Home Preparations for the winter Alexander Novikov is such a healer. Healing and healing. An excerpt from the book of Kharkov healer Alexander Novikov. Healing is the appeal of the healer’s soul to the Higher Mind, and through it to the soul of the patient, improving its condition and restoring

Alexander Novikov is such a healer. Healing and healing. An excerpt from the book of Kharkov healer Alexander Novikov. Healing is the appeal of the healer’s soul to the Higher Mind, and through it to the soul of the patient, improving its condition and restoring

An excerpt from a new book by Kharkov healer Alexander Novikov

But, unfortunately, in addition to individual spots, there are simply unexplored continents, which everyone knows about, but is silent, because solving these problems is not possible. One of them is the so-called “civilization diseases”. No, this is not fast food and obesity and not genetically modified foods. This is not even physical inactivity, alcohol and smoking. Humanity knows how to deal with all this and is fighting. The source of these diseases lies in the very essence of human relationships, in their most closed and intimate area.

For millions of years, humanity, like all mammals, existed in a constant reproductive cycle. Growing up and puberty, intimacy, pregnancy, the birth of a child and nursing him, again intimacy, pregnancy, and so on, until an individual, inherent to this person reproduction resource. Two centuries ago everything changed. People have found ways to enjoy intimacy without the hassle of having and caring for children.
If not for one “but”. Evolutionary mechanisms do not forgive unceremonious interference in their foundations. If in the animal world a couple does not produce offspring after intimacy, the female will never allow ex-partner. And we are not as far biologically distant from all the other inhabitants of the planet as we think. If a woman’s romantic and emotionally filled period of intimacy does not end with pregnancy, her receptors that perceive the partner’s hormones, as a rule, are gradually blocked, the intensity of orgasms decreases or they disappear altogether, and the mechanism of searching for another partner is biologically activated. No matter how it looks externally, internally, energetically, the woman is disconnected from her partner. He may not realize or notice this, but for him, intimacy begins to lose its attractiveness and does not resolve his needs. And most often it is the man who begins to search for other solutions to the problem. Beautiful family life slowly turns into something completely opposite, colored by the negativity of mutual grievances and claims, when every action and emotional manifestation is interpreted in the most negative way. Mutual existence enters a sub-conflict zone, creating emotional tension and neuroticizing both.
Although there is often a more civilized option - when a couple has enough intelligence and tact to prevent the aggravation of relations and they manage to maintain friendship and mutual affection, but each of them, and in some cases one of them, is simply torn apart by the contradiction of physiological and moral motivations. Everyone perceives this as their own personal individual difficulties, although in fact it is just a specific manifestation common problem our civilizational way of existence.
All this would simply be a drama of our days, with which humanity has been struggling for centuries, if it were not the basis for the emergence of a number of serious somatic diseases. First of all, these are extremely dangerous women's diseases, men have problems with prostate gland and imbalance, and then diseases of the cardiovascular system, in both sexes - diseases of the musculoskeletal system and primarily the spine.
Usually this problem is not talked about as a generalized phenomenon because there are no clear and available ways it can be avoided except by returning to the natural reproductive cycle, and this is difficult to combine with the realities of today's life. Everyone searches and finds (or does not find) their own private solutions.

I first heard about the “prayer for attractiveness,” as the grandmothers who perform this ritual called it, about twenty-five years ago and, to be honest, I was quite skeptical about it. And about eleven years ago, one of our very close friends, after a cold, developed inflammation of the female organs, accompanied by quite unpleasant sensations in the middle part of the abdomen and below. Before this, I helped her several times to get rid of not serious, but rather unpleasant illnesses, and she was an ardent fan of the method of prayer healing. When she asked for help, I was somewhat confused. I have begged many places and organs in my life, but female body below the belt was forbidden for me, however, except for boils and herpes in the sciatic area.
I would probably try to avoid interference in in this case, if the patient were not a close friend of my wife, and, naturally, her request was directed to both of us. My dear Evgenia, like all doctors, is a concrete and determined person: work and not be foolish. “And in general, if you’re scared, I’ll be there...”
I wasn’t particularly scared; I performed the prayer procedure three times, and the inflammation, as expected, went away. But the most important thing began later. Despite the age difference, we had been friends with this family for many years and knew their problems well, which, like in many other families, were more than enough. A couple of times their conflicts reached such strength that the family was literally held on by a thread and on the love for their daughter. And suddenly an unexpected renaissance came, just as the grandmother whispered. It seemed like they had only been married a week. After fifteen years of marriage, they cooed in public like doves, without really thinking about how it looked. Our story ended with the heroine giving birth to an amazing boy, with whom they rush around like a sack, and, like in a good fairy tale, everything is just fine. My wife and I were simply shocked by everything we saw.
Obviously, desilting the lower centers helps to open up some hormonal receptors, and then normalize the functioning of the entire endocrine and energy systems. The first sign other than change emotional state, is the normalization of the figure, and not necessarily in the direction of reducing weight, but the normalization of the contours, shapes and turgor of the skin.
After the described incident, which made a great impression on us, in order to check whether it was an accident, I deliberately prayed to ten of our acquaintances with fairly similar problems. The method worked like clockwork, although in some cases it took much longer to work, and the result was quite delayed. Considering the ethical component of this procedure, I considered it right not to do this further myself, but taught this method to several female doctors practicing prayer healing, who, together with their colleagues in relevant specialties, are successfully developing this area.
And, probably, one can only admire the wisdom and courage of our grandmothers, who have used this procedure for centuries to benefit women and their families, defying all prohibitions, canons and morality. Often what seems dull and superstitious turns out to be the threshold of knowledge tomorrow. We simply do not realize how connected we all are, and the stronger our emotional relationships, the stronger these connections are and the more they affect us in both positive and negative ways.

