Home Blanks for the winter Business plan for a mini-bakery for the production of bakery products. Mini bakery business

Business plan for a mini-bakery for the production of bakery products. Mini bakery business

An analysis of a commercial project for the production and sale of baked goods can be carried out only if you have a ready-made business plan for a mini-bakery with calculations of gross profit and all costs associated with this activity.

Ready-made business plan for a mini bakery with calculations

These economic indicators make it possible to calculate the profitability of the business, as well as to find out after what period of time the investor will be able to return the money invested in the development of the enterprise. Based on the obtained values, it can be concluded how promising this activity in our country and what place it occupies among other areas of small business.

In addition, in the presented article, the reader will find tips for registering a company, get acquainted with the main advantages and disadvantages of this activity, and also study the main stages of organizing the work of a mini-bakery, starting with an analysis of the market situation and ending with the distribution of profits.

Study of competitors and target audience

One of the axioms of the foundations of entrepreneurial activity states that any new business aimed at making a profit should begin with a careful study of possible competitors and finding a free niche in the market for the product you are interested in. The main suppliers of bread and bakery products in almost any city in Russia have always been large combines and bakeries, focused on meeting the demand of tens of thousands of people. Naturally, it is almost impossible to compete with such giants in this industry.

But this is if you focus only on the traditional assortment of products manufactured by large factories. And what will the business plan of a mini bakery show, which will produce non-standard bread products made according to original recipes? This is the whole point, one might say, the main "highlight" of this commercial project. For example, to run on big factory into mass production of baked goods made by national recipe, you need to do a lot of work and invest serious money, and a mini bakery is much more mobile in this regard. That is, if you work hard on the assortment of your future enterprise and do not spare money for advertising, the products of large bakeries will not compete with the products of a mini-bakery.

So, the first potential competitor no longer poses any danger to your future business, but there are other mini-bakeries. You need to study what products they produce, where and how they sell them, what target audience they are targeting, and also find out the monthly sales volumes of bakery products. Having received as much information as possible about competing firms, you can start drawing up your business plan. First of all, you need to study your potential buyers. Knowing what he lives, what he loves, what income the target audience receives, you can make products that will be in 100% demand.

For example, you will work in an area where the majority of the population is retired and blue-collar workers. Their income is not large, which means that they will buy inexpensive, but high-calorie bakery products. In addition, for the holidays, it is possible to organize the production of cakes and other confectionery products on a small scale and according to individual orders... Knowing the approximate assortment, you can choose the most suitable equipment for your company, that is, to start the next stage of business organization.

It should be noted that regardless of economic situation in the country, political cataclysms and other objective circumstances, bread will always be in demand, and this is an additional argument in favor of organizing the work of a mini-bakery in your city.

Registration and execution of permits

If the study of competitors and target audience, as well as preliminary calculations for the business plan give reason to assert that the opening of a mini-bakery is promising business, you can start registering your company. If you decide to create a legal entity, it is best to register an LLC (recommendations of experienced lawyers and entrepreneurs). How this can be done, we read in the article - "".

Most often, this organizational and legal form of activity is chosen when the founders of the business are several people who do not want to risk their personal property. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the event of bankruptcy, the founders of an LLC are liable only within the limits of the firm's property. For registration of legal entities. a person needs a legal address, authorized capital, payment of state fees and notary services, opening an account with a financial institution, making a seal.

It is much easier and cheaper to register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, there is no need to observe cash discipline and hire a chief accountant. You don't need legal address and authorized capital. During the registration process, you must submit an application that you will work under the simplified taxation system, as well as select the code of your future activities(according to the existing classification). In general, the process of registering a legal or natural person for opening a mini-bakery is no different from the paperwork for any other field of activity. Very important point which you should consider when setting up a company: tax regime in each region of the Russian Federation is introduced by the municipality, that is, the level of your obligatory contributions to the state budget largely depends on it.

The entire assortment of a mini-bakery must comply with sanitary standards, which is confirmed by a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, which is issued by Rospotrebnadzor after an appropriate examination. The same conclusion is given by the given government agency for the production of products. All mini-bakery products must have a certificate of conformity, which guarantees the quality of your baked goods. In addition, you are obliged to obtain from the representatives of the fire inspectorate an opinion that your premises comply with the standards and requirements of fire safety.

In order for you not to have problems with obtaining permits in the SES, you must comply with the following conditions:

    the placement of a mini-bakery in the basement is not allowed;

    there is a need for sewerage, ventilation, as well as cold and hot water;

    the enterprise must be equipped with storage and utility rooms, including a shower and toilet;

    the walls must be tiled, and the ceilings must be whitewashed.

Fulfillment of the above conditions will make it possible to avoid fines and frequent inspections by representatives of the SES.

Equipment, hired personnel and other production issues

Before proceeding with the purchase of all the necessary equipment, you must decide exactly how you will work: produce bakery and confectionery products exclusively for sale in bulk or, in parallel, organize the work of a retail outlet.

In the first case, you need to purchase:

    flour sifting installation;

    kneading machine and rolling machine;

    a special table on which the dough is cut;

    proofing cabinet;

    oven and baking cart;

    other tools.

On average, the production capacity of the above equipment with a full furnace load is about 1.5 tons of finished products per day. Sometimes entrepreneurs buy ready-made dough from which they make baked goods according to their own recipes. This significantly shortens the production cycle, and also saves money on the acquisition of fixed assets. Of the expensive equipment, only the oven, trolley and dough cutting table remain. But, as it always happens, this method has its drawbacks. First of all, this concerns the quality of the test, which affects the final result. The buyer can forgive once and close his eyes to mediocre products, but if this is repeated systematically, he will go to your competitors. Remember: it is very easy to lose a customer, and in order to win their attention you need to work hard and persistently, and without any guarantees of success.

