Home Beneficial properties of fruits July 1st is Memorial Day. Russia can be proud of hundreds of thousands of combat veterans. Operations worldwide

July 1st is Memorial Day. Russia can be proud of hundreds of thousands of combat veterans. Operations worldwide

Singer Pelageya gave birth to a child for her husband, CSK hockey player Telegin. On January 21, the first child was born star couple, and she is a beautiful and healthy girl.


On the day of the birth of his daughter, Telegin participated in the KHL All-Star Game, held in Ufa. ABOUT happy event the young father already knew, and during the break his colleagues in an original way they congratulated him: they rolled a tumbler figure onto the ice of the stadium. Ivan thanked his team and said that he was incredibly happy about the addition to the family, and his wife and daughter were doing great.

It is known that the baby received the beautiful name Taisiya.

About the relationship between the singer and the hockey player

In the summer of 2016, Pelageya married Ivan Telegin. The celebration was quite modest for show business stars; only relatives were invited to it.

Almost immediately after the wedding, rumors began to appear in the press that Pelageya was pregnant, but she herself did not comment on such articles. However, when the rounded belly became noticeable, the fact that the star was expecting a child became known to the public.

For the 30-year-old singer, Taisiya became the first-born, while Ivan already has a child from a previous relationship.

Well, let's wish the young mother and her baby health and happiness.

0 March 9, 2017, 09:30

Yesterday, March 8, the guest of the festive edition of the “Evening Urgant” program was the singer, mentor of several seasons of the shows “The Voice” and “The Voice. Children” - sunny Pelageya, who appeared in public for the first time after giving birth.

At the end of January, the 30-year-old artist for the first time: the singer gave birth to her husband, 25-year-old hockey player Ivan Telegin, daughter Taisia. The star prefers not to talk about her personal life (she doesn’t even have accounts on social networks!), but for Ivan Urgant’s show the artist made an exception, talking on Channel One about her everyday life as a young mother.

According to Pelageya, caring for a child is not easy for her, especially since they do not have a nanny, but the singer does not lose heart:

I sleep poorly, little, for two hours at a time, I can practically stand. There is no nanny, I am alone with her, we are left alone - she has colic.

The artist calls herself a lazy mother:

I'm a lazy mother. I didn’t go for a walk until recently. The hardest thing for me is walking for two hours with a stroller. Other mothers put me out on the balcony, I don’t have a balcony, unfortunately, I would put it out and not walk,

- Pelageya admitted with a laugh.

But the singer willingly works with her daughter: shows her black and white pictures for stimulation visual perception, sings songs. The girl is growing up very smart: Pelageya believes that little Taisiya is ahead of her peers in development - she already holds her head up and tries to speak, she manages to pronounce quite articulate sounds.

The star also spoke about her daughter’s character:

She is very strict. When she was still in my stomach, I saw her on an ultrasound - she was super gloomy, I was already afraid of her and understood that I needed to treat my daughter with a little respect and care.

And externally the girl is a copy of her dad:

She looks a lot like her dad, just like her, but without the beard. When we watch hockey with her, I put on her dad’s uniform, only small,

- Pelageya noted.

Let us remind you that on June 16, Pelageya and hockey player Ivan Telegin played a secret game, inviting only their closest friends to the Kutuzovsky registry office. The couple's romance lasted only a few months before the wedding - for the sake of the singer, the athlete left common-law wife and a small child.

Photo Images from the program "Evening Urgant"

A charming, sincere and smiling girl, Pelageya is a famous folk singer in Russia and abroad. She has a unique deep voice and incredible charisma. You can hear romances, folk and original songs performed by her. In her biography and personal life there is no dark spots. She open man and is happy to share with her fans photographs of her husband and child, and talks about her experiences and achievements.

Pelageya Khanova in her young years achieved great heights in show business. But with her perseverance, hard work, vocal and external abilities, this is not at all surprising.


In 1986, Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova was born into a family of musicians in Novosibirsk. I gave this name to the girl dear grandmother, but the registry office thought differently and decided that the newborn’s name would be Polina. In fact, the workers simply assumed that Pelageya and Polina are the same name, only the first is outdated, but the second is modern and sonorous. Pelageya was able to officially return her name only when it was time to apply for a passport. Pelageya's surname is Khanova and she got it from her stepfather; she never communicated with her father and does not know him.

