Home Useful tips Gluteus maximus muscle exercises in the gym. How to pump up your “Brazilian butt”? Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle. Exercises for training

Gluteus maximus muscle exercises in the gym. How to pump up your “Brazilian butt”? Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle. Exercises for training

The spring sun is shining brightly outside, which means it’s time to open the beach season soon. At this time, many women take up their heads and adjust their bodies to model parameters. In such a pursuit of beautiful standards, do not forget about the most attractive and appetizing component of your body, the buttocks.

Exercises gluteal muscles Not only will they help you achieve graceful shapes, but they will also serve as an excellent preventive measure against cellulite. Thin waist in combination with elastic and inflated buttocks will drive even the most experienced man crazy. Therefore, we turn on dynamic music and get to work to conquer this world by summer!

Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle

Based on the name, we can already make the assumption that this is the largest gluteal muscle. She performs very important function V musculoskeletal system– helps the pelvis keep the body in an upright position. Therefore, exercises to strengthen the gluteus maximus muscle are not only beautiful, but also very useful.

Almost all exercises for the growth of the gluteal muscles involve the large tissue, because... she makes the bulk of appetizing and beautiful shapes.

Best Exercise for Gluteus Maximus: Hyperextension

  • Hyperextension is one of the most effective exercises for the gluteal muscles.
  • IN this simulator The back muscles are also involved, which creates an even and beautiful posture.
  • Hyperextension also works the posterior thigh muscles, which helps in the fight against cellulite.

If you don’t have hyperextension at home, don’t worry, this is a fairly primitive exercise machine, so it can be easily replaced. Even a bed or sofa will serve as an excellent analogue for an expensive exercise machine. The point is that you can take and vertical position, this will not in any way blur the effect of the training, but to tell the truth, it will complicate the process a little.

Hyperextension exercise:

  1. Fix the machine to your height and take a level position (if you are doing this without a machine, ask them to hold your legs).
  2. Take an even position and fold your arms crosswise, pressing them tightly to your chest (this position of your arms can lighten the load a little).
  3. Lower top part torso down.
  4. Rise to the starting position, remembering to keep your back straight.

Start with 10 times for 3 sets, eventually increasing the load to 20-25 times.

Exercise for gluteus maximus muscles: lunges with dumbbells

Effect of exercise on the gluteal muscle:

  • Exercises for the gluteal muscles with dumbbells are very effective. Even a small weight can make your workout more fruitful.
  • The main thing in this exercise is posture; if you do not maintain a straight back, then you will only create unnecessary stress on the lower back, ignoring the gluteal muscles.

This perfect exercise on the gluteal muscles for men. And it's not the weight of the dumbbells. This exercise also involves the rectus femoris muscles, which are located on the front. For men, this workout will give you strong legs and beautiful view. But the effect of this exercise on the gluteal muscles for women will not be aesthetic at all.

Lunge exercise with dumbbells:

  1. Hold 5-10 kg dumbbells in both hands (for men)
  2. Lunge on one leg, as low as possible
  3. Stand up (try to absorb the lunges, do them as if skipping)
  4. Lunge onto your other leg

Do lunges 15 times on one leg for 2-3 approaches. If you find it difficult, then reduce the number of squats, while increasing the number of approaches.

Stepping onto the platform

Effect of exercise on the gluteal muscle:

  • In addition to being a great exercise for the gluteal muscles at home, it is also a very effective cardio workout for weight loss.
  • To achieve maximum results and lose a few pounds, you can wear a warm sweatshirt. This way, your calories will be lost through sweat.
  • But don’t forget to top up your balance, because... During cardio exercise, you lose many times more water.

To make the exercise more effective, grab dumbbells. They should not be heavy, otherwise they will pull your shoulders down, which is completely inappropriate during the exercise, because it is fraught with curvature of posture or displacement shoulder joint. For women, the dumbbell should weigh approximately 0.5-2.5 kg.

Exercise stepping on a platform:

  1. Prepare for the exercise: make an even posture, pick up dumbbells, choose a platform
  2. Stand on the platform with your right foot
  3. Stand up from the platform on your right leg
  4. Stand on the platform with your left foot
  5. Stand up from the platform on your left leg
  6. Repeat

If you do this exercise every day, then 15-20 times of 3-4 approaches will be enough, but if you want to achieve a quick effect, then increase the number of times to 30-40, while the approach will be 2-3 times.

