Home Perennial flowers Ultrasound signs of prostate adenoma. Diagnosis of prostate adenoma: methods and preparation. Comprehensive ultrasound: why is it performed?

Ultrasound signs of prostate adenoma. Diagnosis of prostate adenoma: methods and preparation. Comprehensive ultrasound: why is it performed?

For most men facing problems for the first time genitourinary system and potency, the acute question arises which doctor should be consulted. If we're talking about about potency and erectile dysfunction, in the clinic a man can be sent to a sex therapist, but if the reason for this is ailments of the genitourinary system, here you cannot do without an andrologist. What's interesting is practically most of men are not aware of what an andrologist treats in men until I encounter it first-hand.

Not so long ago, medicine did not provide for such a specialist as an andrologist. Most diseases of sexual and genitourinary area treated by other specialists, in particular, a urologist or venereologist. Today in major cities, regional centers and developed modern clinics simply must have an andrologist, a specialist in any male problems.

Andrologist - who is this?

An andrologist is a doctor who treats any ailments and dysfunctions of the male genital area.

In general, the term andrologist comes from the science of andrology, which examines all reproductive processes and functions, whether normal or in the presence of pathologies. Thanks to the presence of an andrologist, a modern man will be able to receive qualified help and get rid of such common and complex diseases as prostatitis, adenoma, impotence, and infertility.

In our country, such a specialist appeared relatively recently; today, not every clinic has such a specialist. Medicine values ​​such specialists, considering them an indispensable doctor for modern men, increasingly faced with sexual dysfunctions. When asked what such a specialist treats for men, his range of activities is quite extensive.

What diseases does an andrologist treat?

From the point of view of generally accepted rules, an andrologist receives men, prescribes diagnostics for them, a course of therapy according to the data received from there, and also deals with the prevention of all kinds of pathologies and dysfunctions. The main advantage of a modern andrologist is that qualified specialist must understand several areas of science - venereology, neurology, sexology, urology, as well as reproductive medicine.

Most often, the reasons for visiting an andrologist are as follows:

  • infertility;
  • dysfunction of the genital organs - impotence;
  • anatomical disorder of the structure and functions of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • hyperplasia prostate gland benign in nature;
  • phimosis, that is, the inability to expose the head of the penis due to narrowing of the foreskin ring;
  • any illnesses transmitted through sexual contact;
  • prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • varicocele or varicose veins in the testicular area;
  • any hormonal disorders.

In addition, this specialist is able to give detailed advice on what methods of contraception are best to use and how, as well as give recommendations for the prevention of various male pathologies and disorders.

Where can I find such a doctor?

In addition to knowing what an andrologist treats, not every man knows where to find such a specialist. Today, andrology is considered a narrow specialization, and an andrologist can not be found in all clinics and medical institutions.

Most often, you can get the services of this physician in private clinics, as well as in specialized research institutes, where this field of science gets its future, expanding its boundaries and knowledge.

According to modern medical experts, every man should visit an andrologist at least once in his life. And for this it is not necessary to wait for the first manifestations of diseases, since the doctor can prevent the development of ailments and dysfunctions, as well as provide valuable knowledge about prevention men's problems for the future. To do this, you just need to visit the central or regional clinic, and then make an appointment with an andrologist.

Preparation for inspection

Before visiting a male andrologist specialist, it is important not to forget about the measures hygiene procedures. Since the doctor will be able to examine the genitals, the man should wash this area before the visit and also take care of clean underwear. In addition, you should make sure that you have or have a medical card in advance. Before visiting a doctor, it is better to stop drinking alcohol in advance, as well as medications so as not to complicate diagnostic processes.

You also need to be prepared that the doctor may send the man for examination and tests. First, a visual examination of the penis is carried out, then palpation of the prostate gland is carried out; for this, the doctor may touch the walls of the rectum. It is very important not to hide anything from the doctor if you have any complaints. It is also possible that, if necessary, a man can be sent for an ultrasound, smear test, or spermogram.

Ultrasound is one of the most informative and easy-to-perform examination methods. An additional advantage of ultrasound is the relatively low cost of the examination. Therefore, ultrasound has long gained well-deserved popularity and has become one of the standard diagnostic methods. Ultrasound can be performed on almost everyone internal organs, including the prostate. It is included in the protocol for examining patients in the process of diagnosing many diseases (for example, prostate adenoma, oncology, prostatitis). How a prostate ultrasound is performed, whether it shows the size of the prostate and signs of the disease present in the prostate gland, how to properly prepare for diagnosis will be discussed in the article. Read there as much information as possible on this topic.

