Home Beneficial properties of fruits Birthday party script “Journey through a fairyland. Yubileev

Birthday party script “Journey through a fairyland. Yubileev

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, friends and just relatives and, of course, children! We are glad to see you at the Nobel Prize ceremony. A total of 20 awards will be awarded today, and maybe more. Prizes will be awarded in the following areas in the region:
- science, culture and production;
- housekeeping;
- procurement of preservatives;
- successful commissioning of the greenhouse complex;
- raising a spouse and children;
- berry harvesting and others.
We decided to hold this ceremony in an unusual way, in a train carriage. This does not mean that we will get up and go to the station, buy tickets and go somewhere. No, everyone will remain in their places, especially since the table is already set. Imagine that you are sitting in a train carriage or in a restaurant carriage, according to previously purchased tickets, for exactly the same beautiful table. The train is still on the platform, everyone is worried, especially the applicants for the award, and even more than one. In a few seconds we will go on a long journey, during which we will present awards to the best nominees.
Why will “20 prizes” be awarded? Yes, because 4 multiplied by 5 equals exactly 20. I think that today we will not limit ourselves to 20 liters and kilograms of what we drink and eat. Some will get more, some will get less. Well, the awards themselves will go to the nominees.

I hope you will allow me to introduce all of our nominees today!

And this:
- Technical Director our restaurant carriage V.V. Pukhov
- Beloved wife Verochka, she is also a beloved mother!
- Daughter of good and beloved parents Vera _______ (maiden name)!
- Reliable work colleague Vasilievna!
- Younger (older) sister _______! (real names of the nominee's siblings)
- Beloved daughter-in-law Vera!
- Not a very biased mother-in-law, she’s also matchmaker Vera Vasilievna!
- Reliable neighbor and friend Verunchik!
- if there are others during the trip, we will add to this list.

The people are languishing in anticipation,
And there is no reason to delay any longer.
That's why it's his birthday,
To make the glasses clink.

Our trailer departs from the platform, and the right to introduce our 1st award nominee is granted to the 2nd seat passenger, beloved and reliable spouse! (I will ask all speakers to introduce themselves before the award ceremony begins.)

Dear passengers of our fast-moving train. You all know very well that there is a short break between the first and second (meaning stops, if anyone thought of something else, he was also not mistaken). Naturally, you have not yet had time to “digest” what you ate and think about what was said about the first nominee

And now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for your parents!
For those who gave life to Verunchik
And opened the doors to a beautiful world,
For those who taught her kindness
And he gave her the wisdom of generations.
For those thanks to whom, now
She sits among us with a smile!
So, let's drink to our parents

_____________________________ (calls them by first name and patronymic)

Dear passengers, we drove a couple of stops and didn’t notice it. As they say,
The first stop is lumpy,
The second is a falcon,
And the Third must fly by like a little bird,
And shouldn't we have another glass?

We still have a lot of nominees and we should all be congratulated and rewarded.

While the glasses are being poured,
And in them there is a reflection of amber,
And the faces of our passengers light up,
Like spring dawn!
With wine, everyone's melancholy is carried away,
Become lighter
And the heart asks for a toast -
Now, we will drink to the anniversary!

Who, if not the relatives of the nominees I presented earlier, know everything about “them” and will now tell us about it. A word from the passenger of reserved seat (compartment, especially soft) seat No. ___ from the edge of the table (to my right) - to relatives (sisters, parents). I would like to ask you to say a few words about yourself and more about the nominee for the award. _______________________________________________________________________

Glasses and forks,
Let's have a drink to warm up,
To ease the heart
I need to pour a glass
While the glasses are being filled, I invite all passengers on the train to sing a song for Verunchik together as a group! :

To the tune: The blue ball is spinning and spinning!

Where is this street, where is this house,
Where are we singing this song now?
Together we found this street,
We came to visit Vera Pukhova!

The blue ball is spinning, spinning,
Year after year flies by.
The wind will blow away the gray clouds for us
It's our company's anniversary again!

We wish Vera to live without worries,
Accident-free railways,
Happiness without measure, health in full,
Let's drink some intoxicating wine for this!

We celebrate, Verochka, your anniversary,
Do not be sorry to fill your glasses with wine!
Let's drink to the bottom for the birthday girl,
So as not to leave evil to the hostess!

A word of congratulations is presented to the passenger of compartment seat No. ____ of our train ______________.

5 toast:
Dear passengers:

The hen clucks, the cockerel sings,
And we'll pour a glass of vodka into our mouths!

It was a saying, but now we will unanimously continue our previously interrupted collective performance - the Choir of the repair team "Depot - sorting Puhovo - 2) - we will sing together to our birthday girl, a comic song to the tune of "Wonderful neighbor (or rather neighbor)"

We're hanging out at the Pukhovs'
And we don’t know any troubles -
The hero of the day invited us to a banquet today.
Without wasting time,
We rushed in a crowd,
We are an anniversary gift -
Feed us for slaughter!

Chorus: pap-pap-paparara-pap-pap

On this day we wish you -
Don't let the years age you!
We wish you good health,
Be happy always!
The anniversary is the beginning for you,
Everything is ahead of course
And we wish you throughout life
Many more years to go!

Chorus: pap-pap-paparara-pap-pap:
We eat well, but we still don’t talk much, so now the passenger in reserved seat No. _____ ___________ wants to talk.

Dear passengers,

Somewhere in the field there are lights, somewhere the wind is tossing!
Well, we’re supposed to drink to the hero of the day

Before you need to pour a drink, and the pack is being poured, we will continue the performance of our “drunk” Choir of the repair team “Depot - sorting Puhovo - 2” let’s sing together another comic song for a birthday, you all know it, this is Cheburashka’s song

We didn't come in vain
This is clear to everyone
And sit down at this table!
Congratulations to our Vera,
Leave it as a keepsake
This song that we will sing!

Let the years not age you!
You will be visible in life!
Sorry birthday
Only once a year.

