Home Preparations for the winter We train triceps: how to perform an extension of the arms on a vertical block. Antagonist muscle training. Physiology of stretching

We train triceps: how to perform an extension of the arms on a vertical block. Antagonist muscle training. Physiology of stretching

Which is present in every room. Depending on the grips, handles, you can effectively work out each bundle of the triceps, isolated from the rest of the muscles. Everyone can choose exercise options for themselves - a beginner and a professional.

Features and anatomy of the exercise

This exercise is good. loads all bundles of triceps: medial, lateral, long, and also the ulnar muscle. This is an easy version of the regular grip triceps block exercise because it involves less muscle, unlike the other options. This technique allows a beginner to work out the triceps with high quality, having learned to feel the muscle, other options can be included in the training of more trained athletes, or after a month of introductory classes.

Technique and options for extensions in the block

Extension of the arms of the upper block with a regular grip

  1. Stand facing the Crossover, take the straight handle of the upper block with an overhand grip along the edges.
  2. Place your feet hip-width apart and press your elbows into your body. The forearms are relaxed, the handle is at shoulder level.
  3. Exhale: extend your arms without lifting your elbows, lowering the handle completely to your hips.
  4. Inhale: bend your elbows smoothly and without jerking.

To increase volume, do 4х8–12.

Straight handle extension with reverse grip

Extension of the arms in the upper block with a reverse grip also includes work all bundles of triceps, especially the medial. Unlike other options, the elbow muscles, extensors of the elbows, hands and fingers still work here. The weight of the load will be less than with the normal grip option.

  1. Standing in front of the block, grab the straight handle with an underhand grip, pressing your elbows tightly to the body.
  2. Exhale: fully extend your arms to your hips.
  3. Inhale: Slowly relax your triceps as you lift the handle.

As usual - 4x8-12.

Extension of the arms from behind the head in the Crossover

Extension option with a straight handle back to the block better works out the long and medial head of the triceps. The exercise is performed in the upper block.

  1. Grab the handle of the upper block with a regular grip from the bottom along the edges, then turn around with your back to the simulator.
  2. Tilt the body forward, and take a step forward with one foot - for stability, pressing the elbows as close to the head as possible.
  3. Maintain shoulder position. The elbows are bent, the handle is closer to the back of the head.
  4. Exhale: unbend your elbows completely, in the direction forward above the crown.
  5. Inhale: gently relax your muscles and move the handle behind your head, keeping the slope.

Choose your working weight for 4x8–12 times.

Extension from the upper block with one hand

Extension with one hand with a reverse grip with a special handle connects to work all the bundles of the triceps, but more lateral, as well as the triceps tendon and the ulnar muscle. This technique will allow you to work out concentratedly each hand separately, without helping the stronger side.

  1. Facing the block, place your feet steadily, with one hand under grip from below, take a narrow handle for one hand.
  2. Press the elbow of the working hand to the body, as in other options, the second hand is on the belt.
  3. Exhale: extend the elbow completely without twisting the hands, keeping in a straight line with the forearm.
  4. Inhale: Relax and bend your elbow to its original position.
  5. Repeat for each hand 4х8–12.

Extension with ropes, from the upper block

When extending the arms in Crossover with a rope, you can stronger feel the lateral head of the triceps, training with a rope handle allows for more tension in the triceps, since a soft handle requires more precision in technique and muscles prepared for this. Such extensions fit muscles more prepared for the load.

  1. Facing the block, grasp the ropes with both hands. Position your elbows, as usual, pressing against the body. At the top point, the palms are naturally close to the ropes.
  2. Exhale: unbend your elbows, spreading your arms from the middle of the movement to the sides of the hips. At the end of the movement, bring the hands in a straight line with the forearm. Contract the triceps as much as possible at the lowest point, feeling a strong tension.
  3. Inhale: return the ropes to the starting position.

Perform with light weight 4 sets, 8-12 reps.

And also exists curved handle to work out the triceps from the upper block, this option includes the same bundles as the ropes, it only facilitates the grip and extension technique at the bottom point. It is performed in the same way as the classic extension version.

Extension of arms with ropes from the lower block

In this case, it is necessary to hook the ropes to the lower block. The exercise requires more stabilization of the weight, respectively, the muscle tension will be stronger.

No need to take huge weights, the block will pull the body back, the technique will be lost and the load on the spine will increase.

A good way to work out triceps for professionals.

  1. Take the edges from the lower block with both hands. Raising the handles over your head, turn your body with your back to the simulator.
  2. Take one foot step back for stability and tilt the body slightly.
  3. Raise your arms above your head, keeping your elbows close to your head. The brushes start moving from the back of the head.
  4. Exhale: extend your arms as much as possible, feeling the tension of the triceps.
  5. Inhale: slowly lower the ropes behind your head.

So 4x8-12.

Triceps training in Crossover blocks implies high-quality and isolating technique, not strength work (up to 8 repetitions). Choose light weight, perform up to 12 times, most importantly, the burning sensation of the triceps.

Elbow pain after intense workout is an occasion to think about your health. Joint injuries can lead to serious consequences, including many years of treatment and impressive bills for medicines and doctor's consultations. without pain does not exist, but every fan of a healthy lifestyle must learn to identify dangerous pain.

Good pain appear when the muscles that have received significant physical exertion ache. In this case, the occurrence of discomfort guarantees muscle growth and improvement in strength indicators. Bad pain is usually associated with joint and ligament damage, which can negatively affect the athlete and cause fitness classes to be cancelled.

What to do if your joints hurt

First of all, experiencing joint pain A health care professional should see a doctor. Many athletes have prejudices in this regard, which are based on the negative experience of communicating with incompetent specialists. It is better to overcome existing prejudices and take real care of your health, instead of self-treatment, turning to a professional for help.

It is advisable to choose a doctor, according to the reviews and recommendations of friends, since many doctors " old school» simply prohibit athletes from physical activity in any form. This approach is outdated, as the right load speeds up the recovery process. An experienced doctor can also be identified by his first appointment: an experienced specialist will not undertake to make a diagnosis without an x-ray.

Why Fitness Lovers Suffer Elbow Pain

Fans usually experience pain in the area of ​​the elbow joints due to improperly chosen physical activity. Also, the elbows need the correct position during the exercises, as they are a very vulnerable part of the body. You can’t stretch and arch your elbows - they don’t even need it, while the muscles of the forearm need regular stretching.

excessive exercise stress on the elbows typical mistake novice bodybuilders performing isolated exercises for arm muscles. French bench press is no less harmful to the joints. Basic exercises are much less likely to lead to injuries, so it is better to use the classic bench press to work out the biceps and triceps.

We must not forget about the sensitivity of the joints to drafts and low temperatures. Elbows love warmth, so long sleeves are best when exercising in a cool room. It would be useful to purchase special elastic bandages that securely fix the joint and reduce the risk of injury.

The elbow is not only a joint, but also adjacent muscles and tendons. When stressed, both muscles, joints, and ligaments can hurt. There are a lot of diagnoses, therefore, in order to treat something, you must first clarify the origin of the pain.

Acute elbow pain problem

Professional fighters, tennis players, lifters, acrobats and many others periodically complain of soreness in their elbows. In the gym, we often meet athletes whose elbows are bandaged with an elastic bandage.

Any monotonous and heavy movements eventually lead to muscle and ligament tears, inflammation, and joint deformities.

When we come to traumatologists, they cannot always solve the problem. Anti-inflammatory tablets, warming and analgesic ointments, physiotherapy (magnet, electrophoresis, and others) are usually prescribed. Such treatment certainly relieves acute pain within a few days. But it remains chronic, which sometimes prevents people from training for a long time.