Gluteus medius exercise

It is useful for women to know that diligent exercises on the lateral gluteal muscle will save you from such an unpleasant phenomenon as “pop ears”. The exercises that you can learn below are aimed at the problem of fat folds in the pelvic area. Also, this technique can evenly round the hips, so your waist will gracefully stand out against the background of natural curves.

Best Gluteus Medius Exercise: Side Lying Swings

Effect of exercise on the gluteal muscle:

  • First of all, this exercise is aimed at getting rid of the fat fold on the pelvic or hip bone. This is very effective method forget about this unpleasant phenomenon as if it were a bad dream.

  • Swings while lying on your side also pump up your abs. To do this you need to learn to breathe correctly. When we raise our leg, we inhale through our nose, when we lower it, we exhale through our mouth. Lie straight and look forward.

You should not visually control the process of how your legs work. Incorrect head position already breaks your posture and the effect may be blurred. It is best to do this in front of a large mirror to make it more comfortable for you.

  • Another huge advantage of this exercise is that it works on stretching. This is very useful for the youth of your body. Remember, when stretching disappears, old age begins. Always work on your plasticity, especially since this is a very useful acquisition for closed doors your bedroom.

Swing exercise while lying on your side:

  1. Lie on your side and straighten your back and legs so that you draw one straight line
  2. Raise your top leg to the level of your stretch.
  3. Slowly lower and repeat again
  4. Then change position to the other side and repeat
  5. Don't forget to breathe properly

This exercise should be done at least 15 times per leg for 2-3 approaches, if you feel that you can do more, then do it until you feel a slight burning sensation in the gluteus medius muscle.

Swings lying on your side (complicated version)

This is the same exercise as described above, but with some additions:

  • This complicated option will help you achieve the effect much faster.
  • In addition, the load increases not only on the lateral gluteal muscle, but also on the abs

We do everything the same, but add one exercise - forward leg swing and alternate it this way:

  1. Raise your leg while inhaling
  2. Lower as you exhale
  3. Swing your leg forward while inhaling
  4. Return to the starting position while exhaling

The number of times can be reduced to 10, 2 approaches for each leg.

Swing your legs forward, backward and to the side

This exercise, like the previous two, can not only remove the unsightly pouch on the sides, but is also aimed at stretching the internal and posterior thigh muscles. When you swing back, you pump the gluteus maximus muscle, giving it round volume.

Start by swinging forward, then back, and then to the side. This will warm you up and benefit untrained muscles more.

  1. Find the handrail and grab it firmly (you can lean on a chair)
  2. Swing your leg forward
  3. Return your leg to the starting position
  4. Repeat

Do the same with swings back and to the side. Each exercise with swings should be performed at least 15-20 times for 2-3 approaches. Increase this number as soon as you feel you can do more.

Exercise for the gluteus minimus muscle

The gluteus minimus muscle is located under the tissue of the large muscle, so it is not noticeable and in great weather appearance, does not. But it performs a very important function in the functioning of the hip joint. Therefore, if you are tormented by periodic or sharp pain in the area of ​​this joint, then it would be a good idea for you to work on your gluteus minimus muscles so that discomfort does not bother you in the future.

Best Exercise for the Gluteus Minimus: Side Leg Swings

It is quite difficult to effectively use, let alone pump up, the gluteus minimus muscle. The thing is that the middle muscle performs almost the same role, and the small one acts as an auxiliary one. But in this position you have the opportunity to successfully work on it.

A very pleasant advantage of this exercise is that it pumps up both the small and large muscle in combination. This is a great way to improve your health and prepare your body for the beach season.

Exercise to swing your legs to the side in a position on all fours:

  1. Get on all fours
  2. Without straightening your knees, swing to the side
  3. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat

The exercise is quite complex and requires concentration on the position of the leg, so start with small indicators: 10-15 times per leg, 2 sets. Work for quality, not quantity. As soon as you feel that you are starting to succeed, increase the number of approaches to 3-4 times.

  • Before exercise, be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes. Without warming up before exercise, you risk making your workout traumatic.
  • Have a good jump and warm up.
  • It will also be useful to stretch before and after training, because... physical exercise reduction in certain areas muscle fibers. Plus, it will help you relieve pain after your first workout.

Perform the exercise consistently and correctly, without haste or fanaticism. And you will become a goddess beach season 2017.