From our hearts we wish
Long life and health,
And good luck - with great luck.
So that it’s always in your home
There was happiness, but sorrow
Let him bypass you!

The chorus is the same.

Vera, dear friend,
Sit in a circle with us,
And pour us a glass quickly,
From friends on your birthday
On your significant anniversary!

The chorus is the same.

Let it run year after year -
Get younger
Never grow old in your soul.
We wish you a lot of happiness
On this day we are today
For years, for years - forever!

The chorus is the same.

Dear passengers

Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather!
Everyone is now seventeen years old!

Let's remember our youth and give the floor to the children who are passengers in the compartment ____________

8 toast (for those leaving on a flight) - who leaves the celebration ahead of time

Half an hour before the flight, half an hour before the flight!
I'm already at the runway!
I'm hurrying to the Sabbath on this starry evening
And I will arrive exactly like clockwork!
It was so wonderful here at the anniversary -
You call it whatever you want!
Or a birthday, or a jam day,
Or an evening of happiness and love!

9 toast (my congratulations):

Dear passengers:

Today is an anniversary, it’s hard to tell by looking at it!
We know you did great this part of the journey!
There is a friendly family
Colleagues and friends,
And you look no older than thirty!
We congratulate you today
And from the bottom of our hearts we give it to you Nobel Prize"First profession"!

Before you start working on the railroad, remember where you worked and how we originally met and in memory of those have fun days We are giving you a festive - comic outfit that you must put on immediately.

10 toast:

Dear choristers!!! I invite everyone to sing one more comic song, everyone has heard it many times, to the tune of “It’s time to hit the road,” but this does not mean that we are about to leave, “DO NOT HOPE”:

It's time to hit the road

September evening, evening, evening,
When without Faith we would have nothing to do,
We came to her for her anniversary,
Gathering all my friends with me,
And we all repeat the same thing: “pour it for us”!

Pour it - don't regret it
The glasses are full, full, full of wine!
Let's sing more cheerfully
Whoever can sing, let’s sing and drink to the dregs!

Let it be fun, fun, fun,
It’s a shame your hostess didn’t weigh us before dinner.
We'll drink many times in a row
For this anniversary ceremony,
And we will eat everything that the owners tell us!

The chorus is the same.

We are brave, brave, brave guests,
They came cheerful, elegant, curly,
We'll drink once, we'll drink two
For our Faith, everything to the bottom,
But so that you don’t have a headache tomorrow!

The chorus is the same.

Which of our passengers has not yet congratulated us, a word from the passenger from the vestibule:
11 toast:

Dear passengers, while we were singing, on our Mailbox(it’s good that the computer is at hand) congratulatory telegrams arrived for Vera, but all of them were unsigned. We all need to work harder and guess the sender. These are people known to everyone. And even fairy-tale heroes!












BIG HELLO FROM MOM! ......... ORBOKAYE (Pugacheva)

Whichever passenger guessed the most gets the right to once again congratulate our birthday girl.
12 toast:

Dear passengers, I suggest you play the game:

Everyone urgently needs to decipher the name VERA
Let's say:
- Faithful
- The only one
- Joyful
- Artistic
I’ll give you a minute to think, and let’s start in a circle. Let's start with the vestibule of the carriage.
(If there are no options, we move on to another passenger).

The birthday girl chooses the option that she liked best, and the winner has the right out of turn to congratulate again and be the first to open the prize:
13 Toast

Dear passengers, we are approaching the next stop. I suggest you play the game. The essence of the game is as follows. Here is a package, there is a riddle written on it, if you guess it, you tear off the paper, there is the next riddle, you guess it, and again you tear off the paper. If you give the wrong answer, you pass it on to your neighbor in the circle and it’s their turn to guess it. And so on until we find out what’s in the package.

And in the package there are two tennis balls, for further game look right after the riddles

Riddles to test your wits

1. In this white chest we store food on the shelves.
It's hot outside, but the chest is cold. [fridge]
2. We saw him dressed in the spring and summer.
And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off from the poor thing? [tree]
3. What horse doesn’t eat oats? [chess]

4. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? [from empty]

5.Which car wheel does not spin when turning right? [spare]
6. The rain is warm and thick, this rain is not easy.
He is cloudless, cloudless, ready to go all day!? [shower]
7. How many months of the year have 28 days? [all months: Nason Dina:.]
8. Which month is the shortest? (May)

9. Military weapons housewives, a “symbol” of warmth and comfort?

10. What is the cow in front and the bull behind? [letter "K"]
11. She dresses everyone in the world, but doesn’t put them on herself? [needle]
12. A red-headed lineman climbed onto a pine trunk using his claws.
He worked hard, but no light flashed in the forest? [woodpecker].

GAME with tennis balls:
(EGGS - Tennis balls)
They take it boiled eggs(ideally raw). The goal of the competition is to roll an egg from one partner’s pant leg to the other the fastest without breaking the egg.

Partners (man and woman) stand opposite each other, holding a small rubber ball between their stomachs. Task - rotational movements roll the ball to the chin of the shorter partner.
Other competitions that can be held during breaks:

All guests stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The presenter says “duck” or “goose” in everyone’s ear (randomly, say “duck” more players). Then he explains the rules of the game: “If I now say: “Goose,” then all the players whom I called so will tuck one leg. And if “Duck,” then the players whom I called “Duck” will tuck both legs.” You are guaranteed a heap.

In a spacious room, chairs are arranged in a circle. The players, men and women, sit on them. The driver is selected. He is blindfolded. The music turns on and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the driver stops and sits on the lap of the person he stopped next to. The one he sat next to must hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: "Who?" If the driver guesses who he is sitting on his lap, then he becomes the driver.