And what to do in such a situation: stop exercising for six months or dose the load, avoiding pain? Or try non-traditional medical methods? The question remains open, but we will try to cover it from all sides.

Causes of pain

Conventionally, the reasons why the elbows hurt can be divided into three groups: injuries, diseases, and too much load. Let's take a closer look.

monotonous work

This is true for blacksmiths, truck drivers, crane operators, handymen, and anyone else who puts a strain on their elbows at work. Sometimes not only the elbows hurt, but also the shoulder, wrist and head.

Is there a preventive measure so that the pain never comes to you? You can provide enhanced nutrition for the joints, regular rehabilitation in sanatoriums and massages. Will it be completely pain free? With regular and repetitive load - no.


A professional golfer hits the ball thousands of times a day of practice. Each time the elbow is loaded. Over time, the elbow ligaments begin to become inflamed. And with every movement, the athlete hurts.

Boxers, wrestlers who work with their elbows all the time, can suffer from the same ailment. Even such a harmless sport as table tennis, can also damage the elbows.

Bad exercise or wrong technique

At home or in the gym, you can perform any exercise so unsuccessfully that the elbow area hurts for a very long time. Often these are pull-ups with weights, push-ups on uneven bars in non-standard positions, French bench press, and many others.

The fact is that you can tear a tendon, for example, the shoulder muscle. During pull-ups, pain will be in the elbow area on the front side of the arm. It will seem that it hurts the biceps. But in that zone he has only 1 head. If anything, he has 2 heads on top.

However, the person will feel discomfort on the inside of the elbow. And when pulling up, lifting the bar for biceps or. Almost all bicep exercises will cause problems. By the way, even pain can be while breeding dumbbells lying down.

If you pulled your biceps, it's even worse. Because then you will not be able to do all these exercises even with the lightest weights. You cannot even lift a kettle full of water with a straight arm.

If your triceps are damaged, you will mostly experience pain when extending your arms. Sometimes when pulling up.

Damage to the elbow joint is the actual cause of pain. V this case its mobility is sharply limited, which is clearly visible. And the joint itself can swell.

Diseases and injuries

Elbow pain can be a symptom of various diseases. You should not wait until the disease goes away by itself. Consultation of a specialist is necessary in any case, and it is up to everyone to decide whether or not to follow the recommendations prescribed by the doctor.

Thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis

The pain comes from the neck, shoulder blades, leaving in the arm. After that, we feel it in the elbow. In this situation, a person's nerves are clamped at the level of the thoracic and cervical spine. As a result, the head also suffers.

Most likely, you will need the intervention of a chiropractor or neurologist. Since the nerves are pinched, it is very difficult to control the hand. Pulling up is almost impossible.


In the early stages, pain in the elbow appears during push-ups on the uneven bars or pull-ups. Then and at rest, preventing sleep. Arthritis can be a systemic disease (eg, affecting the shoulder, pelvis, knees), or it can attack an isolated 1 elbow.

Broken arm

With an unsuccessful fall, weak bones and strong weights in the gym, you can break your arm. With a closed fracture, the arm hurts when you move it, and pain will also appear when you feel the fracture site. A crack in the bone will prevent you from pulling up on the horizontal bar. Need a doctor, plaster and further treatment.


A dislocation can damage ligaments. Elbow region sore, swollen and red. You can earn a dislocation in an unsuccessful fall from the horizontal bar, or car accident. Along with the elbow, the shoulder can also be dislocated.


Underneath it unusual word means inflammation of the tendon. Just what happens to professional athletes. Requires treatment and temporary rest.

Most often, the shoulder (anatomy features) suffers from tendinitis.

Bone growths and salt deposits

Improper nutrition, salt abuse, little fluid during the day can provoke the deposition of insoluble salts in the elbow joint. Naturally, his mobility will decrease. And before that, it will hurt to bend and unbend the arm. There may be a crunch at first.

Pulling up will hurt just as much. No warming up and elastic bandages will save you. Deposits must be removed.

The same applies to growths. Bone growth in the wrong place can greatly complicate training. Especially pull-ups and parallel bars.

Treatment options

Despite the variety of conditions that our elbows can be in, modern medicine copes with most of them quite effectively.

Manual therapy

This therapy can be very helpful for spinal problems and pinched nerves.

When choosing medical center, which carries out similar activities, you need to learn as much as possible about it. Is there an appropriate license, how experienced are the specialists working there. It is advisable to communicate with those who have already received assistance in this manual center.

essence manual therapy is as follows: the doctor gropes with his hands for problematic, in his opinion, places and sets them into the desired position. Most often this effect on the vertebrae. After several such sessions, a person experiences relief.

WITH scientific point of vision, everything is justified - nerves, muscles are clamped, and the sensitive hands of the chiropractor restore the original position of the bone and joint structures. And it really works.

traditional medicine

In most cases, treatment begins with a trip to the traumatologist. Further, to rule out pinched nerves, you may be referred to a neurologist. In the clinic, an x-ray, ultrasound or MRI of the elbow is done. Then the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. If the pain is high, painkillers are given. If the condition is quite tolerable, ordinary ointments and physiotherapy are enough.

It is worth noting that if you are injured it is very important not to delay the visit to the doctor. The process of your recovery largely depends on how quickly you receive help.

Difficulties with final recovery

Sometimes, despite all the methods of treatment, the recovery of the diseased elbow is delayed for a long time. If a person leads a sports lifestyle, climbs rocks, pulls himself up on a horizontal bar, it will be difficult for him to change his lifestyle for a long time. Otherwise, he will become depressed. People live by it.

Therefore, they wait a couple of weeks or 1 month and, even if the elbow still hurts a little, they run to the horizontal bar again. It seems that they are doing everything carefully and correctly, but the sharp pain still comes back. This means that the old trauma has become fresh again. Again you have to wait. And so time after time.

It happens that the pain is not sharp, but still there. So you can turn the injury into a chronic one, which is very difficult to completely cure. In order for the injury to completely go away, it is impossible to tear right off the bat.

Tactics for resuming loads

If you had problems with the muscles, you need to carefully prepare them for the loads. With joints, everything is easier. If they are restored, it is important to focus on the muscles and slowly return them to your regular training schedule.

In severe cases, when there were serious illnesses, the training profile should be changed. Perhaps this is a lifelong contraindication.

Consider the case when pain occurs from inflammation of the tendons or their stretching (on the shoulder flexors).

Several weeks should pass after treatment. That is, you still have to experience a state of rest.

Then we start trying:

  1. We knead the elbow joints by rotating them. We stretch well. If necessary, you can spread a warming ointment (observe the dosage norms, otherwise it will be very hot).
  2. We take weights of 1 kg and do arm bending with it. First, do it slowly, listen to the body. Then we accelerate (not too fast, otherwise the old injury will remind of itself). Your task is to prevent the moment when it will hurt.
  3. On this day, it is better not to do anything else.
  4. The next day, take 2 kg, work with him 5-7 times. Try the "hammer" option, where the brushes are turned out, as if you are holding a hammer. Increase the weight carefully. In one day, it is not recommended to increase the weight much. The fact is that in a heated state, you can miss that important point when it is no longer necessary to give a load. And after 12 hours you will feel the old sad pain.

So you reach normal weights. At first, you can give a load every day. Try. And when the weight reaches 10 kg or more, you need to take a break.

Pull-ups should be tried on rubber or with support on the ground (floor). This is necessary to understand the capabilities of your muscles and tendons.

