Home Trees and shrubs Countries included in the region of South Asia. Island states of asia

Countries included in the region of South Asia. Island states of asia

(more than 20 °), a sharp change between the wet (summer) and dry (winter) seasons. There is a lot of precipitation and depends on air masses and. Maximum precipitation on the southern slopes and western Hindustan. On the Shillong plateau, 12,000 mm fall, in the interior of the Deccan - 600-880 mm, in the lower Indus, only 200 mm. The flora is a combination of humid subequatorial forests, seasonally humid monsoons, tropical woodlands, etc. Belongs to the Paleotropic floristic kingdom and is distinguished by its antiquity and species diversity. Cultural savannah landscapes prevail. Forests are preserved in mountainous areas. The fauna is also rich and varied, but logging has led to the decline of many large mammals: elephants, tigers, rhinos, buffaloes on the verge of extinction.

Himalayas... The highest mountain system, stretching for 2500 km with a width of 200-300 km. Clear natural boundaries: in the north, the longitudinal valleys of the Indus and Brahmaputra, in the west and east - the transverse sections of the valleys of the same rivers, in the south - the Indo-Gangetic lowland.

Formation in the Cenozoic during crushing, compression and extrusion of the material of the Tethys ocean floor and the marginal zones of the colliding Indian and Asian plates.

A complexly constructed mountain system, a stratum of sediments of the age from the Cambrian to the Neogene is crumpled into large folds, cut by intrusions. Mountain building alternated with periods of dormancy when the river network was forming. Geologically and in terms of the Himalayas, there are four longitudinal steps:

  1. Pre-Himalayas;
  2. Small Himalayas;
  3. The Great Himalayas;
  4. Ranges La Dakh, Kailash (step of the northern slope).

The pre-Himalayas are represented by the Sivalik mountains, 700-1000 m high, made of Neogene and anthropogenic sandstones and conglomerates, strongly dissected by rivers. The width of the mountain step ranges from 10 to 50 km. From the north of Sivalik - a strip of intermontane tectonic valleys (dunes).

Small Himalayas - the second stage. Raised to 3500-4500 m, individual peaks up to 6000 m. The structure is crystalline and metamorphic rocks Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Paleogene, crumpled into folds, broken by a system of faults. They have steep southern and more gentle northern slopes. Nuggets have been widely developed. To the north of the Lesser Himalayas there are intermontane basins, in many lakes. The largest of them and Kashmir - the most developed territories of the Himalayas. The Lesser Himalayas reach the highest heights in the central sector and in the Dhaulagiri massif they join the Greater Himalayas.

Greater Himalayas - the third, most high step... The average height is 6000 m, more than a dozen peaks rise to 8000 m. In the northwest, the width of the step reaches 70-90 km, here is the powerful Nangaparbat massif (8126 m). Southeast of Sutlej, the step narrows and represents a single ridge with a number of peaks of eight-thousanders: Dhaulagiri, Chomolungma (), Kanchenjunga, Makalu, Annapurna, etc.
The Ladakh and Kailash ridges are the fourth step at an average altitude of 4000-4500 m. It is distinguished by rocky jagged ridges, but the slopes of the mountains are rather gentle.

The Himalayas are the largest climatic division in Asia. To the north, continental predominates, to the south -. Great differences between the northern and southern slopes. The contrasts are very great: on the northern slopes 100 mm, on the southern slopes - 2000-3000 mm of precipitation. The Eastern Himalayas are more humid (4500-5000 mm). The height of the snow border on the southern slopes is 4500 m, on the northern slopes up to 5700 m. The passes at an altitude of 3500-4500 m (Bodpo-La, Ne-La) are closed for most of the year.

The lowlands of Bengal and Assam lie in subequatorial belt, where precipitation is more than 2000 mm, and on the Shillong plateau their amount averages 12000 mm per year with a summer maximum (Cherrapunji region).
In the swampy delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra, areas of young land are combined with riverbeds, channels, and canals. During spills, the pattern of the hydraulic network is extremely variable and inconsistent. The coastal part of the delta (Sundarban) is often flooded. Mangroves grow along the sea coast, bamboo, banana, and mango grow in drier areas.

