Home Flowers Preparing for an ultrasound of the rectum. How is rectal ultrasound performed? Ultrasound examination of the rectum with a rectal probe

Preparing for an ultrasound of the rectum. How is rectal ultrasound performed? Ultrasound examination of the rectum with a rectal probe

The department employs doctors of the highest qualification category, doctor and candidates of medical sciences.

Currently, the statistics of the department include more than 100 thousand studies of patients, both with the help of routine examination methods, and using original techniques developed in the department. Studies are carried out using modern expert-class ultrasound diagnostic devices from Phillips, General Electric, B-K Medicals, Hitachi, which allow obtaining images high degree resolution or construct a three-dimensional image of the organ under study, conduct Doppler examination and sonoelastography.

Department ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound Diagnostics Department

Ultrasound Diagnostics Department

2D panoramic scanning Ultrasound examination of the anterior abdominal wall (a hematoma is determined in the thickness) Endorectal 3D ultrasound examination - locally advanced tumor rectum

An undoubted advantage of ultrasonography is the ability to conduct research in real time. Unlike other diagnostic imaging methods, ultrasound can be performed repeatedly because it is not a source of ionizing radiation and can be used without harm even in pregnant women and newborns.

Scientific and practical work in the department is carried out in three areas:

  • studying the possibilities of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of coloproctological diseases;
  • minimally invasive interventions under ultrasound control;
  • functional studies.

Ultrasound Diagnostics Department

Employees of the department have published more than 200 works, received 8 patents for inventions, defended 6 candidate's and one doctoral dissertations, written chapters in the "Clinical Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics" (1996), " Practical guide on ultrasound diagnostics" (2003, 2010), in the National Guide to Radiation Diagnostics (2014), in the monograph "Nonspecific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases" (2008).

The department has developed and introduced into clinical practice methods for ultrasound examination of the colon and rectum through the anterior abdominal wall and using a rectal sensor, which makes it possible to identify and carry out differential diagnosis of benign and malignant diseases of the colon, anal canal and perineum.

Ultrasound Diagnostics Department

Original methods of ultrasound examination of the colon and rectum play a role important role V primary diagnosis rectal fistulas, diverticular disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, techniques have also been developed functional studies allowing to assess the contractility of the pelvic floor muscles, which plays an important role in the diagnosis of rectocele, internal rectal prolapse and other diseases.

At the State Research Center of Coloproctology, it has become routine to perform intraoperative ultrasound examinations during laparoscopic and open operations for various colorectal diseases.

Ultrasound examination performed during surgery makes it possible to assess the extent of the pathological process of the colon and optimize the choice of the extent of surgical intervention.

Schemes have been developed for the diagnosis of postoperative complications ultrasonic monitoring. Drainage of postoperative hematomas and abscesses abdominal cavity under ultrasound control allowed to avoid repeated operations.

The experience of ultrasound examinations in patients with caudal teratomas and extraorgan pelvic tumors, accumulated by the staff of the department, is unique not only for Russia, but also for world medicine.

The experience of ultrasound examinations in patients with caudal teratomas and extraorgan pelvic tumors, accumulated by the staff of the department, is unique not only for Russia, but also for world medicine.

In addition to specific colorectal pathology, the department has mastered the entire range of ultrasound diagnostics concomitant diseases: liver and biliary tract, pancreas, spleen, genitourinary system, pelvic organs, thyroid and mammary glands, heart and blood vessels.

The contribution of the department to the process of monitoring patients after treatment carried out at the institute is important. Ultrasonography, as the safest and effective method monitoring of patients after operations for colon tumors is the most common study prescribed by surgeons in the process of monitoring patients.

It is safe to say that thanks to the efforts of the department’s staff, a new direction of ultrasound diagnostics has been created - coloproctology.

The contribution of the department to the process of monitoring patients after treatment carried out at the institute is important. Ultrasonography, as the safest and most effective method of monitoring patients after surgery for colon tumors, is the most common study prescribed by surgeons in the process of monitoring patients.

It is safe to say that thanks to the efforts of the department’s staff, a new direction of ultrasound diagnostics has been created - coloproctology.