Further training

  • Do french press and close grip press less often.
  • If in any exercise you experience discomfort in the elbow, wrap it with an elastic bandage. This will help prevent future injury. Do not worry, your muscles will not receive less stress from the bandage. And the load on the elbows will decrease.
  • Do all the flexion-extension of the arms, pull-ups smoothly and without jerking. For example, in a snatch with weighted pull-ups, you can damage the shoulder muscle. And it will take a very long time (take my word for it).
  • Warm up before physical activity. The body of each person is individual. Therefore, never look at those who immediately begin to exercise without a warm-up. It may not work for you.
  • Eat enough chondroprotectors and fats that are good for ligaments, joints and tendons. This is an excellent prevention of injuries on sports fields and in the gym.
  • If you are a heavy weight owner and want to learn how to pull up, first lose weight. Otherwise, there is a chance that your hands will not endure such a load.
  • Do not fully straighten your elbows (do not lock them) during exercises that require their participation.
  • If you have not been engaged in martial arts before and do not know how to beat technically, you do not need to beat the pear with your elbows. Thus, you can knock out your elbow. And this will bring you a lot of inconvenience.

The main rule that helps to maintain health can be considered the following: always and in any situation be present in what you are doing. Pay attention to how you feel and listen to your body. He himself will tell you when to stop and rest, and when you can safely work on.

A little backstory. He didn’t grieve, he rocked slowly, and the devil pulled him to go to judo at the age of 30. I got carried away from the first trainings - I combined pitching and wrestling. 2 months have passed and after working out the wrestling in the stalls, my elbows began to ache. As soon as they switched to the rack, the pain immediately disappeared. That's why he didn't pay attention. But with each workout, the pain intensified. Naturally, there was a complete ignore until the moment when, on one successful day, after pull-ups, the pain was so wild that I could not sleep for several hours. The pain was distributed throughout the arm from the shoulder to the hand, it was simply impossible to raise the arm. I thought that something was wrong with the joints (two hands ached at the same time) and ran to do an ultrasound. The uzist looked and said that everything was in order. I went to the doctor - he felt me, applied some manipulations and concluded that I had Epicondelitis on both elbows, both medial and lateral at the same time.

So, what does official medicine offer us in this case:

1. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs like Nise (didn't help me)

2. Blockade with corticosteroids, an injection is made directly into the ligament (there is information that the ligaments become weaker + does not help many - I refused)

3. Physiotherapy (ineffective)

4. Shock wave therapy (it seems to have become easier after one session, but for full result you need from 5 to 10 sessions at a price of 1500-2000 r / session - I realized that I won’t pull it)

5. A bunch of all sorts of electrophoresis, phonophoresis and other phoresis (it helps someone, someone doesn’t)

6. Operation. You have a part of the inflamed tendon removed (not my option at all)

The funny thing is, the doctor himself confirmed, and judging by the reviews on the Internet, even if you managed to completely get rid of pain with the help of official medicine, then when you return to stress, the pain returns again! Someone after 1-2 months, someone after 6 months, but the chance of relapse is very high. It should be noted that there are many cases when a person completely stopped physical activity for 6-12 months, and literally after the first approach to the banal horizontal bar, the pain returned.

Then I realized that official medicine is no help to me. I need to not just relieve the pain, I want to take the Olympia / continue to train. Shoveled a lot of material on the Internet.

First, I ran into a guy who was constantly doing painkillers on his hands; reduced weight by 30%; removed the exercises where the pain increased dramatically, and thus continued to train. Judging by his reports, he completely got rid of pain in 6-12 months, I could not trace the exact chronology.

Already something, but too long ...

Actually, he was the first to give me the idea of ​​an imbalance in the ligamentous apparatus, of strengthening the ligaments. But how to do it correctly? You need to understand that Epicondelitis is essentially an overstrain of the ligaments. And the more we continue to overload them, the more serious violations occur in the ligamentous apparatus. Our task is to remove inflammation in the ligaments and strengthen them to an acceptable level.

And here Armwrestling came to my aid. These guys train every link precisely. With a competent approach, the ligaments become reinforced concrete. Oh, if not for their struggle, where even the most trained hands fail ... But we don’t need to fight, we just take a couple of exercises.

So, the doctor concluded that you have epicondylitis (it doesn’t matter if it’s lateral or medial, the problem needs to be solved comprehensively), so we do the following:

1. Refusal of previous loads

If you want to forget about this problem, you will have to reduce the load by 50% for at least a month, ideally completely abandon training and devote this time to complete rehabilitation. Otherwise, the recovery process can be delayed for a very long time.

2. Relieve inflammation

Anti-inflammatory pills and ointments will help us here. After training, ideally apply ice or hold under cold water, inflammation is removed almost immediately.

No, you don’t need to go to a massage therapist, we are poor bumps :) If there is discomfort in the ligaments and for prevention, we take several times a day and thumb with force we press for 1-2 minutes in these areas, which are indicated in the picture in white (you can smoothly move to the whole arm to the wrist).

4. Warming ointment

Ligaments love warmth. Before training, in the morning, before going to bed - we apply a warming ointment.

5. Expander

Important! What you need is a soft expander, which you can squeeze 40-50 times without interruption. Several times a day we do 3 sets, each to failure, alternately changing the hand without any rest. It pumps blood well, you will feel relief instantly.

6. We train ligaments (the most important stage)

So, already the pain in the ligaments practically does not bother us. Do not rush to run to the gym for joy and press / pull to the maximum, in a huge probability the pain will return again and start all over again. I don’t recommend pulling up even on the horizontal bar, the ligaments are too weak and may not withstand it.

Here is a list of exercises with which we will strengthen our ligaments and forget about pain forever:

A. Lifting the block on the pronator. Do it with a belt. See how the brush works, it twists inward.

B. Contraction on the block. Any handle will do for us, a table is not required, just repeat the movement. Pay attention to the wrist, at the end point it bends completely inward. We do it slowly!

B. Biceps Curl (Hammer). We do it slowly! It is better to do with the strap in the block while keeping the brush straight.

G. Arch support on the block.

D. "Pendulum" on the pronator and supinator. You do not need to take a sledgehammer. To get started, take some light stick (rolling pin, for example) and very carefully tilt it all the way as in the video. Attention! Don't let it break. Fully controlled movement!

In principle, this is enough.

On the block, we do exercises according to the following scheme: we start with the lightest weight for 20 times, is there no pain? Ok, add tiles, 20 more. No pain? We add a 15 tile, another 12 tile and another 10 tile. Only 5 approaches. If there is a slight discomfort, we do not add more weight, we remain at the current weight and stupidly pump it to failure. If the pain is strong enough, we return to the previous tile and download to failure. I hope the diagram is clear. You can use rubber in all exercises, the main thing is to maintain the correct movement mechanics.

I solved my problem in 2 months (from the moment I went to the doctor), if I knew what to do from the very beginning, I think I would have managed it in 1-1.5 months. The full recovery time will greatly depend on how long you gave up on the pain and continued to train in the same mode. Either way, it's curable!

That's all, sorry for the many letters, but the problem is very serious. Hope it helps someone.

How to train to repair old injuries instead of picking up new ones? This question will interest any visitor sports hall especially if he values ​​his results. We bring you several articles on effective and safe training of the triceps, deltoids and muscles of the lower body. Today we finally learn how to do your favorite French press without grinding your teeth in pain.
Below we will look at exercises and techniques, but first I would like to understand a little about the very cause of elbow pain.

