Home Fruit trees A simple verb predicate rule. Types of predicates in Russian

A simple verb predicate rule. Types of predicates in Russian

Predicate along with the subject, it is an element of the grammatical basis of the sentence. The predicate denotes the action that the subject performs, as well as its state or sign, therefore, the predicate answers questions what to do? what to do? what happens to the subject? what is the subject? what is he? who is he? As a rule, the predicate is expressed by a verb, but there are other ways of expressing it - a noun, an adjective, a pronoun, a participle, etc. The predicate of the Russian language is represented by three types - simple verbal predicate, compound verb and compound nominal. In order to quickly and correctly determine the type of predicate in separate case, it is necessary, firstly, to present the scheme of the composition of the predicate, and secondly, to be able to apply the theoretical scheme on a specific language material. Consider the types of predicates, briefly characterize each of them and follow the implementation with an example.

Simple verbal predicate.

This is the simplest type of predicate - it is expressed by a verb in some mood. For instance, he plays; would come early and others. Most often, this type is remembered according to the formula: one word in the predicate, which means that the predicate is a simple verb. It is not difficult to guess that this formula is erroneous: this type includes predicates, which include 2, 3 or even more words. For instance:

Hewill for a long timerecall about the past(the future is complex).

Let stars foreverilluminate your long, long winter journey(imperative mood).

Hewent out of his mind (phraseologism).

Theywaited, waited anddid not wait (repetition of one verb in different forms).

Springswaited, waited nature(repetition of the same verb forms).

Get offended don't get offended , but it will still be in my opinion(repetition of one verb with the particle not).

I'll go for a walk (a combination of different verbs in the same form).

Compound verb predicate.

This predicate is built according to the scheme: auxiliary verb + infinitive. All these elements must be present in the predicate so that we can call it a compound verb! Again, you should not think that this predicate consists of 2 components - there may be more.

Hewants to enroll in the Institute.

I longcould not with themmeet .

Youmust learn.

Hewas a lover of fun.

I AMwas unable to think about it.

Note that phase verbs most often act as an auxiliary element (those that denote the phase of action - start, continue, become, quit) or modal words ( must, must, wants).

Compound nominal predicate.

Such a predicate consists of a linking verb and a nominal part. The most common linking verb be, but other links can also be found. The nominal part is expressed by an adjective. Noun, adverb, participle, pronoun, etc.

Weatherwas good.

The book is truefriend .

He has characterharder become.

Grassbeveled .

Eveningquiet .

Errorwas present.

Two by two -four .

This notebookmy .

As you can see, determining the type of predicate is a simple task, you only need to know the material confidently and 100% and, most importantly, be able to navigate it.


§ initial form : HUT

§ Part of speech: Noun

§ Grammar: feminine, singular, Nominative case, inanimate

§ Forms: hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut

3. Translation of the text into Russian.


1. Introductory words and sentences
With the help of introductory constructions, the speaker expresses his attitude to what he is reporting. Introductory constructions are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence (that is, they do not receive a question from the members of the sentence); they can indicate the reliability or doubtfulness of the message, give emotional evaluation, indicate the relationship between various parts statements, on the source of information.
As introductory words, words specially designed for this purpose (hence, they say, however, etc.) and ordinary significant words with the meaning of introductory words (fortunately, by the way, the main thing, I suppose, etc.) can be used.
Introductory words and sentences are usually distinguished by commas: True, he hit the ace from a pistol in five fathoms (A. Pushkin); The snowstorm, it seemed to me, was still raging (A. Pushkin).
Introductory constructions, which are in the nature of additional comments or explanations, are highlighted in brackets (selection with a dash is acceptable): the soldiers (there were three of them) ate, not paying attention to Pierre ... (L. Tolstoy); Journals of foreign literature (two) I ordered to be sent to Yalta (A. Chekhov).
1. If the introductory word is at the absolute beginning or end of a separate turnover, then it is not separated from the isolation by a comma: The huge office was filled with things that were obviously constantly used (L. Tolstoy).
2.If two introductory constructions stand side by side, then a comma is placed between them, i.e. certain relations of homogeneity arise: Therefore, in your opinion, physical labor should everyone do it without exception? (A. Chekhov).
3.They are not introductory words and are not distinguished by commas: little by little, at the beginning, suddenly, as if, after all, supposedly, in the end, hardly, after all, even, hardly, exclusively, exactly, as if, almost, as if, just , besides, meanwhile, by suggestion, simply, by decision, by decree, approximately, moreover, almost, therefore, simply, decisively, once, as if, on top of everything, since, as it were, decisively, exclusively, here , approximately, even.
2. suburb: at - prefix, -city root
masons: stone-root, -schik- suffix, -and ending