Bengal and Assam are densely populated. Natural vegetation has not been preserved; cultural savannah prevails. Rice (twice a year), cotton, jute, sugarcane, bananas and mangoes are cultivated.

On the Gangetic Plain, precipitation decreases to 700-1000 mm. The dry period prevails over the wet one in terms of duration. Shrub and herbaceous vegetation. In the past there were landscapes of savannahs, now there are fields. Artificial, many canals, especially between the Ganges and Jamna. Fertility is restored when rivers flood.

In the Punjab (Pyatirechye) there is little precipitation (400-500 mm). Landscapes of dry savannah and, in the lower reaches (Sindh) - semi-desert. The differences between Punjab and Sindh are not only in climate, but also in relief. In the Punjab there are hilly plains and low mountains, in Sindh there is a flat low area of ​​alluvium. Major irrigated land in Punjab. They grow cotton, rice, millet, and wheat.

Sandy Thar Desert - East of the lower Indus. Geologically heterogeneous. In the west, in the ancient region, there is the area of ​​the foothill trough, in the east there is an eroded area of ​​the Indian platform with a complex of aeolian sandy ridges and outcrops of indigenous ones. A large area is occupied by drainless lakes and salt marshes. There are semi-desert areas. Saxaul, camel thorn, hodgepodge. In the oases there is a date palm.

Special features: represents a foothill trough, at the base of which the Indian platform lies. Ancient (bongar) and modern (khodar) alluvium deposited cyclically. Contrasts in moisture, which led to the difference in landscapes. World maximum precipitation (Cherrapundzhi).

Hindustan Peninsula... Compiled by ancient crystalline rocks. It has a double slope: from south to north and from west to east. As a result of continental development, a thick crust (several tens of meters) was formed - lateritic and red earth soils were formed.

Hindustan is dissected by river valleys into separate areas with steep slopes and wavy surfaces. Hard crystalline rocks stand out in the form of individual ridges, ridges or ledges.
Narmada divides Hindustan into Central India and the Deccan plateau.

In the north-east of Central India there is a low (up to 600 m) mountain system Aravalli - the outskirts of the ancient Indian platform. To the east is the Malwa basalt plateau, bounded from the south by the Vindhya and Kaimur mountains. At the southern steep foot of the Vindhya ridge, the deep valley of the Narmada River is cut. It is followed by the second row of ridges, including the Satpur basalt ridge.

The Deccan plateau is flanked by the Eastern and Western Ghats. Western Ghats (1300 m) serve as the watershed of the Deccan rivers. They cross the plateau in the latitudinal direction and dismember the Eastern Ghats into separate low chains and massifs. The mountains are mostly gneiss. The basalts characteristic of the western periphery are absent. In the south, the Western and Eastern Ghats converge, forming the Nilgiri (Blue) mountains from Dodabetta (2636 m). To the south, behind the Palgat fault, stretches the Anaymalai massif with the highest point of the Anaymudi peninsula (2698 m).

The Western Ghats drop off with steps to the sea. Near the coast there is a sandy lowland with dunes and lagoons - the Malabar Coast. The Coromandel coast stretches along the eastern edge of the peninsula - sandy and flat with dunes up to 60 m high. There are small lakes between them.

Hindustan is located in the subequatorial belt with a seasonal change in air masses. From June to November, the southwest monsoon brings moisture. In winter, dry tropical masses of the northeastern direction (trade winds) prevail, merging with the winter monsoon. The summer monsoon is divided into two currents - and the Bengali. the stream, passing through the Western Ghats, dominates the Deccan and Central. It is associated with the main moisture that Hindustan receives (88% annual amount). The distribution of precipitation is extremely uneven. On the slopes of the Western Ghats, the average rainfall is up to 2500 mm, and in the southwest - up to 6000-7000 mm. On the eastern coast, precipitation is less and does not exceed 1000 mm. southern part The Coromandel coast receives the main moisture in winter during the northeastern monsoon. In the inner parts of the peninsula, precipitation is low, less than 1000 mm, and in the northwest of the Deccan, up to 500 mm. The duration of the dry period increases from south to north. In the fall, there are tropical ones.

