Home Berries Mobile cafe on wheels legislation. Cafe on wheels. How to open a mobile cafe. Necessary kitchen utensils

Mobile cafe on wheels legislation. Cafe on wheels. How to open a mobile cafe. Necessary kitchen utensils

A mobile cafe on wheels is a very interesting business and we will tell you about its advantages.

Mobile cafe is profitable business, which has long proven itself with positive side in many countries, in Russia it is developed at the level of trade from trailers, which, in essence, is mobile trade. But it has some significant differences.

Trailer or mobile cafe. Advantages and disadvantages. The first difficulties that may arise are problems with the land on which it is planned to open a retail outlet. A mobile trading permit is issued for several months. After this period, no one is immune from the fact that their permit will not be renewed or the point will not be moved somewhere. When trading from a car in a mobile cafe, this will not bother the entrepreneur much, because the car will independently move to a new place of trade without losses on transportation, storage and other difficulties that arise when moving a kiosk. Also, new amendments to sanitary standards have recently been adopted. Now a mandatory connection to the city sewerage and water supply systems is required, which in no way affects entrepreneurs operating from cars or mobile cafes. When installing a kiosk (trailer), it is necessary to connect to a centralized power grid, the car is a mobile cafe - does not require connection to a 220 V power supply, because has a built-in gasoline generator.

Price. average cost trailer for organizing a point fast food is approximately 15-20 thousand dollars (with a grill for chickens or the like) to which you will have to add at least another 5 thousand dollars, because it will have to be retrofitted with the missing equipment and, accordingly, payments will be added for connecting the electrical grid and to the city sewerage and water supply systems (the price is unknown). If the outlet moves, these payments are repeated. The cost of a Mobile cafe car based on a GAZ car is from 1370 thousand rubles, while from 600 thousand rubles this is the cost of a car that you can purchase on credit or lease. Your car will be subject to minimal depreciation during operation; accordingly, in a few years, along with cars of the same year of manufacture, it will be much more attractive if, for example, you want to sell it.

Profitability.Each retail outlet is characterized by two indicators - traffic and average check size. A well-located retail outlet can serve 200-300 (physical limit - 500) customers per day. The average cost of one purchase is 100 rubles. The further calculation is simple. With a minimum income of 20,000 rubles per day, per month you receive:


20,000 X 30 days. = 600,000 rub.

Minus expenses:

80,000 rubles - salary: 2 salesmen and 2 drivers, with a 2/2 work schedule;

3000 rubles – tax on imputed income ( average per month);

15,000 rubles - gasoline, car depreciation;

15,000 rubles - land rent (if this indicator is present);

Total expense: 113,000 rubles

Balance: 600,000 – 113,000 = 487,000 rubles.

Taking into account that the markup on your products will be at least 50%, on average the net profit per month will be 243,500 rubles.

Based on the above calculations, the payback for a mobile cafe car will be from 5 months.

Due to its mobility and originality, a mobile cafe car can bring more profit than a standard trailer that we are all so accustomed to. The main thing is to stand out with an original and bright design. Due to its unusual nature, your car mobile cafe will very quickly become popular. This will allow you to carry out trade not only at the place of your choice, but also to drive a mobile cafe car to your home, for a picnic, for a corporate outdoor recreation...

Cafes on wheels are no longer uncommon in large, densely populated cities. Most entrepreneurs involved in the field Catering, have already considered the possibility of implementing this business idea one way or another. In this publication, we decided to consider this project in detail.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 1.7-2.5 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 300 thousand
Industry situation:low level of competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 1.2-2 years

The owners of many public catering outlets have probably complained more than once that their establishment is “tied” to one place. It seems that the location was chosen according to all the rules: the first line of houses, busy traffic, the presence of the necessary communications. But it was not there! The tastes and demands of the consumer are changeable, like the sea in inclement weather, and all subtle calculations go in vain. And how many times does this thought arise: “Take and move your point to another place”?