Video: Exercise for the gluteal muscles and thighs from Ekaterina Usmanova

Girls most often care about the appearance of their figure rather than about the development strength qualities. Women can perform a set of effective exercises for pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle at home. To achieve the desired result, you should train regularly, paying attention to the technique of performing each of the exercises presented.

Effective exercises for pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle at home

Before you start pumping up your butt, do a good warm-up. Jump or run in place. Lean in different sides to stretch your joints. Spend at least 5 minutes warming up.

A set of exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle at home

Exercises Sets Repetitions/Time
3 12
3 20
Climbing to higher ground 3 15
3 20
3 15


  1. Stand near a bench or sofa. Place one foot on a raised platform and the other foot forward. Keep your back straight, look ahead. Hands are lowered along the body.
  2. Inhale and lower yourself. Squat on one front leg. The second one maintains balance. Fix the knee of your front leg and do not move it forward.
  3. Exhale and rise to the starting position. Push through the heel of your front foot.

If your level of physical fitness allows, use weights.


  1. Get on all fours. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Look only forward.
  2. Raise one leg bent at the knee. Reach your heel toward the ceiling.
  3. Then lower it. Change the leg you are training and repeat the movement you have already mastered.

Climbing to higher ground

The good thing about this exercise is that it eliminates unwanted stress on your back.

Climbing to higher ground


  1. Stand up straight. Lower your arms with dumbbells along your body. Fix the body in this position.
  2. Place the foot of one of your legs on a small hill. Get up. Shift your weight to the exercised leg.
  3. Return to your original position. Do the same for the other leg.

A more complicated version of the basic exercise.


  1. Lie on your back. Bend your knees. Place one of your shins on the thigh of the other leg.
  2. Lift your buttocks off the floor. Stay in the achieved position for as long as possible.
  3. Lower your pelvis. Don't forget to work the other leg.

The best exercise for pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle. Lower it as low as possible in order to properly tense your buttocks and do full work. As additional weight, you can use dumbbells, bottles filled with water or sand.


  1. Straighten up. The distance between your legs should be greater than the width of your shoulders. The toes of the feet are directed in different directions. Direct your gaze forward. You can use something as a weight to put maximum stress on your gluteus maximus muscle.
  2. Tighten your abs. Move your pelvis back. Get down as low as if you want to sit on a chair. Press into your heels. Watch your posture.
Bodyweight squats


Normalizing your diet directly affects the results of your workouts. You need to eat often, but in small portions. Drink plenty of water. Don't eat anything an hour before your workout to avoid dizziness and nausea. You shouldn't eat a lot before bed. It is better to prefer low-fat cottage cheese or vegetable salad. Avoid starchy and sweet foods. Eat foods that contain protein: chicken breast, seafood, beans.
Eliminate carbonated drinks and alcohol from consumption. Give up bad habits.

It is important to determine the purpose of your activities.
  • if you have excess weight, you need to get rid of it. Every day, consume fewer calories than you burn. However, do not allow the feeling of hunger to be present: the body needs energy.
  • If your goal is a set muscle mass, then burn fewer calories than you consume. Eat often and a lot. The main component of the diet is complex carbohydrates, that is, pasta, rice and buckwheat. And protein will help achieve the desired effect even faster. The butt will become much larger.

Number of approaches and repetitions

Each exercise should be performed at least 12 times in 3 sets. Progress the load gradually, increasing the number of repetitions. On static exercises spend at least a minute, perform in 4 approaches. Train three times a week. Take breaks between training days to give your muscles time to recover.

  • Regulate your breathing. Make any effort while exhaling. Inhaling, the muscles need to relax.
  • If you're just starting to train, don't lift heavy weights. Spend as much time as possible on the technique of doing the exercises.
  • Don't forget about cardio exercises. They help reduce the amount of fat.
  • At the end of your workout, do a cool-down. Stretch. Go to the bathroom to relax your muscles.
  • Travel on foot whenever possible. Go for a walk every day. This way you can tighten your butt and improve your endurance.
  • Start every morning with gymnastics.
  • Prefer shoes with heels. This will provide stress on the buttocks.
  • Stop using the elevator. Take the stairs whenever possible.

Muscles trained

Gluteus maximus muscle occupies the main part of the buttocks. Located above the rest. It is this muscle that is responsible for flexion and extension of the hip and is responsible for stabilizing the pelvis. Thanks to the gluteus maximus muscle, unnatural pelvic tilts are excluded during gait.