3. Earth is our common home, our breadwinner. Native land, Motherland - the place where a person was born, which will forever remain dear to him. Each of us should protect it, but we often forget about it. Rivers, soil, air are polluted, due to the thoughtless actions of people, species of plants, birds and animals are dying and even disappearing from the face of the earth. But man is a part of nature, he is inextricably linked with it. If there are no rivers, forests, how will people live?

In our lives, we often do not notice that we are harming nature. Many people don't even think about it. But it's worth thinking about! Each of us is responsible for our actions. And we must save what is left. After all, in many years it may already be too late.

Plants were the first thing that appeared on our planet. Life is impossible without them. So why do people destroy them? After all, they are hurting themselves. At the lessons of the surrounding world at school, I learned that plants are the lungs of our planet, and people cannot live without lungs. But still, often through the fault of man, entire forests are destroyed.

The water is also polluted with chemicals. This kills fish and aquatic animals. But how we, children, rejoice at the arrival of summer! How nice on a hot summer day to come to the river and swim. But you don’t even want to approach some places on the shore, because everything is littered with waste, garbage. In all cities, even in small villages, there are garbage dumps that are not cleaned up. But a lot of people don't care. Who will take care of our planet if not us?

Once upon a time, our ancestors only grew plants, bred domestic animals, and now huge factories are being built, thousands of cars drive along the roads, forests are cut down. Of course, the development of our civilization does not stand still, and I think this is good. But we must remember that it is necessary to use the resources of the Earth reasonably, carefully and take care of cleanliness. environment. After all, the Earth does not forgive a person for bad treatment. And you have to start with yourself! You can't break tree branches, because trees are our friends. They give off the oxygen we breathe. Flowers delight us with their appearance, birds sing for us, the sun shines for us too. What if all this doesn't happen? What will happen to us?

If we do not immediately help nature, it will die. I believe that nature conservation is a matter not only for adults, but also for schoolchildren. We make bird feeders and birdhouses, we fight garbage, we help diseased trees, we plant flowers.

I hope that all the people of the planet will come to their senses and stop destroying the Earth, because it is our common home.

10 ticket

1. In Russian, three main secondary members are traditionally distinguished:

Applications are usually considered as a kind of definition.
Secondary members are directly or indirectly related to the grammatical basis, that is, from the grammatical basis, you can ask a question to the secondary member, from this minor member- to another, etc.
The frightened face of a young girl peeked out from behind the trees (Turgenev).
Grammatical basis - the face looked out. From the subject, you can ask questions to two words: the face (what?) Frightened; the face (whose?) of the girl. From the definition of a girl, you can ask a question to one word of a girl (what?) young. The predicate looked out connected with the noun with the preposition: looked out (from where?) from behind the trees.
2. The sentence is complex, allied, compound, 2 simple ones are connected by a coordinating union AND;
2 grammar basics- 1) the wind came running 2) the tops rustled
sentence of narratives, distribution, non-exclamation.
Parsing the first simple sentence:
1 - The wind came running. - simple, narrative, non-distributed, non-exclamatory.
wind - subject to
ran - predicate
2 - The tops of the trees rustled.
tops - subject
what did they do? - made noise - this is a predicate
tops (what?) - trees - this is an addition