  • Ultrasound of the hepatobiliary zone (liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen).
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in coloproctological patients through the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • Ultrasound of the retroperitoneum.
  • Comprehensive ultrasound of the pelvic organs in men (percutaneous and transrectal).
  • Comprehensive ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women (percutaneous and transvaginal).
  • Ultrasound Bladder with determination of residual urine.
  • Ultrasound of the intestines for tumors, inflammatory diseases(UC and CD), diverticular disease colon, endometriosis.
  • Comprehensive ultrasound of the intestine with 3D image reconstruction.
  • Ultrasound of the rectum with a rectal probe for malignant and benign tumors, acute paraproctitis, fistulas, rectocele, rectal prolapse, perineal prolapse, anal sphincter insufficiency (postoperative, postpartum, posttraumatic), retrocervical endometriosis.
  • Comprehensive ultrasound of the rectum with a rectal probe and 3D image reconstruction and sonoelastography.
  • Ultrasound of soft tissues of the perineum for ECX, perineal pyoderma, tumors, etc.
  • Ultrasound of superficially located lymph nodes (inguinal, axillary, supraclavicular, subclavian, neck).
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands.
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum.
  • Duplex examination of the vessels of the extremities.
  • Duplex examination of abdominal vessels.
  • Intraoperative ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  • Echocardiography.
  • Percutaneous diagnostic puncture of the liver and inguinal lymph nodes
  • Percutaneous medical puncture with drainage of a pathological formation in the abdominal cavity.



  • 12 hours before the test, do not eat or drink.
  • Do not take medications on the day of the test.
  • On the eve of the study, take Espumisan or activated carbon, 2 tablets 3 times a day.


  • Under no circumstances should you prepare the intestines with enemas or laxatives with osmotic properties (FOTRANS, LAVAKOL, FLEET PHOSPHOLOGICAL SODA, etc.), which is a strict contraindication for the study.


  • On the day of the examination, do not eat or drink.
  • One small cleansing enema is given in the morning.


  • No special preparation required.

Examination of internal organs using ultrasound - affordable and safe method diagnostics To most accurately assess the health status of the pelvic organs in men, a variation of this technique is used - transrectal ultrasound. The procedure is not only highly informative for the doctor, but also safe for the patient, since ultrasonic waves do not cause negative influence on the body.

Survey objects

Using TRUS (transrectal ultrasound), the doctor examines the man’s pelvic organs:

  • bladder;
  • paired glands that secrete secretions for the movement and nutrition of sperm - seminal vesicles;
  • prostate gland(prostate);
  • venous vessels.

Increasingly this study aimed at studying and assessing the health of the prostate gland. The image obtained on the monitor makes it possible to examine in detail the structure of the organ, its location in the body, its boundaries and structure. For women, TRUS is practiced only as a method for diagnosing a malignant tumor of the rectum.

Features and capabilities of research

Diagnosis of the male genitourinary system is carried out using a transabdominal and transrectal method. In the first case, the ultrasound sensor is in contact with the anterior abdominal wall, in the second, it is inserted directly into the rectum. The transabdominal method is less informative for examining the prostate and seminal glands, since the sensor is located at a considerable distance from the prostate gland. This method is more effective in diagnosing bladder diseases.

In the transrectal version, the sensor is as close as possible to the prostate gland, which allows you to obtain a clear image and diagnose the slightest changes in the organ. In addition, the method allows you to evaluate adjacent lymph nodes, peri-intestinal (pararectal) space and intestinal walls

TRUS is used to determine:

  • the presence of calculi (stones) in the prostate and bladder;
  • the presence of tumor neoplasms of various etiologies (cancer or hyperplasia);
  • inflammation of the rectal tissue (paraproctitis) and possible fistulas (fistulas);
  • pathological changes in lymph nodes;
  • structure and condition of the seminal vesicles.

The prerogative aspect of using a transrectal sensor is the ability to collect tissue for laboratory analysis(biopsy), in order to differentiate tumor formations.

Location of the prostate gland in the male body

Purpose of the procedure

A man receives a referral for diagnosis from an andrologist or urologist (less often from a surgeon). The basis for a rectal examination of the pelvic organs is symptomatic complaints presented by the patient or monitoring therapy for a previously diagnosed disease. You can undergo the procedure yourself in order to prevent male diseases genitourinary area.

The main symptoms for prescribing TRUS are:

  • disruption of the natural process of emptying the bladder (painful and frequent urination, decreased amount of urine produced, the need for additional muscle effort during urination, and an increase in the time of the process itself);
  • systematic painful sensations in the abdomen and perineal area;
  • pain in the lumbar region caused by impaired urine flow (renal colic);
  • blood clots in semen or urine;
  • STIs (sexually transmitted infections);
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • normative deviations of the prostate specific antigen (PSA) test, urine test and spermogram;
  • inability to conceive.

