Home Beneficial properties of fruits The profession of a florist is a person in tireless search! All about the florist profession

The profession of a florist is a person in tireless search! All about the florist profession

and gives people a piece of beauty. Nowadays this is a very prestigious and well-paid profession.

Florists make bouquets and compositions, decorate rooms, showcases and interiors with flowers and plants, as well as decorative elements. We'll tell you how to advance from a florist's assistant to a professional.

Daily work

Who is a florist? This is a person who makes bouquets, cares for potted flowers, cuts flowers, and provides them proper storage. In order to become a florist, you need special knowledge and skills in this area.

The client is used to seeing a beautiful display window; it is adjusted about 10 times during the day,” says florist-designer Lyudmila Geraseva. - After all, flowers come to the store in packs, they need to be taken out of the packaging, cleaned, trimmed evenly and placed in flowerpots. The florist's assistant takes care of the flowers.

From assistant to florist

They get a job in a flower salon as an assistant florist, and later rise to the rank of professional designer. Learning the specifics of a florist’s work is a painstaking process, so every florist begins his journey with an assistant. An assistant florist helps a specialist prepare flowers for sale, care for potted flowers and gradually learns how to compose bouquets and compositions, learns how to correctly combine colors, select a design, and display a window display. And also learns how to communicate politely with customers.

In this way, a person gradually gains experience as a florist-designer,” continues Lyudmila Geraseva. - Thus, we do not just hire assistants, but identify creative potential We are looking for high-quality employees with floristic taste from people from the stream. An assistant in the process of work reveals creative abilities.

It turns out that the work of assistants is integrally connected with the work of the florist-designer. Two assistants are necessarily assigned to a mentor, who teaches them the specifics of their work. Usually those who want to move forward grab it on the fly, bring in some ideas and grow to become a florist. Those who are satisfied with the work of an assistant remain in their place.

When an assistant becomes a florist, he begins to fully make compositions and bouquets. In addition, flower salons not only arrange bouquets. For example, for the New Year, all the craftsmen were engaged in designing and decorating designer European Christmas trees - this is also the work of a florist.

What should a florist be like?

How do you know that a florist’s job is yours? To do this, you must love to create something with your own hands, treat flowers with care and do your work with soul. You cannot do work simply mechanically, soullessly. You need to be creative when composing a bouquet and not be afraid to experiment. A real florist is also good psychologist- he can always guess the client’s temperament and his desire.

Qualities that an assistant must have if he wants to become a real florist:

  • A creative person with good imagination and refined taste.
  • Knows how to find a creative and non-standard approach to any order.
  • Loves to take care of flowers and plants.
  • He gets along with people, finds an approach to every client, and guesses every desire.
  • Patient and careful in his work.

For florist designers, further training in their specialty is expected, says Lyudmila Geraseva.- When it is necessary to improve their knowledge and learn new principles of composition, flower masters are sent to study in other cities. Upon their return, they share their knowledge with their assistants.

By the way

The salary of a florist assistant is on average 12 thousand rubles. As a person progresses in his work, so does his wage. For all florists, the salary depends on their qualifications, on the skills that the master uses. The average salary of a florist is from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.


Yana Antipyeva, florist assistant:

I really like flowers, so I became interested in this work. You can learn the basics of floristry very quickly. During my work, I learned how to select flowers in a bouquet according to color scheme, compose compositions, come up with different decorative ornaments. I really enjoy working with clients, helping them choose a floral holiday gift for their family and friends. Florists help us, advise us, I come to work with pleasure, always with a smile on my face and a good mood.

Anastasia Popova, florist assistant:

Florist is a creative job, this is the main thing for me. I like to fantasize with flowers, put them together in compositions; again, you can show off your design skills. Now I’m slowly starting to work with clients, I’m gradually moving to work as a florist-designer, so that by working in a flower salon, you can advance in your career.

