Home Potato Why is the Mekong River the Danube? Question: Why can the Mekong River be called the Danube of Asia? Here you can buy antiques of various subjects

Why is the Mekong River the Danube? Question: Why can the Mekong River be called the Danube of Asia? Here you can buy antiques of various subjects

The Mekong River has many names. Most often you can hear that this river is the Danube of Asia. However, not everyone knows why it got such a name. The Mekong River is by far the largest not only in Vietnam, but also in

River development

So why can the Mekong River be called the Danube of Asia? The development of its territories began in ancient times. In the Middle Ages, part of the Mekong, or rather the delta, was the property of Cambodia. This region, according to many historians, is the place where the Khmer civilization originated. At that time, this area was heavily swamped. There was a dense forest here, but the Vietnamese gradually settled the places and eventually became the main nationality. The king from the Nguyen dynasty organized the construction of transport as well as irrigation canals.

Today, not only Vietnamese live in the Mekong. There are also Chams, and Chinese, and Khmers. This fact is due to the presence in this place of absolutely different religions, which include Islam, Hoahao, Caodaiism, Catholicism and Buddhism.

Such a different river

Not everyone understands why the Mekong River can be called the Danube of Asia. For most, this is an ordinary, unremarkable flow of water. However, the banks of this river unite more than one people. It is enough to swim downstream and we can say that we have seen all of Asia. After all, the Mekong, like the Danube, flows through the territories of many countries. This river is characterized by everything connected with the East. Here and dense tropics, yellow streams of water, huge and enough high density population.

Probably, many have already understood why the Mekong River can be called the Danube of Asia. After all, about 17 million people live in its delta in Vietnam. Its streams unite many cities.

river delta

The length is simply amazing. This figure is 4350 kilometers. It flows through 12 provinces of Vietnam. The area of ​​the delta is about 70 square meters. It is worth noting that this stretch of the river is still marshy in some places. The Mekong Delta includes 4 large arms. Each of them is approximately two kilometers wide. In addition, the delta also includes smaller channels in width. Of these, 8 flows into the ocean.

When the river overflows, it floods very large areas. Retreating, the Mekong leaves behind a layer of fertile silt. However, landslides often occur on the banks of the reservoir. And this, in turn, significantly reduces the size of the acreage.

Gifts of the Mekong

The Mekong River on the map looks no less impressive than the Danube. Maybe because large sizes these reservoirs and compare. Both rivers supply people in many countries with fish. It is worth noting that approximately 90% of the world's production of fish such as pangasius, which is often confused with sole, is concentrated in the Mekong Delta.

It is worth noting that the Danube of Asia is also a large rice granary. Very often, the symbol of Vietnam is drawn in the form of a yoke, at both ends of which baskets filled with rice hang. The Delta provides approximately 95% of Vietnam's rice exports. Now you know why the Mekong River can be called the Danube of Asia.

Why can the Mekong River be called the Danube of Asia?


Because it is a transport route on the Danube and the Mekong, shipping is extremely developed.

