Home Beneficial properties of fruits iPhone 5s which color is more practical. New feature using fingerprints

iPhone 5s which color is more practical. New feature using fingerprints

Even the most expensive equipment can begin to malfunction over time. Violation of operating conditions or improper handling of communication devices can lead to the gadget freezing or complete unsuitability for further use. If a black screen appears on your iPhone 4, 5, 5s, 6, perform an emergency reboot of your smartphone or seek help from qualified specialists and swipe full diagnostics equipment.

When turned on mobile phone Does the iPhone program freeze or does the device screen remain black?

Common causes of display problemsiPhone4, 5, 5s, 6

  • liquid has entered the device;
  • the display cable is worn out;
  • software malfunctions;
  • the processor or motherboard burned out;
  • the battery is completely discharged or a low-quality battery is used;
  • the breakdown occurred as a result of a fall or mechanical damage to the integrity of the screen.

How to independently determine the complexity of a breakdown?

Several faults together can cause the gadget to become completely unusable. If the phone allows you to receive calls and perform other tasks, but the darkened screen does not visualize the image, the causes of the breakdown should be looked for in the hardware, and not in software. Application freezes and operating system crashes can be fixed by reinstalling the software.

Screen Troubleshooting MethodsiPhone4, 5, 5s, 6

  1. Simultaneously pressing and then holding the “Sleep” (unlock key at the top of the smartphone) and “Home” (the largest button on the phone) buttons for 10 seconds will lead to an emergency reboot of the device. The screen will light up and the Apple logo will appear.

When rebooting, the "Apple" logo appears

This method is applicable for devices of the 4G, Gs, 3G, 2G series.

  1. A damaged display (cracks, scratches) must be replaced.
  2. A device exposed to moisture requires careful cleaning of the contacts to remove corrosive deposits.
  3. Smartphones with burnt-out microcircuits need to resolder the most important control units.

A black phone screen may also be the result of a more serious problem. In this case, to promptly diagnose the problem, contact service center already at the first signs of improper functioning of the gadget.

black or white iPhone 5s

It happens to every person that after a purchase you find out that there is exactly the same thing, but in a different light, that you like better. Now you will have a question between the lights. What kind of light should I take? But everyone chooses either according to their lifestyle or the light of their clothes, eyes, etc. And this applies to almost any thing and even the choice of phone Apple.

This phone has already entered our daily life as irreplaceable in any life situation, having established itself as a powerful, multifunctional device. Some people really cannot live without help, which will help you sort all the trash into shelves and folders. For most users iPhone 5s in most cases it is used as a player, but for some it helps to solve multifunctional tasks, not to mention, a calendar for planning tasks. But still, when buying, you think about what kind of light to take, even though there are not many of them (black, white, gold).

black and white iphone 5s

The devices are externally the same, they look the same, and the internal filling is the same, but they still have their own advantages and disadvantages. Now I will tell you about them. When you hold both lights in your hands, it is white and black.

White attracts more attention from you, as well as from those around you. Because it is bright and quickly catches the eye. When you walk down the street and take it out of your pocket, it immediately attracts the attention of passers-by with its shiny body and pronounced logo. Apple and people immediately understand what kind of phone it is.

Regarding the front, the screen very quickly stands out from the metal body of the phone, and there are metal inserts on the sides. When you choose between lights in the store, try not to forget what the white one has iPhone 5s The paint won't peel off the side because they don't paint it white.

And many might have noticed that white leaves fewer fingerprints and gets dirty much less than in black light. On the dark, as soon as you touch it, a fingerprint will remain which is very noticeable.

Iphone 5s in a white case is suitable for people who are energetic and bright people.

When choosing which light is best for you, don’t forget about dark light iPhone 5s . This light is more suitable for people who do not like to stand out from the crowd or people who do business. Since black light goes with most things from the wardrobe and blends very well with the suit. The black light will be difficult to see if your phone is sticking out of your pocket. The only drawback of the dark light is that it will start to slide off the phone. And the screen almost completely merges with the front of the case. The back of the case is made in a matte style and looks good. The body is completely painted black.

And yet, before you buy a phone, you should first go to the nearest store that sells phones. Take both devices in your hands, think about how it will look with your things and which light is more pleasant to perceive for your eyes. If you are a noseless person and often wear a jacket, then black light is your light. If you don’t care and are more in an informal setting, take white.