Flowers are always a welcome gift and sign of attention. It’s nice not only to receive them, but also to give them. They are also a pleasure to work with, they allow you to create and express your individuality.

This is what many people think when they go to a flower shop for a creative and fresh bouquet. The aroma of flowers, sparkles and gloss of packaging - an atmosphere of constant celebration! Friendly employees, always ready to help with the choice, advise, suggest, and put together an individual bouquet. But is it all as magnificent as we can see through the flower display?

What I dreamed of and why I eventually left the profession, to the magazine Reconomica our regular reader Yana will tell you. It turns out that being a florist has a whole bunch of pros and cons! From pure creativity to deceiving customers.

My name is Yana, I'm 33 years old. I am a creative person in life, sometimes I sew something onto clothes, sometimes I decorate a room for a holiday. And once I glued the fur to the computer monitor, I wanted to get creative.

Worked in different places, but there was no creativity, but the soul asked. I decided to try myself as a florist. According to many people, the profession of a florist is wonderful. You cost yourself, you make beautiful bouquets, but few people know about the disadvantages. I'll tell you about them now.

Fresh bright flowers leaves no one indifferent

A florist is someone who cuts everything and then collects it, as we were told in the courses. The work includes decorating shop windows, displaying goods, and creating flower arrangements.

How to become a florist

There are no specialized colleges or universities today, but there are courses. Training can last a month, two or more. It's better to choose large quantity watches and famous companies, since they will give more knowledge and it is more prestigious.

Many years ago, men entered this profession because it was physically difficult, but now almost all of us are women.

What functions are included in the work of a florist?

When new flowers arrive, they must be taken out of the box, the stems trimmed, then placed in flowerpots. Various flowers love different quantities water, and florists should know about this. For example, roses love a lot of water. You need to pour water up to the bud.

Most often, flower salons have transparent flasks, so it is clear that the water is clean and does not bloom, which means the flower is doing well. Can you imagine how to carry such vases into the toilet room? There, then back, and then wash them. Sometimes they slip out and break because you wash them with dish soap.

Gerberas need to be put on a wire because the stem of this plant is soft. We need to display flowers in pots. You can decorate them with decor, beautiful packaging with a bow, so that people want to buy them.

Features of the profession

The florist usually works a shift, for example, 2 days after 2 or 3 days after 3.

Sometimes you can see vacancies that require a night florist. For those who don’t sleep at night and aren’t afraid to work at night, this schedule is suitable.

There are florists who work with bouquets of toys, sweets, tea or coffee, and here you can see the 5\2 schedule.

Everyone's working hours are different too. Mostly from 8am to 9pm.

How are salaries calculated?

There is no single standard here. There is greed or the provision of employers here. Typically this is about 1,500 rubles per exit per day. Some companies add a percentage of sales to this, but it is still impossible to calculate.

On job search sites you can see a salary of about 40-50,000 rubles per month. But this is given to people with experience in this field, who have a portfolio of work, but definitely not beginners.

There is a season when flower growers earn good money - these are holidays: September 1, March 8, February 14, New Year. Summer is the time wedding ceremonies, and there are always orders for bridal bouquets.

Florist's work area

The work area does not include chairs. Even if you have a free minute and a chair, management will think that you are doing nothing, and then why pay you a salary?

The creators work standing, and after cleaning the flowers they clean their place. Basically, everyone sees the florist's work area, and this is most often dirt, leaves and debris.

My first experience in the profession

After completing the course to become a florist, I was hired by a company that had just opened. The working day began at 9 am, the schedule was 2\2.

I always dreamed of a creative profession, but no one was in a hurry to trust me with serious work

Nobody let me make bouquets, they were afraid that I would ruin the flowers. I removed garbage from flowers, washed floors, watered potted plants. I was a florist's assistant and administrator. Maintained employee schedules, responded to phone calls clients, accepted payment. They hired me as a florist, but they wanted to put me in my work book as a cashier, because only a cashier can accept money.

