Home roses Bad omens and superstitions. Folk omens. Modern omens. Good omens. bad omens

Bad omens and superstitions. Folk omens. Modern omens. Good omens. bad omens

A variety of beliefs helped our ancestors avoid failures and made it possible to catch happiness in the most unexpected, it would seem, business. Their knowledge can help anyone even now.

In the article:

old bad omens

Our ancestors noticed if something negative happened to a person who performed certain actions, which later became bad omens. Some of them are superstitions, about which it is impossible to say for sure whether they come true or not. But a number of signs of a prohibitive nature has under itself logical basis or enjoys a good reputation.

Some of these superstitions are more educational in nature. For example, even now in villages, children are often told that if they spit on the ground, after death they will have to lick a hot frying pan. It is impossible to know whether this superstition comes true, but as an educational method, it could wean more than one generation from a bad habit.

Even now, old people forbid young people to have fun and laugh before an important event. Previously, they believed that this was to tears, and the more noticeable the joy before the event, the more grief it will bring later. Perhaps the matter is in the evil eye or self-evil eye, because it is believed that obvious manifestations joy is not the time until the expected event happens.

One of the bad signs is to remember the unclean after sunset. If you curse at dark time days, evil spirits will be able to enter the house, because they think that they are waiting for her.

You can not sit with your leg thrown and shaking it. According to one version, this is how a person entertains devils, and according to another, he invites evil spirit. There is no explanation for this superstition, perhaps it has an educational character, because it is difficult to wean a person from an old household habit, and unwillingness to contact evil spirits serves as a good motivation.

For the same reason, in the old days it was forbidden for children to shake off water from their hands, explaining that how many drops fall from their hands, so many new devils will be born. Of course, after his birth, the evil spirit does not seek to leave the house.

Before important events and going on the road, they tried not to wash before in order to avert trouble, and this concerned not only the body, but also the hair and even the hands. Now they are doing rather the opposite, and this is not what affects the result of a trip or other event.

The Man Who Hasn't Washed in 60 Years

Previously, they tried to get off the road if they stood in the way elderly woman with a broom or broom. Maybe it's the similarity with the fairy-tale witch, which is a negative character.

Even in the last century, they did not put new windows in old houses, because this foreshadowed death. It was also forbidden to build a house in old age for oneself, this is also to an imminent death. There are many signs about the construction of a new home, some of them are observed to this day.

It was customary to crush eggshells even before throwing them away. This was done so that the devils would not come to crunch it for fun.

Good omens - how to find happiness

The tradition of making wishes has been around for many years. This is done while the star is falling, while blowing out the candles on birthday cake, the chimes in new year's eve and at other events.

Holidays have always been closely associated with superstitions. There is, for example, a tradition Christmas divination. They also tell fortunes around Christmas, during Epiphany and on some other dates. Specific beliefs apply to almost every holiday. For example, there are signs about a birthday and the New Year, beliefs about Easter, and many others. With their help, you can change your life for the better.

Old superstitions concern almost everyone important event. During the move, they will help to live happily in a new place, during pregnancy - to become a mother, but they are needed in order to protect the young and create strong family. rain during significant event has always been considered a good sign.

Knowing the signs of marriage, a girl can bring the desired moment closer and not only quickly put on White dress bride, but also to be happily married. One of these beliefs forbids sweeping crumbs off the table with your hand. Most of they are about housekeeping, which was logical in a time when a wife was chosen based on how good she was at the house.