Training the gluteus maximus muscle is relevant for most athletes. Athletes, figure skaters, and martial arts enthusiasts include pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle in their training complex. If you pump up this muscle, the frequency of steps will increase and the dynamics during hip extension will improve.


Have patience and decent motivation. Concentrate on the process of training the gluteus maximus muscle.

During the first classes you will get used to the loads. When you get into the rhythm of training, then the development of the target muscle group will begin. Remember about rest: it is necessary for the muscles to recover. After a week of training, your butt will become toned.

A visually noticeable effect will appear after three weeks of performing effective exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle. It is possible to tighten your butt in a month. To pump up your buttocks well, you will need several months of hard work. Exercise regularly.

What determines the volume of the buttocks?

The muscles of the buttocks support the spine. And the gluteus maximus muscle is the most large muscle person. It is this that forms the shape of the pelvis, which depends on several points:

  1. The gluteus maximus muscle needs to be properly trained. This helps to tighten the buttocks. Gives them elasticity.
  2. Excess fat in the buttocks area only hinders the results. You need to get rid of it: limit yourself to the consumption of certain foods, perform cardio exercises in combination with strength training.
  3. Women are genetically predisposed to fullness in the hip area. The shape of the buttocks also depends on genetics: heart-shaped, pear-shaped, oval, flat. Training will help girls change the ratio of subcutaneous fat to muscles. The size of the buttocks can also change. However, the shape of the butt itself directly depends on genetics. It should also be remembered that the athlete needs to experiment with sets of exercises in order to be able to determine the most effective ones specifically for himself and his body.

Lifestyle of the majority modern women does not in any way predispose the body to be healthy and beautiful: sedentary work leads to muscle wasting, the formation of ugly sagging and folds on the buttocks. Therefore, one of the most frequently asked questions regarding the figure is how to pump up the top of the buttocks and make them rounder? Exercises for the gluteus medius and thighs will help change your appearance. The level of tightness of a given area of ​​the body depends on the middle muscle. Let's find out how to pump up the upper part of the buttocks, whether it is possible to increase the roundness of the muscles with flat butt syndrome, and what are the chances of success for girls who train at home.

The beautiful shape of the buttocks does not always indicate a large amount of work in gym. Some girls have delicious curves even without training. As soon as they put in a little effort, the muscles acquire seductive elasticity. Only a few fall into the favorites category, but they are the ones who subsequently actively share their experiences in videos and vying with each other to publish photos on in social networks. That's why so often their exercises are on the upper or bottom part buttocks don't help other women.

The appearance of the buttocks greatly depends on the width of the pelvic bones. No less important is the shape of the three paired muscles - gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and minimus - which is genetically determined and individual, like fingerprints. You can't change your shape with exercise, but weight training can lift your muscles and increase size.

You can’t get a Brazilian butt with simple squats and swings. To correct your figure, you need to work a lot according to a personal program. Do not use standard ones as a template and do not try to pump up the gluteus medius muscle with sophisticated exercises. To begin, adequately assess the initial data, draw up your training regimen and begin to increase individual muscles using isolated strength exercises.

The appearance of the butt also depends on the size of the fatty tissue between the skin and muscles. If there overweight, then the problem is not that the bone is wide. Overweight women should start with aerobic and basic training and only after losing weight, perform exercises on the lower and upper parts of the buttocks. Then pumped up muscles will not only be pleasant to the touch, but also pleasing to the eye.

Anatomy of the gluteal muscles

The gluteus medius and minimus muscles are located on the lateral surfaces of the pelvis and partially lie under the gluteus maximus muscle. The middle muscle creates volume at the top of the “fifth point” and has triangular shape. Its wide upper end is held on the ilium of the pelvis and, tapering fan-shaped, is attached with the lower narrow end to the greater trochanter - the outer part of the femur.

Functions of the gluteus medius muscle

The muscle holds the pelvis and torso vertically, participates in the rotation of the hip and in almost all abductions of the leg to the side. It is easily palpable during training and responds well to load. When sufficiently developed, it hides the protruding sides pelvic bones, forming a beautiful hip line.

A trained gluteus medius muscle provides more bonuses than just admiring glances from men:

  • improves body stabilization during movement;
  • helps improve performance in swimming and contact sports;
  • allows you to run faster;
  • straightens your posture.