We have considered everything you need to open a mini-bakery if you are exclusively engaged in the production of baked goods. To organize the work of a retail outlet, and in the future, perhaps, a whole network of specialized stores, you need to buy:

    showcase and boxes for storing money;

    special cabinets in which ready-made baked goods will be stored;

    refrigerators for confectionery and perishable ingredients;

    safe for valuable papers and money;

    cash register(the issue of its acquisition and registration is agreed with the tax inspector);

    furniture and other inventory.

If you yourself will deal with the issues of personnel selection and carry out general management of the enterprise, you will not have to hire a manager, and this, in our time, will save a decent amount of money every month, the amount of which depends on the region of residence. Among the employees who play an important role in the mini-bakery robot, the technologist occupies a special place. The most important thing depends on it - the taste of your products.

Do not spare money to pay for the labor of a person who will make quality products. In this business, there is a very effective and truthful advertising - word of mouth, especially if it works retail point for the sale of bakery products. Then information about delicious buns instantly disperses among buyers and you are guaranteed high sales volumes. The marketing scheme “word of mouth” works in a similar way, when a manufacturer produces low-quality products, in this case no advertising tricks will help you, your target audience, after 2-3 batches of tasteless baked goods, will go to competitors.

In addition to the technologist, bakers are needed to work at your enterprise, their number depends on the mode of operation: for each shift - 1-2 people. In order for the premises to always meet sanitary standards, two cleaners are needed. If a retail outlet will operate in addition to a bakery, sellers are needed.

To keep records, perform all cash transactions, draw up and submit reports to state regulatory authorities, as well as undergo inspections, you will have to hire an accountant (and pay him a good salary). Well, to carry out small orders, unloading / loading operations, it is better to use the services of a handyman. This staff is designed to work at the same mini-bakery with a retail outlet. In case of expansion of production, it is possible to make the enterprise more efficient and productive, but for this it is necessary to use equipment that is much more expensive.

Economic performance of a mini bakery

Let's move on to the main economic performance that will allow us to determine how profitable it is to do this business in our country. To do this, you need to calculate the profitability of a mini bakery, and then find out the return on the money invested in this business.

To organize a business, you need:

    complete all documents and purchase equipment - 50 thousand dollars;

    buy furniture - 1-2 thousand dollars;

    make minimal repairs - 5 thousand dollars

All one-time costs are $ 57,000.

Fixed monthly costs include:

    rent- $ 2,500;

    Utilities - $ 600;

    staff salary - $ 4500;

    unforeseen expenses - $ 400.

As a result, all monthly expenses are 10 thousand dollars. Experienced entrepreneurs claim that the money invested is returned in a year and a half, and the profitability of this business is in the range of 30-50%. These indicators are very high even for a stable economic situation and for this moment it is difficult to find an industry that demonstrates similar profitability values. Analyzing the parameters of the business plan of a real mini-bakery with detailed calculations, we can conclude that one small enterprise in a year and a half will return all the money invested, and in the future its minimum stable profit will be - 3-4 thousand dollars per month, excluding salaries the manager of the company.

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A mini-bakery is a small-scale enterprise specializing in the production and subsequent sale of baked goods. Quite often, bakeries are private enterprises, both independent and part of business, for example, a hypermarket. In some cities, there are even whole chains of bakeries that sell their own product even from mobile points. True, as practice shows, startups and entrepreneurship beginners themselves are attracted to financial gain, forgetting that this "game" is one of the toughest.

What is this business plan for?

It is trite, but the saying: "Measure 7 times, cut 1" is just perfect here. This principle extends to bakeries as well.

What do you think, if the thought of opening a bakery is in your head, what will be more important to you: a tidy sum of money, the cheapest rent for a room or a professional team always ready to complete tasks? I would like to upset you - the answer will be: "all at once." In our case, we have to talk about a concept that is quite common in modern business - a business plan.

A perfectly written business plan is not only the key to investing, but also the key to the successful development of your entire enterprise.

In general, a business plan should be understood as a document that takes into account all aspects of the benefits and problems, possible ways their solutions. Moreover, in addition to the verbal picture, numerical indicators that are sufficient in volume are meant, characterizing the costs and benefits of a particular process, procedure, investment.

A business plan is a kind of look into the future today. That is why making a plan is categorically important process laying the foundation for a "bright future". In addition, writing it is the first step, the first step in starting any project that is designed to be successful.

Market analysis, competitiveness assessment

It is worth noting that a business plan implies taking into account most of the features associated with a business at the moment and in the future. Considering that a bakery is a very interesting and exciting project, it must be borne in mind that competition in the business plan for the production of bread and bakery products is indispensable.

Naturally, competition makes business participants grow and develop, leads to the creation of new interesting products, and reduces the cost of the product. Therefore, it plays into the hands of both the manufacturer and the consumer.

There is no active growth in the number of mini-bakeries at the moment. Yes, from time to time there appear somewhere the next family impromptu, but to a greater extent they are designed for luck or are built on the personal interest of the owners. Metaphorically speaking, pseudo-French bakeries are growing by leaps and bounds. Most of them are not able to hold out on the open market for several months.

Despite this, the market for high-quality and successful bakeries-cafes still tends to grow. If we take statistics into account, France has one bakery per 5000 inhabitants. Of course, there is no need to talk about such demand in the domestic market at the moment.

How to open a bakery from scratch (choosing a registration form, what documents are needed to open a mini-bakery)

Before starting a mini-bakery from scratch, you need to go through some bureaucratic procedures.

It is well known that for the implementation of activities, an official company registration... In this case, there are two options for the development of events: either. If an entrepreneur is not a stupid person, and his thoughts are focused on obtaining his own benefit, then he will register his activity as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, there will be less hassle with paperwork, and the registration process will be easier and cheaper.