Pelageya’s mother was a fairly popular and famous jazz singer. But, unfortunately, she lost her voice due to illness. She continued to build her career on the theater stage. She worked as a director and taught acting.

Little Pelageya with her mother

A native Siberian, Pelageya grew up as a very gifted child. The girl learned to read very early, when she was only three years old, she read her first novel “Gargantua and Pantagruel” by Rabelais, and at the age of ten she was already carried away by “The Master and Margarita” and mastered reading it from cover to cover. The future singer developed in a creative direction from a very young age, and this was primarily facilitated by her mother.

My mother taught vocals to her daughter; she can safely be called her first teacher. And all because they were afraid to harm the voice of the future singer, to spoil her wide range.

The beginning of a creative journey

Pelageya began to take her first steps to Olympus of glory at the age of 4. But it was just a performance staged by the teachers kindergarten. The first appearance on stage was successful. The young talent Pelageya fell in love with the stage with all her heart, 4 years after her first appearance on the stage, she was enrolled in a special music school at the city conservatory in hometown, Novosibirsk.

Pelageya began performing at the age of 4

Pelageya felt comfortable on stage and gave high-quality and colorful performances. Soon, this attracted the attention of the famous musician Dmitry Revyakin. Having heard the performance of the little singer, the artist immediately approached her with an offer to participate in the then famous and very popular project “ morning Star" He made the right decision; Pelageya won the title of “best performer” folk song in Russia 1996" and a laureate of a prestigious competition.

Then the career of the little girl Pelageya, whose talent no one doubted, quickly went up. She performed at the competition “Young Talents of Siberia”, “New Names of the Planet”, and also became a member of the KVN team from NSU University. Pelagia was entrusted with singing at the trilateral summit for the presidents of Russia, France and Germany. When the concert was over, the head of France, Jacques Chérac, praised the girl and said that she was undoubtedly worthy of the title of Russian Edith Piaf.

Pelageya in her youth and now

Pelageya, despite her achievements, which are associated with creative activity, never put school studies in the background. She even managed to graduate as an external student; at the age of 14 she graduated and received a certificate. Then she entered Russian Academy theatrical art in Moscow. And in the same 1999, Pelageya became the lead singer of the group, which was named after her.

Group "Pelageya"

With the advent of 2000, changes occurred in Pelageya’s life, her measured life, where studying was mainly present, has changed. The singer started real life performers, at a very lively pace. Touring gave way to studio work, recording new songs, searching for lyrics and music for those same songs, vocal lessons, and so on in a circle.

In 2003, the debut retrospective album of the same name was released. It included the most recognizable songs: “Lyubo, brothers, lyubo”, “Cossack”, and others. In 2004, Pelageya tried herself in an unusual role as an actress and starred in a series called “Yesenin”. Two years after the release of the first album, Pelageya graduated from the academy with excellent marks and received a honors diploma.

Singer in the group "Pelageya"

In 2006, an autobiography film about the singer was published, it told about her life and creative path, it was called “Wunderkinds”. To date, Pelageya has released 6 albums, and the seventh is on the way. Not all of her works were published on media; Pelageya’s repertoire includes dozens of romances. But she fulfills them only at a price.

But not all of the singer’s work was greeted with open arms by her fans and critics. For example studio album“Girl Songs,” which included 12 compositions, evoked very mixed emotions among the public. One of the most widely read and authoritative Rolling Stones magazines rated Pelageya’s work as a singer 4 out of 5, and critics were not at all flattering about the performance, calling it “discolored and withered.”


In 2012, Pelageya joined the jury of a vocal talent show called “The Voice”. She sat in the judges' chair, and her partners were Agutin, Gradsky and Bilan. Over the three seasons of the project, Pelageya was able to win honorable 2nd and 3rd places together with her protégés.

Personal life

It is very rare to see at least some information in the media with a negative connotation about Pelageya’s personal life, husband and child. Her biography is very measured, and Pelageya herself does not look like a person with a quarrelsome character. There were two official marriages in her life.

With her first husband, Dmitry Efimovich, her marriage was officially registered in 2010. Pelageya took her husband's surname. But the family idyll between the singer and director lasted “ Comedy Woman“not for long, only 2 years.

The artist with her husband

4 years after the divorce from her first husband, information appeared in the media that Pelageya had a man; at that time it was about Ivan Telegin. Gossip and rumors were constantly fueled, the couple was often seen together at various events. Everyone’s doubts disappeared when Pelageya was spotted at the 2016 World Hockey Championship along with the wives and lovers of the national team’s hockey players. The singer was accused of taking Ivan away from the family where there was a newborn child.