Execution options

Several options have been developed for performing ultrasound diagnostics of the prostate gland in men. Kinds:

  • Transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate.
  • Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland.

When prescribing a diagnostic method such as transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate, examination of men is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall. The method is painless and complex preparation Ultrasound of the prostate is not required. The only preparation requirement is to fill the bladder. The approximate volume of liquid drunk should be 1 liter. This will allow for adequate bladder filling and good visualization of the prostate gland. If inadequately prepared, the walls of the bladder will interfere with the ultrasound, distorting the image of the prostate gland and making it difficult to decipher the results.

Normally, the volume of residual urine in men is no more than 50 ml, which is approximately equal to 10% of the usual volume of urine when urinating, this is important to consider, because before the test, a man is recommended to drink a large number of fluids for better filling of the bladder. Next comes the line in front of the office and the examination itself is performed. While waiting, excessive stretching of the bladder walls occurs; after urination, the volume of residual urine will not be adequate and the interpretation of the results will be incorrect. Analysis should not be done this way.

To determine the true volume of urine before performing an ultrasound diagnosis of the prostate gland, it is not necessary to achieve excessive filling of the bladder. Bladder filling during preparation should be standard and urinary retention is undesirable. Only proper preparation will help you diagnose correctly, calculate urine volume based on 3 indicators using a special formula, and get the correct interpretation.

When deciphering deviations from the norm in the residual urine indicator (if the study is done correctly) occur when the following pathologies prostate:

  1. Adenoma.
  2. Inflammatory processes.
  3. Urethral stricture.
  4. Neurogenic urinary disorders, etc.

Transrectal examination of the prostate has a number of advantages over the method described above. An ultrasound is performed with a special sensor, which is inserted into the rectum. The study allows us to evaluate in men the size, structure of each lobe of the gland, the condition of the vessels feeding the prostate gland and paraprostatic tissue. Decoding is carried out on the spot by a diagnostician.

Transrectal examination in men is done in a lateral position with legs bent at the knees towards the stomach. The level of discomfort is minimal - the sensor is small in size and inserted to a shallow depth. On average, an ultrasound scan takes no more than 15 minutes. The advantage of diagnostics using the transrectal method is that it does not require preparation in the form of filling the bladder. However, you will still have to prepare for the study.

Preparation for a standard ultrasound of the prostate gland is done in several stages. How to prepare for a prostate ultrasound:

  • A few days before the procedure, a slag-free diet is recommended, or preparation involves following a diet that excludes foods that cause increased gas formation, constipation or diarrhea.
  • On the eve of the procedure, a cleansing enema is performed.
  • The second cleansing enema is done immediately before the ultrasound in the morning.

Proper preparation is needed not only from a hygiene standpoint. You need to prepare so that the survey results are not distorted. In addition to the activities described above, preparation includes a light morning breakfast. Heavy meals are prohibited.

Values ​​within normal limits

If preparation for diagnosis is carried out correctly, decoding is not difficult for an experienced specialist. Interpretation and evaluation of the ultrasound result is done on site by a diagnostician.

Decoding the norm

Normally, the volume and dimensions when deciphered may differ slightly from the real ones, which is associated with differences in ultrasound equipment, the doctor’s view, etc. Minor deviations from the norm are not considered a sign of a disease; only indicators that are significantly increased when decoding the study can be interpreted as pathology.

What if there is pathology?

Using ultrasound in men, almost any organ pathology can be diagnosed or suspected. Most often, the study is done to diagnose adenoma, inflammatory processes, and malignant neoplasms.

Adenoma is benign prostatic hyperplasia and develops more often after 40-50 years (in this category of men, ultrasound examination is done most often). The disease can be asymptomatic, as a result of which the adenoma is detected exclusively ultrasound diagnostics, therefore, the examination protocol for men after 40 years for many nosologies necessarily includes an ultrasound examination. Prostate adenoma is:

  • Nodal.
  • Diffuse.

In the nodular form, the structure of the prostate changes, nodes appear: foci with hypoechoic reflection of the beam are found in it. In the diffuse form, the prostate is enlarged entirely, and there is an increase in the glandular and muscular components.

