Home Roses Fried sturgeon steaks recipe. Fried sturgeon steak. Sturgeon stuffed with mushrooms

Fried sturgeon steaks recipe. Fried sturgeon steak. Sturgeon stuffed with mushrooms

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Sturgeon with sour cream. To prepare this dish we need: 600 grams of sturgeon, two tablespoons of full-fat sour cream, parsley and dill and salt to taste. We clean the sturgeon pieces from cartilage and bone plates, salt, sprinkle with pepper and place in a frying pan. Lubricate the fish with sour cream, pour in 0.5 cups of water, put 50 grams of butter and put in the oven, temperature up to 180 degrees for 30 minutes. When baking, the sturgeon needs to be watered with the juice that is released.

I haven't tried it yet)))

You can also bake sturgeon with potatoes and mayonnaise.
For this dish we need 500-600 grams of sturgeon without skin, one kilogram of potatoes, five tomatoes, one hundred grams of cheese, 50 grams of butter, mayonnaise, salt, pepper. Salt and pepper the fish pieces. Peel the potatoes and cut into circles. Cut the tomatoes into circles. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Take a baking dish. Grease with butter. Place potatoes in it, salt and sprinkle with pepper. Place the whole prepared sturgeon on the potatoes. Place the tomatoes on the fish and the remaining potatoes on top. Lubricate everything on top with mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 35 minutes.

Whole baked stuffed sturgeon.
To prepare whole baked sturgeon, we will need the following products: two kilogram sturgeon, two carrots, one egg, four potatoes, one onion, one lemon, one red pepper, 300 grams of red currants, one can of olives, a pack of gelatin for fish aspic, one a tablespoon of flour, parsley, dill, lettuce, salt, ground pepper, sour cream, in the amount of 50 grams.
First we need to prepare the base for our fish. To do this, place greens on a wide dish (it will look like seaweed), cut seahorses from boiled carrots and potatoes, starfish, spread on a dish between the greens, then prepare the jelly according to the instructions on the package, pour into the dish and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
Next, let's make the filling for the fish. To do this, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into small cubes, add a little salt and simmer everything. Boil the potatoes in salted water, mash, adding flour, a raw egg, finely chopped green onions. Lay it out in layers, first the potatoes, then stewed carrots with onions and finely chopped dill.
Clean the sturgeon from the entrails, rinse well, salt the inside, put the filling inside the fish and sew up the sturgeon's belly with culinary thread. Place the fish on a baking sheet and place in the oven, temperature up to 200 degrees. The sturgeon needs to be baked for 50 minutes. The baked sturgeon, after it has cooled, should be placed on a dish with jellied vegetables, and then decorated with sour cream, olives, and red currants. Baked sturgeon in such a frame looks simply amazing and the taste is indescribable!

Sturgeon baked whole on a bed of onions.
I’ll tell you a simple and proven, not only by me, recipe for preparing sturgeon.
We need gutted sturgeon 1.5-1.7 kg, vegetable oil 4 tbsp. butter 50g, onion 500g, coarse salt 4 tbsp. ground black pepper.
We gut the sturgeon carcass, wash it, and wipe it dry with paper towels. Solim coarse salt very generously (don’t be afraid to over-salt) and leave to salt for 1-1.5 hours at room temperature.
Let's prepare the "bed". To do this, cut 500g of peeled onion into rings and place it on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil only in the place where the sturgeon will lie.
We wash the salted sturgeon and wipe it dry with paper towels. Place the sturgeon carcass on the onion. Lubricate the top of the sturgeon with vegetable oil. Place in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. After twenty minutes, take out the baking sheet, grease the sturgeon with butter, salt the onion to taste, and put it back in the oven for 10 minutes.

When the time is up, remove from the oven and place on a plate. suitable size, serve to the table.