Hopes and harsh reality

One day there was an order for compositions for a wedding celebration. But even here no one let me try the job. It turns out they took me with training, taught me, but didn’t let me do it. I didn’t see the difficulty in repeating it and didn’t understand what the training was then, since no one lets you make bouquets?

The company had just opened, and I thought - how good, the team is just taking shape. But the management did not understand anything about this business, the investor allocated money and thought that it would work for him and the profit would immediately flow. But he continued to invest, but there was still no profit, and he didn’t like it.

Instead of 2 florists per shift, they left only one. I got laid off.

After a while, I worked part-time in other companies in the run-up to March 8, but I realized that the work was physically difficult. The florist is both a cleaner and a cashier. Work on your feet, no time to rest. I didn't continue to work.

Pros and cons of being a florist

I'll start right away with advantages, otherwise the story will seem too dark.

The big advantage is that you create your own bouquets and compositions, people like them and they buy them.

Large companies maintain blogs, write interesting articles for the development of the company, and maintain Instagram. Here you can show your individuality and create what you want.

Now let's move on to the negative aspects.


  1. Loss of health. Work on the legs, therefore, varicose veins and arthrosis will be in the future. My back hurts.
  2. Physically hard work. Sometimes they order huge bouquets for girls. They are made by several florists; it is difficult to lift and hold such a bouquet.
  3. Dry hands. Your hands are constantly in water, which makes your skin dry. You can work with gloves, but this is not always convenient.
  4. Hands covered in hangnails.
  5. Medical book. Before going to work, you are required to take tests and register medical record, and these are financial losses that do not immediately pay off.
  6. Working with money. Usually working with money involves individual- cashier, but in ordinary small companies there is no such division. Everything is done by one person.
  7. Cleaning. There is no separate cleaning lady and you need to clean up after yourself.
  8. Deceiving people. The flower business is a big waste of plants, so many managers force bad flowers to be inserted into bouquets. In tents, glue is applied to them, then they are dipped in glitter. Bad flowers are wrapped in a net and thus the flower becomes “beautiful” and attracts the buyer.
  9. There is no official registration. Many people don’t think about the future, pensions, contributions. But there are those who start thinking already at the age of 30. Often people in this profession are not registered according to work book, because you will have to pay taxes for the employee, and this is not profitable for the company. As a result, sick leave is not paid.
  10. Cold room. In every flower shop there is a refrigerator. Everyone has different sizes. It's one thing when a client comes to outerwear and looks at what flowers to buy. It’s another matter when an employee in clothes stands in the refrigerator and helps the client with a choice.

My conclusions

Somehow I worked part-time in the days before March 8th. People came in droves: men, women, teenagers. Everyone has a standard in their head that it is necessary to give a woman flowers. Loading...

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Floristry is the art of making bouquets, panels and collages of flowers and natural material. The profession of a florist means that in front of you is a person who knows how to professionally compose compositions from flowers, things, toys, and knows how to competently decorate any item with living or inanimate flowers.

In this article we will tell you:

1. Working as a florist: features, pros and cons

Florists don't have to worry about their professional destiny. On HeadHunter alone, 35 vacancies are currently posted for the request “Work as a florist” in St. Petersburg and 92 in Moscow. But don’t forget also about vacancies that are not posted on career sites - there are quite a few of them too.

What character traits are useful in working as a florist?

1. Sense of style. The studios are waiting for guys with good taste who know the laws of composition and understand color. If you have received an art education, it will work to your advantage.

2. Developed fine motor skills hands In the job description there is a requirement of “fast learning” - this means golden hands.

3. “Falling in love with the forest.” If you love nature, then working as a florist you are unlikely to feel that you are tired of this profession or that you have run out of inspiration.

4. Courage. Not always required material found on the flower base. A real florist is not afraid to go out in the summer for poisonous hogweed or go into thirty-degree frost to buy pine branches for New Year's compositions.