Signs from different countries

  • In Greece, they do not allow shoes to be positioned upside down. This portends bad events. Greeks consider sneezing a warning that someone is discussing a person. This belief in Greece has the same meaning as in our country.
  • In England, a meeting with a black cat promises luck throughout the day. The same awaits if you catch a falling from a tree autumn leaf. To attract good luck, the British try to pronounce the phrase "white rabbits" as loudly as possible on the first day of the month. In this country, they believe that opening an umbrella on the threshold of a house or putting shoes on the table means calling death. There is a legend that the ravens leaving the Tower herald the fall of England.
  • In Ireland, they checked whether a newborn baby was a fairy. For this, mothers walked knee-deep in water with a baby in their arms. It was believed that the fairy would cry because she did not like water. Passion for music can also give it away, so children who were drawn to the bagpipes were endowed with magical qualities.
  • In Italy, a cat's sneeze predicts good luck. Peacock feathers, which in England are considered a symbol of success, are identified by Italians with evil eye. In our country, spoilage is diagnosed with an egg, and in Italy - olive oil. The theme of the evil eye is common in this country, and this phenomenon locals they are very afraid, therefore they have a lot of funds in their arsenal. A meeting with a nun for an Italian is bad luck, they can even be mentioned in bad wishes for enemies.
  • In China, hitting with a broom or broom is equated with a curse. Not thirteen, but four is considered an unfavorable number here. Fours are avoided even in the numbering of buildings and car numbers. A beard and mustache, as the Chinese believe, can cause bad luck. In China, they do not cut their nails after midnight, as they believe that this calls for spirits.
  • Most of the Japanese signs - unfortunately. You can’t stick chopsticks in rice, take pictures of three together - this leads to the death of the one who will be in the middle. Mirrors here are curtained at night and do not look into them when the lights are off. The Japanese do not respond to people who talk in their sleep and, like the Chinese, try to avoid the number four. Then how do we beware broken dishes and mirrors, in China they try not to keep broken combs in the house.

Bad omens - list

cannot but be included in the number of bad omens. If you see an animal heading across your path, it's best to go the other way. The cat warns of trouble if you do not change anything. You should not blame the animal for this, because a black cat in the house, on the contrary, brings happiness and good luck, protects residents from evil forces and negative energy.

There are many signs about hair. For example, you can not cut your own hair, it shortens life. On our site you will find who played important role in the life of the ancestors and must be observed in our time.

Broom has long been given a special place in the house. Signs about him have taken root in society so much that they are observed even by non-superstitious people. For example, it is not customary to have two brooms in the house and use them. You can’t sweep and wash the floor for someone, this is to separation.

A separate topic for conversation is table signs. There are a lot of them, and most of them have survived to this day in their original form. For example, you cannot "change hands", that is, pour alcoholic drinks should one person throughout the evening, and it is also undesirable to change glasses and put empty bottles on the table. The last - to poverty in the house. It is also impossible to sit down for dinner the thirteenth and invite so many guests, this is a disaster.

They also exist in our time. They try not to give them and not leave them on the table overnight. Most of these signs - to quarrels and other troubles.

Dishes are known to break fortunately. But it is impossible to store fragments of even the most expensive vase in the house, as well as glue them together. This is bad luck. They should be completely removed.

Russian omens - good and bad

Great importance and in our time they have a variety of "" and "chesalki". They are especially common among girls. It is believed that if you compare the time and day of the week when it happened to sneeze, hiccup or scratch, you can find out the future or get important advice from higher powers.

It is difficult to find a person who would not know that if, a spoon or bread from the table, a guest will come. And who it will be is judged by the fallen object. Forks predict the arrival of a woman, and spoons predict a man.

There are many superstitions about animals, birds and insects. Many are afraid of the appearance, but this is far from always bad sign. Read more in a separate article on our website. If you sat on the hand ladybug, this predicts happiness in his personal life, but when a spider meets on the way or at home, you need to notice how he behaves. Most of the signs about spiders have a good meaning.

Among all the beliefs about feathered people, the most frightening is. It is difficult to answer the question why this is. It all depends on what kind of bird it is, how it behaves. Read more on our website.

There are countless superstitions, they have accumulated since ancient times and still walk among people, helping in life, and sometimes give hope for soon happiness.

