Home Preparations for the winter What should be in a modern TV. Which TV is better to buy based on parameters - expert advice. Basic characteristics of the TV

What should be in a modern TV. Which TV is better to buy based on parameters - expert advice. Basic characteristics of the TV

10 tips for choosing a TV

So, first, let’s understand what set of equipment a home theater consists of and what it includes. If we follow the most common scheme, we receive audio-video signals from the DVD player, then send them to the receiver and TV, and in turn, from the receiver the amplified electrical impulse goes to multi-channel acoustics. Thus, there are three elements of our entertainment system: a TV, home theater components in the form of a DVD player and receiver, and acoustics, but our conversation will focus on the most important of them - the TV. We will try to tell you how to choose it in a few tips.

Advice One. Select screen size

The size of your TV screen depends on the size of the movie theater room in your home. There are some unspoken rules, like “the distance to the screen is equal to three screen diagonal sizes,” but it’s most likely not worth following them, since everyone has their own angle of view and their own perception of the film.

Most The best way check your comfortable viewing angle - ask your friends for a projector and experiment with it, changing the focal length of the lens. And remember that there is a minimum limit for the diagonal size of a TV for a home theater, which lies in the region of 26 and 27 inches, since starting from this diagonal, matrices with support for HD - high-definition images begin.

For approximate calculations, we provide an approximate table of the ratio of screen sizes and distances to them

Tip Two. Select technology

Choosing the right TV technology is very important because each of them has both its pros and cons. Here is a short list of all technologies used in television production today.

CRT or kinescope, the oldest in existence, what is popularly called a “simple TV”. pros: stable long-term operation, very good picture on diagonals up to 30 inches. Minuses: lack of HDTV support, large dimensions and weight.

LCD V English transcription LCD. Relatively young technology. pros: flat panel, high definition support, HD matrix size can be small diagonals (up to 20 inches). Minuses: the relatively low response speed and limited viewing angle are no longer a disease of this technology, however, the picture on an LCD TV is still characterized by low contrast and rigidity of the pattern.

Plasma, English abbreviation – PDP. The oldest of flat panel TV technologies. pros: No other technology yet provides such colossal image contrast as plasma. It gives the picture naturalness, color brightness and softness of sound. Minuses: Manufacturers have been struggling quite successfully for a long time to extend the life of the plasma panel and burn out its individual sections. Another minus is that plasma panels with a diagonal of less than 50 inches cannot support Full HD (more on this format later).

Projection technology, in turn, is divided into three main ones: LCD, DLP and D-ILA. Here are their generalizing properties. pros: Picture softness, high clarity, brightness and contrast. Minus: actually one vertical angle of view is sharply limited.

Tip Three. Select screen resolution

First, what is permission? Any image created by mankind mechanically or electronically, from photography to television, consists of image elements, which are more often called dots, and sometimes pixels. standing separate group dark dots against a white background can give the impression of a speck of dust, a sitting fly or, for example, an ink stain. The actual color pixel is not uniform, but consists of three subpixels of red, blue and green, shining with different brightness; they give the pixel exactly the color that, together with others, ultimately forms a whole picture. The number of pixels on the TV screen area varies; the standard resolution of PAL and SECAM signals is 720 by 625 pixels, of which 576 are visible, and NTSC 640 by 480.

High Definition Television, or in English abbreviation HDTV(High Definition Television), gives the picture a larger number of pixels, which gives the TV picture a feeling of realism and even three-dimensionality. Today, two generally accepted formats for high-definition video and television have become established: 720p and 1080i. The first digit in the format name indicates the number of vertical pixels in the image, and the letter index indicates the scanning system, interlaced or progressive. The first repeats each frame twice with the image shifted by half a line, which makes it possible to make the picture clearer. Progressive scanning involves changing one frame after another, similar to what happens in a movie theater. I'm talking about a real cinema. Most TVs for home cinema today have a matrix with a resolution of HD 720 format, that is, at least 1280x720, such TVs in Lately It has become commonly called HD-ready.