An LLC must be registered if you plan to conduct a joint business. This option is more reliable and justified.

Provision of services to the population:.

Marketing options for baked goods

Sales organization will require:

  • conclusion of a supply agreement with several points of sale with the possibility of the fastest delivery;
  • registration of contracts with wholesalers. This will limit you from the need to organize a sales market, and will also bring economic benefits (there will be no need to maintain a vehicle, driver and car mechanic);
  • exit trade. In this case, you will need mobile retail outlets (vans). This option is the most troublesome, since in order to implement it, in addition to buying a van, you need to obtain a special trade permit.

Mini bakery promotion

To promote a business, you need to invest a certain amount of money in promotion. In this case, one cannot fail to note the merit in this case. advertising activities.

Although the initial promotion will cost a pretty penny, thanks to a well-thought-out business plan for a mini-bakery with calculations, all costs can be distributed evenly, which will reduce the financial burden and start making profits as quickly as possible.

Is it profitable to open a bakery (how much does it cost, what are the profitability and return on investment)?

The most important component of any business plan cannot be ignored - its financial part.

So how much does it cost to start a bakery from scratch?

Expenditure part will include the following items:

  • registration of an enterprise and purchase of the necessary equipment - 600,000–1,200,000 rubles;
  • funds required to repair the premises - 80,000-100,000 rubles;
  • furniture costs - 50,000 rubles;
  • rent for premises - 850,000–900,000 rubles per year;
  • payment for energy resources and utility bills - 150,000-200,000 per month;
  • wage personnel - 1,500,000 rubles a year.

A mini-bakery produces from 0.5 to 1 ton of bakery products per day.

Profitability mini-bakery depends on the amount of baked bread and its price in different regions country. On average, the profitability of a bakery is 25-50%.

Payback period- 2-3 years.

Summing up, we can say that the correct development of a business plan for opening a bakery, taking into account a well-thought-out sales system and focus on the interests of the client, will allow you to quickly recoup your investment. In this case, the key to the success of a businessman will be the thoughtfulness of his actions based on strict adherence to the business plan, taking into account timely adjustments.


In a market economy, a business needs planning to become viable and profitable.

In today's rapidly changing economic situation, it is impossible to achieve positive results without planning your actions and without predicting the consequences. Only careful and responsible business planning can significantly help in the survival of enterprises, and, ultimately, in their achievement of consistently high results. To the greatest extent, business planning is necessary for small and medium-sized enterprises operating in conditions of high uncertainty and, as a result, having less margin for error. Thus, one of the main program documents of an entrepreneur who wants to start or expand his business is a business plan.

A business plan is a document that allows you to assess the effectiveness and reliability of investment in the implementation of a commercial project. It is intended for:

- messages about the idea to interested parties;

- attracting cash and other funds in the form of investments for the implementation of the project;

- the investor's assessment of the reliability and attractiveness of his investments;

- effective management of the ongoing project.

There are no strictly regulated forms and structure of a business plan, however, such sections should be provided as:

1) summary - general characteristics firms, the main idea and goals of the business, the essence of the project, the main economic and economic indicators, the need for financial resources, their intended sources;

2) analysis of the market situation - characteristics of goods (services), their advantages, consumer qualities; characteristics of the industry, identification of potential buyers, market capacity; characteristics of competitors, assessment of the competitiveness of the enterprise;

3) marketing plan - marketing goals and strategies, pricing, sales promotion, advertising, sales channels;

4) production plan - a description of the production technology, required equipment, suppliers, calculation of the cost of production;

5) organizational plan - should contain the features of the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, a diagram of the organizational structure of management, the need for personnel, labor incentives, legal support economic activity enterprises;

6) risks of the firm's activities - a list of possible project risks, their characteristics, methods of their minimization;

7) financial plan- calculation of production volumes in in kind, proceeds from sales of products, net profit, determination of payback periods, profitability of production.

The object of this test work mini-bakery "Sdobushka", engaged in the production of bakery products and their sale without intermediaries in Voronezh.

The reasons for choosing this type of enterprise is that even in times of crisis there is a demand for bakery products. In terms of profitability (50-60%), bread production is one of the most attractive areas of business. According to experts, with any forecast of market development, the profitability of bread production will not fall below 25%. The demand for bread does not depend on the weather, season, or government policy.


The essence of the project: opening of a mini-bakery.

Type of activity: production and sale of various traditional bakery products.

Price segment: medium and low.

Product sales: 100% retail through our own bakery shop.

Region: the city of Voronezh.

Property type: lease.

Maximum design capacity: 500 kg / day.

The planned sales volume in the first two months of the enterprise will be 40% of the maximum capacity.

The volume of the bread and bakery products market in Voronezh is 350 t / day.

Short-term goals of the project:

- effective survival in a competitive environment;

- consolidation in the market of bakery products in Voronezh.

Long-term goals of the project:

- expansion of production;

- creating a circle regular customers;

- increase in the value of the company.

Project benefits:

- stable income (the demand for bakery products does not depend on the season, weather, government policy);

- mobility of production (a mini-bakery can easily change the assortment in accordance with the needs of the market);

- quick payback with a competent organization of work.

The required volume of investments is 768 690 rubles.

Sources of financing:

- own –383 690 rubles.

- borrowed - a loan from "Kommersant" in VTB24 bank branch No. 3652 (Contacts: 394030, Voronezh, Koltsovskaya st., 31, www.vtb24.ru) in the amount of 385,000 rubles. for 12 months at 30% per annum, commission for issuing a loan 2% - 7,700 rubles.

The return on sales will be 49.2%.

The payback period for capital investments is 6 months.