3. Integral part culture of each people is the preservation of their customs, traditions, rituals and holidays. They have been formed over several centuries. Kazakh national traditions and customs were influenced by both the nomadic way of life and the Muslim religion. At present, interest in the past has revived among the younger generation. And this is natural, because the people, especially we, the younger generation, must certainly know the history of the place where we were born, where we live. Without the past there is no present, we must not lose the good customs of our people. In them folk wisdom, age-old experience and real life lessons. They reflected the way of life of the people, their habits, national characteristics. What is meant by customs? Let's look at the dictionary: “Customs are generally accepted rules and norms that have historically developed in the process of evolution, regulating the behavior of people in a certain area, public life. One of the wonderful customs of the past, which has come down to our days, is hospitality, which belongs to universal norms, is positive trait of any civilized society, on the other hand, hospitality, receiving guests are indispensable for every Kazakh. So, for the arrival of guests, a traditional national dish is prepared - beshbarmak - with kazy, karta, sting-zhaya, shuzhuk laid for the honored guest. If the owner cannot treat with meat, he will simply treat with tea, leave any traveler to spend the night in the house. This is our traditional hospitality. This custom is closely related to another: respect for elders. Children with early years teach to be friendly, restrained and respectable in relation to elders, while listening to their wise advice. Never, under any circumstances, you can cross the road in front of the elders, the younger must be the first to say hello to the elders. On the other hand, if the youngster becomes seriously ill or returns home after long absence, the aksakal will be the first to rush to shake his hand. How wise our people are! Since life and well-being depended on endurance, strength, dexterity and ingenuity, special attention in the steppe was paid to instilling these qualities in these children from the very beginning. early childhood. Therefore, many Kazakh rituals are somehow connected with birth, childhood, youth and adulthood. young man. For example, at the celebration of the birth of a son wealthy people arranged generous treats with the invitation of not only their own, but also neighboring auls, arranged a competition of singers, jigits on horseback. The child was often named after a person revered in the village. There were also cases when they gave the child the first name that came across, inconspicuous, sometimes even a very obscene name so that he would grow up out of sight, so that he would grow up healthy and strong. As special stages on the way to adulthood in the Kazakh family, events such as “besikke salu” - laying a newborn in a cradle were celebrated. In this cradle, the child is comfortable: both warm and calm. There he grew up and gained good health. Further, when the child grew up, “tusau-kesu” was held - a custom according to which the elder of the child taking the first steps in life ties the legs with a motley rope and leads the gathered guests around. Why must the ropes be variegated? A light thread means good things in life, a dark one means bad, heavy. The child must learn to overcome difficulties on his own, and to go through glory with dignity.

Speaking about the customs of my people, one cannot help but dwell on the next good rite - “atka - otyrgyzu”. This is landing on a horse with the transfer of not only whips, but also spears, so that the heir can ride a horse, throw spears best of all, far and accurately. Then followed the rite of circumcision. Circumcision was performed by a mullah, now this small operation is performed by a surgeon. Once again, the wisdom of my people is manifested here: the observance of hygiene standards. As a continuation of this rite - of course, that one.

We also really like "bәsіre" - the Kazakh tradition associated with raising a child. Often the birth of a child coincides with the lambing of domestic animals. In this case, a foal or a camel “basire” is given to a newborn and is considered the property of the child. According to legend, the future of the baby is closely connected with his "bәsіre". Therefore, they don’t ride it, they don’t cut it and don’t sell it. On the contrary, they are treated like a child. And he grows up, grows day after day, the time comes - and he crosses the threshold of something new in life, now it is the threshold of the school. “Til ashar” expects a student, then - “mushel zhas” - the thirteenth birthday. Every 12 years - a new stage of life, a person becomes smarter from one "mushel" to another. In order to pass this year favorably, the custom is obligatory - from one's shoulder to give clothes younger than oneself. This means that you will easily pass through mushel zhas, and the younger one will support you in this. Youth comes, love ...

Kazakh wedding ceremonies are now closely intertwined with Russian weddings. But its own, national, is preserved here. First of all, these are wedding songs: “Heat-Heat”, “Bet-Ashar”, matchmaking. The first appearance of the daughter-in-law in the house, her first treat to the guests. The daughter-in-law never calls her husband's relatives by their first names. Kelin from the first day of his stay in the new aul is under the watchful eye of his relatives and is tested according to "at-tergeu". Her resourcefulness, skill, harmlessness of a joke - all this is critically evaluated. Coming up with names and nicknames that exactly correspond and reflect the characters and characteristics of everyone is an ability given to far from everyone, an art of its kind.

One can talk and talk about the good customs of my people. But summing up what has been said, we want to say: “We are glad that we were born as Kazakhs! Because we have such good traditions and customs. We are proud of such a rich spiritual heritage.”