All beliefs are divided into good and bad. For some, bad omens help to be more careful and avoid troubles, while others do not believe in them at all. And believing in good omens is not only pleasant, but also very useful - after all, what a person believes in will certainly come true in his life!

It is impossible to list all the existing good and bad omens, the list will turn out to be too long. But there are basic, most common and relevant for modern people.

Many are already outdated and unimportant for us, for example, to meet a cab with three horses on the way, or something like that. Modern good omens were born in antiquity, but adapted and survived to this day.

Why not get to know them to be aware of the future joyful events, and even "attract" them into your own life?

Natural phenomena point to the future

Signs that promise good events are very common, and are associated with nature - plants, natural phenomena and the animal world. These phenomena do not depend on a person in any way, and are often signs and can hint at what lies ahead.

  • To see a beautiful multi-colored rainbow is fortunate. And a double rainbow - to a huge, double happiness! This is not only the most beautiful and exciting sight, but also one of the most beautiful signs that nature gives us. A particularly happy and rare occurrence is to see a rainbow in winter.
  • If you have ants in your apartment - do not rush to get angry, this is very good sign. Now money will literally flow into your house as if by magic, and poverty will have to be forgotten. True, this is only if you do not get rid of the ants, so decide for yourself. By the way, these "guests" will leave by the end of summer.

  • And one more guest, a dove, is a messenger of good news soon. Wherever he flew to you, on a balcony or window, or even more so if he made a nest nearby, you should expect very favorable changes and happy news.
  • If the same dove or another bird stained your clothes, marked your car, or got right on your body - rejoice, this is for the money! The sign works, as everyone who has found himself in such a situation claims.
  • And if you saw a spider in the house, this is good. Do not kill him in any case, he will protect your house not only from flies, but also from evil, troubles and negative energies. Let him live - and you will live well.

What does the body say?

A lot of signs are connected precisely with the parts human body. Among them, one can single out the best ones that portend joy.

1. If your itches left palm– get money soon, this is common and true omen! It is worth scratching your palm for a reason, but certainly on your pocket and towards you. Then the money will not keep you waiting, and you will have it!

2. If a girl suddenly has a pimple on her nose, this is a reason not to be upset, but to rejoice. Superstition says - someone fell in love with a young lady! Another pimple on the nose can portend joyful changes and a pleasant surprise.

3. Suddenly sneeze before eating, at the table - to the very long-awaited and good news that you will soon receive and will be very happy about.

4. Anyone who has a whole scattering of moles on his body will definitely have a lot of happiness in his life - this is what the belief says. If you have a lot of moles on your arms, back or chest - know that life will be filled with happy events, and ahead of her many joyful surprises.

5. The young lady who itched left breast, can rejoice - the chosen one remembers her with love, misses and yearns without her beloved.

6. The nose itched - a familiar sign to everyone, much to the amusement in a drunken company.

7. And if it itches in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right eyebrow, this promises romantic date. Both for the girl and for young man this is a good omen.

8. Another belief that promises fun and celebration is ringing in the right ear.

Household phenomena predict a lot of good

1. It's a good omen to accidentally spill sugar. This means that love will come to you. And for a family man there is a meaning, if you sprinkled sugar - there will be wealth and peace in the family. Moreover, the more sugar crumbled, the big money worth the wait.

2. If a girl sewed something and pricked her finger, it means that soon she will be praised and flattering words will be said about her.

3. It is very unpleasant, of course, if a fly has fallen into food or a glass of drink. But this is a good omen - it means that soon you will receive an unexpected and pleasant gift!

4. If a spoon or, say, a fork has fallen from the table, a guest will come to the house, but if a knife has fallen, expect a pleasant man to visit. If you do not want visits, you can avoid them - for this, with a device that has fallen, you need to lightly knock on the table.

5. And an apple that has fallen from the table promises joyful and romantic date with a sweet heart! For married lady a fallen apple can portend peace and harmony with a spouse.