And this is precisely not a problem! Take it and carry it, or rather, transport it. Today here, tomorrow there, and next week in a completely different area. A cafe on wheels is a solution to this problem. And not only for owners of existing food enterprises, but also for those who do not have sufficient starting capital to open a full-fledged stationary cafe.

Can you imagine an inexpensive, cozy mobile cafe on wheels that moves around the city in search of the busiest crowded spots? Everything can be seen clearly in the photo in the article. Meanwhile, such a business on wheels is no longer new in the cities of our country. It should be noted that the “mobile” business is generally “gaining momentum” - now mobile coffee shops are not uncommon, where you can buy a glass of hot, invigorating drink, and you don’t need to go anywhere special for this.

Did your car break down on the road? Mobile car service will come to the rescue! In the mobile planetarium, schoolchildren will gain a lot of new knowledge and enjoy viewing, and a disco on wheels will give you the opportunity to have great fun exactly where you want!

Can you imagine what kind of profit a mobile cafe on wheels will bring on holidays or weekends? After all, such a stall on wheels can be placed anywhere: in a square, in a park, on weekdays - near educational institutions, station or other place.

And the costs of starting such an enterprise are tens of times less than opening a stationary food outlet. One of the most pleasant “bonuses” is the absence of rent for premises, which in many business projects is one of the most significant expense items.

This is interesting: in the USA, business on wheels has been operating for several decades, so no one is surprised when they encounter fast food on wheels. Therefore, a 20-year-old girl, Shadi Farsi, decided to bring her own “zest” to this business by organizing fast food on wheels, where visitors are served by girls in bikinis (we talked about something similar in the material “Topless Cleaning.” It must be said that from there is no end to visitors, and after a year of work, Shadi is already thinking about opening a whole network of such kitchens on wheels.

Where to begin

First of all, you need to decide on the target audience of your future visitors (read how to do this). It is this knowledge that will determine the assortment of your establishment on wheels, the routes along which you will move around the city, and the strategy advertising campaign, and much more. In general, the most the best option- this means having a competent business plan at hand, which will allow you not only to see the entire “picture” of your future business, but will also allow you to foresee most of the difficulties that await a novice entrepreneur.

What you need to open a business

The most important thing, of course, is the means of transportation. It’s not for nothing that your establishment will be called a mobile “cafe on wheels.” These can be converted buses, vans, or trailers like caravans. In Moscow, we visited one such cafe on wheels, for which they adapted a double decker - a double-decker English bus. It should be noted that it turned out simply gorgeous! A stall on wheels differs from, for example, a mobile coffee shop in that in the former, visitors have the opportunity to sit and quietly eat, drink coffee, watch TV, listen to music, etc.

There is also the option of a mini-cafe on wheels, in which several folding tables and chairs are placed in the place where the mobile kitchen on wheels stops, and, if necessary, awnings are laid out near the car. At the same time vehicle completely dedicated to the kitchen.

Your mobile premises must meet the following requirements:

  • sanitary and epidemiological service - have certificates of conformity for the equipment used, a number of contracts for the provision of imported water, waste disposal, solid waste disposal and cleaning of the surrounding area;
  • fire safety standards - this is the serviceability of electrical equipment, the availability of fire extinguishing means;
  • technical rules. To do this, you need to provide a copy of the trailer (van) registration certificate, its photograph, and a certificate of conformity. In addition to this package of documents, you must also have an agreement with the company that supplies the products, and a conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor on the transport on which the products are delivered.
  • And one more thing: according to the rules, bringing in food and taking out waste must be done through different doors. Quantity necessary documents impressive, but opening a regular cafe requires even more of them. And then - you can always come to an agreement with everyone.

By the way, little advice: make sure that appearance your drive-thru cafe on wheels was exclusively in bright, rainbow colors, and equipped with an attractive sign - the influx of customers will increase exponentially. In addition, vehicles must be completely soundproofed so that as little sound as possible penetrates outside. I think it is unnecessary to say that the room on wheels should be warm and have air conditioning; none of the visitors will sit in the cold and stuffiness.