1. Participle turnover. Rules

2. Valya said that she would be waiting for me somewhere nearby.

3. My city, my country, my dear land. I have lived here since my birth and love my city. I have everything here and my family and home and school and friends and I don’t want to start all over again because this is my region called (write the name of your city) and I don’t need another region !!!


In 8th grade

Teacher: Shingireeva E.D.

TOPIC OF THE LESSON "Types of predicate and ways of expressing it"

Type of lesson: generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Technology: development of reading literacy.

The purpose of the lesson: 1. generalization and systematization of knowledge about the types of the predicate and the ways of its expression;

2. development of reading literacy skills through working with text;

3. development of communication skills through joint activities in groups.

Equipment: projector, screen, computer, handouts.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

Let's say hello to each other:


    Through the eyes


We wish each other good luck in today's lesson and fruitful activities.

    Checking Homework.

At home, it was necessary to come up with 3 sentences per different kinds predicates.

(Mutual check)

    In the past lessons, we met with you with difficult topic"types of predicates". What do you think we have to do today?

(to consolidate knowledge in practice)

Set a goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the lesson.

(goal setting)

We make out notebooks: number, class work, lesson topic: “Types of predicates and ways to express them”

    Let's repeat the theoretical material.

Reception "Yes-no".

(Students fill out a table in which theses are given in the 1st column, and in the 2nd column they write "yes" or "no").

Opposite the statement with which you agree, write the answer "yes". Opposite the statement with which you disagree, write the answer "no".

Abstracts. 1. The predicate is main member sentences, which denotes the sign of the subject (action, state, property) and answers the questions: what does the subject of speech do? what is done with it? what is he? who is he? what is he? (Yes).

2. The predicate expresses the lexical and grammatical meaning. (Yes). 3. A predicate expressed by one verb in the form of a mood is called a compound verbal predicate. (Not).

4. In a simple verbal predicate, lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed by one verb. (Yes).

5. A compound verbal predicate is a predicate that consists of auxiliary verb and nominal part. (Not). 6. In a compound verbal predicate, lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in different significant words: lexical - in indefinite form verb, grammatical - in the auxiliary word. (Yes).

7. Only the link to be in the zero form can act as a linking verb. (Not).

8. The nominal part of a compound nominal predicate can only be expressed by a noun, an adjective and a numeral. (Not).

9. The form of the complex future tense of the verb is considered a simple verbal predicate. (Yes).

10. There is a complicated form of a simple verbal predicate. For example, wat is you said so! (Yes)

Then a cross-check is carried out. The correct answers are on the board on the slide. The student checks the work of a friend on the slide and marks the margins in the notebook.

Evaluation criteria (on the board).

10-11 correct answers - "5". 8-9 correct answers - "4". 6-7 correct answers - "3".Analysis of negative answers.

We discuss with the students on the slide the incorrect statement and give the correct one.

Having repeated theoretical knowledge, we will try to accurately determine the types of the predicate and the ways of its expression

    Work with signal cards.

Each student has 7 cards with sentence numbers.

Suggestions are given.

1) Young Dubrovsky wanted to do business.

2) I will feed the horses.

3) The fog begins to dissipate little by little.

4) Thousands of roses smoke from the sun and burn with fragrant fire.

5) And I have my own cherished dream.

6) Today I knew the whole paragraph by heart.

7) In the evening the sea was black.

The teacher characterizes the main members of the sentence, and the student raises a card with the number of the sentence whose characteristics it corresponds to. There may be more than one number.

This sentence has a compound verb predicate. (1.3).

In this sentence, simple homogeneous verbal predicates. (4).  In this sentence, the compound nominal predicate is expressed as a whole phrase. (7).

In this sentence, the predicate is expressed phraseological turn. (6).

This sentence has a simple verb predicate. (2, 5, 6, 4 are homogeneous in them).

In which of these sentences is the verb, which usually acts as an auxiliary, a simple verbal predicate? (5)

Fill in the table according to the grades that you received for homework, repetition of theoretical material and for practical work, work with cards - numbers. Set yourself GPA, which will be your grade for the lesson.

    Work with text (group work)

Write down the number. Classwork.

The text is in front of you. Choose predicates that are suitable in meaning and restore the text (see words for reference).