Rectal ultrasound is indicated in the preoperative period on the pelvic organs, as well as after surgery, in the presence of prostate adenoma (hyperplasia) and chronic prostatitis(inflammation of the prostate), with unsatisfactory results of rectal palpation examination, for men aged 50+ (for prevention).

TRUS can be prescribed for inflammation in the bladder and urethra (cystitis and urethritis). Contraindications to the study are: the postoperative period of surgical intervention in the intestines, hemorrhoids in the acute stage. If you have an allergic reaction to latex, you must notify your doctor.

Preparatory activities

Special preparation of the body is necessary for the most comfortable well-being of a man during the procedure, and maximum optimization of the examination results. The patient is required to fulfill the following conditions. On the eve of the study, dinner should not consist of heavy, difficult to digest foods. An enema procedure must be performed 2–4 hours before TRUS. The volume of injected liquid ranges from 1.5 to 2 liters.

During the TRUS procedure, the patient should not make sudden movements.

Since it is difficult to carry out this manipulation on your own, you can use Microlax microenema as an alternative. Immediately before the test, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water (or other liquid that does not contain gas) and do not empty your bladder. This is necessary for better visualization of organs. During the rectal examination, the man should feel the urge to urinate.

Two days before TRUS, it is recommended to lighten the diet by excluding from it foods that cause intense gas formation (cabbage, legumes, yeast baked goods, carbonated drinks), spicy and fried foods, take carminatives medicines(Espumizan, Activated carbon). Consumption is strictly prohibited alcoholic drinks.

Conditions for the procedure

The examination is carried out with the man lying horizontally on his left side, with his knees tucked towards his stomach. A special thin sensor is placed in a condom or a special latex case treated with gel. The sensor is inserted into the rectum at a distance of about 10 cm. Ultrasound waves are reflected from the organs being examined by an echo signal, which is processed computer program.

On the monitor, the doctor sees a real image of the internal space of the patient’s body. The time interval of the procedure is about half an hour. If it is necessary to analyze the degree of bladder emptying, after the main study the man empties the bladder, and TRUS is performed again. The transrectal method is not painful, but may cause discomfort. Taking a biopath (biopsy) is especially unpleasant. However, this lasts for a short period of time.

If the patient has increased sensitivity (sensitivity), the anus can be treated with an anesthetic.

Decoding results

The ultrasound specialist deciphers the resulting image, and the data is recorded in the ultrasound examination protocol. The parameters of the man under study are compared with the standards, on the basis of which a conclusion is drawn about the condition of the prostate gland and adjacent organs. A healthy organ has:

  • clear and even outlines (contours);
  • non-homogeneous granular structure;
  • the superoanterior, anteroposterior and transverse dimensions normally correspond to the digital indicators: 2.4–4.1 cm; 1.6–2.3 cm; 2.7–4.3 cm; Width, length, thickness: 4 cm, 4.5 cm, 2.5 cm respectively;
  • rounded shape with symmetrical lobes.

The volume of the prostate must correspond to the patient’s age, and is calculated using Gromov’s formula: V=0.13*B+16.4. (B – indicates age). The resulting number should not exceed 30. If the volume on ultrasound does not correspond to the norm, we can talk about the presence of pathology. The permissible size of the seminal vesicles is no more than 0.1 cm. Absence of tumor formations in the prostate gland and bladder. The bladder should not be deformed or contain sand or stones. Wall thickness – from 3 to 5 mm. The remaining urine after emptying does not exceed 15 ml.

The venous ducts are not dilated. The vas deferens is examined further. Based on the results of the procedure, the attending physician prescribes conservative therapy or decides on surgery. For diagnosing diseases of a man’s “second heart” (as the prostate gland is otherwise called), transrectal ultrasound is the most informative method. With its help, it is possible to identify pathologies at the initial stage of their development. You should not be afraid of the procedure or be biased towards it. If the doctor prescribed TRUS, then there are indications for this that cannot be ignored.

The main advantage of ultrasound scanning of the prostate, which is performed rectally, is the high clarity of visual data. This prostate ultrasound method involves inserting an ultrasound probe into the rectum. Since the emitter head is located only 5-6 mm from the organ capsule, a very accurate image of prostate tissue is displayed on the screen. This makes it possible to detect even minor pathological changes in the organ. Helps increase the information content of data proper preparation to the procedure.