If you believe only in the best signs - that's right, they will certainly come true, and your sincere and strong faith soon happiness and good change will certainly draw all this into real life.

Expect only the best events, and believe that they are ahead of you! Author: Vasilina Serova

All folk omens and superstitions- are rooted in deep antiquity. Our Slavic ancestors imagined the world as being in a constant struggle between good and evil. Each of these sides alternately prevailed over the other, and favorable or unfavorable events occurred in the nature or destiny of man, respectively. Trying to catch the patterns of these events, people developed bad and good omens and superstitions.
bad omens are associated with the inheritance of the faith of our ancestors - in an evil spirit, which was embodied in brownies, devils, witches, goblin and similar mystical creatures that harmed people or could even take over them. For example, in ancient times, people used to superstition that if a cow is milked with crimson blood, then her milk may have been drunk by a witch or other evil spirits. It was also believed that the brownie strangles people at night, sitting on their chests.

good omens were associated primarily with the actions of good light forces - which helped people and protected them from more fallen evil evil spirits. These signs associated with various life situations. For example, if a born boy looks like a mother, and a girl looks like a father, then they will be happy in life. It was also previously believed that the more moles a person has, the happier he will be, although modern interpretation moles has a controversial meaning. To meet a woman on the way carrying full buckets (no matter what they are filled with) is considered superstitionsure sign good luck. Bad omens do not be afraid, and good omens should not be neglected, because what a person believes in most has more success come true.

Superstition will take

If the right palm itches signs- to profit, the left one - to a loss, - but in general, you can recognize by the palm of your hand not only omens and superstitions and tell fortunes.
- when the elbow itches - to grief,
- if the fly got into a drink or a plate of food by superstition- this is for a gift,
- when you accidentally spit on yourself - there will be a new thing,
- if the neck itches - to feasts or beatings,
- however, when the back of the head itches - this is sadness,
- itching in the leg - to the good news,
- if the bridge of the nose itches - they say to the dead man,
- the right eyebrow itched - to a date with a friend, if the left one - with a hypocrite,
- the left eye itches - to tears, the right - to look at the cute,
- when the cheeks itch or burn with a great flame - to tears,
- if it rings in the right ear - this is good omen to good news, but if it rang in the left ear - to bad news,
- when ears itch different kind little news,
- the soles itch - to travel, to the road,
- if the right ear is on fire, they tell the truth, but when the left ear is on fire, they say a lie,
- bite your tongue - someone scolds,
- if two people yawn at the same time, then they should drink vodka together.

Folk signs of superstition - on the weather

Folk omens about the weather although they have lost relevance in modern world, however, they are often intensively guided and believed in signs in Russia. Over the course of many centuries, our previous ancestors collected truly invaluable material, including popular superstitions about the weather. Therefore, they probably got the name folk signs about the weather.

Controversy will accept and superstition

Interpretations of signs and superstitions. It is worth noting the fact that the most interesting in interpretation of superstition lies in the fact that there are discrepancies, and there is practically no universal omens and superstitions, which would be the same in all countries and peoples.
In reality, the situation is quite the opposite. Each nation has its own superstitions and signs, which in other countries can mean something different, and often quite the opposite. This is shown by the inconsistency of folk signs and superstitions presented below.

Consider this fact on the example of superstitions associated with cats. :

Black cats bring good luck and prosperity - English belief.
-On Friday, the 13th, owners are required to put on bells for all black cats, releasing them into the street - the current law of the state of Indiana.
- A black cat on the porch - prosperity in the house - a Scottish omen.
-Beware of people who don't like cats - Irish omen.
-A house without a cat or dog is a miser's house - Portuguese belief.
- The cat gives life, well-being and health, she does it every day and ensures a peaceful old age. - Inscription on ancient graves.
-If there is a black cat or a cat at home, lovers will not run out in it - Old English superstition.
-If there is a black cat on the ship, without a single white hair, then the voyage will be successful. - Sailors believe.
-If a black cat sneezes near the bride - young happiness - English belief.
-During a thunderstorm, you must definitely throw a black cat out of the house, otherwise it will attract lightning to itself. - Russian folk belief
- Capricorn from December 22 to January 20. Talisman: black cat, devil - so deciphers modern book on astrology under the name - "Stars and fates".
-Although it is believed that black cats bring bad luck, a stray cat, especially if it is black, necessarily portends good luck.
-If a black cat comes to your door, let him in and be kind to him.