On September 20, sales of iPhone 5s and 5c started. Not everywhere yet, but in Russia the treasured boxes still began to appear. On Friday evening. We received one of these than . But now it's time for a full review.

iPhone 5s review

It may seem that the 5s is the same in appearance as the “five”. Looks like the same colors and shapes. The connectors and buttons are in the same places and have hardly changed. Keywords here “almost” and “sort of”. The silver model turned out to be the most similar to the previous generation. It is really difficult to distinguish it from a quick glance at the iPhone 5 and 5s lying next to each other. It's easier with the rest.

The gilded novelty screams modding. Yes, in Russia and other countries with a large number handicraft entrepreneurs long ago “invented” the gold-plated iPhone. Therefore, it is not clear to me what Lefty’s followers will do now. Unless they continue to paint the cases in other colors and will not stop covering them with leather. Looking at the assortment, I don’t think that the loss of one color will have any impact on the earnings of these respected people.

But even more surprising was the black iPhone, which is now lighter. More like grey. However, he also changed the name. It was as if this was not noticeable in the photographs, but in person the difference is striking.

On the left is iPhone 5, on the right is iPhone 5s. Usually the screen fades a little after six months to a year of use, but not in this case.

Gray aluminum suits the iPhone just like the camera frame that has gone into oblivion suits it. Now in its place is smooth glass and it’s wonderful. To the right of the eight-megapixel eye is the obligatory microphone and dual flash. No, it will not double the power of the flashlight; the flashlight only lights with one lamp. But two paired LEDs hit different light- warm and cold, which makes the shots more natural.

Last and most important external difference new items from the iPhone 5 - the “Home” button, from which the square with rounded corners has disappeared. He did this not of his own free will, but by giving way to a sensor located under the now glass button. The rest of the appearance is already known.

Touch ID

Since we’re talking about “Home” and the fingerprint sensor built into it, I won’t delay and tell you everything I know about it.

An additional security system is enabled in the settings section “General - Password and fingerprint”. Until at least a simple password is enabled, it is impossible to set the handset to unlock with the touch of a finger. That is, in fact, Touch ID only duplicates the password entry and replaces it. And now this function, in fact, only makes life easier for paranoids who like to password-protect everything around them. But more on the mechanics below. First about activation.

Before enabling the function, the phone prompts you to add up to five fingers. Its own or others, it doesn’t matter, the iPhone simply asks to introduce it to any prints that it should trust. To get to know each other better, the first date takes place from different angles. And this “Put your finger at a different angle” is very important. After all, it is not always possible to do this directly, clearly, in accordance with advance instructions. given program. Moreover, I rarely press “Home” with a finger held strictly parallel to the left and right edges of the screen. It’s just crooked, and the angle is constantly changing. But calibration, which lasts about a minute, allows you to avoid a lot of mistakes in the future.

Just think how just one touch can eliminate the tedious process of entering a password to unlock your phone! Previously, paranoids had to press “Home”, swipe the iridescent “Unlock” and tap four times on the screen. All the same is available now, for users who are especially experienced in tedious unlocking. But now it’s enough to press “Home” and leave your finger on the button. Not holding it, but just letting it lie on the button, barely touching it. This is all. The screen is unlocked, welcome to the home screen. Yes, the romance of the slider, which was so pleasing since the first pot-bellied iPhone and iOS 1.0, is disappearing. But sooner or later, for the sake of progress, in such matters you have to sacrifice even stronger habits.

It's hard for me to give up "Slide to Unlock" and I've only set a password to unlock it a couple of times. Therefore, I will not use Touch ID.

Oh yes, all the nonsense you read on the Internet. They say that Apple now collects our fingerprints this way. So what? I mean, I really don't understand the value of my finger paintings. To be more precise, even fragments of prints. Of course, there’s no way an adult’s finger will fit into the small window of the “Home” button. And I also don’t know how my prints can be used by a company located somewhere overseas. I think to make any assumptions on this matter, you need to be completely crazy.

And those especially concerned about conspiracies at Apple have already been assured that fingerprints are converted into electronic signatures, which are stored only in special sectors central processor apparatus. From there they definitely do not get to the company’s servers and from there, these signatures cannot be extracted by any hack. That is, even if attackers decide to steal someone’s fingerprints, they will have to act in the old-fashioned way - not to get into the iPhone, but to have a drink with the victim in a bar and then steal the glass, carefully wrapping it in a napkin.