Almost all owners of huge and powerful muscles suffer from pain in the area of ​​various joints. Chronic or acute pain is a sign of an inflammatory process, as well as destructive changes in the structure of cartilage and connective tissues. A disease such as tendinopathy is a consequence of typical overload injuries and is often observed in athletes. Interestingly, training load can lead to both positive adaptation with tendon hypertrophy and subsequent tendon strengthening, and dystrophic changes in the area of ​​attachment with a decrease in the strength of the tendon.
This means that, by properly training, we can strengthen our joints and ligaments and get rid of pain, because even a very strong athlete, violating the technique or even the sequence of exercises, can earn a chronic and painful disease.
Tendons contain collagen fibers, they pass through the cartilaginous intermediate zone and enter directly into the ground substance of the bone. The development of degenerative-dystrophic changes entails a decrease in the elasticity of the tendon due to fluid loss and induration (compaction). There is also no fast enough removal of metabolic products. The above is a normal aging process, however, in bodybuilders and weightlifters, this process is forced by overstrain and repeated microtraumas (unfortunately, many athletes, having earned an injury, do not even think about the need to slightly revise their training style).
The acute onset of the disease after a sharp force impact is noted only in 10% of cases. Usually the problem develops gradually, the pain "accumulates" from session to session. Tricipital tendinopathy is inflammation of the tissues of the attachment area m. triceps to the olecranon. It occurs mainly in javelin throwers, gymnasts, weightlifters, bodybuilders. This condition is known in sports medicine as "javelin's elbow". This arises due to the discrepancy between the athlete’s physical fitness and regular training of the triceps muscle of the shoulder (too large weights are used, “cheating”, a very sharp explosive style of performance, there are no isometric exercises for ligaments in the athlete’s program, auxiliary exercises are ignored, etc.). Often, tricipital tendinopathy occurs when training is resumed after rest. You should draw the right conclusions, and do not carry out heavy triceps presses after a pause in training.
A common symptom is pain at the apex of the olecranon, which worsens when the elbow is flexed with resistance. In addition, active extension can also be painful.
If you have already earned pain in your elbow, soberly assess the situation. If the injury is "fresh" - training should be interrupted, otherwise you can bring yourself to the operating table. In case of acute inflammation (sharp pain when trying to perform the exercise), all exercises for the triceps, as well as any pressing exercises for the pectoral and pectoral muscles, should be completely excluded. Unfortunately, one rest is sometimes not enough, the “passive” recovery process can last for months. Be sure to use NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory drugs), and if the mobility and performance of the elbow joint are not restored within two weeks, you should contact good doctor orthopedist. The physician should administer topical corticosteroid therapy as it brings in sports medicine today best results. This is usually harmless and extremely effective. In a few days, everything will take off like a hand, and you can start training with low loads. Unfortunately, now it is not easy to find a competent orthopedic doctor, but it is better to look in sports dispensaries, where they are more intelligent than in ordinary orthopedics departments.
Having considered the causes of pain, let's pay attention to the practice of safe training of triceps.
Without a doubt, hard and effective training without injury is an art that requires great experience and precise calculation. Further recommendations are primarily designed for strong and experienced athletes who have already become familiar with the need to protect their elbows in practice.
The effectiveness of the exercise "French bench press with a barbell" for the growth of triceps mass is as obvious as its danger to the elbow joints and tendons.
Correct warm-up tactics are of cardinal importance in each exercise.
Put on light elastic bandages on your elbows, or use elbow pads. Pre-rub the affected joints with a mild, non-pungent warming gel (pity the nostrils of other people at the gym).
Let's say your max French bench press is 10 reps with 100 kilograms. You need to “approach” this weight correctly by performing “warming up” and “finishing”.
Warm up:
25 kg 20 reps
35 kg 15 reps
50 kg 12 reps
It's simple - you just do a lot of repetitions with low weight, not enough to tire your triceps for real, but getting good blood circulation and feeling "warm up" in the triceps and elbow joints.
Now the weight of the bar is already more significant, and if you go too far with repetitions, you simply will not reach the desired “100 on 10”. At the same time, if you don’t “finish” you run the risk of “breaking your elbows”. Let's try to guess the numbers in the following approaches, balancing on a razor's edge between unwanted overwork and insufficient preparation for a working set.
70 for 10 reps
80 for 8 reps
90 for 5 reps
There may be small errors in the numbers, but the essence this example in understanding the very principle of preparing for a heavy set. The weights are increased and the repetitions are reduced in such a way that by the beginning of the heavy set you keep the muscles full of strength, but have time to prepare the ligaments and joints for the maximum load.
The following are the work sets:
100 by 10
110 by 8
95 by 10
Or something like this. If the "warm-up" and "finishing" are done correctly, 100 kilograms will seem more comfortable than warm-up 80!
Unfortunately, this scheme for performing the French bench press is designed only for bodybuilders with fairly healthy joints. Alas, I personally know many healthy people who can freely perform tricep extensions with a barbell weighing more than 80 kilograms, while suffering from unbearable pain already during a warm-up with half that weight. It is for such athletes that I want to offer a combination of exercises for a very effective and absolutely safe study of the triceps.
Just with the help this method and managed to help Tosten Wagner. This simple-minded German native had thick arms and suffered from an inability to exercise his triceps. Every movement he undertook caused him discomfort in his elbows, and he no longer even dreamed of a French press.
I suggested that he pump the triceps using the principle of pre-fatigue and pick up correct sequence exercises.
Here's what we got:
Warm up
Triceps extension of the arms while standing at the upper block (it is very important that the block has a fairly soft and smooth move).
40 kg 20 reps
50 kg 15 reps
60 kg 15 reps
70 kg 10 reps
Close Grip Bench Press
60 kg 20 reps
80 kg 15 reps
100 kg 10 reps
(Thosten's typical close grip weight is around 160kg for 8 reps)
French bench press
30 kg for 15 reps
40 kg for 12 reps
The warm-up was performed in the style of a giant set (exercises are performed one after another with almost no rest between sets), and when it was the turn of the last exercise, Tosten was surprised to experience only warmth and a pleasant burning sensation in the triceps, instead of the expected cutting pain.
A few really intense sets followed.
Triceps extension of the arms standing
90 kg for 12 reps
50 kg for 12 reps

Close grip bench press
130 kg for 10 reps
90 kg for 10 reps
(Two sets are performed without rest, then the next exercise is immediately performed)
French bench press
60 kg for 12 reps
35 kg for 15 reps
This was followed by a rest for 120 seconds and we repeated everything in a circle again, reducing the weight by 10-15%.
After the third round-robin set, the German whined all over the hall and begged to be allowed to go home. In broken English, he explained that his triceps "exploded" and that he would no longer be able to do anything that day. Then we measured his hand and found that it was “bombed” up to 50 cm! But we have not yet reached his biceps ... I had to force the guy to train further.

Which of the exercises most load the triceps muscle of the shoulder. How to perform them correctly, features and nuances of technology.

At first glance, the triceps is invisible to the eye and is “modestly” placed on reverse side arms. In fact, the size of this muscle is several times larger than the volume of the biceps, and not only the shape, but also the thickness of the arm depends on the quality of its development.

Below we consider best exercises, allowing you to pump triceps and make it as embossed as possible.

The main feature of the exercise is the study of the upper head of the muscle of interest to us, the anterior deltoid muscles and, of course, the upper chest. Its regular implementation allows you to increase the density of the muscles and ensure its volume. The lateral head also increases in size, which guarantees a beautiful shape of the arm below the shoulder joint.

Total number sets during the exercise - no more than four, and the number of repetitions - 8-12. Special attention focus on technology:

  1. During the approach, take a comfortable position on the bench and make sure that the barbell is at eye level.
  2. Before lifting the load, it is allowed to bend the back, bring the shoulder blades together, but the rest of the parts (shoulders, buttocks, head) should be pressed against the sunbed.
  3. The grip should be narrow enough to be able to hold the barbell without tilting to one side or the other. At the same time, make sure that there is no discomfort in the joints of the wrist. The best option- 10-20 cm.
  4. Lowering should be done to the chest, and lifting - until the arms are fully extended.
  5. Watch your breath. Lowering is done on inhalation, and lifting is done on exhalation. At the same time, it is worth releasing air from the lungs at the midpoint, when the load on the muscles is maximum. As soon as the projectile has reached the top point, it is allowed to pause for 1-2 seconds (no more). Be sure to tighten your triceps.