But despite the evil tongues, on June 16, 2016, Pelageya and Ivan Telegin got married. The wedding was hidden behind seven locks. Only the closest and dearest couples were invited to the celebration and celebration. Immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds went to Honeymoon to Greece.

Yours interesting situation Pelageya hid it almost until the very end. And only in recent months, fans declassified it, but the singer’s rounded belly was already clearly visible there. On January 21, 2017, Ivan and Pelageya became parents. A daughter was born, who was called rare and beautiful name Taisiya.

Pelageya with her tiny daughter

Despite the fact that Pelageya recently became a mother, everything is wonderful in her personal life, she has a husband and a child, she does not leave the stage.

Just 1 month after she was sent home with her child from the maternity hospital, the singer was already performing on stage. She appeared at Crocus City Hall at the anniversary of Nikolai Rastorguev and sang with him.

Also in the same year, together with famous actor Nagiyev, Pelageya hosted the concert. It was dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the show “The Voice”.

Social media

IN in social networks Pelageya is not active, although she is registered in almost all the most popular ones. She has only 4 thousand subscribers on Instagram, she does not spoil her fans with photographs, only 11 posts have been published. One gets the impression that the page is not hers personally, but a group of the same name.

On July 1, Russia celebrates a memorable date - Combat Veterans Day. And although it does not yet have official status, every year it becomes more and more famous in our country. Since 2009 this holiday also called “Day of Remembrance and Sorrow of Combat Veterans.”

This is a day of remembrance for everyone who fought for Russia, no matter in what wars or armed conflicts, fulfilling his duty to protect the Motherland. As a tribute to them - the veterans who live next to us, and to the memory of those who are no longer alive.

The idea of ​​creating a single holiday among combat veterans who took part in numerous wars and armed conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries has been circulating for a long time. And they began to celebrate it informally at the beginning of the 21st century. This was caused by their desire to gather on one day, not tied to this or that event of the numerous wars in which they were destined to become participants (at present in our country there are separate memorable dates– Days military glory and other holidays dedicated to the history of specific military operations).

And so, in 2009, July 1 was celebrated as a day of remembrance for all participants in hostilities that took place after 1945 (and this is fighting in Afghanistan and Chechnya, in many countries Latin America, Asia and Africa), more than 3,000 veterans voted. This was recorded in a special document, and an appeal was sent to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to officially establish such a Day. However, this issue has not yet been resolved, since, according to the authorities, such a holiday already exists - its function is performed on February 15 (the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed official duty outside the Fatherland).

But the initiators new date do not give up - they are sure that all veterans should have their own common date, not wanting to confuse the date of the end of the Afghan war and honoring other veterans. And, for example, unlike June 22 (the day the Great Patriotic War), it should be dedicated to local conflicts. This will allow you to maintain the specificity of the dates. We all remember and honor the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, of whom there are fewer and fewer every year. But in our country there remain many relatively young veterans who risked their lives and health in the interests of the Motherland after Great Victory above Nazi Germany. They also deserve recognition and respect.

Therefore, a separate date will be an occasion to congratulate not only the military, but also employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, as well as other participants in combat operations who are not military personnel, on Combat Veterans Day, and for all of them to once again get together and remember their fallen comrades.

It must be said that, despite the lack of official status, July 1, Combat Veterans Day is already celebrated in an organized manner in a number of Russian regions. For example, in Moscow, the traditional meeting place for veterans of all years, places, and countries of hostilities is Poklonnaya Gora, where commemorative events begin with laying flowers at the memorial to the internationalist soldier, and then a cultural program is organized with the participation of famous artists.

In other cities, event participants also begin this day by laying wreaths to Eternal Flame, to monuments to internationalist soldiers and other memorials. In addition, in Lately this date is receiving increasing attention and resources mass media, which also contributes to the recognition and spread of the holiday. At the same time, regional authorities in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation also support the very idea of ​​holding the Day of Veterans of Combat Actions and Local Conflicts.

Since July 1, 2009, the tradition of celebrating the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow of Combat Veterans, or simply the Day of Combat Veterans, has taken root in Russia. However government authorities in 2010, another date was approved - February 15 - the anniversary of the beginning of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. In the official calendar, this is the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland or the Day of Internationalist Soldiers.