Camera, processor, photo

Several years ago, when the first iPhone model appeared, Apple did not rely on the camera. Mobile photography without social networks didn't develop much. Now there is Facebook, Instagram, even Twitter with its poor, but still its own photo hosting. Professional photographers, who once preferred film, have completely switched to digital. They are not shy about saying that when there is no time to take out and set up a camera, they simply take a photo with their phone. Typically on an iPhone. People are creative. Therefore, now Apple cannot ignore buyers who care about the camera, or rather even the quality of the photos and videos it produces.

Like the iPhone 4s and 5, the 5s has an eight-megapixel camera, but traditionally slightly improved. I won’t talk about improvements that need to be measured in numbers, but I admit that I was amazed by the “Slow” shooting mode. The new product allows you to shoot FullHD video at a speed of 120 cards per second. The fresh 64-bit A7 processor works wonders and helps you record real Slo-mo right from your hand. Anyone who doesn’t know what it is has probably at least once seen athletes perform in slow motion. So, it's almost there. Only without the use of fancy cameras and insanely expensive equipment. The hero in the frame, and the cameraman with an iPhone in one hand and a Calvin Klein purse in the other - that’s all you need to shoot a “home” Slo-mo.

The new "Burst mode" photo mode isn't quite as impressive. Shooting at a frequency of 10 frames per second, the iPhone then offers to choose the most successful one. Or leave a whole series of eight-megapixel photos. I've seen this somewhere before.

The sponsor of these two relatively new camera capabilities is the A7 chip, which was praised at the presentation on September 10th. He is also responsible for the fact that iOS 7 is faster and smoother even in comparison with the iPhone 5. The creators of the handset should be thanked for it due to the ideal video sequence and the increased loading speed of any game. Even the most demanding ones, like XCOM, are almost an order of magnitude more fun on the iPhone 5s. Of course, when your favorite game doesn’t slow down, it brings you much more pleasure.

These photos were taken on an iPhone 5s:

Everything about iOS 7. The only thing left to add is the ridiculous iPhone 5s update to iOS 7.0.1, which came out immediately after the release of iOS 7.0. The update supposedly corrects some errors in the operation of the LTE module. But not for Russia.

On Friday, one of the operators spread information that Apple was allegedly blocking LTE in Russia with software. As soon as Cupertino gives the go-ahead, high-speed Internet will flow on the domestic airwaves. Then the same operator announced its readiness to distribute LTE. Only for this you need to restore your iPhone to iOS 7.0.1, after inserting a SIM card with LTE connected into the device.

Now, every time I connect my phone to my computer, I receive a prompt to update my operator settings. Every time I agree, I receive the answer “The update was successful.” And nothing. The same 3G in the top bar, the same ability to turn 3G on or off in the settings. The only good news is that sooner or later LTE will work, after which phones will turn into powerful points for distributing high-speed Internet.

Is not the only problem iOS 7. There are tons general disadvantages for all Apple phones and tablets. Already about them. But, as experience shows, critical defects in Cupertino are eliminated very quickly, and little things are “finished” throughout the entire life cycle of a separate version of the operating system.


Ultimately, Apple did release something new. Even externally. If you remember what the 3GS and 4s were like, they were very similar to their predecessors - 3G and 4, respectively. They were identical. In the case of the iPhone 5s, everything is a little different - the changes, although not at first glance, are noticeable. I am glad that they are all not so much decorative as functional. Among the first, I would only include the aluminum frame, which ugly surrounded the camera's peephole, and has now disappeared. Thank you for not having her anymore. The changes to the Home button and flash are dictated by another expansion of functionality and improved quality.

The implementation and clarity of Touch ID was a pleasant surprise. This is truly something new and relatively original. To be honest, there were mistakes. The frequency is approximately one attempt per twenty-five successful unlocks. But all the failures were the result of the fact that I myself placed my finger on the sensor very crookedly. To avoid this and reduce the percentage of failures to negligible, you can ask the phone to remember not five different fingers, but one, but in five places.

The world's first mobile 64-bit processor A7 and its accomplice M7, which took over some of the tasks of the main chip, are an excellent tandem for providing unprecedented high performance. What is it, Samsung will soon release its answer to Apple engineers?

The functionality of all this is ensured by a non-replaceable battery. On the personal iPhone page of the official Apple website it is said that the 5s will last 250 hours in standby mode, you can use it to communicate on 3G networks for 10 hours or watch videos for the same amount. But, of course, no owner will do one thing for even ten hours. Normal smartphone use is always a combination. We had time to test the battery - it lasts for a day of active use or a day and a half of relaxed use. So, the iPhone 5s is not just another toy for an hour or two, but Once again a serious assistant in business and entertainment.