When conducting a study in men, a malignant neoplasm of the prostate can be detected or suspected. Most often, cancer is diagnosed after 55-60 years. Ultrasound determines the process in the form of nodular formations different sizes, which requires differential diagnosis of oncology with a nodular form of benign hyperplasia. Therefore, the examination protocol in mandatory includes performing a puncture of the formation in such men. It is possible and necessary to perform a puncture under ultrasound guidance.

Ultrasound can detect prostate cysts. More often, formations are a sign of acute or chronic inflammatory process. The diagnostic protocol in such a situation also includes additional diagnostic methods, the need for which will be determined by the attending physician.


Nowadays, finding a medical institution that offers ultrasound is not difficult. Of course, the price of an ultrasound will vary significantly, and reviews from men confirm this. In order to navigate it and not overpay, it is better to find out how much the examination costs by phone.

How much does the examination cost?

There are many photos and videos on the Internet showing and telling about the rules of conducting and preparing for the study, as well as how an ultrasound of the prostate gland is performed. To find information, just type the request: “Ultrasound of prostate video.” If you wish, you can find an examination protocol that shows the results of normal and pathological conditions. Self-study The material will allow you to verify the correctness of the doctor’s judgment, to better understand the meaning of prostate pathology and the essence of the changes occurring in it.

How is a prostate ultrasound performed?

After 40 years, the condition of the prostate gland in many men worsens. This is influenced by many factors, including infections, hypothermia, bad habits, stress, irregular sex life, overwork and others. Whenever unpleasant symptoms you need to consult a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary examination.

Most men and women, when health problems arise, rely more on a diagnostic method such as ultrasound. So how accurate is a prostate ultrasound?

It is possible to obtain an accurate picture of the internal organs thanks to the influence of high-frequency sound waves.

From the results of the study, you can learn about changes in the structure and size of internal organs, as well as blood circulation in the vessels.

Ultrasound helps doctors make a more accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Ultrasound of the prostate gland allows you to obtain an accurate image of the organ and surrounding tissues. The procedure is performed transrectally: a special sensor is inserted into the rectum. It sends special signals through its walls to the prostate gland. This study is called transrectal ultrasound.

For many patients, the procedure causes discomfort. This discomfort is purely psychological character. The ultrasound procedure itself cannot cause physiological discomfort. Unpleasant sensations during the examination occur in men with severe hemorrhoids.

There is another type of prostate ultrasound - this is an abdominal examination. It is carried out through the back abdominal cavity. Examination using the transabdominal method does not cause any sensation. It is not painful and there is no psychological discomfort. An abdominal ultrasound is performed through the abdominal wall, so options are limited. You can only get information about the volume and size of the prostate. If there is a large thickness of fat on the abdomen, then examining the prostate is even more difficult.

Among men, this option is more popular than transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland.

An ultrasound of the prostate gland should be performed if there is the slightest deviation in the functioning of the organ.

Indications for research are symptoms such as:

  1. Difficulty and discomfort when urinating.
  2. Discomfort in the perineal area.
  3. Feeling of bladder fullness.
  4. Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation.

If any of these signs appear, an ultrasound of the prostate is a mandatory procedure.

But you do not need to sign up for the examination yourself. Most men, however, are embarrassed to see a doctor with such problems. But you need to overcome yourself and go to an appointment with a urologist. He will conduct an examination, suggest what kind of disease it may be and, if necessary, prescribe an ultrasound of the prostate gland. After the procedure, you can return to the same doctor with the results, and he will prescribe treatment.

Those who will undergo the procedure need to know how to prepare for a prostate ultrasound, since the study requires preliminary actions. Compliance with several rules will allow you to obtain more reliable information about the condition of the gland.

Before performing an abdominal ultrasound of the prostate, you must:

  1. Fill bladder. You may not go to the toilet for several hours before the procedure or drink a liter of water before the examination.
  2. Clothes should be loose so that the area needed for the procedure can be quickly opened.

If you need to undergo a transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland, the preparation will be slightly different:

  1. Since the procedure is carried out through the rectum, for several days before it you need to adhere to a diet that prevents increased gas formation, constipation and diarrhea. On the day of the examination, it is better not to eat until the examination is completed.
  2. 4-5 hours before the procedure, the intestines must be completely emptied. To do this, you can do an enema with cold water. 1-1.5 liters will be enough. If this option is not suitable, you can purchase a microenema at the pharmacy and inject the contents of the tube into the rectum.
  3. There is no need to fill your bladder before this type of prostate ultrasound.

