Home Preparations for the winter Attack in Japan 1995. Chemical attack on the Tokyo subway. What did they put into it?

Attack in Japan 1995. Chemical attack on the Tokyo subway. What did they put into it?

On March 20, 1995, members of the Aum Shinrikyo sect sprayed sarin on the Tokyo subway. Dozens of people died, thousands were injured, many of them lost their health for life. 10 people took part directly in the attack, but about two hundred were arrested for participating in the preparation.

Here in Russia, this sect was also extremely noticeable in the 90s, it had thousands of adherents, its programs were broadcast on Radio Mayak. The leader of the sect, Shoko Asahara, spoke of himself in terms characteristic of severe megalomania. Well, he is not the only one - sects whose leaders rob and exploit their adherents, or even drag them into serious crimes, are common.

But how can this be? How can people fall for such a gross deception, follow a leader who, it seems, just doesn’t have “run away from me soon” written on his forehead?

There can be many reasons for this, let's not forget the reality of the spiritual forces of evil and deceit. But I want to pay special attention to one of them.

It is the inability to repent of past mistakes. The very word "repent" literally means "to change one's mind", "to return" or "to change one's path". It is as if we took the wrong road and walked along it for a while, and then found that we were going the wrong way. Then - if we have enough prudence - we return to the intersection where we made the wrong choice, and find the right way. Of course, for this we must admit that we made a mistake, and lost a lot of time and effort in vain, and this is not easy - no one likes to admit their mistakes.

And it is especially difficult when we have already invested - financially or emotionally, spent time and effort, suffered some kind of sacrifice.

We tend to defend the choice we have made - even if it turned out to be obviously wrong. This feature of human psychology is used by propagandists, and, not least, sect leaders.

The further a person goes on the wrong path, the more he works and suffers, the more he suffers resentment and misunderstanding, the more difficult it is for him to turn back. And people strongly suggest to themselves that they have chosen - and continue to choose - it is true that the leader of the sect is not at all a dangerous mentally ill person, as he appears to the outside, but an outstanding spiritual leader, and they themselves are not at all deceived blind men, but bearers of the highest spiritual wisdom.

And just to keep this illusion, people are ready for anything - even for an obvious crime.

The Church, aware of this unfortunate tendency of ours, constantly preaches repentance. We all fall, we all turn the wrong way. We can go down the wrong path for quite a long time - and sometimes almost a lifetime -. But we can return to the situation of choice - and choose correctly. And then God will turn even our wasted years into something good.

Adherents of the sect "Aum Shinrikyo" sprayed the poison gas "sarin" in the Tokyo subway.

The Aum Shinrikyo religious sect, whose full name is Aum Shinrikyo Religious Corporation or Aum Truth Teaching, was organized in July 1987 by Tazuo Matsumoto, better known as Shoko Asahara. The name of the sect in Japanese means "The path to the true energy of knowledge."

The dogmatic provisions of "Aum Shinrikyo" are based on the personality of Asahara himself, who is called the Spirit of Truth and is regarded as the highest deity. The creed is based on the writings of Asahara himself and consists of 20 stages of secret techniques.

The Asahara sect was registered as a religious entity in 1989, under Japanese law, the group had candidates in the 1990 Japanese parliamentary elections.

The number of the sect reached 30 thousand people, of which 10 thousand followers in Russia. Before the ban of the sect in Japan, its center was in Tokyo, the headquarters - in Fuji. There were also branches in major cities Japan, Ceylon, USA, Germany and Russia.

On account of adherents of the sect several murders and terrorist attacks using poisonous substances. Aum Shinrikyo adherents sprayed sarin gas in the city of Matsumoto in Nagano Prefecture, killing seven people, poisoning 600 people.

On March 20, 1995, sectarians carried out a second terrorist attack, almost simultaneously, at 8 o'clock in the morning, using the poisonous substance sarin on five lines of the Tokyo subway. Directly in the 1995 terrorist attack, 10 people participated - five pairs, consisting of a performer and a driver. The main duty of the performer was to enter the subway car, drive through a certain number of stations, lower the packages with sarin on the floor of the car and pierce them with a specially sharpened end of the umbrella before leaving. The drivers were waiting at the specified station and had to take the performers to a safe place.