Basic (multi-joint) exercises should be performed with hand control. Barbell work is no exception. Pay attention to the elbow joints - they should be brought together without "extension" to the sides. At the same time, try not to force the training process - act at a moderate pace.

Consider a number of important points:

  • Don't lift too much weight - start small. It is important to maintain balance here, otherwise there is a risk of serious injury.
  • Keep an eye on the bar at all times and do not let it skew to one side or the other. At the initial stage, it is worth using the EZ bar, with which it is easier to fix a stable position.
  • A slight breath hold when lowering the weight is only a plus. Thanks to this trick, it is possible to develop greater lifting power and fix the vertebra in the correct position.
  • A strong arch of the back helps to facilitate the exercise, so this should be avoided.
  • Try not to use such a narrow grip that the elbows will have to be spread out to the sides. As a result, there is a risk of losing control of the barbell.

Push-ups on the bars with a narrow grip

Do not forget about this basic exercise, which perfectly engages the triceps muscle of the shoulder. The principle of execution is somewhat different from the "breast" version (more precisely, there are individual features here).

Generally speaking, push-ups on the uneven bars connect the following groups:

  • Triceps (if the exercise is done with a close grip, they get the greatest load).
  • The muscles of the chest are connected the stronger, the more mistakes are made in the technique.
  • Deltoid muscles (mostly anterior).

The main task of the triceps is to straighten the arm in the elbow joint. In this case, the long head is involved in bringing the shoulder to the body and extension of the shoulder joint.

The technique itself looks like this:

  1. Take a starting position - the torso is vertical, arms are straight, forward deviation is excluded. Bend your legs slightly and cross (if it makes it easier). Direct your gaze only forward.
  2. Take in air and lower your body down. Take the elbow joint not to the sides, but back. It is desirable that the torso be vertical to the floor, otherwise the pectoral muscle is connected. Bend your arms to a 90 degree angle. You can do more, but follow the sensations - there should be no pain.
  3. Release the air, tighten the triceps and lift the body.
  4. The optimal number of repetitions is 12-15, and sets are 3-4.
  5. If it's too easy for you, use additional weights.

Push-ups from the bench

The main task of the exercise is to work out all the heads of the triceps. The lateral head also receives the maximum load, which makes these push-ups one of the most better ways her elaboration. The number of approaches should be 3-4, and the number of repetitions should be 10-15.

The principle of execution is simple. Prepare two benches, which must be placed at a small distance from each other (about a meter). Now sit down on one bench and place your hands on your left and right side, covering the edge of the bench with tassels. Make sure your elbows are pointing back. Place your feet on the bench opposite.

Raise the body with the strength of the hands and move the pelvis slightly forward to go beyond the bench. Inhale into your lungs and begin to descend to an angle at the elbows of about 90 degrees. Having reached the bottom position, fix the breath and stretch the body up until the arms are fully extended. At the same time, make sure that the elbows do not “run up” to the sides. Exhale at the moment when you overcome the most difficult section.

The above are considered basic principles exercises. But there are a number of points that should be taken into account additionally:

  • In addition to triceps, deltas are also connected to the work. To increase the level of load, it is worth pulling the body up to transfer the maximum load precisely to the muscles of the hands.
  • Breeding the elbows in the process of lifting leads to the transfer of the load on the chest. In addition, the risk of injury increases.
  • Keep your arms as close to your body as possible. At the same time, it is worth unbending them only in a vertical plane.
  • At the initial stage of training, the palms are allowed to be placed wider. This helps to fix the elbow joints at the same level.
  • When performing the exercise, look forward, not at the floor.
  • The use of additional weight is only allowed if there is sufficient experience.

French bench press

In the process of performing this isolating exercise, long heads are worked out, and the Bottom part muscles of interest. The total number of approaches is 3-4, the number of repetitions is 10-15.

  1. The execution technique is simple. It is necessary to lie down on a horizontal bench and place your feet firmly on the floor.
  2. Hands with a load should be straightened and slightly laid back behind the head.
  3. The best option for such an exercise is the use of a neck in the form of an EZ. In extreme cases, it is allowed to use classic version or dumbbells.
  4. Now the bar must be slowly lowered towards the back of the head, without changing the position of the shoulder joints.
  5. You should not linger in the lower position - the weight must be immediately lifted up. You should not linger in the starting position, it is best - almost reaching it, start the next repetition.
  6. The important thing is breathing. On lowering - inhale, on the rise - exhale. Watch your elbows - they should be motionless and not move apart to the sides.

The following points must be taken into account:

  • Load the bar so that it is comfortable to hold it at a slight angle. If you hang more pancakes, then it will be difficult to keep your elbows in the correct position, and the effectiveness of the exercise will be reduced to nothing.
  • During execution, the long head receives the greatest load, which is best seen when viewed from the side.
  • Try not to raise your legs on the bed. Otherwise, there is a danger of losing balance.

seated french press

In order to qualitatively work out the back long head, as well as the lower lobe of the triceps, it is worth including this version of the exercise in the training process. The number of sets should be 3-4, and the number of repetitions should be 10-15.

The execution principle is as follows:

  1. Work is performed on a seat with a raised back and a mandatory emphasis on the feet on the floor.
  2. The back should be flat (only a minimal deflection in the lumbar region is allowed). The width between the palms is slightly narrower than shoulder level.
  3. As soon as the bar is fixed above the top of the head, and the arms are as straight as possible, you can lower the neck behind the head. In this case, breathing must be fixed and air must be drawn into the lungs.
  4. In the process of lowering the load, watch your elbows - they should not move. Lower the bar until the triceps feel maximum tension.
  5. Then, as you exhale, pull the bar back to the starting position. From above it is allowed to pause for 1-2 seconds, tensing the muscles.

Some useful tips:

  • Try not to round your back.
  • Extend the joint at the elbow to the maximum. This is necessary for better contraction of the triceps.
  • Fix the legs, shoulder and elbow joints in a fixed position. At the same time, hold them like this until the end of the approach.
  • Try not to overload the muscles with excessive weight - there is a risk of injury.
  • The use of an EZ bar is more practical - it reduces the load on the wrists.
  • With insufficient flexibility of the shoulder joints, it is better to refuse this exercise.
  • If the exercise seems difficult, then it is allowed to perform it in a standing position. In such a situation, a number of additional muscles are connected to work.


In addition to those listed above, there are a few other good isolation exercises:

  • Bench press in a block simulator - the ability to work out the lateral and long head of the muscle.
  • Bench press on the simulator with a reverse grip - working out the medial and lateral heads, detailing the triceps.
  • Extension of the arm with a dumbbell (lifting is performed from behind the head) - working out all the heads and top of the triceps. With the help of this exercise, it is possible to draw this muscle group.
  • Incline dumbbell extension (kick-back). Thanks to this option, it is possible to work through all the heads (mostly the lower one).


The article shows the best options to work out the triceps muscles and ensure the expected result. The main thing is to choose the exercises that are suitable for yourself and supplement the training program with the most interesting of them.

At the same time, keep in mind that for greater efficiency, they should be alternated and the execution technique strictly observed.

In modern bodybuilding, most training programs are built taking into account the conditional division of muscles into antagonists and synergists.

Antagonists are groups of muscles that create an opposite action in relation to each other, that is, in other words, these are flexor and extensor muscles of the joints.
During the exercise on a certain muscle, the opposite antagonist is in the stage of rest or slight static stress. Thus, training can be built on the principle of paired muscle training, taking into account their size and recovery ability.

