Home Roses The biggest wrestler. Wrestling stars

The biggest wrestler. Wrestling stars

Many of our contemporaries are sure that everything in professional wrestling, without exception, is fake, and the sport itself is a colorful theatrical show. Whether this is true or not is a rather controversial question, but hardly anyone will object to the statement that the pumped-up bodies of athletes and their excellent physical shape are real, without the slightest hint of fake.

At all times of its existence, wrestling was one of those types of martial arts, in which a wide variety of athletes from various sports gather. These are former weightlifters and powerlifters, wrestlers and karate fighters, as well as athletes preaching strength extreme. They all began to engage in wrestling in order to glorify themselves, make the competition as popular as possible and deliver to the audience great amount thrills. The reason for each of them to come to wrestling is purely individual, but they are united by the need to obey the uniform rules that are required of them during fights in the ring.

Employees of the portal MAX-BODY.RU made comparative characteristics physique most prominent representatives professional wrestling and provide this rating to the court of fans of this sport. This was caused not by simple curiosity, but by the goal that natural scientists usually set themselves when analyzing the characteristics of various objects and objects in order to acquire precious experience, which will later be successfully used for the benefit of people. So, let's get to the point. Let's move on to considering the most spectacular and best physiques of modern wrestling representatives.

Athlete Billed Weight: 275 lbs.

He was classified as an athlete capable of awakening envy in men and burning desire in women. He was considered a man of his time, he was extremely popular. These are just some of the frank assessments of Gray, sounding in numerous interviews after bright victories in the hardest battles. His demeanor in front of the camera is still considered a classic example of the behavior of athletes in the ring, many athletes who came to wrestling after him take an example from this famous person... Famous hair light shade Together with Graham's goatee, they became the hallmark of many wrestlers who performed later, including Scott Steiner, Jesse Ventura, Hulk Hogan. Many athletes sought to emulate the physique of Graham, who, at one time, was engaged in bodybuilding at the amateur level and conducted joint training with Arnold Schwarzenegger at the Golds Jim, California. An athlete once managed to squeeze 600 pounds of weight, which was officially registered. This event for many years became a record for athletes with a powerful physique, dominating the arenas in the 80s of the last century. Currently, such a torso in wrestling is called the "superstar" physique.

11 position. Scott Steiner

Athlete Billed Weight: 276 lbs.

One can hardly imagine that Scott, nicknamed "Big Bad Booty Daddy", will ever be forgotten. The athlete, who is one of the most gifted representatives of wrestling, has one of the strangest physiques in the world, will remain in the memory of fans of this kind of martial arts forever. Even at the time of his performances for the college team (Steiner studied at one of the universities of Michigan), the athlete had the Frankensteiner's trademark jump, which implies that the legs grip the opponent's neck in a jump. This trick is deservedly considered the most impressive technical element ever present in the ring. Many years later, Scott Steiner rediscovered himself in this field. He was constantly engaged in improving his physique, creating it in a more and more massive form.

10 position. Hulk Hogan

Athlete announced growth: 6'7 "

Athlete declared weight: 303 lbs.

Hulk Hogan is such a popular personality that many people who do not know anything about wrestling know the athlete very well. The Hulk is arguably the most popular person on the list of sports entertainment, and this is what he owes to his powerful, visible and memorable athletic figure. Hulk Hogan's renowned "24" pythons, coupled with constant promises to pray, consume vitamins, and exercise seriously, drove many of his young fans to visit GYM's long before the days when athletic training became mainstream.

9 position. Brock Lesnar

Athlete Billed Weight: 286 lbs.

When it comes to punishing opponents in the ring, the athletic Brock Lesnar is unstoppable. After the end of his career in NCAA Division I, Brock turned his attention to the UFC and WWE, and the athlete has a variety of skills acquired in different types sports, contributed to the acquisition of one of the most formidable physiques in the world of wrestling. After returning to the ring in 2012, Brock Lesnar is still powerful and constantly improving his physique.

8 position. Batista

Athlete announced growth: 6'6 "

Athlete declared weight: 290 lbs.