As a result of the gas attack, 13 people died (according to other sources - 12) and 6.3 thousand were poisoned varying degrees severity, which resulted in lesions of the musculoskeletal system, speech, vision.

On May 16, 1995, Tokyo police arrested Asahara and about 30 other Aum Shinrikyo leaders near Tokyo. The leadership of the sect at first categorically denied any involvement in the attacks, but after the arrests and searches, the police appeared irrefutable evidence that Asahara personally gave orders for the manufacture of sarin and its use in the Tokyo subway.

The investigation found that a chemical mini-factory owned by Aum Shinrikyo had been producing nerve agents. The organization was also engaged in the development of bacteriological weapons, bought a helicopter and tried to acquire a tank.

The sect trial dragged on for about eight years. The Tokyo District Court has sentenced the head of the sect, Shoko Asahara, to death.

In addition to the gas attack on the Tokyo subway, Asahara and about 30 of his associates were also charged with the use of gas in the mountain resort of Matsumoto in June 1994, a series of murders, kidnappings, illegal production of weapons and drugs.

Since March 1995, the activity of the sect has been banned in all countries of the world.

The Aum Shinrikyo sect announced that they had abandoned their imprisoned guru and changed their name to Aleph (the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet).

Three leaders of the sect managed to hide for 17 years.

On the night of January 1, 2012, Makoto Hirata appeared with a confession to the police. In June 2012, Naoko Kikuchi was arrested. Hirata was sentenced to 9 years in prison, Kikuchi to five.

In Tokyo, Katsuya Takahashi was detained. He became the last of the three leaders in hiding, suspected of especially serious crimes "Aum Shinrikyo". Takahashi had been a member of the organization since its inception, serving in its so-called security and intelligence department. He was directly involved in the preparation and conduct of the gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995, as well as in the murders of people objectionable to the sect, experiments with VX nerve gas. The trial of Takahashi began in January 2015.

We interviewed a lecturer at Moscow State University, Japanese historian Alexander Raevsky about the phenomenon of the Aum Shinrikyo organization banned in the Russian Federation and the events of twenty years ago

March 20, 1995 in the Tokyo subway occurred terrorist act using the poison gas sarin. As a result, according to various sources, from 10 to 12 people died, more than five thousand received poisoning of varying severity. The attack was organized by the Aum Shinrikyo sect, led by Chizuo Matsumoto (Shoko Asahara). On the anniversary of the tragedy, "360 Moscow Region" decided to learn more about the causes and consequences of the terrorist attack. About why the attack happened, when and how the Aum Shinrikyo sect appeared, Alexander Raevsky, a Japanese historian and lecturer at Moscow State University, told.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Tokyo subway attack, I would like to understand how it happened that this situation became possible? In Japan, this kind of mass incidents have never happened before.

Yes, never was, neither before nor since, this situation is almost unbelievable for Japan. There are several factors there. The first factor is socio-economic. The fact is that there was a small gap between generations, attitudes different generations because the generation that survived the war, survived the occupation, worked very hard, worked, worked, inspired their children that they needed to continue working all their lives. And these are the children in their youth, whose youth fell on this terrorist attack by Shinrikyo and just got into this sect, they understood that they needed to work, but they did not really understand why. They were not very interested in all this, and, let's say, they were not very worried about traditional Japanese values. They wanted to move aside somewhere, as the modern model of society did not suit them very much. Therefore, for them this new religious history, which promised them not some material wealth, but guaranteed spiritual enlightenment. It was so rare in their lives that they bought it. The second reason is religious. The Japanese as such do not have a lot of religion in the country, they have rituals, rituals, either Buddhist or Shinto, when people simply act within the framework of tradition, but some kind of inner faith in a higher deity, in divine justice, this has never happened in Japan at all did not have. And Asahara also played on this in his religion, because he realized that people lack the desire for something beautiful, for something high, for something divine. Moreover, you need to remember that this is the 90s, people thought that the end of the world would come in the 2000s. Asahara himself is also a very talented PR man, he cleverly figured out how to promote his sect. And all this worked so that the Japanese did not even realize how mired in this cruel, as it turned out later, terrorist sect.