Intended use simplified system taxation (STS) at a rate of 6% of income.

The activity of mini-bakeries does not require compulsory state licensing.


2.1 Product characteristics

LLC "Sdobushka" will produce and sell traditional bakery products from yeast and puff pastry. Dyes, preservatives and other chemical additives will not be used in the production process.

It is planned to release products of the following assortment:

1) bread made from a mixture of flour varieties (rye, wheat 1 sec.);

2) wheat flour bread:

- wheat bread (wheat flour 1 sec.);

- loaf for tea (wheat flour 1 sec.);

- wicker wicker with poppy seeds (premium wheat flour);

- sliced ​​loaf (premium wheat flour);

3) bakery products (premium wheat flour):

- ordinary baking;

- puff with jam;

- puff with poppy seeds;

- bagel with poppy seeds;

- "Moskovskaya" bun;

- cinnamon bun;

Table 2. Assortment structure

The average price of bakery products is 56.375 rubles. for 1 kg.

The following properties are inherent in the manufactured products:

- freshness;

- low price;

- attractive appearance;

- quality;

- natural ingredients.

Table 3.Advantages (disadvantages) of the offered goods (services)

2.2 Sales market

Bread and bakery products are essential food items, i.e. are products of everyday demand and are considered socially significant goods. According to the historically established tradition, bakery products occupy a special place in the Russian national cuisine. The main raw material for the production of bakery products is wheat and rye flour.

According to official data, large bakeries in Voronezh do not fully satisfy daily requirement population in bakery products. Therefore, the creation of private bakeries is a natural consequence of market relations. The main advantage of a mini-bakery is the mobility of its production: you can easily change the assortment, following the trends in demand. This means that there is always an opportunity to meet the needs of the market.

Market analysis of bread and bakery products in last years showed that the main criterion in a consumer's choice of a product is its freshness. This allows us to conclude that mini-bakeries are able to compete with large bakeries.

The main criterion for choosing the location of a mini-bakery with a store located in it is the proximity to the areas of residence and work of the main category of consumers of the product. It is planned to rent premises at the intersection of Plekhanovskaya and F. Engels streets. The advantages of this place are as follows:

- the bakery will be located at the intersection, therefore large quantity people, seeing the sign, will know about its existence;

- the bakery will be located in the square of residential buildings, which is formed by Plekhanovskaya, F. Engels, Nikitinskaya and Srednemoskovskaya streets, and all other stores are no closer than across the road, which creates an obvious inconvenience for children to buy bread without adult supervision;

- the bakery will be located near several bus stops, which are crowded places;

- on the opposite side of st. Plekhanovskaya is the Central Clothing Market, its attendants, and buyers can easily use the services of a bakery shop;

- on the opposite side of st. F. Engels is the Sozvezdie concern, whose employees can buy bakery products at lunchtime;

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In our country, a growing number of entrepreneurs and businessmen are gradually transferring their assets to a business that will always be in demand. And that is why today more and more mini-bakeries appear in cities today, which offer the competitive quality of bakery products that seem to be quite familiar to us. Bread is a product that will always be bought. We suggest that you also join the ranks of those who have already opened their own mini bakery, but first you need to find out about the business plan for opening a mini bakery.

Mini bakery as a business

Today we offer you to open your own small bakery, in which you will produce high-quality and very delicious bread and bakery products.

In this case, you will have the organizational and legal form of doing your business as an individual entrepreneur. This is necessary in order to minimize taxes and simplify your own bookkeeping.

The success of the enterprise, let's say right away, will be quite high. Bread is in constant demand. First of all, you will need to find out which niche of this business is most suitable for entering with the lowest initial cost. This can be done very simply. You just need to visit famous mini bakeries and taste their assortment. If you understand at least a little in this area, then it will immediately become clear to you what to focus on in your case. Perhaps, in your city, there are few recipes for diet bread, and you know that people will buy it.

Description of a mini bakery as a business

In our case, a mini bakery is opening, which will be engaged in baking bread and bakery products. It is assumed that your bakery will be open 24 hours a day in two or three shifts.

Description of mini bakery services

In our case, a standard organization of a mini-bakery is assumed, which will produce bread and bakery products, distribute products through various retail stores. Products will be delivered to kiosks, supermarkets, grocery stores, etc.

Mini bakery business plan

It is important to take into account that the room was connected to gas, electricity and water supply networks, or it was possible to make such a connection in the future.

Together with the premises, we begin to look for necessary equipment... Here's exactly what you'll need:

  • flour sifter
  • proofing cabinet
  • dough mixer
  • filling dispensers
  • bakery oven
  • cutting tables.

You will find all this equipment from local suppliers - as a rule, in large cities there are enough companies that supply equipment for bakeries.

Next, we are looking for personnel for our mini bakery. On average, a small bakery that produces from 500 to 1500 kilograms of products per day will need 4 employees who will work in two shifts. Additionally, you will need to hire a driver and a manager who will sell your product.

Bakery product sales plan

This business plan for a mini-bakery provides for the sale of products directly by the manager himself, who will conclude contracts with retail stores. A hired driver will deliver the products.

Financial plan

Now we will consider the most basic financial aspects that appear when opening our own mini-bakery.


Rent - about 450,000 rubles. in year

Purchase of equipment - 600,000-1,300,000 rubles. in year

Salary for employees - about 1,300,000 rubles. in year

Total: 2,350,000-3,050,000 rubles. for the first year of work.


The sale of products is 3 rubles from each unit of production, this will approximately amount to 6,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Business plan for opening a mini-bakery

per day, depending on the capacity of the bakery. It turns out, from 120,000 to 450,000 rubles. per month.

How to open a mini bakery?