Advantages of transrectal examination

Ultrasound, which is performed rectally, causes some psychological discomfort in most men. However, it is this method allows you to obtain the most reliable data on the condition of the prostate gland.

Its advantages also include the following:

  • the proximity of the sensor to the prostate makes it possible to examine even small disturbances in tissue density, which may indicate the development of neoplasms of various types;
  • the contours of the organ and the symmetry of its lobes are more clearly defined;
  • When scanning performed rectally, calcium formations (calcifications), cysts (hollow capsules with liquid contents) are clearly visible;
  • When a sensor is inserted into the rectal cavity, it is possible to determine the condition of the seminal ducts and vesicles, pathological changes in which often cause reproductive dysfunction.

Due to the high accuracy of the method, it is possible to determine many dangerous diseases at the very beginning of their development, which significantly increases the favorable prognosis.

Indications and contraindications

Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland is prescribed to patients with the following disorders:

  • reproductive dysfunction;
  • deterioration of urine outflow;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • elevated levels of PSA in the blood.

It is preferable to perform rectal ultrasound in cases preventive examinations. Due to its accuracy and high information content, this method allows you to identify even those minor changes in the prostate that go unnoticed with other research methods.

Like any ultrasound examination, transrectal scanning is completely harmless to the body and does not cause side effects. All contraindications are related to the need to insert an ultrasonic sensor into anus. Due to the likelihood of tissue injury, the procedure is contraindicated in patients with recent operations in the rectum, in the presence of inflamed hemorrhoids and open wound surfaces.

How to prepare properly

The procedure, which is performed rectally, requires both certain physical and psychological preparation. Physical training is aimed at maximum cleansing of the intestines from gases and feces. To do this, 2-3 days before the ultrasound, you should review your diet and exclude those foods that contribute to increased gas formation. You should stop eating 8-10 hours before. Laxatives or enemas are used to cleanse the intestines.

A laxative is taken the evening before the examination, and an enema is recommended 2-3 hours before the scan. If the doctor, in addition to an ultrasound scan of the prostate gland, plans to examine the bladder, you need to drink 1 liter of water half an hour before the procedure. In cases where a man cannot calm down before the examination, sedatives may be taken.

Sequence of the study

Before starting the procedure, the patient must remove his trousers and underwear. The sensor is inserted while lying on your side with your legs pulled up to your chest. Before inserting the emitter, a sterile film is placed on its head, the surface of which is lubricated with a special gel. The depth of insertion of the device does not exceed 5 cm. During an ultrasound scan of the prostate gland, the doctor determines the parameters of the organ, determines the echogenicity of the tissues, and determines the possible presence of pathological processes.

What the examination can show

The scan, which is performed rectally, gives a complete picture of the condition of the prostate gland. An increase in the size of an organ may indicate the development of an adenoma or malignant neoplasm, or inflammatory processes. Based on tissue density, one can conclude that there is an acute or chronic inflammation, individual compactions indicate the presence of calcifications, cystic formations, and abscesses.

If an ultrasound reveals asymmetry of the lobes, this may indicate the formation cancerous tumor. To make a diagnosis, an assessment of blood flow in the organ is also carried out, and the amount and condition of blood vessels. Analysis of all data obtained during the study allows us to most accurately determine the pathology and choose treatment tactics.

Anatomy of the prostate gland on ultrasound: features and results When is a prostate ultrasound required and is preparation necessary for it? Exciting facts about how prostate ultrasound is performed


Ultrasonography of the intestine is one of the most productive methods of analysis gastrointestinal tract. It helps doctors detect pathologies in the abdominal cavity, and helps patients begin treatment on time, avoiding negative consequences.

Ultrasound of the intestine - what it shows

Unlike colonoscopy, ultrasound can detect gastrointestinal and extraintestinal inflammation, including wall thickening, diverticulitis, stenosis (with or without distension), abscesses, fistulas, etc. What an ultrasound scan of the intestines shows depends largely on the doctor who performs the diagnosis, so you should only contact good specialists who will notice complications in time.

Ultrasound examination of the intestine is the main way to detect Crohn's disease, intussusception, disorders internal structure intestines. Due to its affordable price and absence of pain, the method is recommended not only for adults, but also for children. A non-invasive approach to obtaining data is comfortable for the child and helps the doctor obtain exact information about the presence of injuries.

Ultrasound of the rectum

A rectal examination helps identify problems in the final section of the intestine. The process goes like this:

  1. An endoscope with an ultrasonic tip is inserted into the rectum. A condom is first put on it.
  2. The rectal sensor is connected to the computer.
  3. Sound waves transmit data collected inside the intestines to a screen.