High temperatures during the whole year. In winter, in the north + 16 °, in the south + 24 °. The hottest are March-May, when in the central regions it is up to 40 °, on the coast above 30 °. At the height of the summer monsoon, about 28 °. Monsoon begins with heavy showers, sometimes storms.

Rivers of rainwater supply. The discharge of rivers during the summer monsoon increases 1000 times, rivers flow in deep valleys. Navigation downstream of the Godavari and Krishna rivers.

Soils are varied and depend on the nature of the parent rocks and moisture content. Lateritic soils in moist areas of the Malabar Coast and Western Ghats. Red soils and their varieties in arid regions of the Deccan, Eastern Ghats. On the basalts, dark-colored regurs ("cotton") are formed and are confined to the areas of distribution of traps - the southeast of the Deccan, some parts of the Coromandel coast.
The vegetation cover has undergone a transformation. There used to be forests, they survived in the mountainous regions - in the south of the peninsula and the Ghats. On the Deccan plateau, there is a savannah with sparse spreading trees that shed their foliage in the dry season. Candelabra milkweed, Deleb palm, acacias make this savannah related to African ones.
Banyan is one of Deccan's remarkable plants - a huge tree with many trunks. The crown reaches up to 500 m in circumference. On the plateau, there are also monsoon forests of terminalia, dalbergia, albicia, tallow, and teak. Teak forests located south of the Godovari River are valuable. A significant part of the monsoon forests has been cut down; in their place, secondary formations grow - jungles - low (5-12 m) impassable forest thickets of acacia, bamboos, mimosas, palms.

The Coromandel coast was covered with evergreen forests of satin and ebony, fan palm, and umbrella acacia. Now there is a cultural savannah. River estuaries are characterized by mangrove thickets.
On the coastal slopes of the Western Ghats, evergreen subequatorial forests grow, which have been greatly exterminated. They are characterized by trees from endemic genera of the euphorbia, myrtle, and leguminous families. The upper tier consists of different types dipterocarp with a height of 45-60 m.

The fauna is rich and little destroyed. Elephants, rhinos, buffaloes, bulls (gaur, gayal, banteng), antelopes (Indian black, four-horned and nilgau) are found. In monsoon forests, predators are common: tigers, leopards, hyenas, jackals. Monkeys are numerous. Of the lemurs, the thin loris living in South India is represented. Lot .

The world of birds is rich - more than 1600 species, of which more than 900 species of passerines (crows, blackbirds, nightingales, finches). There are many reptiles and amphibians, there are three types of crocodiles. The largest - gavial - up to 9 m.India is the only country where all families of snakes are represented - cobra (large, royal, Karaite), viper, shitomordnik, carpet and rat snake... From boas - tiger python up to 4-6 m.

The most important of India are Corbett, Shivpuri, Kanha, Khazaribag, Gir Forest.
Special features: double slope - from south to north and from west to east. Strong weathering crust with lateritic and red earth soils. Extremely uneven distribution of precipitation (88% in summer), depending on the vegetation.

Sri Lanka island... It is separated by a narrow Strait of Polk with a strip of reefs known as the "Adam's Bridge".
In tectonics, this is a section of the Indian platform that separated from the main massif in the Neogene. It is composed of Archean crystalline rocks that come to the surface over most of the territory. Only the north is composed of coral limestones overlapping the crystalline base. In the southern part, the Central Massif rises with a series of faults, steep stepped slopes and domed peaks. Highest point- Pidurutalagala (2524 m), slightly below Adam's peak, included in the national park.