The Mekong is a river in China, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam (partially forms the border of Laos with Myanmar and Thailand), the largest in the Indochinese Peninsula. The length is about 4500 km, the basin area is 810 thousand km². Its similarity with the Danube lies in the presence of a wide delta at the mouth of the river, which grows by 80-100 meters a year, and also in the fact that the Mekong flows through the territory different countries- China, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam and widely used for international shipping. The Mekong Delta includes 4 large branches several kilometers wide each and countless small and tiny channels. During floods, the river floods vast areas. Retreating then, it leaves fertile silt on the fields. The Mekong feeds fish to a considerable number of people around the world - 90% of pangasius is produced here. Along with the Red River Delta in northern Vietnam, the Mekong Delta is a huge rice granary. The configuration of Vietnam is often compared to a yoke with two baskets of rice. One of them is the Mekong Delta, the second is the Red River Delta. In addition to rice, corn, vegetables and tropical fruits, sweet potatoes, legumes, cassava, and coconuts are grown. Many fruits are exotic for Russians. In addition to rice and corn fields, there are many orchards in this region. Farmers pick the fruit and take it by boat to the floating markets, where they sell it to wholesalers. The production of sweets from coconuts is widely developed at local mini-factories. The Mekong Delta is one of the most densely populated places in the world. Villages and towns here pass into each other, but imperceptibly because of the continuous tropical vegetation. Instead of roads, canals are used in the delta. The banks of the canals are connected by the so-called "monkey bridges" (in Vietnamese "Cau Khi"). In the old days they were built of bamboo and were less than a meter wide. Now the bridges are strengthened and widened so that sometimes even a car can drive over them. The "capital" of the Mekong Delta is the city of Can Tho, and the whole river flows through 9 southern provinces Vietnam: Long An, Tien Giang, Ben Tre, Dong Thap, An Giang, Vinh Long, Kien Giang, Hau Giang and Minh Hai. Can To is located 170 km from Ho Chi Minh City. It is home to 220 thousand inhabitants. There is an airport in Can That, which after the completion of modernization will become international. 16 are under construction in Can To kilometer bridge through one of the two widest branches of the Mekong. In September 2007, during construction, one span of the bridge collapsed and several dozen workers died. During the tour to Can To visit the Cai Rang floating market. The Kan To area has the most fertile land in the entire delta.

Overseas Asia

Try to answer:
1. Why of all economically developed countries"shift to the sea" of the economy received the most vivid expression in Japan? Why did Japan become a pioneer in the construction of supertankers, coal carriers, ore carriers, car carriers?
Because Japan is an archipelago country, and is poor in Natural resources. The necessary natural resources of Japan have to be purchased in other countries, delivered by sea. Japan buys large volumes of oil, coal, ores; sells cars to other countries. Therefore, Japan became a pioneer in the construction of supertankers, coal carriers, ore carriers, car carriers.
2. Why South and South-East Asia population density is greatest in the valleys and deltas of the rivers?
Because here are the most fertile soils, and rice crops can be harvested 3 times a year. Rice cultivation is a very labor intensive process.
3. Why animal husbandry has become main industry economy of Mongolia?
Due to natural conditions: dry steppes and semi-deserts are suitable mainly for animal husbandry.
4. Why can the Mekong River be called the “Danube of Asia”?
Because there are many states on the banks of this river for which the Mekong is the main water artery.
5. How specialization changes Agriculture as you move from north to south? From east to west?
From north to south: kaoliang, millet, corn, wheat and soybean cultivation → along the Yellow River - cotton and wheat → wheat and other grains → rice, wheat, corn → rice.
From east to west: growing cereals → livestock and grain farming → grazing.
6. Why does the extractive industry account for only 0.3% of Japan's industrial structure?
Because Japan is poor in minerals.
7. Why do they say: “To know India, one must live in the countryside”?
India is an agricultural country, the level of urbanization is 28%; 3/5 active population India is employed in agriculture. In terms of arable land, India is second only to the United States, while arable land occupies more than half of the country's territory.
8. Why in Australia are developed mainly oceanic territories?
Australia was mastered by Europeans, and development began with coastal areas. And in coastal areas natural conditions good for life and economic activity population. And the central regions of Australia are dry steppes, semi-deserts.