It turns out that, by and large, Aum Shinrikyo combined both religious principles and some modern moments, for example, the use of mass communication technologies and PR. Can we say that this is a child of the new age? Were there any followers?

sect new religion a lot of them. Someone is very different, someone is not much, but the Japanese are more relaxed about religions and this kind of sects. The important thing here is that Aum Shinrikyo was different in its approach, it was a fun interactive entertainment in which young people could find something to their liking. Artists came there to draw comics, biologists came there to grow something. There different people in their specialties were given the opportunity to work. They worked not for the corporation, but for the benefit of the whole society. It was then that she transformed.

-What does Aum Shinrikyo mean?

Aum is the Buddhist Om, Shinrikyo is the doctrine of absolute truth.

- What did they put into it?

It probably meant that Asahara's teaching is the teaching of absolute truth. When this sect appeared in 1984, it was called differently, then there was the name "Aum Mountain Wizards Club". Shinrikyo appears in 1987, all these are standard hieroglyphs that exist in all currents. And "absolute truth" means that Asahara says absolute truth. And even if we don’t understand something, or we don’t agree with something, as one of the defendants in the courtroom, one of those who pierced the sarin bag, noted: “I was so sure that Asahara was right, because he is a bit superhuman, that even if we thought he was wrong about something, he sees the past, the present, and the future, so his point of view is correct." I think that's how everyone believed it.

Former Aum Shinrikyo sect member Makoto Hirata

- Doesn't it seem a little strange, and how did it happen that such a pragmatic nation has such a blind faith?

The nation, on the one hand, is pragmatic, on the other hand, it loves to follow something in a single impulse. Therefore, of course, I see strangeness in this, because for Japan such a situation that has developed is not typical. But here you need to remember that this was a movement aimed primarily at young people, young people at that time were into all sorts of supernatural things closer to the supposed end of the world, they read manga because they loved comics, and then there was an alternative ordinary life, which offered them a vivid journey into themselves along with a charismatic bearded young man. Here you need to take into account the personal factor. Therefore, in the passion for Aum, I see precisely the desire of the Japanese people to get involved in something.

Gas attack on the Tokyo subway

What principles underlie this religion? What kind of trend is this and why was it attractive, if you do not take into account the socio-economic factor?

Asahara, when he went to India for the first time, he invented the main deity of the Aum pantheon there - this is the god Shiva. Already in this, scientists see a warning, because Shiva is a god-destroyer, he must destroy this world, so that he would then be reborn in a new quality. And then Asahara, according to the apt expression of one of the researchers, like a buyer with a large cart, took from different religions what he likes, what lies beautifully. There were both Buddhist and Hindu stories. Then, in 1987, someone gave him a Bible, after which he immediately wrote a two-volume book, almost "I declare myself to be the Christ." Then he took the Vajrayana, the only branch of Buddhism that justifies killing in the name of the guru. Because then the first murders had already happened, it was 1989, and he was looking for how to justify them. Therefore, Aum Shinrikyo is the brainchild of thoughts, fantasies of one person. And when this person began to go crazy, and when he was a little offended by Japan, which did not unanimously declare him a deity, so he switches Shinrikyo to aggressive actions. Looking for someone deep meaning It makes no sense to follow how the religious concept changes. It all worked depending on the situation in the country at the time and on Asahara's personal perception.

"AUM Shinrikyo" in Russia

Can it be said that the March 20 attack on the Tokyo subway was the product of this man's morbid pride?

Certainly. Here you just need to remember, which not everyone knows, that in fact Aum Shinrikyo, through the USSR, purchased a helicopter, which they put at their base near Mount Fuji and wanted to produce about 300 tons of sarin and spray it over Tokyo. This was the final plan, which was to take place either in the summer or autumn of 1995. And in March, Asahara's people who worked for the police, they told him that on the 21st, the police were planning a raid on Aum Shinrikyo's hideout. And there it was clear that factories with chemical weapons would be found. And Asahara decides that the only way for him to somehow become famous, so that people know that he was, is to do everything quickly. Also, the scientist who made this composition was not very professional, because the professional at that time was sitting in a two-day meditation and therefore could not prepare the gas. When Asahara was informed that sarin had been prepared, but it was not very pure (only 30%), he waved his hand and said that it would go like that. Because it was important to do something. Therefore, fate saved Japan from a great tragedy.

The last suspect in the Aum Shinrikyo case was arrested in Tokyo in 2012.

Are there any records of personal conversations with Asahara that can be used to analyze this person's personality?