The poem "Autumn" _____________ Pushkin ... m in the "Boldino autumn" of 1833. This is a realistic work ____________________ to the p ... landscape lyricist .... However, _________________ the theme of the birth of creativity: arising ... in the final pages ... fah verse .... creations, it _________________ all p ... narration. Epigras ... __________ from Derzhavin's message "Eugene. Life of Zvanskaya", where the author _________________ peace and seclusion .... seclusion in the bosom of rural ... kindred. Pushkin, however, ___________________ on the motive of seclusion ... but ____________________ with the lush beauty of autumn ..., his favorite season ... of the year:

Sad p ... ra! Ouch och ... rovanie!

Your farewell beauty to me -

I am a magnificent pr ... childbirth ... tribute,

In b ... Greek and gold-clad forests ...

Tasks for the text:

    Read the text. Insert missing words.

    Write down the grammatical foundations of the sentences. Determine the type of predicate and the way of expression.

    What predicates turned out to be more?

    Determine the theme of this passage.

    What lyrics does the poem "Autumn" by Pushkin A.S. belong to?

    As an epigraph, Pushkin used words from ____________

    The main theme of the work "Autumn" is _____________________

    What time of the year was A.S.'s favorite? Pushkin?

    Why do you think the period of Pushkin's work is called "Boldino autumn"? What does this title mean?


Crimson -

sad -

Withering -

Text for self-test

Poem written(SIS) Pushkin in "Boldino autumn" 1833

This is a realistic piece. can be attributed(cgs) to landscape poetry.

but main is(sis) the theme of the birth of creativity: arising in the final stanzas of the poem, it binds(PGS) the whole story.

Epigraph was taken(sis) from Derzhavin's message "Eugene. Life of Zvanskaya", where the author glorifies(PGS) peace and solitude in the bosom of rural nature. Pushkin, however, does not focus attention (PGS) on the motive of solitude, but admires (PGS) the lush beauty of autumn, your favorite season:

sad time! Oh charm! Pleasant (SIS) to me your farewell beauty - I love(PGS) I am the magnificent withering of nature, Forests dressed in crimson and gold ...

We check the questions orally. On the board, three people write answers to the second question - grammatical foundations, emphasize, determine the type of predicate.

    Oral practical work

The chicks fell out of the nest and got mixed up, mixed up. We need to help them find their genzdo. Three nests - PGS, SGS, SIS.

    Forgetting about the purpose of the trip, I am ready for hours to admire the beautiful panorama suddenly revealed before my eyes.

    But her forehead did not remain clouded for long.

    There will be an interesting story at the Patriarchs tonight.

    The father and the boys are now hungry without her.

    The night just got thicker, even blacker and warmer.

    Nature there was clearly evident to man.

    The monkey, seeing his image in the mirror, quietly kicks the bear.

Representatives of all three groups sign the numbers of proposals on the board above the corresponding “nest”.


Thought as a gift.

It is not the quantity of knowledge that matters, but the quality of it. You can know a lot without knowing the most necessary.

L. Tolstoy

The best student catches up with those who are in front, and does not wait for those who are behind.


An hour of practice will do more than a day of theory.

J-J. Rousseau

What thought is close to you, characterizes your work in today's lesson?

    Homework: 1. Essay on the topic "Meeting Winter"

2. M.V. Lomonosov "Ode on the day of the ascension ..." 1 stanza. Write out the grammatical foundations of sentences, determine the type of predicate.

"The sentence is a syntactic
chain of members built on
subordination basis.
Subject - initial member
syntax chain,
predicate ... - main
syntactic manager
E.I. Shiryaeva

The predicate is the main member of the sentence, which
depends only on the subject and denotes a sign
object or action.
The predicate answers the questions:
What does the subject do?
What is happening to him?
What is he?
What is he doing?
Who is he?