Dave Batista emerged in WWE arenas at the same time as famous athletes such as Randy Orton and John Cena. There was a period in the athlete's career when he had to leave the ring due to numerous injuries, however, after a triumphant return in 2003, Batista was able to achieve a very high level excellence among heavyweight fighters. In the future, the athlete again left the world of wrestling in order to devote himself to Thai boxing, taekwondo and the art of kali sticks. Practicing these types of martial arts made the body of the athlete drier. In 2014, Batista made another comeback to the WWE world.

7 position. David Otunga

Athlete announced growth: 6'0 "

Athlete Billed Weight: 229 lbs.

It is not worth discussing the fact that David Otung has a law degree, obtained after graduating from Harvard, since the athlete gained wide popularity not because of his education, but thanks to his chiseled and functional figure among colleagues in the ring. Of course, the Tag Team champion title holder trained long and hard after graduating from the highest educational institution, which allowed him to transform his body into an ideal fighting machine.

6 position. The ultimate warrior

Athlete announced growth: 6'2 "

Athlete declared weight: 280 lbs.

Ultimate Warrior's career did not last long, but the fighter has left a bright mark among all the famous superstars of Pro Wrestling. He was distinguished by a unique war paint of the face, his reckless interviews and impressionable victories over the Hulk Hogan and Deboshire were significant events... The athlete's physique can be called the true legacy of the greatest wrestling fighters. The dry and maximally embossed Warrior became the founder of a new standard for fighters who want to represent as their own business card muscles of your own body.

5 position. Goldberg

Athlete announced growth: 6'4 "

Athlete Billed Weight: 285 lbs.

The former Atlanta Falcons marked his WCW debut with 173 wins in a row, which is quite an impressive number even for a sport whose martial arts results can be considered somewhat predetermined. Goldberg's famous phrase "Who's next?" forever connected precisely with his behavior in the ring. Goldberg may lack sophistication and some fighting skills, but the physical size and power of the fighter brute force allowed him to become on a par with athletes who are part of the cohort of the most talented wrestling masters of the 90s of the last century.

4th position. Triple H

Athlete announced growth: 6'4 "

Athlete declared weight: 255 lbs.

Helmsley was considered the mascot of the rebellious Gen X’ers throughout the 90s of the twentieth century. The physique of the athlete grew along with his fame. Currently Triple H Married to Stephanie, daughter of WWE incumbent Vince McMahon, and takes an active part in managing the company's affairs outside the fighting arena.

3rd position. Rick Wood

Athlete announced growth: 6'3 "

Athlete Billed Weight: 252 lbs.

Until now, no one has been able to captivate the audience as “The Ravishing One” did. Rick Wood's manner of starting the fight when he picked up the microphone and demanded that the audience stop the noise at the moment of his further stripping and demonstration of the fact that he is real, sexy man, will forever remain in the hearts of his many fans. The relief of the athlete's abs was considered ideal, and his thighs are considered to be the standard for both wrestlers and visual athletes - bodybuilders.

2nd position. John Cena.

Athlete announced growth: 6'1 "

Athlete Billed Weight: 251 lbs.

After Scala headed to the Hollywood studios and Steve Austin retired, many fans began to worry about the question "Who will be in charge of the 2000s wrestling arenas?" The answer was not long in coming - John Cena was among the first, demonstrating an excellent body, warm heart and charisma of a true leader. He took the position of the most active and brightest WWE fighter, conducting a significant social activities periodically acting in films or entertaining the military abroad. A former Golds Jim employee and bodybuilder, Cena is renowned for one of the most serious physiques typical of power martial arts fighters. His body is the result of hard and very hard training. The athlete's routine workout consists of a set of weightlifting exercises, deadlifts and squats performed barefoot.

1 position. Rock

Athlete announced growth: 6'5 "

Athlete declared weight: 260 lbs.

The rock is known for its excellent business qualities, shown in business, as well as the ability to joke, which among other famous representatives of wrestling is considered unsurpassed. It was he who was the first in the field of sports entertainment to introduce the phrases “Jabroni”, “roody poo” and “know your place” to a wide audience, which later became winged, emphasizing the harsh temper of a tough guy. However, the body of the Rock or also did not pass by the audience's attention. The athlete was big and agile than he owed to his father, the famous wrestler Rocky Johnson. Experts believe that Rocky's physique was much ahead of his era, and Rocky's own grandfather, nicknamed Chef, together with another wrestler and wrestler, raised the famous Sean Coneri in one of the episodes of the James Bond movie called You Only Live Twice.