The main paired muscle groups of antagonists:

Biceps - triceps

Quadriceps - hamstrings

Pectoral muscles - latissimus dorsi

Synergists are muscle groups that work in one direction, i.e. perform the same contractile function in various exercises.
The principle of synergistic muscle training is the work of large muscle groups in combination with small or secondary ones. This applies to multi-joint exercises in which both are involved, as well as to individual movements for minor muscles.

The main paired muscle groups of synergists:

Triceps - chest muscles

Latissimus dorsi - biceps

Leg muscles - buttocks

Shoulders (deltoid bundles) are considered to be synergists, since their development has several directions - mainly in bench presses, as well as in all kinds of pulls and dilutions at different angles.


There is still a lot of opinion and disagreement about what muscles to train and how to schedule. Despite the abundance various options split programs, it is impossible to determine exactly which workout will be effective for specific person.
But if you do not take into account the structural features of the body of all bodybuilders, but take, say, two people of the same height and weight, similar in physique, you can conduct an experiment that will give a more or less accurate answer to our question.

We will not consider what type of work will be performed in the lesson. Both athletes will work the whole month according to the same training scheme (antagonists), spending the same number time for work, as well as for rest between sets and exercises. It would be fair to add to all this the requirement of observing the correct technique of movements. The result can be confusing in the first weeks. One athlete will confidently progress, and the other will probably get some result, but insignificant. Rather, the second athlete will remain in the same place, and in the future will drive himself into a state of overtraining.

Thus, it is obvious that the recovery ability of athletes is different, and it’s not even about the amount of rest or sleep. It's just that athletes have an individual hormonal background, different speed restoration of adenosine triphosphoric acid, glycogen and the muscle fibers themselves. Based on this, the second athlete can change direction from training antagonists to the work of synergists and further progress as quickly as the first athlete.


Knowing your own predisposition to the work of antagonists and synergists, it is important to understand a simple rule for sequencing exercises, which will later help you create your own program.

In any classical scheme, training begins with exercises for large muscle groups - the latissimus dorsi, pectoral muscles, quadriceps and biceps femoris. The legs have the largest muscle group, so it is recommended to allocate a separate training day for them.

When training a large muscle-synergist, remember that at the same time a small (secondary) one, which quickly clogs, is “earning money” at the same time. Therefore, it is advisable to work with a small one at the end of the workout, and not vice versa. Otherwise, for example, a tired biceps will not allow you to fully and efficiently work out the latissimus dorsi muscle in pull-ups, and triceps - the pectoral muscle in bench presses.

In the case of antagonists, it makes sense to split the weekly split into back, chest and legs training at the beginning of the week, and finish with work on biceps and triceps at the end.

You can further break up the weekly program by highlighting one day for each muscle group. This version of the split will allow you to better work out a specific muscle, focusing on its individual bundles.

Summarizing the above, antagonists and synergists are a conditional division of muscles into groups in order to compile the correct (read, suitable for you) program. To understand what and how to train better, there is no single answer - to understand the principles of successful growth and rapid progression, it may take more than one week, or even months. It is important to understand that you first need to determine your predisposition to a particular type of training based on the regenerative ability of the body. In addition, for good progress, it is absolutely necessary to fully take into account all the factors - rest (including minimizing stress), nutrition and, in fact, the training process itself.

Hello dear readers!

From this article you will learn what antagonist muscle training is, learn how to competently draw up a training program, which will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result in bodybuilding.

The bulk of bodybuilding training programs are built on the division of muscles into groups of synergists and antagonists. Let's look at the theory, without which it is impossible to competently approach the training process.

Muscle antagonists

Muscle antagonists are groups of muscles that perform opposite functions in relation to the joint. Their work can be considered on the example of single-joint exercises. by the most vivid examples are the biceps and triceps of the shoulder. The biceps flexes at the elbow, the triceps extends. Just as the biceps femoris performs flexion at the knee joint, the quadriceps femoris performs extension.

It is also customary to include the pectoral muscles with the latissimus dorsi. So when performing a classic bench press, the load goes to the pectoralis major and minor muscles, as well as the triceps and anterior deltoid bundles. And if we take the same movement, but imagine a person inverted by 180 °, we will make sure that the biceps of the shoulder, the rear bundles of the deltas and the back muscles are now working. Therefore, the muscles of the chest are often called bench presses, and the muscles of the back are called traction. They are also antagonists.


Unlike muscle antagonists, synergists (or agonists) perform unidirectional movement. As a rule, large muscle groups in combination with small ones act as synergists. You can consider them on the example of multi-joint exercises. For example, when doing squats, the synergistic muscles will be the thigh quadriceps and gluteal muscles, while doing pull-ups, the lats and biceps.

Benefits of Antagonist Muscle Training

Increasing strength potential

As a rule, anatomically, antagonist muscles are located on opposite sides of the human body, so contraction of one muscle leads to stretching of the other. When stretched, the contractile function of the muscle increases, that is, its strength increases and the next exercise can be performed with greater efficiency.

Increasing the intensity of the workout

Let us immediately make the reservation that training intensity- depends on the working weights in training. The higher the working weights in relation to the maximum (in each of the exercises), the higher the intensity.
Workout volume- depends on the number of exercises performed, approaches in exercises, number of repetitions.
In common terminology, there is changing these terms, so often more voluminous workouts are mistakenly called more intense.
Yes, they are heavier, because. they perform more exercise, approaches, repetitions. Those. heavy due to the large volume of training. But the intensity is usually lower, because. work is done with less weight than could be done. In general, volume and intensity are two opposite concepts.

Muscle work in training = intensity * volume

For the same work that the body is capable of doing at the current level of fitness, intensity and volume are inversely proportional.

Moreover, for straight people, high-intensity training is more effective than training with large volume. confirmation example).

At the moment when one muscle is working, its antagonist is in a state of weak static tension or rest, in other words, resting. And vice versa. Thus, we have the opportunity to do a heavy chest strength training in one day and then move on to back training while maintaining a high intensity, because. the back muscles have not yet been fatigued and can work with large weights.

Possibility of joining in supersets

The close anatomical location and different functionality makes the antagonist muscles ideal for supersetting.

By making training more varied, we avoid overwork nervous system. The activity of the brain centers of the antagonist muscles also allows you to relieve tension from the corresponding brain centers. Those. pumping the chest after the back, you relax the brain centers that were previously responsible for the contraction of the back muscles.

Below is a sample workout program.

Day 1: chest, back

Complex for chest muscles, latissimus dorsi, rhomboid, trapezius, back straighteners

  • Classic bench press - 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
  • Bent Over Rows – 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
  • Breeding arms with dumbbells lying down - 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Pull-ups - 2-3 sets of 15 reps
  • Shrugs - 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
  • Pulldown block to the belt - 2-3 sets of 8-15 reps
  • Abs – 2-3 sets of 15-25 reps
  • Hyperextensions - 2-3 sets of 15-25 reps

day 2: arms, shoulders

Complex for biceps, triceps, deltas.

  • Close grip bench press - 2-3 sets of 8-15 reps
  • Barbell Curl – 2-3 sets of 8-15 reps
  • French bench press - 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Dumbbell curls (hammer) - 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Standing dumbbell press - 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Dumbbell front raises - 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • Dumbbell side raises - 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps

Day 3: legs

Complex for quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteal muscles, soleus, gastrocnemius muscles.

  • Squats - 4 sets of 6-10 reps (each set add weight "pyramid")
  • Leg curls in the simulator - 2 sets of 10-15 repetitions
  • Leg extension in the simulator - 2 sets of 10-15 repetitions
  • Standing barbell calf raises - 2 sets of 10-15 reps

Of course, training should begin with a warm-up. A warm-up will save you from unnecessary injury, increase the elasticity of the ligaments, and set the whole body to work!