The northern part is a hilly plain, in places with crystalline ridges. The shores are low-lying, sandy, sometimes with lagoons. Sri Lanka is famous for its gem deposits. The main supplier of ilmenite, monazite.

Subequatorial climatic zone, extreme southwest in the equatorial. Slight fluctuations in temperature, the average is 24-28 °. The amount of precipitation varies from season to season. The main moisture comes from the southwestern monsoon. The most humid is the southwest (up to 3000 mm), in the mountains up to 5000 mm. In the rest of the territory, from 1000 to 2000 mm, with a pronounced wet summer and dry winter seasons. In the northeast, the maximum is in the winter monsoon, which is saturated with moisture over the Bay of Bengal.

Humid tropical and equatorial forests, in the lower part of the mountains, have been significantly destroyed and replaced by plantations of tea, coffee, cocoa, cinchona and rubber plants. On the coasts - mangroves, palms, pandanuses. In the foothills of the Massif Central, there are trees of the ebony family, satin and sandalwood. National parks Vilpattu, Yada, Gal-Oya. In the northeast, low xerophytic type forests prevail. In the coastal lowlands there are coconut plantations. Fauna is similar to Hindustan.

Special features: a detached section of the Indian platform, the largest deposits of precious stones.

South Asia from A to Z: population, countries, cities and resorts. South Asia map, photo and video. Descriptions and reviews of tourists.

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In short, South Asia is ocean, tea and meditation. India and Sri Lanka generously provide the planet invigorating drink"Of the top two leaves", the Maldives beckons with its white sandy and breathtakingly long coastline, coupled with a slightly touched turquoise watercolor clear water, Nepal invites you to resolutely reject the perishable and ascend to the high throne of Shambhala in the radiance of an enlightened mind, and Iran bewitches with the ultramarine glaze of domes and the grandeur of Zoroastrian monuments.

In general, South Asia, upon closer examination, turns out to be one of the most spiritual regions of the planet. Whatever country you take, everywhere you will be greeted by images of deities, temples, pagodas, stupas, calls to prayer, wandering yogis, reverence for poets and philosophers and other attributes that testify to the victory of the human spirit over the momentary. With such "reminders" even the most down-to-earth pragmatist will think about the eternal. I must say that other surrounding reality will only contribute to this: amazingly beautiful nature will make you, opening your mouth, contemplate the magnificence of a higher plan, and more than reasonable prices for everything - from a street meal to a hotel room - will allow you not to think too much about your daily bread and live almost that "like the birds of God." Even such a "beach-idle" destination as the Maldives is trying in every possible way to preserve decency uncharacteristic for a "vegetative" holiday: alcohol is only in hotel bars and no topless, and even more so nudism! (And in Sri Lanka, you will have to "tie tightly" with a strong drink on full moon days.)

Not to mention Iran, a visit to which implies the widespread wearing of a headscarf by frivolous Europeans, and special police units jealously monitor the implementation of this rule.

There are a lot of material objects of tourist interest in South Asia. Let's start with the abundance of architectural monuments. Few places in the world can see as many historical, religious and cultural structures as in India and Iran. Ruins of Persepolis, Pasargadae and Sousse, magnificent palace complex Golestan, ancient fortresses and forts of Rajasthan, Jodhpur palaces, tombs and temples of Orchkhi, rock monasteries of Maharashtra, finally, extremely ancient and no less informative complexes of Kajuraho (we bet you did not know much!) - these are just a part of the architectural riches of the region. Those who prefer scents to all the porticoes and capitals of the world will not be left out of impressions. rainforest and a bright flap of butterfly wings - South Asia has prepared open spaces for you national parks and reserves, lake surfaces and hot breath of the desert, "postcard" atolls, crazy diverse underwater beauties and the most beautiful sunsets on the planet - yes, "like a huge fireball ..."

Another "feature" of the direction is treatment. Moreover, as usual in Asia, authentic, without any pills-shmablets there, but sedately, nobly, in the old way: proper nutrition balance the body's energies with breathing exercises to come to harmony with the rhythm of the Universe, create mental balance with pure thoughts - and as a result feel complete satisfaction with yourself and those around you.