50 Best WWE Moments in History

Andre the Giant - Height 223 cm, weight 245 kilograms. Huge guy!

Andre the Giant was one of the largest and most powerful wrestlers in the world. He was courageous, ambitious and assertive. Sometimes his achievements were deliberately overestimated in order to give this "giant" even more greatness and power.
The real name of Andre Gigant is Andre Rene Russimov. He was born on May 19, 1946 in Grenoble, France. In his youth, Andre suffered from acromegaly. This disease caused serious changes in his body. Andre's bones began to grow vigorously, as a result of which he became a real "giant". When Andre was about 17 years old, he was almost 2 meters tall.

The enormous growth presented André with an inevitable choice that resulted in a struggle. The first pseudonym of the wrestler was "Monster Eiffel tower". Young Andre before last strength laid out in the ring. Despite the fact that he was an inexperienced wrestler who did not have prestigious titles and victories behind him, he managed to put eminent wrestlers on his shoulder blades.

After a series of successful matches, Andre The Giant moved to Canada. There he performed under the pseudonym Jean Ferré. Rumors of an unusually large and strong fighter instantly spread throughout America. Andre became interested in the administration of the World Wrestling Federation.

In 1972, Vince McMahon changed the life of Andre the Giant. He signed a promising and lucrative contract. Then he took a pseudonym, Andre the Giant, who remained with him until his death.

In 1987, the Giant took part in one of the brightest and bloodiest battles in the history of wrestling. His most hated opponent was the famous wrestler Hulk Hogan. It was with him that Andre had the most exciting and spectacular fights.

In addition to the fact that Andre the Giant had a stunning size, he always had clear battle tactics, known only to him. Andre carefully thought out his blows and movements, which in large cases led to victory.

Thanks to his fame in wrestling, Andre the Giant got the chance to try his hand at cinema. In 1975, he first appeared in a movie, playing a small role in the film "The Secret of the Bigfoot". This was followed by small roles in the films "Conan" The Destroyer "," The Princess Bride "and" Changing Mom ".

The movie inspired the wrestler a lot. He decided to continue working in this area. Andre started taking part in various TV shows and quizzes.

Andre The Giant died on January 27, 1993 in Paris. The cause of death was cardiac arrest. Andre was cremated and the ashes were scattered over his ranch in North Carolina.

Spoiler alert: it's bad!

Wheelchairs, murders in the rings, pain, suffering, torment, alcoholism, drug addiction - in general, everything that you love so much. This is what we will talk about today in the “It was / was” format. Let's take only the WCW stars from 1998-2001, when this show disturbed the hearts of millions of viewers in Russia with inimitable comments from Nikolai Fomenko. Let's start!

Lex Luger (translated by Fomenko Lax Lager) then:

Due to the growing snowball health problems Luger retired in 2003. It did not help, and health, undermined by the performances, continued to pursue him literally on his heels until 2008, when Luger had to change the uncomfortable gym on a soft and comfortable wheelchair.

Lex Luger today:

Luger now works on some kind of WWE anti-doping commission.

Sid Vicious then:

Goldberg's main rival, Sid Vicious, retired while broadcasting with Fomenko after a terrible injury he sustained in 2001. Vicious, apparently having watched the films with Chuck Norris, decided to surprise the viewer with a kick in a jump. There would be nothing special in such a blow if it were not for the impressive dimensions of our hero: Vishes' height is 210 cm, and his weight is 140 kg. Of course, the supporting leg, on which Sid landed on the jump field, could not withstand such a carcass and turned to the side opposite to common sense, remaining literally hanging on the tendons. Well, I wanted to surprise - surprised. The incident on video:

The moral of this fable is this: don't try to pretend to be Chuck Norris when you prop up the ceiling with your head. After this injury, Vicious's career was over. It took 2 years to recover, the leg was repaired, he was disabled like Luger, fortunately he did not and today it looks very nice!