Why pump up the gluteus medius muscle?

Weakness of the gluteus medius muscle quickly leads to arthrosis of the hip joint. However, its functions cannot be replaced by other muscles. Lack of development also provokes aching pain in the area of ​​the hip joint after a long walk. Visually, the sagging area is very noticeable when wearing high heels.

Developed gluteus medius muscles are aesthetically pleasing and form an important part of the core. If they are weak, then the girl will not have a healthy back, beautiful legs and high levels of fitness.

8 exercises to train the gluteus medius muscle

Joint warm-up is an internal body massage that prevents the aggravation of existing injuries and reduces the risk various kinds damage. To warm up after warming up, you can do cardio on a treadmill, elliptical, or jump rope. Will make blood circulate and tone muscles good complex abdominal exercises

After preparation, you can safely perform exercises that activate the growth of the buttocks.

Deep squats with a barbell: 3–4 sets of 7–12 squats

In proper squats, the barbell is placed on the shoulders and the squat itself is performed by moving the pelvis back. Feet can be placed shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. The distance between your feet should be comfortable for you. Turn your feet to the sides 45 degrees.

When lowering down, watch your knees - do not extend them further than your toes and do not deviate to the right or left. Keep your back straight: pull your stomach in, straighten your shoulders, do not lower your head (the head should be an extension of the neck). For balance, keep your arms straight in front of you. During a squat, the body will tilt, but do not intentionally lean your torso forward.

Descend as deeply as possible until the moment when the lower back begins to bend downward in an arc and the tailbone makes a “peck.” At the bottom, hold for 2-3 seconds and rise without jerking, focusing on your heels. At the top point, do not stop, do not straighten your legs to the end and immediately begin to lower down.

Lunges: 3 sets of 10–15 reps each

For beginners with imperfect exercise technique and girls who want to build up their buttocks, it is better to do static lunges without walking around the gym. Place your foot forward so that your knee points in the same direction as your toe. Place the other leg further back to increase the load on the buttocks.

Some trainers recommend placing your feet strictly on the same line, but it is so difficult to maintain balance. Others advise doing cross lunges, placing your leg back diagonally, which is dangerous for beginners. While you are mastering the technique, do not experiment and place your feet in line with your hips.

When lunging, do not swing, do not tilt your torso forward, and do not touch your back knee to the floor. Gradually complicate the exercise: pick up dumbbells, hold the barbell on your shoulders, throw back leg on a bench (Bulgarian lunges).

Rising to the platform: 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions

Stand in front of a stable cabinet or bench 40–50 cm high. Place one foot on the platform (it is advisable that the leg forms a right angle at the knee). Avoid bending your leg too much and do not bring your knee over your toe when climbing onto the platform. Balance on one leg, pressing into your heel, and return to the starting position.

Raising the pelvis from the floor: 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions

This is known to everyone. Lie on your back and place your arms along your body. Bend your legs, place your feet on the floor and move them closer to your buttocks. Tightening your buttocks, try to lift your pelvis up and hold for a few seconds. You can increase the load by placing the barbell on the bend of your legs and body.

Leg abductions standing, lying down and on all fours: 3 sets of 15 reps

Standing on all fours or straight legs (holding a vertical support with your hands), pull your straight leg as far back and up as possible. You can swing on all fours with your knee bent or lift one straight leg while lying on your side. In lateral swings, support your head with your hand and do not raise your leg too high - the angle with the body should be no more than 70 degrees. Do not do it sudden movements, do not use your lower back and use leg weights.

Crossover leg lifts: 3–4 sets of 12–15 reps

Abductions from the lower block are performed according to the same principle as regular swings while standing or with emphasis on the knees and elbows.

Leg raises in a machine with a weight of 10-20 kg: 1-2 sets of 15-20 repetitions

Set the desired weight, sit on the machine and tilt your back back so that the gluteus medius muscle is more involved in the work. Spread your hips as far apart as possible and slowly bring your legs together, leaving short distance between them. Leave your torso motionless.

Platform press: 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps

Sit on the seat and place your feet with your toes facing out at the upper corners of the platform. Squeeze the platform without fully straightening your legs. Slowly lower the platform down so that in the final position your knees form an almost right angle, but your buttocks do not leave the seat.