Most men, of course, will prefer an abdominal ultrasound of the prostate gland. But experts believe that the transrectal procedure is much better. With it, the sensor is separated from the prostate only by a thin intestinal wall, so the results can be obtained more accurately.

Those who are interested in how much the procedure costs, exact information can only be found out at the clinic where the examination will be carried out. It all depends on the quality of the equipment. In different medical institutions the price varies from 1000 to 5000 rubles.

Ultrasound of the prostate gland allows you to evaluate such organ parameters as density, size, structure, homogeneity, and the presence of tumors.

Based on the results, we can judge such complex diseases as:

  • Prostatitis. This is an inflammatory process in the gland, which causes difficulty urinating and discomfort. If an ultrasound showed that the gland has increased in size, then we can talk about this disease.
  • Prostate cancer. Occurs in men over 50 years of age. The disease may long time do not manifest themselves in any way, so doctors recommend that men at this age undergo an annual examination.
  • BPH. This benign tumor which interferes with the flow of urine. If you detect the problem in time, you can do without surgery.
  • Cyst. If, upon examination, small cavities with fluid were found on the prostate, then these are cysts. It is important to determine where exactly they are located on it and what size. This will help with treatment.

Ultrasound examinations have no health or life-threatening consequences, so they can be safely performed on people of any age. On this moment this diagnostic method is the safest and most informative.

Ultrasound of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and bladder is performed to diagnose various pathologies of the prostate gland.

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  • Ultrasound of the prostate gland 2,200 rubles
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum organs 1,900 rubles

Indications for ultrasound of the prostate gland

  • Preventive examination after the age of 40 years
  • Impaired spermatogenesis according to spermogram results
  • Changes in urine and blood parameters
  • Prostate pathology identified by rectal examination
  • Complaints characteristic of inflammation of the prostate gland ( painful sensations in the lower abdomen, pain when urinating, discharge from the urethra)
  • Dysuric disorders
  • STIs (sexually transmitted infections)

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Preparing for the study

Research can be carried out in one of two ways:

  • Abdominal ultrasound. In this case, the study is carried out through the abdominal wall, that is, the sensor is located on the patient’s abdomen. Before an abdominal examination of the prostate, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of fluid one to two hours in order to fill the bladder. Then, after emptying the bladder, the volume of residual urine is determined.
  • TRUS (transrectal ultrasound). The sensor is inserted into the patient's rectum. It is recommended to have a light dinner the day before and cleanse the intestines with an enema on the day of the procedure (2-4 hours before TRUS). The advantage of this method is the ability to more thoroughly examine the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, since the sensor is located in close proximity to them. Contraindications to TRUS are surgical interventions in the lower regions gastrointestinal tract. The duration of the procedure, as a rule, does not exceed 20-25 minutes.

What pathologies does ultrasound of the prostate reveal?

  • Prostatitis (acute and chronic)
  • Inflammatory processes in the epididymis and seminal vesicles
  • Prostate abscess
  • Hyperplasia
  • BPH
  • Malignant neoplasms

Expert level ultrasound, which is carried out at Nova Clinic, allows you to study in detail the structure of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, intestines and bladder of the patient. A timely visit to a urologist-andrologist and a preventive ultrasound examination of the prostate makes it possible to identify pathologies at the initial stage, which greatly facilitates the treatment process and improves the prognosis. The cost of a prostate ultrasound is 2200 rubles, you can find out more in the “Prices” section.

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Statistics show that ultrasound for prostate adenoma helps make a diagnosis in approximately 15-20% of cases, in patients who are not even aware of the presence of this disease. Ultrasound examination helps to identify pathological changes already at early stages, which has a beneficial effect on the prognosis of the prescribed therapy.

Is it possible to detect prostate adenoma using ultrasound?

Ultrasound examination is carried out in two ways. The accuracy of the diagnosis depends on the chosen method.
Diagnosis is carried out transabdominally and transrectally. Each method has its own advantages:

Ultrasound signs of prostate adenoma can only be detected by a competent specialist. The reliability of the results is influenced by the professionalism of the doctor.

How to prepare for an ultrasound of prostate adenoma

Preparation for an ultrasound takes place in several stages:
  • The doctor tells the patient the essence of the diagnostic procedure.
  • On the day before the diagnostic study, a cleansing enema is performed. Removing fecal matter from the rectum contributes to better visualization of the ultrasound picture.
  • During transabdominal diagnostics, the patient is recommended to drink 2 liters of water approximately 3 hours before the examination.
Preparing a patient for an ultrasound does not require much time and, if necessary, is prescribed immediately after visiting a urologist to clarify the diagnosis and carry out differential diagnostics.