A mini-bakery is one of the types of business that is not subject to the influence of the economic crisis. Whatever the situation in the country and even in the world, people willingly give money for homemade cakes.

Opening a mini-bakery is a sequential and multi-stage process. Everything starts in a standard way, with the registration of a business. And it will not be superfluous to draw up a business plan for a mini-bakery in advance with calculations in order to understand what the business is ahead of.

Mini-bakery design and registration

Anyone for whom a mini-bakery is like a business from personal experience will immediately say that there are two possible options:

  • registration of individual entrepreneurship (IP);
  • registration of a limited liability company (LLC).

Other forms of entrepreneurship will not be suitable for such a type of business as a mini-bakery due to its small scale. If the founder does not plan to enter large volumes and generally opens his own business for the first time, then the option with an individual entrepreneur is much better suited.

When registering a mini-bakery in the form of an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to indicate the type of activity of the enterprise in the documentation. In this case, you should select the classifier 15.81, indicating that the organization is engaged in the production of bread and flour confectionery products with a short shelf life.

Learn about all types economic activity it is possible in a special all-Russian classifier - OKVED.

An obligatory step is to create a checking account for the future bakery.

Bakery business plan

Most of the clients of such an enterprise are the owners of retail grocery stores and supermarkets, and for them, transferring funds to a current account will be the most acceptable method of payment.

After the registration procedure, you need to decide on the taxation of the mini-bakery.

How to open a mini-bakery - regulations and acts

The mandatory list includes 5 documents. You need to be ready to spend a few days to bypass all the indicated organizations and obtain permits from them for the bread and confectionery business:

  • permission from the fire inspection;
  • certificate of conformity issued by the federal agency for technical regulation and metrology;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for production - issued by the sanitary and epidemiological station, this permit gives the right to start manufacturing products in a mini-bakery;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for products - also issued by the sanitary and epidemiological station, this permit gives the right to sell products made in a mini-bakery;
  • permitting document from environmental impact assessment.

After going through all the formal procedures in the mentioned instances, you can proceed directly to opening a business. You should start by choosing the appropriate room.

Choosing the right space for opening a mini-bakery

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Station presents an extensive list of restrictions on the parameters of the premises in which the opening of the bakery is planned. Therefore, it is important that the selected location meets all of the following requirements:

  • the placement of the bakery is not allowed in the basements of houses;
  • the use of semi-basements is also prohibited for such enterprises;
  • must have an air conditioner in the room;
  • walls up to 175 centimeters above the floor must be made of porcelain stoneware or, at least, painted in light colors. Above the specified level, whitewash should be applied, the same applies to the ceiling;
  • the floor of the bakery must necessarily be waterproof, an excellent durable material with this property is porcelain stoneware, which is facilitated by its rough texture;
  • there should be a separate changing room for staff, as well as a toilet and a sink;
  • it is imperative to establish water supply and drainage in the bakery;
  • availability required a separate room, intended for storage of raw materials used in production (oil, sugar, flour, etc.)

You can stop the choice on a room that is not suitable for a number of points and subsequently engage in bringing it to the accepted standards, however, in this case, additional costs of time and money should be taken into account. After determining the place where the mini-bakery will be opened, it is necessary to equip it properly.

Mini bakery staff

At the initial stage of the mini-bakery, only 4 workers will be enough:

  • technologist;
  • baker;
  • baker's assistant;
  • cleaner.

A mini bakery is often a family business, so at first all these responsibilities can be performed by members of the same family, which will save money. Later, with increasing sales, you can find hired workers and, if necessary, increase their number.

Mini bakery equipment

When buying equipment for a mini-bakery, you should rely on a number of key factors:

  • the cost of equipment;
  • production capacity of the proposed equipment;
  • parameters and dimensions of the previously selected room.

If the organizer of the enterprise is limited in funds, then the most suitable equipment at an affordable price should be sought among domestic manufacturers. With the proper approach, it is possible to choose equipment that is not inferior to imported counterparts, while saving on cost from 3 to 5 times.

As for used equipment, you should not take the risk and purchase used equipment so as not to spend extra money on its repair or not look for a new one if it becomes completely unusable in a short time.

The price of equipment for a mini-bakery will directly depend on its production capacity. It is necessary to pre-calculate the scale of production in order to select the appropriate equipment. On average, the optimum production for a mini-bakery is around 50 kg of bread per hour. Equipment of this capacity will cost about 350 thousand rubles.

Mini bakery product range

The variety of products depends on the choice of equipment for the bakery, the parameters of which will determine which products can be made in it:

  • bread is the main type of product, due to which there is a mini-bakery;
  • bakery products - if technology allows, a wide range of different buns and cheesecakes with fillings can be produced;
  • bread with additives - there is a category of gourmets that happily purchases bread with seeds, bran and other fillings.

Having chosen the premises and equipment, you can proceed to the selection of personnel.

Sales and advertising of mini-bakery products

Since the business plan of the mini-bakery was preliminarily drawn up with calculations, it already included the costs of advertising and development. The first step is to set up a display case in the bakery and put up a sign so people know that fresh bread can be bought here. Many buyers want to buy baked goods from the oven.

The next step is a supply agreement with grocery stores. It is necessary to seek contact with the owners of outlets, make an appointment in order to demonstrate all the certificates available and, preferably, give the products for testing.

At first, you need to be ready to give the goods for sale in order to achieve loyalty and trust on the part of the client and provide conditions better than those of competitors. It is necessary to offer customers something that other participants in the market cannot do.

Mini-bakery taxation system

At the initial stage, a simplified taxation system (STS) is best suited for such an enterprise. The principle of calculating the simplified taxation system is transparent and simple - the amount of expenses is deducted from income from activities, and the amount received (profit) is taxed. The rate under the simplified system is 15%.