And finally, speaking of healing and cure, one cannot fail to mention a very large group of autoimmune diseases that are very difficult to treat with medication and, in many cases, pose serious dangers and threats. Honor and praise to modern immunology, which has penetrated into the subtlest mechanisms of emerging diseases and continues to search for ways to cure them. Unfortunately, in this group of diseases, at best, one can count on long-term remission, since the reasons for their occurrence are in most cases unclear and only individual assumptions can be made, which are very difficult to prove. Without knowing the cause of the disease, the basic principles of its origin, it is very difficult to influence it radically.
From a prayer healing perspective, patients with autoimmune diseases have one general feature- in many cases, according to the feelings of the grandmother or the prayer, in the initial period of begging they behave as if they were under ordinary damage or the evil eye, only in a very weakened, as if outdated, form. The worshiper experiences his own malaise, fever, swaying, and sometimes even slight nausea. And I don't think these are random coincidences.
Many years ago I had to help the wife of one of our good friends, who had myosthenia. This is a harmful autoimmune disease that affects the nerve endings at the points where they connect to the muscles, in which increasing muscle weakness is observed. The person weakens, loses weight, general asthenia sets in, moves with difficulty, and in acute cases, normal breathing and swallowing water and food become difficult. I remember well how then, thirty years ago, after each of the first three meetings, I lay flat for two days, and this is also a very significant indicator of outside influence for a prayer. The next two meetings passed calmly, as usual. Then she disappeared from our horizon, and fifteen years later I met her at the market, loaded like a donkey with all sorts of purchases and not at all like the emaciated, exhausted creature with whom I had once dealt.
I forgot about this case a long time ago and remembered it quite by accident when a good friend of ours, who works as the head of the intensive care unit in one of the Kharkov hospitals, called us. A young woman with myosthenia in a rather severe form was admitted to their department - complete asthenia, breathing and swallowing problems, respiratory arrest, and was on a ventilator for more than a week. They treated him with everything they could, but other than restoring breathing, there was no particular success. She was discharged - she couldn’t eat, she only drank drops from a syringe, she practically couldn’t speak, she had lost weight and was as weak as possible.
Our friend who called us is from that rare breed of doctors who get sick, if not together with every patient, then through one, that’s for sure. Until she does everything she can, she won't stop. In this case, after performing all possible medical procedures, all she could do was persuade me to pray for the patient, not without reason believing that there might be a reason that was not medical. I quickly realized that I would not be able to avoid her persistence, and agreed to meet with the patient.
Her husband, a handsome and healthy forty-year-old rural man, literally carried her into the house. Her eyes were like those of a frightened, wounded and driven animal - only fear and wild fatigue. I well understood the reason for our friend’s persistence and her empathy for the sick. The woman was thirsty all the time, but she could only pour water drop by drop into her mouth through a syringe.
We sat down and prayed. During prayer, at first I was literally rocking, like during a good storm, then there was a breakthrough, and everything fell into place, only sweat filled my eyes. I had no doubt that this was classic professional damage. The patient only took a short nap during prayer without any special sensations.
A week later we met again, and he was a completely different person. She could speak calmly, although not loudly, and swallow water little by little, but without a syringe. We prayed as usual, as usual, and they left. I didn't see them again, despite my advice to show up one more time. Three weeks later, a friend called me and told me that she met a patient on the street, and she hugged her very specifically and strongly, which is not at all typical for patients with myosthenia, and kissed her. Apart from some thinness, there were no signs of illness.