Attitude to Afghan war and the decision to leave Afghanistan in Russia is ambiguous. The leadership of the Russian Federation has a positive attitude towards this event and is trying to give it legitimacy in the eyes of Russians and those who went through that terrible war. However, with all due respect to the “Afghans,” February 15 is not a very “correct” date in relation to participants in hostilities in other states.

Operations worldwide

In addition to Afghanistan, Soviet troops took part in countless foreign missions in dozens of countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America after World War II. In particular, divisions Soviet army and force units special purpose carried out combat missions in Korea (1950–1953), Hungary (1956), Laos (1960–1970), Yemen (1961–1969), Cuba (1962), Algeria (1962–1964), Vietnam (1961–1974), Czechoslovakia (1968) , Syria (1967–1973), Angola (1975–1979), Mozambique (1967–1969, 1975–1979), Cambodia (1970), Bangladesh (1972–1973), Lebanon (1982) and other countries of the world.

Since the late 1980s, our country has faced serious internal threats: there was an explosion of separatist sentiments and nationalism in the republics of the USSR. Soviet troops were forced to react to the events in Baku (1988–1990), attempts to overthrow governments in the Baltic states (1990). In the first years after the collapse of the USSR, the peacekeeping efforts of the Russian Federation helped save tens of thousands of lives in Transnistria, Abkhazia and Tajikistan.

In the 1990s Russian army and special forces had to put out fires in Chechnya and Dagestan. In August 2008 in South Ossetia Moscow carried out an operation to “enforce peace” against the unruly Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. In February-March, the “little green men” protected Crimeans from aggression from Ukraine. Since September 2015, Russia has been carrying out a military mission in Syria - the first large-scale foreign operation since the disappearance of the USSR.

Nowadays, new threats have appeared on the western borders of the Russian Federation, in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Central Asia. A difficult situation remains in the North Caucasus, where special forces (GRU and FSB detachments) are waging both covert and open struggle against the gangster underground. In addition, if Western media reports are to be believed, Russian special services are involved in the liquidation of field commanders who fled from Chechnya to the countries of the Middle East. It is likely that today Russia continues to search for and destroy bandits.

Something to be proud of

According to Russian legislation, combat veterans are recognized as former or current employees of law enforcement agencies who participated in operations on the territory of the USSR, Russia and almost 50 foreign countries. With the exception of WWII veterans, these are hundreds of thousands of people, most of who is now on a well-deserved rest. An important addition to the legislation was recently introduced at the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin: participants in the Syrian campaign received the status of combat veterans.

On July 1, in large Russian cities, veterans and citizens who care about the history of the country pay tribute to the memory of fallen soldiers. As a rule, wreaths and flowers are brought to the Eternal Flame, monuments to internationalist soldiers and others memorial complexes. In Moscow, the gathering center for veterans is Poklonnaya Hill.

Huge contribution to ensuring national security contributed by fighters better known as members of the Alpha anti-terrorism unit. The glorious history of special forces includes operations in Afghanistan, Jordan, Israel, Cuba, Switzerland, France, Great Britain, Canada and the USA. Group “A” regularly fulfilled its duty in the North Caucasus: it captured the leader of the “army of Dzhokhar Dudayev” Salman Raduev and destroyed him. and also freed hostages in a Beslan school.

The President of the Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terror unit, Sergei Goncharov, believes that Combat Veterans Day should unite post-Soviet countries, like May 9. “Victory Day, unfortunately, is the only holiday reminiscent of general history. They are more proud of nothing else, and, of course, this is unfair. After all, glorious feats of arms soviet soldiers committed not only during the period of the fight against Nazism,” said RP Goncharov.

Memorial event. Photo: Mikhail Japaridze/TASS

According to him, veterans of military operations in Soviet and post-Soviet times did something that young people can and should be proud of. “The last one is, naturally, ensuring the process of reunification of Crimea with Russia. “Polite people helped Crimeans make a free choice and not at gunpoint.” The brilliant operation of our guys is a grandiose undertaking, the fruits of which we will remember for a long time,” Goncharov noted.

RP’s interlocutor is confident that the lightning-fast and professional actions of “polite people” will someday become a legend. Goncharov believes that July 1 is a day for those who know how to do “a man’s work” and remember what an officer’s honor and dignity are. Goncharov hopes that Russian security forces will eventually be able to restore complete order in the troubled North Caucasus.

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