Home Trees and shrubs Peanut flour. Incomparable dietary peanut flour and a “test of the pen” in baking peanut muffins. What is nut flour made from?

Peanut flour. Incomparable dietary peanut flour and a “test of the pen” in baking peanut muffins. What is nut flour made from?

The fruit drink is made from cranberries, red currants, blackberries, black currants, chokeberries, water and sugar.
From berries collected in the forests of Russia.
Fruit drinks are made by hand. Pasteurization at temperatures up to 80 degrees allows you to preserve rich taste and berry aroma.
Morse is not only tasty and healthy drink, but also a storehouse of vitamins.

Fruit juice berry collection - great decoration table for home, cottage or outdoor picnic. I liked the convenient packaging - the faucet did not break after several days of use, and due to the cardboard packaging it is convenient to carry and place the fruit drink on any surface. The 3L volume was also enough for several people, convenient. The taste of the fruit drink is not cloying, with a slight sourness. Perfect for meat and just to quench your thirst in the heat. The price for the product is reasonable.

Inna, map


Berry fruit juice is a real salvation in the summer heat for connoisseurs of taste and benefits. The fruit drink is made from 5 types of natural berries, the harmonious combination of which creates a soft, pleasant taste of the drink. Fruit drink is absolutely not oversweetened, like most drinks other than water that are offered to consumers by other grocery chains. And its calorie content is only 36 kcal per 100g. The benefits of berry fruit juice are undeniable! Separately, it is worth noting the packaging of the product, which is sold in paper containers of 3 liters. The packaging is convenient: just the volume that can usually be consumed before the expiration date is clear from the manufacturer. This container also allows you to safely store and transport fruit juice. But the tap on the packaging for dispensing fruit juice deserves special attention! Incredibly convenient and not a single drop is missed. Fruit juice berry collection is quality and benefits at an adequate price.

Elena, map


Berry fruit juice has become the favorite drink of my 7-year-old daughter and all her friends. Having tried it once at a birthday party, now he asks to buy it all the time. Fruit juice is not only healthy, but also very tasty, it is pleasant to drink for both children and adults even in the heat, and this interesting packaging, which is also comfortable and safe, especially delights children! Thank you, VkusVill, for a wonderful product! My daughter called its taste “mysterious and very tasty”!

Allah, map

xxx 4756

I always buy berry juice. My family really likes it: the taste is pleasant, you can smell the berries. Satisfied with the packaging and appearance. We take it to the dacha, fruit juice is especially good in hot weather. Thank you.

Natalya, map

I was pleased with the quality of the product. The fruit drink is delicious, moderately sweet, with a pronounced fruity taste. Convenient packaging with tap. The volume is suitable for a large family. Convenient to take with you to the country house or on a picnic. I recommend to buy.

Sergey, map


Berry picking begins in June, when the earliest berries ripen. The berry season lasts six months and ends in late autumn. To know the berry picking period, you need to have a berry calendar with a description of the berries, photos of wild and garden gifts. From the berry calendar you will learn when wild strawberries and lingonberries ripen in the forest, when to pick raspberries and currants in the garden, how Victoria differs from strawberries, the calendar indicates the ripening times of cranberries and blueberries, how to correctly pick cherries and gooseberries, when to pick wild strawberries.

Berries are grown in gardens, on summer cottages, lovers wildlife love to collect wild gifts in the forest. The safety of the fruit and the quality of freshly picked berries depend on the correct collection of berries. Properly carried out harvesting will not harm the plant; caring human hands and careful picking will allow the berry bushes to quickly recover and bear fruit year after year, delighting with a bountiful harvest and ripe and aromatic berries that are beneficial to the human body.

Wild and fresh garden berries play a role in human nutrition important role. Berries are a natural source of vitamins; juicy, aromatic, brightly colored fruits have a positive effect on mood, treat depression, and have a beneficial effect on mental thinking, increase immunity and performance due to the presence of a whole complex of vitamins, microelements and beneficial organic acids, included in the berries.

You should pick ripe berries; you should focus on the approximate time frame. To determine when to pick berries, you should focus on external signs berries indicating ripeness - color, aroma, taste - and also adhere to the time of the onset of the mass harvest period relative to the area where you live.

Remember! Picking too early is fraught with loss of taste; picking too late leads to a decrease in berry yield, so try to pick berries in a timely manner!

How to pick berries

When harvesting at home, in the forest closest to home, there are simple rules picking berries: following simple instructions, you will be able to preserve natural quality and beneficial properties of berries picked for consumption, storage for future use, and transportation.