The presenter invites several couples (two - three). Each couple consists of a man and a woman. The presenter gives candy wrappers to the competition participants. Initial fee. The players' task is to “open jars, not glass of course,” as many as possible. The partner will serve as the bank. Banks can serve as pockets, lapels, clothing and underwear in general, i.e. where you can put it so that the bill doesn’t fall out, and you can put only one piece of paper in one place in the allotted time - 1 minute. The players stand in pairs.
The presenter shouts: “Start!” and records the time. After a minute everyone stops. Women change places, their task is “to withdraw money from the account, i.e. find hidden bills” and the young ladies brazenly go into all the secret places of other people’s partners to “stash” within 1 minute. The pair that hid it better or found more wins, or all 4 participants are given prizes.

Each of the players chooses a name for themselves based on the name of one of the kitchen items, for example, a plate, fork, knife, poker, etc. One of the players begins to ask about the most various items from their surroundings, about themselves, about their interlocutor - his appearance, habits, attachments, etc. For example: “What do you have instead of eyes?” Or: “Who do you kiss most often?” or: “What do you like to treat your guests to?” or, “What whets your appetite the most?” the main task The driver is to pose a question, the answer to which involuntarily causes laughter, both from a particular interlocutor and from all those playing. When answering questions, the person answering must resort to only one word - the name with which he identified himself - fork, knife, etc. Additionally, only prepositions are allowed. The player who laughs is eliminated from the game.

Now stand in a circle facing each other. One of you must stand in the center blindfolded. Spin him/her around until the others switch places. Stop. The person in the center of the circle must identify by touch who she is touching. If the answer is incorrect, the process continues. If correct, then another participant in the game stands in the center of the circle.

On a large sheet of whatman paper, draw a portrait of the birthday boy (birthday girl) in full height. Each player turns around himself several times and, blindfolded, tries to pin a paper rose with a pin to the portrait of the birthday boy or girl. While the guest is blindfolded, you can move the portrait so that the rose is pinned where you want.

The leader is randomly selected. His task is to perform an action with the neighbor on the right so that one of those present laughs. For example, the leader takes his neighbor by the nose. Everyone else in the circle must do the same. When the circle is closed, the leader again takes his neighbor, this time by the ear, knee, etc. Those who laugh leave the circle. The winner is the last participant standing.

Two people play. One is a wife who has just given birth, and the other is her faithful husband. The husband’s task is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the wife’s task is to explain all this to her husband with signs, because The thick double glass of the hospital room does not allow outside sounds to pass through. See what gestures your wife will make! The main thing is unexpected and varied questions.

We need 1 more men than women. Line up in lines opposite each other. When the melody starts, the men “snatch” the ladies, and the odd one out dances with a mop. It's quite funny to watch the "gentleman" in a jacket and tie tenderly hug the mop.

Anna Penkova

Last year our kindergarten turned 35 years old. Our kindergarten is small; we cannot boast of a huge hall for holding celebrations. It was a bit crowded, but fun. For the anniversary, we tried to update the design of the foyer and staircases.

Creative joint work of children and parents took part in the exhibition “On your anniversary, flowers for you.”

Children's drawings were placed on the landings: flowers in various non-traditional techniques.

We also decorated the hall with flowers from corrugated paper, and even the main object of time travel - the rocket - was “flowered”.

And now about the script for the ceremonial part. The idea for the script (time travel) is not mine, I borrowed it, but after thoroughly working on the idea, I slightly modified it, inserting other scenes, musical material, poems, including my own. I bring to your attention what happened in the end.

Scenario "Time Travel"

Fanfare sounds and the presenters come out.

Look how much light there is

And smiles and guests.

There is, of course, no secret here -

It's just an anniversary.

My native garden is 35!

What a wonderful date!

Let it bloom and not fade

To the delight of adults and children!

Native Garden is 35!

We know ourselves that we are not old yet!

Ready to jump, sing, dance,

Even though we are called heroes of the day.

Cheerful music, children run in, the “Friendship” dance is performed.

Children say in turn:

Listen! Listen! Listen!

Everything from the first to the last row.

The children of our kindergarten welcome you!

Birthday at the garden!

We need to congratulate him!

What should we wish for him?

Stand for many, many years!

Lace curtains

Let them wave at us like flags!

Let the balls be colored

They dance in the spring wind.

Let the shining windows

It's like your eyes are shining,

Let the tiny legs

They walk on its floors!

Let the children's laughter never stop

In groups he is affectionate.

Kindergarten, you are the best!

You are dearest to us!

Song "Kindergarten"

Ved. 1: Our house, children, would not be cheerful, not fabulous, not joyful,

If it weren't for our employees.

This is their holiday, this is their anniversary today.

After all, they are creating this fabulous country for you!

I ask everyone who works in the kindergarten to come to the center of the hall!

The employees come out and stand in a semicircle.

Ved. 2: They create beauty and comfort,

They will read you a fairy tale,

They will tell you about everything in the world,

They will sing you the best songs!

Children, your words of gratitude!

Child 1: There are countless employees here,

There is a cook and there is a doctor.

Child 2: The nannies tirelessly keep things clean here.

Child 3: Where does the manager find them all for us?

Child 4: And in the gym our physical teacher works tirelessly.

Child 5: The laundress washes everything, irons it,

And he gets along well with our caretaker.

They put everything on the shelves - cleanliness all around, comfort!

Child 6: Work is in full swing every day

The manager has a concern -

Manage this house, don’t miss anything.

Child 7: We could talk for a long time, but we’ll just tell everyone:

All children: Thank you!

Child 8: We will divide joys and sorrows in half.

Child 9: And today we give you our children’s heart!

Children put hand-made hearts on ribbon on the kindergarten staff.

Song "Anniversary"

We will sing you a song about the anniversary,

Sing along to this song quickly.

And let the song go around the world

Will fly around this planet,

Let's have a happy anniversary!

Is it a lot or a little!

And let it all happen all over again at 35!

Let them come to kindergarten

Both girls and boys

For many years, for many years,

Let them come to kindergarten

Both girls and boys!

The children leave. The adults sit down.

The floor is given to the head of the kindergarten (congratulations, awards).