To prepare sturgeon fish soup, we need two to three liters of water, half a kilogram of sturgeon, four potatoes, one head onions, one carrot, five black peppercorns, two bay leaves, lemon juice, fresh dill, a little salt.
Let's talk about the method of preparing fish soup. We clean the fish, gut it and remove the gills. Then wash the fish thoroughly and cut it in large pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice.
We peel and wash the potatoes and carrots, cut them into cubes, and peel the onions. Place the vegetables in boiling water and boil for ten to fifteen minutes.
After this, add fish pieces, black peppercorns, Bay leaf, salt, cook all these ingredients at low temperature until fully cooked.
From the cooked fish soup we take out the onion and bay leaves. Add chopped herbs to the soup and let the soup sit for another five minutes. Now the soup is ready, you can serve it by pouring it into bowls.

Now a little about cooking fried sturgeon. To do this, we will prepare the following ingredients - half a kilogram of sturgeon, some breadcrumbs, forty grams of vegetable oil (sunflower), herbs, pepper, salt.
Now about cooking fried sturgeon. Cut the fish into portions, rub it with salt, sprinkle with pepper, roll in breadcrumbs. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, put the prepared fish in the oil and fry on both sides until a crispy crust forms.
Perfect as a side dish for this dish. boiled rice, boiled pasta or fried potatoes.


You can make an excellent kebab from sturgeon. For this we need three or four heads of onions, one kilogram of sturgeon, one lemon, pepper, fresh herbs and ground black pepper.
And now a little about the actual preparation of sturgeon kebab. We process the sturgeon, wash it and cut it into about thirty to forty gram pieces, sprinkle the fish with salt, season with pepper, add chopped onion. cut the lemon into thin slices and put it in the refrigerator for about forty minutes so that the fish can marinate thoroughly.
Then we take the fish out of the refrigerator, shake it off the marinade and thread the pieces of fish onto skewers (it is best to use wooden skewers for these purposes, previously soaked for an hour in water so as not to burn on the coals, but if not, use ordinary metal skewers). Fry the fish on coals. Keep in mind that fish doesn't take as long to cook as meat does, so don't leave it too long. After the sturgeon kebabs are cooked, remove the pieces of fish from the skewers and place them on a large beautiful dish, decorate beautifully with onions, previously cut into thin rings, sprigs of fresh herbs, and thinly sliced ​​lemon slices.
This kebab is great to cook outdoors, with friends or relatives. And in addition to pleasant company and great taste, you will receive many useful nutrients which are found in fish.

Thanks for the recipes :)

Great recipes, I’ll definitely try to cook something today

Thanks for the recipes

Thank you! Great recipes, I’ll start making them now

Thank you very much for the recipes.

Thanks for the recipes!,

Thanks for the ideas

Awesome fried today!, Thank you

Soft and dense, but at the same time tender, sturgeon meat has an incredible taste and an almost complete absence of small bones. Since ancient times, this has been one of the mandatory and favorite dishes on the royal table. Fortunately, such a delicacy is now available to us, simple serfs. I offer you three options for preparing sturgeon - whole, in pieces and in the form of steaks fried in a frying pan.

Kitchenware: cutting board, garlic press, baking sheet, knife, thick thread or skewer, bowl.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. On top of the thick skin, the sturgeon is covered with slippery mucus that needs to be washed off. To do this, rinse it, without cutting it, under a tap with warm water and lightly scrub with a brush or dishwashing sponge with an abrasive surface.
  2. We rip open the belly. We clean the insides and be sure to remove the gills. There is no need to remove the skin, because thanks to it and the spines the fish will look royal on the table. For the same reason we leave the head and fins. After baking, the skin will become soft, and removing it in a plate will not be difficult.
  3. Peel 4-5 medium onions and cut into arbitrary medium-sized pieces or half rings. Pass the peeled head of garlic through a garlic press or finely chop it. Put everything in a bowl.
  4. We cut the zest from three to four lemons, depending on the size. We also cut them into small pieces and place them in a bowl. Season with black and white ground pepper and sprinkle in a couple of teaspoons of salt.
  5. We wash bunches of dill, green onions and parsley under the tap. Chop and put in a bowl. Pour in about a third of a glass of vegetable or olive oil and mix everything together well.
  6. Lightly rub the inside of the fish with salt. Place the onion-lemon mince in it. We sew the belly with a thick thread or fasten it with a skewer. You can fasten it in several places with toothpicks, and to be sure, tie it with thread.
  7. Cut the remaining lemons into rings. We make a pillow from the part on a greased baking sheet and lay out the sturgeon. Lightly salt the skin and place some of the lemons on top of the fish, and leave some for serving.
  8. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180-190°, for about 1.5 hours. When half the time has passed, lubricate the skin with oil so that after baking it acquires a beautiful shine.
  9. We take out our beauty, decorate with fresh herbs and the remaining lemon and place it in the very center of the table.