Rectal ultrasound is used to detect:

  • intestinal malformations;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • polyps;
  • endometriosis in women;
  • displacement and deformation of the rectum.

Ultrasound of the large intestine

Ultrasound testing may be done if any of the following symptoms are detected:

  • discomfort and gas in the abdomen;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • frequent nausea and vomiting;
  • periodic constipation;
  • the presence of uncharacteristic formations that the patient can feel independently.

Ultrasound of the colon helps to identify pathology, confirm or refute suspicions of serious illnesses, including cancer. Often one procedure is enough to make an accurate diagnosis. Along with sonography, the doctor may prescribe a contrast X-ray or colonoscopy. However, ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract is a simpler, more economical and painless method of examination.

Ultrasound of the small intestine

The longest and most tortuous region of the abdominal cavity presents some difficulties to study. The doctor may encounter insufficient depth of penetration of the sensor and the presence of intestinal gases, which spoil the image quality. Reliable information about the condition of the intestine can only be obtained using advanced scanning technologies with high resolution equipment.

To increase accuracy when performing ultrasound of the small intestine, a curved or linear transducer should be used. After pathology is detected, wall thickness, stratification, cavity patency, degree of stenosis or dilatation, and intestinal motility pattern should be additionally checked. It is recommended to have regular abdominal scans to eliminate risks.

Ultrasound of the duodenum

Ultrasound examination duodenum is a procedure by which one can see digestive organ connecting the stomach and small intestine. Sound waves reflected from the probe help obtain an accurate image of a specific area. Ultrasound of the duodenum allows you to diagnose intestinal diseases such as:

Ultrasound of the intestine - preparation

Before going to the doctor, you should fast for a while. It is better not to eat anything for 6 hours. Sometimes preparation for an intestinal ultrasound may include following a special diet for up to 3 days. This leads to a decrease in the amount of fluid and air in the intestines and reduces peristalsis. Drinking through a straw also reduces gas in the intestines. This preparation will help the doctor distinguish areas of the intestine from each other.

You should wear comfortable, loose clothing that does not restrict movement in the abdominal area. If you have a piercing, it is better to remove the jewelry at home, before going to the doctor. Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract is performed on the side or back, depending on the area being examined. In case of increased gas formation, it is better to take special medications, for example, Espumisan.

Diet before ultrasound of the intestine

The list of products allowed before undergoing ultrasonic radiation is limited. Portions should be small. It is better to eat 5-6 times a day than three times, but densely. Fat girls This will also help you lose some weight. Liquid lovers should limit themselves: they are allowed to take only 1.5 liters per day. You can only drink still water and weak tea. What you should eat:

  • lean poultry (you can eat lean beef, veal);
  • cereals cooked in water;
  • boiled fish (low-fat);
  • 1 egg per day (hard-boiled).

The diet before an intestinal ultrasound is not limited to this. You should absolutely not use:

  • coffee;
  • dairy products;
  • carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • confectionery;
  • legumes;
  • raw fruits, vegetables;
  • bread, flour products.

How to do an ultrasound of the intestines

Ultrasound is used to detect changes in internal organs, tissues, vessels. As for the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor analyzes appearance, size, shape of the intestine to find abnormal tissues: tumors, neoplasms, adhesions. Sonography helps determine the presence of injuries, internal hemorrhages, intestinal obstruction, and pathologies in women during pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination of the intestines requires the use of innovative equipment. With its help, you can detect thickening of the intestinal walls, which is the main sign of inflammation or confirmation of appendicitis. To do this, use a scanner with a scaling frequency of 5-7.5 MHz to establish the diameter of the lumen and identify dark spots. Then specialists decipher and analyze the received data.

How to check the intestines on an ultrasound in a child? The painless process does not pose any danger even for small ones. The main thing is to explain to the baby that the doctor is not going to harm him. As for diet, the youngest patients should not eat for at least 4 hours, and older children should not eat for 6 hours before the procedure. Espumisan, Smecta and other medications will help reduce gas formation.

Price for intestinal ultrasound

The cost of an ultrasound examination depends not only on the complexity of the process, but also on the status of the medical institution. The lowest price in Moscow was set by a clinic on Ryazansky Prospekt. The price for an intestinal ultrasound at the diagnostic center here is 990 rubles. Another clinic offers an ultrasound scan for 4,197 rubles. This is the most expensive examination in the metropolis.