Sid Vicious Today:

Brad Hart then:

Brad Hart, like Sid, ended his career in the same Fomenkovo ​​period practically in live... And also due to injury. During the fight with Goldberg, the latter kicked him in the head, but did not calculate his strength, so he hit what was foolish. Faced with an outrageous number of Newtons treacherously resting at Goldberg's leg, Hart's head only cracked loudly, as if a bun under the forged Nazi boot of the Fuhrer. Fatal Impact Video:

The blow (in conjunction with the early head injuries received in the ring) led to a severe concussion - another such shock to the brain threatened with death or disability, so no matter how hard Hart resisted, his career had to end. By the way, a year earlier, Brad's brother Owen Hart died right in the ring, having cut his head from a height into the hard floor behind the ring. He is not in our review, because he played in another federation. Hart himself later said that headaches tormented him with such force that he lived on analgesics, drinking almost a handful at a time. He says it's amazing how an overdose did not happen then.

Brad Hart now:

Well, now, as Fomenko liked to say, “girls, tremble! After all, he appears ... ", the youngest wrestler of those times.

Rey Mysterio then:

Rey Mysterio today:

Yes, the dude has changed, you will not say anything. He still performs successfully. And so successfully that in the summer of 2015, not calculating his strength, he killed an opponent in the ring with a basic blow to the head from two feet for a wrestler. You can contemplate the incident below: the opponent crawls into the ring, where his head, in the 12th second of the video, inexorably approaches Ray's legs, fatal for him, after which the fighter instantly falls dead.

To be honest, I don't quite understand how you can kill with such a blow, but that's why Mysterio is a master, to kill opponents even with blows that are not particularly dangerous.

Eddie Guirrero then:

Unfortunately, there is no Eddie's photo today. he died of a heart attack due to physical overload and reckless lifestyle in 2005

Chris Benoit then:

Also there is no today's photo, tk. he committed suicide and murdered his entire family in 2007. Due to numerous brain injuries, Benoit suffered from encephalopathy, i.e. towards the end of his years, he actually became a fool. When Benoit's house was searched, it looked more like a pharmaceutical corporation than a cozy family nest, and an autopsy of his body showed that Benoit was stuffed with substances like a sausage with shit. Testosterone levels in Chris's body were more than a dozen times higher than normal. Moreover, testosterone was taken shortly before the tragedy. Anesthetic gyrocodone and antidepressants (remember that depression is caused by an unsuccessful withdrawal from the steroid course) only depressing the already sad picture. Benoit was also found to have testicular deformities that are standard for hard-core users of steroids, to restore the former appearance of which he had to violently hammer a number of other drugs. The general clinical picture of Benoit looked depressing: absolutely inadequate doses of all different drugs (from steroids to analgesics, etc.), mental disorders caused by severe brain injuries, problems with sex life, etc. led to the fact that Benoit did not get out of the most severe depression, experienced outbursts of uncontrolled anger and suffered from dementia, which made it a delayed-action powder keg. As a result, the barrel exploded.

Dean Malenko then:

For unnamed reasons, Malenko ended his career in 2002 at the zenith of fame. Today he works as a trainer at WWE.

Dean Malenko today:

Perry Saturn then:

During his career, Saturn was thoroughly shot down by a cuckoo, as a result of which his behavior by 2002 became somewhat strange! For example, one of these oddities was the disappearance of Saturn for almost a dozen years. All this time he was considered dead. Not so long ago, to the amazement of the public, Saturn was discovered, washed and handed over to the family for painting. All this time he was homeless and lived under the bridge. Today Saturn cannot work anywhere due to the fact that fucking does not understand, being in a state of endless insanity, and all available pennies are spent on medicines. Since last year, compassionate fans from all over the world have opened a fundraiser to support the existence of Saturn. The first benefactor, by the way, was Chris Jericho, who transferred 10,000 dollars.

Perry Saturn today:

Scott Steiner then:

Scott Steiner today (performing to this day):

Bam Bam Bigelow,Diamond Dallas Pageand the Canyon then:

Diamond Dallas Page retired in 2006 and is today an established and successful yoga and gymnastics coach. Bam Bam Bigelow retired in 2002 due to head and back injuries, and has since lived on analgesics. When the analgesics stopped numbing the pain, he switched to cocaine, from an overdose of which he died in 2007. Canyon (openly gay, by the way) suffered from manic-depressive psychosis due to head injuries and abuse of analgesics and committed suicide in 2010.

Diamond Dallas Page today:

Mike Osom and Sean Ohair:

The same as with the Canyon. Both committed suicide in the mid-2000s.