How to do an ultrasound of prostate adenoma

Ultrasound scanning, as described above, is carried out in two different ways:
  • With the transabdominal method, the abdominal cavity is scanned with a sensor. In addition to the presence of prostate adenoma, the method allows you to see related pathologies, but does not provide an accurate result.
  • Transrectal ultrasound is performed after inserting the sensor into the rectum. For TRUS, the patient is placed on a couch with his legs bent with his knees to his chin. The sensor is inserted through the anus, leading to the place where the rectum comes into contact with the prostate gland.
The doctor conducting the diagnostic procedure draws up a protocol describing the ultrasound of the prostate adenoma. Based on the results of the study, drug therapy is prescribed.

What does BPH look like on an ultrasound?

At first glance, the results ultrasound diagnostics so complex and confusing that it seems impossible to figure them out on your own. In fact, everything is much simpler. If you understand the basic diagnostic criteria, you can decipher the test results yourself:
  • Shape and contour of the prostate – the prostate gland when scanned resembles a chestnut. If there are violations, the volume of the adenoma increases and changes. The interlobar track is smoothed out. The gland becomes like a ball.
    The dimensions of the prostate with hyperplasia on ultrasound will be outside the normal range: upper-inferior section 2.4-4.1 cm; transverse 2.7-4.3 cm; anteroposterior 1.6-2.3 cm; volume 16-18 cm³.
  • Echogenicity is the most important research parameter. In case of acute prostatitis, the results will indicate: hypoechogenicity, low echogenicity, etc. At chronic disease the protocol will indicate a hyperechoic area.
  • Echostructure is an indicator indicating the stage of prostate adenoma and the nature of the formation. Normally, the echostructure is homogeneous. Diffuse compactions and heterogeneity indicate cystic formations, adhesions, benign and malignant neoplasms.
  • Vascularization - provides information about the blood flow of the prostate gland, more precisely about disturbances in the supply of blood to individual areas and the presence of congestion.

The results of the study indicate several more diagnostic criteria, but shape, echogenicity, echostructure and vascularization are the four most important and informative parameters necessary for an accurate diagnosis.

After receiving the tests, the urologist will calculate the total volume of prostatic hyperplasia on an ultrasound scan. Each age category has its own rate of prostate growth. The calculation is performed using the Gromov or ellipsoid formula.

According to ultrasound data, the degree of increase in hyperplasia is determined. Results are divided into three categories based on severity: simple, moderate and complex.

Ultrasound diagnostics does not have side effects, does not require special training, is informative and accurate. The frequency of ultrasound examination is not limited.

A patient suffering from prostate diseases is recommended to undergo the procedure every six months. Thus, the attending physician will be able to see the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy and adjust the treatment.

Prostate is an important element of the male reproductive system. It is located in close proximity to the bladder, closely adjacent to the urethra. A feature of the prostate is the production of a specific secretion that is included in the components of seminal fluid. The secretion helps give sperm the necessary mobility; it is not directly involved in fertilization, but if it is absent from the seminal fluid, fertilization is impossible. The seminal vesicles are located slightly behind the prostate; they are responsible for the production of seminal fluid. However, inflammation of the prostate gland can affect the quality of sperm, which often causes complete infertility.


Prostate adenoma usually referred to as an increase in organ volume due to benign neoplasms. And since the adenoma covers the urethra, the organ enlarged as a result of the tumor blocks the canal, which leads to difficulties during emptying the bladder. This is one of the most common male ailments; almost half of the male population over the age of 60 suffers from this disease. Therefore, the sooner prostate disease is diagnosed, the more effective the treatment will be, since when running forms There is only one possible treatment for this disease - surgery. Today there is no other diagnostic method that can be used to determine the initial stage of the disease other than ultrasound. And even at the first signs of prostate dysfunction, you should immediately consult a doctor; timely treatment will help you not only maintain your health, but also save money on treatment.

Methods for diagnosing prostate diseases

Ultrasound of prostate adenoma is considered the main method for diagnosing diseases of the genitourinary system in men. Indications for ultrasound examination may include: frequent urge or, on the contrary, difficulty and pain when urinating, problems with potency, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen after bowel movement, pain in the groin area. An ultrasound procedure is often prescribed by the attending physician if, as a result of a rectal examination, he detects changes in the condition of the prostate.