They say that there is a psychic study of Asahara, but this data has remained secret, they are not advertised. They talked to him when he was tried, there are materials from the courtroom, at first he did not answer questions at all. It is worth remembering that when he was found in May 1995, he was in a cave - in one hand he had a suitcase with money, in the other - a Kalashnikov assault rifle. And when he was told, "Let's go," he replied, "You have no right to touch the guru." Indeed, some materials existed, but, unfortunately, they are classified.

March 20, 1995 in the subway of the capital of Japan Tokyo in the morning rush hour, adherents of the religious sect Aum Shinrikyo committed sarin attack. 12 people died, 5 thousand received poisoning of varying severity(according to other sources 27 and 6300 people), 1300 received severe physical injuries. Today is exactly 20 years since this tragedy.

The attack was carried out by five pairs of criminals from among not the most ordinary members of the sect. These people were well educated and promising. All of them were well aware of what a monstrous crime they were committing, but they were unwilling or unable to resist the will of their spiritual leader. They themselves, just in case, had a syringe with an antidote with them. Five drivers were waiting with the car at the subway stations. Five performers brought wrapped in newspapers plastic bags, filled with a poisonous liquid, into the wagons, put them on the floor. At the right moment, they pierced the packages with a specially sharpened end of the umbrella, got out of the cars and left the subway. On different lines, 1, 2 were pierced, and in one car - 3 liter bags of sarin. Meanwhile, a drop the size of a pinhead is enough to kill a grown man.

Sarin- an organophosphate nerve agent, a colorless and odorless liquid. It was invented in Germany before World War II as a fertilizer. But very quickly began to be used as chemical weapon. Since 1993, it has been banned by the International Convention not only for use, but also for production. Causes damage with any kind of impact. The first signs of damage are constriction of the pupils, difficulty breathing, nausea. Lethal concentration when breathing for 1 minute is less than 0.1 mg/l, when acting through the skin - just over 0.1 mg/l. The chemists at Aum Shinrikyo did not obtain enough purity of sarin, so it was less lethal and smelled of impurities.

All five terrorist attacks were carried out on three lines of the Tokyo Subway, which intersect at Kasumigaseki Station.

Chiyoda Line, train A725K, Shin-Ochanomizu - Kasumigaseki - Kokkai-Gijido Stations.
2 people died, 231 were injured.

The performer, who was riding in the first car, pierced one of the two bags at the Shin-Ochanomizu station and got out. Sarin fumes began to poison the passengers. At Kasumigaseki Station, two station workers who tried to clean up a liquid spill received lethal doses poisonous substance. The people on the platform also suffered. Passengers were disembarked from the train only at the next station, Kokkai-Gijido.

Performer Ikuo Hayashi - sentenced to life hard labor instead death penalty(for cooperating with investigators)
Driver Tomomitsu Niimi - sentenced to death by hanging

Marunouchi Line, train A777, stations from Ochiano-Mizu to Ogikubo terminus and back to Shin-Koenji)
1 person died, 358 were injured.

The performer was supposed to commit a terrorist attack in the second carriage, but something frightened him away and he moved to the third. At Ochiano-Mizu Station, he pierced both bags with the end of his umbrella and got out. At Nakano-Sakaue station, one deceased passenger and another unconscious were carried out of the train. The package was carried away by a station worker. But the poisoned train continued to serve passengers to the final station, and then went back! Only two stations later, at Shin-Koenji, the train was finally taken off the route.

Performer Kenichi Hirose - sentenced to death by hanging
Driver Koichi Kitamura - sentenced to life hard labor

Marunouchi Line, train B701, from Yotsuya Station the whole line.
No one died, about 250 people were injured.

A performer in the fifth car in front of Yotsuya Station attempted to puncture the sarin packets, but only managed to damage one, which lessened the impact. However, this same factor caused the sarin fumes to spread slowly. The train reached Ikebukuro Terminus, was inspected by a station worker, and started up. reverse side. At the Hongo-Santome station, at the request of the passengers, the package was removed from the car and cleaned up. At Shinjuku Terminus, the train was allowed to return again without inspection, hitting new passengers with poisonous fumes. And only at the station Kokkam-Gijido at 9:27, an hour forty after the depressurization of the package, the train was removed from the line.