Menu selection in a cafe on wheels

A cafe, especially a mobile one, is still not a restaurant. Therefore, the main focus of the menu should be on dishes that do not require long cooking times. These can be light snacks, salads, baked goods, fast food, sandwiches, and confectionery. Drinks include hot drinks (tea, coffee, chocolate), juices, soda. Trade in any alcoholic beverages in mobile retail outlets less than the area established by law is prohibited.

Although the organization of the kitchen is often provided for in such projects directly in vehicles, many owners of such establishments are trying to get rid of the unnecessary hassle associated with preparing food right on the spot. That's why they keep it in refrigerators ready meals, which can be heated in the microwave if necessary. In general, whether or not to have a kitchen in your café on wheels is up to you to decide; no definite advice can be given here.

Necessary equipment

In principle, you will need most of the equipment from the “arsenal” of a regular stationary cafe, these are:

  • a couple of refrigerators;
  • microwave;
  • oven for cooking;
  • coffee machine;
  • water heater;
  • the required amount of disposable tableware (using others would be impractical), napkins, and hygiene items.

Place a container inside for used disposable tableware. If the furniture is located inside, then it should be attached to the floor so that during movement nothing “moves away” along with the table.

From “non-standard” equipment you will need:

  • TV;
  • voltage converter to 220 volts;
  • audio system with speakers located throughout the vehicle interior.

Driving routes

A few words need to be said about what routes you need to choose to move around the city streets. If the establishment is rented for several hours by one company, then the route, of course, is chosen by the one who pays. In other situations, streets with smooth road surfaces should be chosen so that, if possible, visitors do not experience all the inherent Russian roads inconvenience.

As an option, you can take a walk around the sights of your city (for tourists), focusing on the audience present, take a ride to romantic places (for couples in love), or take you to amusement parks married couples with kids. Of course, you need to have several driving options in your navigator in advance (which will help you avoid traffic jams).


There should be no problems with recruiting employees. Find people with experience working in enterprises fast food it won't be difficult. The main thing is that they have in stock medical books. It will be enough to have two cooks-waiters and a driver-loader in one shift.

Another point is obtaining permission from municipal authorities to conduct trade . Usually the administration settlements go towards such initiatives - after all, taxes from income go to the local budget.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in implementing this business idea. Constant expansion of the assortment, organizing food delivery to order (read how to organize delivery here -) will only have a positive effect on your business, and will promote advertising in every possible way. With a little effort and creativity, your stall on wheels will become the most famous fast food outlet in the area and in the city.

By the way, the opinions of business experts regarding this business idea are contradictory. This is what opponents of the mobile cafe refer to (taken from the materials of the magazine “Your Business”):

  • Most likely, the cost of maintaining and operating this bus will be comparable (or even more) with the costs of maintaining a stationary cafe of comparable area: gasoline costs, staff salaries, technical maintenance. At the same time, income will obviously be less - own production is always more profitable, and in in this case will have to purchase finished products on the side.
  • Secondly, this idea will not be approved by the city’s sanitary services. If we really take on this project, then it might make sense to reorient it towards corporate services (birthdays, parties, graduations) and focus on entertainment and drinks.
  • The project is not viable. Firstly, Rospotrebnadzor will never release such a bus on the route (any catering establishment must be connected to a stationary water supply and sewerage system). Secondly, according to the rules fire safety There must be at least two entrances. There is only one input in the project.

A mobile cafe is an excellent alternative to a stationary catering outlet. It is unusual and has low prices, which can be explained by the low costs of organizing a business. The establishment claims to be a serious competitor to ordinary food outlets, such as cafes, restaurants and canteens. This business format is unusual, which will certainly attract the attention of visitors. They will have access to an additional option - travel at the client’s request. How to organize such a business, what are its nuances and how much money should be invested in the project?

Specifics of a mini-cafe on wheels

When opening a cafe on wheels, you should decide in advance on the number of visitors. The format of the institution determines its target audience in the form of students, schoolchildren and children. To attract their attention and stand out from other similar and stationary establishments, you need to think about the design of a mobile cafe. To prevent its visitors from being disturbed by extraneous sounds from the street, care should be taken to ensure sound insulation.