The problem with such diseases is that rural patients and their loved ones are incredibly frightened when, even before the final recovery, one of their acquaintances not in the closest circle, with whom they have quite complex relationships, unexpectedly develops serious difficulties, not to say worse. They relate this to the personality of the grandmother or the prayer, although in fact the prayer can only be performed for the salvation of the suffering and in no case for the punishment of the guilty. There are no negative prayers, this is already a slander, magic, and this is a completely different specialty and such a person cannot help with prayer. Another thing is that, regardless of the intentions of the worshiper, events occur that are very unpleasant for those who ordered and performed the ritual of damage. The patient and his entourage intuitively understand that these are related phenomena and despite the fact that their health is saved, this is usually very frightening, like touching something unknown and formidable.
In fact this is one of the essential functions rural grandmothers, for which no one has ever thanked them. In a village where there is at least one actively praying grandmother who plays a protective role, damage does not happen at all, because those who could and would like to do this know very well that if a person turns to the grandmother, everything will come back very unpleasant and in a much harsher form. In any case, one or two attempts are enough, and in general everyone in the village knows everything, for such things to stop completely for decades. The exception is amateur beginners, usually female, who, at their own peril and risk, having read esoteric literature of no better quality, in the heat of their emotions try to harm their ex-lover or their loved ones, not understanding what this could mean for them.
In the city the situation is completely different. People often don’t even know who lives on their staircase and what they do; people’s nervousness and the number of contacts are immeasurably higher; instead of money there are commercial sorcerers and witches, whose actions are very difficult to reliably track. And although the city certainly provides more extensive and high-quality medical care, real prayer help in the city it is very difficult, and there are immeasurably more evil neurotics who practice dirty magical rituals with impunity. I don't know the statistics of autoimmune diseases in the city and in rural areas Moreover, it would be extremely bold and incorrect to claim that external influences are the only cause of the occurrence of such diseases. But my modest experience says that this factor should be taken into account and that in the city the degree of risk for this factor is much higher.
I am sincerely convinced that in the case of every autoimmune disease, a person, in addition to first-priority qualified medical care, should receive prayerful help from pure, kind hands, which will significantly increase his real chances of recovery. In any case, I am doing everything in my power to train doctors in healing prayer practices, and may the Lord help us in this...

Available in formats: EPUB | PDF | FB2

Pages: 320

The year of publishing: 2015

Language: Russian

Alexander Novikov gives us all a wonderful, sparkling, witty and useful book about healing through prayer. Not only are dozens of cases of healing described here, but it also suggests a way to master this method. The author is convinced that each of us is capable of this.


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At this master class, we invite you to meet the healer-prayer from Kharkov, Alexander Novikov.

According to Alexander Efremovich, loving heart, who sincerely wants to help, can, with the help of prayer, completely heal or speed up recovery in cases of burns, injuries, insect bites, allergies and other “everyday” troubles. And these are only the minimum abilities that you can discover in yourself after a deeper acquaintance with the healer at the seminar. On this day you will be able to meet A. Novikov’s students practicing in Kyiv, and become Students yourself...

“There are many worthy paths to God, each of which deserves respect and recognition, and there are no better or worse among them. One of them is the path of prayerful healing, which not only brings health and joy, but also reveals to both the healed and the healing, and also to the people around us the mercy and kindness of the Lord in all His greatness, strengthening their faith and spirituality and making this world a kinder and happier place." A. Novikov.


Fragment from the book by Alexander Novikov "Such work is a healer. The practice of prayer healing."

Ancient Greek philosopher and the thinker Socrates wrote the wonderful words “You cannot treat the eye without thinking about the head, you cannot treat the head without thinking about the body, you cannot treat the body without thinking about the soul.”

Everyone understands perfectly well that this is absolutely correct from a philosophical point of view, but practical implementation this principle is extremely problematic. For thousands of years, healers of all cultures and nations have sought to find ways to help the human body as a whole, not just to alleviate the course of the disease, but to eliminate the cause that caused it.