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Every year, Apple undergoes a “strength test” and confirms its leading position in the market of smartphones, tablets and other gadgets. Every autumn, millions of people wait for the release of the new iPhone, real fans line up in the evening and wait all night for the opening company store Apple. This fall brought us the updated iPhone 5s, which surpassed the original iPhone 5 black model in terms of technical characteristics.

The announcement of the Apple iPhone 5 32gb black turned out to be unusual: after all, there were no new changes in the design, but the filling changed significantly. Another innovation is the presence of a Touch ID sensor, which no one believed in while waiting for the new product. But the main disappointment of (not all) users was the screen - it hasn’t changed an inch. NFC support has not appeared either; you can also forget about the 128 GB version. Let's take a look at whether the new product was worth forgetting about the good old iPhone 5, apple iphone 4s 16gb black or apple iphone 4 8gb black.

Equipment for a new smartphone

Let's move on to the configuration. Nothing has changed here since the days of the apple iPhone 4s 16gb black and apple iPhone 4 8gb black. Waiting for us in the box standard instructions By using iPhone 5s 5s, a special clip for removing the SIM card, a USB cable that connects to a PC and a 220 volt plug, an EarPods headset. What can be highlighted is the EarPods headset. On this moment, these are the most decent smartphone headphones you can come up with. The sound quality and bass are excellent. And this is confirmed even by true music connoisseurs who need ultra-powerful headphones. The rest of the content is no different from the assembly of the apple iPhone 5 16gb Black. By the way, about memory. iPhone 5s Black is available with 16 GB and 32 GB memory. Unfortunately, a version with 128 GB memory was never made.


It’s worth mentioning right away about the new colors. Apple iphone 5 16gb black and iphone black remain now the black color looks much nicer, the official designers called it “Space gray”. The black color now really looks good, you can forget about scuffs and quick peeling of paint. But the black iPhone 5s is not all, besides it there are black and gold options. Black is an analogue of the classic white iPhone. At first glance it seems that it is still the same white iPhone, but if you look closely, you notice silver shades.

The color turned out pleasant and calming, just like black. The next color is Gold. Many fans were waiting for the gold version of the smartphone. The color looks unusual and stylish, but among all the iPhone 5s models sold, the most purchased iPhone 5s black. Adding new color options– this is a great move from Apple, because the classic black and white iPhone is already boring.

It's funny that the black version of the iPhone 5s gained the most sales. Although this is not surprising, since this version looks stylish and formal, it is perfect for people who often wear classic suits. As for the change appearance, then the only thing that has changed here is the Home button, in its place there is now Touch ID (we'll talk about it later). As before, only the camera module is located on the rear panel. All keys for sound, lock, silent mode and speaker slots are located on the side panels. If the form has not changed, the quality of the buttons has become higher. This can be judged by tactile sensations. Although we have only been using the iPhone 5s black for two months, we can already safely say that the paint will last on the buttons. The same can be said about the case material: compared to the iPhone 5 32gb black, the new black version has a stronger and better quality coating, which prolongs the life of the new appearance. The change in the quality of the coating was confirmed in many test drives.

New feature using fingerprints


Now let's move on to the long-awaited sensor, which works using fingerprints. And so, the new iPhone 5s black has Touch ID, which is located in place of the “Home” button. This feature allows you to quickly unlock your device, use your fingerprint instead of entering a password when downloading content from App Store or iTunes. As you can see, in addition to convenience, there is also security. But other people can use your iPhone 5s black, with your consent, of course. To do this, you need to enter additional fingerprints in the settings, to which the Touch ID system will respond. You can add your fingerprint at the first iphone settings black, which is produced when you first turn it on. You can also do this later, from the “settings” menu.

The application process is quite simple, which even a child can handle. The electronic assistant will tell you what to do: the system will ask you to touch the scanner, you need to do this 10-15 times. After successful activation, the system will only respond to your fingerprints. To add new fingerprints, you will need to log in again. Touch ID has become a very useful assistant when downloading files, because now you don’t have to constantly enter a password - touch the scanner and you’re done.


Now let's move on to the screen. The display of the iPhone 5s black has not changed compared to the original fifth version of Apple's flagship. This is again a 4-inch screen, the resolution of which is 1136x640 pixels (dots per inch density - 326). But the problem is that just a year ago these parameters looked powerful, but today they can rightly be called outdated. After all, many manufacturers are already equipping their smartphones with Full HD screens and achieving a density that exceeds 400 dpi. It’s not clear why Apple still doesn’t go above 720p.