South Asia is a region located on the southern Indian subcontinent, with several small coral and volcanic islands in the Indian Ocean, the Indo-Gangetic Valley, and the Himalayas. This is a remarkable part of the planet that attracts tourists and exists according to its own customs and rules.

There are seven countries in South Asia:

  1. Bangladesh;
  2. Nepal;
  3. Butane;
  4. India;
  5. Sri Lanka;
  6. Pakistan;
  7. Maldives.

The area of ​​the southern region is 4% of the entire earth's territory, but the density is quite high and is determined by about 20% of the total population of the planet.

In the southern part, the region is surrounded by the seas and bays of the Indian Ocean. Of all the states, only two countries, Bhutan and Nepal, are not provided with access to the sea.
The population hovers around 1.2 billion.


Relatively poor state with a rapidly increasing population. Located on an area of ​​about 144,000 km2, the population is 142 million.
Most of countries are flat lowlands. The Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers form one channel slightly west of the capital of Dhaka and flow into the Bay of Bengal. The state is almost regularly exposed to floods, which cause the death of many lives.
Bangladesh cities are home to about 20% of the total population of the country. Since it is problematic to find a job here, people live off farming (tea, sugarcane, jute) and fishing.

State of Bangladesh

Capital of Bangladesh- Dhaka with a population of 6.97 million. Located on the Buriganga River (Ganges). It seems to be a large port and a concentration of aquaturism.

Capital Dhaka

The main share of industrial enterprises is located in the capital and its suburbs:

  • jute fiber manufacturing,
  • lightweight and cotton.

Almost 90% of the population is Muslim.


Federated Democratic Republic Nepal is located between two neighbors: from the north it borders on Tibet, from the south, west and east - India.

The highest mountainous state is located on an area of ​​140,800 km2. The population of Nepal is almost 30.4 million people who practice Hinduism.

Rural area of ​​nepal

In Nepal, three high-altitude zones can be noted: flat territory - 17% of the total area, mountainous part - 64% of the area and high-mountain Himalayan ridges.

A large number of rivers: Karnali, Arun flow through the slopes of the Himalayas to the south and fall into the Ganges.

Capital of the country - Kathmandu... It is home to about 1 million people.

There are various craft workshops and small enterprises in the city: textile, leather, pottery.


The Kingdom of Bhutan is located on the slopes of the Eastern Himalayas. On the one hand, it borders on China, on the other, India is its neighbor. Its territory is 47,000 km2. The population professing Buddhism is 770 thousand people.

Bhutan cities

Capital - Thimphu- most Big City the state. It is home to 40 thousand people.
For the rest of the world, Bhutan remained a closed state for a long time, and it was only in 1974 that the curtain was slightly opened. For 80% of residents, the rural and forestry industry is the main source of livelihood. The industry is undeveloped, a number of woodworking enterprises and the food industry are functioning.

Bhutan surprises with its contrasts. Bananas grow on the plains, next to India, and oaks grow on the hills, in the central part of the state. From the north, Bhutan is surrounded by the Himalayan mountains.


Republic of India Is the seventh largest country in the world and the second largest by population. The country is located on the Indian subcontinent, the Himalayan mountains and the Indo-Gangetic plain. The most significant height is Kanchenjunga (5898 meters). The number is 1.3 billion. India borders Pakistan in the west, eastern neighbors - Bangladesh and Myanmar, from the northeast - China, Nepal, Bhutan. Almost 80% of residents are Hindu.

Sacred city of India

Large rivers flowing down from the Himalayan mountains and flowing into the Bay of Bengal are the Brahmaputra and the Ganges. Several rivers: Krishna, Mahanadi, Godavari are the main source of irrigation. India has no large lakes.

Capital of India - New Delhi... It is located in the northern part of the country, in the seismic zone and occupies almost the entire area of ​​the Indo-Gangetic Plain.