Such inconsistency in interpretation one or the other will accept indicates that all this is nothing more than ordinary human superstitions and prejudices or relics of the past. Because the fear of superstitions that we believe in is nothing but a form of worship.

Folk signs of superstition - regarding dreams

The folk tale says: before sunrise you can not tell your family nightmare otherwise it will surely come true.

If you had a nightmare, you need to look out the window and say three times: "Where the night is, there is a dream."

Bad omen when dreamed Death
See in a dream death- this is one of the bad signs; however, when you dream of death, you should not miss similar dream past...

If the dead man dreamed, then this means that he asks for the repose of his soul. You need to put a candle in the church and give for the rest. There is also an opinion that the dead also dream of bad weather, rain, snowstorms.

When a dead person in a dream calls to himself (behind him) or says: "I'll pick you up", then this is a very bad omen.

It is also not a very good sign to have a dream when you dreamed of Blood. Seeing blood in a dream is a warning; a popular sign about such a dream says: you should beware of competitors, as well as new ones ...

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of the deceased relatives calling you to him.

A sign when teeth are dreaming can have many meanings and usually Seeing teeth in a dream- this is most likely not a good omen about which there is my superstition ...

The dream that I had on a holiday, can be executed no later than half of the next day. They say: "Festive sleep - before dinner", and on Friday "valid" all day.

Who cries in a dream- he will laugh in reality.

If you dreamed that you are getting married, or dreamed of a wedding, then this may be Bad sign. You should go to church just in case - put a candle, read a prayer.

To not remember dreams- when you wake up, you need to hold yourself by the crown of the head.

In most cases, there is a positive sign when a Fish dreamed in a dream. To see a fish means to start moving, otherwise you will miss your chance. Dream in which you saw three fish is a good omen.

If Small child laughing in your sleep, then at this time angels play with him. Waking or disturbing him at this moment is a sin.

A sign when you dream of pregnancy can be interpreted in different ways. Usually popular superstitions there is plenty on this occasion, however, the meaning of the sign depends on the specific details of the dream.

When I crossed the road black cat , they say it's a bad omen, and the route should be changed. The cat in a dream says that you will be unlucky that day.

Stepping on shit is considered a good omen.- it's for the money. The sign has the same meaning if shit is found on any items that you use, for example, bird shit on a car.

If you dreamed shit in a dream - this is also a good sign. Seeing shit in a dream in its various variations can be both a good and a bad omen.

If a rat ran across the road- you should be careful in business, such a sign says that unfamiliar ill-wishers are spinning around you.

The rat, according to various signs, has bad value, and when a rat or a mouse is dreaming, you should not expect a good one. Seeing a rat or even a small bear in a dream means the appearance of new enemies, what does a rat mean? ...

Lose the ring or breaking the ring is a completely bad omen, unpleasant surprises await you.

A sign when a ring is dreaming makes a person alert. When a ring is dreaming - a sign indicates that in real life changes are coming.

Water and if you accidentally poured water on you, is a good sign, but it is desirable that it be clean.

Water in dreams can be both a good omen and vice versa, when you dreamed of Water When you dream water- attention should be paid to the condition of the water, because depending on pure water or dirty, the meaning of the sign is interpreted.

When a bird hit the window- this sign indicates upcoming news, often the arrival of unexpected guests.