Many children who attended kindergarten continue to keep in touch with their favorite teachers, come to visit, and delight with their successes. They're about to perform former graduates kindergarten.

Dance "Balalaechka"

We constantly feel the support of the parents of our students. They take an active part in the life of the kindergarten. This includes assistance in carrying out repair work, solving everyday problems, and organizing various exhibitions and competitions. Look what beautiful costumes were created with the help of parents.

Song "Rocket"

Ved. 1 Look, they left the rocket.

Ved. 2 Or maybe this is a gift for us? Look, there's some kind of button here. Let's press it.

Ved. 1 What are you talking about, you need to read the instructions first! (looks into the rocket, takes out the instructions, reads) So, the device is URPK-29807 bis. Designed to move in temporary space.

Ved. 2 So what is this, a time machine?

Ved. 1 That's great! Let's go on a time travel with the whole kindergarten, and we'll invite guests with us.

Ved. 2 Come on!

Ved. 1 Dear guests, friends! We invite you on an exciting journey. The main thing is don’t be afraid of anything, we will help you, give you advice and even translate from any foreign language.

Ved. 2 So, let's turn on the time machine!

Ved. approaches the rocket, pretends to turn it on. The lights go out, “cosmic” music sounds, the rocket sparkles. The lights come on, there is a fire on the stage, and around the fire there are primitive people.

Scene " Stone Age" (Annex 1)

Ved. 1 Yes, it was hard for people in those distant, distant times: there were no toys, no money either.

Yes, we always lack toys and money now.

But that’s not the main thing, the main thing. here, listen:

I bow my head on my hand,

In deep oblivion,

I'm lost in sweet thoughts

On a lonely bed:

From a magical night of darkness,

During the monthly glow,

They fly off in a frisky crowd

Winged dreams.

Ved. 2 What drew you to Pushkin’s poems?

Ved. 1 I just love this poet, his time. Just imagine: balls, hussars, young ladies. I wish I could be there!

Ved. 2 Nothing could be easier! Let's turn on the time machine!

Light effects and “cosmic” music are replaced by Mozart’s music.

Sketch “The Governess” (Appendix No. 2)

Ved. 1 Still, noble children in those days received a good education. Governors and governesses were with the children from morning until late evening, teaching them not only to read and write.

Ved. 2 Yana, and in kindergarten we teach everything: how to speak correctly and beautifully, sit at the table, introduce the rules of behavior in in public places, and in general, everything that noble children lacked.

Ved. 1 What did they lack?

Ved. 2 Teams. After all, we have 25-30 people in our group, and this is for one teacher and one nanny. And in those days there was a tutor for one or two children. Imagine that you have 1 or 2 children in your group.

Maybe this will happen someday. At least let's dream a little.

Ved. 2 Why dream? They gave me a time machine, you can use it to go anywhere you want. Let's look 20-30 years ahead. Want?

Ved. 1 Of course! Let's turn on the car and see everything with our own eyes.

The presenters approach the car and “turn on” it. Music is playing.

Ved. 1 Attention! We are in 2030!

Sketch “Kindergarten in the future” (Appendix No. 3)

Cosmic music sounds. The light goes out. The voices of the presenters are heard.

What's happened?

Who turned on the Time Machine?

Maybe it can be turned off?

No, it doesn't work. Ira, look how the numbers run in line!

Yes. Interesting. Where will it take us?

Where where. Somewhere.

The spotlight turns on, and in the foreground, kindergarten employees freeze in various poses.

Ved. 1 Ira, look what year we are in?

Ved. 2 On the car the numbers show 2100!

Ved. 1 Have you really gotten that far? Let's see how our kindergarten has changed.

Scene “Excursion” (Appendix No. 4)

The presenters come out.

1st speaker: Well, I saw the future,

2 ved. : Yes, I saw everything, I was everywhere, both in the past and in the future.

1 led. : Well, is it time to return to the present?

Cosmic music sounds lighting effects. The light comes on, the year is 2011 on the rocket.

2 ved. : Well, dear guests, how are you feeling? Are you tired of the journey?

1 led. : We give the floor to our guests!

Congratulations to the guests.

When troubles obscure our light,

And there’s no escape from them,

Look how the children laugh -

And smile back at them!

And if you are in a tight network

It will tighten and twist the evil,

Look how the children laugh

And your soul will become light.

Today our whole family

We are celebrating a big day.

Life is not always flowers,

There are troubles and bad weather...

But, Kindergarten, there is you -

And this is our happiness!

1 led. : And now we invite you to a tour of our kindergarten, which will end with a festive feast!

All scenes (Appendices 1-4) in the next post

Thematic scenario for a man's 50th anniversary. The hero of the day, together with the guests as train passengers, travels through the stages of his life path. Throughout the banquet, congratulations from family and friends are heard, and various competitions are held.

The birthday boy sends out invitations to his guests for the anniversary in the form of train tickets: “Dear... (name)! In honor of my anniversary birthday, I invite you to take a trip on the Express Have a good mood... (date) from the station ... (address) to the station "Pososhok" (final). Departure time is 18.00 (local time). Arrival time is 22.00 (Moscow time). During your journey, you will be accompanied by the Good Mood Express travel crew. Sincerely, (name, surname).”

The cafe is decorated in the style of a railway carriage. At the entrance to the hall there is a “conductor”, checking tickets, wishing everyone have a nice trip, draws the guests’ attention to the board with the schedule - on it you need to write wishes for the birthday person and sign. A humorous photo newspaper about the hero of the day “What are our years” (“Gudok”) can be designed in the form of trailers, where photographs are placed instead of windows.
Throughout the evening, cheerful instrumental music and the sound of train wheels can be heard in the background.

You can hear the noise of the station and pop songs from the 70s and 80s.

Voice. Attention! Attention! In five minutes, the Good Mood Express will depart from platform one. Attention! There are 30 seconds left before the Good Mood Express departs. (Sings: “Don’t think down on the seconds.”) Passengers are asked to go to the table... excuse me, take their seats on the train. Welcome!