Performer Masato Yokoyama - sentenced to death by hanging
Driver Kiyotaka Tonozaki - sentenced to life in prison

Hibiya Line, B711T train, Ebisu - Kamiyate - Kasumigaseki Stations
1 person died, 532 were injured.

The performer in the first car pierced both packages, drove off from Naka-Meguro and went out to Ebisu. At Roppongi, passengers felt uncomfortable, and panic broke out at Kamiyate Station. People fell, suffocated, tried to open windows, lost consciousness. They were taken to the platform and an ambulance was called. Having disembarked only the passengers of the first carriage, the train moved on. But in Tokyo there is a passage from car to car, sarin continued to spread. Only at Kasumigaseki was the line-up taken off the line.

Toru Toyoda performer - sentenced to death by hanging
Driver Katsuya Takahashi - arrested in 2012, under investigation

Hibiya Line, train A720S (and following A621T, A785K, A666S, A738S ), Akihabara stations - Kodenma, Ningyocho, Kayabate, Hatchobori, Tsukiji.
8 people died, 2475 were injured.

The perpetrator got into the third car, at the Akihabara station repeatedly pierced three packages of sarin he had and left the train. By the next station, the passengers felt seriously unwell, at the Kodenma station, one of the passengers kicked the package, throwing it onto the platform. The sarin vapor immediately filled the station, killing four people and maiming many more. The train in which the passengers were dying also spread the deadly poison to the following trains in the tunnels and at the stations of Ningyocho, Kayabatyo and Hatchobori, which they passed. Only on Tsukiji began the evacuation of people from the train and from the platform. After 20 minutes, an order was given to evacuate from all stations on the line. But the number of those affected by sarin in this direction was unprecedented.

Performer Yasuo Hayashi - sentenced to death by hanging
Driver Shigeo Sugimoto - sentenced to death by hanging

Diagram of lines and stations for the sarin attack on the Tokyo subway.
For viewing in big size click on the image.

Japan of those years was considered a quiet country in which nothing extremely terrible or criminal happened. Despite the fact that in June 1994 in the city of Matsumoto, the same Aum Shinrikyo carried out a test sarin attack, in which 7 people died and 144 were injured, ordinary people were not ready for a terrorist attack of such magnitude in Tokyo. Station workers removed packages and newspapers soaked with sarin with their hands. There were no special containers for dangerous items, the packages removed from the platform were taken to the office of the head of the station. It rarely occurred to anyone to get rid of clothes soaked in a poisonous substance and wash. The passengers did not behave at all cautiously. Many looked at the sarin packets, felt bad smell, coughed, but did not leave the car, not realizing the seriousness of what was happening. Many, feeling nausea, darkening in the eyes due to constriction of the pupils, irritation of the mucous membranes and difficulty in breathing, continued on their way to work, thinking that they had caught a cold or had not slept enough. Even the sight of the dead and injured lying on the platform did not make people seriously think about the consequences. It was only after watching the news on TV that they realized that a visit to the hospital was inevitable. Meanwhile, even the lightly injured required hospitalization. Many hospitals had a very vague idea of ​​how to rescue sarin victims. The doctor who worked with the victims during the recent sarin incident in Matsumoto was very helpful at that moment. Professor Nobuo Yanagisawa sent recommendations for treatment for sarin poisoning to Tokyo hospitals.

The consequences for those poisoned by sarin varied. Most have not fully recovered and constantly experience increased fatigue, headaches, memory problems, and vision problems. Everyone suffers from PTSD. Those who received more strong impact Poisons cannot walk, talk, their brain functions are impaired. Some did not die, but never came out of a vegetative state.

However, it cannot be said that the attack was completely unexpected. Shoko Asahara (real name Chizuo Matsumoto) - the spiritual leader of Aum Shinrikyo - long before the attack was under close attention investigators and police. The sect not only deceived and robbed its adherents, but also engaged in the production and use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, was going to acquire nuclear weapons and promoted the benefits of a third world war. In an attempt to get rid of the anti-Aum judges, the sect launched a sarin attack on Matsumoto. Asahara actually planned the terrorist attack in the Tokyo subway in order to distract the police from the upcoming searches in the offices of the sect. Only the rank and file members of Aum thought they were on a "crusade against the evil world." A week before the Tokyo attack, lawyer Taro Takimoto sent an official warning about the cult's impending massacre using sarin to the head of the National Police Agency and Attorney General. But the police did not take any action for unknown reasons.