Another question is why this race is needed for the number of ppi and other technical characteristics. Indeed, despite not the most modern parameters, the screen that the black iPhone 5s received looks great and does not cause any discomfort during operation: the fonts are very clear, there is not even a smell of grain here.

Another thing is whether the race for the number of dots per inch and other not particularly important parameters is relevant. After all, even despite not the most best parameters display, the black iPhone still looks great and does not cause any feeling of loose fonts or any other negative emotions. But it is significant that Apple, which three years ago became a legislator new fashion with its Retina display in the iPhone 4 and which seemed to be the undisputed leader, today lags even behind the average.

Technical characteristics of the new product

We looked at the main features new apple iPhone 5 16gb black. Now we can say a few words about technical specifications. If there are no changes in the design, then everything is different here: here it is worth new processor on 64-bit architecture. At the moment, the iPhone 5s black has the most powerful processor, which today cannot yet be fully implemented. After all, now there is only one game that can use all the processor units. Another option for using such powerful hardware is complex photo and video editors. By the way, iPhone 5s black received an updated camera. Although the number of pixels has not changed at all, it has added interesting feature“slow mode”, which allows you to shoot video in slow motion. iPhone 5s black is needed by those who want to always have it at hand powerful smartphone, which is capable of running the game with any system requirements.

According to experts, the power of the iPhone black 5s should be enough for another 2 years. Only then will games begin to appear that will not run perfectly at high settings. Even though a new processor was installed in the iPhone 5s black, this did not affect the endurance of the battery in any way. The iPhone is still considered one of the most durable smartphones. The black iPhone 5s turned out to be a truly worthy replacement for the original five. And version 5c is also far from this monster. As for the operating system, the iPhone black already comes with iOS 7.1. By the way, on this model operating system works smoothest of all. Although this is invisible to the human eye, only black 5s can exploit iOS in this way. Apple iPhone 4s 16gb black and Apple iPhone 4 8gb black are a thing of the past, because the black 5s now sets the standard for power.

Let's sum it up

What can an iPhone bkack 5s fan install in Russia? Except the price. After all, the cost of a black iPhone in the States and Europe is much lower than in the CIS countries. If the price doesn't bother you, then this black iPhone is... best smartphone, which is currently on the market. This gadget is perfect for game lovers and photographers - after all, it has a decent camera and great capabilities for processing photos and videos. Thanks to a powerful processor and RAM, you can use the Internet like never before. If you wish, you can open 100 tabs in the browser, and nothing will slow down.

Company devices Apple have been considered top for many years and have great amount fans all over to the globe. And after leaving iPhone 6 Previous flagships have noticeably fallen in price, so many people are finally moving from empty dreams to action and going to buy a smartphone apple iphone 5s 16gb, but in the store, when choosing, your eyes begin to run wild, because this leader of the previous line is presented in several colors at once.

And now the question is, how much does it cost? apple iphone 5 fades into the background, because the most important thing is to choose from 3 options - the only one. The company released its very first phone only in black color, it was very similar to the apple ipad mini retina tablet, and only then Apple management decided to add another neutral color - white. And in 2013, when the corporation presented its next new product, fans were surprised by the expansion of the color palette, because now, instead of black-gray and white-silver flagships, there was golden. And if the male representatives were not at a loss, then many women immediately wondered what color phone to choose now.

Three models have official names Space Gray, Gold And Silver. Dark smartphones “space gray” are the most popular, because it is a familiar and universal color. By the way, the price of these smartphones apple iphone 5s 16gb in Kazakhstan is slightly lower than the other two models. According to statistics over 40% of sales come from dark-colored phones. Silver-white accounted for 30%, but the iPhone 5 champagne color was not particularly successful and its sales percentage was only 27% of the total. But why exactly did the gray model, similar to a Blackberry smartphone, become the unquestioned leader? The reason is that this color is close to universal and is equally suitable for both men and women. But all other models are most likely bought exclusively by women, because gadgets of any color look great in their hands.

Golden-colored iPhones are often purchased by representatives business sphere, because a phone of such a noble color suits their status perfectly. But it is worth noting that the colors are only back phone and when using the case it will be almost invisible which of the three presented models it is. Therefore, men can also safely buy a light-colored phone and not think about whether it suits them or not. I would like to note that new iPhones received a high-quality coating, unlike their predecessors, whose owners often complained about the unaesthetic appearance of the phone body over time.

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