The chorus, second verse and another chorus of the song “Come in, dear guests” from the repertoire of A. Pugacheva sound.

Leading . Good evening! We are glad to see you all in our Good Mood Express, where relatives, friends and colleagues of our hero of the day have gathered. A word to the birthday boy.

The hero of the day. So I turned 50!

Leading. (First name, patronymic, last name) not only the hero of the day, but also a son, father, husband, son-in-law, brother-in-law, teacher-organizer, car enthusiast, host of game and entertainment programs and, of course, today - the birthday boy! For your anniversary birthday, I suggest you raise your glasses!

A fragment of the song “Birthday” from the repertoire of N. Baskov is played.

Birthday! Each of us has been to this situation more than once. family holiday, where peace and warmth reign hearth and home, where guests are always welcome, and the birthday boy is the center of attention! Today is such a holiday... (Name) . I would like to remind you that... (names the date) under the constellation... in one of the districts of the city... a boy was born, who was named... (Name).

The melody of the song “Top-top” sounds.

IN early childhood he had everything like other boys: a Panama hat, toy cars and pistols, a sandbox and colored pencils, a bicycle and a ball. (Puts a child’s hat on his head and picks up a multi-colored ball.) However, he loved to play with a ball not only in football and “Dodgeball,” but also in other children’s games. For example, “Edible and inedible.” The driver threw the ball to the participants in the game and at the same time named various objects that could be edible and inedible. If it was edible, you had to catch the ball, but if it was inedible, you didn’t catch the ball. Does anyone remember this children's game? So I, like the hero of the day in childhood, will now throw the ball, only not into your hands, but up, and you will say “Yes!” if the object that I name is edible, or “No!” if it is inedible . Bananas, avocado, salmon, lobster, cervelat, feihua, table.

The game is underway.

Indeed, no! All this was not on our birthday boy’s table as a child. We continue: watermelons, donuts, soda, swings, grandma’s buns and mom’s pies...
Yes... Mom’s pies were the favorite dish of the hero of today’s occasion. Mom, mommy, mommy... She - main man in the life of the hero of the day! It is she who is the first one at our evening to hand over the microphone for congratulations.

Fanfare sounds .

Congratulations to mom. The presenter takes off his Panama hat.

Musical beat "Railroad".

Leading. Our Express makes a stop at this station.

A fragment of the song “Childhood” sounds. "Tender May".

School time: first grades, October star... (puts on cap and pioneer tie) pioneer gatherings and cultural trips to the cinema, homework and school holidays, starting with a bugle signal... Do you remember how it was? (Takes the horn and plays the “Attention” signal.) Who remembers what kind of signal this is?.. And this?

The signals “Rise”, “Lunch”, “Hang Up” sound.. If the Leader does not know how to burn, use phonogram "Trumpet". The “Applause” phonogram immediately sounds.

School years are summer holidays, pioneer camp, fun starts, chants... One of them was like this. The counselor shouted: “One, two!” The children answered: “Three, four!” Remember? Let's try it together. One, two!

Guests. Three four!

Leading. Three four!

Guests. One, two!

Leading. Who walks together in a row?

Guests. Our pioneer squad!

Leading. Why does he walk together?

Guests. Because you need to eat!

Leading. It happened that someone shouted out the other ending of the chant: “Because you need a drink!” So I propose to sip from my glasses for the serene childhood full of joy and discoveries of the birthday boy. And what impressions of the hero of the day’s childhood do his relatives have, we will find out after your applause.

The noise of a train and an instrumental melody are heard. The presenter takes off his cap and pioneer tie.

Leading. Like everyone else in childhood, our birthday boy was looking for a hobby to his liking: he built models of ships and airplanes, collected match labels and badges, and was involved in various sports sections and amateur art groups. But he really became interested in his activities in the Scarlet Sail propaganda brigade.

It was from those times that the hero of the day made real friends with whom he still walks through life. This… (names), and a word of congratulations to them.

Congratulations to childhood friends.

Jubilee . How could I have dreamed in my childhood that on my anniversary there would be singing... (Introduces the speaker.)

The sound of wheels and an instrumental melody can be heard. The musical beat “Railroad” sounds.

Leading. After graduating from school, the birthday boy went to the factory, and in the late seventies he saw her. She was so... small, loving clothes, seemingly strict and responsible, although, as it turned out later, she was accessible to all guys. It was called “Subpoena to the Army.”

A fragment of a song from the series “Soldiers” is playing. The presenter puts on a military cap. The sound of wheels is heard.

After five days of travel, the border troops accepted the hero of the day into their powerful embrace. He did not complain about the service, because it strengthened his fighting spirit. Formations and parades, outfits and parades, patrols and trips as part of an alarm group, then concerts and more outfits. It used to be that our hero of the day, as part of a platoon, would go out onto the parade ground and sing loudly: “It’s a soldier’s day off, buttons in a row, they burn like gold brighter than a sunny day.” Imagine that we are all one platoon. We go out to the parade ground and eat...

Fragments of the songs “Three Tankers” and “Katyusha” are played. The host and guests sing.

In general, two army years flew by in one breath, like good song. (Takes off his cap.)

The musical beat “Railroad” sounds.

And then study at the institute, work, concerts, New Year trees, recreation evenings, children's parties, anniversaries... About the same as ours. I invite everyone to fill their glasses and rise from their seats to greet the hero of the day when I name the time of year in which you were born. Let's try.

(Sings to the tune of the song “Children of the Earth” by A. Morozov.)

Who was born in December, February and January,
Are you related to the New Year and frosty weather?
We are the children of winter, we are the children of winter,
Children of snowstorms, holiday trees, children of their native Earth.

The guests rise from their seats and greet the hero of the day. Further similar.

Spring sends its bow to all who were born by it,
Who rocked in the cradle in March, May and April.
We are the children of spring, we are the children of spring,
Children of the dawn, fresh wind, children of the native Earth.