There are many benefits to being a florist.

  • Thanks to shift schedule you can get a job extra work(“Another position as a florist!” think true fans of the business) or live for your own pleasure, devoting most of your time to yourself and your family.
  • Required little work experience- only 1-3 years.
  • During the holidays, florists and flower salons are in the spotlight! For a day off, a florist receives from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles.
  • Customers' love. A day that began with a client’s grateful smile and words of admiration - isn’t that happiness? 🙂

But there are also disadvantages to being a florist.

  • Full employment- the work of florists is not suitable for hardened freelancers. If you want to become a florist, then you will have to reconcile yourself with the 2/2 schedule.
  • It is unlikely that you will be able to set up a florist business at home.

  • Large physical exercise and special working conditions- florists have to carry heavy buckets of flowers, work in a cool room and constantly be in contact with cold water. Are you ready for this?
  • Portfolio and work experience play a decisive role. Neat appearance, inexhaustible love for people and endless optimism are not the key requirements. You will also meet them in McDonalds cashier vacancies. Floristry skills and techniques, practiced in practice, will be of paramount importance.

2. How can novice florists gain work experience?

1. On career sites there is a vacancy for “florist assistant” that looks like this

Often, florist assistants are sought not for permanent work, but for holidays. It's okay - even work experience on February 14 and March 8 will complement your resume well.

2. Don’t limit your job search only to enhanced HeadHunter monitoring

Perhaps you are very welcome in the beautiful flower shop that you pass by every day and dream of working in!

We figured out work experience and how to get it.

What about a florist's portfolio?

You can make it up from photographs of bouquets you made during the course!

The completed florist courses will be a plus for both you and your future employer.

After the courses

  • You will understand whether you want to become a florist or limit yourself to watering three indoor plants every day.
  • The employer will notice your resume with a copy of the certificate faster.
  • On new job It will be easier for you to get used to it and you will move up the career ladder faster.
  • It is more convenient and profitable for any employer to hire an employee who already knows something, because he does not need to be taught basic things.

3. How to choose floristry courses for beginners?

16,000 rubles- average price of floristry courses for beginners.

4-5 students per course- perfect option. You can ask the master a question at any time, and he will be able to correct you or give advice as soon as he sees a mistake.

40-50 hours- this is how long courses for beginners last.

During this time, the floristry courses will teach you:

  • understand the basics of composition and color
  • care for cut flowers and be able to ensure their proper preservation
  • perform in various techniques bouquets on natural stems
  • master the skills of modern bouquet packaging
  • make compositions on the oasis and floral baskets

Is it possible to learn floristry from YouTube videos?

4. What tools and materials will a florist need?

Of the accompanying materials, the florist will need

5. Have you already completed basic florist courses, but are looking for inspiration and want to gain new knowledge?

In this case they will help you

  • YouTube- here you will learn how to choose floral foam, make a Christmas wreath or assemble a budget bouquet. Florist bloggers have made sure that on their channels you can find, for example, a wedding florist Masha Kravchenko constantly uploads new videos that will be useful to both beginners and professionals.
  • Social media- There are many groups on VKontakte where florists share their work and ask for advice.

Flowers have always been of interest to women. Mostly everyone loves to receive them as a gift. But you can collect them in one bouquet different ways. Learn how to make beautiful compositions and make it your calling.




Entry barrier


A florist is a specialist in decorating rooms with flowers. This is a basic concept of floristry, but modern tendencies expanded the profession. Nowadays, florists are mainly engaged in preparing exclusive and original bouquets. They also take part in the process of creating landscape design and decorating premises.

The history of floristry dates back to the fifth century BC. It was then that people began to decorate their homes with flowers. There is archaeological evidence of this in the form of vases, seeds and papyrus writings. Modern floristry has stood out in Russian Federation in 2009. It was then that the specialty “florist” was first included in the official list of professions in the country. Despite its relative youth, this specialty is very popular in Russia.