Video recipe

See how tasty and quickly you can cook whole sturgeon in the oven in the video recipe.

Cooking options

A very tasty sturgeon is obtained if it is stuffed with mushrooms and croutons.. To do this, you need to fry 700-800 g of champignons cut into pieces with two or three chopped onions and cool. Cut three to four slices white bread small cubes, dry in a frying pan or in the oven and add to the mushrooms. Salt, pepper and stuff the gutted fish. Tighten with threads, place on a greased baking sheet and bake for 1-1.5 hours.

Cooking time: about an hour.
Number of servings: 4.
Kitchenware: foil, cutting board, baking dish or baking sheet, knife.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe

How to cook sturgeon in the oven in pieces, see step by step recipe on video.

Cooking options

  • To receive immediately and delicious fish, and side dish, take potatoes at the rate of two or three pieces per serving.
  • Peel and cut the tubers as you like. As a rule, these are thick straws or slices.
  • Mix potatoes with mayonnaise or sour cream, as well as with salt and spices. You can even add some minced garlic.
  • Separately, marinate the sturgeon pieces for 20 minutes in sour cream or mayonnaise sauce with fish spices, salt and squeezed lemon juice.
  • Place the potatoes on a baking sheet lined with foil or in a mold, and sturgeon on top.
  • Bake for 40 minutes at 180-190°.
  • Decorate with parsley sprigs and serve with vegetable salad.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Number of servings: 2-3.
Kitchenware: frying pan, knife, spatula, cutting board, bowl or vessel, plate, paper towels.


Sturgeon1 PC.
Lemon1 PC.
Saltof necessity
Parsley, green onionsfor filing
Vegetable oilfor frying
Ground pepper (black and white)taste
Flour1 stack
Butter30-40 g

Step-by-step preparation

  1. First of all, the sturgeon needs to be gutted. To do this, we rip open the belly and take out all the insides. Cut off the fins, head and tail. But we do this in such a way that there is a little pulp left on them, since then it will be possible to cook fish soup from them. Don't forget to remove the gills from the head.
  2. We wash the carcass under the tap. Dry with paper towels and cut into steaks 2-3 centimeters thick.
  3. Salt all the pieces on each side, season with white and black pepper and mix with your hands to distribute the spices over the entire surface. You can add a few other seasonings: dried garlic, white mustard, marjoram, thyme. Leave to marinate for about 20 minutes.
  4. A couple of minutes before frying, sprinkle with juice squeezed from half a lemon.
  5. Pour a glass of flour into a deep bowl. Roll each piece in it on all sides. You can also add some spices to the flour.
  6. Heat the pan well. Pour vegetable oil into the bottom and melt 30-40 g of butter in it. From such a mixture Fried fish it will turn out much tastier.
  7. Place the fish in well-heated oil so that the crust sets immediately. Fry over medium heat for about 4 minutes until golden brown and turn over to the other side. The second side will take a little less time, so after 2-3 minutes a beautiful crust will form on it, and you can put the steaks on a plate.

What to serve with

The most correct, in my opinion, side dish for fried sturgeon and other fish is mashed potatoes. But you can just cut a couple of fresh tomatoes into slices, season with pepper and salt, pour over oil and sprinkle with finely chopped dill. And sprinkle the steaks themselves with chopped green onions and garnish with parsley leaves.

Sturgeon is a valuable breed of fish, which makes excellent delicacies and simply delicious fish dishes for everyday dinner. In this article we will tell you how to fry sturgeon in a frying pan correctly so that its tender meat does not spoil over the fire, but becomes better and tastier.