Some with the blue of June, some with the July thunderstorm,
Warmed up by the mild August, woke up for the first time in the summer?
We are the children of the heat, we are the children of the heat,
We are children of summer, children of blossoming, children of our native Earth.

Who was born in September, October and November,
Have you become related to the harvest, to the falling leaves, to a flock of birds?
You and I are children of the rain, you and I are children of the rain.
Children live in the light of autumn, your children, Earth.

The phonogram “Hurray!” sounds.

Then he saw her. She stood in the foyer of the Palace of Culture in a strict English suit, a beautiful striped blouse and felt boots. It was winter 1986. And a year later...

The musical beat “Wedding” sounds.

A horn and the sound of wheels can be heard.

Leading. I think it’s not difficult to guess that I’m handing over my microphone for congratulations to the wife of the birthday boy... (name).

A musical beat sounds.

Jubilee (after congratulating his wife). I have prepared a musical letter for my beloved wife, written in the form of a dialogue between us. Now you will hear this letter.

"Musical dialogue about love" sounds.

Leading. Children take up the baton of congratulations.

Congratulations to the children.

With the birth of a family, our hero of the day had many wonderful relatives.

Congratulations to relatives.

The musical beat “Railroad” sounds.

Leading. Many famous artists travel in different carriages of our Good Mood Express. Try it in fragments popular songs guess who they are.

The melodies of the songs “Komarovo”, “To Tikhoretskaya”, “Blue Car”, “The Car is Rocking” are heard.. Guests guess the performers.

The "Railroad" screensaver plays.

Our Express is moving forward inexorably. During his life, the birthday boy met many interesting and amazing people. Some meetings developed into great friendships that passed from one century to another. At this table are his friends, to whom I want to pass the microphone.

The "Friends" theme song plays. Congratulations to friends.

Voice. Dear passengers! It begins at the carriage club dance program! Those interested can walk around and warm up during the dance break. We remind you that smoking is not allowed in the vestibules; there are specially designated areas for this.

The first dance block is underway. A musical invitation to the table sounds.

Leading. Life gave the hero of the day good family, real friends, his favorite job, thanks to which he visited different corners countries - from Syktyvkar to Sakhalin, from Salekhard to Gelendzhik, became a Laureate of five competitions for leading game and entertainment programs. And it all started with this game.

The melody of the game “Come on” sounds.

Come on, clap like me!
Come on, clap like me!
Come on, all together, all at once!
Only here they clap like that!

The hero of the day. Years have passed... And on today I would like to say birth...

(The melody of the game “Come on” sounds again.)

I ask everyone to fill the glass,
I ask everyone to fill the glass,
Please raise me higher,
We'll have a drink now.

Come on, say: “Hurray!”
Come on, say: “Hurray!”
I ask you to shout louder,
We'll have a drink now.

For happiness, for peace and goodness,
For laughter, for luck, for warmth.
For those who are now at the table,
For every cozy home you have.

I wish you health and dreams,
And in life we ​​need fewer tears.
For everything I wished for you,
Let's raise a glass.

A fragment of S. Trofimov’s song “For Friends” is played.

The sound of a train arriving is heard.

Leading. In the mid-90s, the family moved to Yekaterinburg. The circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances has increased significantly. Of course, all of them could not fit at this table, but the most dear and dear guests to the birthday boy’s heart are here today. To your loud applause, I hand them the microphone to congratulate them.

A musical beat sounds. Congratulations friends.

I would like to remind you that...

A fragment of the song “Friend” performed by A. Goman is played from the words “We are flying on the same train...” to the end of the chorus.

Leading. If you think that these are controllers, then you are mistaken: our Good Mood Express will now be hosting a lottery. (Shows everyone a small bag with numbers. There are as many of them as there are invitation cards.) Holders of all our train tickets participate in the lottery. One of you takes the ticket number from my bag, and we will find out the winner of the special lottery prize.

A lottery draw is taking place. A drum roll sounds.

The winner of ticket 22 is the winner. (Calls the ticket number of one of the birthday boy’s colleagues.)

Leading. The winner gets a cup holder - a symbol of tea drinking in a railway carriage.

Sounds like a touch. The winner is awarded a prize.

Wondering what numbers are left in the lottery bag? (Takes out the same number from the bag - 22, 22, 22.) This is fate!

Leading (taking a wide elastic band to the guests). I ask you to make a large television screen out of this elastic band.

Together with two guests, he stretches the elastic band vertically to create a “TV screen”, in the center of which is the lottery winner.

Leading. Your congratulations to the birthday boy.

A musical beat sounds. Congratulations from a work colleague, then all the colleagues of the birthday boy congratulate him.

The soundtrack of the train and the musical beat are playing.

Leading. The conductor just handed me this package. It was left in the vestibule by one of you. Dear passengers, who lost their package? Who is related to this subject? (Takes out of the bag any item related to the guest who has not yet congratulated the birthday person.)


I think each of you has an idea of ​​what a railroad switchman is. Our Good Mood Express also has its own switchmen. These are the guests of today's anniversary who are sitting on the edges festive table. They are awarded special prizes for the anniversary evening.

The presenter hands the “switchmen” railroad nails - “crutches” with ribbon bows. The musical beat “Happy birthday” sounds.

And also on our anniversary day birthday can be safely called the “switchman” of the person who completes the series of congratulations to our hero of the day. This…


I want to give our guest the semaphore flags of the conductors. (Hands over two flags - red and yellow.) I ask you to signal “Congratulations! We love you! Hooray!" I remind you: right hand at the top - “Congratulations!”, left hand at the top - “We love you!”, arms spread to the sides - “Hurray!” (For guests.) I ask everyone to help our guest. She shows the movements, and you decipher their meaning.

The game is underway.

Our train moves inexorably forward, towards the next dance crossing.

The second dance block is underway.

A musical invitation to the table sounds. The sound of wheels is heard.

Leading. At a birthday party, it is customary to say a response. We will not break this tradition, so I pass the microphone to our hero of the day.