Arranging bouquets is the main responsibility of every florist. They work with beauty every day. They create thematic compositions from the most delicate flowers, aimed at conveying feelings and emotions. There are several types of florist specialization:

  • Making bouquets. This is one of the most common activities. It allows you to show your maximum creativity and design skills.
  • Landscape design. This is the creation of a unique arrangement of the garden area. The responsibilities include not only creating a sketch and selecting plants. Landscape design requires knowledge engineering technologies for laying communications. Also, the florist designer is obliged to choose the right plants that can grow successfully in the given climatic conditions. Planning the surrounding area with all the extensions and structures is the main task of such a florist.

Florists have enough wide range responsibilities. But the most important thing is the fact that they are all pleasant to perform.

What specialties to study?

To obtain a florist specialty, each interested graduate should choose one of the following specialties:

  • biology;
  • landscape architecture;
  • floristics;
  • forestry

All these faculties offer a course in floristry, in which you will receive all the necessary knowledge. For successful work As a florist, it is important to learn how to combine knowledge with creativity.

Where to study

In order to get the most high level knowledge, it is better to choose one of the most famous universities in the country:

In every major regional center You can get training in floristry. You don't have to graduate from college to do this. You can limit yourself to taking courses on its basics. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate confirming your skill level.

What do you have to do at work and specializations?

Every day, a florist faces a whole range of pleasant responsibilities. Their list depends on the industry in which he works.

Florist in flower salons. Such a specialist works to create beautiful flower arrangements. Quite often, salon florists are hired to create bridal or graduation bouquets. It is important to be careful when selecting colors. The florist must inspect them and place them beautifully, creating a unique bouquet. The knowledge of florists about plants is important, because many flowers cannot be combined.

A landscape designer performs a whole range of works, most of which are only indirectly related to floristry:

  • Territory design. It includes drawings of the route of all pipes and communications, site infrastructure and storm sewers.
  • Creating a sketch.
  • Selection of plants. Especially important stage, where knowledge of floristry will come in handy. After all, it is important to choose plants that can grow in the neighborhood and withstand all the delights of our climatic conditions.
  • Design and programming of automatic watering systems.

Florist - interior decorator. These specialists usually work in design companies or wedding agencies. After all, it is for families’ birthdays that a lot of floral decorations and decorative elements are ordered. Only a professional florist can choose the right plants, secure them and arrange them. He will also take care to prevent premature fading of living decor.

Who is this profession suitable for?

There is a rather subjective opinion that a florist is an exclusively female profession. This is far from true, because there are many male florists who have shown excellent results and achieved success.

Regardless of gender, every florist should have the following qualities:

  • Good long-term memory. It is important to keep in mind a lot of information about plants, growing conditions, maintenance and methods of combining them.
  • Creativity. Only a creative person can create a unique bouquet that will please even the most demanding customer.
  • Communication skills. It is this quality that will help determine the preferences and wishes of the customer.
  • Stress resistance. Many clients do not know how to fully convey information and ultimately refuse to pay for the work, even if everything is done exactly according to their requirements. Resistance to stress and ability to overcome conflict situations always useful in any field of activity. Floristry is no exception.

A florist must advantageously combine a stylist, designer, creative, engineer and psychologist.


The profession of a florist is quite in demand. Due to the constant increase in competition in flower business, each salon tries to acquire several specialists in the field of making exclusive bouquets. This allows the business owner to make significantly more profit.

Florists are also in demand at holiday agencies. Organizing and holding various celebrations involves floral decoration and bouquets, so you can’t do without a florist.

Every company specializing in design must have a landscape designer on staff.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The earnings of florists directly depend on what specialization they choose. Throughout the Russian Federation, it varies from 10,000 to 60,000. It all depends on the number of orders. After all, floristry involves payment in the form of a percentage of the profit received for the work performed. Landscape designers often receive a minimum rate, with a nice bonus of interest on the payment.