However minimum requirements HD support includes, in addition to a matrix of the appropriate resolution, also corresponding connections with a DVD player, for example, a digital HDMI connector or an analog component Y/Pb/Pr. What is resolution TV Full HD, and how it differs from HD-ready? The main difference is the matrix resolution, it must be at least 1920 by 1080 pixels. The fleet of Full HD TVs today is represented mainly by LCD and projection TVs of the latest modifications. The resolution of your TV is very important and do not forget that not every plasma panel, projector or LCD TV is suitable for use in a home theater, since such devices also exist in standard definition. This is also important because with standard resolution and a large screen, the picture stretches and becomes “loose” and unclear.

Tip Four. Select manufacturer

The question is not simple and highly individual, but here is a list of leading TV manufacturers and their products. So, in alphabetical order: Akai LCD - plasma TVs. Fujitsu, the company that invented plasma technology, today also produces LCD TVs. Hitachi - plasma TVs, LCD TV. JVC - plasma and LCD. NEC, once an exclusively computer brand, now operates in the plasma TV market. Panasonic - plasma and LCD TVs. Philips - LCD and plasma. Pioneer - plasma only. Samsung - LCD, plasma, projection systems. Sanyo - residential complex. Sharp only LCD TVs. Sony - LCD, plasma, three-matrix LCD projectors. Toshiba - LCD, plasma TVs. But, remember, the question of choosing a manufacturer is a matter of personal preferences for the country, the brand, and sometimes even the design. Sometimes this choice has nothing to do with common sense. But that's how it happened.

Tip Five. Select model

This is where we enter the lane practical advice. Select a number of interesting TV models on the Internet, comparing models from different manufacturers by release, selecting by the following parameters: screen size, technology, resolution and manufacturer.

Tip Six. Select a store

It is worth studying the offers for these TVs from online stores. In the Network of offers of television equipment, there is simply darkness! You can get lost among hundreds of online stores, but such research is useful, it gives you the opportunity to carefully study and compare manufacturers' releases. For many people, online shopping still raises concerns - you can’t touch the goods, in general this is the wrong approach, but not in the case of TVs, since you definitely need to watch the TV before you buy it. Leave no more than a dozen models left that will meet your requirements. Then be sure to inspect all selected models in electronics stores.

Advice Seven. How to view a picture

In salons and stores, salespeople will offer you their advice (this is their job), but gently decline their services. Choose for yourself, but ask them for remote controls remote control from all the TVs you are interested in. The importance of the remote is that many TVs on demo stands are adjusted to improve the picture, but you have to watch the TV at the factory settings, otherwise you will not understand what the TV can really show you. Now about the picture itself. The main feeling from it should be comfort. You should like what you see. If, from your point of view, the image is not bright enough, do not increase it - you should generally like the TV at factory settings. If you see any artifacts, such as flickering noise or pixelation squares (this is called MPEG noise), discard this option to the side. The TV should show absolutely clearly even without settings. To determine comfortable brightness and contrast, you need to go to the TV control menu (and for this you need a remote control) and in the image settings, bring these parameters step by step, first to maximum, then to minimum, and finally to the position that seems comfortable to you. After such a simple procedure, you will learn everything about the brightness and contrast of the TV that no manufacturer’s press release can tell you about.

Council Eight. How to listen to sound

TV is not only a screen, but also sound, and therefore it is worth paying attention to this. It’s good when the release says support for the NICAM standard, because then you will be able to hear stereo sound not only when watching DVDs, but also when watching terrestrial television. The bass sound on the TV should be low, there may be slightly rumbling tones, but even at full volume and maximum bass there should be no rattling.