As for the formal part, after registration and choosing a taxation system, it remains to receive a number normative documents and acts required to proceed to the opening stage. All this will be understood and made even easier if there is a person who already has a mini-bakery as a business from personal experience, and who can prompt and advise.

Mini bakery income and expenses

The income will depend on the size of the initial investment in this business. In the presence of large volumes production and a wide range of goods, the profit will be higher and more tangible.

To open a bakery from scratch, you need to spend about 800 thousand rubles. It should also be taken into account that the first 2-3 months, while the establishment of production and relations with consumers, can be unprofitable.

also interesting:

No business project can be implemented without a clear action plan. Compared to building a house, it’s like starting to lay the foundation without a project and calculations. It's the same in business. A business plan allows you to correctly assess the strengths and weaknesses of a business idea, analyze the market, competitive environment, calculate the profitability and payback of the project.

Especially writing a business plan is necessary when attracting investments from outside. For investors, business partners and lenders, such a document is the basis for considering an application.

In this article, we present a detailed business plan for a mini bakery, which will allow you to correctly assess your strengths, calculate the initial costs and build a competent marketing strategy.

Relevance of the idea

The bakery business is characterized by a wide and stable demand. Regardless of the season and the economic crisis, people are equally good at purchasing this product. Moreover, as statistics show, the increasing number of private bakeries does not fully satisfy the demand of buyers for quality products.

Depending on the business model, you can reach a monthly income of 100-200 thousand rubles per month. But, given the small investment, this article will focus on mini bakeries, where the main focus will be on branded products.

But, despite the apparent advantages of this activity, there are also weaknesses that should be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

One of the disadvantages of a business is the short lead time. This necessitates making clear forecasts, otherwise most of products will be disposed of. Advertising, creation of a loyalty program, high-quality service and a wide range of additional services will help to neutralize these risks and arrive at a good stable income.

We determine the format of the business

Before you start developing a business plan, you should determine the model of the bakery, and what exactly you plan to produce.

You can develop entrepreneurial activity in two directions:

  • Full-fledged production, which includes all stages of the full cycle: from dough preparation, baking and sale.
  • The second option may involve baking the product and selling it to wholesalers.

Speaking about the first option, it will be necessary to think over not only the production part, but also the distribution channels. The products will be sold through our own points of sale.

In this case, in order to increase the customer flow and expand the service, it will be possible to include drinks and other products in the assortment, in addition to your own baked goods.

The business format will determine the target audience of the bakery and the direction of the assortment.

You can implement a business idea in two ways:

  • independent opening of a bakery;
  • buying a franchise.

Going to market on your own entails many challenges, ranging from concept design, bakery style, name, and targeting. The plus is the freedom of action when decorating a room, developing an assortment, setting prices, etc.

The advantage of the franchise is the ability to attract a large audience from the first day due to the promoted name of the company. On the other hand, this format also has disadvantages: tight control by the franchisor. You will be deprived of the opportunity to independently determine the style of the room, prices, assortment and recipe of bakery products.

Great emphasis needs to be placed on correct definition target audience, formation of pricing policy and development of marketing activities to increase sales.

Project summary

This chapter of the plan reflects the relevance of a business idea and the feasibility of doing business.

The goal of the project is to open a mini-bakery in the city with a population of about 500 thousand people.

The advantage of a mini bakery is a very wide target audience and increased demand for products.

The main advantages of a mini bakery are:

  • wide demand for the product;
  • stability of demand;
  • wide target audience;
  • high volumes of profit in the long term;
  • the opportunity to develop a business and offer related services;
  • business profitability 20-30%.


  • high competition;
  • dependence on external factors;
  • a large number of permits;
  • high requirements for manufacturability of production;
  • large investments;
  • perishable goods.

Market analysis

As mentioned above, one of the significant disadvantages of this business is high competition. It should be understood that you are not sole participant on the market, therefore, it is necessary to focus on the main players.

Serious competition will be made by state-owned bakery factories, whose products are on the shelves of all stores.

If you plan to focus on fresh baked goods and branded products, then the main competitors will be private mini-bakeries, which are ready to offer hot buns and croissants to residents of the city before the start of the working day.

These factors must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan, as this will allow you to correctly perform pricing and determine the target audience.

In order to firmly establish themselves in the market, they must occupy their own niche, it is necessary to have a high-quality approach to the production of bread and offer customers products made according to the original recipe.

Banal bread will not allow you to enter the market and attract regular customers. There are a huge number of such bakeries in the city.

To analyze the competitive environment and determine their own advantages and weaknesses, it is advisable to conduct a SWOT analysis and identify the minuses and pluses of the bakery, the threats and the possibility of development.

SWOT analysis


  • business development and the opening of additional pastry shops;
  • high profitability;
  • a possible increase in demand in general;
  • the possibility of implementing additional services.
  • high competition;
  • short shelf life of products;
  • possible problems with suppliers of raw materials.


  • highly qualified personnel;
  • wide demand;
  • lack of seasonality;
  • availability of services;
  • quality service;
  • effective advertising.


  • possible miscalculations in relation to the demand for products;
  • lack of experience in this area of ​​business.

One of the key points in developing a business plan is a thorough study of the competitive environment. Of course, in every city there are enough regular suppliers of bread and bakery products, but not all of them will be direct competitors for you.

Basically, they focus on the standard assortment. If you find your own chip, you will quickly conquer your target audience. Such a "highlight" can be the production of products for people who monitor proper nutrition, support healthy image life. Or, you can bet on a national recipe by offering homebaked bread according to old recipes.

Having worked out a high-quality assortment and investing a lot of money in advertising, you can compete with serious bakeries.

We set the price

Developing a pricing policy is an important step in writing a business plan. It should be started after a thorough study of the competitive environment, the range of local bakeries, prices and demand for competitors' products.