This seafood has quite a lot of advantages, for which it is so highly valued, but fish also has disadvantages, ignorance of which can cost health, or even life.

How to choose the right sturgeon

The first thing you should pay attention to is choosing a quality product. Not everyone may know that the causative agents of botulism live in sturgeon - very dangerous disease, often leading to death.

As a rule, such pathogens live in the intestines of fish, but can also get into their caviar and meat. That is why it is recommended to cut sturgeon while still alive.

Since not everyone can afford to catch fish on their own or buy it immediately after the catch from fishermen, most housewives will purchase valuable meat at the market or in a store.

You are unlikely to be able to find out how the fish was cut up at the factory (alive or long dead) and how it was processed there so that it was well preserved.

Therefore, before you buy, find out which producers in your city or region are the best in this industry, and always try to buy fish only from them in the future. Buying fish from poachers is dangerous, just like taking it from visiting fishermen and dubious sellers.

How to deliciously fry sturgeon with lemon


  • Sturgeon – 1 kg + -
  • Breadcrumbs- taste + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - taste + -
  • - for frying + -
  • Butter - for frying + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - taste + -

How to fry sturgeon in a frying pan

Frying sturgeon in a frying pan is actually simple. If you were able to buy quality product, then there will be no difficulties or problems with preparation.

You can fry sturgeon fish in different ways: with spices, in sour cream, with eggs, with citrus fruits, etc. All these ingredients only enhance the taste ready-made dish, doing valuable product even more valuable.

  1. We clean the carcass and divide it into portions.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat chicken eggs.
  3. Heat the frying pan with a mixture of oils (vegetable + butter).
  4. Roll the pieces of fish in spices, then dip them in eggs, then bread them with breadcrumbs.

If you want, before frying, you can salt the fish a little (keep it in spices and salt for 15 minutes) or dip it in the marinade for half an hour.

  1. Place the sturgeon in a heated frying pan and fry until done.

It is difficult to accurately answer the question: how many minutes should you fry sturgeon in a frying pan? Basically, it all depends on the size of your fish piece. To understand whether a sturgeon is ready or not, always pay attention to the color of its meat. The finished product has a pink tint.

  1. If you want the sturgeon to take on a more refined look, after frying in a frying pan, keep it in a preheated oven for a few minutes.
  2. Sprinkle the finished fish with finely chopped herbs, sprinkle with lemon juice and serve hot to the table.

To give the tasty delicacy more juiciness, fry pieces of fish in sour cream. To do this, simply grease the portions with sour cream (or sour cream sauce) just before frying or pour it over the fish during frying. Sturgeon will be no less tasty if you fry it with vegetables.

Since frying sturgeon in a frying pan with a layer of vegetables will take a long time, we recommend frying each ingredient of the dish separately, and then mixing everything in one plate before serving.

Pairs perfectly with sturgeon fish boiled/stewed potatoes, fried onions, carrots, fresh/ canned tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.

How to clean sturgeon at home

Cleaning sturgeon at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. This fish does not naturally have big amount scales (although some sturgeon breeds are quite scaly), but there is always a lot of mucus on its surface.

To remove everything unnecessary (and this is no more than 14% of total weight meat) – you need to know a simple, but detailed technology cleaning, this is exactly what we offer to help housewives.

Rules for cleaning sturgeon with your own hands

  1. Wash the carcass thoroughly in water. You can pour boiling water over the fish, then the mucus will be washed off and small scales will be easier to remove.
  2. Carefully cut off the fins with a knife.
  3. We rip open the fish belly and remove the caviar from it.
  4. We cut off the sturgeon's tail and head (it can later be used to prepare fish soup).
  5. We wash the fish again, then remove the lateral nerves from it. On the side you will see a light, thin “thread” - it must be carefully removed from the fish using the tip of a knife and a fingernail. We do the same with the “thread” on the other side of the carcass.
  6. We open the sturgeon like a book so that both halves are completely open, then remove the entire backbone from the fish.
  7. We cut the cleaned carcass into portions and proceed directly to its preparation (frying, boiling, baking, salting, etc.).