  • To avoid harm to yourself and your family members, it is forbidden to pick berries near highways, large industrial enterprises. When eating crops harvested near a contaminated area, there is a risk of heavy metal poisoning.
  • When picking berries, it is prohibited to use devices such as scoops and scrapers that harm the plants. Damage to berry bushes by mechanical devices destroys the plants and reduces the yield of berry gardens.
  • Picked berries, unlike fruits, do not ripen after picking, so it is recommended to pick only ripe ones.
  • The best time to pick berries is in the morning and evening; Harvesting, as a rule, is carried out every other day, but in dry, hot weather, the fruits are picked daily.
  • Berries are collected from berry bushes and fruit-bearing trees from the bottom up, starting from the lowest branches and gradually rising to the top.
  • The berries are picked with tassels (, white and). The second method of harvesting is with a stalk (, Victoria, sometimes raspberry).
  • For delicate varieties of berries, buckets and small baskets are used for picking to keep the berries intact and not bruised.
  • The collected berries should be put in a cool place, covered with grass from direct sunlight. Fruits left under the sun quickly begin to lose their beneficial properties and marketable appearance.
  • When transporting and carrying, you cannot transfer freshly picked berries from one container to another to avoid damage to the crop. During transportation, be sure to cover the container from the sun.

Picking garden berries: rules

Honeysuckle is the very first fruit crop, bearing fruit in early summer. In terms of popularity, the fruits, raspberries, occupy an honorable place among cultivated and wild fruit crops.

When do strawberries ripen? The wild berry – strawberry – ripens in June. When picking strawberries in the forest: the answer is simple - all summer, strawberry picking occurs in June-July-August.

Colds are treated with reserves in winter; the fruits of the plant act as a natural antipyretic for sore throats and during a flu epidemic. People try to eat fresh raspberries in the summer and prepare them for the winter for treatment during the cold season.

When to pick raspberries? Raspberries are harvested in mid-summer, starting in mid-July, in August, some varieties bear fruit as early as September. The difficulty in picking raspberries lies in the fact that the fruits do not ripen at the same time.

What's the best way to collect? A berry picked for immediate consumption must be ripe; if the harvest is to be transported and stored, raspberries should be chosen that are slightly unripe with the stalk.

Collected from mid-July following; To protect the ripe crop from birds, trees and berry bushes are covered with a protective net.

It ripens in July-August, the berries are picked in whole bunches, and the currants are picked from the bunch before consumption or during processing for harvesting for the winter.

What is the difference between strawberry and Victoria, what is the difference between two similar appearance fruits? is considered a European berry, strawberries are most often grown in Europe, Victoria grows exclusively in Russia. But strawberries and victoria are berries of the same breed, belonging to the strawberry genus. Victoria has fruits larger than; start of collection for middle zone In Russia, Victoria, strawberries fall in the month of June, depending on the variety, it lasts throughout July and the strawberry harvest ends in August and September.

The basic rule for picking berries is to collect them efficiently, without leaving fruits affected by rot or scab on the plants, helping the plant to get rid of diseases that reduce the yield of fruit crops.

Forest berry harvesting calendar: timing of berry ripening in the forest

They love wild fruits for their aroma, sweet taste, and characteristic aroma inherent in forest gifts. Berries collected in the forest are valued for their biological active substances contained in fruit pulp. Buying wild berries at the market is easier than crawling through the forest in search of red, blue, and burgundy bright berries in order to pick at least one basket.

Do-it-yourself berries cannot be compared with those bought in a store in terms of taste, characteristic forest aroma, inherent in the gifts of nature. Summer is the time to collect and benefit from natural gifts that have healing power, containing a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances for human life.

We suggest you study the berry calendar. With the help of the calendar, it will be easy for you to plan a trip to the forest, so as not to miss the period of ripening of forest berries. When to collect berries, collection by month:

  • June – strawberries ripen in the forest;
  • July is the time when you can pick wild strawberries, blueberries, stoneberries, cloudberries, and princeberries;
  • August - strawberries, blueberries, stoneberries, blueberries, crowberries, blackberries, and princeberries are collected;
  • September - cranberries, redberries, blueberries, blueberries, rowan are collected;
  • October is the time when cranberries, lingonberries, etc. are harvested.

When to pick lingonberries and how lingonberries are beneficial for human health

The lingonberry harvest begins in August-September. Lingonberry is a tasty and healthy berry; the beneficial properties of lingonberries have been known since ancient times. The lingonberry harvest season begins in August, but the bitterness characteristic of sour fruits disappears when lingonberries are harvested after frost - in October.

Lingonberries are a valuable gift of nature, healing power due to the rich composition of vitamins, minerals, sugars, organic acids. After harvesting, lingonberries are transported without damaging the harvest and are stored fresh for more than a month.

Lingonberry berry juice has medicinal properties, it is taken for hypertension; medicinal diuretic infusions, antimicrobial, antiviral, are prepared from the juice.

Beneficial features lingonberries have an impact human body preventive and therapeutic effects, therefore, if it is possible to collect lingonberries, we collect the baskets in the forest.


When to pick blueberries and the benefits of blueberries for human health

It is famous for its beneficial properties, its composition is unique, so many people want to know when to pick blueberries. Blueberries are harvested in July, August, September. Along with the complex of vitamins that make up blueberries, the berry has a healing effect on humans.