Is it easy to get a job?

In the professional field vital role For each florist his portfolio plays a role. This is why it is so important to take photographs of all your creations, even during the learning process. These photographs will be a decisive factor during the interview. Work experience combined with a certificate and a good portfolio is a guarantee of fast and highly paid employment.

How does one usually build a career?

Career development depends on the chosen specialization:

  • A florist who creates bouquets usually does not have a career path. Your career practically stands still, while giving you the opportunity to earn good money and not depend on anyone.
  • A landscape designer has a lot to strive for. He can head a project or a territory design department. Possessing management skills, such a specialist can easily change from design to management.
  • A florist-interior decorator can also move into management. But usually his career stands still, because there is usually nowhere to grow in such agencies.

Career development directly depends on the person. After all, the desire for development plays a decisive role in any field of activity. If desired, the florist can grow to become a manager or manager.

Prospects for the profession

The prospects for the florist profession are the brightest. This specialty is constantly updated and developed. Having gained experience in making bouquets and decorating, you can easily start own business in the field of floristry. Working for yourself and owning everything necessary knowledge and skills, you can easily reach the heights of success.

The name of this specialty was given by the goddess of flowers - Flora. In this regard, the question “who is the florist” cannot, in principle, arise. A florist is a person whose purpose is to give people joy with the help of beautifully composed compositions. When men and women are presented with bouquets of their favorite flowers, their mood automatically improves.

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What exactly do florists do and where do they work?

This profession is in demand almost everywhere.

It is impossible to imagine, for example:

  • without flowers and bouquets;
  • anniversary or celebration held on fresh air,
  • V banquet hall also always according to tradition, decorated with abundance flower arrangements.
  • a young man going on a date should take with him a lush or modest bouquet,
  • even in serious institutions - in banks or tax offices - you can often see vases with.

And the florist, guided by his artistic flair, creates all these floral masterpieces.

First, this specialist:

  1. comes up with an idea
  2. selects appropriate materials,
  3. makes his dream come true.

Interesting what if the florist has out-of-the-box thinking and the ability to see things with unexpected side, then even the most modest and inexpensive bouquet will be able to make a huge impression on the person to whom they are going to give it.

Florists are welcome in such institutions and organizations as:

  • modeling agencies, where they will design the space intended for filming;
  • Registry offices, where the florist always has a lot of work to do to emphasize the beauty and freshness of the bride and the presentability of the groom with appropriate floral decorations;
  • in television studios and art salons: the florist can add the necessary accents and any room will become simply unique.

A florist can work in tandem with a designer: create bouquets that will highlight the beauty of the interior. At the same time, he can use both dried and fresh flowers, and the choice of the shape and volume of the composition rests entirely on his shoulders.

No matter how talented a florist is in his field, he will not be hired without the ability to communicate with people. The florist will have to patiently listen to the wishes of clients, who, by the way, can be very capricious and demanding, delicately make adjustments, and be able to colorfully describe positive sides product and at the same time not seem intrusive.

Among the personal qualities of the florist, the following should prevail:

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  • hard work . Plants require regular care: some need frequent watering, others need fertilizing, and in order to extend their life, the florist must constantly work, not forgetting about his pets for a second;
  • inspiration . A florist, like air, needs periodic bursts of imagination and courage to realize his ideas. Sometimes the combination of these two qualities leads to the creation of unusual and very beautiful compositions;
  • physical endurance . A florist is not just a generator of ideas, he is also an employee who will have to do difficult work: lifting heavy pots, rearranging containers with flowers, and replanting plants every day. All this requires good physical preparation.

A qualified florist has a wide variety of knowledge:

  • he is well versed in the world of natural colors,
  • has knowledge of history and botany,
  • has an understanding of the laws of space organization and compositional principles.

In essence, what a florist is is a person for whom floristry is, first of all, not just a means to provide for oneself financially, but a favorite activity or hobby.

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