Follow the correct exercise technique. This will also protect you from injury and allow you to succeed in training. Sports longevity is incomparably more important than a momentary result, performed by a "crooked" technique.

Remember that every man is very difficult arranged by nature system. Each person has their own predisposition to various types physical activity, to various exercises and the style of their performance. In addition, everyone has their own recovery capabilities, which depend on internal (genetics) and external conditions (the ability to organize their regime). Moreover, at different times of life, for the same person, all this can change. Because we, as a system, also change over time. Therefore, to understand what kind of training and what approach will be most suitable for a particular person, it is possible only empirically, taking into account individual characteristics.

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Muscle antagonists- these are those muscle groups that are parallel to each other and act in opposite directions. For example, the main picture of our article shows two muscle groups called triceps and biceps. If the biceps brachii (biceps) flexes the arm, then the triceps works in the opposite direction, extending the arm (elbow) accordingly. The quadriceps work in the same way in relation to the biceps of the thigh. Also antagonists are the back, the press and extensors of the spine, and so on.


When it comes to the antagonist muscles, I prefer to train exactly the arms on one day, and on the rest of the training days, work with large muscle groups separately or changing their sequence. For example, I train quadriceps and hamstrings alternately, for example, the first week I pay attention to the quadriceps, in the second week I train the hamstrings. It happens that I pump both muscle groups together. Depends on mood. Of course, the training program needs to be changed frequently, depending on the season and so on. But personally, I'm satisfied with just such a training scheme.

Now more about the training of antagonists. The essence of bodybuilding is to build a pumped up and harmoniously developed physique. Many people forget about this and make the same mistake, paying more attention to one muscle, forgetting about the other. This negatively affects the harmony of your physique. So, for example, you can see that many beginners, and even athletes with experience, devote more time to training the bench press, and train their back in lesser degree. It is highly undesirable to do this, because, devoting little time to pumping your back, you thereby worsen your posture. This is due to the fact that the chest, being in constant tone, pulls the shoulders forward, thereby curving your spine. And in general, the back is a very important part of the body that you need to pump and give it exactly as much time as you need.

Muscle antagonists Can be trained together or separately different days. As I said above, I like to train exactly the arms in one day, starting the workout with pumping the biceps (the first exercise is aimed at), then doing the exercises for the triceps. Don't forget about. I don’t mention it so often, because I think that reading my blog, you realized that before each workout you need to do a warm-up and. This will save you from. The rest muscle antagonists I train on different days. How to train these muscles depends more on the individual and their preferences. Experiment, try something new, to understand what preferences you personally have, and not those of a coach or someone who advises you.

Let's not deviate from our today's topic. You can also train antagonists in, combining an exercise for one muscle with an exercise for another in one approach. This method works more for drying than for mass, so it's up to you.


From all of the above, we can conclude that you can train antagonist muscles both on the same day and on different days, the main thing is to train them and pay attention to all muscles, the health of your spine depends on this, and how harmonious you will have a physique.

Muscle groups that perform opposite functions in the anatomical concept are called antagonist muscles. These muscle groups play a vital role in bodybuilding. They fit perfectly and it's easy enough to train them at the same time.

If you do not figure out which muscle groups are antagonists, it is impossible to draw up a training program.

  • Dorsal plus chest.
  • Triceps and biceps.
  • Quadriceps plus hamstrings.

In addition to the main ones are:

  • Delta middle and front plus back.
  • Lumbar and press.
  • plus chest.

Training program

  • The first day of training: chest plus back.
  • Second workout: quadriceps and hamstrings.
  • Third day: plus.

According to this scheme, trainings can be carried out three times a week. This program is quite effective. It involves weight gain by experienced athletes; for a beginner, such a program will not be possible.

Exercises for training these groups

Examples of a weekly program for training muscle groups.

The first training is based on the following exercises:

  • Lifting the bar from the starting position lying down.
  • Work on the horizontal bar with weighting.
  • From the starting position lying down. Dumbbell press.
  • Performing an oblique thrust with a reverse grip.
  • Crossover.
  • In a state of lying, we breed dumbbells to the sides.

The correct execution of the exercise technique will give tremendous results.

Second day of training:

  • Romanian.
  • Lunge with dumbbells.
  • Extension and flexion lower extremities in the trainer.


  • Bench press for biceps.
  • Work on bars with weight.
  • from the starting position.
  • Narrow grip. .
  • Bench press on Scott's bench.
  • Standing position. Flexion and extension of the limbs on the upper and lower blocks.

Muscles are synergists

These muscle groups work in the same direction. They perform the same contractile function in different exercises.

To train muscles - synergists means large groups are involved in the work along with small or secondary ones.

The main pairs of these muscle groups are:

  • Chest combined with triceps.
  • Biceps i.
  • Gluteal with muscle groups of the legs.

The bundles of the deltoid arm are considered synergists because they develop in several directions.

muscle group agonists

Muscle agonist - contracts and sets in motion a certain part of the human body. It is opposed by the antagonist. Both can be trained in one training session, if desired, a separate training option is possible. Agonists tend to contract, antagonists tend to relax, and it is according to this scheme that they perform movements. The work of the relaxing ones inhibits the contracting muscle group.

It is possible, by artificial contraction of the muscles, to cause a reflex that occurs during stretching. Such an action is considered the most effective, and is used in many exercises. The following mechanism is called contraction (coactivation). There is a reduction of agonists and antagonists. Such a reflex is caused by the brain of the back, and may be the result of an arbitrary contraction.

During training, these two mechanisms play important role. For example: the pectoral muscle is the main motor muscle during arm flexion. Antagonists perform movement in the opposite direction to the main one. The two-headed component of the arm: their antagonist seems to be the three-headed agonists of stretching the lower limbs.

Biceps and triceps are considered the main ones in our group, they bend and unbend the limb in the elbow joint. Of the other main ones, the quadriceps femoris muscle can be distinguished, each of its four parts acts specifically, which allows you to unbend the leg at the knee and bend at the hip.

The hamstring muscle group flexes the leg at the knee and extends it at the hip. Agonists at this time realize the movement, developing the main force.

Supersets in bodybuilding

The popularity of super series in bodybuilding is understandable. When workouts are monotonous, then muscle groups quickly get used to it and efficiency fades. To prevent this from happening, you need to constantly change training programs, introduce new elements, adjust the results, and conduct experiments.

To avoid the body getting used to the loads, several exciting tricks were invented. Now they are constantly used by athletes and quite successfully.

One of them is a super set, which includes two exercises at once in one approach. Antagonist and agonist groups work simultaneously. When the agonists contracting perform the movement of a certain part of the body, the antagonists at this time relax.

For example, bending the elbow joint: in this case, the biceps are agonists, and the triceps are antagonists. Such a scheme is present in each group.

In pursuit of strengthening muscles and gaining some mass, a super set will be a good helper. It will not be superfluous to include super sets in. Training with this technique creates a blood cushion that helps push heavy weights. Ordinary training does not bring such results.

Tips for a good workout program

When an athlete knows the predisposition of his body to the work of synergists and antagonists, you need to understand the sequence of performing exercises and then you can create a personal one. Any training scheme begins with large muscle groups. The legs have the largest muscle, so you need to allocate a separate training day for them.

If the goal is to train a large muscle - a synergist, one should not forget about the secondary one, which clogs quickly. It is necessary to work with it at the end of the training. When working with this group, it is advisable to break up the workouts, working through each group separately.

It is impossible to create one training program for all athletes. Everyone should approach this issue individually, depending on the capabilities of their body and predisposition. individual groups for some exercise.

