that vinegar is not used here. Therefore, jars with preservation will have to be sterilized in hot water for quite a long time - 2.5-3 hours. After this, roll up the jars tightly, turn them upside down and wrap them well.

Adding aromatic spices will help to slightly diversify the recipe for corn on the cob for the winter. Moreover, this option is suitable for lovers of preserves with vinegar in large quantities. To prepare, we use milky-ripe corn, which must be cleared of leaves and fibers, then rinsed thoroughly and boiled in water for about 10 minutes. In the meantime, thoroughly wash the soda cans and sterilize them.

Corn and spices

Place the young cobs vertically in the prepared container for preservation, then start preparing the marinade. For 1 liter of brine, take 1 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 12 tbsp. l. vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar), a few black peppercorns and a couple of leaves bay leaf. Cook the marinade over low heat until it boils. Then pour it into sterilized jars with vegetable stock and cover loosely with clean, previously scalded with boiling water, lids. Sterilize the finished product in hot water for an hour, roll up the jars tightly and wrap them well until they cool.

Surely many people are familiar with the taste of sweet canned corn with various vegetables. The pleasure is certainly pleasant, but not cheap. But at home, such a statement will become inappropriate. After all, you can prepare many more jars with delicious preparation at the same price, and maybe even cheaper. Plus, such preservation is a hundred times tastier and healthier. We start cooking by boiling young sweet corn. There is no need to cook it for too long, otherwise it will become tough; 10-15 minutes will be enough. Then the corn needs to be cooled, the kernels cut off and placed in a bowl.

Boiling corn cobs

Now let's start cutting other vegetables that we will combine with corn. Take one large zucchini and carrots, thoroughly peel and seed them, rinse and cut into cubes. It is desirable that their size matches the grains of corn. Mix chopped vegetables and corn in equal proportions, place the mixture in sterilized jars. We prepare the marinade at the rate of 1.5 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar for 1.5 liters of water. Bring the brine to a boil and let the bulk ingredients dissolve well.

Pour the hot marinade into the aromatic preparations, add a few peas of allspice to the jars and lightly cover them with clean lids. We sterilize the jars with preservation for 40 minutes, then seal them hermetically.

This recipe is somewhat different from the previous ones in its unusual presentation. After all, here corn is not served in grains or canned whole; the cobs are cut into flat discs. This preservation is very convenient to take with your hands. It works great as a side dish or a savory appetizer for main courses. For this recipe, use a container of approximately 0.7 liters. Sterilize it thoroughly along with the lids. Place a few sprigs of dill, parsley and currant leaves at the bottom of a clean jar to add an extraordinary aroma.

Canned Corn Snack

Boil the corn for 20 minutes, and then cut the cobs into flat circles, about 3 cm thick, place them tightly in jars and add a few black peppercorns to each. All that remains is to prepare the marinade. For 1.5 liters of water (you can use the liquid after boiling the corn), add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and salt, 1.5 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. Bring the marinade to a boil, and then pour the hot brine over the crispy corn slices and cover them with a lid. Sterilize the glass container with the contents over low heat for 40 minutes, then roll up tightly and wrap everything until it cools completely.

How to preserve freshness by freezing?

In addition to canning corn, you can also freeze it for the winter. The freshness of such corn after defrosting will pleasantly please you. It can be added to stews, casseroles, pizza and served as a side dish, while enjoying corn in any season of the year. Select juicy sugar cobs, boil them in water until fully cooked, and then cool them using ice.

Remove the kernels from the cooled corn and place them in plastic bags or trays. In order for such a semi-finished product, prepared at home, to really look great in dishes, you can freeze the corn from fresh peas, chopped carrots, bell pepper and other favorite vegetables.

Canned corn is sold in cans on store shelves. It is often bought as it is an ingredient in many salads and other dishes. But you can make such a preparation yourself at home and prepare not only grains, but also whole cobs.

What are the benefits of canned corn?

During heat treatment corn almost does not lose its quality and canned food from it is useful thanks to some:

  • contains few calories (58 kcal per 100 grams) and will be useful in the diet of people who want to lose weight;
  • contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin A and beta-carotene, niacin;
  • contains macro- and microelements - sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, selenium, manganese, copper, iron and zinc;
  • substances contained in corn grains have antioxidant and oncoprotective properties;
  • contains amino acids, including essential ones;
  • does not cause flatulence, unlike freshly cooked;
  • There are practically no allergies to it;
  • gluten free.

Did you know? Canning small, young corn cobs is more beneficial than canning kernels.

Which is the best corn for canning?

For preparations, you should take young, but already well-ripened sugar corn. Check to see if the corn is old by pressing on any corn kernel with your fingernail. If it does not release milk, and a piece of it remains on the nail, then it is old and should not be taken, since even after prolonged cooking its pulp may remain hard.

You should also pay attention to how juicy and fresh the leaves are on the cobs and the color of the hairs (the lighter the better).

Preliminary preparation

Before cooking, we clean the corn cobs from leaves and hairs, and cut off the dry or unripe tops. If there are rotten areas, remove them. Wash the corn cobs well under running water.

What it goes with and where you can add it

In many cookbooks and you can find many on the Internet various recipes using canned corn, because it goes well with most foods. First and second courses are prepared from it - soups, salads, vegetable stew, casseroles, etc. This product is used in dishes made from meat, eggs and. It gives a spicy taste and when combined with seafood - crab sticks, squid, fish, shrimp.
But most often canned corn kernels are used in salads; they complement them well. fresh vegetables- , . This corn is also used for preparing dishes with boiled vegetables -,.

Where to store

Canned corn in glass jars can be stored for no more than 3 years. But the store-bought product in cans is no more than 2 years old. This is due to the fact that thanks to the metal, the contents oxidize faster and its shelf life is reduced. This preservation is stored in a dark, dry place at room temperature 22-25°C.

Good for storage cellar, pantry or just a shelf in the kitchen. After opening the lid and not completely using the corn, the jar with it is placed on the refrigerator shelf and stored for no more than a day. In this case, it is better not to drain the brine, since without it the corn kernels are stored less and lose their taste faster.

Why can lids swell?

It is very important to look at the lid when opening the corn; if it is swollen, then there is a possibility that the product has spoiled and may cause poisoning.

The reasons for the lid swelling or damage to such preservation may be the following:

  • storing canned corn high temperature(above 25°C), especially in the summer heat. In this case, harmful and dangerous microorganisms have not yet formed, but certain chemical processes caused the lid to bulge. And yet in in this case It’s better not to take risks and refuse to eat such a product;
  • violation of cooking technology;
  • a sealed jar that is not hermetically sealed - this happens when the sealing is unsuccessful or the lid does not fit the jar;
  • insufficient sterility of the container if the jars and lids were poorly sterilized;
  • low quality products. This happens when the vegetables were poorly washed or rotten;
  • cans of corn kernels have a tendency to “explode.” This is due to great content proteins and almost complete absence of acids. In order to eliminate this problem when preserving, it is recommended to add a little vinegar, lemon juice or citric acid. To eliminate this problem, you can not use acid, but simply sterilize jars with this product for at least two to three hours.

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