Audio and video equipment will be needed to entertain visitors. When planning special events, you should take care to develop entertainment program and the possibility of preparing dishes for a banquet menu.

You should think about the routes of movement of the establishment on wheels in advance. In this case, you need to take into account the location of the city’s attractions, as well as the time of the greatest concentration of people in them. To ensure that the cafe does not stand idle, citizens of the city should be notified about the trajectory of movement. It is better if the cafe moves along one route, which will allow its customers to plan their visits. Information about clients, as well as their dates of birth, telephone numbers and addresses Email, it is better to save it in your database, which will allow you to issue an advertising mailing with promotional offers dedicated to holidays.

Cafe menu on wheels

When creating a menu, you should take into account the specifics of the establishment. It should not contain alcoholic products. It is allowed to include low-alcohol cocktails in the menu if the target audience the subject belongs to the adult category. Since it is impossible to provide full cooking in a mobile establishment, most dishes should be presented in the form of semi-finished products, the preparation of which does not require a lot of time and great effort. They should be cooked to such a degree that they can simply be reheated and served to the client. In the menu you can enable bakery products, soups and side dishes.

Interior design of a cafe on wheels

To bring semi-finished products to readiness, you will need an oven or microwave. As an alternative, you can formalize a contractual relationship with stationary institution, in which the cooking process is established. However, it should be taken into account that if you purchase a ready-made meal in an elite restaurant, it will be difficult to sell it at the same price in a mobile cafe. For this reason, it is better to negotiate the supply of freshly prepared food in canteens.

Mobile cafe business plan

The mobile cafe market in Russia is developing at a rapid pace. Currently, the Russian consumer is served by more than 30,000 cafes on wheels. And this is a very approximate figure.

Experts agree that this business niche will constantly expand. This is quite an interesting guy entrepreneurial activity, and in this article we will talk about its main nuances. After the collapse of the USSR, numerous snack bars, dumplings and pancake houses somehow disappeared unnoticed.

This has freed up a large niche for mobile cafes. A mobile cafe is, first of all, a trailer equipped with everything necessary for cooking.

Previously, such vans were purchased abroad and cost quite impressively - up to $25,000. Today the price for them has more than doubled, and Russian market such a van costs about $9,000. In Russia, several companies are leading in the production of vans for mobile cafes.

This is, firstly, the famous Tonar company, which has been manufacturing for more than 10 years different models trailers They began to call any trailer “tonar”, regardless of its manufacturer, often without even thinking that this was a proper name. This name even began to be used in resolutions of the leadership of various cities and regions concerning this type of trade.

But, unfortunately, Tonar models are not directly suitable for opening a cafe, as they require quite significant additional equipment. Their main advantage is low price– 3-4 thousand dollars.

Another enterprise that produces similar products is MAZ-Kupava. Has representative offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Several models from this manufacturer can be used for trading grilled products and shawarma without additional modification.

The cost of such a trailer ranges from 5-6 thousand dollars. Another leader in the production of these products is the Avtokholod company. It produces more than 70 models mobile cafes based on the MAZ-Kupava trailer. Products from Avtokholod will cost 5-12 thousand dollars.

The Russian company Delovaya Rus equips any trailers with equipment for a mobile cafe. On average, the cost of a mobile cafe equipped with everything necessary for operation is approximately 10 thousand dollars. It costs about 5 thousand simplest model, equipped only for cooking grilled chicken and shawarma.

By the way, it is these cafes that pay for themselves the fastest - their products are relatively cheap and are readily purchased. The main buyers are the lower middle class, the most numerous in Russia.

According to experts, the shelf life of a trailer during intensive use is 5-6 years. This should be taken into account by businessmen who do not plan to quit this business in five years. The choice of food that a mobile cafe can sell is unlimited.

The trailer can be easily equipped with equipment for baking, barbecue, barbecue, cooking pancakes, potatoes, and pies. The entrepreneur will only have to worry about the manufacturability of products and semi-finished products. So, there are no restrictions on products.