Of course, compared to the acoustics of a home theater, the TV sound is secondary, but the TV should still sound good

The highs should be as natural as possible, and if you have a disc on which you can clearly hear the noise of leaves or the splash of water, be sure to take it from home. If the sound is inexpressive, it will not touch or leave a mark on the soul, but when the TV provides good sound, then even a bad detective story can become a great movie because of the bright sounds of the chase.

Tip Nine. Testing methodology

However, you may not see all the capabilities of your future TV, since the vast majority of stores demonstrate TVs with a video signal of terrible quality. In order to see the TV in all its glory, you need to: either connect it to your home DVD player, or ask the sellers to provide the most expensive device of this class available in the store. As test discs, use a movie that you really love and have watched a lot. However, it can be difficult to find in one film, and nice picture, and great sound. Here are my recommendations: a picture test for clarity "Starship Troopers" (second battle scene) by Paul Verhoeven, a picture for the softness of the picture "The Elusive" (another name for "Anthony Zimmer", the scene on the train), sound for bass "9th Company" (the battle scene ), high-frequency sound "Night Watch" (the scene of Olga's appearance in Gorodetsky's apartment).

You provide many and different connections

Look at the TV in broadcast mode, because many stores do not “drive” a TV signal, but a high-quality composite one, in the end it may turn out that the TV tuner on the TV is “not very good”. For have a nice watching Connections to the DVD player are also important. It is advisable to connect the TV and player with an HDMI or at least DVI digital cable (if available). High-quality connections are also possible via 3 RCA to 3 RCA analogue component cables.

Tip Ten. Final instructions before purchasing

In order to better sell their product, sellers sometimes use techniques (features) that are useful to know. We have already talked about the fact that sellers adjust the image on the demo device so that it is brighter and more contrasting, but another favorite “feature” of sellers is the interpretation of the manufacturer’s release. They pour out a waterfall of numbers and terms on you, and then with bated breath they talk about the incredible Contrast of this particular TV. Advice - don't give in. Even the parameters declared by manufacturers are very relative, since there are many methods for measuring contrast, brightness and other indicators, and they all differ from each other. Look at the TV, not the manufacturer's release.

Don't trust the stickers you see on your TV. Often, and especially among second-tier manufacturers, all assurances about support for HD and other technological innovations are just marketing techniques.

Look through everything you have planned in stores, test it and give yourself a break of one week so as not to “blur” your view, and then look again at the remaining models of the latest list. You will see your TV immediately.

If they showed you one TV, and then they bring another from the warehouse, feel free to refuse, because it makes sense to take the device that you chose, since TVs are like people, each has its own personality.

Most homes have more than one TV. Maybe two, three or more. They are installed in different rooms - in the kitchen, in the living room, in the bedroom or in the nursery. Depending on the place of “registration”, the requirements and selection criteria change. So it turns out that choosing a TV is not so easy.

To choose a TV, you first need to decide at least on the technology by which it will be manufactured. They all have their pros and cons. But even the disadvantages can be used “for good”.

Plasma screens

The design of a plasma panel is fundamentally different from all other technologies. Between two glass plates there are cells filled with gas - xenon or neon. That’s why such TVs are sometimes called gas-discharge TVs. When current passes, the cells glow, the brightness of the glow depends on the magnitude of the current.

The main advantage of this technology: high quality of the “picture”, which is preserved even in very dynamic moments. Other advantages of this technology are no less impressive:

Very good indicators that contributed rapid growth popularity. But there are also disadvantages:

If you want to choose a TV with a large screen, high-quality images and good color reproduction, pay attention to plasma panels. This is exactly them. Only if you want, you will have to look for appropriate brackets and the wall must have good load-bearing capacity. Drywall or foam concrete will not hold such a mass.

Properties of LCD TVs (LCD)

LCD screens use a digital image transmission method. They are so named because the cells are filled with liquid crystals, which in an electromagnetic field polarize the light passing through them, changing the degree of their own transparency. To obtain an image, a matrix with liquid crystals is illuminated from behind (cold cathode lamps), and color filters are used to convey shades.