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  • The essence of the technique
  • Why is research needed?
  • Preparatory activities
  • Carrying out the procedure

Ultrasound of the rectum with a rectal sensor allows for a visual assessment of its condition. In this way, it is possible to diagnose a number of diseases with an accurate determination of the localization of the lesion. The technology was mastered in Russia less than 40 years ago, but has already become widespread and can be implemented even in small medical institutions. It is important that ultrasound is completely safe and can be used when examining pregnant women and young children.

The essence of the technique

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is based on the echogenicity of tissues human body, that is, the reflection of an ultrasonic frequency wave at the interface between various structures. The returned signal is recorded by sensors, and taking into account the different reflectivity of different media, its value varies, which makes it possible to evaluate the tissue structure and size.

Information about the received signals enters a computer, on the screen of which a picture is formed illustrating the distribution of reflected pulses in the form of darkened areas of varying intensity. Liquid has very low echogenicity, but solid tissues are quite sensitive to the passage of waves, and this indicator increases with increasing density.

Conducting an ultrasound of the intestine, unlike studies of other organs, is associated with specific difficulties.

The problem is that in the area of ​​contact of any tissue with gas (air), the ultrasonic pulse is completely reflected. The rectum is filled with a gaseous environment, which means that a wave directed from the outside cannot enter the internal cavity and study it internal structure becomes impossible. Taking into account this phenomenon, during ultrasound of the intestine, special methods are forced to be used: introducing a sensor inside or eliminating the gaseous environment, that is, filling the cavity with liquid.

In practice, 2 technologies are used:

  1. Transabdominal method: the ultrasound wave is directed externally through the abdominal cavity. In this case, it is necessary to fill the intestinal cavity and bladder with a special contrast composition.
  2. Endorectal ultrasonography, or transrectal ultrasound of the rectum. To carry it out, the device's sensor is inserted into the intestine through the anus.

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Why is research needed?

During an ultrasound of the rectum, rectal sensors scan the rectum in several directions. The doctor evaluates the information that appears on the monitor in comparison with the normal state of the organ. The resulting picture allows us to determine the thickness of the intestinal wall in different parts of it, the structure of the tissues, the location of the intestine in the abdominal cavity, general shape and organ size. Decoding the results makes it possible to determine the condition and length of damaged areas of tissue and mucous membrane, to study the manifestation of the inflammatory reaction, the presence of scars, tumor formations, cracks, and polyps.

So, normally, the thickness of the intestine is more than 8 mm, and ultrasound can reveal local narrowing or expansion of the intestinal lumen. External stenotic contour
Ideally, they should be smooth, and the organ itself should have a rounded shape. Any changes of this nature will appear on the screen.

Ultrasound of the rectum using rectal sensors allows us to identify the following pathologies: internal hemorrhoids, colitis, appendicitis, fistulas, tumor formations (including malignant ones), hidden internal bleeding, paraproctitis, stenotic hematomas, intestinal obstruction and a number of other diseases. This technique is used to diagnose the disease, as well as to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. Given its complete safety, it can be prescribed even to infants.

The studies under consideration must be ordered in the following circumstances:

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Preparatory activities

Before performing an ultrasound of the rectum, special preparation is required. The procedure is carried out only after removing food debris from the organ and on an empty stomach. The intestines must be cleared of gases and feces. Preparatory stage includes the following activities:

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Carrying out the procedure

How is ultrasound performed using rectal probes? The procedure does not cause any particular difficulties even when examining children. For research, a special, thin sensor is used, which is inserted into the rectum through the anus to a depth of about 12-18 cm. The depth of insertion is controlled by the divisions marked on the device.

The procedure is carried out in this order:

Research results are assessed based on the following indicators:

  • the location of the intestine relative to other organs;
  • thickness of the intestinal wall;
  • length of the rectum;
  • number of stenotic layers;
  • echogenic picture;
  • the condition of nearby tissues and lymph nodes.

When performing endorectal ultrasonography, the results are compared with normal indicators. The following basic normal values ​​are taken into account:

  • the number of stenotic layers is 5, with the following structure: layers 1, 3 and 5 have increased echogenicity, and the rest have weak echogenicity;
  • pararectal lymph nodes measure up to 5 mm;
  • smooth contours, both internal and external.

When prescribing an ultrasound, it should be remembered that studies with the introduction of sensors cannot be carried out with stenosis of the rectal area. The possibility of carrying out the procedure must be determined by a proctologist.

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