But there are a number of difficulties and nuances that must be taken into account. First of all, a mobile cafe is a business big city. If the population of the city does not exceed 100-200 thousand, then opening such an establishment is practically futile. In such cities, people have a different mentality - it is easier and cheaper for them to go home for lunch.

You can count on a more or less decent income only on major holidays and in crowded places. The second is the production base and the availability of semi-finished products. In the case of shawarma and grilled chicken, everything is simple - you buy a semi-finished product and cook it on the grill.

And products that are more difficult to prepare - pancakes, pies, or potatoes with filling - already require the presence of their own production base. In this case, the costs will only pay off if you have a network of at least five cafes.

The third, most pressing point is the attitude of the authorities towards this type of business. The leadership of almost any city treats mobile cafes as an inevitable evil that must be endured until better times, when stationary public catering places appear. This attitude towards mobile cafes is present even in the capital.

And this despite the fact that the authorities themselves involve cafes in organizing major holidays - May 9, City Day, New Year, etc. Due to the lack of operating standards for mobile cafes, officials themselves determine policies regarding this type of business.

From here completely different situation not only in different cities, and even in the capital districts. About 30 regulations have been developed for Moscow regarding the activities of mobile fast foods, which in some cases contradict each other.

For this reason, scandals related to mobile food outlets often break out in the capital. For example, in the Northern District of the capital, the prefect, citing a certain decree, demanded that trailers be removed at night. If sellers complied with the requirement, it would lead to large additional expenses from their side. All Tonars are connected to the electrical network. They would have to be turned off when moving.

The food in the refrigerators could spoil, and the owners would have to hire drivers. In addition, towed trailers must be stored somewhere else. Fortunately, the prefect was simply showing the entrepreneurs “who’s boss.” According to experts, the development of fast food chains on wheels is most hampered by the lack of specific legislative framework. This is especially true for the issue of land.

In Moscow, for example, owners of mobile cafes do not pay rent, and payment for the use of land based on the Moskomzem declaration. This permit is valid for up to three months.

After it expires, they can easily either refuse to extend it or move the point somewhere else. Because of such uncertainty, owners save on additional investments into business. It is almost impossible to interest banks in this type of business, since there are no long-term guarantees.

And the attitude federal authorities generally worthy of a separate chapter. For example, on this moment All-Russian sanitary standards have been adopted. Based on their requirements, mobile cafes must be connected to city sewerage systems. There are no exceptions. In some Russian cities, this type of business has already been banned, citing precisely these standards.

“Good cross-country ability is the key to success”

So far this business has received greatest distribution only in Moscow. There are about 3,000 mobile cafes in the capital. And there is no talk of any competition yet.

The profitability of this business is still very high. The first investment in this business does not exceed 15 thousand dollars (to organize one point). This includes the cost of purchasing a trailer, equipping it, purchasing utensils and semi-finished products.

The payback period for the cafe is about 8 months. It all depends on its location in the city. Besides Moscow, there are cities in which mobile cafes are doing almost no worse. This is Yekaterinburg, Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar. Although in these cities the income of the population is slightly lower than in the capital, this is compensated by the huge interest in mobile cafes.

So in some regions this business is developing quite rapidly. According to a representative of Avtoholod, entrepreneurs from these cities constantly return to purchase and equip new trailers.

From the point of view of professionals, each mobile point is characterized by only two indicators - the average check size and traffic (the number of customers per day). Cafe located in not very good location, can serve up to 60 customers per day. The average size the check in this case may be 25-30 rubles.

A point located in a profitable location serves an average of 200-300 clients (with a maximum capacity of 500). In any case, the average cost of a check does not exceed 150 rubles; this is the limit of the solvency of Russians.

Seasonality plays an important role in the operation of mobile fast food outlets. For example, the “dead” months are January and February. And on frosty days, revenue can drop to zero. A sharp increase in interest in mobile cafes usually occurs between the warm and cold seasons - in early spring and late autumn.

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