The advantages of LCD TVs are as follows:

  • Models recent years low power consumption.
  • Higher resolution (compared to plasma).
  • Possibility of playback in FullHD format.
  • Light weight.
  • There are screens different sizes- both small and large. The image on them has the same quality.
  • Good image geometry.
  • Low level of electromagnetic radiation as they are powered from reduced voltage.
  • There is no screen burn-in or see-through.
  • The screen does not attract dust.

A similar set of qualities contributed to the rapid spread of televisions with liquid crystal screens. But they also have a number of disadvantages that are worth knowing about:

If you want to choose an LCD TV with good resolution, you will have to shell out a substantial amount. If the requirements for image quality are not so strict, it is quite possible to look at models from the mid-price range.

LED technology

The difference between LCD and LED TVs is in the various lamps used to backlight the matrix. LED TVs use LEDs. They are smaller in size, which allows for very thin screens. They are also more durable and consume less electricity. There are two types of LED screen backlighting:

Through the use of LEDs, LCD TVs receive additional advantages:

If you decide to choose a TV with high image quality, take a closer look at LED models. They have, perhaps, only one drawback - the high price. A good quality LED TV costs $600-1000. Compared to conventional LCDs, they cost 40-50% more. However, these are not the most expensive models today and many people opt for LED TVs.

OLED and QLED technology

This technology for making televisions appeared already in this century, and they have been mass-produced for only four years. The image is formed by organic light-emitting diodes, which emit light themselves and do not require backlighting. In English they are designated OLED, which gives the name to this type of TV.

Today there are two main technologies for producing OLED TVs:

In order not to make a mistake and choose a truly high-quality TV, you need to follow certain criteria. Now we will analyze how to choose the right TV for your home without spending too much money.

The suggested tips for choosing a TV have been compiled by experts. Carefully study the technical specifications of the device. Consider your own needs. For example, do you plan to connect your TV to the Internet? After weighing all the arguments, make your final decision.

Basic rules for choosing a TV correctly

First, you need to decide how much money you are willing to spend to purchase the best TV. For example, if you want to save money, then you can take a Full HD model from the mid-price segment of any manufacturer. If you want a flagship, then it is better to choose a device from the Sony, LG, Samsung lineup.

Secondly, consider technical features purchased TV. Now we’ll take a closer look at how to choose a TV for your home. The most important criterion is the screen. That's why we'll start with it.

Screen and backlight type

The key parameter when choosing a TV is the screen and its backlight. First, let's analyze all display types. The oldest and cheap option– kinescope models. Everyone probably had such devices in their home. Today, they continue to be actively used by grandparents, for whom image quality is not of fundamental importance.

The main advantages of a kinescope screen include a long service life and low price. These TVs have limited functionality and are very bulky.

Liquid crystal screen (LCD TVs) - despite their relatively low cost, provide high-quality images. They also differ from other types of screens in their good color reproduction. Speaking of disadvantages, LCD displays fade over time. Therefore, they should be placed in such a way that the device is not exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise, spots will appear on the screen.

LED TVs are modern devices that are widely available in electronics supermarkets. They differ from liquid crystal models by the presence of LED backlighting of the matrix. Therefore, LED panels are slightly thinner than LCD TVs. They are capable of transmitting high-quality images and consume a minimum of electricity.

A plasma TV is equipped with a screen made of sealed cells that are filled with gas. This unique design ensures high-quality images. The screen does not fade over time. Plasma consumes more energy when compared to an LED TV. All plasma panels have one characteristic feature– large screen diagonal. Minimum size– 32 inches.

Laser screens – relatively new development. They have a long service life and consume minimal electricity. Laser displays will provide high-quality images. Perhaps the only drawback is the too high price.

Projection screens have become the subject of heated debate. Especially when it comes to the price-quality ratio. They provide high-quality color reproduction and excellent image detail. Individual elements of the screen fade over time, so the picture quality gradually decreases. Projection models are characterized by a limited viewing angle.