Jubilee . Yes, I'm turning 50!

A musical beat sounds.

With every decade, the train rushes faster and faster along the highway called “Life”. From the “Rozhdeniye” station to the “Wisdom” station, each has its own travel duration and mileage. The main thing is that the train does not come to a dead end, always maintains the desired rhythm and goes in the right direction. It seems to me that the voice of the railways is always positive and affirming: yes, yes, yes. Please try to repeat with me: yes-yes-yes-yes.

Thank you, as always!

Guests. Yes Yes Yes Yes!

The hero of the day. I will never forget you.

Guests. Yes Yes Yes Yes!

The hero of the day. Is everyone here young at heart?

Guests. Yes Yes Yes Yes!

The hero of the day. It's time for us to drink, gentlemen!

Guests . Yes Yes Yes Yes!

The hero of the day. For your congratulations and wishes!

A musical beat sounds.

My train is rushing forward. I hope that in 10 years I will invite you on a journey to the Wisdom station, and so that you do not forget about this evening, I give each of you a “light of hope”, which I light from the large flashlight of the head of the Good Mood Express.

A fragment of the song “What are our years” performed by M. Shufutinsky sounds.

The birthday boy lights small symbolic lights and hands them to all guests. Third dance block.

Leading (sings to the tune of the song “And Everything Ends”).

And it all ends, ends, ends,

And I wish everyone health and goodness.

I say thank you all for your attention!
Don't forget: our life is always a game!
Let the moments of separation not drag on.
Everyone in good hour! Long live the game!

And it all ends, ends, ends,
And the time has come to part,
The guests smile at each other goodbye,
And I wish you all peace and goodness.

The final melody sounds - a fragment of the song “On the Road” by N. Kadysheva.

A round birthday date is a reason to fulfill your cherished dream and go on a trip, and if it’s in this moment If it’s impossible, then arrange a travel-themed holiday for yourself and have a lot of fun. To organize such a holiday trip you will need: a pleasant company of “fellow travelers”, a delicious feast, music and a good topic. We offer one of possible options - Scenario for a man’s anniversary “Time Travel” it includes both active and table entertainment, which all end with congratulations, toasts or comic gifts addressed to the hero of the day, which makes it possible to pay a lot of attention to him.

The musical accompaniment is attached in separate folders at the end of the script.

Anniversary script "Time Travel"

While the guests are gathering, Track 1, 2, 3 plays in the background. The music fades out. It turns out, the presenter. Track 4 starts playing in the background.

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests! I am glad to welcome you here in this cozy room. Today is an unusual day! We have gathered to congratulate you... So, stop! Not this way. (music suddenly turns off).

Track 5 starts playing in the background.

Presenter: Ladies and Gentlemen! (pauses). Wait, which gentlemen, which ladies? (music suddenly turns off). Not at a ball and not at the opera house. Sorry. Take three.

Presenter: Hi all! Friends, look around! Take a deep breath. Feel the aroma of celebration, fun and good mood. Look at each other and find the eyes of the happiest, youngest, most beautiful man ___________! (name of the hero of the day). Track 6 starts playing loudly. These eyes radiate so much energy, so much positivity and kindness. Let's reward him with thunderous applause and shout loudly "Congratulations!" The music fades out.

Presenter: Love, attention and care. Here are the main travel companions in life ______ (name of the hero of the day). After all, the most important thing is neither money, nor fame, nor success. The most important thing is to feel the warmth of family and friends. That is why, at the very beginning of our evening, I would like to give the floor to the dearest and most beloved people - parents! (if they are not there, then to the spouse or children of the hero of the day).

Congratulatory speech. A short musical pause.

Track 7, 8 plays.

Presenter: Well, what then? Our hero of the day is a serious person, but on his birthday he said that he would agree to everything)) Track 9 (applause). Birthday is the most desired holiday. It is on this day that you are surrounded by your closest and most beloved people. It is on this day that from early morning you are bombarded with a barrage of congratulations, wishes and a sea of ​​hugs. And no matter how old the hero of the day turns 5 or 55, he is still waiting for... gifts! Track 10 (applause). All the guests in this room came today with a gift, some with an envelope, some with a contract, some with car keys, and some with a handmade postcard (smiles at the children). I didn’t come empty-handed either. Track 9 (applause). Several hundred years ago, a scientist invented a time machine. Unfortunately, this device was confiscated from him due to lack of a license to operate and quality assurance. However, the scientist was prudent and hid the instructions for this device. Moreover, as it turned out, this scientist is a distant relative of our ___________ (name of the hero of the day), having calculated the numbers, he knew that today __________ (date celebration of the anniversary), our ___________ (name of the hero of the day) will be celebrating his birthday. And as a gift, I sent this package by pigeon mail (shows)

Sounds track 11

Game moment "Mysterious message"

The presenter hands over a package tied with a festive ribbon or, better yet, twine to the hero of the day. Track 12 plays in the background, the hero of the day reads out the message (picture No. 1). So that the sheet with the message reminds historical document(paper) you can use coffee or tea. There are many ways on the Internet to age paper. To make the effect more interesting, you can make a message in A3 or A2 format rather than A4.

Message text

“This handsome, clear falcon ___________ (name of the birthday boy)!

With your permission, we ask you to accept sincere congratulations. I wish you endless luck. Life deep into old age. A bright upper room full of people. The health of the heroic and the ringing of gold coins. Accept the gift of a noble young lady, she is endowed with incredible, secret knowledge and will take you on an unforgettable journey, across centuries, across centuries.”

Your friend is faithful.

The smartest of the smartest,

Arkady Shnobelevsky.

The music fades out. The presenter makes a mysterious appearance.