After your workout, do a 10-20 minute cool-down. This could be running on a treadmill in the “rough terrain” mode with a gradual decrease in incline and pace, or training on an orbit track. Complete the training with gymnastics - stretching exercises for the gluteal muscles and back surface hips.

How to properly train your buttocks?

The best place to train your buttocks is the gym, but half of the effective exercises for the upper and lower buttocks can be done at home. Limit power training up to 2–3 times a week. Perform multi-joint exercises first basic exercises on large group muscles (squats, lunges, deadlifts, leg press), and after them - isolating ones (glute bridge, stepping onto the platform, leg abduction).

After completing the prescribed number of repetitions for one exercise, rest for 30–60 seconds and do a second set. Breathe deeply and exhale forcefully (in the most difficult phase). Do not hold your breath under any circumstances, otherwise you will begin to choke by the end of the approach. Don't wait until you're thirsty: drink small sips of water between sets.

If you want to pump up and build muscle, try not to mix different exercises in one approach: first perform all approaches for one exercise, and then move on to another movement. In order for the target muscle to grow, it needs to be “hammered” as much as possible with a weight load. It is better to recover with supersets or two-phase exercises (for example, when a squat is combined with a deadlift, lunge, etc.) muscle tone and increase endurance.

Break between different exercises do 15 to 30 seconds more than resting between sets. Choose the weight of the weights and the number of exercises based on your capabilities. Always start with the minimum and watch your technique - quality is always more important than quantity.

Eat more cereals, vegetables, meat and fish dishes. Remove from your diet foods that are responsible for deteriorating your appearance: fast food, saturated fats, alcohol, sweets and flour. Training does not compensate for a poor diet, so think through your nutrition program in advance and don’t waste your energy - train with pleasure, and not under pressure!

Hi guys! This note will be dedicated to our buttocks, which still need a good workout, and a comprehensive one at that. Let's talk today about training the middle muscle of our buttocks.

A beautiful, firm butt attracts the attention of both sexes, and also gives a feeling of comfort and tone throughout the body. The gluteus medius muscle is responsible for the attractive shape and fit of this part of the body. Find out in detail how to work this zone by reading to the end.

If you are a girl, I advise you to also read a very cool article on the buttock topic,

Let's not beat around the bush and get straight to the point.

The buttocks consist of three main muscles - large, medium and small. The gluteus medius muscle is located directly under the gluteus maximus, in the upper part, on the lateral surfaces of the pelvis, and has a triangular shape. It consists of two beams - deep and superficial and is responsible for abducting the hips and maintaining body balance.

The main reasons to work on the buttocks:

  1. Aesthetic. Many men and women admit that it is this part of the body that is most attractive to the opposite sex.
  2. Strengthening the whole body. The buttocks help the back muscles support the spine and ultimately have a beautiful posture.
  3. Increases the strength of bodybuilders and improves physical performance.
  4. Study physical activity it becomes easier - and you will feel it immediately!
  5. A pumped butt helps prevent pain in the back and throughout the lumbar region.
  6. Full control over the work of the hips, thereby improving the function of the knee joints.
  7. Trained buttocks are a preventative measure to avoid arthrosis of the hip joints.

Having learned in detail what benefits a pumped up gluteus medius muscle provides, the exercises will be performed with full strength. We will analyze which of them are most suitable further. You can work this area equally effectively in the gym and at home.

  • Before starting classes, it is imperative to warm up your muscles.
  • It is necessary to perform exercises for the gluteus medius muscle after basic loads.
  • Do up to 25 repetitions in 3-4 sets.
  • The trainings are equally effective for both men and women.
  • The frequency of training is once a week; you can replace leg training in your training program. Duration of at least 6 weeks.
  • Watch your diet; proteins and carbohydrates of animal origin should predominate in it.
  • When working from home, you need to purchase dumbbells or replace them with homemade weights, such as filled bottles.

4 exercises for home

1) SWING YOUR LEGS IN A LYING POSITION. Lie on your side, slightly raising your body and leaning on your elbow, bent at a right angle. The legs lie flat, without bending at the knees. Tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles. Start moving your leg up, keeping it unbent, to the highest possible point.

Pause at the top for a moment and slowly move your leg down, without needing to touch your supporting leg, this will allow the muscles to be under much greater tension. Switch sides. Over time, you can make the exercise more difficult by placing your free hand with a weight on your leg.