When choosing a TV, pay attention to its physical parameters. Modern devices can be flat or concave. The former are much more common and cost much less. Curved screens, in turn, are found mainly on flagships.

Cost and image quality will also vary depending on the backlight. Let's look at the most current options to choose the best one. Edge LED backlighting is found on many modern TVs with a maximum viewing angle. The LEDs are located along the contour of the display, they are like a luminous frame. This allows you to make the device thin and as economical as possible.

Advanced Direct LED technology involves the placement of LEDs over the entire surface. Each diode can be adjusted if necessary. This allows you to darken specific color to make the image brighter. Techniques with such illumination provide a colorful image.

QLED technology does not provide a separate backlight unit. Special quantum dots are used to perform illumination functions. Devices of this type convey colors that will be acceptable to the human eye. The image is bright and natural. Such a TV will cost much more.

OLED technology is another modern development. Instead of a backlight unit, diodes are used that are coated with phosphor. It glows when an electrical impulse passes through. Models of this type have the greatest viewing angle. Your eyes won't get tired from watching it.

Diagonal and screen resolution

An equally important criterion for choosing a TV is the screen diagonal. During the era of popularity of CRT TVs, many users believed that the distance from the viewing point to the screen should be equivalent to the diagonal multiplied by 5.

Calculation of the optimal distance is carried out according to a similar principle. The coefficient has changed - instead of 5, you need to multiply by 3 (if we're talking about about LED TV).

Let's consider clear example. If you are planning to purchase a TV with a 32-inch screen diagonal, then the distance to the viewing point should be at least 2.5 meters.

Now let's talk about another very important parameter - screen resolution. For the most part, all modern models are sold with the Full HD label.

The bottom line is that such a device will display an image with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. Terrestrial television broadcasting is carried out with a resolution of 720x576 pixels. Therefore, if you do not plan to connect cable, digital or satellite television, there is no point in chasing resolution.

Don’t forget that you can watch movies and TV series on your TV that are pre-loaded onto a flash drive. Therefore, it is still better to buy a TV with Full HD support. Satellite and cable operators are able to offer certain channels with HD pictures.

Frequency and response time

Another parameter that should never be ignored. Response time is a parameter that characterizes the change in the position of the crystal in each pixel. The response time will determine how quickly the image changes during a dynamic scene. If this parameter is low, the picture will be blurry, which will create some discomfort while viewing.

The higher this number is, the better. Which TV is better to choose? Really high-quality models in the mid-price segment have frequencies starting from 400 Hz. The highest value can reach 1000 Hz.

Brightness and Contrast

A good TV is a device with high picture quality. The image should be rich and realistic. It is very important that the TV does not operate at the limit of its capabilities.

Before purchasing a device, ask your consultant to show you the brightness and contrast scale in the settings. If the values ​​are set to average then everything is fine. If the contrast or brightness is set too high, then they are trying to deceive you.


To choose a high-quality TV, you need to pay attention not only to the image, but also to the sound. If the speakers are able to reproduce clear sound, then the viewing experience will be as comfortable as possible.

The best parameters are available for models with a Dolby Digital decoder. It's even better if the device supports NICAM. It is desirable that the total power of the stereo speakers of the TV is at least 20 W. The optimal solution would be to purchase a TV with multi-channel acoustics.

With or without smart

Should a modern home TV have Smart TV support? It all depends entirely on your preferences. Think and try to answer how necessary an Internet connection is for you. Keep in mind that you will have to overpay for Smart TV support.

How to choose a good TV with Smart TV? You need to choose a device from a company that specializes in the production of such models. For example, you can buy a model from Samsung, Sony or LG. Some companies install OS with a low level of productivity. Therefore, TV begins to slow down.