When a bird dreamed in a dream, this is usually a good omen. If a bird is dreaming, most likely you are lucky, dreams with birds are good.

Folk omens - Miscellaneous

Signs related to money
You probably know at least one sign related to money. The most common, perhaps, when money is not borrowed in the evening. It is believed that having taken in the evening in the subsequent ...

Signs related to home and moving
Are you about to move to new house or an apartment and it seems that there is no family in the world happier than yours ...

road signs
Many car owners have their own prejudices and many who adhere to them. After all, the road can be very long and long, no one knows what awaits on the way ...

Folk divination
Sometimes people's curiosity about everything unknown makes them resort to using not only folk signs in life, but they also resort to common folk ways divination.

We all know that life sometimes turns its black side to a person. This happens, as a rule, unexpectedly and causes stress in people. But, there are signs that the Guardian Angel tried to give. He tried so hard to warn, and you didn't hear. It means bad omen. This is a special symbolic sign of God. If you can see it, life acquires a different quality, as they say. It's just that you need to know them. Otherwise, you won't see anything. Let's figure out how to properly perceive such significant events.

Knowledge is power!

Whatever one may say, a conversation with an Angel must begin with obtaining information about his “language”. She is not available. Folk omens are just a deciphering tool. You just have to listen carefully to the older generation. After all, everyone strives (even subconsciously) to convey their experience, including what a “bad omen” is. These signs are completely different. But they have already learned to classify. The science - great thing. It also allows folk signs to be sorted out. So, there are several important areas in which warning signs appear:

  • house and life;
  • solemn situations;
  • work and finance.

Surely there are other areas in which a bad omen appears. However, they are not as widely demanded as those listed. Therefore, we will consider them in more detail.

Bad omens in the house

We are constantly on the move. Something happens, is bought or spoiled, guests come, work is in progress, and so on. Among this whirlwind, you need to look for warning events. Everyone knows that breaking a mirror is a bad omen. This is a bright and clear warning of a serious misfortune. It is difficult to neutralize it. They say that it is necessary to collect the fragments and bury under an old oak. Look, the attack will pass by. Another well-known sign is spilled salt. She portends scandals and quarrels, weighed down by a mass of experiences and tears. Don't be foolish, they advise knowledgeable people. Sprinkle sugar on top and brush off. Nothing will happen.

For some reason people don't like birds either. They say that they fly into the room to predict grief. However, do not get upset ahead of time. Release the feathered guest and read the prayer after. If the keys to the apartment are “hidden” from you, then do not be nervous, but rather analyze again what you are going to do. Somewhere in the logic there is an error. This sign pushes for its detection and correction before it's too late.

Lesser Known Warning Signs

The symbolic messages of the Guardian Angels haunt a person literally at every turn. If, for example, the watch on your hand has stopped, then it is recommended not to solve any problems. financial matters on this day. The sign portends failure. A broken transport in which you are traveling on business calls for the same inaction. The stop is designed to encourage a person to think. He is ready to make a mistake. Think again, do you use reliable information when making decisions? Progress makes its own adjustments and will take into the area. It is said that cars with numbers containing about three identical numbers portend financial losses. Ballpoint pens, it turns out, are also able to "talk" with the owners. If yours is leaking, then be careful. Your desire to rise above others is unreasonable. Try to behave more modestly, listen more to colleagues and relatives. Trouble can be seen even in own behavior. It happens that everything "falls out of hand." Look around. Someone close needs care, attention and sympathy. This brownie pushes by the arm.

Bad omens at a wedding

The family gives us most of the peace of mind and balance. That is why everyone strives to create it, to make it strong and prosperous. It is believed that the future can be known already at the wedding by some signs. So, an unhappy and short marriage portends:

  • meeting or conversation between the bride and groom on the morning of the wedding day;
  • green color in a young dress;
  • accidentally dropped wedding ring in the registry office;
  • a black cat that crossed the path of a festive cortege;
  • a flat tire or (God forbid) an accident on the way to the place of registration.