Are the following statements correct and, if necessary, give the correct answer:
1. Every fifth inhabitant of the Earth is Chinese. (Yes)
2. Japan, unlike other Asian countries, is characterized by the first type of population reproduction. (Yes, even in China, Republic of Korea, North Korea, Thailand).
3. South Asia- the most multinational and multilingual region of the world. (yes, India is the most multiethnic country in the world)
4. Japan has become a leading industrial power with only one type of resource - labor resources. (yes)
5. Peasants in the monsoon regions of Asia grow wheat and barley. (no, rice)
6. Australia ranks second in the world in the number of sheep and first in the production of wool. (Yes)
Choose the correct answer:
1. The bowels of the countries of Southwest Asia are rich in: oil, natural gas, iron ore, uranium, non-ferrous metal ores. (oil, natural gas)
2. Among the agricultural products of South Asia stand out: rice, bananas, dates, wheat, tea, cotton, wool. (rice, wheat, tea, cotton)
3. The most economically developed of the four main islands of Japan is: 1) Hokkaido; 2) Khonshu; 3) Kyushu; 4) Shikoku. (Island of Honshu).
Eliminate wrong answers:
1. Japan exports: ferrous metals, automobiles, ships, electronic products, coal, oil, iron ore, timber, livestock products. (coal, oil, iron ore, timber, livestock products).
Can you:
2. Show on the map the following cities mentioned in the text and text maps:
Shanghai - China; Osaka - Japan; Jakarta - Indonesia;
Bangkok - Thailand; Bombay - India; Kabul - Afghanistan;
Riyadh - Saudi Arabia; Istanbul, Turkey;
Sydney, Australia; Melbourne - Australia.
3. Indicate which of the following countries belong to the NIS: DPRK, Cambodia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Iraq? (Republic of Korea, Singapore)
4. Which of the following capital cities are seaside cities: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, Hanoi, Delhi, Baghdad, Ankara, Beirut? (Tokyo, Seoul, Hanoi, Beirut).
5. name 5 major cities Australia? (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Perth)
Identify the countries to which the following statements apply:
1. The country ranks first in the world in terms of medium density population (excluding microstates). (Bangladesh)
2. The country ranks first in the world in terms of oil reserves. (Saudi Arabia)
3. The country ranks first in the world in terms of irrigated land. (India)
4. A mainland country that is part of the Commonwealth. (Australia)

Why the Mekong River can be called the Danube of Asia: a little geography

The Mekong River has many names. Most often you can hear that this river is the Danube of Asia. However, not everyone knows why it got such a name. The Mekong River is by far the largest not only in Vietnam, but also in East Asia.

River development

So why can the Mekong River be called the Danube of Asia? The development of its territories began in ancient times. In the Middle Ages, part of the Mekong, or rather the delta, was the property of Cambodia. This region, according to many historians, is the place where the Khmer civilization originated. At that time, this area was heavily swamped. There was a dense forest here, but the Vietnamese gradually settled the places and eventually became the main nationality. The king from the Nguyen dynasty organized the construction of transport as well as irrigation canals.

Today, not only Vietnamese live in the Mekong Delta. There are also Chams, and Chinese, and Khmers. This fact is due to the presence in this place of completely different religions, including Islam, Hoahao, Kaodaiism, Catholicism and Buddhism.

Such a different river

Not everyone understands why the Mekong River can be called the Danube of Asia. For most, this is an ordinary, unremarkable stream of water. However, the banks of this river unite more than one people. It is enough to swim downstream and we can say that we have seen all of Asia. After all, the Mekong, like the Danube, flows through the territories of many countries. This river is characterized by everything connected with the East. Here are dense tropics, yellow streams of water, huge rice fields and relatively high population density.

Probably, many have already understood why the Mekong River can be called the Danube of Asia. After all, about 17 million people live in its delta in Vietnam. Its streams unite many cities.

river delta

The length of the Mekong River is simply impressive. This figure is 4350 kilometers. It flows through 12 provinces of Vietnam. The area of ​​the delta is about 70 square meters. It is worth noting that this stretch of the river is still marshy in some places. The Mekong Delta includes 4 large arms. Each of them is approximately two kilometers wide. In addition, the delta also includes smaller channels in width. Of these, 8 flows into the ocean.

When a river floods, it floods very large areas. Retreating, the Mekong leaves behind a layer of fertile silt. However, landslides often occur on the banks of the reservoir. And this, in turn, significantly reduces the size of the acreage.

Gifts of the Mekong

The Mekong River on the map looks no less impressive than the Danube. Maybe because of the large size of these reservoirs and compare. Both rivers supply people in many countries with fish. It is worth noting that approximately 90% of the world's production of fish such as pangasius, which is often confused with sole, is concentrated in the Mekong Delta.

It is worth noting that the Danube of Asia is also a large rice granary. Very often, the symbol of Vietnam is drawn in the form of a yoke, at both ends of which baskets filled with rice hang. The Delta provides approximately 95% of Vietnam's rice exports. Now you know why the Mekong River can be called the Danube of Asia.


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Here you can buy antiques of various subjects

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