We were sitting on the bank of the pond. - simple
Brother stopped studying. - composite


expressed in the form
imperative mood
and can also be expressed
1) a verb in the form of a complex future tense:
I will write to you often.
2) verb phraseology
Nature is so clearly evident to man.
3) truncated form of the verb:
And he jumped into the water and swam.
4) verb-nominal descriptive phrase:
He took part in the competition.


and I

Basic auxiliary words
the end,
to begin
Desirability, Emotional
possibility, assessment of action adjectives
in the role
x verbs
be able to
be on time
to want
be in love
be ashamed
get ready
an effort
to approve

1. verb-link to be;
2. linking verbs to be done,
become, become, be
to be considered, to be
to appear, to be called;
3. Verbs with meaning
movement, position
space (come,
come back)
1. adjective;
3. communion;
4. numeral;
5. pronoun
6. adverb
7. syntactically

Expression of the nominal part of the predicate
Part of speech
1. Adjective
He is cheerful. He was cheerful. He
cheerful today.
2. Noun.
He's funny. He was funny.
The whole garden is in bloom.
3. Communion
Her eyebrows were raised. Water in
wilderness will be discovered.
4. Numeral
Two plus three is five.
5. Pronoun.
The cherry orchard is now mine.
6. Adverb
Her shoes will fit.
7. Syntactically indivisible
He was tall. Varya was with
with teary eyes.

- Pay attention to the offers in which it is presented
a series of predicates that are different in their structure.
- Determine the type of predicate and fill in the table.
- Compare predicates; what is common and what is their essential
a) simple verb; b) compound verb; c) composite
simple verb
1. I will drive for a long time
compound verb
compound nominal
I will drive
a bike.
2. The Shvetsovs came to their senses
from surprise.
3. Everyone wanted to accept
participation in the evening.
cross the plain.
5. Sow reasonable, good,
come to your senses

- Highlight the grammar point in each sentence.
basis and determine how the predicate is expressed:
a) a noun
b) adjective;
c) a verb;

f) verb + verb;
g) adjective + verb.
- Compare these predicates and formulate a common
- How can the predicate be expressed in Russian

1. Today is a month like a bright crescent.
2. Five wrecked tanks are
the result of the battle.
3. I'll go for a walk in the garden.
4. He was eager to leave as soon as possible.
5. The wind was oncoming.
6. The girl wanders around so sad.
7. Life is beautiful and amazing.
8. I hear a cheerful speech.
9. By midnight the glow went out.
10. I am always ready to help you.
I'll go for a walk - verb + verb

- Determine the type of predicate, make a table and write down only grammatical words in the columns
proposal basics:
1. I sat on the problem for a long time and finally solved it myself.
2. The roosters were singing, the night interfered with the day.
3. An hour passed, another, and the boy did not return.
4. A dry wind blew out and dried up the earth.
5. It was a hot summer, it smelled of mignonette.
6. The bullfinch was sitting on a branch swaying smoothly in the wind.
7. It became quite dark, and the street gradually became empty.
8. Scientists became interested in the find, and excavations of the mound began.
9. Gleb, I knew it, I studied at the gymnasium.
10. Entangled in tall grass, I lost the path.
simple verb
1. I sat for a long time
task, and yet
solved it myself.
Compound noun

- Determine the type of predicate and distribute the sentences in three columns, adding your own
a) simple verb;
b) compound verb;
c) compound nominal.
1. The whole room is illuminated with amber brilliance.
2. The weather was not pleasant.
3. The lark sang an early song.
4. Brother became a student of the institute.
5. Trees continue to turn yellow.
6. He wanted to breathe clean air.
7. I will sing for a long time.
8. Seeds not sown will not sprout.
9. In the heat I am glad to wander in a birch grove.
10. He was a jack of all trades.
simple verb
1. Whole room
amber shine
Compound noun

- Select only predicates in sentences, compare them, indicate,
how they are expressed:
a) a noun
b) adjective;
c) a verb;
d) verb + noun;
e) verb + adjective;
f) verb + verb;
g) adjective + verb;
h) phraseology
1. We have made an effort to move forward.
2. He can swim very well.
3. I am glad to meet you.
4. He seemed talkative.
5. Zinaida walked around all the rooms.
6. Olga felt the approach of spring,
7. Staring intently at the window, he knocked.
8. We don't owe you anything.
9. Distance is not an obstacle for friends.
10. Everything is like water off a duck's back.

Find the predicates in this poem
determine their type, arrange the answers in the form of a table
I often wandered off-road,
But if, pure melting,
He kept the spark of God in his palms,
That is my homeland.
Everything in the world is heavenly -
From ocean to stream
But if something in the world is eternal -
That is my homeland.
I'm gone, the sun will rise
And there will be people and land
And if anyone remembers me
That is my homeland.
E. Evtushenko

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