Eating fresh blueberries, berry juice, fruit juice, and jam has a beneficial effect on various human organs. Fruit crop improves vision, is a natural antioxidant, heals the heart, slows down aging.

Eating blueberries every day helps strengthen blood vessels, reduce bad cholesterol in blood.

When to pick cranberries and the benefits of cranberries for human health

Cranberry - healing berry, it contains vitamins, minerals, acids. When cranberries ripen - one of the most healthy berries? Cranberries ripen in August. When to pick cranberries? The answer is simple, cranberries are collected from August and throughout the fall, until the winter cold, the season for collecting cranberries in the forest lasts.

The beneficial properties of cranberries are constantly being studied; cranberries are a folk healer, given to man by nature. The high content of vitamin C in cranberries allows the use of sour berries in treatment colds, viral infections.

Cranberries, which have a unique composition, are included in a huge number of recipes. traditional medicine, with its help, folk healers successfully treat varicose veins in patients, cleanse the blood, cranberry cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, and has a healing effect on the body as a whole.

When to pick wild strawberries and what benefits strawberries have for human health

Lesnaya ripens in June and July; strawberries are harvested until mid-to-late August, depending on the region in which the berries grow. Wild strawberries are tasty and healthy. The beneficial properties of strawberries lie in their high content folic acid, iron, vitamin E, calcium.

The benefits of strawberries are contained in the fruits, leaves, fiber, pectin, sugars, microelements, essential oils, a rich vitamin complex.

The wild strawberry is considered the most valuable. It normalizes digestion, metabolism, increases appetite, restores strength after severe physical activity, has choleretic and diuretic properties.

When to pick wild strawberries - when the picking season comes, it’s better not to put off going to the forest. When the slightest opportunity arises, you can pick strawberries after mass ripening. Strawberries are ideal for preparing for the winter; they make fragrant jam from it, make compotes, dry the berries and leaves for brewing tea, freeze them, and eat them fresh.

The berry picking season is very long. The earliest species ripen by the end of spring, the later ones by mid-autumn. I love berries, so I enjoy growing them in the garden and picking them in the forest. In order not to injure the plant, follow a number of rules for picking berries, which I will tell you about.

When to pick berries

Regarding the timing of berry picking, there are concepts: botanical and consumer ripeness of berries. The first occurs when the berry stops growing, useful material reached its maximum. This crop is suitable for long storage and processing. The second is characterized by the berries achieving the color, taste and aroma characteristic of the species. Such fruits are only suitable for consumption immediately after picking. The time difference between the stages of maturity ranges from several days (almost all types of garden berries) to two months (viburnum). Pick ripe berries; picking too early leads to loss. taste qualities, too late - threatens fruit rotting and reduced yield.

How to pick berries

When harvesting berries, remember a number of rules:

  • Never pick berries near highways, factories or landfills. Eating such a crop risks poisoning.
  • Best time for picking berries - the morning of a dry day.
  • Start picking berries from trees and bushes from the lower branches, gradually moving upward.
  • The more tender the berry pulp, the smaller the container for collection. Then the berry will remain intact.
  • Most berries are picked with the stalk (strawberries, cherries) or whole clusters (currants).
  • For transportation, collect the berries immediately in the container in which you will transport them. Transferring from one container to another provokes damage to the crop.
  • The frequency of harvesting berries depends on the type of plant. Currants are harvested at one time; strawberry or raspberry bushes are approached once every two days.

Picking garden berries

The most difficult picking is picking raspberries. This is due to the fact that the berries on this shrub ripen at different times.

When to pick raspberries? From mid-July to the end of August, every day or every other day. Garden Raspberry pruning for beginners

The best way to pick raspberries depends on your further actions with the berry. If raspberries go straight to the table or for processing, pick ripe berries that are easily separated from the fruit. If transportation and storage are required, pick the raspberries together with the stalk and slightly unripe ones.

Collect currant berries with brushes, remove them from the brush immediately before consumption or processing. Gooseberries are collected together with the stalk. For transportation, pick off slightly unripe fruits. Cherries are harvested from mid-July. Be sure to cover the tree with netting to protect the berries from birds.

All types of berries are characterized by one more harvesting rule: when harvesting an edible crop, pick off rotten and spoiled berries. Leaving them on the plant increases the risk of disease, rot and reduced yield.

Collection of wild berries

IN present time Any wild berry can be purchased at the market. But no purchased berry can compare in taste and aroma to one picked with one’s own hands in the forest. In addition, wild berries are a source of useful and important microelements and vitamins for the body; they form the basis huge amount folk recipes treatment of diseases. Pay attention to the berry calendar. It will help you navigate the timing of flowering and ripening of wild berries.

Summer is the time to get plenty of vitamins. Berries play an irreplaceable role in this process. Grow berries on your plot, pick them in the nearest forest, and don’t let summer go to waste!

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