2) SQUATS. In order for the load to be focused not on the gluteus maximus, but on the gluteus medius muscle, you need to modify the classic squats. To do this, place your legs wider than your shoulders and turn your feet to the sides 45 degrees.

Please note that when you do squats, your knees also need to be turned to the sides at the same level as your toes. Squat to right angle without arching your back and resting on your heels. For best result you need to take weights.

3) GLUTEAL BRIDGE. Lie on your back, arms along your body, legs bent and spread wider than shoulder width, feet to the sides. The heels should be located at a minimum distance from the buttocks. You need to raise your pelvis highest point and stay there for a few seconds. The buttocks should be tense.

Move down very slowly without touching the floor. To increase the load, place a weight near your waist or place your feet on an elevated platform.

4) SQUAT JUMPS. To perform this, you need to place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing to the sides. Sit down completely, keep your back straight, for convenience, you can fold your arms on top of each other in front of you. Push off with your feet and jump up, trying to lift your feet off the floor. If it’s very difficult at first, you can help yourself with your hands.

4 exercises for the gym

Classes in the gym can be carried out using various sports equipment - dumbbells and barbells, as well as specialized exercise equipment.

1) SQUATS WITH A BAR. Take a barbell and place it on your shoulders. Start to lower yourself down, while moving your pelvis back. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor at the lowest point. Having adapted to the load, you can squat even lower. You should rise slowly, without making sudden movements, using your heels as support. There is no need to return to the starting point; your legs should remain slightly bent.

2) CLIMBING TO AN ELEVATION. For this exercise you will need dumbbells and a bench or platform. Stand in front of a raised platform, holding a dumbbell in both hands. Rise up onto it with one leg, keeping it firmly planted, while keeping your back perpendicular to the floor. As you lower yourself to the floor, take one step back.

3) LEGS BREAKING. For this you will need a special simulator. To do this, set the desired weight on the machine, fixing your back in upright position. Hands must be placed on special handles of the equipment. Slowly open your legs, stopping at the maximum point for a few moments.

Then slowly walk back, leaving a little space between your legs to maintain muscle tension. In this training, you need to monitor your breathing, do the dilution while exhaling, and do the reduction while inhaling. It is also important to keep your core still.

4) LEG ABDUCTION IN A CROSSOVER. IN initial position the bottom block should be to your side. The cable must be attached to the leg that is further away. Grab the handle with your hand and stand so that the cable is taut. Tighten your buttocks and forcefully move your leg to the side at a slow pace. Switch legs.

By performing the exercises recommended in this article, your butt will become rounded, beautiful shape, will be fit and elastic. It just needs to be noted that all of these trainings are not intended for weight loss, so before you start working on the gluteus medius muscle for its growth, you need to get rid of excess fat at the fifth point.

So go for it! And that’s all I have on this issue, see you again, friends! Bye bye...

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The gluteus medius muscle is the main “weapon” of many women, which allows you to create perfect shape butts. Besides the visual aspect, this muscle plays a vital role in most movements, from running to walking to supporting a standing position. The main problem is that not all athletes perform exercises for the gluteus medius muscle. Moreover, a sedentary lifestyle leads to atrophy of this muscle, which provokes a number of negative consequences for good health. Therefore, it is recommended to include exercises for the gluteus medius in each workout, and if the area lags behind, a separate session should be devoted to working it out.

Structural features and location of the gluteal medius

The gluteus medius is often called the “superior” gluteus, due to its location. It is located above the gluteus maximus, with an offset to the outside. It has the shape of a triangle and is clearly visible from the side.

Gluteus medius muscle

The muscle performs the functions:

  • Hip abduction (sideways, inwards, outwards).
  • Support when tilting the body (especially when performing a bend on one leg).
  • Stabilizes the trunk in a standing position and helps lift off the foot when walking and running.

In most cases, exercises for the upper buttocks are performed for aesthetic reasons. This is exactly the “secret part” that makes low-waist jeans so popular. She creates incredible sporty look and emphasizes the shape of the butt.

However, in athletics, gymnastics and other sports, training the gluteus medius plays a role important role. It helps:

  • improve athletic performance in running and jumping;
  • reduce the stress on knee and hip joints in everyday life.

Therefore, not only girls, but also men need to pay attention to pumping up the gluteus medius muscle.