Connan and Juventud Guirrero then:

Connan (retired 2010) and Juventud Guirrero (continues to this day) today:

Kurt Hennig then:

He died of a cocaine overdose in 2003.

Vampiro then:

Vampiro today:

Wall and Randy Savage then:

Both died of heart attacks in 2003 and 2011, respectively

Brian Adams and Brian Clarke then:

Brian Adams retired in 2003. Until 2007, he lived on the accumulated money, as well as on medical insurance payments. In 2007 he died of a steroid overdose.

Brian Clark today:

Scott Hall then:

Scott Hall today:

Stevie Rae and Booker Tee then:

Stevie Rae Today (retired 2003):

Booker Tee today (retired 2013; todayWWE commentator):

Chris Candido then:

On April 24, 2005, in another duel, he broke his big and small tibia... The next day, he went to the hospital, where his bones were strengthened with steel plates and screws were inserted into his leg.
On April 28, 2005, Candido passed away. The cause of death was a blood clot after the operation.

Lance Storm then:

Lens Storm today (performs to this day):

Alex Wright (Berlin) and Disco Inferno then:

Alex Wright (Berlin) today (retired 2001):

Disco Inferno today:

Roddy Piper then:

Died of a heart attack in 2015.

The Pole Warrior then:

Died of a heart attack in 2014

Sting and Rick Steiner then:

Sting today (retired in 2015):

Rick Steiner today:

Bill Goldberg then:

He ended his career in 2003, after which there were persistent rumors about his debut in MMA, which, alas, did not materialize. In 2016, he returned to wrestling for an unprecedented (rumored) cash fees.

Bill Goldberg today:

Buff Bagwell then:

In 1998, Bagwell suffered a neck fracture from Rick Steiner. Then it was believed that his career would end there. However, a miracle happened: Bagwell not only recovered, but in 1999 he returned to active performances. In 2012, Bagwell survived a heart attack and lay under artificial lung ventilation for three days. But again a miracle happened - Bagwell survived. But the biggest miracle is that after heart attacks and fractures of the neck, having today several steel plates in his head, he, although occasionally, but ... continues to perform.

Buff Bagwell Today:

Billy Kidman and Psychosis then:

Billy Kidman and Psychosis Today:

Hulk Hogan then:

Hulk Hogan today:

Kevin Nash then and today:

In the tenths, Nash contracted blood poisoning from one untreated injury. But it seems that this does not greatly interfere with his life.

This is how many wrestling stars from the Fomenkovo ​​times ended unenviable!

If you grew up in the 90s, you hardly missed a TV show like wrestling. And you probably know these people. Moreover, you love them and recall with nostalgia those times when you were looking forward to the evening and night to take another look at your favorite wrestlers.

Here is a list of, in our opinion, the coolest wrestlers of those times:

Hulk Hogan

The peak of popularity reached in the mid-1980s - early 1990s. In 2005, he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. He is a 12-time world heavyweight champion.

Actively participates in public life. Divorced. Has a daughter, Brooke (the singer who hosts her show) and a son, Nick. In 2009, Hogan was engaged to Jennifer McDaniel.


He became famous for his performances in World Championship Wrestling in the 90s of the XX century and TNA from 2006 to 2014. During his career, Borden has won 23 belts in various federations.

It is noteworthy that the rights to the pseudonym Sting originally belonged to Borden, and not to the famous British musician. He later bought them out.


From 1997 to 2001 he played in WCW, and in 2003-2004 he played in WWE. He is the owner of the longest winning streak in wrestling history 173-0 (1997-1998).

In the following years, from 2001 to 2003 and from 2004 to 2006, Goldberg appeared in various wrestling competitions. Coming off the wrestling platform, he focused on his acting career, starring in several feature films... He also hosts Bullrun on SpikeTV.


Since 2011, he has been working for WWE again, occasionally performing mainly on the Raw brand. He is an eight-time WWF / E champion, two-time WCW Heavyweight Champion, two-time WWF Intercontinental Champion and five-time WWF Tag Team Champion. He is also the sixth Triple Crown champion and winner of the 2000 Battle Royale.

Kevin Nash

He has competed in the World Wrestling Federation / Entertainment, World Championship Wrestling and Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. In the ring, Nash performed under different names but is best known by its own. Visited WWE nearly ten years later - unexpectedly stepping out as a combatant at Battle Royale in 2011.

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