City in India New Delhi

New Delhi is the official capital of the state and one of the districts of the city of Delhi. Here are the buildings of the Government of India and various historical sites.
Since 1997, Delhi has been territorially divided into 9 districts, and each of them is divided into 3 districts.

New Delhi has a population of about 295,000 and the city of Delhi is home to over 13 million people. It is one of the most developed in economically districts.

The economy of the capital is made up of industries: tourism, telecommunications, information technologies... The industry includes the manufacture of products for mass consumption. In Delhi, in comparison with other cities in India, transport and infrastructure are the best developed. In this regard, international corporations are developing in the suburbs of the capital, automotive production.
Energy, health care and various services for the population make up a large share in the economy.

Sri Lanka

Democratic Socialist Republic. It is located on the island of the same name off the coast of Hindustan. The area of ​​the country is small - about 65,000 km2. Along and across the island are crossed by small rivers: Nai-Aru, Kalu.

The majority of the population professes Buddhism - 69%, and adherents of Hinduism make up 15%. In total, 21.7 million people live.

Tea plantations in countryside Sri Lanka

The country got its name from the Sanskrit "Sri" - glorious and "Lanka" - land. Familiar to the whole world under another one - Ceylon. The state is proud of its huge tea plantations and rice fields.

The capital of Sri Lanka in 1982 was transferred from Colombo to the nearby suburb of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte. It houses the parliament of the state and Supreme Court... The process of transferring the capital to the end is still incomplete. The population of Kotte is 150,000 inhabitants. In fact, Colombo continues to be the capital - the most Big city in the country (there are almost 600 thousand people). Colombo has a deep-water harbor, and the city center is located close to the port. Colombo Port is the largest in South Asia. Several industries are developed here: chemical, glass, woodworking, textile and oil refining.


The country arose as a result of the division British India in 1947 and officially bears the name - the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Borders countries: Iran, India, China, Afghanistan.

Pakistani city and slums

In the south, there is an exit to the Arabian Sea. There is a relatively high population density. In terms of the number of inhabitants, it ranks sixth in the world - almost 194 million people with the available territory of 803,940 km2. The majority of the population is Muslim - over 97%. Most of the region is the Indus Plain and the mountains located to the north and west, belonging to the Iranian Highlands.

The capital of the country is Islamabad. It was founded in 1967. The number of residents is 1,150,000 people. The Indus River flows to the west of the capital, the Himalayas stretch east of the city.
Since Islamabad was originally built as a capital, there is practically no industry in the city.

Islamabad city

The exceptions are:

  • light, food industry, handicraft handicrafts.
  • The financial sector and telecommunications industries are developing.


The state is located on several small islands in the Indian Ocean. The closest states: India, Sri Lanka. The Republic of Maldives includes 1196 islands, the length from east to west is 130 km, from south to north - 823 km. The islands of volcanic origin form a twin necklace of 26 large coral sites (atolls). Of the total number of islands, only 202 are inhabited. The longest island is eight kilometers long. Due to the gradual melting of glaciers, the Maldives is threatened with flooding.

City in the maldives

The population of the archipelago is 400,000. The population is Muslim.

Capital Male is located on the neighboring islands of Villingili and Male. The territory is 5.8 km2, the number of inhabitants is about 105 thousand people.
The lack of industry determined the occupation of the population: fishing, resort business.

The article contains information about the region. The material tells about the countries that make up the region. There is short description of each state.

General information about the countries of South Asia

The region consists of seven states geographically located on the Eurasian continent.

The area of ​​the region is equal to 4% of the territory of the entire earth, but the level of population density is only 20% of the world's population. At the southern tip, the territory is surrounded by the seas and bays of the Indian Ocean. Of all the powers in the region, only two are landlocked - Bhutan and Nepal.

Rice. 1. Region on the map.

The countries are scattered in the direction of the southern borders of the Himalayas. The population in the region exceeds the value equal to one billion people.