At the table, you can also notice some negative signs. So, it’s bad if young people eat from one spoon. They will often quarrel and be offended. If you notice that one of the newly-baked spouses takes a piece treat, then add the second one to his plate. Otherwise, they will soon scatter in different corners. The marriage will fall apart. Do not let the bride look in the mirror before the wedding. Otherwise, he will cry. And a girl should not carry a handkerchief with her. Better give it to a friend. This accessory, being with the newlywed at the time of registration, opens the way to tears.

Is it possible to neutralize bad omens?

In fact, these signs are carefully stored and passed down by generation so that people use them. For example, you received a warning about an upcoming disaster, change your behavior, do not make serious decisions. After all, life is in the hands of a person, not random circumstances. Rituals to neutralize bad omens are composed and used only for complacency. It's some kind of psychological pill. She organizes thoughts, drives out unnecessary worries from the head, pushing to that very misfortune. Believers are advised to read the prayer as soon as they see a hint about the impending disaster. And further. Be sure to thank your Guardian Angel. Tell him that everyone understood, he did not try in vain. Then trouble will not happen. How will she break through such a tightly knit defense that extends to this and that worlds?

If you sleep with your head to the north - this is health, good dreams etc.;

If to the south - drowsiness, irritability, loss of complexion, etc.;

you can’t sleep in the west - there are a lot of diseases.

So that the newlyweds have good life, it is advisable to put bay leaves and mountain ash in shoes for the night before the wedding.

Before picking a mountain ash, you need to like the twigs, since you cannot tear a mountain ash without work, there will be misfortunes.

In the morning, remove the bay leaf and a sprig of mountain ash, and when you throw it away, ask them for forgiveness.

In order to restore harmony in the family, you need to make ekibana: from seven cloves of garlic, 7 leaves bay leaf(it attracts people), a few branches of oak (this is longevity), clover (from witchcraft and devils), rosemary (helps to recognize diseases and black magic), ash (protects from snakes and sorcerers), mountain ash (brings happiness to the house). You can add other magical plants.

Don't lose your wedding ring, don't give it to anyone. If you lose - a divorce, and if you let me measure - the husband will cheat.

You can’t borrow money or give something on Monday, because. within a week you will have losses, and the one who borrowed will have all the time good week, profit. The time of giving does not matter.

An evil spirit sits on abandoned things, things must be hung up.

During menstruation, a woman should not cook, as there is a strong transmission of diseases in both directions. You can't heal either. At this time, it is good to drink tea from linden, birch, willow.

The deceased should put a headdress in the coffin and, in general, everything that he needs or that he loved. If this is not done on time, then you need to bury it on the grave at any time or distribute it to the poor.

You should go to church without hairpins so that spiritual energy flows well.

Do not throw hair and cut nails, you need to bury. Try to prevent a stranger in your house from combing, left someone else's hair pulls energy to its owner.

You can also guess on dominoes and only on Tuesday and Thursday.

Dominoes is a star divination. For fortune-telling, there should be a set of black and white dominoes. - Who was engaged in spiritualism - the planets do not forgive - the spiritualist is sick.

The apartment should not have cobwebs, especially black spiders (the soul of a black magician, sorcerer moves into them). The web is presence evil spirit in the House. It is necessary to collect a web, it is better to put it on a willow branch and throw it out of the house. Spiders cannot be killed, they should be taken for something and also thrown out of the apartment.

Infertility - wear a linen shirt (it helps with everything). Grow a ficus in the bedroom, take care of it like a child. At Christmas, put a candle that would burn until the morning and ask the Virgin Mary to give you a child.

A pregnant woman should not wear a skirt above her knees - there will be a sick child. Skirts are worn below the knees.

When preparing food, you should pour the first spoon into a saucer and, together with wooden spoon leave until the evening. This is food for astral beings and brownies.

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