In May 1995, Shoko Asahara and more than a dozen other sect leaders were arrested, some of the sarin attackers were arrested only in 2012. Asahara denied the connection of the sect with the terrorist attack on the subway, but some of the followers admitted their involvement in the events in Tokyo, as well as in a number of other incidents. The court found the leader of the group Shoko Asahara guilty on 13 of 17 charges, and in 2004 sentenced him to death. In general, the court issued 12 death sentences to the leaders of the organization and persons involved.

On July 6, 2018, Shoko Asahara and six of his associates were executed. by hanging in a Tokyo prison.

Subway Murakami Haruki

1 What happened on the Tokyo subway on the morning of March 20, 1995?

On the morning of March 20, 1995, I was at my home in Oiso City, Kanagawa Prefecture. At that time I lived and worked in the USA, in the state of Massachusetts, and returned to Japan for two weeks - spring break began at the university. I didn't have a TV or a radio at home, so I was completely unaware that such a cataclysm had taken place in Tokyo. Listening to music, I slowly arranged the books on the shelves. fresh morning, good mood. The sky is clear.

At ten I got a call from a friend who works in mass media, and alarmedly said: “There was an incredible incident in the subway. Many victims. Toxic gas. This is undoubtedly the work of Aum Shinrikyo, so it is better not to come to Tokyo in the near future. They are very dangerous."

At that moment, I could not understand at all what actually happened. In the underground poisonous gas? "Aum"? I lived abroad for a long time and was cut off from fresh information. I did not know about the sensational news published in the Yomiuri newspaper on January 1 (sarin residues were found in the village of Kamikuishiki). I also did not know that the sarin incident in Matsumoto was associated with the Aum Shinrikyo sect. I did not know that this organization was in the spotlight after several crimes committed by it.

From positions today I understand that at the time at least, the media could not and would have considered it unnatural that Aum Shinrikyo was capable of such large-scale terrorist acts. In any case, I was not going to Tokyo that day and, without understanding the essence of what had happened, thanked the caller and hung up. Then he continued to study books, as if nothing had happened. And only a little later I realized the horror of everything that had happened.

The extraordinary confusion and alienation that I felt that morning unsettled me and stayed with me for a long time. This was probably one of the reasons why I developed a deep personal interest in the sarin incident on the subway.

For many months after the incident, all the media were flooded with descriptions of its details and articles devoted to "Aum Shinrikyo". Television broadcast information about the event almost nonstop from morning to evening. Newspapers, magazines, weeklies devoted many pages to him.

However, in all this information flow I couldn't find what I wanted to know, namely, what really happened on the Tokyo subway on the morning of March 20, 1995? More specifically: what did they see, what actions did they take, what did the passengers who were on the subway trains at that time feel and think? I wanted to know. I wanted to know - as far as possible - every little detail about each individual passenger, from his pulse rate to the rhythm of his breathing. What will happen to the most ordinary Japanese citizen (like me or you) if he suddenly finds himself involved in such an unexpected incident?

However, here is what is surprising (or maybe there is nothing surprising here): no one said anything that I wanted to know.

Why did it happen?

If you remove the unnecessary decoration, you can say that the media used a rather primitive structure. The Sarin incident was presented by them as a clear contrast between justice and evil, reason and insanity, health and ugliness. Shocked by the ugly incident, people said with one voice: “What kind of stupid things did they throw out? What kind of madness is going on, and in general - where is Japan going? Where are the police looking? Shoko Asahara should be executed anyway."

Thus, people - to a greater or lesser extent lesser degree- sat in a large stagecoach called "justice, reason and health." And this is not at all difficult to understand, since here there has been an infinite convergence of the relative and the absolute. In a word, in relation to Shoko Asahara and the members of his sect, in relation to their actions, the vast majority of people stand for justice, reason and health. There can be no more understandable consensus, and the media, relying on this consensus, strengthened it even more.

Against this powerful current, voices were heard: "The crime must be condemned as a crime, and justice and reason have nothing to do with it." However, such claims have received a sharp rebuff. public opinion. But two years after the incident, where did all of us, representing "our side" of justice and reason, arrive in this shaking stagecoach? What has this shocking incident taught us? What lessons have we learned from it?