In order to get the most accurate picture of the condition of the prostate gland, Ultrasound of prostate adenoma usually performed transrectally. This method involves inserting an ultrasound transducer into the rectum. The patient is usually on his right side with his legs tightly pressed to his chest.

During diagnostics, patients do not feel much discomfort, since the sensor inserted into the rectum has a very modest size. In cases where the transrectal method is impossible due to medical indications For example, for hemorrhoids, the procedure is performed transabdominally, that is, through the wall of the abdominal cavity. However, this method can only be used as an auxiliary method, because with its help it is possible to obtain very approximate results. You can undergo this type of examination in our clinic!

The content of the article:

Ultrasound diagnostics for identifying urological pathology is a modern non-invasive and quite informative method.

Ultrasound of the prostate is an integral part of the initial examination of a man. The examination is absolutely painless, the result is given to you immediately after completion. Modern ultrasound machines allow you to assess the size and structure of the prostate, the severity of the pathology, see the condition of nearby organs, confirm or refute the tumor process.

It is very important to choose medical Center, where there is the most modern equipment, and highly qualified specialists work, since the clearest image of the prostate gland, with high resolution, will make it possible to make a diagnosis already at the first echographic examination.

Types of ultrasound examination of the prostate gland and preparation

Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)

Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland is performed by inserting a sensor into the rectum; with this method of examination, the prostate is visualized much better.

Patient position: lying on the side with legs brought to the stomach.

TRUS requires some preparation. On the eve of the study, give a cleansing enema in the evening, repeat the procedure in the morning. The rectum should be clean, feces should not make inspection difficult.

For three days, stop eating gas-forming foods: peas, beans, milk, sauerkraut.

The sensor size is small, the immersion depth is about 10 cm, so the procedure is almost painless.

In case of an acute inflammatory process in the prostate gland (acute prostatitis, suspected abscess), it is possible to pre-inject a special gel with an anesthetic into the rectum. Sometimes, in these cases, they are limited to conducting research through the abdominal wall. A special disposable condom is placed on the sensor to perform diagnostic procedures.

The study itself lasts no more than 10-15 minutes.

Transabdominal ultrasound examination

Somewhat inferior in quality to TRUS, it is accessed through the anterior abdominal wall. Not recommended for obese men.

For better visualization, it is necessary to fill the bladder with water before the examination. This is a requirement. You can bring water with you (approximately 1 liter); you should come for the examination a little earlier, an hour before the appointed time. Note that everyone’s kidney excretory function is different, so the rate at which the bladder fills with fluid also varies.

Performing an enema before a transabdominal ultrasound is desirable, but not required.

There are patients who, for some reason, have an epicystostomy or urethral catheter installed.

For TRUS, the degree of bladder fullness is not important, but during a transabdominal examination, you can fill the bladder with furatsilin solution directly through the drains, followed by clamping them. To complete the picture, an ultrasound examination is performed before and after urination, this allows one to assess the amount of residual urine and the severity of obstruction of the lower excretory tract in a man.

Indications for ultrasound examination of the prostate

There are many indications for this type of diagnosis:

As a routine diagnosis for men over 45 years of age.
Inflammatory process in the pelvis in a man.
To clarify the causes of infertility.
To assess the effectiveness of the therapy.
To exclude or confirm a tumor process in the prostate.
When blood appears in semen.
To determine the cause of erectile dysfunction.
Pain in the lower abdomen.
Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes.

Changes in clinical analysis urine
For symptoms of urinary dysfunction.
For the purpose of dynamic observation.
With a history of bladder tumors, during observation.
Chronic renal failure.
Increased level prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood.

Normal prostate parameters on ultrasound or interpretation of results

An ultrasound photo of the prostate gland is called a “sonogram” or “echogram”

The prostate increases gradually throughout a man’s life; after 45-50 years, its growth accelerates. The volume of the prostate gland is largely determined by hormonal levels and genetic predisposition.

The prostate gland may enlarge due to an inflammatory process or congestion (lack of regular ejaculation) in young man, for prostate cancer.
Therefore for each age group their normal limits.

The dimensions of the prostate gland according to ultrasound are normal:

Transverse 2.7–4.3 cm
Antero-posterior 1.6–2.3 cm
Upper–lower 2.4–4.1 cm

The data presented are relevant for assessing the size of the prostate in young men over 18 years of age; these sizes increase with age.