All the powers of South Asia are characterized by historical similarities along the path of development.

TOP-4 articleswho read along with this

The list of countries in South Asia is as follows:

  • Nepal;
  • Butane;
  • India;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Pakistan;

Countries and capitals of South Asia

a poor state with a growing population. The main territory of the country lies on flat lowlands. The state regularly suffers from floods. Bangladesh's cities are home to approximately two dozen percent of the country's total population.

Rice. 2. Bangladesh.

The capital of Bangladesh - Dhaka is located on the Ganges River. The city belongs to the port category.

Nepal - a high-mountainous power in the region. The capital of the country - Kathmandu is home to about 1 million people.

Kingdom of Bhutan. The capital of the kingdom, Thimphu, is the largest settlement in the kingdom.

India - the oldest public education the world. For almost two hundred years it was a colony of England. The capital of the state is the city of New Delhi.

India is the seventh largest country in the world. It ranks second in terms of population.

Republic of Sri Lanka located on the island of the same name. The state got its name from the combination of the words "Sri" - glorious and "Lanka" - land. The capital of the state in 1982 was moved from Colombo to the suburb of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte.

Pakistan was formed during the division of British India in 1947. The capital of the country is the city of Islamabad. There is no industry in the city, because the city was originally built as a capital.

Rice. 3. Maldives.

The island-type state arose on the islands of volcanic origin. The islands make up a twin necklace of 26 atolls. The capital Male is located on the neighboring islands of Villingili and Male. Due to the regular melting of glaciers, the state is at risk, because it is threatened by flooding.

What have we learned?

We found out where the region is geographically located. Received brief information on the composition of the population of the states of South Asia. Learned about the dangers that threaten the Maldives.

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The richness of Indian nature in its diversity. 3/4 of the country's territory is occupied by plains and plateaus. India resembles a huge triangle, directed with its apex in Indian Ocean... Along the base of the Indian triangle stretch the mountain systems of Karakorum, Gin-Dukush and the Himalayas. To the south of the Himalayas lies the vast, fertile Indo-Gangetic Plain. To the west of the Indo-Gangetic Plain stretches the barren Thar Desert. Further south is the Deccan [...]

In the II-VI century. BC e. in Northern India, the first states with monarchical and republican forms of government appeared: Magadha, Maurya, Chola and Pandya. Frequent wars led to the collapse of some states and the formation of new ones. Since the beginning of the XI century. the systematic invasions of the territory of India by the Muslim states, which formed the Delhi Sultanate, begin. In the XIV century. The Delhi Sultanate collapsed, [...]

Agriculture, as in colonial times, plays a very big role in the Indian economy. Agriculture in India has a pronounced crop production focus, although the country has the largest livestock in the world (230 million cattle, 120 million sheep and goats). But it is mainly used as a pulling force. Even milk is not drunk in the country (mainly with [...]

India is one of the largest industrialized powers in the developing world. Fuel - the energy industry of the country is developing at a faster pace, nevertheless, household fuel consumption is provided mainly by firewood, dung, agricultural waste. The coal industry is concentrated in the north-east of the country in the Damodar river valley. This causes costly transportation. Oil production is underdeveloped (only in large oil-bearing regions in the Upper [...]

In terms of the absolute size of industrial production, India is one of the 10 largest powers in the world, but in terms of the level of national product per capita, it only closes out 100 states. India has the 1st place in the world in tea harvesting, 2-4 places in the harvesting of rice, jute, sugar cane, bananas, wheat and cotton harvests. India is among the top twenty countries in terms of production [...]

India is probably the most multicultural country in the world. Suffice it to say that the constitutional languages ​​of the country are declared: Hindi, Urdu, English, Punjabi, Gujarti, Bengali, Oriya, Marathi, Assami, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Sanskrit (14 languages ​​in total, the state is Hindi). It is especially worth mentioning the natural increase in the population of India. During the colonial period natural growth the population was extremely low due to [...]

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