How to exercise to pump up your upper buttocks

  1. The first reason for the frequent lag of the gluteus medius is not the complexity and peculiarities of training this muscle area, but the unpopularity of exercises for the upper buttocks.
  2. The second reason is that many athletes do not know how to focus on the desired muscle when performing an exercise. As a result, the load “spreads” over other muscles and the movement becomes less effective.

To properly pump up the upper part of the buttocks, you must adhere to following rules:

  • Alternate strength and high-repetition modes.
  • Train with moderate weight (so that the gluteus maximus does not “take” the main load).
  • Stabilize the pelvis, eliminating movement (any inertia or swaying will reduce the effectiveness of exercises for the gluteus medius).
  • Work out the muscle after doing heavy lifting.

The gluteus medius is a fairly resilient muscle, so for better development it is recommended to use the pre-fatigue method. To do this, before exercising the gluteus medius muscle in the gym, perform heavy movements such as, and. Basically, individual exercises for this muscle in general training are performed in the form of “supplementation”; they do not replace the usual ones. basic movements.

Top 5 exercises for the gluteus medius

To pump up the upper part of the buttocks, in most cases, various abductions are used in a vertical and horizontal position. Such movements perfectly correspond to the function of this muscle.

1. Leg raise while lying on your side

This is an ideal exercise for the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius muscles. It can be easily done both at home and in the gym, without using any equipment. main feature Lifting in a horizontal position involves switching off other muscles from work. This allows you to completely focus the load on the upper buttocks.


  1. Lie on your side, bend your arm at the elbow and place it under your head.
  2. The second hand rests on the floor to stabilize the body.
  3. Slowly raise your leg to a 30 degree angle.
  4. After a short pause, return your leg to the starting position.

Important so that your legs do not lie on top of each other. The leg that performs the movement should be moved back slightly (the supporting limb is forward) so that the toe of one leg almost touches the heel of the other.
To pump up the gluteus medius even more effectively, do not lower your foot to the floor until the end of the approach and use a rubber band or.

2. Standing leg abduction

This exercise in the gym is performed in the lower block using a loop handle. At home - using a tourniquet or expander.


  1. Step back 1-2 steps to feel a pronounced tension even in the starting position. Additionally, it is recommended to secure the body by holding onto any ledge or handle.
  2. With a powerful movement, move your leg back as far as possible (but no more than 45 degrees).
  3. After a short pause, very slowly return to the starting position.

In this movement, it is important to avoid inertia and abduct the leg not with the whole body, but with a focus on the gluteus medius.

3. Exercise “pistol”

Works the target muscle and the entire lower body very powerfully. This difficult exercise, because to pump up the upper buttocks without sufficient physical training, use insurance. According to complexity, there are 4 types of execution “”:

  1. With a chair - place a cabinet or stool under you, this is insurance against falling down. Gradually reduce the height of the support as your muscles strengthen.
  2. Partial squats - this exercise effectively loads the buttocks and legs, and also prepares the joints and ligaments for more complex execution options.
  3. Full squats with insurance - the movement is performed in full amplitude, but while holding any support (it is recommended to hold on with one hand).
  4. Classic “pistols” are the most difficult option to perform with maximum efficiency.

4. Leg abduction in a horizontal position

This exercise combines two similar movements: the fire hydrant and the back swing.

To pump up the top of the butt, it is recommended to perform them together, combining them in series (or alternately, in approaches). The peculiarity of these exercises is that it is very difficult to make technical errors when performing them. If your body and pelvis are stable, the gluteus medius will be heavily involved in abduction.

The technique of execution remains almost unchanged, with the exception of the direction of movement of the leg:

  1. Place your weight on your knees and palms, keeping your arms straight and your back straight (without excessive arching or rounding). Legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. Slowly move your leg to the side, performing the movement only in hip joint(when pulled back, the leg rises in the corresponding direction).
  3. When your thigh is parallel to the floor, take a short pause and return to the starting position.

Technique for the exercise of moving the legs back on all fours.

5. Climbing

  • To pump up the upper part of the butt, the exercise is performed with dumbbells and in strength mode (12-15 repetitions on each leg).
  • To increase the efficiency of climbing, alternate the position of your feet when climbing onto the pedestal (once your feet are placed wide, on the edges of the pedestal, and at the next step they are brought together).

Sample program

One example training plan, which will help both pump up the gluteus medius muscle and work almost all the muscles of the legs:

Exercises for the upper buttocks in video format

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