How is prostate volume calculated?

There is a special formula for calculating the average volume of the prostate gland.

Age is multiplied by a factor of 0.13 and added 16.4. The resulting number is normal indicator prostate volume for a man of a given age.

For example, if a man is 50 years old, then the volume calculation using the formula looks like this:

50 *0.13 + 16.4 = 22.9 cm cubic.

This means that the age norm for a 50-year-old man is in the range from 22.9 to 30 cm cubic.

After 50 years, normally, the maximum volume should not be more than 30 cm 3, and at the age of 19 to 50, a volume of up to 25 cm 3 is allowed. In general, the device itself produces the volume of the prostate, taking into account the assessment of linear indicators: all obtained sizes are multiplied by a factor of 0.52.
Note that if the prostate volume is larger age norm, this does not necessarily indicate a pathological process, but further observation should not be refused.

What can be assessed on a prostate ultrasound

Amount of residual urine.
Structure of gland tissue.
Volume of hyperplastic prostate tissue.
Blood flow.
Condition of surrounding tissues.
Pathological formations, their location and size.
Growth of adenomatous nodes in BPH.
Seminal vesicles.

Ultrasound clearly visualizes tissue with an atypical structure. On the echogram you can see calcifications, a tumor, a cyst, an inflammatory focus, a stone.

Modern devices have a number of very useful devices for more accurate diagnosis.
Doppler ultrasound evaluates the blood flow of the organ and the pathological tumor. And the arteries and veins in the body can be represented on the screen, like on a geographical map.
The echographic picture of prostate cancer differs from that of a cyst, but it is not possible to verify the diagnosis using ultrasound diagnostics.
To confirm or refute a malignant tumor of the prostate gland, a transrectal biopsy of organ tissue is performed, followed by histological examination.

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer (arrow)

In most cases, a prostate tumor does not manifest itself in any way in the early stages.

It's good if the man passed preventive examination(ultrasound of the prostate and blood PSA) and it was possible to suspect a tumor at stage T1 - T2. An ultrasound examination shows a neoplasm in the prostate even if it is small in size; another thing is that it may turn out to be an area of ​​fibrous tissue, an accumulation of salts, or a nodular form of prostate adenoma.

Prostate cancer looks like a hyperechoic lesion with unclear and uneven contours. More often, malignant tumor localized in the peripheral or transition zone.

If the tumor is located on the surface, or the process has gone too far, then the fatty tissue is modified. At stage T4, the process may involve vesicles, bladder, urethra, and regional lymph nodes.

It is possible to repeat the ultrasound to track the dynamics. If the echogram gives a picture of the growth of the tumor, and the PSA level is higher than normal, this is an indication for performing a TRB (transrectal biopsy).

To clarify the degree of prevalence, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is sometimes prescribed; it will help outline a biopsy plan. TRB is monitored using ultrasound. As a rule, several columns of prostate tissue are taken.

And this sonogram shows prostate cancer in a more advanced stage, arrow 1 – germination into the seminal vesicles and arrow 2 – into the wall of the bladder

Prostate adenoma

Transabdominal sonogram of the prostate, a – frontal projection, b sagittal projection, arrow – BPH with intravesical growth

Transrectal sonogram of the prostate

The picture on the echogram is directly dependent on the shape of the adenoma, the growth of adenomatous nodes, and the stage of hyperplasia.

As a rule, the structure with diffuse prostate adenoma is homogeneous, with nodular prostate adenoma, which is more common, it is diffuse - focal. If the development of a tumor is suspected against the background of prostate hyperplasia, pronounced asymmetry of the gland and heterogeneity of its structure are visualized.

Acute prostatitis

In acute prostatitis, attention is drawn to an increase in the size of the prostate gland and reduced echogenicity.

If inflammation exists for a long time, then sometimes you can see areas of sclerosis
(hyperechoic foci without acoustic effect).

What are the contraindications to ultrasound examination prostate

Intestinal obstruction,
Short time after surgery for removal of hemorrhoids, excision of rectal fissures.
Acute inflammatory conditions of the rectum.

Let's summarize:

The earlier the disease is detected, the better prognosis. Ultrasound examination of the prostate gland is an informative, accessible, non-invasive method of instrumental diagnostics.

Performing ultrasound (TRUS) as a preventive measure allowed some patients to maintain health, and for some even life.

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