There is nothing complicated about how to fry sturgeon in a frying pan – there is not and cannot be. This delicate fish It is easy to prepare and is a real decoration for any meal, be it an outdoor picnic or a warm family dinner with your family.

If you are planning to cook something tasty and fishy in the near future, then be sure to use valuable white sturgeon meat for this.

Have delicious experiments and bon appetit!

Step 1: Prepare the sturgeon.

To prepare such a dish, it is very important to choose the right sturgeon. These should be pieces of clean fillet without cartilage. Initially, they must be thawed at room temperature, and then the skin must be removed. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over the fish, then pry the skin with a long knife and pull it with your fingers, carefully separating it from the fillet. Thus, we clean all the pieces of fish. Next, rinse the meat thoroughly in water and dry it a little with napkins or paper towels. Cut the sturgeon into portioned pieces, but not very small. The optimal portion is considered 5-7 centimeters wide.

Step 2: Prepare the sturgeon.

Peel the onions and wash them thoroughly. Next, cut the onion into small cubes. Heat in a frying pan over medium heat butter, then add chopped onion to it and fry it a little, stirring occasionally with a spatula. At this time, pour boiling water over the washed tomatoes and remove the skins from them, after which we cut the tomatoes into small cubes. We also add them to the frying pan, then fry the contents until the juice from the tomatoes evaporates. Pour wine into the pan and place pieces of sturgeon. Simmer them in a frying pan over low heat until the fish is completely cooked. 5-6 minutes is enough for this to fry the sturgeon on both sides until golden crisp. Next, remove the fish from the resulting sauce, and add spicy tomato sauce and the juice of one lemon, then mix the sauce thoroughly.

Step 3: Serve sturgeon Italian style.

This sturgeon must be served with pasta or other pasta. When serving, a piece of sturgeon is placed on cooked pasta mixed with grated cheese and the previously prepared sauce is generously poured over it all. This is a very tasty and quick dish.

Enjoy your meal!

In order to defrost fish faster, you can place it in a bowl of cool water. This step promotes faster thawing of products under natural conditions. The most valuable advice when cutting onions - this is wetting the knife blade and the onion itself cold water

. This measure prevents your eyes from becoming watery while working with the onion. Sturgeon is a very healthy fish for our body, rich in vitamins

and microelements. In this regard, if possible, prepare it for yourself and your children, whose growing bodies especially need calcium. How to cook sturgeon steak , simple and tasty? We bring to your attention a simple, but at the same time Very delicious recipe fried sturgeon steak in a frying pan . And so, we prepare the dish - fried sturgeon steak

. If you have a thick sturgeon steak, then you can cook it in the oven after frying.

Sturgeon steak in a frying pan

5 from 1 reviews

Fried sturgeon steak

Sturgeon steak fried in a pan

Type of dish: Fish dishes


  • Cuisine: Russian
  • Sturgeon (steak 250 g) – 1 pc., olive oil
  • – 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • lemon juice - ½ lemon,
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.,
  • flour – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • pepper,
  • salt,

vegetable oil for frying.

  1. Preparation
  2. Salt and pepper the sturgeon steak and marinate in a mixture of olive oil and juice from half a lemon. Place in a cool place for 30 minutes. After this time, roll the sturgeon in flour, dip in lightly whipped, and then back into flour.
  3. Fry the sturgeon steak over a hot vegetable oil on both sides until done.
  4. Please note that thick steak can be cooked in the oven.

Bon appetit! Fried sturgeon steak

How to cook sturgeon steak, simply and tasty? We bring to your attention a simple, but at the same time very tasty recipe for fried sturgeon steak in a frying pan. And so, we prepare a fish dish - fried sturgeon steak. If you have a thick sturgeon steak, then you can cook it in the oven after frying. Sturgeon steak in a frying pan 5 from 1 reviews Fried sturgeon steak Print Sturgeon steak fried in a frying pan Author: Cook Type of dish: Fish dishes Cuisine: Russian Ingredients Sturgeon (steak 250 g) – 1 pc., olive oil – 3 tbsp. . spoons, lemon juice - ½ lemon, chicken egg...

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