Modern bodybuilding is based on training programs built taking into account the conditional division of muscle groups into synergists and antagonists. Muscle antagonists are the main groups through which this or that action is performed. In short, they are flexors and extensors of the joints.

Properly compiled, it makes it possible for each trainee to analyze all the minuses and pluses of their own achievements.

In any classical scheme, training begins with exercises for large muscle groups - the latissimus dorsi, pectoral muscles, quadriceps and biceps femoris. The legs have the largest muscle group, so it is recommended to allocate a separate training day for them.

When training a large muscle-synergist, remember that at the same time a small (secondary) one, which quickly clogs, is “earning money” at the same time. Therefore, it is advisable to work with a small one at the end of the workout, and not vice versa. Otherwise, for example, a tired biceps will not allow you to fully and efficiently work out the latissimus dorsi muscle in pull-ups, and triceps - the pectoral muscle in bench presses.

In the case of antagonists, it makes sense to split the weekly split into back, chest and legs training at the beginning of the week, and finish with work on biceps and triceps at the end.

You can further break up the weekly program by highlighting one day for each muscle group. This version of the split will allow you to better work out a specific muscle, focusing on its individual bundles.

Summarizing the above, antagonists and synergists are a conditional division of muscles into groups in order to compile the correct (read, suitable for you) program. To understand what and how to train better, there is no single answer - to understand the principles of successful growth and rapid progression, it may take more than one week, or even months. It is important to understand that you first need to determine your predisposition to a particular type of training based on the regenerative ability of the body. In addition, for good progress, it is absolutely necessary to fully take into account all the factors - rest (including minimizing stress), nutrition and, in fact, the training process itself.

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Push-ups from the floor, however, like push-ups in general (in various techniques, from any surfaces) are one of the main basic exercises. Their beauty lies in their availability, because you do not need anything other than your own weight and gender. Even a child can perform push-ups from the floor, not to mention adults or trained athletes. It is believed that push-ups from the floor are harmless to the health of the joints and ligaments. This is a controversial statement, since any physical activity will wear out the joints and ligaments. But, of course, push-ups from the floor do this to a lesser extent than, for example, a bench press. However, do not forget that a thorough warm-up will save you from a possible injury and from the need to think too much about how to protect yourself from it.

What muscles work during push-ups, which groups are involved in the work to a greater extent, which groups - to a lesser extent? Let's figure out which muscles swing during push-ups. So, first things first.

A little about the anatomy of the muscles involved in push-ups

Don’t let the word “anatomy” scare you when discussing a purely sports issue, but knowledge of it is necessary for correct operation with the body in the gym or at home, where, apart from the floor, there are no other shells. Below we will analyze the role of certain muscle groups in such basic exercises as push-ups from the floor, bench press, and so on. How does this or that muscle affect the whole movement as a whole?

  1. The pectoral muscles are involved in the movement and extension of the arms. Thanks to pectoral muscles we can point our hand straight ahead. In power sports disciplines, the pectoral muscle is involved in performing exercises such as bench press, bench press, dumbbell bench press, dumbbell laying, and so on. If an athlete has injured his shoulder for any reason, then he will most likely perform exercises through pain, as he will receive a number of restrictions in performing many basic exercises, and experience difficulty in fully extending his arms. By the way, this is a very unpleasant kind of injury. And often it is the injured chest that forces benchers to end their career prematurely. Therefore, be sure to follow some injury prevention measures, warm up thoroughly and do not try to “reckless” in training in terms of working with too heavy weight.
  2. The shoulder, or otherwise deltoid, muscle is also involved in the movement and extension of the arms in shoulder joint. This muscle is also a stabilizer, it does not allow the movement of the hands during movement to deviate from the planned trajectory. The shoulders help us, in addition to horizontal movements with our hands, to perform vertical ones - for example, to lift some load from the floor to a certain height, and so on. In power sports disciplines, the deltoid muscle is involved in performing exercises such as bench press, standing press, sitting dumbbell press, dumbbell wiring to the sides, lifting dumbbells in front of you, and so on. If an athlete has injured their shoulder for any reason, they will likely endure a number of restrictions on many of the basic exercises, as they will have difficulty fully extending their arms. By the way, this is also a very unpleasant kind of injury. And often injured shoulders force benchers to end their careers. Therefore, be sure to follow some injury prevention measures, warm up thoroughly and do not grab too heavy projectiles during training.
  3. Triceps are directly responsible for the extension of the arm itself. It is thanks to the triceps that the muscles of the arm can contract and perform forward or upward movements. It is thanks to the triceps that we can do push-ups, press the barbell, lift any loads above ourselves. Triceps is an extensor muscle, responsible for extension in the elbow joint. Plays a very important role in performing exercises such as bench press and push-ups on the floor. A triceps injury can negatively affect your ability to perform these basic exercises.

How can you manage your weight

How to deal with your weight?

It can be so. Below is a simple set of general development whole body with available and simple exercises with its own weight, consisting of push-ups, jumps or pull-ups. Most importantly, do not overdo it during your workouts. Remember that recovery always takes precedence over training. Train no more than once or twice a day.

  • squat jumps: 30x10;
  • slow squats (the technique is the same as in barbell squats): 25x3-5;
  • static (in parallel position): 3 sets to failure.

Shoulder girdle.

  • push-ups: 10 to 10;
  • exercises with rubber for triceps: 3 sets to failure;
  • lifting any weight (similar to lifting a pancake from the bar): 2 sets to failure.

The following exercises are good for the back:

  1. Pull-ups (well load the entire back): 10 to 10.
  2. Boat (working out the lower back): 25 to 10.
  3. Statics (boat): 2 sets to failure.

What you need to start fully training

  • It is necessary, first of all, to prepare the "motor" for hard work.

It is highly desirable that you have functional training experience prior to training in the gym or doing CrossFit. What is meant by this? This assumes some level of endurance. For example, if you can run a kilometer or two without shortness of breath, then this indicates that you have normal level functional training. Why is it important to have a trained heart? The fact is that power training or CrossFit workouts are high intensity. Accordingly, they greatly burden your heart. An unprepared "motor" will stall very quickly.

If you have a weak level of functional training, then we recommend that you devote the first two to three months to strengthening the heart. Moderately run, jump, walk uphill - and you will have a high-quality endurance.

  • It is necessary to prepare the joints and ligaments for hard work.

We don't think it's needed here. unnecessary comments. What is important to understand? If the joints and ligaments are weak, then there is a high risk of injury - for example, sprain or rupture. It is important for ligaments to be flexible, for you to work on their elasticity, stretching. Don't forget to take your vitamins to make sure your joints get all the nutrients they need.

Let's let it down summary. Push-ups from the floor are one of the main basic exercises. Their beauty lies in their accessibility, because you do not need anything other than your own weight and the surface of the floor. Even a child can perform push-ups from the floor, not to mention adults or trained athletes. When pushing up from the floor, many muscles work. The pectoral muscles are involved in the movement and extension of the arms. It is thanks to the pectoral muscles that we can direct the arm straight forward.

The shoulder (or deltoid) muscle also swings, it is involved in the movement and extension of the arms in the shoulder joint. Deltas are also a stabilizer, they do not allow the movement of the hands during movements to deviate from the planned trajectory. The shoulders help us, in addition to horizontal hand movements, to perform vertical ones, for example, to lift some kind of load on a shelf. Triceps are directly responsible for the extension of the arm itself. It is thanks to the triceps that the muscles of the arm can contract and perform forward or upward movements. It is thanks to the triceps that we can do push-ups, press the barbell, lift any loads above ourselves. Triceps is an extensor muscle, responsible for extension in the elbow joint.

Finally, we wish readers to be friends with sports and always take care of their health! Movement is life.

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