Given the high competition in this segment, you shouldn't set too high a price tag. An exception can be made only by those products that are developed for the premium category, for example, fitness bread with cereals, nuts, etc. That is, we are talking about branded products, the demand for which will be among people with high incomes.

To define the assortment of a bakery, it is not necessary to produce complex marketing research... It is enough to immediately determine the place where the outlet will be located (if you have chosen this business format) and bypass the nearby bakery of this type.

A feature of this business is that people buy bakery products near their main places of work, housing, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to count on the fact that even a very good assortment of bakery will make the client go to the other end of the city for fresh pastries. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on those competitors who are within walking distance of you.

It is enough to visit such bread shops several times a day to determine which products use millet and which ones are on the shelf for a long time. Analyzing this parameter, you should pay attention to the implementation time. As a rule, fresh buns are well sorted for breakfast and at lunchtime. But people generally go to buy bread at the end of the working day. This should be taken into account when planning the opening hours of the outlet with the bakery.

When designing a bakery assortment, make it versatile. The basis should be bread of three to four types of different varieties flour, loaves. We should not forget about sweet pastries, which customers are happy to buy for tea, children, or for a visit. A referral can be made for people with diabetes or dieting. In this case, you should adhere to special recipes and purchase special raw materials: fly from hard varieties wheat, fructose, seeds, nuts, etc.

The assortment of mini bakery products can be quite wide:

  • croissants and donuts;
  • bread with various additives;
  • pies and buns;
  • diet bread and crackers.

Organizational plan

This chapter is step by step guide, allowing you to competently start a business.

  1. Registration of business activities.
  2. Search for premises.
  3. Purchase of equipment and raw materials.
  4. Personnel search, registration.
  5. Marketing strategy development, advertising.

Registration and paperwork

When launching a bakery, a businessman needs not only to register with Tax Inspectorate and the Pension Fund, but also obtain permission from other authorities.

This business area is distinguished by strict requirements from the SES. Before starting the project, you need to obtain two licenses: for production and bakery products.

Also, a mandatory requirement for conducting business is a certificate of conformity from " Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology ".

The last stage of this stage of business organization is the issuance of a document from Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Supervision

It is impossible to open a mini bakery without these legal documents. The costs must be included in the financial plan. Obtaining all permits and the registration of the business itself will cost you 50 thousand rubles.

It is also necessary to correctly register the codes in the registration documents. If you plan to organize their sale in addition to the production of bakery products, then you need to register code 55.30 "Activities of restaurants and cafes."

This code defines the production-related activity food products and their implementation directly at the place of manufacture. After registering an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to resolve the issue of taxation. The optimal solution will become the choice of UTII, but it is not available in every region.

Also from additional documentation you will need:

  1. SES conclusion on compliance (sanitary and epidemiological examination);
  2. Book of complaints and suggestions;
  3. Consignment notes (TORG-12);
  4. Lease agreement.

To launch a bakery, you will need to purchase a cash register and create a cash register.

As you can see, one of the main disadvantages of this business is the large amount of permits, without which it will not be possible to implement the project.

We select a room

The choice of premises for a mini bakery should be approached very carefully if you plan to sell products at the place of production. If the business format assumes only production activities and its sale by a large wholesale buyer, then the production workshop can be located in the industrial zone of the city, outside its borders. This will allow you to minimize rental costs and find inexpensive premises that meet your requirements.

A bakery, whose products are sold immediately on the spot, is a completely different matter. Here, the success of the business will largely depend on the location of the bakery.

When choosing a location, consider the following factors:

  • patency;
  • transport accessibility;
  • rental price;
  • long-term lease;
  • permission for the repair and redevelopment of the premises;
  • permission to place outdoor advertising.

When buying a franchise, the franchisor company will help with the issue of choosing a premise. If you have chosen the business option with the purchase of a franchise, then the consultant of the franchisor company will help you choose the right premises and arrange it. This is one of the benefits of working with a franchise.

It is not entirely correct to locate a bakery near a fitness center or a gym, but the proximity to children's and educational institutions, business centers, on the contrary, will increase the customer flow and build up a permanent base.

The size of the bakery and the interior of the premises largely depends on the chosen business model. In no case should it be a basement, water must be supplied to the room, a ventilation system must be equipped.

The best choice would be a spacious, bright room with large windows that can be used as a showcase. Considering the fact that this purchase is most often impulsive, the buyer should be attracted by a beautiful sign and showcase.

To increase income and expand the target audience, you can equip a small cafe area at the outlet, where visitors can have a cup of tea and taste the products.

In addition to the client area and the sales counter, it is necessary to think over the production part. Depending on the chosen business concept, this zone can be open or closed.

When choosing a room, think over which side the working transport will call in for unloading raw materials or loading finished products... The best option would be to have a back door.

As for the location of the bakery with a retail outlet, then select the points where the greatest traffic of people. In a big city, consider options near the metro, educational institutions, large shopping centers.

The renovation costs depend on the chosen style and the concept of the project. For minimal repairs, it will be necessary to whitewash the walls, install fresh windows and doors. If you plan to immediately create the atmosphere of a stylish mini-bakery with a cafe, then you will have to think over an original interior that will attract customers.

This item will become the largest expense item, but in this case it is not worth saving on equipment, since the quality of baking and manufacturability directly depend on this factor.

In order to minimize investment costs, you can consider buying used equipment.

Considering that we are considering the option of a mini-bakery with the sale of finished products on site, it is necessary to purchase equipment for both production and for the sales area.

This necessitates the purchase of two types of equipment:

The production type of equipment includes:

  • bake;
  • dough mixer;
  • closet;
  • hearth sheet;
  • high-quality auxiliary dishes;
  • forms for bread;
  • dough cutting table;
  • baking cart;
  • flour sifter.