Additional functions

Modern TVs are equipped with a wide range of additional functionality. Whether they are needed or not is up to you to decide. Now we will briefly list the most popular additional options:

If you need certain functions from the list above, then inquire about their availability when choosing an LCD TV.


The manufacturer's reputation must be taken into account when choosing a TV. For example, some companies stand out by equipping their equipment with high-quality speakers, while other organizations promptly release updates for the correct operation of Smart TV. Knowing this information, the user will be able to choose a TV for himself.

A TV is not a luxury item; on the contrary, almost every person has such equipment in their home. Modern market offers potential buyers a wide range various models. New devices with expanded functionality and improved hardware modules are regularly released.

Users do not have time to keep up with the emergence of new technologies. Therefore, they do not know how to choose a TV. The main criteria remain unchanged. A list of basic rules has been prepared especially for you, based on expert advice.

Let's understand modern trends and trends in the world of TV equipment. Relying on the advice of consultants is too risky, because they are trying to sell first of all the most expensive models or, conversely, devices that are outdated.

What budget should I allocate?

Before you go shopping, ask yourself one simple question: “How much money can I spend on a new TV?” The peculiarity of TV equipment is that the price does not have any restrictions. If you wish, you can buy a TV for 20,000 rubles, and if the budget allows, then consumers rely on flagships, the cost of which is measured in a figure with six zeros.

Why buy a TV that costs more than a new car? This is a rhetorical question. Excessive spending is unacceptable. Just because you have a budget for the purchase, this does not mean that you know how to choose a good TV.

A 2018 premium class device will cost the consumer approximately 100,000 rubles. This model will be equipped with powerful hardware components, a Smart TV platform and extensive functionality.

Knowing the rules for choosing a TV will allow you to save about 5 times. Some models costing 20-30 thousand rubles also produce the highest quality images; they are simply less functional.

TV dimensions

You need to filter TV not only by price, but also by size. Screen diagonal is one of the most important selection criteria. About 20 years ago, when CRT devices were in trend, experts believed that the distance from the viewing position to the TV should be equal to the diagonal of the screen multiplied by 5.

Over time, the computing system has undergone changes. For LED TVs, the distance is equal to the diagonal multiplied by 3.

To make the process of choosing a TV as easy as possible for users, let’s look at an illustrative example. If you buy a 32-inch TV, then the distance from the screen to the viewing point should be approximately two and a half meters.

The dimensions of the TV are an important parameter, we have decided on this, but what happens if you buy a large TV for a small room? Image clarity will suffer. The picture will appear blurry, grainy and unnatural. Therefore, more does not always mean better.

Best resolution

When considering tips for choosing a TV, it is impossible to ignore such characteristics as screen resolution, because this is another extremely important parameter. Mostly all modern TV models are labeled Full HD.

What is the essence of this characteristic? Resolution shows how many pixels there are horizontally and vertically. The higher this indicator, the better the image. Full HD – 1920x1080. Keep in mind that terrestrial television broadcasts images with a resolution of 720x576.

You can tune in HD quality channels, but at an additional cost. Connect cable or satellite TV. If you plan to watch channels digital television included in free multiplexes, you can safely buy a budget model without Full HD support.

The most innovative standard is 4K size. This highest resolution to date. There are no TV channels with such images, but you can already find films and TV series in highest quality. There is still very little media content, therefore, there is no need to overpay for 4K.


When buying a TV, pay special attention to the frequency. This indicator is measured in Hertz, indicating the number of screen updates in 1 second. A parameter of 60 Hz means that in 1 second the image is updated 60 times.

Experts note that a person cannot detect a refresh rate above 60 Hz. However, to view 3D content at 60 fps, when you need to alternately display frames for both eyes separately, you need a response time of approximately 120 Hz.

On the shelves of electronics supermarkets there are models with exorbitant performance: from 240 to 500 Hz. This is a marketing ploy that adds unnecessary pathos to the TV. You should not fall for such an advertising ploy.