One thing is certain. Surprisingly "an unpleasant feeling and an unpleasant aftertaste" remained. We puzzle ourselves: where did all this come from? It seems that many of us, in order to forget this "unpleasant feeling and unpleasant aftertaste", want to put the incident in a chest called "past", and determine the meaning of the event within the framework of the "court" and decide everything at the system level.

Of course, many facts will come to light during the trial, and this is of great value. However, if these facts, revealed in litigation, we can not deeply digest for our own sake, then everything will turn into a mass of meaningless details, rumors from the courtroom and, ultimately, disappear into the darkness of history. Like rain falling on the city, which flows down the sewers directly into the sea without irrigating the land. legal system acts only on the basis of the law and can solve only one side of the problem, but by this all the consequences of what happened cannot be settled.

In other words, the shock caused to Japanese society by the Aum Shinrikyo sect and the gas attack on the subway has not yet been sufficiently analyzed, and the meaning of what happened, as well as the lessons that we should learn, have not yet taken concrete form. Now that I have finished this book, I cannot dismiss such doubts. How can an incident be considered resolved by simply labeling it as an out-of-the-ordinary, senseless crime committed by a crazy organization? Maybe I'm being too harsh, but I get the impression that things are eventually moving towards the fact that the incident can be remembered as a comic book, one of the rare crime stories, an urban myth. If so, where was the mistake made?

If we are to learn anything from this misfortune, is it not now time for a new investigation - from a different angle and in a different way? Apparently, it is easy to say: "Aum" is evil. It is also easy to say that "evil and reason are different concepts." These two theories inevitably oppose each other, but it will be quite difficult to get rid of the charms of "stagecoach consensus" in this way.

The fact is that these concepts are already deeply rooted and institutionalized, they are already captured dirty hands. And to shake, and then destroy these concepts that have taken root within the framework of the system, if not impossible, then quite difficult.

And now we need new concepts based on other points of view. Need new story accomplished, written on the basis of these concepts.

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Chapter 1. What happened on December 5, 1945? The Bermuda Triangle is a vast part of the Sargasso Sea, formally bounded on all sides by lines intersecting at the southern tip of the Florida peninsula on one side, the island of Puerto Rico on the other and the Bermuda

From the book Public Enemies author Welbeck Michel

How did you help the front? March 17, 1995, "MK" Motherland is calling! And the dead do not hear THE MILITARY STAGE IS ENDING Statement by the President of Russia Boris N. Yeltsin

From the book Anti-Semitism: Conceptual Hatred author Altman Ilya

November 1994 - February 1995 Totalitarian anarchy. Who needs the truth if there is no justice? A functioning human skeleton is rented out. It is not necessary to lie in order to deceive. Gorbachev was killed by a female character trait - to be loved at any cost. And we

From the book The Sixth Extinction. XXI century of disasters author Osovin Igor Alekseevich

February 1995 - September 1995 People with a private conscience. For two months, all morning news reports began with a message about the capture of Grozny. A protracted victory. A quick victory over such an insignificant enemy is unworthy of a great power.

From the author's book

September 1995 - January 1996 People live. And the cause for which they swore to give their lives died. The dollarization war that swept the country bypassed our family. A minute of calm for a neurasthenic is more precious than a year of calm for a balanced person.

From the author's book

March 21, 2008 I don’t know which of the two of us will be recognized as the best “recorder.” But I must say, dear Michel, you are too carried away by the “confessional genre”, too dispersed, amusing the ingenuous readers. Let's start over, calmly, moderating

From the author's book

Address of HIS MAJESTY KING HUSSEIN, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the Museum of Tolerance (branch of the Simon Wiesenthal Center), March 24, 1995. In memory of Simon Wiesenthal Mr. President, distinguished guests, it is a great honor for me to be a guest of the Museum of Peace and Tolerance in

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03/11/11. The Chinese version and the 1995 Kobe earthquake It must be admitted that the above facts and evidence, of course, can serve as a basis for the assumption that a certain circle of people in Japan itself could decide to use it in economic interests

From the author's book

"Aum Senrikyo", its ties with Russia and the events of 1995 The founder of "Aum Senrikyo" Shoko Asahara (real name - Chizuo Matsumoto) was born on March 2, 1955 on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu in the family of a modest straw mat merchant (according to another version, his father was engaged

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