The cost of purchasing equipment will amount to about 1 million rubles.

To sell products, you will need:

  • refrigerators compartment;
  • safe or cash box;
  • seller's table;
  • thermal showcase;
  • cash register;
  • product storage racks.

After purchasing the equipment, the stage begins to search for suppliers from whom you will purchase raw materials.

Do not forget that your profitability and the level of the bakery directly depend on their reliability, quality and cost of goods. Therefore, you should not immediately rely on one supplier, even if it offers good price... Experienced businessmen begin cooperation with 2-3 suppliers and then, in the process of work, stop choosing one, from which you can get a discount on products.

It is necessary to conclude a verbal agreement on supplies with suppliers at the planning stage, so that later there will be no time delays. From the moment the production starts, it is necessary to draw up a supply agreement in order to clearly define the terms of delivery, terms and prices.

If you plan to offer branded products to your customers, then at the same stage it is necessary to develop the packaging products that should be ordered. In spite of additional expenses, it will serve as a good advertisement and attract additional clients.

The staff at the mini bakery is playing one of the key roles... Without conscientious and qualified personnel, it is hardly worth counting on the prosperity of the business. Therefore, pay great attention to the stage of finding employees and immediately make a list of requirements necessary for selection.

The staff must necessarily include:

  • confectioner;
  • baker (2 persons per shift)
  • technologist;
  • seller (2 people);
  • director (accountant);
  • sales manager;
  • cleaning woman.

Many businessmen are cutting payroll costs by bundling services. For example, for a small business format where products are sold directly in a bakery, sellers can combine their direct job duties with the function of a cleaner.

And an accountant can be involved from outside to prepare reports.

Marketing plan

When production issues are resolved and the issue of finding premises, hiring personnel is closed, you should start developing a marketing strategy that will allow you to correctly determine the distribution channels for products.

According to the format of the business and target audience, it is necessary to develop a competitive advantage and marketing strategy for the bakery.

Create your own corporate identity that will make the bakery stand out from the competition. This can be branded packaging, sellers' uniforms, interior style, etc.

Pay close attention to the sign and display case. The name should be euphonic, evoking pleasant associations. Consider when doing this general concept bakeries and signature handwriting. For example, if you decide to focus on baking national bread, then the name should emphasize the main idea of ​​production.

Try to be original and avoid using words like homemade bun, donut, etc. in your titles. Look to the future. Who knows, perhaps in a few years this brand will become recognizable in the city and you will think about expanding your business and opening new branches. In this case, the name cannot be changed.

As for the promotion of services, they are promoted by:

  • holding promotions;
  • loyalty program and issuance of discount, accumulative cards;
  • sale of products at certain hours.

To increase demand, you can make a promotion for morning and evening baked goods. Or create sets that will include the daily rate of baked goods for an average family. This will create a loyal customer base and increase sales.

Promotion of services and goods

To establish direct sales channels, you should conclude contracts with wholesalers. To do this, you need to have a clear range of products and preferably test samples. It is better to entrust the work of expanding sales channels to an experienced manager who can demonstrate the best product characteristics of your products and conclude contracts.

In order to organize the delivery of products to wholesalers, you need to conclude an agreement with private carriers. In some cases, these questions fall on the wholesaler's firm. Do not forget to include the costs in the general estimate, calculating the cost of production.

Financial plan

Depending on the format of the business, from 50 to 100 kg of products can be sold daily. It is difficult to talk about the exact amount of daily revenue, since a lot depends on the range of products.

Even the most careful planning will not allow you to clearly determine the cost of production until the moment when the first loaf of bread is not baked. The cost of products is made up of various factors: the purchase of raw materials, utilities, transport services etc. Therefore, it is very important to determine the pricing for the first batches of baked goods in order to clearly calculate the break-even point.

Approximate calculation of the cost of production:

For the production of 1 thousand kg white bread necessary:

  • 740 kg of premium white flour;
  • 9.6 kg of salt;
  • 1.2 kg of sunflower oil;
  • 7.4 kg yeast.

Having calculated the price of these products from suppliers, you will receive the approximate cost of production. Now it is necessary to add here such expenses as staff salaries, utilities and transportation costs.



  • repairs - 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - 900 thousand rubles;
  • business registration - 3 thousand;
  • advertising for the opening - 10 thousand;
  • purchase of goods - 50 thousand

TOTAL: 1063 thousand rubles


  • staff salary - 70 thousand;
  • rental of premises - 20 thousand;
  • utilities - 15 thousand;
  • purchase of goods - 60 thousand;
  • additional costs - 30 thousand.

TOTAL: 195 thousand rubles

The average payback period, with a properly developed plan and strict adherence to it, is 4-5 months.

The main advantage will be the direct sale of our own products. In addition, you can develop your business by establishing partnerships, concluding an agreement for wholesale deliveries to supermarkets, confectionery cities, etc.


In order to minimize the risks at the first stage of the project launch, follow these simple tips:

  • think over the assortment and highlight the branded positions;
  • start by baking 8-10 positions;
  • focus on the target audience;
  • do not start production with large batches.

The figures given in this business plan are only approximate. A clear calculation of the cost of production and recoupment can be done only for a specific type of business, with an indication of regional characteristics.

But this business plan is suitable as a base that will allow you to correctly draw up a document.

In this article, we have described in as much detail as possible how to start your business from scratch. As you can see, with the correct organization of production and qualified personnel, the payback can be achieved within six months. Set long-term and short-term goals that will serve as a kind of reference point for determining the vector. According to the reviews of experienced businessmen who have bakeries, this type of business has great prospects and is very stable.

Video. Opening of a mini bakery

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