Now you know how to choose the right TV with the optimal frame refresh rate without overpaying for unnecessary performance.

Matrix type

The TV equipment market continues to be dominated by LED-type matrices, on the basis of which displays for devices from leading manufacturers are created. Modern TV screens are approximately the same, so the importance of the matrix is ​​significantly exaggerated.

However, it is necessary to study the review of technologies, since the type of matrix affects the cost of the device. The main competitor to LED technology is AMOLED matrices (OLED). These are organic matrices.

It is practically impossible to distinguish such TVs; they broadcast images of the same quality. The price difference is very significant.

Why is AMOLED more expensive? The whole difference is manifested in only one thing, but very important property– demonstration of real black color. LED TVs are unable to provide adequate depth dark shades. The backlight is designed in such a way that the entire screen lights up, regardless of the color of individual dots. Black color is not light, but its absence. As a result, black turns into gray and other dark shades.

The AMOLED screen works a little differently. Each pixel is illuminated separately. When scenes with black pixels appear, the corresponding diodes are turned off. Therefore, black color is as natural as possible.

Modern TVs with AMOLED matrices, in theory, have the maximum juicy image. In practice, we get the opposite effect. The color palette becomes acidic and unnatural. Not everyone will like the image. When sunlight hits the screen, the organic screen fades and the user cannot see anything.

The price of AMOLED TVs is unreasonably high, so it’s hard to call such a purchase a success. Take an LED TV and save an impressive amount, without losing the functionality of the device or image quality.

Flat screen vs curved

The race of manufacturers is not slowing down for a second, and the emergence of models with flat curved screens is a clear confirmation of this. This innovation is just another marketing ploy. Such TVs do not have any real advantages; on the contrary, they are more inconvenient.

A curved screen has a limited viewing angle, meaning you need to look at it from a certain position. The distance from any point on the screen to the user's eyes must be the same, otherwise the image will be distorted. Look at the TV from different positions, very soon you will understand what exactly we are talking about.

Curved models are absolutely not suitable for family viewing. The main advantage is the exclusive design. It simply makes no sense to overpay for limited viewing angles.

Do you need a Smart TV?

The Smart TV platform is a software package integrated into the device’s software shell for playing various content. Initially, many manufacturers used operating systems exclusively of their own design. Today, choosing an LCD TV with Android is not difficult.

Control is the main drawback of smart TVs. Entering queries and moving the cursor is carried out using the remote control. It is very uncomfortable. The problem is solved by connecting additional devices: smartphone, tablet, keyboard, computer mouse, joystick. There will be no problems with synchronization.

By choosing a modern TV without Smart TV, you can also connect to the Internet. To do this, you need to buy a special set-top box that connects via the HDMI interface. You can also connect a laptop, as a result of which the laptop desktop will be displayed on a large screen.

The choice should be based on the financial capabilities of the consumer and the goals set for the TV. If you don't need an Internet connection, buy a regular TV. Want to save money? Buy a set-top box or connect a laptop to your TV.

A smart set-top box will cost much less than a built-in “smart” platform. The downside of the external box is that one HDMI port will be occupied.

A smart set-top box has more advantages. For example, you can change it by purchasing a device with greater performance and functionality. The second advantage is the ability to install firmware from third-party developers. Software updated regularly.

Choose an external smart box according to your budget. The cost of the device depends on the performance and available features.

It is important that the set-top box supports the same screen resolution as the TV. Cheap smart boxes will not support Full HD content. Take this point into account.

If you doubt that you will need the Smart TV platform, then buy a model without this feature. If you wish, you can “pump up” your device by connecting a set-top box to play media content online.


When choosing a TV, almost no one pays attention to the power of the built-in speakers and sound reproduction technology. Therefore, manufacturers also ignore this parameter. This trend has increased the risk of buying a good TV with terrible sound. The problem can be solved by connecting external speakers.