Track 13 is playing

Table game to activate guests "Time Machine"

Presenter: Allow me to introduce myself, a distinguished lady. I ask you to love, feed and favor. The music fades out. Today I invite you to take a trip in a time machine. Ask me, where is the car itself? (guests ask). I answer: she is invisible, but eats various salads, sandwiches, meat and semi-dry white wine (points to the festive tables). But to go you need the POWER OF THOUGHT. For this purpose, each of you has such a thing (points to his palm). In common parlance it is called “palm”. Show me, does everyone have it? (guests show their palms). Great, so, but does everyone know how to use it? You need to do it like this (the presenter puts her palm to her forehead, as if she is tired or tired of someone). The main thing is to do it with feeling and grace.

The guests put their palm to their forehead on the count of three, and at this moment track 14 sounds (sound “Ah”).

Presenter: Let me remind you, we are going on a journey through time. Today we will visit different centuries. Let's plunge into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, 80s, 2000s, and also take a look primitive time. So, to get started, you need to fill your palms with your thoughts. Now we apply it to our head and think about the upcoming journey. background track 15 plays.

Table musical competition"Thoughts"

Conditions of the competition:each participant has a palm charged with the thought power of its owner. The presenter’s task is to find out all the information. The presenter approaches the guests selectively, asks them to lean against the microphone and asks a question. In response to the presenter’s question, music tracks (phrases from films and songs) begin to play.

Question: I'll start with a trivial question. Tell me, what will you wear on your trip?

Answer: track 1. (from the folder “Thoughts”)

Question: What do you like most and what are you looking forward to from this trip?

Answer: track 2. (from the folder “Thoughts”)

Question: Let's continue the conversation. It’s very interesting what it should be like. Describe her?

Answer: track 3. (from the folder “Thoughts”)

Question: Mmm, yes we are romantic! We will definitely meet her wherever we are in the 18th century, everyone there was extraordinary. Question to the birthday boy: Please voice your wishes to everyone present?

Answer: track 4. (from the folder “Thoughts”)

Question: As you understand, time travel is an extreme activity. If it turns out that you find yourself in the desert nose to nose with a lion. What will you tell him?

Answer: track 5. (from the folder “Thoughts”)

Question: So, what is your speech to the king of beasts?

Answer: track 6. (from the folder “Thoughts”)

Question: I wonder what the bravest, strongest and bravest man will do and say? a huge lion (the presenter chooses the largest man).

Answer: track 7. (from the folder “Thoughts”)

Question: Comrade guests, look at this citizen, our hero of the day, something is wrong with him. Lost eyes, empty gaze. Something happened?

Answer: track 8. (from the folder “Thoughts”)

Question: Why are you sad?

Answer: track 9. (from the folder “Thoughts”)

Question: Maybe I can help you with something?

Answer: track 10. (from the folder “Thoughts”)

Money doesn't bring happiness, maybe there is another dream?

Answer: track 11. (from the folder “Thoughts”)

Presenter: I'll tell you a secret, real happiness is sharing joy with your loved ones, with true friends. Happiness is knowing that you are needed. Happiness is, on the most festive day, on your birthday, hearing the most sincere confessions and wishes. And I suggest everyone now prepare their palms to give our birthday boy a whole storm of emotions and congratulations.

Birthday cost55000 rub.for any number of guests!

*Fill out the application to find out the exact cost.

Birthday celebration traditions in different countries of the world are very interesting and unusual. At this party you will meet the brightest of them. Guests will be able to take part in various customs and entertainment of the inhabitants of Italy, America, India, Bulgaria, Japan and many other countries. Traveling around the world will be not only a fun, but also an educational holiday!

Number of guests: from 5 and above

Party duration: 5 o'clock

Location: any enclosed space (cafe, restaurant, club, ship, office, home, etc.)

Scenario traveling around the World:

  • Guests are greeted by animators in bright costumes. Offers drinks served in different countries peace for your birthday.
  • Before the feast, according to the old Russian tradition, the birthday boy is sung a song about a loaf of bread. Then everyone is invited to the table.
  • Introducing guests to the travel route. Musical pause. The first point is Holland. In this flower country, it is customary to decorate the birthday person’s chair with flowers, balls and ribbons - which is what the guests will do. Musical pause.
  • Arrival in Denmark. In this country, on the birthday, the family of the birthday person hangs a flag from the window - this is a symbol that today they are celebrating a birthday in this house. All guests take part in creating the flag of the birthday boy, which he can then hang out of the window every year. Disco.
  • A table break, during which the participants go to the UK, where the birthday person’s fate is predicted that day. Comic fortune telling.
  • New point on the travel map - Africa. Here guests will get acquainted with the tradition of ritual dances of African tribes.
  • The disco continues African ritual dances.
  • A trip to exotic Guiana, where instead of a cake they serve chicken with rice, and the birthday boy must have a funny and even ridiculous outfit. Guests dress up the birthday boy according to Guianan traditions.
  • Table music competition.
  • Moving to Canada. Here, on the birthday of the birthday person, the tip of the nose is lubricated with margarine or butter. This is done so that failures do not stick to the baby, because now they will simply slide off his nose! Interactive game "Noses".
  • Departure to your homeland in Russia. Guests are invited to the table and watch the president’s congratulations, to whom they can ask questions live.
  • Congratulations to the birthday boy by guests from different countries.
  • Dances of the peoples of the world (dance master class, turning into a disco).
  • Bringing in the birthday cake. Tea party. The birthday boy has his ears pulled out (thematic competition). Disco.
  • Final sketch.
  • End of the evening
*For a detailed party scenario, check with the specialists at Birthday.RU

Cost of the "Countries of the World" party: 55 000 rub.

for any number of guests

  • Included in cost:
  • Technical support (sound, lighting and DJ equipment)
  • The work of a professional presenter
  • DJ's work Job
  • professional photographer
  • Show to choose from (fire show, ballet show, etc.)
  • Props for guests (elements of costumes according to theme)

*A birthday or anniversary in the style of the Country of the World can be celebrated on a grand scale, or it can be made as cheap as possible. The DenRozhdeniye.RU team always takes an individual approach to each client and gives 100% of its capabilities, regardless of the budget of the event.

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