This was the case until, starting in the second half of the seventeenth century, a stunning breakthrough in science opened up unprecedented possibilities for medical drugs and devices. Many seemingly incurable diseases have receded or, according to at least, significantly weakened their positions. One after another, the most severe and formerly deadly diseases began to respond to the action of drugs, reducing or even eliminating the manifestations of ailments that bothered a person. Thanks to advances in chemistry and physics, artificial drugs have been created that help people fight a wide range of diseases. Advances in the emerging science of medicines were huge at that time. New sciences emerged and began to actively develop - biochemistry and biophysics - which gave powerful support to the development of pharmacology. In two centuries - a moment in human history - medicine has made incredible leaps, especially in the fight against especially dangerous infections and in surgery. The efforts of scientists were increasingly directed towards identifying the symptoms of diseases, developing and correct clinical use of new drugs. But simultaneously with this process, an increasingly greater binding took place medicinal product to the symptom, and often without taking into account the side effects of drugs, which can vary greatly from person to person depending on many factors. Against the backdrop of a massive craze for chemicals, a new danger began to emerge - the side effects of drugs, which today take hundreds of thousands of people every year all over the world. human lives.

IN modern medicine There are two fundamentally different approaches to treating diseases - symptomatic and holistic.

Symptomatic is elimination painful symptom, treating what hurts. Almost all of our allopathic, that is, medicinal medicine, due to a number of reasons and circumstances, is symptomatic.

An alternative to symptomatic medicine is holistic medicine, which sets itself the task of not just mitigating the manifested painful symptom to a minimum, but eliminating the cause that caused the imbalance in the body. The word “holis” in translation means integrity, and representatives of holistic medicine set themselves the task of restoring normal functioning human body in its integrity. The most famous representatives of this direction are acupuncture, homeopathy, osteopathy, Ayurveda, qigong and many other methods of treating the human body. The great achievements of these schools and areas of healing are the collective feats of hundreds of thousands of people who, for thousands of years, have persistently pursued the great goal of helping people in their fight against illnesses. Today, against the backdrop of an increasingly manifest side effect chemicals, almost half of the world's population resort to holistic medicine.

But both directions of healing in in a broad sense of this word, are engaged, with to varying degrees success and effectiveness, healing the body, leaving the soul, depending on the direction of thinking, in the care of psychotherapy or the church. Unfortunately, the church sets itself the task not of healing, but of saving the believer’s soul, and, by and large, it is much more important to it where this soul ends up in the afterlife than how she will feel in her mortal body. And psychotherapy, like any self-respecting science, believes only in methods and techniques, of which it has a great variety, and which can indeed be very effective and useful for relieving internal conflicts, but this has a very tangential relationship with the healing of the soul.

In order to discuss an object or phenomenon, you need to have at least a poor definition of it (the object or phenomenon). And in this case, it is advisable for us to determine what unites and what is the difference between the two concepts - cure and healing.

It is obvious that their common goal is to save a person from illness and suffering, and to restore lost health. What differentiates them is their method of achieving this goal.

Cure is any method of influencing human body aiming to improve physical condition patient (from taking medications and performing surgery to energy practices and physiotherapeutic procedures).

Healing is the realized intention of the healer, carried out with the help of prayer and meditation (in all their diversity - from the canonical texts of great religions to shamanic practices), leading to a visible and demonstrable improvement in the patient’s health.

Healing is a beneficial action that restores the functions and subtle mechanisms of the human body.

Healing is the appeal of the healer’s soul to the Higher Mind, and through it to the soul of the patient, improving its condition and restoring its connection with the body, which results in a change in the spiritual and physical state of the patient.

It is obvious to any sensible person that these two approaches not only do not contradict, but complement each other in providing assistance to the sick.

I can give many examples when collaboration doctor and healer led to very impressive positive results. Of course, this happens when the main and only goal of both is to help the patient, and not the ambitions, priorities and income of the parties involved in the process.

We are waiting for you at Alexander Novikov’s master class!

The date of the:
16.04.2016 - 17.04.2016
Time spending:
Kyiv, st. Academician Bogomolets 4, floor 5. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology.

Alexander Efremovich Novikov gives readers a useful, wonderful, witty, sparkling book about the miracles of healing through prayer. Not only are dozens of cases of healing described here, but also a method for mastering these methods is proposed. The author is convinced that each of us is capable of this.

We bring to the attention of readers an excerpt from the book “Such work is a healer. Healing and self-healing through prayer”:

“I’m an ordinary village old man with a far from golden character and a full set of bad human habits. I don’t fly in the astral plane, I don’t see an aura in color, I don’t control forces and channels, although I fully admit that all this is somewhere, just not in my life. There are definitely no more mystics and esotericists in me than in my dog. But for more than forty years I have been treating people from all sorts of illnesses and ailments, sometimes very bad and not amenable, as far as I know, to any methods of modern scientific medicine, with great respect for her. And I do my job like a craftsman, each time sincerely wondering how I can do it. I don’t emit or absorb anything, I don’t correct or correct anything - I just ask the Lord to help, although I do a number of very simple rules and techniques that I want to talk about in this book, so that every person can help himself and loved ones if the need arises. I have lived a long and active life, I have seen everyone, and it is unlikely that anyone who knew or knows me will reproach me for being untruthful. You can deceive in the city, where all deeds and actions dissolve in a huge mass of people; in the village, in a day they will lead you to clean water and will be laughed at by the whole world. And to a large extent, it is precisely because of this that truly healing grandmothers and prayer workers live in villages, and great sorcerers and wizards, striving for the same thing, live in cities. There is only one criterion of truth - this is a specific, repeatable result of some action. Only he is able to make a person think about the correctness of his vision of reality, to bring into it necessary changes and make efforts to effective assistance to himself and loved ones, if he was taught how to do this. And talking about the healings themselves and how this happens, I want to talk not about myself and my humble life, but about an amazing method that really allows you to actually heal a person, and not muffle the symptoms of the disease. But in order to be convincing, I must provide specific, verifiable facts, and I know them reliably only from my own life. And therefore I will not say - the patient is “M” or “N”, but I will name specific places, names and surnames, where this is possible for ethical reasons and will not harm their owners. I don’t know about you, but I have never read a single sufficiently understandable and reliable book about rural healers, the so-called grandmothers, who do a tremendous job, saving many human lives and saving people from a lot of problems and diseases, without declaring themselves in any way and without demanding anything in return from society and the state. Most people consider their actions to be a myth, a figment of the imagination of semi-literate and gullible people, at best a kind of suggestion that helps a person overcome the disease. They have a very difficult relationship with the church, which, although it no longer burns them at the stake, is still hostile to them and their actions, difficult relationship with the all-knowing official medicine, which they sometimes put in a rather awkward position, with officials who cannot understand how anything can happen without their knowledge and permission. And yet, with all the changes in society, for hundreds of years they have been quietly and imperceptibly doing their job, which would have disappeared a long time ago if it had not constantly brought concrete benefits, necessary for people. And of course, it could have been much more if grandmothers worked together with doctors, and people knew exactly what problems they could and should contact them with and how a person could find their healer. And if I am forced to write about things that are close in genre to science fiction, and not to medical popular literature, then I will do this not because I want to surprise anyone, much less “puff up” to great proportions. I am forced to do this because there is a very small, but extremely important for me, category of people to whom God has given a very difficult Gift along with doubts about whether it is a Gift or a punishment. And I really hope to convince them that this Gift must be protected, developed and given to people, even if at times it is very difficult to do so. We are all born with much big amount talents and abilities than we can imagine, but not all grains and sprouts grow in this fertile field. Our environment, for the best reasons, openly or covertly convinces us from the very beginning. early age that much of what we feel and imagine is unreal or bad, that these are stupid fantasies that you need to get rid of if you want to be good and to be loved. If everyone doesn't have it, you shouldn't have it either. And we become what they want us to be, losing our innate originality. It was, is and will be, and we cannot change it. But we definitely can realize this, understand and feel it, at least partially return to our roots, trying our best to distinguish the grains of truth from the mountains of superstitions and prejudices in order to use what we have received for the benefit of ourselves and our loved ones.”

Alexander Efremovich Novikov has been helping people for more than forty-five years, healing Christian prayer diseases that are beyond or difficult to treat using modern scientific medicine. Author of a series of articles and two books “Healing and self-healing through prayer” and “The practice of prayer healing”, united under the general heading “This kind of work is a healer.”

Supporter of joint and coordinated work of healers and doctors.

In many cities of Ukraine he has students and followers who show effective results in healing extremely unpleasant conditions and diseases. Actively trains healers, doctors and priests in the methods of healing prayer. I am convinced that most diseases, especially those associated with negative external influences and experiences, a person who has mastered the methods of healing prayer can overcome painful conditions himself.

The first book, published two years ago in two editions, was sold out in a few months and completely disappeared from book shelves. This is an indicator of people’s need to understand the real possibilities of this method, the origins of which are rooted in the very depths of formation Slavic peoples, a method that was denied for centuries, prohibited by the church, and science, and government agencies. And only thanks to our rural healers, the so-called “grandmothers”, it has survived to this day and brings real benefits in cases where, unfortunately, official medicine cannot help. The book specifically describes the methods and techniques of prayer healing in the very wide range problems and diseases of the human body.

It is very significant that medical workers who have sufficient experience in medical work and know the capabilities of today's medicine actively participate in the development and development of this method. New people come to prayer creativity, bring their life experience and their findings into it, bringing specific benefits to the people around them.

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