In order not to overpay or buy additional accessories, immediately pay attention to this parameter. Then you can take a standing model with clear sound. TVs with a built-in Dolby Digital decoder with NICAM support have the best sound performance.

High-quality devices have a total stereo speaker power of over 20 W. It is especially good if the model is equipped with a multi-channel speaker system.

Color spectrum

The parameter determines the color range that the TV is capable of displaying on the screen. Mostly the latest generation models come with support for the NTSC standard, which provides 16 million colors. This indicator is enough.

Some consultants try to sell models with improved color scheme. In theory, you will get an image with 32 million colors. This is very good, but you won’t feel the difference, and you’ll overpay significantly.

A large color palette is certainly a plus, but it is not of primary importance. This is a secondary criterion for choosing a TV. Support for the NTSC standard is more than enough.


What do you need to choose an LCD TV wisely? Study the technical specifications and also check the available interfaces. Ports are located on the sides of the device and on the back panel. Using these inputs, additional accessories will be connected: tuner, smart set-top box, laptop, Internet, smartphone, flash drives and others.

The more interfaces a TV has, the better. It is advisable that the TV be equipped with the following connectors:

  • USB – used to connect a web camera, external Wi-Fi adapter, flash drive, headphones, keyboard, computer mouse, etc.
  • PAL – designed for connecting an analogue television cable.
  • DVB-C/DVB-S – interfaces for setting up satellite and digital TV.
  • Mini-jack, jack5 – headphones are connected to the TV through this input.
  • S-Video is an analog connector for broadcasting your desktop from a PC to a large screen.
  • HDMI – used to broadcast audio and video signals to the TV.

When purchasing equipment, pay attention to the condition of the connectors. Damage to the contact pad of the interfaces is possible, therefore, you will not be able to connect additional devices.


When analyzing the technical characteristics in the process of choosing a TV, users also pay attention to the brand. This is not a stupid whim, but an important criterion for selecting quality equipment. It is more advisable to buy devices from trusted manufacturers.

It is possible that even a TV from a well-known company will only work for a few years. It all depends on how carefully the user observes the operating conditions of the device.

To insure yourself against additional expenses, please pay attention to the duration of the warranty. A modern model based on innovative technologies, must have appropriate insurance.

Now you know which TV is better to choose. Model from famous brand will be protected by a long warranty. Little-known manufacturers take out short-term insurance. There are exceptions. Look at the situation.

Additional functions

The most ordinary and cheap TVs are increasingly available appearance, functionality and technical characteristics are approaching those of computers.

This trend has been formed in accordance with the needs of users. Everyone wants to have an unlimited number of functions: Internet surfing, viewing media content online, convenient synchronization with other equipment, etc.

  1. 3D support. Buy special glasses and download the movie in the appropriate format; in the end, the TV will replace the entire cinema.
  2. Anti-glare screen. The essence of this function is that after the sun hits the screen, it will not turn into a mirror.
  3. Picture in picture. The presence of such technology allows you to simultaneously watch several TV channels at once.
  4. Support wireless connection to the Internet. There is no need to connect an Ethernet cable directly to the TV.
  5. Slot for connecting a memory card. If the volume of built-in hard drive limited, this option will be very convenient. In addition, you can connect flash drives from a smartphone, camera, etc.
  6. 24p True Cinema. The option will allow you to broadcast the image at the frequency at which it was shot – 24 frames per second. Your eyes won't get tired from watching.
  7. Time Shift– a function that allows you to pause television broadcasts is available only if you have a Smart TV.
  8. List of favorite channels– will allow you to create a list of the most viewed broadcasts.
  9. Voice and non-verbal control. You can switch channels and change the volume not only using the remote control, but also with your voice and gestures.
  10. Progressive scan– a function that allows you to watch the clearest image possible through sequential frame transmission.

These features are not included in the list of basic criteria for choosing a new TV, but their presence will be a pleasant bonus.


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